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Chromosome condensation and sister chromatid pairing in budding yeast   总被引:30,自引:9,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
We have developed a fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) method to examine the structure of both natural chromosomes and small artificial chromosomes during the mitotic cycle of budding yeast. Our results suggest that the pairing of sister chromatids: (a) occurs near the centromere and at multiple places along the chromosome arm as has been observed in other eukaryotic cells; (b) is maintained in the absence of catenation between sister DNA molecules; and (c) is independent of large blocks of repetitive DNA commonly associated with heterochromatin. Condensation of a unique region of chromosome XVI and the highly repetitive ribosomal DNA (rDNA) cluster from chromosome XII were also examined in budding yeast. Interphase chromosomes were condensed 80-fold relative to B form DNA, similar to what has been observed in other eukaryotes, suggesting that the structure of interphase chromosomes may be conserved among eukaryotes. While additional condensation of budding yeast chromosomes were observed during mitosis, the level of condensation was less than that observed for human mitotic chromosomes. At most stages of the cell cycle, both unique and repetitive sequences were either condensed or decondensed. However, in cells arrested in late mitosis (M) by a cdc15 mutation, the unique DNA appeared decondensed while the repetitive rDNA region appeared condensed, suggesting that the condensation state of separate regions of the genome may be regulated differently. The ability to monitor the pairing and condensation of sister chromatids in budding yeast should facilitate the molecular analysis of these processes as well as provide two new landmarks for evaluating the function of important cell cycle regulators like p34 kinases and cyclins. Finally our FISH method provides a new tool to analyze centromeres, telomeres, and gene expression in budding yeast.  相似文献   

Cells can achieve error-free repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by homologous recombination through gene conversion with or without crossover. In contrast, an alternative homology-dependent DSB repair pathway, single-strand annealing (SSA), results in deletions. In this study, we analyzed the effect of mRAD54, a gene involved in homologous recombination, on the repair of a site-specific I-SceI-induced DSB located in a repeated DNA sequence in the genome of mouse embryonic stem cells. We used six isogenic cell lines differing solely in the orientation of the repeats. The combination of the three recombination-test substrates used discriminated among SSA, intrachromatid gene conversion, and sister chromatid gene conversion. DSB repair was most efficient for the substrate that allowed recovery of SSA events. Gene conversion with crossover, indistinguishable from long tract gene conversion, preferentially involved the sister chromatid rather than the repeat on the same chromatid. Comparing DSB repair in mRAD54 wild-type and knockout cells revealed direct evidence for a role of mRAD54 in DSB repair. The substrate measuring SSA showed an increased efficiency of DSB repair in the absence of mRAD54. The substrate measuring sister chromatid gene conversion showed a decrease in gene conversion with and without crossover. Consistent with this observation, DNA damage-induced sister chromatid exchange was reduced in mRAD54-deficient cells. Our results suggest that mRAD54 promotes gene conversion with predominant use of the sister chromatid as the repair template at the expense of error-prone SSA.  相似文献   

Han F  Gao Z  Yu W  Birchler JA 《The Plant cell》2007,19(12):3853-3863
With the advent of engineered minichromosome technology in plants, an understanding of the properties of small chromosomes is desirable. Twenty-two minichromosomes of related origin but varying in size are described that provide a unique resource to study such behavior. Fourteen minichromosomes from this set could pair with each other in meiotic prophase at frequencies between 25 and 100%, but for the smaller chromosomes, the sister chromatids precociously separated in anaphase I. The other eight minichromosomes did not pair with themselves, and the sister chromatids divided equationally at meiosis I. In plants containing one minichromosome, the sister chromatids also separated at meiosis I. In anaphase II, the minichromosomes progressed to one pole or the other. The maize (Zea mays) Shugoshin protein, which has been hypothesized to protect centromere cohesion in meiosis I, is still present at anaphase I on minichromosomes that divide equationally. Also, there were no differences in the level of phosphorylation of Ser-10 of histone H3, a correlate of cohesion, in the minichromosomes in which sister chromatids separated during anaphase I compared with the normal chromosomes. These analyses suggest that meiotic centromeric cohesion is compromised in minichromosomes depending on their size and cannot be maintained by the mechanisms used by normal-sized chromosomes.  相似文献   

Recombinational DNA repair and sister chromatid exchanges   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We show that a recombinational repair mechanism for DNA lesions can be expected to produce exactly the types of exceptions to the usually observed semiconservative segregation of newly synthetized DNA that have been reported in the literature. This removes the obstacles their occurrence appearance to present to the interpretation that the eukaryote chromosome is mononeme, containing but a single DNA double helix prior to replication. We further note that such a recombinational repair system would generate single sister chromatid exchange (SCE) events but not twin SCE events. This, along with other factors, complicates the interpretation of single: twin ratios in terms of any particular model of eukaryote chromosome structure.  相似文献   

A significant portion of familial breast/ovarian cancer patients harbors a mutation in Breast Cancer Associated gene 1 (BRCA1). Cells deficient for BRCA1 exhibit chromosome aberrations such as whole chromosome duplications, translocations, inter-sister gaps and gene mis-regulation. Here, new evidence is reviewed that defects in sister chromatid cohesion may contribute directly to cancer cell phenotypes - especially those of BRCA1 mutant cells. Further linking cohesion to BRCA1-dependent tumorigenesis are reports that BRCA1-associated components (DNA helicase, RFC, PCNA and genome surveillance factors) are required for efficient sister chromatid cohesion. Other cohesion factors (WAPL, EFO2/ESCO2 and hSecurin) are tightly correlated with various cell-type specific carcinogenesis, in support of a generalized model for cohesion in cancer. Recent findings further reveal that a reciprocal relationship exists in that DNA damage induces new Ctf7/Eco1-dependent sister chromatid pairing reactions that, in turn, are required for efficient DNA repair. Future research into sister chromatid pairing mechanisms are likely to provide critical new insights into the underlying causes of cancer.  相似文献   

Inactive centromeres of stable dicentric chromosomes provide a unique opportunity to examine the resolution of sister chromatid cohesion in mitosis. Here we show for the first time that inactive centromeres are composed of heterochromatin, as defined by the presence of heterochromatin protein HP1(Hs alpha). We then show that both the inner centromere protein (INCENP) and its binding partner Aurora-B/AIM-1 kinase can also be detected at the inactive centromere. Thus, targeting of the chromosomal passengers is not dependent upon the presence of an active centromere/kinetochore. Furthermore, we show that the association of INCENP with the inactive centromere correlates strictly with the state of cohesion between sister chromatids: loss of cohesion is accompanied by loss of detectable INCENP. These results are consistent with recent suggestions that one function of the chromosomal passenger proteins may be to regulate sister chromatid separation in mitosis.  相似文献   

The chromosome arrangement in interphase nuclei is of growing interest, e.g., the spatial vicinity of homologous sequences is decisive for efficient repair of DNA damage by homologous recombination, and close alignment of sister chromatids is considered as a prerequisite for their bipolar orientation and subsequent segregation during nuclear division. To study the degree of homologous pairing and of sister chromatid alignment in plants, we applied fluorescent in situ hybridisation with specific bacterial artificial chromosome inserts to interphase nuclei. Previously we found in Arabidopsis thaliana and in A. lyrata positional homologous pairing at random, and, except for centromere regions, sister chromatids were frequently not aligned. To test whether these features are typical for higher plants or depend on genome size, chromosome organisation and/or phylogenetic affiliation, we investigated distinct individual loci in other species. The positional pairing of these loci was mainly random. The highest frequency of sister alignment (in >93% of homologues) was found for centromeres, some rDNA and a few other high copy loci. Apparently, somatic homologous pairing is not a typical feature of angiosperms, and sister chromatid aligment is not obligatory along chromosome arms. Thus, the high frequency of chromatid exchanges at homologous positions after mutagen treatment needs another explanation than regular somatic pairing of homologues (possibly an active search of damaged sites for homology). For sister chromatid exchanges a continuous sister chromatid alignment is not required. For correct segregation, permanent alignment of sister centromeres is sufficient.  相似文献   

As an adjunct to attempts to define functionally important sequences at human centromeres, we have undertaken a long-range physical analysis of these regions in the mouse. Mouse centromeres are usually situated very close to the chromosome ends and are closely associated with minor satellite sequences on the basis of cytological observations. Using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis we find that this satellite DNA is arranged as tandem arrays, predominantly uninterrupted by nonsatellite sequences. These arrays can be released largely intact by digestion with a range of enzymes that generally cleave frequently in non-satellite DNA. The restriction fragments carrying these arrays are polymorphic in size between inbred strains and provide direct markers for mouse centromeres. To illustrate the possible use of these polymorphic markers we have mapped a 1.3-Mb PvuII variant in a set of RI strains to the centromere of Chromosome 7. The minor satellite arrays are very close to the centromeric telomere and physical linkage with terminal repeat sequences can readily be detected, placing many minor satellite arrays on terminal restriction fragments smaller than 1 Mb. The apparent lack of any sizable amount of nonsatellite DNA between the minor satellite and the terminal repeat arrays indicates that many mouse chromosomes are truly telocentric.  相似文献   

Sister chromatid cores, kinetochores and the connecting strand between sister kinetochores were differentially silver stained to analyse the behaviour of these structures during meiosis in normal and two spontaneous desynaptic individuals of Chorthippus jucundus (Orthoptera). In these desynaptic individuals most of the chromosomes appear as univalents and orient equationally in the first meiotic division. Despite this abnormal segregation pattern, the changes in chromosome structure follow the same timing as in normal individuals and seem to be strictly phase dependent. Chromosomes in the first prometaphase have associated sister kinetochores and sister chromatid cores that lie in the chromosome midline; we propose that this promotes the initial monopolar orientation of chromosomes. However, the requirements of tension for stable attachment to the spindle force the autosomal univalents to acquire amphitelic orientation. Sister kinetochores behave in a chromosome orientation-dependent manner and, in the first metaphase, they appear to be interconnected by a strand that can be detected by silver impregnation, as seen in the second metaphase of wild-type individuals. The disappearance of the sister kinetochore-connecting strand, needed for equational chromatid segregation, however, can only take place in the second meiotic division. This connecting strand is ultimately responsible for the inability of chromosomes to segregate sister chromatids in the first anaphase. Received: 25 March 1997; in revised form: 14 July 1997 / Accepted: 22 August 1997  相似文献   

An in vivo system for differentially stained sister chromatids by incorporating 5' Bromo 2' deoxyuridine at two consecutive round of DNA replication has been developed in C. punctatus. The base line developed frequency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) was found to be 0.038 SCE/chromosome. This low baseline frequency of SCEs could be useful in detecting genotoxicity of pollutants in aquatic medium.  相似文献   

Nitrofurantoin was not positive as a carcinogen in long term assays. In vitro it was positive in some short term tests and negative in others. We have examined Nitrofurantoin for its capability of inducing DNA damage in vivo. With the alkaline elution technique, Nitrofurantoin appeared clearly positive in all the tissues examined (liver, kidney, lung, spleen and bone marrow). In the liver we also observed some cross-linking effect. In bone marrow cells Nitrofurantoin was also clearly positive in terms of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) induction. DNA damage in vivo was also examined with a viscosimetric method, more sensitive than alkaline elution. With this method the results were essentially negative, suggesting that the two methods detect different types of damage. In view of its positivity in many organs and in two short term tests in vivo, the carcinogenic potential of Nitrofurantoin should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Liaw H  Lee D  Myung K 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e21424
Hyperphosphorylation of RPA2 at serine 4 and serine 8 (S4, S8) has been used as a marker for activation of the DNA damage response. What types of DNA lesions cause RPA2 hyperphosphorylation, which kinase(s) are responsible for them, and what is the biological outcome of these phosphorylations, however, have not been fully investigated. In this study we demonstrate that RPA2 hyperphosphorylation occurs primarily in response to genotoxic stresses that cause high levels of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and that the DNA-dependent protein kinase complex (DNA-PK) is responsible for the modifications in vivo. Alteration of S4, S8 of RPA2 to alanines, which prevent phosphorylations at these sites, caused increased mitotic entry with concomitant increases in RAD51 foci and homologous recombination. Taken together, our results demonstrate that RPA2 hyperphosphorylation by DNA-PK in response to DSBs blocks unscheduled homologous recombination and delays mitotic entry. This pathway thus permits cells to repair DNA damage properly and increase cell viability.  相似文献   

Sister chromatid pairing reactions, termed cohesion establishment, occur during S phase and appear to be regulated by replication factor C (RFC) complexes. For instance, RFCs that contain Ctf18p exhibit pro-establishment activities while those that contain Elg1p exhibit anti-establishment activities. It remains unknown whether Ctf18p-RFC and Elg1p-RFC functions are simply opposing or instead reveal complicated and non-parallel regulatory mechanisms. To better understand the nature of these novel pathways, we analyzed the small RFC subunit Rfc5p that is common to both Ctf18p-RFC and Elg1p-RFC. Despite this commonality, the data show that diminished Rfc5p function rescues ctf7/eco1 mutant cell phenotypes, revealing that Rfc5p promotes anti-establishment activities. This rescue is specific to establishment pathways in that rfc5-1 greatly accentuates growth defects when expressed in scc2 (deposition), mcd1/scc1 or smc3 (cohesion maintenance) mutated cells. Our results reveal for the first time a role for small RFC subunits in directing RFC complex functions—in this case towards anti-establishment pathways. We further report that Pds5p exhibits both establishment and anti-establishment functions in cohesion. This duality suggests that categorizations of establishment and anti-establishment activities require further examination.Key words: sister chromatid cohesion, ctf7/eco1, ELG1 RFC complexes, CTF18 RFC complexes, PDS5  相似文献   

The ability of UV light, mitomycin C and ionizing radiation to induce the formation of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) at the same locus in successive cell generations was investigated in human lymphocytes. Cells were exposed to the DNA damaging agents after they had completed their first round of DNA replication, and SCEs were examined at the third division in chromosomes that had been differentially stained three ways. Although some of these treatments induced long-lived lesions that increased the frequency of SCEs in successive cell generations, none of the lesions led to the formation of consecutive SCEs at the same locus in successive cell generations. This observation seriously challenges the hypothesis that SCE cancellation results as a consequence of persistence of the lesions induced by these agents.  相似文献   

Cytologically, the centromere is found at the very end of most Mus musculus chromosomes, co-localizing with an array of minor satellite sequences. It is separated from the euchromatin of the long arm by a large domain of heterochromatin, composed in part of arrays of major satellite sequences. We used oligonucleotide probes that specifically detect regions of sequence variation found in certain cloned minor satellite sequences. They detect a limited subset of the minor satellite arrays in the mouse genome, based on both pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and in situ hybridization data, and provide direct molecular genetic markers for individual centromeres in some inbred mouse strains. Array size polymorphisms detected by these probes map to positions consisten with the centromeres of chromosomes 1 and 14 in the BXD recombinant inbred (RI) strains. The genetic distances between these minor satellite arrays and loci on the long arms of chromosomes 1 and 14 are consistent with repression of meiotic recombination in the heterochromatic domains separating them. The existence of chromosome-specific minor satellite sequences implies that the rate of sequence exchange between non-homologous chromosomes relative to the rate between homologous chromosomes is much lower than has previously been postulated. We suggest that the high degree of sequence homogeneity of mouse satellite sequences may instead reflect recent common ancestry.  相似文献   

Data are presented establishing a direct correlation between 3-aminobenzamide-induced sister chromatid exchange (SCE) frequency and the level of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporated into DNA. In addition, it is shown that most of the SCEs are induced in the second cell cycle, in which BrdU-containing DNA is used as the template for replication.  相似文献   

F. Pera  P. Mattias 《Chromosoma》1976,57(1):13-18
A method of labelling DNA in vivo with 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) is described. After 6 h permanent subcutaneous infusion of BrdU in rodents (adult Microtus agrestis, pregnant NMRI-mice), cell nuclei which have undergone DNA synthesis during the BrdU treatment can be differentiated from the nuclei of other cycle stages by means of their altered staining behaviour after Giemsa. 24 h after the BrdU treatment, mitoses from both bone marrow of the adult animals and tissues from the fetuses showed a differential sister chromatid staining. In male M. agrestis, sister chromatid exchanges were most frequently found in the euchromatic part of the X and in the constitutive heterochromatin of both sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Induction of differentially stained sister chromatids at G2/M and determination of baseline sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in ascites form of mouse sarcoma 180 cell line have been done by in vivo incorporation of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) for two consecutive DNA replication cycles. The baseline SCE frequency is 6.24 at log phase of tumour growth.  相似文献   

To examine the molecular organization of DNA sequences located in the centromeric region of human chromosome 16 we have isolated and characterized a chromosome 16-specific member of the alpha satellite DNA family. The probe obtained is specific for the centromere of chromosome 16 by somatic cell hybrid analysis and by fluorescence in situ hybridization and allows detection of specific hybridizing domains in interphase nuclei. Nucleotide sequence analysis indicates that this class of chromosome 16 alpha satellite (D16Z2) is organized as a series of diverged 340-bp dimers arranged in a tandem array of 1.7-kb higher-order repeat units. As measured by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, the total D16Z2 array spans approximately 1,400-2,000 kb of centromeric DNA. These sequences are highly polymorphic, both by conventional agarose-gel electrophoresis and by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Investigation of this family of alpha satellite should facilitate the further genomic, cytogenetic, and genetic analysis of chromosome 16.  相似文献   

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