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The NH2 terminus of the yeast F1-ATPase beta subunit precursor directs the import of this protein into mitochondria. To define the functionally important components of this import signal, oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis was used to introduce a series of deletion and missense mutations into the gene encoding the F1-beta subunit precursor. Among these mutations were three nonoverlapping deletions, two within the 19-amino-acid presequence (delta 5-12 and delta 16-19) and one within the mature protein (delta 28-34). Characterization of the mitochondrial import properties of various mutant F1-beta subunit proteins containing different combinations of these deletions showed that import was blocked only when all three deletions were combined. Mutant proteins containing all possible single and pairwise combinations of these deletions were found to retain the ability to direct mitochondrial import of the F1-beta subunit. These data suggest that the F1-beta subunit contains redundant import information at its NH2 terminus. In fact, we found that deletion of the entire F1-beta subunit presequence did not prevent import, indicating that a functional mitochondrial import signal is present near the NH2 terminus of the mature protein. Furthermore, by analyzing mitochondrial import of the various mutant proteins in [rho-] yeast, we obtained evidence that different segments of the F1-beta subunit import signal may act in an additive or cooperative manner to optimize the import properties of this protein.  相似文献   

The import motor of the mitochondrial (mt)TIM23 complex drives translocation of presequence-containing preproteins across the mitochondrial inner membrane in an ATP-dependent manner. Tim44 is the central component of the motor. It recruits mtHsp70, which binds the incoming preproteins. The J protein Tim14 stimulates the ATPase activity of mtHsp70 and thereby enables efficient binding of mtHsp70 to preproteins. Tim16 is a J-like protein that forms a stable subcomplex with Tim14 and recruits it to the translocase. All subunits of the TIM23 translocase but one are essential for yeast cell viability. Yeast cells contain a close homologue of Tim14, Mdj2. In contrast to Tim14, its deletion leads to no obvious growth defect. In the present study we analyzed Mdj2 and compared it with Tim14. Mdj2 forms a complex with Tim16 and is recruited to the TIM23 translocase. It stimulates the ATPase activity of mtHsp70 to the same extent that Tim14 does. Mdj2 is expressed at a lower level compared with Tim14, and its complex with Tim16 is less stable. However, overexpressed Mdj2 fully restores the growth of cells lacking Tim14. We conclude that Mdj2 is a functional J protein and a component of the mitochondrial import motor.  相似文献   

Functional analysis of mitochondrial protein import in yeast   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In order to facilitate studies on protein localization to and sorting within yeast mitochondria, we have designed an experimental system that utilizes a new vector and a functional assay. The vector, which we call an LPS plasmid (for leader peptide substitution), employs a yeast COX5a gene (the structural gene for subunit Va of the inner membrane protein complex cytochrome c oxidase) as a convenient reporter for correct mitochondrial localization. Using in vitro mutagenesis, we have modified COX5a so that the DNA sequences encoding the wild-type subunit Va leader peptide can be precisely deleted and replaced with a given test sequence. The substituted leader peptide can then be analyzed for its ability to direct subunit Va to the inner mitochondrial membrane (to target and sort) by complementation or other in vivo assays. In this study we have tested the ability of several heterologous sequences to function in this system. The results of these experiments indicate that a functional leader peptide is required to target subunit Va to mitochondria. In addition, leader peptides, or portions thereof, derived from proteins located in other mitochondrial compartments can also be used to properly localize this polypeptide. The results presented here also indicate that the information necessary to sort subunit Va to the inner mitochondrial membrane does not reside in the leader peptide but rather in the mature subunit Va sequence.  相似文献   

L Ramage  T Junne  K Hahne  T Lithgow    G Schatz 《The EMBO journal》1993,12(11):4115-4123
We have identified a 20 kDa yeast mitochondrial outer membrane protein (termed MAS20) which appears to function as a protein import receptor. We cloned, sequenced and physically mapped the MAS20 gene and found that the protein is homologous to the MOM19 import receptor from Neurospora crassa. MAS20 and MOM19 contain the sequence motif F-X-K-A-L-X-V/L, which is repeated several times with minor variations in the MAS70/MOM72 receptors. To determine how MAS20 functions together with the previously identified yeast receptor MAS70, we constructed yeast mutants lacking either one or both of the receptors. Deletion of either receptor alone had little or no effect on fermentative growth and only partially inhibited mitochondrial protein import in vivo. Deletion of both receptors was lethal. Deleting only MAS70 did not affect respiration; deleting only MAS20 caused loss of respiration, but respiration could be restored by overexpressing MAS70. Import of the F1-ATPase beta-subunit into isolated mitochondria was only partly inhibited by IgGs against either MAS20 or MAS70, but both IgGs inhibited import completely. We conclude that the two receptors have overlapping specificities for mitochondrial precursor proteins and that neither receptor is by itself essential.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial protein import motor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Strub A  Lim JH  Pfanner N  Voos W 《Biological chemistry》2000,381(9-10):943-949
Mitochondrial proteins are synthesized as precursor proteins in the cytosol and are posttranslationally imported into the organelle. A complex system of translocation machineries recognizes and transports the precursor polypeptide across the mitochondrial membranes. Energy for the translocation process is mainly supplied by the mitochondrial membrane potential (deltapsi) and the hydrolysis of ATP. Mitochondrial Hsp70 (mtHsp70) has been identified as the major ATPase driving the membrane transport of the precursor polypeptides into the mitochondrial matrix. Together with the partner proteins Tim44 and Mge1, mtHsp70 forms an import motor complex interacting with the incoming preproteins at the inner face of the inner membrane. This import motor complex drives the movement of the polypeptides in the translocation channel and the unfolding of carboxy-terminal parts of the preproteins on the outside of the outer membrane. Two models of the molecular mechanism of mtHsp70 during polypeptide translocation are discussed. In the 'trapping' model, precursor movement is generated by Brownian movement of the polypeptide chain in the translocation pore. This random movement is made vectorial by the interaction with mtHsp70 in the matrix. The detailed characterization of conditional mutants of the import motor complex provides the basis for an extended model. In this 'pulling' model, the attachment of mtHsp70 at the inner membrane via Tim44 and a conformational change induced by ATP results in the generation of an inward-directed force on the bound precursor polypeptide. This active role of the import motor complex is necessary for the translocation of proteins containing tightly folded domains. We suggest that both mechanisms complement each other to reach a high efficiency of preprotein import.  相似文献   

An internal deletion in the presequence of the precursor to yeast cytochrome oxidase subunit IV blocks import of the protein into mitochondria. We have identified two mechanisms by which yeast cells can suppress the defect of the plasmid-borne defective gene. One mechanism creates a new functional presequence by point mutations, or local DNA rearrangements, within the open reading frame or its 5'-untranslated region. The second mechanism compensates for the defective presequence by recessive mutations in single nuclear genes. The plasmid-linked mutations may mimic the mechanism(s) by which mitochondrial presequences arose during evolution whereas the chromosomal mutations may help to identify components of the mitochondrial import machinery.  相似文献   

We have previously proposed that a single translation product of the FUM1 gene encoding fumarase is distributed between the cytosol and mitochondria of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and that all fumarase translation products are targeted and processed in mitochondria before distribution. Thus, fumarase processed in mitochondria returns to the cytosol. In the current work, we (i) generated mutations throughout the coding sequence which resulted in fumarases with altered conformations that are targeted to mitochondria but have lost their ability to be distributed; (ii) showed by mass spectrometry that mature cytosolic and mitochondrial fumarase isoenzymes are identical; and (iii) showed that hsp70 chaperones in the cytosol (Ssa) and mitochondria (Ssc1) can affect fumarase distribution. The results are discussed in light of our model of targeting and distribution, which suggests that rapid folding of fumarase into an import-incompetent state provides the driving force for retrograde movement of the processed protein back to the cytosol through the translocation pore.  相似文献   

A major 70 kDa protein of the yeast mitochondrial outer membrane is coded by a nuclear gene, synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes, and transported to the mitochondrial outer membrane. In order to investigate in detail the information necessary for localizing the 70 kDa protein at the outer membrane, we have examined the intracellular and intramitochondrial location of fusion proteins which consist of various lengths of the amino-terminal region of the 70 kDa protein with an enzymatically active beta-galactosidase. The results indicate that the extreme amino-terminal 12 amino acids of the 70 kDa protein function as a targeting sequence, whereas the subsequent uncharged region (up to residue 29) is necessary for "stop-transfer" and "anchoring" functions. Moreover, we have found that a fusion protein which contained the amino-terminal 19 amino acids of the 70 kDa protein is localized on the outer membrane as well as in the matrix space. Changes in the dual localization of this fusion protein accompanied its overproduction or expression in a respiration-deficient yeast mutant.  相似文献   

The protein import machinery of the mitochondrial membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mitochondria are surrounded by two membranes that contain independent and non-related protein transport machineries. Remarkable progress was recently achieved in elucidating the structure of the outer membrane import channel and in the identification of new components involved in protein traffic across the intermembrane space and the inner membrane. Traditional concepts of protein targeting and sorting had to be revised. Here we briefly summarize the data on the mitochondrial protein import system with particular emphasis on new developments and perspectives.  相似文献   

Import of authentic or artificial precursor proteins into the matrix of isolated yeast mitochondria can proceed via a translocation intermediate that is lodged between the two mitochondrial membranes. The intermediate accumulates when import is arrested by depleting mitochondria of ATP. Generation of the intermediate requires a potential across the inner membrane. The intermediate is membrane-bound, partly or completely processed (depending on the precursor), and chased into the matrix by added ATP. This chase does not require a potential across the inner membrane. The properties of this intermediate support the proposal (Hwang, S., Jascur, J., Vestweber, D., Pon, L., and Schatz, G. (1989) J. Cell Biol. 109, 487-493) that import into the matrix involves two distinct translocation systems in the outer and the inner mitochondrial membrane that are not permanently coupled to each other. Only translocation across the inner membrane requires ATP in the matrix.  相似文献   

The ATP2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae codes for the cytoplasmically synthesized beta-subunit protein of the mitochondrial F1-ATPase. To define the amino acid sequence determinants necessary for the in vivo targeting and import of this protein into mitochondria, we have constructed gene fusions between the ATP2 gene and either the Escherichia coli lacZ gene or the S. cerevisiae SUC2 gene (which codes for invertase). The ATP2-lacZ and ATP2-SUC2 gene fusions code for hybrid proteins that are efficiently targeted to yeast mitochondria in vivo. The mitochondrially associated hybrid proteins fractionate with the inner mitochondrial membrane and are resistant to proteinase digestion in the isolated organelle. Results obtained with the gene fusions and with targeting-defective ATP2 deletion mutants provide evidence that the amino-terminal 27 amino acids of the beta-subunit protein precursor are sufficient to direct both specific sorting of this protein to yeast mitochondria and its import into the organelle. Also, we have observed that certain of the mitochondrially associated Atp2-LacZ and Atp2-Suc2 hybrid proteins confer a novel respiration-defective phenotype to yeast cells.  相似文献   

The ADP-ATP carrier (also referred to as the adenine nucleotide translocator) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is encoded by a nuclear gene, translated in the cytosol, and imported into the mitochondrial inner membrane. In order to study the determinants of mitochondrial import, a series of fusion proteins, consisting of the first 21, 72, and 111 amino acids of the ADP-ATP carrier, joined to mouse dihydrofolate reductase were generated. Dihydrofate reductase is a cytoslic protein that does not bind mitochondria. The reticulocyte lysate reaction containing the 35S-methionine-labeled protein was incubated with mitochondria in a buffer containing 3% BSA. Following incubation for import, the reactions were treated with 1 mM PMSF or 25 micrograms/ml proteinase K; mitochondria were reisolated and analyzed by gel electrophoresis. The 21 and 72 amino acid hybrid proteins showed a low level of binding to mitochondria: the bound form was entirely protease accessible. The 111 amino acid hybrid protein was imported to a protease-protected location within mitochondria. It is concluded that the first 72 amino acids of the ADP-ATP carrier do not suffice to import the protein into mitochondria and that the region between amino acids 72 and 111, a region that contains a transmembrane-spanning domain, constitutes at least part of the mitochondrial import signal.  相似文献   

A set of chimaeric precursors which contain the same leader sequences but different passenger proteins has been analyzed for the site of protease cleavage following import into yeast mitochondria. Each precursor comprises the leader of Neurospora crassa subunit 9 of mitochondrial ATP synthase fused to subunit 8 or 9 of the corresponding yeast enzyme. Precursors containing the first five residues of mature N. crassa subunit 9 interposed between the leader and the yeast passenger protein were cleaved at the natural site of the N. crassa subunit 9 precursor. Direct fusions without interposed sequences were cleaved at novel sites. Cleavage occurred between the 3rd and 4th residues of yeast subunit 8, but for yeast subunit 9, cleavage occurred within the leader, 8 residues upstream of the passenger protein.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,122(5):1003-1012
To identify new components that mediate mitochondrial protein import, we analyzed mas6, an import mutant in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. mas6 mutants are temperature sensitive for viability, and accumulate mitochondrial precursor proteins at the restrictive temperature. We show that mas6 does not correspond to any of the presently identified import mutants, and we find that mitochondria isolated from mas6 mutants are defective at an early stage of the mitochondrial protein import pathway. MAS6 encodes a 23-kD protein that contains several potential membrane spanning domains, and yeast strains disrupted for MAS6 are inviable at all temperatures and on all carbon sources. The Mas6 protein is located in the mitochondrial inner membrane and cannot be extracted from the membrane by alkali treatment. Antibodies to the Mas6 protein inhibit import into isolated mitochondria, but only when the outer membrane has been disrupted by osmotic shock. Mas6p therefore represents an essential import component located in the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

It has often been suggested that precursors to mitochondrial aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are likely carriers for mitochondrial import of tRNAs in those organisms where this process occurs. In plants, it has been shown that mutation of U(70) to C(70) in Arabidopsis thaliana tRNA(Ala)(UGC) blocks aminoacylation and also prevents import of the tRNA into mitochondria. This suggests that interaction of tRNA(Ala) with alanyl-tRNA synthetase (AlaRS) is necessary for import to occur. To test whether this interaction is sufficient to drive import, we co-expressed A. thaliana tRNA(Ala)(UGC) and the precursor to the A. thaliana mitochondrial AlaRS in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The A. thaliana enzyme and its cognate tRNA were correctly expressed in yeast in vivo. However, although the plant AlaRS was efficiently imported into mitochondria in the transformed strains, we found no evidence for import of the A. thaliana tRNA(Ala) nor of the endogenous cytosolic tRNA(Ala) isoacceptors. We conclude that at least one other factor besides the mitochondrial AlaRS precursor must be involved in mitochondrial import of tRNA(Ala) in plants.  相似文献   

Most mitochondrial proteins are transported from the cytosol into the organelle. Due to the division of mitochondria into an outer and inner membrane, an intermembrane space and a matrix, an elaborated system for recognition and transport of preproteins has evolved. The translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane (TOM) and the translocases of the inner mitochondrial membrane (TIM) mediate these processes. Receptor proteins on the cytosolic face of mitochondria recognize the cargo proteins and transfer them to the general import pore (GIP) of the outer membrane. Following the passage of preproteins through the outer membrane they are transported with the aid of the TIM23 complex into either the matrix, inner membrane, or intermembrane space. Some preprotein families utilize the TIM22 complex for their insertion into the inner membrane. The identification of protein components, which are involved in these transport processes, as well as significant insights into the molecular function of some of them, has been achieved in recent years. Moreover, we are now approaching a new era in which elaborated techniques have already allowed and will enable us to gather information about the TOM and TIM complexes on an ultrastructural level.  相似文献   

We have studied the import of the precursor to yeast cytochrome c oxidase subunit Va, a protein of the mitochondrial inner membrane. Like the majority of mitochondrial precursor proteins studied thus far, import of presubunit Va was dependent upon both a membrane potential (delta psi) and the hydrolysis of ATP. However, the levels of ATP necessary for the import of presubunit Va were significantly lower than those required for the import of a different mitochondrial precursor protein, the beta subunit of the F1-ATPase. The rate of import of presubunit Va was found to be unaffected by temperature over the range 0 to 30 degrees C, and was not facilitated by prior denaturation of the protein. These results, in conjunction with those of an earlier study demonstrating that presubunit Va could be efficiently targeted to mitochondria with minimal presequences, suggest that the subunit Va precursor normally exists in a loosely folded conformation. Presubunit Va could also be imported into mitochondria that had been pretreated with high concentrations of trypsin or proteinase K (1 mg/ml and 200 micrograms/ml, respectively). Furthermore, the rate of import into trypsin-treated mitochondria, at both 0 and 30 degrees C, was identical to that observed with the untreated organelles. Thus, import of presubunit Va is not dependent upon the function of a protease-sensitive surface receptor. When taken together, the results of this study suggest that presubunit Va follows an unusual import pathway. While this pathway uses several well-established translocation steps, in its entirety it is distinct from either the receptor-independent pathway used by apocytochrome c, or the more general pathway used by a majority of mitochondrial precursor proteins.  相似文献   

The gene CYC2 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was previously shown to affect levels of mitochondrial cytochrome c by acting at a posttranslational step in cytochrome c biosynthesis. We report here the cloning and identification of the CYC2 gene product as a protein involved in import of cytochrome c into mitochondria. CYC2 encodes a 168-amino-acid open reading frame with at least two potential transmembrane segments. Antibodies against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the carboxyl terminus of the predicted sequence were raised. These antibodies recognize multiple bands on immunoblots of mitochondrial extracts. The intensities of these bands vary according to the gene dosage of CYC2 in various isogenic strains. Immunoblotting of subcellular fractions suggests that the CYC2 gene product is a mitochondrial protein. Deletion of CYC2 leads to accumulation of apocytochrome c in the cytoplasm. However, strains with deletions of this gene still import low levels of cytochrome c into mitochondria. The effects of cyc2 mutations are more pronounced in rho- strains than in rho+ strains, even though rho- strains that are CYC2+ contain normal levels of holocytochrome c. cyc2 mutations affect levels of iso-1-cytochrome c more than they do levels of iso-2-cytochrome c, apparently because of the greater susceptibility of apo-iso-1-cytochrome c to degradation in the cytoplasm. We propose that CYC2 encodes a factor that increases the efficiency of cytochrome c import into mitochondria.  相似文献   

The nuclear mas5 mutation causes temperature-sensitive growth and defects in mitochondrial protein import at the nonpermissive temperature in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The MAS5 gene was isolated by complementation of the mutant phenotypes, and integrative transformation demonstrated that the complementing fragment encoded the authentic MAS5 gene. The deduced protein sequence of the cloned gene revealed a polypeptide of 410 amino acids which is homologous to Escherichia coli DnaJ and the yeast DnaJ log SCJ1. Northern (RNA blot) analysis revealed that MAS5 is a heat shock gene whose expression increases moderately at elevated temperatures. Cells with a deletion mutation in MAS5 grew slowly at 23 degrees C and were inviable at 37 degrees C, demonstrating that MAS5 is essential for growth at increased temperatures. The deletion mutant also displayed a modest import defect at 23 degrees C and a substantial import defect at 37 degrees C. These results indicate a role for a DnaJ cognate protein in mitochondrial protein import.  相似文献   

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