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We used total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy to study quantitatively the motion and distribution of secretory granules near the plasma membrane (PM) of living bovine chromaffin cells. Within the approximately 300-nm region measurably illuminated by the evanescent field resulting from total internal reflection, granules are preferentially concentrated close to the PM. Granule motion normal to the substrate (the z direction) is much slower than would be expected from free Brownian motion, is strongly restricted over tens of nanometer distances, and tends to reverse directions within 0.5 s. The z-direction diffusion coefficients of granules decrease continuously by two orders of magnitude within less than a granule diameter of the PM as granules approach the PM. These analyses suggest that a system of tethers or a heterogeneous matrix severely limits granule motion in the immediate vicinity of the PM. Transient expression of the light chains of tetanus toxin and botulinum toxin A did not disrupt the restricted motion of granules near the PM, indicating that SNARE proteins SNAP-25 and VAMP are not necessary for the decreased mobility. However, the lack of functional SNAREs on the plasma or granule membranes in such cells reduces the time that some granules spend immediately adjacent to the PM.  相似文献   

We describe the interaction of pure brain tubulin with purified membranes specialized in different cell functions, i.e., plasma membranes and mitochondrial membranes from liver and secretory granule membranes from adrenal medulla. We studied the tubulin-binding activity of cellular membranes using a radiolabeled ligand-receptor assay and an antibody retention assay. The tubulin-membrane interaction was time- and temperature-dependent, reversible, specific, and saturable. The binding of tubulin to membranes appears to be specific since acidic proteins such as serum albumin or actin did not interfere in the binding process. The apparent overall affinity constant of the tubulin- membrane interaction ranged between 1.5 and 3.0 X 10(7) M-1; similar values were obtained for the three types of membranes. Tubulin bound to membranes was not entrapped into vesicles since it reacted quantitatively with antitubulin antibodies. At saturation of the tubulin-binding sites, the amount of reversibly bound tubulin represents 5-10% by weight of membrane protein (0.4-0.9 nmol tubulin/mg membrane protein). The high tubulin-binding capacity of membranes seems to be inconsistent with a 1:1 stoichiometry between tubulin and a membrane component but could be relevant to a kind of tubulin assembly. Indeed, tubulin-membrane interaction had some properties in common with microtubule formation: (a) the association of tubulin to membranes increased with the temperature, whereas the dissociation of tubulin- membrane complexes increased by decreasing temperature; (b) the binding of tubulin to membranes was prevented by phosphate buffer. However, the tubulin-membrane interaction differed from tubulin polymerization in several aspects: (a) it occurred at concentrations far below the critical concentration for polymerization; (b) it was not inhibited at low ionic strength and (c) it was colchicine-insensitive. Plasma membranes, mitochondrial membranes, and secretory granule membranes contained tubulin as an integral component. This was demonstrated on intact membrane and on Nonidet P-40 solubilized membrane protein using antitubulin antibodies in antibody retention and radioimmune assays. Membrane tubulin content varied from 2.2 to 4.4 micrograms/mg protein. The involvement of membrane tubulin in tubulin-membrane interactions remains questionable since erythrocyte membranes devoid of membrane tubulin exhibited a low (one-tenth of that of rat liver plasma membranes) but significant tubulin-binding activity. These results show that membranes specialized in different cell functions possess high- affinity, large-capacity tubulin-binding sites...  相似文献   

Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy was used to monitor changes in individual granule motions related to the secretory response in chromaffin cells. Because the motions of granules are very small (tens of nanometers), instrumental noise in the quantitation of granule motion was taken into account. ATP and Ca2+, both of which prime secretion before fusion, also affect granule motion. Removal of ATP in permeabilized cells causes average granule motion to decrease. Nicotinic stimulation causes a calcium-dependent increase in average granule motion. This effect is more pronounced for granules that undergo exocytosis than for those that do not. Fusion is not preceded by a reduction in mobility. Granules sometimes move 100 nm or more up to and within a tenth of a second before fusion. Thus, the jittering motion of granules adjacent to the plasma membrane is regulated by factors that regulate secretion and may play a role in secretion. Motion continues until shortly before fusion, suggesting that interaction of granule and plasma membrane proteins is transient. Disruption of actin dynamics did not significantly alter granule motion.  相似文献   

Microtubules assembled in vitro were bound to purified porcine pituitary secretory granules and to isolated granule membranes. The interaction between microtubules and whole secretory granules was demonstrated by alteration in the sedimentation properties of the microtubules. Incubation of secretory granules with microtubules resulted in pelleting of microtubules which increased as a function of the number of granules added. Binding was quantitated by measurement of the tubulin remaining in the supernate after centrifugation. The interaction of secretory granules and microtubules was inhibited by nucleoside triphosphates and augmented by adenosine 5'-monophosphate and adenosine. When depolymerized protein from microtubules was incubated with secretory granules, the granules did not appear to bind the soluble tubulin dimer present in these preparations. However, the high molecular weight protein associated with microtubules was adsorbed by secretory granules during the binding process. Incubation of isolated secretory granule membranes with microtubules followed by centrifugation to density equilibrium in a discontinuous sucrose density gradient caused pelleting of the membranes, which otherwise banded higher in the gradient. The visible alteration in membrane sedimentation was confirmed by measurements of the membrane-associated magnesium-ATPase activity and by a shift in radioactivity in iodinated membrane preparations. Our data suggest a role for microtubules in the intracellular movement of secretory granules; this movement is perhaps brought about by dynein-like cross bridges which link the tubulin backbone and granule surface.  相似文献   

Antibodies to purified nucleotide pyrophosphatase (NPPase) and dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) were used to study the biogenesis of these rat liver plasma membrane glycoproteins in vivo. Following injection of tritiated leucine, the radioactivity in NPPase and DPP IV decayed at markedly different rates in the plasma membrane, with apparent half-lives of about 1 and 5 days, respectively. In short term experiments, labeling of total plasma membrane proteins was rapid and insensitive to colchicine, while labeling of both NPPase and DPP IV showed a lag of about 15 min, followed by colchcine-sensitive/cycloheximide-insensitive increases to half-maximal and maximal values at about 1 and 2 h, respectively. A peak of labeled DPP IV in rough microsomes at 15 min showed increased mobility on polyacrylamide gels and was largely inaccessible to antibodies in intact microsomes, consistent with its being an underglycosylated precursor, exposed on the cisternal side of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. In contrast, the behavior of unlabeled DPP IV in preparations of rough microsomes and Golgi was consistent with its being contributed by contaminating right-side-out plasma membrane vesicles. This conclusion was also necessary to fit the tracer kinetic data to a simple membrane-flow model, which gave precursor pools (1 microgram/g of liver) and fluxes (1 microgram/h/g of liver) for both DPP IV and NPPase which were about 3 orders of magnitude less than those for the synthesis of rat serum albumin. Thus, unlike hepatoma tissue culture cells (Doyle, D., Baumann, H., England, B., Friedman, E., Hou, E., and Tweto, J. (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253, 967-973), normal rat liver does not contain large amounts of preformed intracellular plasma membrane precursors.  相似文献   

As a preliminary to a study of the biogenesis of individual plasma membrane glycoproteins, the marker enzyme nucleotide pyrophosphatase (NPPase) and a major rat liver plasma membrane sialoprotein, subsequently found to be identical with the enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV), were purified 10,000- and 2,000-fold, respectively, from rat liver. Both were amphipathic proteins which formed defined micellar complexes with detergents and aggregated in their absence. Gel filtration, sucrose density gradient centrifugation, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate showed the Triton X-100 complex of NPPase to contain a single 150,000-dalton peptide, while that of DPP IV was composed of two 120,000-dalton subunits; each complex also contained about 150,000-dalton Triton X-100. Trypsin cleaved the detergent complexes with release of major hydrophilic fragments which no longer bound detergent micelles; the accompanying change in peptide size was small for NPPase and undetectable for DPP IV, which also retained the dimer structure of its native form. DPP IV was the only major glycoprotein in rat liver plasma membrane which bound strongly to wheat germ agglutinin. Monospecific rabbit antibodies against NPPase and DPP IV precipitated the antigens without affecting their enzymatic activities.  相似文献   

The intracellular transport and destination of the major glycoprotein associated with zymogen granule membranes in the pancreas (GP-2) was established. In suspensions of isolated acinar cells from rat pancreas, pulse-chase experiments were performed. The incorporation of the first newly synthesized GP-2 molecules into zymogen granule membranes occurred at about 60 min after beginning of the pulse. We demonstrated by using two different methods that newly made GP-2 reaches the cell surface within the same time span. After 6-8 h chase considerable more newly synthesized GP-2 has reached the cell surface than would be expected on account of secreted newly synthesized zymogens. These observations strongly suggest that at least part of the GP-2 molecules bypass the mature zymogen granule compartment on their way to the plasma membrane. GP-2 is the only protein that appears in discernable quantity in the plasma membrane during 1-4 h after a pulse label. Nevertheless GP-2 comprises only a small percentage of externally 125I-iodinated plasma membrane proteins. We conclude that GP-2 has a high turnover rate at the plasma membrane level. Treatment of the acinar cells with the N-glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin does not block the intracellular transport of GP-2.  相似文献   

The recycling of a secretory granule membrane protein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have used N-hydroxysuccinimido-d-biotin as a reagent for labeling proteins exposed at the surface of cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells during Ba2+-stimulated secretion. A specific secretory granule membrane constituent, dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH), has been investigated using immunoprecipitation followed by electrophoresis. Within 30 min of stimulation, exposed DBH had been cleared from the cell surface. Nevertheless, quantitation of labeled DBH using [125I] streptavidin suggested that it remained undegraded over a period of 24 h, a time during which secretory granule stores of catecholamines were being replenished. Subcellular fractionation of the cultured cells suggested that, after 3 or 4 h, the biotinylated DBH, which was still membrane-bound, was located in particulate material that also contained cytochrome b561, another major secretory granule membrane component.  相似文献   

Synopsis The three major types of glycoproteins present in animal cells, that is, the secretory, lysosomal and plasma membrane glycoproteins, were examined with regard to the sites of synthesis of their carbohydrate side chains and to their subsequent migration within cells.The site at which a monosaccharide is added to a growing glycoprotein depends on the position of that monosaccharide in the carbohydrate side-chain. Thus, radiauutography of thyroid cells within minutes of the intravenous injection of labelled mannose, a sugar located near the base of the larger side-chains, reveals that it is incorporated in rough endoplasmic reticulum, whereas the more distally located galactose and fucose are incorporated in the Golgi apparatus. Recently [3H]N-acetylmannosamine, a specific precursor for the terminally located sialic acid residues, was shown to be also added in the Golgi apparatus. Presumably synthesis of glycoproteins is completed in this organelle.Radioautographs of animals sacrificed a few hours after injection of [3H]N-acetylmannosamine show that, in many secretory cells, labelled glycoproteins pass into secretory products. In these cells, as well as in non-secretory cells, the label may also appear within lysosomes and at the cell surface. In the latter site, it is presumably included within the plasma membrane glycoproteins whose carbohydrate side-chains form the cell coat. The continual migration of glycoproteins from Golgi apparatus to cell surface implies turnover of plasma membrane glycoproteins. Radioautographic quantitation of [3H]fucose label at the surface of proximal tubule cells in the kidney of singly-injected adult mice have shown that, after an initial peak, cell surface labelling decreases at a rate indicating a half-life of plasma membrane glycoproteins of about three days.  相似文献   

Distribution of carbohydrate moieties in the membrane system of the human blood platelet was studied by electron microscopy employing lectins as a probe. Glutaraldehyde-fixed platelets were treated with biotinylated-lectins (ConA, RCA, WGA, PNA, SBA, DBA and UEA-1) and labeled with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated avidin. Among the lectins used, ConA bound uniformly to the plasma membrane as well as to the membrane of the open-canalicular system (OCS). Other lectins showed more or less reduced binding on the OCS membrane compared with that on the plasma membrane, indicating that there exist regional differences in the distribution pattern of glycoconjugates in the membrane system of the platelet. The relationship of the distribution pattern of the glycoconjugates with the distribution of the major platelet glycoproteins GPIb and GPIIbIIIa is discussed.  相似文献   

P-selectin (PADGEM, GMP-140, CD62) is a transmembrane protein specific to alpha granules of platelets and Weibel-Palade bodies of endotheial cells. Upon stimulation of these cells, P-selectin is translocated to the plasma membrane where it functions as a receptor for monocytes and neutrophils. To investigate whether the mechanism of targeting of P-selectin to granules is specific for megakaryocytes and endothelial cells and/or dependent on von Willebrand factor, a soluble adhesive protein that is stored in the same granules, we have expressed the cDNA for P-selectin in AtT-20 cells. AtT-20 cells are a mouse pituitary cell line that can store proteins in a regulated fashion. By double-label immunofluorescence, P-selectin was visible as a punctate pattern at the tips of cell processes. This pattern closely resembled the localization of ACTH, the endogenous hormone produced and stored by the AtT-20 cells. Fractionation of the transfected cells resulted in the codistribution of P-selectin and ACTH in cellular compartments of the same density. Immunoelectron microscopy using a polyclonal anti-P-selectin antibody demonstrated immunogold localization in dense granules, morphologically indistinguishable from the ACTH granules. Binding experiments with radiolabeled monoclonal antibody to P-selectin indicated that there was also surface expression of P-selectin on the AtT-20 cells. After stimulation with the secretagogue 8-Bromo-cAMP the surface expression increased twofold, concomitant with the release of ACTH. In contrast, the surface expression of P-selectin transfected into CHO cells, which do not have a regulated pathway of secretion, did not change with 8-Br-cAMP treatment. In conclusion, we provide evidence for the regulated secretion of a transmembrane protein (P-selectin) in a heterologous cell line, which indicates that P-selectin contains an independent sorting signal directing it to storage granules.  相似文献   

Summary Distribution of carbohydrate moieties in the membrane system of the human blood platelet was studied by electron microscopy employing lectins as a probe. Glutaraldehyde-fixed platelets were treated with biotinylatedlectins (ConA, RCA, WGA, PNA, SBA, DBA and UEA-1) and labeled with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated avidin. Among the lectins used, ConA bound uniformly to the plasma membrane as well as to the membrane of the opencanalicular system (OCS). Other lectins showed more or less reduced binding on the OCS membrane compared with that on the plasma membrane, indicating that there exist regional differences in the distribution pattern of glycoconjugates in the membrane system of the platelet. The relationship of the distribution pattern of the glycoconjugates with the distribution of the major platelet glycoproteins GPIb and GPIIbIIIa is discussed.  相似文献   

Oligodendroglial plasma membranes are complex structures composed of a heterogeneous mixture of proteins and glycoproteins. The Coomassie stained gel patterns showed a maximum of 40 proteins with molecular weights ranging from > 200 000 to 12 500. Autoradiography was used to detect binding of radioiodinated lectins to glycoproteins. With concanavalin A, 5 major glycoproteins were seen; with wheat germ agglutinin, 2 major glycoproteins with approximate molecular weights of 95 000 and 78 000 were found; with Ulex europaeus, 7 major glycoproteins were observed. Additional minor bands were also seen. The impermeant probe diazodi[125I]iodosulfanilic acid was used to radiolabel intact cells. It was found that 5 major proteins were radiolabeled in the plasma membranes. In all cases, the whorls of membrane lamellae produced in culture by oligodendroglia tend to have a somewhat less complicated pattern with fewer proteins and glycoproteins than the plasma membranes. However, the whorls of membrane lamellae have far more complicated protein patterns than myelin.  相似文献   

Detection of glycoproteins in the Acanthamoeba plasma membrane   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present study we have shown that glycoproteins are present in the plasma membrane of Acanthamoeba castellanii by utilizing different radioactive labeling techniques. Plasma membrane proteins in the amoeba were iodinated by 125I-lactoperoxidase labeling and the solubilized radiolabeled glycoproteins were separated by lectin-Sepharose affinity chromatography followed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The periodate/NaB3H4 and galactose oxidase/NaB3H4 labeling techniques were used for labeling of surface carbohydrates in the amoeba. Several surface-labeled glycoproteins were observed in addition to a diffusely labeled region with Mr of 55,000-75,000 seen on electrophoresis, which could represent glycolipids. The presence of glycoproteins in the plasma membrane of Acanthamoeba castellanii was confirmed by metabolic labeling with [35S]methionine followed by lectin-Sepharose affinity chromatography and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural changes in electropermeabilized bovine platelets that accompany the Ca2(+)-induced secretion of serotonin were investigated in ultra-thin sections of chemically fixed cells. Such preparations permitted us to study both the localization of and the structures associated with serotonin-containing dense granules. Localization of dense granules within cells was examined by measuring the shortest distances between the granular membranes and the plasma membrane. About 40% of total granules were located close to the plasma membrane at an average distance of 10.8 +/- 1.6 nm. 71% of the total number of granules were localized at a similar average distance of 12.5 +/- 2.7 nm in intact platelets. The percentage of granules apposed to the plasma membrane corresponded closely to the percentage of total serotonin that was maximally secreted after stimulation of the permeabilized (38 +/- 4.9%) and the intact platelets (72 +/- 3.6%). Furthermore, the percentage of granules anchored to the membrane, but not of those in other regions of permeabilized cells, decreased markedly when cells were stimulated for 30 s by extracellularly added Ca2+. The decrease in the numbers of granules in the vicinity of the plasma membrane corresponded to approximately 22% of the total number of dense granules that were used for measurements of the distances between the two membranes and corresponded roughly to the overall decrease (15%) in the average number of the granules per cell. Most dense granules were found to be associated with meshwork structures of microfilaments. Upon secretory stimulation, nonfilamentous, amorphous structures found between the plasma membrane and the apposed granules formed a bridge-like structure that connected both membranes without any obvious accompanying changes in the microfilament structures. These results suggest that the dense granules that are susceptible to secretory stimulation are anchored to the plasma membrane before stimulation, and that the formation of the bridge-like structure may participate in the Ca2(+)-regulated exocytosis.  相似文献   

Platelets have previously been shown to contain a membrane skeleton that is composed of actin filaments, actin-binding protein, and three membrane glycoproteins (GP), GP Ib, GP Ia, and a minor glycoprotein of Mr = 250,000. The present study was designed to determine how the membrane glycoproteins were linked to actin filaments. Unstimulated platelets were lysed with Triton X-100, and the membrane skeleton was isolated on sucrose density gradients or by high-speed centrifugation. The association of the membrane glycoproteins with the actin filaments was disrupted when actin-binding protein was hydrolyzed by activity of the Ca2+-dependent protease, which was active in platelet lysates upon addition of Ca2+ in the absence of leupeptin. Similarly, activation of the Ca2+-dependent protease in intact platelets by the addition of a platelet agonist also caused the membrane glycoproteins to dissociate from the membrane skeleton. Affinity-purified actin-binding protein antibodies immunoprecipitated the membrane glycoproteins from platelet lysates in which actin filaments had been removed by DNase I-induced depolymerization and high-speed centrifugation. These results demonstrate that actin-binding protein links actin filaments of the platelet membrane skeleton to three plasma membrane glycoproteins and that filaments are released from their attachment site when actin-binding protein is hydrolyzed by the Ca2+-dependent protease within intact platelets during platelet activation.  相似文献   

Phospholipid composition of sheep blood platelets and its various plasma membrane fractions have been analyzed. Based on their flotation rates in discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation, three membrane fractions were isolated. 5'-Nucelotidase and alkaline phosphatase were distributed nearly equally in all the three membrane fractions. However these membrane fractions showed differences in the distribution of phosphatidyl ethanolamine, phosphatidyl choline and phosphoinositides. Phosphatidyl ethanolamine was predominant in fraction I (11.05 micrograms PLP/mg protein) while phosphatidyl choline was predominant in fractions II and III (110.10 and 68.30 micrograms PLP/mg protein respectively). Phosphatidyl inositol (Ptd-InsP) was equally distributed in all three membrane fractions. However, both Ptd-InsP and phosphatidyl inositol 4,5-bisphosphate were about 4-fold higher in fraction II (73.55 and 89.89 micrograms PLP/mg protein respectively).  相似文献   

We have identified by immunoblotting and ADP-ribosylation by cholera toxin and pertussis toxin the presence of Mr 43 and 46 KDa Gs, and 39 and 41 KDa Gi;.. subunits in rat parotid gland plasma membranes but not in granule membranes. A Mr 28 KDa polypeptide that served as substrate for ADP-ribosylation by both cholera toxin and pertussis toxin was present exclusively in granule membranes. Photoaffinity crosslinking of [-32P]GTP showed the presence of high molecular weight GTP-binding proteins (Mr 160,100 KDa) in granule membranes. Six low molecular weight GTP-binding proteins (Mr 21–28 KDa) were differentially distributed in both plasma membranes and granule membranes. The present study identifies various GTP-binding proteins in rat parotid gland plasma membranes and granule membranes, and demonstrates the presence of distinct molecular weight GTP-binding proteins in granule membranes. These granule-associated GTP-binding proteins may be involved in secretory processes.  相似文献   

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