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There are currently few predictions about when evolutionary processes are likely to play an important role in structuring community features. Determining predictors that indicate when evolution is expected to impact ecological processes in natural landscapes can help researchers identify eco-evolutionary ‘hotspots', where eco-evolutionary interactions are more likely to occur. Using data collected from a survey in freshwater cladoceran communities, landscape population genetic data and phenotypic trait data measured in a common garden, we applied a Bayesian linear model to assess whether the impact of local trait evolution in the keystone species Daphnia magna on cladoceran community trait values could be predicted by population genetic properties (within-population genetic diversity, genetic distance among populations), ecological properties (Simpson's diversity, phenotypic divergence) or environmental divergence. We found that the impact of local trait evolution varied among communities. Moreover, community diversity and phenotypic divergence were found to be better predictors of the contribution of evolution to community trait values than environmental features or genetic properties of the evolving species. Our results thus indicate the importance of ecological context for the impact of evolution on community features. Our study also demonstrates one way to detect signatures of eco-evolutionary interactions in communities inhabiting heterogeneous landscapes using survey data of contemporary ecological and evolutionary structure.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of global warming on trait variation and trophic structure is a crucial challenge in the 21st century. However, there is a lack of general patterns that can be used to predict trait variation and community trophic structure under the ongoing environmental change. We investigated the responses of body size and community trophic structure of zooplankton to climate related factors (e.g., temperature). Isotopic niche breadth was applied to investigate the community trophic structure across a 1‐year study from a subtropical reservoir (Tingxi Reservoir) in southeastern China. Body size and community isotopic niche breadth of zooplankton were larger during water mixing than stratification periods and correlated significantly with water temperature change along the time series. The contributions of intra‐ and intertaxonomic components to body size and community trophic structure variation showed significant relationships with the temperature change going from the mixing to stratification periods. Water temperature imposed direct effect on body size, while direct and indirect effect on the community trophic structure of zooplankton occurred through trophic redundancy along time series. Water temperature and community properties (e.g., body size, trophic redundancy, or trophic interaction) showed complex interactions and integrated to influence community trophic structure of zooplankton. Our results can expand the knowledge of how elevated temperature will alter individual trait and community trophic structure under future climate change.  相似文献   

Predation risk and the structure of freshwater zooplankton communities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Many predators inflict substantial mortality on their prey. The prey respond to these selective pressures with changes in their spatial and temporal overlap with the predator (density risk responses), or with changes in their vulnerability to the predator (prey vulnerability responses). Here we develop a simple predation model that permits quantification of the basic response types of the prey in nature. We then test the hypothesis that prey response will be proportional to the intensity of the predation mortality relative to all other sources of mortality and decreased natality acting on the prey. A significant regression relationship is obtained for the prey vulnerability response but not for any of the density risk responses. The individual response values and regression statistics are used to interpret the relative importance of the different response types and to assess the predator's influence on prey community structure.Supported by Lehigh University Environmental Studies Center  相似文献   

Wetlands Ecology and Management - Turbidity influences the success of fish feeding, but little is known about the difference in the effects of turbidity as a result of organic and inorganic matter....  相似文献   

Most of the fish species in Belews Lake, a cooling reservoir in the Piedmont area of North Carolina (USA), were eliminated in 1976–77 because of selenium poisoning. Zooplankton samples collected in 1974–75, prior to the fish kill, when the lake's fauna included a regionally-typical assemblage of piscivores and planktivores at a density of 14000 ha–1, were compared to those collected in 1984–86, when the piscine community was dominated by three planktivorous fish (Notropis lutrensis, Pimephales promelas and Gambusia affinis) at a density of 28000 ha–1. Zooplankton diversity was similar in 1984–86 compared to that in 1974–75. However, densities of the predominant cladocerans (Bosmina longirostris, Pseudosida bidentata, Ceriodaphnia pulchella, Holopedium amazonicum, Daphnia parvula, D. ambigua) and copepods (Diacyclops thomasi, Mesocyclops edax, Tropocyclops prasinus, Skistodiaptomus pallidus, S. reighardi) declined, though the magnitude of the reduction was greatest for the cladocerans and S. reighardi. Densities of copepod nauplii and rotifers also decreased markedly. No colonizations or extinctions of crustacean species occurred between 1975 and 1986. Thus, while crustacean species richness (n = 18 species) remained the same, the relative proportions of individual species changed dramatically, most notably among the Cladocera. The observed changes in crustacean species densities and dominance are attributed to the replacement of the regionally-typical fish fauna by one consisting primarily of planktivores.  相似文献   

COMBO: a defined freshwater culture medium for algae and zooplankton   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
In order to conduct experiments on interactions between animals and food organisms, it is necessary to develop a medium that adequately supports the growth of both algae and zooplankton without the need to alter the medium to accommodate either the algae or the animals. We devised a freshwater medium, named COMBO, that supports excellent growth of both algae and zooplankton. Two types of algae, Ankistrodesmus falcatus and Stephanodiscus hantzschii, were reared in COMBO and their growth rates were not significantly different from those of algae grown in a reference medium (WC). One of these algae, A. falcatus, was then fed to a cladoceran, Daphnia pulicaria, which was also cultured in COMBO, and the resulting fecundities of D. pulicaria were compared to those of animals reared in natural surface water. We also determined whether the value of COMBO as a medium for D. pulicaria was affected by modifications in nitrogen or phosphorus concentration to evaluate whether the new medium will be useful in nutritional research. Lowering the N or P content of COMBO did not affect the reproductive performance of D. pulicaria. Other researchers have also reported excellent growth and reproduction by numerous algae and zooplankton reared in COMBO. Our results suggest that COMBO is an effective artificial, defined culture medium capable of supporting robust growth and reproduction of both freshwater algae and zooplankton. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Karl E. Havens 《Hydrobiologia》1990,198(1):215-226
During summer, Chaoborus punctipennis larval densities in the water column of fishless, eutrophic Triangle Lake become very high, and coincidently, the spined loricate rotifer Kelfcottia bostoniensis becomes the dominant zooplankter. Research was done to test the hypothesis that selective predation by Chaoborus on soft-bodied rotifers controls species dominance in the mid-summer zooplankton of this lake. In situ predation experiments showed positive selection by Chaoborus for the soft-bodied Synchaeta oblonga, negative selection for K. bostoniensis, and intermediate selection for Polyarthra vulgaris, a species with rapid escape tactics. However, during a 21 day in situ mesocosm experiment, zooplankton dominance and succession in Chaoborus-free enclosures was identical to that in enclosures with Chaoborus at lake density. Despite the selective predation, Chaoborus larvae may not exert significant top-down control on rotifers, whose intense reproductive output during mid-summer in temperate eutrophic lakes results in new individuals at rates that exceed predatory losses.  相似文献   

Zooplankton community distribution depends largely on the microhabitat characteristics of the water body. It has been reported that macrophytes provide microhabitats for zooplankton (e.g., space and food resources). To date, studies have focused on the overall influence of macrophytes on zooplankton (e.g., positive relationships with zooplankton diversity); however, the morphological characteristics of macrophytes have not been intensively studied. To fill this gap in knowledge, we investigated zooplankton abundance and diversity, macrophyte characteristics (types, dry weight, and species number), and physicochemical parameters (water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, and chlorophyll a) by using the 1 × 1 m quadrat method. We surveyed 164 wetlands in South Korea during spring (May to June), prior to the summer monsoon. Patterning zooplankton distribution was accomplished using a Self-organizing map (SOM). We used 34 input variables (zooplankton genera) to train the model. The distribution of five plant habit parameters (no plant, emergent, free-floating, floating-leaved, and submerged) was investigated with a trained SOM plane, by environment data masking. Based on a U-matrix, three clusters were identified from the model. Zooplankton assemblages were positively related to macrophyte characteristics (i.e., dry weight, species number, and plant type). In particular, free-floating plants supported rotifers, such as Testudinella, and cladocerans, such as Alona, Chydorus, Diaphanosoma, and Ilyocryptus (mostly epiphytic). Submerged plants were associated with planktonic rotifers, such as Filinia, Ploesoma, Synchaeta, cladocerans, such as Daphnia, and copepods, such as Eucyclops and Macrocyclops. On the basis of these results, we suggest that the microhabitat structure, created by macrophytes, is an important factor in determining the diversity and abundance of zooplankton communities, because the different species compositions of macrophytes support diverse zooplankton genera in these habitats. The results indicate that macrophytes are the key components of lentic freshwater ecosystem heterogeneity, and the inclusion of diverse plant species in wetland construction or restoration schemes will result in ecologically healthy food webs.  相似文献   

Non-predatory mortality of zooplankton provides an abundant, yet, little studied source of high quality labile organic matter (LOM) in aquatic ecosystems. Using laboratory microcosms, we followed the decomposition of organic carbon of fresh 13C-labelled Daphnia carcasses by natural bacterioplankton. The experimental setup comprised blank microcosms, that is, artificial lake water without any organic matter additions (B), and microcosms either amended with natural humic matter (H), fresh Daphnia carcasses (D) or both, that is, humic matter and Daphnia carcasses (HD). Most of the carcass carbon was consumed and respired by the bacterial community within 15 days of incubation. A shift in the bacterial community composition shaped by labile carcass carbon and by humic matter was observed. Nevertheless, we did not observe a quantitative change in humic matter degradation by heterotrophic bacteria in the presence of LOM derived from carcasses. However, carcasses were the main factor driving the bacterial community composition suggesting that the presence of large quantities of dead zooplankton might affect the carbon cycling in aquatic ecosystems. Our results imply that organic matter derived from zooplankton carcasses is efficiently remineralized by a highly specific bacterial community, but does not interfere with the bacterial turnover of more refractory humic matter.  相似文献   

The size structure of a lacustrine zoobenthic community   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
D. Strayer 《Oecologia》1986,69(4):513-516

2011年10月—2012年7月对渔山列岛浮游动物的种类组成、优势种、群落结构、丰度和生物量进行了调查,分析了浮游动物丰度、多样性指数及其与环境因子的相关性。调查共鉴定浮游动物8类45种,其中原生动物类14种,占31.1%;桡足类次之13种,占28.9%。主要优势种有中华哲水蚤(Calanussinicus)、根状拟铃虫(Tintin—nopsisradix)和桡足类幼虫(Copepoditenauplinua)。多样性指数(H')7月(3.324)最高,10月(2.988)最低。结合多样性指数及丰富度指数可见,调查期间渔山列岛浮游动物的生物多样性7月最高,物种较丰富。相关性分析表明,浮游动物群落分布与营养盐、水温、盐度等环境因子存在一定的相关性。  相似文献   

The survival time of zooplankton under conditions of total starvation is expressed as a function of weight-specific respiration rate and the fraction of initial (pre-starvation) body weight which may be lost prior to death. Data from the literature on these two components of survival time are used to formulate a general expression of survivorship of zooplankton at 20°C as a function of body weight: t=2·95 w0·25, where t is in days and w is μg dry weight. Survival time data from the literature on 25 marine and freshwater species are compared to this prediction as are new data on Daphnia pulex Leydig, D. magna Straus and Simocephalus serrulatus (Koch). The effects of age-specific (non-starvation) mortality are considered; in particular, older individuals of each of these species survive for shorter periods of time than predicted and an interaction between age-specific and starvation-induced mortality is proposed. The effects of total and partial starvation on the size structure of zooplankton communities are discussed.  相似文献   

Paolo Madoni 《Hydrobiologia》1984,111(3):201-206
A technique is described for the estimation of the size of ciliate populations based on replicated counts. Sample drops were taken by automatic pipettes of different volume from activated sludge and from a small oligotrophic stream. Specific aims were: 1) the estimation of the number of species; 2) the estimation of the number of individual in each species; 3) the selection of a suitable sub-sample size and number of replicates. For each volume the cumulative increase in species taken in successive sub-samples was determined. For each species the minimum permissible sub-sample volume and the number of replicates required for an allowable error of 10% and 25% were determined. Lastly, the relationship between the mean number of individuals counted for each species and the relative coefficient of variation was visualized.  相似文献   

Predation by fish has commonly been viewed as a primary driverof spatial and seasonal variation in Daphnia dominance and thesize structure of zooplankton communities. Yet, previous researchsuggests that large Daphnia do not always dominate in the absenceof predation. As alternatives to the planktivory model, numerousmechanisms have been put forth, including the effect of resourcecompetition and its interaction with resource quantity and qualityand abiotic factors (e.g. temperature). Here results are presentedof a field survey of 18 fishless, permanent ponds in southwestMichigan in which spatiotemporal variation in Daphnia pulexabundance and several potential determinants of this variationare explored. Results revealed a large amount of variation inD. pulex incidence and relative biomass, with some ponds exhibitingseasonal losses, some having few or no Daphnia, and some beingdominated by D. pulex for the entire sample period. Redundancyanalysis of zooplankton composition and pond environmental variables(biotic and abiotic) showed no relationship between D. pulexbiomass and measures of Chaoborus abundance, algal resourceproduction, or algal resource quality (including seston C:N:P).Instead, pH and temperature (both of which covaried) showedthe strongest relationship with D. pulex biomass.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of crustacean zooplankton species was examined during 2000 in Windermere, Cumbria. Patterns of dispersion were evaluated quantitatively using two different approaches. Firstly, Morisita’s index was used to test whether patterns of dispersion differed significantly from a state of randomness and, secondly, the relative distribution of zooplankton individuals between the epilimnion and hypolimnion was investigated, for a series of standardised vertical profiles of organism density. All six of the dominant species of planktonic crustaceans showed aggregated patterns of dispersion throughout the year. For most species, patterns of dispersion were affected by the onset and breakdown of thermal stratification in the lake. The degree of aggregation in the vertical plane, measured using Morisita’s index, increased when the lake became thermally stratified. Furthermore, for most species, there was a positive association between the degree of vertical differentiation in abundance across the thermocline, and the degree of temperature differentiation in the stratified water column. The results of the present analysis provide quantitative evidence for the phenomenon known as ‘zooplankton stratification’ and for temporal variation in patterns of zooplankton dispersion.  相似文献   

Only recently has the importance of positive interactions among plant species in structuring natural communities been supported by experimental evidence. Most studies have focused on interactions between a pair of species at a single life-history stage. In this study positive interactions between a woody nitrogen-fixing shrub (Myrica pensylvanica) and two herbaceous sand dune species (Solidago sempervirens, Ammophila breviligulata) which frequently grow beneath shrub canopies are examined throughout the life cycles of the herbaceous species. Comparisons of S. sempervirens and A. breviligulata growing beneath and outside M. pensylvanica shrubs show that plants growing in association with shrubs are larger, are more likely to flower, produce greater numbers of flowers and seeds, have higher midday xylem water potentials, have higher tissue nitrogen concentrations, and have higher photosynthetic efficiencies. Measurements of environmental conditions show that areas beneath shrubs are more shaded, have lower soil temperatures, and have higher soil nitrogen levels. The results from experimental manipulations designed to test the effects of Myrica shrubs on understory species suggest that the observed differences in plant performance are strongly influenced by canopy shading and soil nutrient enrichment associated with the shrubs. The results demonstrate that M. pensylvanica facilitates growth, reproduction, and recruitment of S. sempervirens and A. breviligulata growing beneath it. This study, one of the few to examine positive interactions at different life-history stages, supports previous predictions that positive interactions may be particularly important in plant communities characterized by physiologically stressful conditions. Received: 21 July 1999 / Accepted: 18 January 2000  相似文献   

Although theoretical foodweb models predict the presence of only three to four trophic categories, estimation of “potential” vertical foodweb structure from species lists and inferred feeding interactions suggest that as many as 7 trophic categories can occur in the pelagic foodwebs of North American glaciated lakes. A compilation of data on the nitrogen isotopic composition of zooplankton from 46 Canadian Shield lakes suggested the average existence of one “realized” trophic category in addition to that of filter-feeding, herbivorous cladocerans. When phytoplankton, planktivorous invertebrates, and plantivorous and piscivorous fish are included, the vertical foodweb structure in the pelagic zones of these lakes are greater than those hypothesized from some theoretical models.  相似文献   

1. Daphnia pulex and Daphnia middendorffiana are commonly found in the Toolik Lake region of arctic Alaska. These two species are very similar morphologically, although their natural distributions differ markedly: D. pulex is restricted to shallow ponds, while D. middendorffiana is widely distributed and found in a variety of ponds and lakes. We compared the reproductive capabilities of D. pulex and D. middendorffiana grown under similar resource conditions and in the absence of the invertebrate predator Heterocope septentrionalis. In situ life table and mesocosm experiments were conducted in Toolik Lake and Dam Pond, habitats that have historically contained natural populations of D. middendorffiana, but never D. pulex. 2. Daphnia pulex exhibited a significantly higher net growth rate than D. middendorffiana in both life table and mesocosm experiments although D. pulex has never been found in either Toolik Lake or Dam Pond. Daphnia middendorffiana exhibited a negative net growth rate in Dam Pond, which had lower resource levels then Toolik Lake. Therefore, the smaller D. pulex appears to have a lower food threshold concentration than the larger D. middendorffiana. 3. Our results indicate that D. pulex is a superior resource competitor in the Toolik Lake region. These results combined with distributional patterns suggest that the restricted distribution of D. pulex in these arctic lakes and ponds cannot be explained by resource competition alone. We suggest that in the presence of H. septentrionalis, predation is an important factor structuring arctic zooplankton communities in the Toolik Lake region.  相似文献   

Zooplankton and water quality parameters were investigated ateight mesohaline stations in the lower Chesapeake Bay and ElizabethRiver from January through December 1994 to identify the changesof zooplankton community structure with increased eutrophication.The total micro- and mesozooplankton biomass decreased withthe increase of eutrophication. However, the relative proportionof microzooplankton increased with increased eutrophication.Within highly eutrophied waters, the small oligotrichs (<30µm) and rotifers dominated the total zooplankton biomass(as carbon). However, tintinnids, copepod nauplii and mesozooplanktonsignificantly decreased with the increase of eutrophication.These patterns were consistent throughout the seasons and hadsignificant relationships statistically. These results suggestzooplankton community structures characterize an increasingeutrophication of an ecosystem.  相似文献   

Animal community structure as a function of stream size   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The species-area relationship of the island biogeography theory was calculated for macroinvertebrates in 22 coastal, adjacent streams. A z-value of 0.19 was obtained. The low z-value was probably a consequence of the short distances between streams as well as high dispersal rates. In addition, a cluster analysis based on the dissimilarity of species assemblages showed that stream size was of prime importance in categorizing the streams. To a smaller extent water quality affected the community structure in the streams.  相似文献   

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