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Translation initiation factors are universal determinants of plant susceptibility to RNA viruses, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we show that a sequence in the 3' untranslated region (3'-UTR) of a viral genome that is responsible for overcoming plant eIF4E-mediated resistance (virulence determinant) functions as a 3' cap-independent translational enhancer (3'-CITE). The virus/plant pair studied here is Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV) and melon, for which a recessive resistance controlled by melon eIF4E was previously described. Chimeric viruses between virulent and avirulent isolates enabled us to map the virulence and avirulence determinants to 49 and 26 nucleotides, respectively. The translational efficiency of a luc reporter gene flanked by 5'- and 3'-UTRs from virulent, avirulent and chimeric viruses was analysed in vitro, in wheatgerm extract, and in vivo, in melon protoplasts, showing that: (i) the virulence determinant mediates the efficient cap-independent translation in vitro and in vivo; (ii) the avirulence determinant was able to promote efficient cap-independent translation in vitro, but only when eIF4E from susceptible melon was added in trans, and, coherently, only in protoplasts of susceptible melon, but not in the protoplasts of resistant melon; (iii) these activities required the 5'-UTR of MNSV in cis. Thus, the virulence and avirulence determinants function as 3'-CITEs. The activity of these 3'-CITEs was host specific, suggesting that an inefficient interaction between the viral 3'-CITE of the avirulent isolate and eIF4E of resistant melon impedes the correct formation of the translation initiation complex at the viral RNA ends, thereby leading to resistance.  相似文献   

The in situ relationships between the cylindrical inclusion (CI) bodies of pea seedborne mosaic virus (PSbMV) and structures of the host cell are examined, and the function of the CI protein in virus-infected cells is considered. Of the three morphologies of the CI bodies of PSbMV, only the pinwheels (bundles in longitudinal section) are associated with cellular components. The bundles are associated with both the plasmodesmata and the membrane of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER). The rER associated with Cls produces large numbers of smooth-surfaced vesicles. Some of the vesicles, particularly those associated with the arms of the pinwheels, have electron-dense contents. The associations suggests two functions for the CI protein. The first is the induction of vesicles analogous to the 2BC protein of picornaviruses. The 2BC protein of poliovirus (a picornavirus) is known to associate with rER which responds by producing large numbers of smooth vesicles. The vesicular membranes provide a matrix to which the replication complex of poliovirus is bound. The second function is in the cell-to-cell spread of the virus.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana-potyvirus system was developed to identify compatibility and incompatibility factors involved during infection and disease caused by positive-strand RNA viruses. Several Arabidopsis mutants with increased susceptibility to Tobacco etch potyvirus (TEV) were isolated previously, revealing a virus-specific resistance system in the phloem. In this study, Arabidopsis mutants with decreased susceptibility to Turnip mosaic potyvirus (TuMV) were isolated. Three independent mutants that conferred immunity to TuMV were isolated and assigned to the same complementation group. These mutants were also immune or near-immune to TEV but were susceptible to an unrelated virus. The locus associated with decreased susceptibility was named loss-of-susceptibility to potyviruses 1 (lsp1). The LSP1 locus was isolated by map-based cloning and was identified as the gene encoding translation factor eIF(iso)4E, one of several known Arabidopsis isoforms that has cap binding activity. eIF4E and eIF(iso)4E from different plant species were shown previously to interact with the genome-linked protein (VPg) of TEV and TuMV, respectively. Models to explain the roles of eIF(iso)4E during virus infection are presented.  相似文献   

Naturally existing variation in the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) homolog encoded at the pvr1 locus in Capsicum results in recessively inherited resistance against several potyviruses. Previously reported data indicate that the physical interaction between Capsicum-eIF4E and the viral genome-linked protein (VPg) is required for the viral infection in the Capsicum-Tobacco etch virus (TEV) pathosystem. In this study, the potential structural role(s) of natural variation in the eIF4E protein encoded by recessive resistance alleles and their biological consequences have been assessed. Using high-resolution three-dimensional structural models based on the available crystallographic structures of eIF4E, we show that the amino acid substitution G107R, found in many recessive plant virus resistance genes encoding eIF4E, is predicted to result in a substantial modification in the protein binding pocket. The G107R change was shown to not only be responsible for the interruption of VPg binding in planta but also for the loss of cap binding ability in vitro, the principal function of eIF4E in the host. Overexpression of the Capsicum-eIF4E protein containing the G107R amino acid substitution in Solanum lycopersicum indicated that this polymorphism alone is sufficient for the acquisition of resistance against several TEV strains.  相似文献   



The eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF4E plays a key role in plant-potyvirus interactions. eIF4E belongs to a small multigenic family and three genes, eIF4E1, eIF4E2 and eIF(iso)4E, have been identified in tomato. It has been demonstrated that eIF4E-mediated natural recessive resistances against potyviruses result from non-synonymous mutations in an eIF4E protein, which impair its direct interaction with the potyviral protein VPg. In tomato, the role of eIF4E proteins in potyvirus resistance is still unclear because natural or induced mutations in eIF4E1 confer only a narrow resistance spectrum against potyviruses. This contrasts with the broad spectrum resistance identified in the natural diversity of tomato. These results suggest that more than one eIF4E protein form is involved in the observed broad spectrum resistance.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To gain insight into the respective contribution of each eIF4E protein in tomato-potyvirus interactions, two tomato lines silenced for both eIF4E1 and eIF4E2 (RNAi-4E) and two lines silenced for eIF(iso)4E (RNAi-iso4E) were obtained and characterized. RNAi-4E lines are slightly impaired in their growth and fertility, whereas no obvious growth defects were observed in RNAi-iso4E lines. The F1 hybrid between RNAi-4E and RNAi-iso4E lines presented a pronounced semi-dwarf phenotype. Interestingly, the RNAi-4E lines silenced for both eIF4E1 and eIF4E2 showed broad spectrum resistance to potyviruses while the RNAi-iso4E lines were fully susceptible to potyviruses. Yeast two-hybrid interaction assays between the three eIF4E proteins and a set of viral VPgs identified two types of VPgs: those that interacted only with eIF4E1 and those that interacted with either eIF4E1 or with eIF4E2.


These experiments provide evidence for the involvement of both eIF4E1 and eIF4E2 in broad spectrum resistance of tomato against potyviruses and suggest a role for eIF4E2 in tomato-potyvirus interactions.  相似文献   

The eIF4E are a family of initiation factors that bind the mRNA 5′ cap, regulating the proteome and the cellular phenotype. eIF4E1 mediates global translation and its activity is controlled via the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway. mTOR down-regulation results in eIF4E1 sequestration into an inactive complex with the 4E binding proteins (4EBPs). The second member, eIF4E2, regulates the translatome during hypoxia. However, the exact function of the third member, eIF4E3, has remained elusive. We have dissected its function using a range of techniques. Starting from the observation that it does not interact with 4EBP1, we demonstrate that eIF4E3 recruitment into an eIF4F complex occurs when Torin1 inhibits the mTOR pathway. Ribo-seq studies demonstrate that this complex (eIF4FS) is translationally active during stress and that it selects specific mRNA populations based on 5′ TL (UTR) length. The interactome reveals that it associates with cellular proteins beyond the cognate initiation factors, suggesting that it may have ‘moon-lighting’ functions. Finally, we provide evidence that cellular metabolism is altered in an eIF4E3 KO background but only upon Torin1 treatment. We propose that eIF4E3 acts as a second branch of the integrated stress response, re-programming the translatome to promote ‘stress resistance’ and adaptation.  相似文献   

We show here that the pvr2 locus in pepper, conferring recessive resistance against strains of potato virus Y (PVY), corresponds to a eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) gene. RFLP analysis on the PVY-susceptible and resistant pepper cultivars, using an eIF4E cDNA from tobacco as probe, revealed perfect map co-segregation between a polymorphism in the eIF4E gene and the pvr2 alleles, pvr2(1) (resistant to PVY-0) and pvr2(2) (resistant to PVY-0 and 1). The cloned pepper eIF4E cDNA encoded a 228 amino acid polypeptide with 70-86% nucleotide sequence identity with other plant eIF4Es. The sequences of eIF4E protein from two PVY-susceptible cultivars were identical and differed from the eIF4E sequences of the two PVY-resistant cultivars Yolo Y (YY) (pvr2(1)) and FloridaVR2 (F) (pvr2(2)) at two amino acids, a mutation common to both resistant genotypes and a second mutation specific to each. Complementation experiments were used to show that the eIF4E gene corresponds to pvr2. Thus, potato virus X-mediated transient expression of eIF4E from susceptible cultivar Yolo Wonder (YW) in the resistant genotype YY resulted in loss of resistance to subsequent PVY-0 inoculation and transient expression of eIF4E from YY (resistant to PVY-0; susceptible to PVY-1) rendered genotype F susceptible to PVY-1. Several lines of evidence indicate that interaction between the potyvirus genome-linked protein (VPg) and eIF4E are important for virus infectivity, suggesting that the recessive resistance could be due to incompatibility between the VPg and eIF4E in the resistant genotype.  相似文献   

The viral component of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) determining virulence to the Brassica napus TuRB01 dominant resistance allele has been identified. Sequence comparisons of an infectious cDNA clone of the UK 1 isolate of TuMV (avirulent on TuRB01) and a spontaneous mutant capable of infecting plants possessing TuRB01 suggested that a single nucleotide change in the cylindrical inclusion (CI) protein coding region (gene) of the virus was responsible for the altered phenotype. A second spontaneous mutation involved a different change in the CI gene. The construction of chimeric genomes and subsequent inoculations to plant lines segregating for TuRB01 confirmed the involvement of the CI gene in this interaction. Site-directed mutagenesis of the viral coat protein (CP) gene at the ninth nucleotide was carried out to investigate its interaction with TuRB01. The identity of this nucleotide in the CP gene did not affect the outcome of the viral infection. Both mutations identified in the CI gene caused amino acid changes in the C terminal third of the protein, outside any of the conserved sequences reported to be associated with helicase or cell-to-cell transport activities. This is the first example of a potyvirus CI gene acting as a determinant for a genotype-specific resistance interaction.  相似文献   

M Piron  P Vende  J Cohen    D Poncet 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(19):5811-5821
Most eukaryotic mRNAs contain a 5'cap structure and a 3'poly(A) sequence that synergistically increase the efficiency of translation. Rotavirus mRNAs are capped, but lack poly(A) sequences. During rotavirus infection, the viral protein NSP3A is bound to the viral mRNAs 3' end. We looked for cellular proteins that could interact with NSP3A, using the two-hybrid system in yeast. Screening a CV1 cell cDNA library allowed us to isolate a partial cDNA of the human eukaryotic initiation factor 4GI (eIF4GI). The interaction of NSP3A with eIF4GI was confirmed in rotavirus infected cells by co-immunoprecipitation and in vitro with NSP3A produced in Escherichia coli. In addition, we show that the amount of poly(A) binding protein (PABP) present in eIF4F complexes decreases during rotavirus infection, even though eIF4A and eIF4E remain unaffected. PABP is removed from the eIF4F complex after incubation in vitro with the C-terminal part of NSP3A, but not with its N-terminal part produced in E.coli. These results show that a physical link between the 5' and the 3' ends of mRNA is necessary for the efficient translation of viral mRNAs and strongly support the closed loop model for the initiation of translation. These results also suggest that NSP3A, by taking the place of PABP on eIF4GI, is responsible for the shut-off of cellular protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) (the cap-binding protein) is involved in natural resistance against several potyviruses in plants. In lettuce, the recessive resistance genes mo11 and mo12 against Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) are alleles coding for forms of eIF4E unable, or less effective, to support virus accumulation. A recombinant LMV expressing the eIF4E of a susceptible lettuce variety from its genome was able to produce symptoms in mo11 or mo12 varieties. In order to identify the eIF4E amino acid residues necessary for viral infection, we constructed recombinant LMV expressing eIF4E with point mutations affecting various amino acids and compared the abilities of these eIF4E mutants to complement LMV infection in resistant plants. Three types of mutations were produced in order to affect different biochemical functions of eIF4E: cap binding, eIF4G binding, and putative interaction with other virus or host proteins. Several mutations severely reduced the ability of eIF4E to complement LMV accumulation in a resistant host and impeded essential eIF4E functions in yeast. However, the ability of eIF4E to bind a cap analogue or to fully interact with eIF4G appeared unlinked to LMV infection. In addition to providing a functional mutational map of a plant eIF4E, this suggests that the role of eIF4E in the LMV cycle might be distinct from its physiological function in cellular mRNA translation.  相似文献   

Previously we reported that the multifunctional cylindrical inclusion (CI) protein of turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) is targeted to endosomes through the interaction with the medium subunit of adaptor protein complex 2 (AP2β), which is essential for viral infection. Although several functionally important regions in the CI have been identified, little is known about the determinant(s) for endosomal trafficking. The CI protein contains seven conserved acidic dileucine motifs [(D/E)XXXL(L/I)] typical of endocytic sorting signals recognized by AP2β. Here, we selected five motifs for further study and identified that they all were located in the regions of CI interacting with AP2β. Coimmunoprecipitation assays revealed that alanine substitutions in the each of these acidic dileucine motifs decreased binding with AP2β. Moreover, these CI mutants also showed decreased accumulation of punctate bodies, which enter endocytic-tracking styryl-stained endosomes. The mutations were then introduced into a full-length infectious clone of TuMV, and each mutant had reduced viral replication and systemic infection. The data suggest that the acidic dileucine motifs in CI are indispensable for interacting with AP2β for efficient viral replication. This study provides new insights into the role of endocytic sorting motifs in the intracellular movement of viral proteins for replication.  相似文献   

《Seminars in Virology》1993,4(6):349-356
The resistance of transgenic plants express genes encoding viral coat proteins to infection by the viruses from which the genes are derived was termed coat protein-mediated resistance (CP-MR) and has been demonstrated for a variety of virus/host combinations. The mechanism of CP-MR is perhaps best understood in the tobacco/TMV system. CP-MR against TMV requires accumulation of CP and does not seem to involve the induction of plant defense mechanisms. The resistance appears to be mainly based on the inhibition of virion disassembly in transgenic cells although there is evidence that a later step of infection is also affected. CP-MR of tobacco to TMV shares some features with classical cross-protection and with CP-MR in some, but not all other host/virus combinations.  相似文献   

The protein–protein interaction between VPg (viral protein genome‐linked) of potyviruses and eIF4E (eukaryotic initiation factor 4E) or eIF(iso)4E of their host plants is a critical step in determining viral virulence. In this study, we evaluated the approach of engineering broad‐spectrum resistance in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa) to Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV), which is one of the most important potyviruses, by a systematic knowledge‐based approach to interrupt the interaction between TuMV VPg and B. rapa eIF(iso)4E. The seven amino acids in the cap‐binding pocket of eIF(iso)4E were selected on the basis of other previous results and comparison of protein models of cap‐binding pockets, and mutated. Yeast two‐hybrid assay and co‐immunoprecipitation analysis demonstrated that W95L, K150L and W95L/K150E amino acid mutations of B. rapa eIF(iso)4E interrupted its interaction with TuMV VPg. All eIF(iso)4E mutants were able to complement an eIF4E‐knockout yeast strain, indicating that the mutated eIF(iso)4E proteins retained their function as a translational initiation factor. To determine whether these mutations could confer resistance, eIF(iso)4E W95L, W95L/K150E and eIF(iso)4E wild‐type were over‐expressed in a susceptible Chinese cabbage cultivar. Evaluation of the TuMV resistance of T1 and T2 transformants demonstrated that the over‐expression of the eIF(iso)4E mutant forms can confer resistance to multiple TuMV strains. These data demonstrate the utility of knowledge‐based approaches for the engineering of broad‐spectrum resistance in Chinese cabbage.  相似文献   

The plum pox potyvirus (PPV) cylindrical inclusion (CI) protein fused to the maltose binding protein (MBP) has been synthesized in Escherichia coli and purified by affinity chromatography in amylose resin. In the absence of any other viral factors, the fusion product had NTPase, RNA binding and RNA helicase activities. These in vitro activities were not affected by removal of the last 103 amino acids of the CI protein. However, other deletions in the C-terminal part of the protein, although leaving intact all the region conserved in RNA helicases, drastically impaired the ability to unwind dsRNA and to hydrolyze NTPs. A mutant protein lacking the last 225 residues retained the competence to interact with RNA. Further deletions mapped boundaries of the RNA binding domain within residues 350 and 402 of the PPV CI protein. This region includes the arginine-rich motif VI, the most carboxy terminal conserved domain of RNA helicases of the superfamily SF2. These results indicate that NTP hydrolysis is not an essential component for RNA binding of the PPV CI protein.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), a fundamental effector and rate limiting element of protein synthesis, binds the 7-methylguanosine cap at the 5′ end of eukaryotic messenger RNA (mRNA) specifically as a constituent of eIF4F translation initiation complex thus facilitating the recruitment of mRNA to the ribosomes. This review focusses on the engagement of signals contributing to growth factor originated maxim and their role in the activation of eIF4E to achieve a collective influence on cellular growth, with a key focus on conjuring vital processes like protein synthesis. The review invites considerable interest in elevating the appeal of eIF4E beyond its role in regulating translation viz a viz cancer genesis, attributed to its phosphorylation state that improves the prospect for the growth of the cancerous cell. This review highlights the latest studies that have envisioned to target these pathways and ultimately the translational machinery for therapeutic intervention. The review also brings forward the prospect of eIF4E to act as a converging juncture for signaling pathways like mTOR/PI3K and Mnk/MAPK to promote tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

The interaction between turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) viral protein linked to the genome (VPg) and Arabidopsis thaliana eukaryotic initiation factor (iso)4E (eIF(iso)4E) was investigated to address the influence of potyviral VPg on host cellular translational initiation. Affinity chromatographic analysis showed that the region comprising amino acids 62-70 of VPg is important for the interaction with eIF(iso)4E. In vitro translation analysis showed that the addition of VPg significantly inhibited translation of capped RNA in eIF(iso)4E-reconstituted wheat germ extract. This result indicates that VPg inhibits cap-dependent translational initiation via binding to eIF(iso)4E. The inhibition by VPg of in vitro translation of RNA with wheat germ extract did not depend on RNase activity. Our present results may indicate that excess VPg produced at the encapsidation stage shuts off cap-dependent translational initiation in host cells by inhibiting complex formation between eIF(iso)4E and cellular mRNAs.  相似文献   



Pea encodes eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF4E (eIF4ES), which supports the multiplication of Pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV). In common with hosts for other potyviruses, some pea lines contain a recessive allele (sbm1) encoding a mutant eIF4E (eIF4ER) that fails to interact functionally with the PSbMV avirulence protein, VPg, giving genetic resistance to infection.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To study structure-function relationships between pea eIF4E and PSbMV VPg, we obtained an X-ray structure for eIF4ES bound to m7GTP. The crystallographic asymmetric unit contained eight independent copies of the protein, providing insights into the structurally conserved and flexible regions of eIF4E. To assess indirectly the importance of key residues in binding to VPg and/or m7GTP, an extensive range of point mutants in eIF4E was tested for their ability to complement PSbMV multiplication in resistant pea tissues and for complementation of protein translation, and hence growth, in an eIF4E-defective yeast strain conditionally dependent upon ectopic expression of eIF4E. The mutants also dissected individual contributions from polymorphisms present in eIF4ER and compared the impact of individual residues altered in orthologous resistance alleles from other crop species. The data showed that essential resistance determinants in eIF4E differed for different viruses although the critical region involved (possibly in VPg-binding) was conserved and partially overlapped with the m7GTP-binding region. This overlap resulted in coupled inhibition of virus multiplication and translation in the majority of cases, although the existence of a few mutants that uncoupled the two processes supported the view that the specific role of eIF4E in potyvirus infection may not be restricted to translation.


The work describes the most extensive structural analysis of eIF4E in relation to potyvirus resistance. In addition to defining functional domains within the eIF4E structure, we identified eIF4E alleles with the potential to convey novel virus resistance phenotypes.  相似文献   

T Ohlmann  M Rau  V M Pain    S J Morley 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(6):1371-1382
The foot and mouth disease virus, a picornavirus, encodes two forms of a cysteine proteinase (leader or L protease) that bisects the EIF4G polypeptide of the initiation factor complex eIF4F into N-terminal (Nt) and C-terminal (Ct) domains. Previously we showed that, although in vitro cleavage of the translation initiation factor, eIF4G, with L protease decreases cap-dependent translation, the cleavage products themselves may directly promote cap-dependent protein synthesis. We now demonstrate that translation of uncapped mRNAs normally exhibits a strong requirement for eIF4F. However, this dependence is abolished when eIF4G is cleaved, with the Ct domain capable of supporting translation in the absence of the Nt domain. In contrast, the efficient translation of the second cistron of bicistronic mRNAs, directed by two distinct Internal Ribosome Entry Segments (IRES), exhibits no requirement for eIF4E but is dependent upon either intact eIF4G or the Ct domain. These results demonstrate that: (i) the apparent requirement for eIF4F for internal initiation on IRES-driven mRNAs can be fulfilled by the Ct proteolytic cleavage product; (ii) when eIF4G is cleaved, the Ct domain can also support cap-independent translation of cellular mRNAs not possessing an IRES element, in the absence of eIF4E; and (iii) when eIF4G is intact, translation of cellular mRNAs, whether capped or uncapped, is strictly dependent upon eIF4E. These data complement recent work in other laboratories defining the binding sites for other initiation factors on the eIF4G molecule.  相似文献   

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