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Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are important for the development and functioning of a wide variety of tissues and organ systems. Their ability to induce bone formation has been harnessed for clinical application. Specifically, local application of BMPs into fractures and fusions has shown some efficacy in inducing bone formation. However, clinical success has not been as robust as might be expected from the results obtained using animal models. This difference may be due to a number of mechanisms regulating BMP activity in vivo. One class of major regulators is the extracellular antagonist (e.g. Noggin, Gremlin, DAN), the dysfunction of which has been shown to result in ectopic bone formation in animal models and human disease. We hypothesize that local application of BMPs at high concentrations induces increased production of BMP antagonists, thereby limiting BMP activity and clinical efficacy. Therapies blocking the function of BMP antagonists should therefore result in enhanced BMP activity and increased bone formation. Furthermore, titrated systemic regulation of BMP antagonist may potentially reverse osteoporosis. Our collective experience with the clinical use of BMP illustrates the importance of understanding mechanisms of endogenous antagonism and regulation in the exogenous application of a protein as a therapeutic.  相似文献   

Smad ubiquitin regulatory factor (Smurf) 1 binds to receptor-regulated Smads for bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) Smad1/5 and promotes their degradation. In addition, Smurf1 associates with transforming growth factor-beta type I receptor through the inhibitory Smad (I-Smad) Smad7 and induces their degradation. Herein, we examined whether Smurf1 negatively regulates BMP signaling together with the I-Smads Smad6/7. Smurf1 and Smad6 cooperatively induced secondary axes in Xenopus embryos. Using a BMP-responsive promoter-reporter construct in mammalian cells, we found that Smurf1 cooperated with I-Smad in inhibiting BMP signaling and that the inhibitory activity of Smurf1 was not necessarily correlated with its ability to bind to Smad1/5 directly. Smurf1 bound to BMP type I receptors via I-Smads and induced ubiquitination and degradation of these receptors. Moreover, Smurf1 associated with Smad1/5 indirectly through I-Smads and induced their ubiquitination and degradation. Smurf1 thus controls BMP signaling with and without I-Smads through multiple mechanisms.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are expressed broadly and regulate a diverse array of developmental events in vivo. Essential to many of these functions is the establishment of activity gradients of BMP, which provide positional information that influences cell fates. Secreted polypeptides, such as Noggin, bind BMPs and inhibit their function by preventing interaction with receptors on the cell surface. These BMP antagonists are assumed to be diffusible and therefore potentially important in the establishment of BMP activity gradients in vivo. Nothing is known, however, about the potential interactions between Noggin and components of the cell surface or extracellular matrix that might limit its diffusion. We have found that Noggin binds strongly to heparin in vitro, and to heparan sulfate proteoglycans on the surface of cultured cells. Noggin is detected only on the surface of cells that express heparan sulfate, can be specifically displaced from cells by heparin, and can be directly cross-linked to a cell surface proteoglycan in culture. Heparan sulfate-bound Noggin remains functional and can bind BMP4 at the plasma membrane. A Noggin mutant with a deletion in a putative heparin binding domain has reduced binding to heparin and does not bind to the cell surface but has preserved BMP binding and antagonist functions. Our results imply that interactions between Noggin and heparan sulfate proteoglycans in vivo regulate diffusion and therefore the formation of gradients of BMP activity.  相似文献   

In Xenopus and zebrafish, BMP2, 4 and 7 have been implicated, after the onset of zygotic expression, in inducing and maintaining ventro-lateral cell fate during early development. We provide evidence here that a maternally expressed bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), Radar, may control early ventral specification in zebrafish. We show that Radar ventralizes zebrafish embryos and induces the early expression of bmp2b and bmp4. The analysis of Radar overexpression in both swirl/bmp2b mutants and embryos expressing truncated BMP receptors shows that Radar-induced ventralization is dependent on functional BMP2/4 pathways, and may initially rely on an Alk6-related signaling pathway. Finally, we show that while radar-injected swirl embryos still exhibit a strongly dorsalized phenotype, the overexpression of Radar into swirl/bmp2b mutant embryos restores ventral marker expression, including bmp4 expression. Our results suggest that a complex regulation of different BMP pathways controls dorso-ventral (DV) patterning from early cleavage stages until somitogenesis.  相似文献   

We have reported previously that Noggin is a heparin-binding protein and associates with the cell surface through heparan sulfate proteoglycans, where it remains functional for the binding of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). Here we report that the binding of Noggin to the cell surface is highly selective for heparan sulfate and that specific structural features are required for the interaction. Noggin binds most efficiently to heparin sequences composed of 10 or more monosaccharides; N-, 6-O-, and 2-O-sulfates contribute to this interaction. In addition, we have shown that the developmentally regulated endosulfatase Qsulf1 selectively removes sulfate groups from the 6-O position of sugars within the most highly sulfated S domains of heparan sulfate, whereas 6-O-sulfates in the NA/NS domains are not substrates for the enzyme. The activity of Qsulf1 in cells in culture results in the release of Noggin from the cell surface and a restoration of BMP responsiveness to the cells. This shows that Noggin binds to the S domains of heparan sulfate and provides evidence that, in addition to modulating Wnt signaling in vivo by the release of heparan sulfate bound Wnt, Qsulf1 also modulates BMP signaling by the release of surface-bound Noggin.  相似文献   

TGF-beta family proteins with a cystine knot motif serve as ligands for diverse families of plasma membrane receptors. Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) antagonists represent a subgroup of these proteins, some of which bind BMPs and antagonize their actions during development and morphogenesis. Availability of completed genome sequences from diverse organisms allows bioinformatic analysis of the evolution of BMP antagonists and facilitates their classification. Using a regular expression algorithm (http://BioRegEx.stanford.edu), an exhaustive search of the human genome identified all cystine knot-containing BMP antagonists. Based on the size of the cystine ring, these proteins were divided into three subfamilies: CAN (eight-membered ring), twisted gastrulation (nine-membered ring), as well as chordin and noggin (10-membered ring). The CAN family can be divided further into four subgroups based on a conserved arrangement of additional cysteine residues-gremlin and PRDC, cerberus and coco, and DAN, together with USAG-1 and sclerostin. We searched for orthologs of human BMP antagonists in the genomes of model organisms and analyzed their phylogenetic relationship. New human paralogs were identified together with the verification of orthologous relationships of known genes. We also discuss the physiological roles of the CAN subfamily of BMP antagonists and the associated genetic defects. Based on the known three-dimensional structure of key cystine knot proteins, we postulated disulfide bondings for eight-membered ring BMP antagonists to predict their potential folding and dimerization.  相似文献   

DRAGON, a bone morphogenetic protein co-receptor   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are members of the transforming growth factor (TGF)beta superfamily of ligands that regulate many crucial aspects of embryonic development and organogenesis. Unlike other TGFbeta ligands, co-receptors for BMP ligands have not been described. Here we show that DRAGON, a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored member of the repulsive guidance molecule family, which is expressed early in the developing nervous system, enhances BMP but not TGFbeta signaling. DRAGON binds directly to BMP2 and BMP4 but not to BMP7 or other TGFbeta ligands. The enhancing action of DRAGON on BMP signaling is also reduced by administration of Noggin, a soluble BMP antagonist, indicating that the action of DRAGON is ligand-dependent. DRAGON associates directly with BMP type I (ALK2, ALK3, and ALK6) and type II (ActRII and ActRIIB) receptors, and its signaling is reduced by dominant negative Smad1 and ALK3 or -6 receptors. In the Xenopus embryo, DRAGON both reduces the threshold of the ability of Smad1 to induce mesodermal and endodermal markers and alters neuronal and neural crest patterning. The direct interaction of DRAGON with BMP ligands and receptors indicates that it is a BMP co-receptor that potentiates BMP signaling.  相似文献   

The inhibitory Smads, Smad6 and Smad7, play pivotal roles in negative regulation of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) family signaling as feedback molecules as well as mediators of cross-talk with other signaling pathways. Whereas Smad7 acts as a ubiquitous inhibitor of Smad signaling, Smad6 has been shown to effectively inhibit bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling but only weakly TGF-beta/activin signaling. In the present study, we have found that Smad6 inhibits signaling from the activin receptor-like kinase (ALK)-3/6 subgroup in preference to that from the ALK-1/2 subgroup of BMP type I receptors. The difference is attributable to the interaction of Smad6 with these BMP type I receptors. The amino acid residues responsible for Smad6 sensitivity of ALK-3 were identified as Arg-238, Phe-264, Thr-265, and Ala-269, which map to the N-terminal lobe of the ALK-3 kinase domain. Although Smad6 regulates BMP signaling through multiple mechanisms, our findings suggest that interaction with type I receptors is a critical step in the function of Smad6.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) constitute a sub-group of the large transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) family. They play important roles in the embryonic development of multiple structures and in adult bone modeling. We have recently isolated a novel member of the BMP family from placenta, termed PLAB. PLAB is expressed highly in placenta, but can be found upon stringent analysis in low levels in most other tissues. At the amino acid level, PLAB is most closely related to BMP-8/OP-2, another member of the BMP family. Like TGF-β, PLAB inhibits the proliferation of primitive hematopoietic progenitors. The high expression of PLAB by placenta raises the possibility that it may be a mediator of placental control of embryonic development.  相似文献   

Functional interactions between cancer cells and the bone microenvironment contribute to the development of bone metastasis. Although the bone metastasis of prostate cancer is characterized by increased ossification, the molecular mechanisms involved in this process are not fully understood. Here, the roles of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) in the interactions between prostate cancer cells and bone stromal cells were investigated. In human prostate cancer LNCaP cells, BMP-4 induced the production of Sonic hedgehog (SHH) through a Smad-dependent pathway. In mouse stromal MC3T3-E1 cells, SHH up-regulated the expression of activin receptor IIB (ActR-IIB) and Smad1, which in turn enhanced BMP-responsive reporter activities in these cells. The combined stimulation with BMP-4 and SHH of MC3T3-E1 cells cooperatively induced the expression of osteoblastic markers, including alkaline phosphatase, bone sialoprotein, collagen type II α1, and osteocalcin. When MC3T3-E1 cells and LNCaP cells were co-cultured, the osteoblastic differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells, which was induced by BMP-4, was accelerated by SHH from LNCaP cells. Furthermore, LNCaP cells and BMP-4 cooperatively induced the production of growth factors, including fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-2 and epidermal growth factor (EGF) in MC3T3-E1 cells, and these may promote the proliferation of LNCaP cells. Taken together, our findings suggest that BMPs provide favorable circumstances for the survival of prostate cancer cells and the differentiation of bone stromal cells in the bone microenvironment, possibly leading to the osteoblastic metastasis of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are multifunctional growth factors and play crucial roles during embryonic development, skeletal development, and cell fate determination. Their signals are transduced from cell membrane to the nucleus through intracellular signaling mediators. At present, different signaling pathways have been identified, and elaborate of network of regulators involved in the signaling control. The aim of the present review is to describe the recent understanding of BMPs signaling with emphasis on the regulation of its signal transduction at extracellular level, intracellular level, Smad-interacting factors in the nucleus, and Smad-independent signaling pathways, respectively.  相似文献   

The bone morphogenetic protein family and osteogenesis.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
The BMPs (bone morphogenetic proteins) are a group of related proteins originally identified by their presence in bone-inductive extracts of demineralized bone. By molecular cloning, at least six related members of this family have been identified and are called BMP-2 through BMP-7. These molecules are part of the TGF-beta superfamily, based on primary amino acid sequence homology, including the absolute conservation of seven cysteine residues between the TGF-betas and the BMPs. The BMPs can be divided into subgroups with BMP-2 and BMP-4 being 92% identical, and BMP-5, BMP-6, and BMP-7 being an average of about 90% identical. To examine the individual activities of these molecules, we are producing each BMP in a mammalian expression system. In this system, each BMP is synthesized as a precursor peptide, which is glycosylated, processed to the mature peptide, and secreted as a homodimer. These reagents have been used to demonstrate that single molecules, such as BMP-2, are capable of inducing the formation of new cartilage and bone when implanted ectopically in a rodent assay system. Whether each of the BMPs possesses the same inductive activities in an animal is the subject of ongoing research. Based on the chondrogenic and osteogenic abilities of the BMPs in the adult animal, the expression of the mRNAs for the BMPs has been examined in the development of the embryonic skeleton by in situ hybridization. These studies demonstrate that the BMP mRNAs are spatially and temporally expressed appropriately for the proteins involved in the induction and development of cartilage and bone in the embryonic limb bud.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

介绍了骨骼形态发生蛋白的结构和生物学功能;骨骼形态发生蛋白受体的种类、结构、信号传递机制、生物学功能;骨骼形态发生蛋白15基因和骨骼形态发生蛋白受体IB基因与繁殖性能的关系。  相似文献   

Signal transduction of bone morphogenetic protein receptors   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) play a crucial role during all stages of embryonic development. Although only two major signaling pathways have been characterized (the p38 and Smad pathways), the BMP signaling is complex and includes several negative feedback mechanisms. This article reviews the current state of BMP receptor signaling and provides a summary of the crosstalk of the BMP receptor pathway with other major signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Matrix GLA protein, a regulatory protein for bone morphogenetic protein-2.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Matrix GLA protein (MGP) has been identified as a calcification inhibitor in cartilage and vasculature. Part of this effect may be attributed to its influence on osteoinductive activity of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2). To detect binding between MGP and BMP-2, we performed immunoprecipitation using MGP and BMP-2 tagged with FLAG and c-Myc. The results showed co-precipitation of BMP-2 with MGP. To quantify the effect of MGP on BMP-2 activity, we assayed for alkaline phosphatase activity and showed a dose-dependent effect. Low levels of MGP relative to BMP-2 (<1-fold excess) resulted in mild enhancement of osteoinduction, whereas intermediate levels (1-15-fold excess) resulted in strong inhibition. High levels of MGP (>15-fold excess), however, resulted in pronounced enhancement of the osteoinductive effect of BMP-2. Cross-linking studies showed that inhibitory levels of MGP abolished BMP-2 receptor binding. Immunoblotting showed a corresponding decrease in activation of Smad1, part of the BMP signaling system. Enhancing levels of MGP resulted in increased Smad1 activation. To determine the cellular localization of BMP-2 in the presence of MGP, binding assays were performed on whole cells and cell-synthesized matrix. Inhibitory levels of MGP yielded increased matrix binding of BMP-2, suggesting that MGP inhibits BMP-2 in part via matrix association. These results suggest that MGP is a BMP-2 regulatory protein.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) was extracted from the bovine bone matrix and purified by liquid chromatography. The molecular weight of the BMP was 18 kDa by SDS-PAGE, and its pI value was 4.9. Amino acid analysis suggested that the BMP is a polypeptide containing 163 amino acids. In the present study, telopeptide-free type I collagen was used as a carrier of BMP.  相似文献   

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