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Skeletal muscle is known to be a target for the active metabolite of thyroid hormone, i.e., 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T(3)). T(3) acts by repressing or activating genes coding for different myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms via T(3) receptors (TRs). The diverse function of T(3) is presumed to be mediated by TR-alpha(1) and TR-beta, but the function of specific TRs in regulating MHC isoform expression has remained undefined. In this study, TR-deficient mice were used to expand our knowledge of the mechanisms by which T(3) regulates the expression of specific MHC isoforms via distinct TRs. In fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle, TR-alpha(1)-, TR-beta-, or TR-alpha(1)beta-deficient mice showed a small but statistically significant decrease (P < 0.05) of type IIB MHC content and an increased number of type I fibers. In the slow-twitch soleus, the beta/slow MHC (type I) isoform was significantly (P < 0. 001) upregulated in the TR-deficient mice, but this effect was highly dependent on the type of receptor deleted. The lack of TR-beta had no significant effect on the expression of MHC isoforms. An increase (P < 0.05) of type I MHC was observed in the TR-alpha(1)-deficient muscle. A dramatic overexpression (P < 0.001) of the slow type I MHC and a corresponding downregulation of the fast type IIA MHC (P < 0.001) was observed in TR-alpha(1)beta-deficient mice. The muscle- and fiber-specific differences in MHC isoform expression in the TR-alpha(1)beta-deficient mice resembled the MHC isoform transitions reported in hypothyroid animals, i.e., a mild MHC transition in the EDL, a dramatic but not complete upregulation of the beta/slow MHC isoform in the soleus, and a variable response to TR deficiency in different soleus muscle fibers. Thus the consequences on muscle are similar in the absence of thyroid hormone or absence of thyroid hormone receptors, indicating that TR-alpha(1) and TR-beta together mediate the known actions of T(3). However, it remains unknown how thyroid hormone exerts muscle- and muscle fiber-specific effects in its action. Finally, although developmental MHC transitions were not studied specifically in this study, the absence of embryonic and fetal MHC isoforms in the TR-deficient mice indicates that ultimately the transition to the adult MHC isoforms is not solely mediated by TRs.  相似文献   

Numerous troponin T (TnT) isoforms are produced by alternative splicing from three genes characteristic of cardiac, fast skeletal, and slow skeletal muscles. Apart from the developmental transition of fast skeletal muscle TnT isoforms, switching of TnT expression during muscle development is poorly understood. In this study, we investigated precisely and comprehensively developmental changes in chicken cardiac and slow skeletal muscle TnT isoforms by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting with specific antisera. Four major isoforms composed of two each of higher and lower molecular weights were found in cardiac TnT (cTnT). Expression of cTnT changed from high- to low-molecular-weight isoforms during cardiac muscle development. On the other hand, such a transition was not found and only high-molecular-weight isoforms were expressed in the early stages of chicken skeletal muscle development. Two major and three minor isoforms of slow skeletal muscle TnT (sTnT), three of which were newly found in this study, were expressed in chicken skeletal muscles. The major sTnT isoforms were commonly detected throughout development in slow and mixed skeletal muscles, and at developmental stages until hatching-out in fast skeletal muscles. The expression of minor sTnT isoforms varied from muscle to muscle and during development.  相似文献   

It is well established that a rise in circulating thyroid hormone during the second half of chick embryo development significantly influences muscle weight gain and bone growth. We studied thyroid influence on differentiation in slow anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) and fast posterior latissimus dorsi (PLD) muscles of embryos rendered hypothyroid by hypophysectomy or administration of an anti-thyroid drug. The expression of native myosins and myosin light chains (MLCs) was studied by electrophoretic analysis, and the myosin heavy chain (MHC) was characterized by immunohistochemistry. The first effects of hypothyroid status were observed at day 21 of embryonic development (stage 46 according to Hamburger and Hamilton). Analysis of myosin isoform expression in PLD muscles of hypothyroid embryos showed persistence of slow migrating native myosins and slow MLCs as well as inhibition of neonatal fast MHC expression, indicating retarded differentiation of this muscle. In ALD muscle, hypothyroidism maintained fast embryonic MHC and induced noticeable amounts of fast MLCs, thus delaying slow muscle differentiation. Our results suggest that thyroid hormones play a role in modulating the appearance of neonatal fast MHC and the disappearance of isomyosins transiently present during embryogenesis. However, T3 supplemental treatment would seem to compensate in part for the effects of hypothyroidism induced by hypophysectomy, suggesting that thyroid hormone might interfere with other factors also accounting for the observed effects.  相似文献   

An electophoretic study of changes in composition of titin isoforms in human and rat skeletal and cardiac muscles is carried out. A more considerable decrease in the content of intact titin isoforms was observed than in the content of N2A-titin in the dorsal muscle of patients with the “stiff-person syndrome” and in m. soleus of humans and rats during development of “muscle hypogravity syndrome” and than in the content of N2BA- and N2B-titins in hypertrophic heart of spontaneously hypertensive rats. The relation between reduction of titin content in m. soleus and the increase of time the rats were in conditions of simulated microgravity is revealed. On electrophoregrams of left ventricle myocardium of patients with terminal stage of dilated cardiomyopathy the intact titin and N2BA-titin were absent and a considerable decrease in the content of N2B-titin was observed. This could be the consequence of the terminal stage of pathology. It follows that development of the diseases is accompanied by a greater destruction of intact titin than of its other forms which may be important for diagnostics of pathological processes.  相似文献   

The response to caffeine was studied in mouse muscles[diaphragm, soleus, and extensor digitorum longus (EDL)] withdifferent ryanodine receptor isoform (RyR1, RyR3) composition and insingle permeabilized muscle fibers dissected from diaphragm ofwild-type (WT) and RyR3-deficient (RyR3/) mice at 1, 15, 30, and 60 postnatal days (PND). The caffeine response decreased duringdevelopment, and, in adult mice, was greater in diaphragm, lower inEDL, and intermediate in soleus. This suggests a direct relationbetween response to caffeine and RyR3 expression. The lack of RyR3reduced caffeine response in young, but not in adult mice, and did not abolish the age-dependent variation and the intermuscle differences. Indiaphragm single fibers, the response to caffeine increased duringdevelopment and was reduced in fibers lacking RyR3 both at 15 and 60 PND. A population of fibers highly responsive to caffeine was presentin adult WT and disappeared in RyR3/. The results confirm thecontribution of RyR3 to calcium release for contractile response andclarify the contribution of RyR3 to developmental changes andintermuscle differences.


Protein 4.1R (4.1R) has been identified as the major component of the human erythrocyte membrane skeleton. The members of the protein 4.1 gene family are expressed in a tissue-specific alternative splicing manner that increases their functions in each tissue; however, the exact roles of cardiac 4.1R in the developing myocardium are poorly understood. In zebrafish (ZF), we identified two heart-specific 4.1R isoforms, ZF4.1RH2 and ZF4.1RH3, encoding N-terminal 30 kDa (FERM) domain and spectrin-actin binding domain (SABD) and C-terminal domain (CTD), separately. Applying immunohistochemistry using specific antibodies for 30 kDa domain and CTD separately, the gene product of ZF4.1RH2 and ZF4.1RH3 appeared only in the ventricle and in the atrium, respectively, in mature hearts. During embryogenesis, both gene expressions are expressed starting 24 h post-fertilization (hpf). Following whole-mount in situ hybridization, ZF4.1RH3 gene expression was detected in the atrium of 37 hpf embryos. These results indicate that the gene product of ZF4.1RH3 is essential for normal morphological shape of the developing heart and to support the repetitive cycles of its muscle contraction and relaxation.  相似文献   

The rev-erbAalpha orphan protein belongs to the steroid nuclear receptor superfamily. No ligand has been identified for this protein, and little is known of its function in development or physiology. In this study, we focus on 1) the distribution of the rev-erbAalpha protein in adult fast- and slow-twitch skeletal muscles and muscle fibers and 2) how the rev-erbAalpha protein influences myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoform expression in mice heterozygous (+/-) and homozygous (-/-) for a rev-erbAalpha protein null allele. In the fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus muscle, rev-erbAalpha protein expression was linked to muscle fiber type; however, MyHC isoform expression did not differ between wild-type, +/-, or -/- mice. In the slow-twitch soleus muscle, the link between rev-erbAalpha protein and MyHC isoform expression was more complex than in the extensor digitorum longus. Here, a significantly higher relative amount of the beta/slow (type I) MyHC isoform was observed in both rev-erbAalpha -/- and +/- mice vs. that shown in wild-type controls. A role for the ratio of thyroid hormone receptor proteins alpha1 to alpha2 in modulating MyHC isoform expression can be ruled out because no differences were seen in MyHC isoform expression between thyroid hormone receptor alpha2-deficient mice (heterozygous and homozygous) and wild-type mice. Therefore, our data are compatible with the rev-erbAalpha protein playing an important role in the regulation of skeletal muscle MyHC isoform expression.  相似文献   

Mutations in the thyroid hormone receptor beta gene (TRbeta) cause resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH). Genetic analyses indicate that phenotypic manifestation of RTH is due to the dominant negative action of mutant TRbeta. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the dominant negative action of mutants and how the same mutation results in marked variability of resistance in different tissues in vivo are not clear. Here we used a knock-in mouse (TRbetaPV mouse) that faithfully reproduces human RTH to address these questions. We demonstrated directly that TRbeta1 protein was approximately 3-fold higher than TRalpha1 in the liver of TRbeta(+/+) mice but was not detectable in the heart of wild-type and TRbetaPV mice. The abundance of PV in the liver of TRbeta(PV/PV) was more than TRbeta(PV/+) mice but not detectable in the heart. TRalpha1 in the liver was approximately 6-fold higher than that in the heart of wild-type and TRbetaPV mice. Using TR isoforms and PV-specific antibodies in gel shift assays, we found that in vivo, PV competed not only with TR isoforms for binding to thyroid hormone response elements (TRE) but also competed with TR for the retinoid X receptors in binding to TRE. These competitions led to the inhibition of the thyroid hormone (T(3))-positive regulated genes in the liver. In the heart, however, PV was significantly lower and thus could not effectively compete with TRalpha1 for binding to TRE, resulting in activation of the T(3)-target genes by higher levels of circulating thyroid hormones. These results indicate that in vivo, differential expression of TR isoforms in tissues dictates the dominant negative activity of mutant beta receptor, thereby resulting in variable phenotypic expression in RTH.  相似文献   

We have cloned agroup of cDNAs that encodes the skeletal ryanodine receptor isoform(RyR1) of fish from a blue marlin extraocular muscle library. The cDNAsencode a protein of 5,081 amino acids with a calculated molecular massof 576,302 Da. The deduced amino acid sequence shows strong sequenceidentity to previously characterized RyR1 isoforms. An RNA probederived from a clone of the full-length marlin RyR1 isoform hybridizesto RNA preparations from extraocular muscle and slow-twitch skeletalmuscle but not to RNA preparations from fast-twitch skeletal or cardiacmuscle. We have also isolated a partial RyR clone from marlin andtoadfish fast-twitch muscles that shares 80% sequence identity withthe corresponding region of the full-length RyR1 isoform, and a RNAprobe derived from this clone hybridizes to RNA preparations fromfast-twitch muscle but not to slow-twitch muscle preparations. Westernblot analysis of slow-twitch muscles in fish indicates the presence ofonly a single high-molecular-mass RyR proteincorresponding to RyR1. [3H]ryanodine bindingassays revealed the fish slow-twitch muscle RyR1 had a greatersensitivity for Ca2+ than thefast-twitch muscle RyR1. The results indicate that, in fish muscle,fiber type-specific RyR1 isoforms are expressed and the two proteinsare physiologically distinct.


Rho GTPases are key regulators of cytoskeletal dynamics and affect many cellular processes, including cell polarity, migration, vesicle trafficking and cytokinesis. These proteins are conserved from plants and yeast to mammals, and function by interacting with and stimulating various downstream targets, including actin nucleators, protein kinases and phospholipases. The roles of Rho GTPases have been extensively studied in different mammalian cell types using mainly dominant negative and constitutively active mutants. The recent availability of knockout mice for several members of the Rho family reveals new information about their roles in signalling to the cytoskeleton and in development.  相似文献   

Skinned fibers prepared from rabbit fast and slow skeletal and cardiac muscles showed acidotic depression of the Ca2+ sensitivity of force generation, in which the magnitude depends on muscle type in the order of cardiac>fast skeletal>slow skeletal. Using a method that displaces whole troponin-complex in myofibrils with excess troponin T, the roles of Tn subunits in the differential pH dependence of the Ca2+ sensitivity of striated muscle were investigated by exchanging endogenous troponin I and troponin C in rabbit skinned cardiac muscle fibres with all possible combinations of the corresponding isoforms expressed in rabbit fast and slow skeletal and cardiac muscles. In fibers exchanged with fast skeletal or cardiac troponin I, cardiac troponin C confers a higher sensitivity to acidic pH on the Ca2+ sensitive force generation than fast skeletal troponin C independently of the isoform of troponin I present. On the other hand, fibres exchanged with slow skeletal troponin I exhibit the highest resistance to acidic pH in combination with either isoform of troponin C. These results indicate that troponin C is a determinant of the differential pH sensitivity of fast skeletal and cardiac muscles, while troponin I is a determinant of the pH sensitivity of slow skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the influence of dystonia musculorum (dt) mutation, characterized by spinocerebellar fibers degeneration, on cardiac and skeletal muscles: one respiratory (diaphragm, Dia), three masticatory (anterior temporalis, AT; masseter superficialis, MS; and anterior digastric, AD), one hindlimb (soleus, S), tongue (T), and one cardiac (ventricle, V). Body and muscle weight, muscle protein content, and myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms relative expression were then compared in dt mutant mice and in normal mice, according to sex. Male body and muscle weight was always greater than that of females, but there was no specific muscle difference in females. dt mutant mice showed a reduced whole body growth but no specific muscle atrophy, as well as a global decrease in muscle protein content that made muscles more fragile. dt mutation induced a global reduction of muscle protein concentration, whereas a general influence of sex could not be disclosed. Concerning MHC relative composition, all the muscles were fast-twitch: Dia, AT, MS, AD, S, and T expressed predominantly the fast type 2 MHC isoforms, whereas V contained only MHC alpha, also a fast MHC. Female muscles were slower than male muscles, except for S, which was faster. However, classification of muscles in terms of shortening velocity was very different in normal males and females. In other respects, dt mutant muscles were slower and consequently more fatigue resistant than normal, except for S, which became faster and less fatigue resistant. dt mutation exhibits then a specific effect on this continually active postural muscle. In the other muscles, global increased fatigue resistance could constitute an adaptive response to work requirements modifications linked to the muscle damage. It should be noted that a developmental MHC (neonatal) was present in female dt AD. Innervation, which influences muscle structure, is altered in dt mutant and could be another causal factor of the fast-to-slow MHC switches. It appears that dystonin, the dt gene product, is very important in maintaining the structural integrity of both cardiac and skeletal muscle and in its absence, the muscle becomes more fragile and is damaged by modified activity.  相似文献   

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