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1. A small amount (2mg.) of crustecdysone, a moulting hormone of crustaceans, was isolated from 1 ton of crayfish waste. 2. The purification procedure used was developed with the aid of crustacean and insect bioassays. 3. CM-Sephadex was found to be superior to Sephadex and very effective for the chromatographic separation of crustecdysone from other non-ionic compounds. The higher efficiency of CM-Sephadex is attributed to the greater number of carboxyl groups available for hydrogen-bonding. 4. Reversed-phase chromatography, with butan-1-ol-cyclohexane mixtures as the stationary phase and water as the flowing phase, proved superior to countercurrent distribution with these solvents for the fractionation of purified extracts. 5. A second moulting hormone, deoxycrustecdysone, and the red-concentrating hormone were obtained in a partially purified form.  相似文献   

The incidental capture of non-target and undersized target species during commercial fishing operations has been identified as a major issue and ongoing challenge for fisheries management. In the Northern Zone rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) fishery (NZRLF) of South Australia, escape gaps have been mandatory in all commercial fishing traps since 2002 to reduce non-target species (by-catch) catch rates and juvenile lobster mortality. This study used in situ video monitoring of by-catch species in traps with and without escape gaps to understand how by-catch species interact within commercial fishing traps. Twenty-two different by-catch species were observed entering commercial rock lobster traps, 20 of which were temperate reef finfish. Overall, on-board by-catch rates were significantly higher in hauled traps without escape gaps and were dominated by reef-dwelling finfish species, particularly Meuschenia hippocrepis and Notolabrus tetricus. However, in situ video monitoring within traps showed no difference in the maximum number of finfish by-catch (MaxN) in traps with or without escape gaps. We suggest that the difference in by-catch rates between hauled traps with and without escape gaps may be driven by species-specific behavioural interactions within traps prior to hauling. Overall, this study shows that the implementation of escape gaps in the NZRLF has considerably reduced fishery by-catch rates. Furthermore, the use of in situ video monitoring has provided a better understanding of by-catch behavioural interactions within traps, not previously identified in on-board sampling research, which may partly explain the mechanisms underpinning escape gap effectiveness.  相似文献   

We have isolated a 72-amino acid peptide from extracts of sinus glands of the South African rock lobster, Jasus lalandii, and identified it, functionally and immunologically, as a hyperglycemic hormone. This is the second peptide with hyperglycemic activity found in this palinurid species and, because it occurs in smaller quantities (approximately 3 pmol/sinus gland) than the previously identified hyperglycemic hormone [14], this minor isoform is designated Jala cHH-II. The complete elucidation of the primary structure of cHH-II, as determined by automated Edman degradation of the N-terminus enzymatic digests of the non-reduced peptide, chemical cleavage and mass spectrometry, is presented here. Jala cHH-II (molecular mass of 8357 Da) is more hydrophobic than Jala cHH-I (8380 Da). The two cHHs have a free N-terminus a blocked C-terminus; and share 90% sequence homology. We also present structural data of a further two peptides isolated from sinus gland extracts that were immunopositive to cHH antisera. These peptides, with masses of 7665 and 7612 Da, structurally represent C-terminally truncated forms of the major and the minor Jala cHH peptides, respectively, but do not have any hyperglycemic activity in vivo. We demonstrate that the prevalence of these truncated forms can be reduced by the addition of proteases to the homogenization buffer during preparation of the tissues.  相似文献   

Migration of Metapenaeus affinis (H. Milne-Edwards) from the Arabian Gulf to nursery grounds in the inland waters of Iraq extends from May/June to January/February. Shrimp ranging in size from 3–125 mm total length were found in inland waters. In the shallow waters of the Al-Assaflya small-sized shrimp only were caught, while in the Marshes large-sized shrimp were abundant. Maximum numbers of recruits were recorded when temperatures reached 23–25 °C. However, the discharge of the Shatt Al-Arab may also be an important factor regulating recruitment.The growth rates of small shrimp were higher than those of large ones. There mostly was, a preponderance of females over males. Spawning at sea appears to occur immediately after emigration. Gonad development was not observed. Commercial landings, at the two main fish markets at Basrah, during September–November 1985 averaged 1000 kg day–1.  相似文献   

Marco HG  Stoeva S  Voelter W  Gäde G 《Peptides》2000,21(9):1313-1321
We have isolated a peptide from extracts of sinus glands from a South African spiny lobster species, Jasus lalandii, by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and identified it as a putative molt-inhibiting hormone (MIH) by (i) an in vitro assay with J. lalandii Y-organs to measure the inhibition of ecdysteroid synthesis and (ii) an immunoassay using antiserum raised against MIH of the edible crab. The MIH of J. lalandii has 74 amino acid residues, a molecular mass of 9006 Da, a free N-terminus and an amidated C-terminus. The full primary sequence has been obtained from sequencing various digest fragments (tryptic, endoproteinase Asp-N, cyanogen bromide) of the unreduced (native) peptide: RFTFDCPGMMGQRYLYEQVEQVCDDCYNLYREEKIAVNCRENCFLNSWFTVCLQATMREHETPRFDIWR SIILKA-NH(2). Structural comparisons with other peptides show that the J. lalandii MIH belongs to the peptide family which includes the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone, molt-inhibiting hormone and vitellogenesis-inhibiting hormone (cHH/MIH/VIH). This novel peptide has 36-43% sequence identity to putative MIHs from other decapod crustaceans and 32-34% identity to the two cHH peptides previously identified in this spiny lobster species. This is the first report of a peptide with MIH activity in the Palinuridae infraorder.  相似文献   

Marco HG  Hansen IA  Scheller K  Gäde G 《Peptides》2003,24(6):845-851
A cDNA, encoding a crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (cHH) of the South African spiny lobster, Jasus lalandii has been cloned. The cDNA consists of 1773 bp with an open reading frame of 399 bp that encodes a preprohormone of 133 amino acid residues. The preprohormone consists of a 25 amino acid hydrophobic signal peptide, a 32 amino acid cHH precursor-related peptide (CPRP) and the cHH sequence of 72 amino acid residues. The cHH sequence is flanked N-terminally by a Lys-Arg cleavage site and C-terminally by Gly-Lys, where Gly serves as an amidation site. The deduced amino acid sequence of the CPRP is in complete agreement with a peptide previously elucidated from sinus glands of J. lalandii, code-named CPRP 2 and the sequence of the cHH peptide matches that of the minor cHH isoform of J. lalandii, i.e. crustacean hyperglycemic hormone-II (cHH-II), which was also previously obtained by peptide sequencing. In situ hybridization on eyestalks revealed strong cHH-II mRNA expression in a subset of neurosecretory cells of the X-organ.  相似文献   

以海洋红酵母为材料, 通过化学抽提法得到多糖, 用经典的Sevag 法进行脱蛋白处理, 经多级沉淀得到纯糖并采用硫酸-蒽酮法测得其中葡萄糖含量; 考马斯亮蓝法分析蛋白质含量。以定量海洋红酵母多糖人工注射日本蟳, 注射等量生理盐水为对照, 定时测定其血清中部分免疫活性因子的活性; 实验表明: 提取多糖为蛋白多糖, 其中葡萄糖含量为3.6%, 蛋白质含量1.9%, 含有多种氨基酸, 其中天冬氨酸含量最多; 注射后12 h 日本蟳血清中总超氧化物歧化酶(T-SOD) 活力达到最高, 酸性磷酸酶(ACP) 活力在注射后24 h 达到最高, 碱性磷酸酶(AKP) 48 h 达到最高, 过氧化氢酶(CAT) 48 h 达到最高, 溶菌酶(LZM) 12 h 即达到最高, 最高点分别高于对照组24%、43%、25%、35%、95%; 72 h 后都恢复至对照组水平。结论: 海洋红酵母多糖注射48 h 内日本蟳体内免疫活性因子均有不同程度的提高, 对日本蟳有较强免疫刺激作用。  相似文献   

This paper contains a brief survey of the four subgeneric sections which comprise the genusBrassavola R. Br. of theOrchidaceae, with special reference to the group of species (§Grandiflorae Rolfe) whichSchlechter proposed separating fromBrassavola as the genusRhyncholaelia. The author maintains that these species should be allowed to remain inBrassavola as a distinct section.  相似文献   

As suggested in previous publications, freedom may be defined quantitatively as a restriction upon the choice of a number of activities. If the choice is determined by maximizing the satisfaction function, it is suggested that freedom may be defined in terms of the satisfaction function. If an individual is isolated and no physical restrictions limit his choice of activities, he is free to choose any activity in an amount which maximizes his satisfaction. This isolated state may be considered therefore as that of maximum freedom. If the individual interacts with another, he will choose different amounts of his object of satisfaction depending on whether he behaves egoistically or altruistically. But in either case the value chosen will not maximize his satisfaction function considered alone. A simple analytical expression is suggested as a measure of freedom in this case, and some problems which arise from this suggestion are mentioned.  相似文献   


The morphometrical and meristic features of the carapace, cephalic appendages (antenna, antennule), mouthparts (maxillule, maxilla, first-third maxillipeds), sternum, pereiopods, abdomen, and pleopods of juveniles and the onset of morphological sexual dimorphism were described for the xanthid crab Leptodius exaratus (H. Milne Edwards, 1834), based on laboratory-reared and wild adult specimens collected from Tateyama Bay, Japan. First instar juveniles shared some of the features of adults (e.g. gross appearance of the carapace and cheliped propodus proportions), but differed from adults on almost all other morphological parameter examined. Morphological development was still not complete at the ninth instar; extrapolation from the rate of morphological changes between instars 1–9 suggests that L. exaratus requires about 13 ecdyses to transform into adults, including development of reproductive structures. Differences in the number and morphology of pleopods and abdomen width allowed early distinction of the sexes. Thus, males formed gonopods in the first abdominal somite and lost the paired vestigial pleopods in somites 3–5 from the fourth instar; females retained the pleopods in somites 2–5, but these became biramous and had increased setation. The abdomen grew wider in females than in males from the fifth instar. Several morphological features of juveniles have phylogenetic and taxonomic implications: carapace motifs clearly place L. exaratus in the superfamily Xanthoidea, whereas the patterns of setation in the scaphognathite and first maxilliped epipod allow separation of this (xanthid) species from crabs of other Xanthoidean families.  相似文献   

Mass transfer characteristics of scleractinian corals are affected by their skeletal morphology and the concentration gradients that develop as a consequence of the interactions of their morphology and biomass with the overlying seawater. These interactions can have a profound effect on coral metabolism. In this study, boundary layer characteristics were compared between different size colonies of the corals Dichocoenia stokesii and Stephanocoenia michilini to determine the relative roles of colony size and corallite structures (i.e. surface roughness) in mass transfer. Colonies of both species were rounded in shape, but differed in small-scale roughness as measured by the elevation of corallites. Additionally, D. stokesii had a greater aspect ratio than S. michilini, and their colonies were slightly taller for a given diameter. Boundary layers were characterized by placing dead coral skeletons in a flow tank and estimating shear velocities (u(*)) at different flow speeds. The effects of flow speed, size, and roughness on shear velocities were estimated for two juvenile size classes (10-20 and 30-40 mm diameter) of each species that were exposed to unidirectional flow regimes (4 and 17 cm s(-1)). Shear velocities were significantly greater in high, compared to low flow, and there was a significant interaction between colony size and surface roughness; the interaction was caused by a difference in magnitude, rather than direction, of the effect of roughness and size on u(*). Thus, there was a greater degree of turbulence at high flow compared to low flow, regardless of roughness or size, and the greatest turbulence occurred over large colonies of D. stokesii at high flow. Together, these results suggest that boundary layers around small corals are heavily influenced by upstream roughness elements, and more strongly affected by flow regimes than skeletal features. The relationship between colony morphology (i.e. aspect ratio and, possibly, surface roughness) and boundary layer characteristics may be non-linear in small corals.  相似文献   

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