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Resumé–— On décrit une méhode de préparation de neurones et de cellules gliales à partir du cortex cérébral, basée sur la dissociation du tissu à travers un tamis en nylon suivie ď une ultracentrifugation différentielle sur gradients de sucrose et de Ficoll.
On a dosé le DNA, ľazote protéque et les divers phospholipides. II ressort que le taux ď DNA par cellule est identique dans les neurones et les cellules gliales. Par contre, la quantité absolue ďazote protéique est 2.8 fois plus élevée dans les cellules gliales, celle des lipides totaux et des divers phospholipides 5-6 fois plus élevée.
La proportion de chacun des phospholipides dérminée par rapport aux phospholipides totaux est similaire dans les deux types cellulaires.  相似文献   

Résumé— Dans le but d'étudier la localisation cytologique de I'AChE dans divers tissus de Gymnote, nous avons préparé un antisérum anti-AChE en utilisant une préparation commerciale partiellement purifiée, contenant une forme globulaire de l'AChE G p. Cet antisérum réagit dans le test de double diffusion avec l'enzyme purifié G p, mais également avec la forme globulaire spontanée G b, ainsi qu'avec les trois espèces 'natives' asymétriques A , C et D . Nous avons mis en évidence l'existence de ces quatres formes G b, A , C et D dans des extraits de cerveau, de moelle épinière et de muscle de Gymnote. La forme globulaire G b est particulièrement abondante dans la moelle épinière et à un moindre degré, dans le cerveau. La distribution des espèes est identique dans le muscle et l'organe électrique. Grâce à notre antisérum, nous avom Iocalisé par immunofluorescence indirecte l'AChE dans les terminaisons nerveuses sur le muscle, dans le cytoplasme de certains neurones situés dans le centre moteur de la décharge (moelle épinière) et au voisinage du noyau central de la décharge (cerveau).  相似文献   

In the rat, labeled transfused monocytes initially leave the circulation with a halftime of 0.2 hr. They first collect on the walls of small vessels then migrate outward until equilibrium is established between the circulating pool and a large extravascular pool which contains about twenty-five times as many monocytes as the circulating blood. From this pool they leave randomly and irreversibly with a halftime of 14 hr. The spleen and lungs make up a large part of the pool and splenectomy reduces the size of the extravascular compartment and slows the rate of sequestration.  相似文献   

Le composant principal de la sécrétion phéromonale produite parla femelle vierge de Acrolepiopsis (Acrolepia) assectella Zell. a été identifié par chromatographie en phase gazeuse, spectrométrie de masse, tests électrophysiologiques et olfactométrie comme étant l'hexadécène-11Z al (Z11HDal). Ce composé est le plus actif en électrophysiologie parmi tous les autres acétates, alcools, aldéhydes et formiates, de C12 à C18, éprouvés sur l'antenne du mâle et il est capable de produire chez ce dernier une séquence comportementale sexuelle complète en olfactomètre à tube. Dans la nature, des capsules en caoutchouc chargées à 1 mg de Z11HDal (plus 10% d'antioxydant) attirent sélectivement les mâles et sont compétitives avec des femelles vierges. L'isomère E (E 11HDal) est environ 104 fois moins actif tandis que l'acétoxy-1 hexadécène-11Z (Z11HDA) et l'hexadécène-11Z ol-1 (Z11HDol) inhibent le pouvoir attractif du Z11HDal.
Summary The main component of the sex pheromone secretion produced by virgin females of A. assectella has been identified as Z-11 hexadecenal (Z11HDal) by GC analysis and mass spectrometry, EAG tests, and behavioural assays. Z11HDal elicited the highest EAG response of all C12 to C18 acetates, aldehydes, formates and alcohols tested, and induced a typical sequence of male sexual behavioural responses in olfactometer tests. In the field, traps baited with 1 mg Z11HDal on rubber septa (with 10% antioxidant) attracted male moths selectively and were competitive with virgin females. The E isomer (E 11HDal) was 104 times less attractive, whereas Z11-hexadecenyl acetate and Z11-hexadecen-1-ol, in admixture with Z11HDal strongly inhibited male responses.

Résumé G. mellonella infestée au dernier stade larvaire avec 1, 2, 3 ou 5 planidia/hôte (ph/H) produit 1 à 5 pupes/hôte (pu/H). La mortalité des chenilles augmente avec le nombre de pl/H. Le poids des pupes et décroît avec un nombre croissant de pu/H (18,2 à 12,9 mg pour les et 12,5 à 9,7 mg pour les ). Le développement larvaire dure 8,7 j. chez les et 8,3 chez les ; il est peu affecté par le superparasitisme. Avec 1, 2, 3 et 5 pl/H nous obtenons 0,84–1,61–2,17 et 3,43 pu/H et 0,81–1,48–2,10 et 3,11 imagos/H. L'optimum est de 3 pl/H ou 1 à 2=pl/H pour obtenir des parasitoïdes plus lourds.
Summary The influence of superparasitism on larval and pupal development is investigated. Last-larval instar G. mellonella (200±5 mg) were infected with 1, 2, 3 or 5 planidia/host (pl/H) producing 1 to 5 pupae per host (pu/H). Host mortality (8.6–8.3–14.3 and 22.2%) increased with the number of planidia. The planidia may transmit a bacteriosis. Pupal weight ( and ) decreased as number of pu/H increased. pupae were heavier than ones: 12.9 to 18.2 mg for against 9.7 to 12.5 mg for . Larval development lasted slightly longer for (8.7 d.) than for (8.3 d.), and its duration was little affected by superparasitism. 1, 2, 3 or 5 pl/H yielded 0.84–1.61–2.17 and 3.43 pu/H and 0.81–1.48–2.10 and 3.11 adults/H. An optimum was obtained with 3 planidia of L. diatraeae on G. mellonella or 1 to 2 to obtain heavier parasitoids.

Résumé Les larves de Chrysopa perla lorsqu'elles sont prêtes à tisser leur cocon manifestent une tendance à descendre de leur support, recherchant secondairement untsite obscur et qui assure le contact. Lorsque le milieu est sect et meuble, elles s'enfouissent à une profondeur qui n'excède pas 20 mm dans la sciure. Les larves destinées à entrer en diapause s'enterrent plus profondément que celles qui ont un développement rapide continu. L'humidité excessive est un facteur répulsif énergique interdisant le plus souvent le tissage d'un cocon étanche. Lorsque le milieu ne permet pas l'enfouissement, les larves tissent successivement au contact les unes des autres, provoquant ainsi le regroupement des cocons.
Summary The larvae of Ch. perla tended to leave their supports and look for a dark, thigmotactic place when ready to spin their cocoons (Table III). Darkness is not essential for spinning, successful pupation behaviour or for a low prenymphal mortality, under the light-intensity conditions used (3,000 lux). Under extremely wet conditions, the larvae did not easily find a place to spin their cocoons and may in fact return to their original support. In such conditions, the active larval stage for searching a suitable spinning place increased, the larva may die before a cocoon has been spun or an abnormal rough, porous, yellow cocoon may be made.Ideally a loose, dry substratum was chosen to spin the cocoon; the light substratum (sawdust and vermiculite) was always chosen in preference to the heavy one (earth and sand) and a dry substratum rather than a wet one (Table IV). In the light substratum, pupation took place in the upper 20 mm. In the heavy substratum, cocoons were spun on the surface and were adjacent to each other (Fig. 1) to allow support for the external threads. In both cases, substrate particles enclosed the cocoons.When the larvae were subjected to diapausing conditions by a short-day photoperiod, the mean weight of the cocoon was larger (14.21±1.83 mg) than if development was rapid and continuous (13.00±1.84 mg). Larvae which have been induced into diapause were found deeper in the sawdust than those which had not (Figs 2 and 3); but the difference was too small to be used as a method of separating the two populations.

The incorporation of L-[3H]leucine into the proteins of rat cerebellum and cerebrum was measured 30min after an intravenous injection of the labelled amino acid. In normal rats. both RSA and the relative RSA of the proteins of the cerebellum and the cerebrum, varied greatly from one day to another during the first ten days of postnatal life. These variations showed a maximum of both the RSA and the relative RSA of the proteins on the 7th day, and 2 minima on the 3rd and 16th day. In hypothyroid animals, both the RSA and the relative RSA of the proteins of the cerebellum and the cerebrum were generally lower than in normal animals. Both showed a maximum at 7 days and a minimum at 3 days. In hyperthyroid animals, both the RSA and the relative RSA of the proteins of the cerebellum were significantly higher than those of normal animals. Both showed 2 minima at 2 and 5 days. In the hypothyroid animals as in the normal, protein synthesis was higher in the second postnatal week than during the first. On the other hand, in the hyperthyroid animals, protein synthesis was greater during the first postnatal week than during the second. The changes in both the RSA and the relative RSA values of the proteins of the cerebellum are discussed as a function of both growth and cellular proliferation. Hyperthyroidism advances these two processes without changing the period that separates them. On the other hand, hypothyroidism changes this period and causes a change in the development of these processes.  相似文献   

—The activity of glutamate decarboxylase (GAD, EC in normal and neoplastic rat tissues was determined by two assay methods, one based on the production of 14CO2 from [14C]glutamic acid and the other on the fluorimetric measurement of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) formation. Activities obtained with the isotopic assay were high in every tissue (ranging from over 800 in liver and brain to 107nmol CO2/min/g in lung). They were drastically diminished by Triton X-100, by an oxygen-free atmosphere or by the mitochondrial electron transport inhibitors, rotenone and antimycin A. Activities measured fluorimetrically were significant in only a few tissues and were stimulated by Triton (e.g. from 299 to 569 nmol GABA/min/g brain) but were unaffected by rotenone. For several tissues after Triton treatment the fluorimetric and isotopic assays (in air) gave the same results (i.e. the two end products, CO2 and GABA were in stoichiometric agreement); however, the fluorimetric assay remains the more reliable measure of GAD activity since Triton may not inhibit completely the non-GAD dependent decarboxylation of glutamate in all types of tissue preparations. The hepatic, renal and mammary tumours tested were devoid of GAD; among non-neural normal tissues, kidney, liver and, possibly, adrenal gland contained significant GAD activity. In kidney and liver the activity was 15 and 10 per cent of that in brain.  相似文献   

以酶组织化学方法对实验性大鼠肝癌组织中一氧化氮合酶(NOS)的分布进行定位研究。结果显示:原发及转移的肝癌组织癌细胞中NOS呈阴性反应,不同类型肝癌组织内未见明显差异,表明NOS活性的降低与细胞的恶变相关。提示可作为临床肝癌诊断的一个指标。癌旁肝细胞、Kupfer细胞及癌组织中的巨噬细胞胞浆呈NOS阳性,此处NO是否属于一种参与活化巨噬细胞杀伤肿瘤细胞的效应分子有待探讨。  相似文献   

Résumé L'activité de ponte d'Hydrellia griseola Fall. est étudiée dans différentes conditions expérimentales. Lorsqu'elles sont accouplées et qu'elles bénéficient d'un régime photopériodique, les femelles déposent leurs ufs sur une feuille d'Orge (Hordeum vulgare) exclusivement pendant la phase lumineuse.La ponte quotidienne débute le 3ème jour, augmente jusqu'au 5ème et diminue ensuite. L'activité de ponte n'est donc pas constante au cours du temps, mais aucun cycle n'apparaît.Quand les femelles sont vierges, la ponte est plus faible mais son évolution au cours du temps est la même.A l'obscurité continue la période préreproductrice s'allonge et l'activité de ponte est ralentie, tout en conservant pendant les premiers jours le rythme quotidien observé chez les femelles bénéficiant d'une photopériode.Enfin, l'absence momentanée de la plante-hôte pendant les premiers jours de la vie reproductrice arrête momentanément l'activité de ponte; celle-ci reprend très fortement le jour de la réintroduction du végétal; puis, les jours suivants, elle se stabilise au niveau de celle des témoins, l'ensemble se traduisant par un déficit dans le nombre des ufs pondus quand la plante-hôte est absente plus de 48 h.
Summary The egg-laying activity of Hydrellia griseola was studied. Mated females kept in an artificial photoperiod laid eggs on barley leaves during the light period only. Oviposition began when adults were 3 days old, and egg numbers laid rose to a peak on the 5th day, when it gradually declined. Egg laying was not constant. Virgin females shared the same trends, with oviposition occurring on the 3th day but less eggs were laid.When females were kept in continuous darkness with a male and a host plant for egg laying the preoviposition period was longer and egg laying was reduced during the first few days.The temporary removal of the host plant during the first few days temporarily arrests egg laying, which began again, vigorously, when the host plant was returned. Removal of the host plant for more than 48 h caused a reduction in the number of eggs laid.

Je dédie ce travail à la mémoire du Professeur J. R. le Berre, en hommage respectueux et ému.  相似文献   

Abstract— The properties of Ca2+-dependent phosphatidylinositol-phosphodiesterase in membrane fractions and supernatants prepared from rat brain have been examined with the aim of providing firm evidence for the existence of a membrane-bound activity distinct from the soluble enzyme found in the cytosol (EC The soluble enzyme is either stimulated or inhibited at pH 7.0 by deoxycholate depending on the ratio of detergent to substrate. The effects of deoxycholate are pH dependent and result in a shift of the enzyme optimum to a higher pH if the enzyme is assayed in the presence of deoxycholate. The soluble enzyme cannot hydrolgse membrane-bound phosphatidylinositol (in 32P-labelled rat liver microsomes) unless deoxycholate is present. The pH optimum is 6.7 for this detergent-dependent hydrolysis and this is probably dependent on the ionization of deoxycholic acid. The lactate dehydrogenase (EC content of rat brain membrane fractions has been measured to estimate the contamination of these fractions by supernatant phosphatidylinositol-phosphodiesterase. No evidence has been found for phosphatidylinositol-phosphodiesterase activities that cannot be explained by such contamination. It is concluded that all the properties of calcium-dependent phospha-tidylinositol-phosphodicsterase in rat brain can be explained by the existence of only the solublc cyto-plasmic enzyme: no evidence confirming a distinct membrane-bound activity has been obtained.  相似文献   

Sept souches de B. thuringiensis, figurant dans la première liste de sérotypes décrite par De Barjac et Bonnefoi, ont été comparées quant à leur activité du complexe «cristaux-spores», vis à vis de 24 espèces de Lépidoptères.La méthode utilisée a permis de démombrer 779 activités «croisées», ou autrement dit, 779 activités inverses de deux souches à l'égard de deux insectes. Contrairement à l'activité comparée qualitative de chacune des souches pour une espèce d'insecte donnée, l'activité «croisée» a une signification plus objective, puisqu'elle est plus indépendante des préparations utilisées et des critères de comparaison retenus.Les souches appartenant au même sérotype (biotypes) ont une activité spécifique au même titre que celles appartenant à différents sérotypes.Les souches expérimentées n'ont pas révélées des spectres d'activités identiques à l'égard des insectes à parenté systématique proche.
Contribution to the study of the spectrum of activity of different strains of Bacillus thuringiensis
Summary The activity of 7 preparations based on the crystal-spore complex of different strains of B. thuringiensis, belonging to the serotypes I, III, IV, V and VI, has been compared in laboratory experiments on 24 species of lepidopterans. The repetition of the tests, during several years in some cases, has allowed a qualitative classification of the strains to be established, with respect to the difference in activity for each insect (Fig. 1 and 2).The tests have been made by comparing the same weights of the various preparations for each insect and by using different weights according to the species in respect of their relative sensibility. Therefore, when interpreting the indicated classification in the figures, the variation of the relation between the volume of the culture medium and the dry weight in the fabrication of the preparations must be taken into account. The used preparation based on Galleriae, for example, came from a culture almost three times as rich in weight as the preparation Entomocidus. On the other hand, these restrictions do not intervene when comparing the activity of two strains in view of two (or more) insects; the relation of preparation dosages being always the same. The fact that the strains belonging to the serotypes VII, VIII and IX have not been studied must be taken into account, as should the fact that the activity spectrum thus demonstrated may not be the same with other preparations of the same strains (Fig. 3), and finally, our tests solely concerned the crystal-spore complex not containing the thermostable toxin, which itself has an entirely different activity spectrum.Taking these elements into account, it can be concluded from Fig. 1 that in the case of two Noctuidae, e.g. Barathra brassicae (no 2) and Cirphus unipuncta (no 18), the strain Entomocidus is more active than the strain Galleriae in the former species as compared to the latter.Between the strains — types of one serotype (Sotto and Dendrolimus; Serotype IV: Entomocidus and Subtoxicus; Serotype VI) the number of strain-insect cross activities is as frequent as between strains of different serotypes (Table VIII).It appeared necessary to compare the activity of all the serotypes for a given insect by avoiding all extrapolation acquired for another species, for there does not seem to exist a constant relationship between the bacterial strain and the systematic relationship of insects.Our tests resulted in 779 cases of strain-insect cross activities significantly different, demonstrating the taxonomic value of the activity spectrum of the different strains and the possibility of considering this characteristic among the other criteria of classification.

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