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Allozyme electrophoresis was used to compare specimens of Labiostrongylus (Labiosimplex) bancrofti from two species of Australian macropodids, Macropus dorsalis and M. parryi, with a related species, L. (Labiomultiplex) uncinatus which also infests M. dorsalis. Each nematode was characterised genetically at 18 enzyme loci. The level of fixed genetic differences detected between L. (Ls.) bancrofti from M. parryi and M. dorsalis (83%) is equivalent to that when each is compared to the morphologically distinct species L. (Lm.) uncinatus (89–94%), demonstrating unequivocally that the taxon L. (Ls.) bancrofti represents at least two species, one in M. parryi and one in M. dorsalis. In addition, morphological evidence from additional specimens collected from M. parryi suggested the existence of a third sibling species in this group. All three species differ in the shape of the spicule tips; L. (Ls.) bancrofti has longer spicules than either of the two new species. L. (Ls.) quasibancrofti n. sp. has smaller cephalic papillae, larger oesophago-intestinal diverticula, a larger genital cone and a longer female tail than L. (Ls.) turnbulli n. sp. The taxon L. (Ls.) bancrofti consists, therefore, of three species, L. (Ls.) turnbulli in M. parryi, L. (Ls.) quasibancrofti in M. dorsalis, and L. (Ls.) bancrofti found in both host species, as well as in four species of rock wallabies.  相似文献   

The strongyloid nematode genus Papillostrongylus Johnston & Mawson, 1939, from kangaroos and wallabies, is reviewed using morphological and molecular methods. P. labiatus Johnston & Mawson, 1939 is re-described from material from the type-host, the black-striped wallaby Macropus dorsalis, from eastern Queensland, Australia, in which it is a relatively common parasite. Additional records from M. parryi and Thylogale thetis are confirmed and considered to represent examples of host-switching. A geographically disjunct population of the nematode species occurs in M. bernardus and Petrogale brachyotis in Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, but assessment of its status requires additional material. Nematodes from M. rufus, M. giganteus, M. fuliginosus and M. robustus from inland regions of Australia, formerly attributed to P. labiatus, are here assigned to a new species, P. barbatus, distinguished by the presence of an external leaf-crown, larger size, by greater spicule length in the male and by a sinuous vagina in the female. Additional hosts of P. barbatus n. sp. are Petrogale assimilis and Pet. lateralis purpureicollis. Sequence analyses of the second internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA (ITS-2) also showed that P. barbatus n. sp. differed at 40 (16.7%) of the 240 alignment positions when compared with P. labiatus. Most of these interspecific sequence differences occurred in loops or bulges of the predicted precursor rRNA secondary structure, or represented partial or total compenstory base pair changes in stems.  相似文献   

Potorostrongylus finlaysoni, occurring in Potorous tridactylus and Bettongia gaimardi, and P. aepyprymnus, occurring in Aepyprymnus rufescens, are redescribed. Two new species, P. tropicus, occurring in B. tropicus, and P. temperatus, occurring in B. gaimardi, are described. P. tropicus can be distinguished from P. aepyprymmus, the other species found in Queensland, by the wider terminal bulb of the oesophagus, in having the dorsal lobe of the bursa longer than the lateral lobes rather than about the same length, slightly curved rather than markedly curved spicule tips, a larger number of appendages on the posterior lip of the genital cone, and a longer female tail and longer vagina compared with P. aepyprymnus. P. temperatus can be distinguished from P. finlaysoni, the other species occurring in Tasmania in having the dorsal lobe about the same length as the lateral lobes, rather than longer, the dorsal ray with longer rather than shorter lateral branches, the posterior lip of the genital cone with four pairs of setiform appendages rather than the three pairs of bifid appendages, the vulva closer to the anus and the vagina shorter compared with P. finlaysoni. A key to species of the genus is given.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic study was conducted on Labiostrongylus (Labiomultiplex) uncinatus, nematodes that occur in the stomachs of two species of Australian macropodid, Macropus dorsalis and M. parryi. The allelic profiles of these nematodes were compared to those of a morphologically distinct species, L. (Lm.) billardierii, which infests Thylogale billardierii. Nematodes were genetically characterized at 17 enzymes encoding a presumptive 18 loci. The results revealed the existence of two species, one in M. dorsalis and the other in M. parryi, that had fixed genetic differences at 72% of loci. This level of fixed difference between these species is equivalent to that when each is compared to L. billardierii (87–89%). The new species in M. parryi, Labiostrongylus contiguus n. sp., is described herein. A morphological comparison with L. uncinatus revealed slight but consistent differences in the morphology of their anterior end; namely, rectangular rather than conical shaped lateral lips, small inconspicuous, not larger hook-shaped cephalic papillae, and convex rather than flat floor of the buccal capsule for L. (Lm.) contiguus as compared with L. (Lm.) uncinatus. Differentiation of L. contiguus from L. uncinatus is more clearly demonstrated by biochemical characters than morphological ones.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic comparison of the nematodes Rugopharynx longibursaris and R. omega, both from Macropus rufogriseus in south-eastern Australia, revealed fixed genetic differences at 4.5% of the 23 enzyme loci examined. The electrophoretic data do not therefore reject the null hypothesis that the two taxa are conspecific. R. longibursaris was found in Tasmania and in the western mainland population of M. rufogriseus, while R. omega occurred only in the eastern mainland population. Implications for the taxonomic status of the western host population are considered. Specimens formerly assigned to R. omega, from Thylogale stigmatica from Queensland, were found to differ at 45.0% of enzyme loci from specimens from M. rufogriseus. Morphological examination revealed differences in the shape of the buccal capsule, the position of the deirid, the morphology of the spicule tip and the presence of a gubernaculum. A new species, R. sigma, is erected for specimens from T. stigmatica, T. thetis and T. calabyi.  相似文献   

Aspects of red blood cell metabolism were compared among three species of small macropodid marsupials from different habitats. Packed cell volume (PCV), erythrocyte reduced glutathione (GSH) concentration and GSH regeneration rates were similar in all three species. The Parma wallaby had very low red cell potassium levels compared to the other species studied. The Tammar wallaby had higher rates of glucose consumption and lactate production in vitro at both pH 7.4 and 8.2 than did the Parma and significantly lower adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels than the other species. These findings are consistent with preliminary reports published previously. The differences noted cannot be directly related to differences in the habitats of the species.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - Two new species of Wallabinema Beveridge, 1983 are described from the sacculated fore-stomachs of macropodid marsupials in Australia. Wallabinema petrogale n. sp. from the...  相似文献   

Rugonema labiatum n. g., n. sp. is described from the stomach of Macropus irma (Jourdan) from Western Australia. The new genus possesses four branches to the dorsal ray, has a cylindrical buccal capsule and lacks a cervical groove, placing it within the subfamily Cloacininae Stossich, 1899. The presence of a prominently striated buccal capsule and labial as well as cephalic collars places the genus within the tribe Pharyngostrongylinea Popova, 1952, but it is distinguished from all existing genera within the tribe by the possession of four lips. The presence of lips is an important characteristic of the related tribe Zoniolaiminea (Popova, 1952) and the characters used in distinguishing these two tribes are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species, Dorcopsinema mbaiso, from Dendrolagus mbaiso from Irian Jaya, Indonesia is described. It is most similar to D. dendrolagi, the other species of Dorcopsinema occurring in tree-kangaroos, but can be distinguished from it in having a distinct fleshy collar surrounding the buccal capsule, deirids close to the collar, shorter spicules (1,055 µm versus 1,420 in D. dendrolagi), the dorsal lobe of the bursa longer than the lateral lobe rather than the same length as in D. dendrolagi, and the dorsal ray with vestigial lateral branches versus longer lateral branches in D. dendrolagi. It can be distinguished from D. dorcopsinema occurring in Dorcopsis muelleri in having six, not eight perioral cuticular elements, deirids close to the collar (115 µm versus 790 in D. dorcopsis), the dorsal ray with very short lateral branches rather than one third the length of the dorsal ray as in D. dorcopsis, and shorter spicules (1,055 µm versus 2,150 in D. dorcopsis). New host records for D. dendrolagi are Dendrolagus scottae and D. inustus, new localities are Tembagapura in Irian Jaya, Indonesia and the West Sepik region of Papua New Guinea. A key to the species of Dorcopsinema is given.  相似文献   

Summary Cassunema exigua n.g., n.sp., Monilonema lacunosa n.g., n.sp. and Foliostoma macropodis n.g., n.sp. are described from the stomach of the redlegged pademelon, Thylogale stigmatica Gould, 1860 (Marsupialia: Macropodidae), from north Queensland, Australia. All three genera belong to the subfamily Cloacininae Stossich, 1899 and to the tribe Macropostrongylinea Lichtenfels, 1980. The genus Cassunema is characterized by a poorly sclerotized buccal capsule with longitudinal ridges formed by the lining of the anterior part of the capsule. The genus Monilonema is characterized by a leaf-crown like flange at the mouth opening, a bulbous cervical collar, and paired dorsal and ventral tubular structures running internally and posteriorly from the collar. The genus Foliostoma is characterized by a leaf crown of tiny elements at the mouth opening, and oesophagus with short narrow anterior part, wide posterior part, bulb narrower than corpus and a heavily sclerotized ring between buccal capsule and oesophagus. A revised definition of the tribe Macropostrongylinea is given together with a key to the genera. ac]19810101  相似文献   

Corollonema thylogale n. g., n. sp. is described from the stomachs of Thylogale thetis and T. stigmatica from south-eastern Queensland. The new genus is characterised by four branches to the dorsal ray, a J-shaped ovejector, a cylindrical buccal capsule reduced to a posterior, thickened annulus and a leaf-crown of eight elements originating from the base of the buccal capsule. On the basis of these features, the new genus is placed in the subfamily Cloacininae Stossich, 1899 and the tribe Coronostrongylinea Beveridge, 1986. The presence of an internal leaf crown is unique within the tribe and the new genus is erected on this basis.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - The helminth parasites of the western scrub wallaby or black-glove wallaby, Notamacropus irma (Jourdan) which occurs in Western Australia are relatively poorly documented....  相似文献   

Graeme  Coulson 《Journal of Zoology》1997,242(1):119-130
The eastern grey kangaroo, Macropus giganteus , and the western grey kangaroo, M. fuliginosus , are sibling species. The behaviour of 48 eastern grey kangaroos and 15 western grey kangaroos was observed for 249 h at Melbourne Zoo. Up to 31 eastern grey kangaroos and 38 western grey kangaroos were observed for 305 h where they occurred syntopically in the Grampians National Park.
In total, 46 social acts were identified in four social contexts between conspecifics. All but one of the acts were performed by both species in captivity, whereas fewer were seen performed by either species in the field. Five general acts were performed by all age/sex classes, and 10 acts occurred in mother-young contexts. High-intensity agonistic acts and all sexual acts were performed exclusively by adult males. In captivity, western grey males performed a truncated range of sexual acts directed at eastern grey females, but no interspecific sexual acts were performed by males of either species in the field, supporting the distinctiveness of the two species. The close evolutionary relationship between the two species was confirmed by high degree of concordance between their behavioural repertories, which differed only in the structure of the isolation call given by large pouch young.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - Four new species of Molinema (Filarioidea: Onchocercidae), parasites of echimyid rodents in South America, are described: M. algardneri n. sp. from Proechimys...  相似文献   

Relationships between the strongyloid nematodesRugopharynx delta, R. zeta, R. omega, R. longibursaris, R. mawsonae andR. sigma, all from macropodid marsupials, were investigated using allozyme data. The phylogenetic trees derived from the electrophoretic data set were congruent with those of the hosts and were consistent with the hypothesis that the species complex originated in pademelons of the genusThylogale and diversified in rock-wallabies (Petrogale spp.) and scrub wallabies of the subgenusNotamacropus. Host switching is evident only between closely related macropodid taxa.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic study was conducted on nematodes of the genus Physaloptera that occur in the stomachs of two species of Australian bandicoot, Perameles nasuta and P. gunnii. Each nematode was genetically characterised at 28 enzymes encoding a presumptive 30 loci. No fixed genetic differences were detected between the nematodes in P. gunnii from two localities. A comparison of nematodes from the two host species, however, revealed fixed genetic differences at 15 (50%) loci. This suggests that each host species is infected by a different species of Physaloptera.  相似文献   

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