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High-resolution fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) on interphase and pachytene nuclei, and extended DNA fibers enabled microscopic distinction of DNA sequences less than a few thousands of base pairs apart. We applied this technique to reveal the molecular organization of telomere ends in japonica rice (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica), which consist of the Arabidopsis type TTTAGGG heptameric repeats and the rice specific subtelomeric tandem repeat sequence A (TrsA). Southern hybridizations of DNA digested with Bal31 and EcoRI, and FISH on chromosomes and extended DNA fibers demonstrated that (1) all chromosome ends possess the telomere tandem repeat measuring 3–4 kb; (2) the subtelomeric TrsA occurs only at the ends of the long arms of chromosomes 6 and 12, and measure 6 and 10 kb, which corresponds to 231 and 682 copies for these sites, respectively; (3) the telomere and TrsA repeats are separated by at most a few thousands of intervening nucleotide sequences. The molecular organization for a general telomere organization in plant chromosomes is discussed.  相似文献   

Rice inflorescences were inoculated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 carrying plasmid pJD4 with application of vacuum infiltration. After co-cultivation, callus was initiated and subjected to hygromycin selection, and plants were regenerated from resistant callus lines. Based on the total number of co-cultivated inflorescences bearing flowers 1 to 3 mm in length, the average frequency for recovering independent transgenic rice plants was at least 30%. Seeds from selfed R0 plants were harvested within 6 months after initiation of the experiments. Genomic DNA blot analysis showed that genes in the T-DNA of the binary plasmid were stably integrated into the rice genome, typically at low copy number. In most, but not all, cases the transgene was transmitted to R1 progeny at a frequency characteristic for Mendelian inheritance of a single dominant trait. For selfed progeny of one two-locus insertion line, reactivation of GUS expression was observed for a single copy locus that segregated from a silenced multicopy locus. For this line and some additional plants, fluorescence in situ hybridization was used to visualize the chromosomal location of the transgene insert.  相似文献   

Repetitive DNA sequences were detected directly on somatic metaphase chromosome spreads from soybean root tips using fluorescentin situ hybridization. Methods to spread the forty small metaphase chromosomes substantially free of cellular material were developed using protoplasts. The specific DNA probe was a 1.05 kb internal fragment of a soybean gene encoding the 18S ribosomal RNA subunit. Two methods of incorporating biotin residues into the probe were compared and detection was accomplished with fluorescein-labeled avidin. The rDNA probe exhibits distinct yellow fluorescent signals on only two of the forty metaphase chromosomes that have been counterstained with propidium iodide. This result agrees with our previous analyses of soybean pachytene chromosome [27] showing that only chromosome 13 is closely associated with the nucleolus organizer region. Fluorescentin situ hybridization with the rDNA probe was detected on three of the forty-one metaphase chromosomes in plants that are trisomic for chromosome 13.  相似文献   

The chromosomal location of T-DNa inserts in ten independently derived and confirmed transgenic plants ofP. hybrida was detected byin situ hybridization. Nine transgenic plants had the T-DNA inerts at single sites distributed among each of the seven chromosomes; in one plant the T-DNA inserts were detected on two different chromosomes. Although the T-DNA inserts were integrated randomly among the chromosomes, seven of the 11 total inserts were located at or near the telomere. Thus, T-DNA inserts appear to have potential for tagging chromosomes and chromosome fragments.  相似文献   

The transgene in Agrobacterium-mediated Cry1A(b)-transgenic rice plants has been detected and its chromosomal location determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Eight of the nine transgenic lines tested showed hybridization signals. Signals were located on regions of the chromosome in which fraction length (FL) values varied from 26.2 (near the centromere) to 95.2 (distal regions). No signal was found on regions where the fraction length was less than 26.2, while six of the nine signals detected were located on regions with FL values of 75.3 or over. This demonstrates that Agrobacterium-mediated genes can integrate into multiple sites distributed in different parts of the chromosome, but that distal regions are the preferred sites and regions near the centromeres are colder for T-DNA integration. The donor DNA of the transformation was divided into two parts, labelled separately as probes for two-colour FISH. Results show that the transformed DNA sequences remained linked in the recipient genome. The relationship between integration position and transgene silencing, known as the 'position effect', is discussed.  相似文献   

Introduction of large-DNA fragments into cereals by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation is a useful technique for map-based cloning and molecular breeding. However, little is known about the organization and stability of large fragments of foreign DNA introduced into plant genomes. In this study, we produced transgenic rice plants by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation with a large-insert T-DNA containing a 92-kb region of the wheat genome. The structures of the T-DNA in four independent transgenic lines were visualized by fluorescence in situ hybridization on extended DNA fibers (fiber FISH). By using this cytogenetic technique, we showed that rearrangements of the large-insert T-DNA, involving duplication, deletion and insertion, had occurred in all four lines. Deletion of long stretches of the large-insert DNA was also observed in Agrobacterium.  相似文献   

权有娟  李想  袁飞敏  刘博  陈志国 《广西植物》2021,41(12):1988-1995
为精确地识别藜属植物染色体组的核型特征,该文研究了4种来自青海高原的野生藜属植物(灰绿藜、藜、菊叶香藜及杂配藜)和1种从美国引进的栽培藜麦品种PI614932-HX(3)基于染色体荧光原位杂交(rDNA FISH)的核型。利用5S rDNA和45S rDNA对5种藜属植物有丝分裂中期的染色体进行FISH研究。藜属植物的核型分析结果表明:(1)藜属植物中存在二倍体(2n=2x=18)和四倍体(2n=4x=36)两种倍性,藜麦和灰绿藜为四倍体,其余3种为二倍体。(2)藜麦、灰绿藜、藜、菊叶香藜及杂配藜的核型公式分别为2n=4x=36=34m(2AST)+2sm,2n=4x=36=32m(4AST)+4sm,2n=2x=18=16m(4AST)+2sm,2n=2x=18=18m及2n=2x=18=16m+2sm。(3)染色体由大部分的中部着丝粒染色体(m)和少部分近中部着丝粒染色体(sm)组成。(4)核型类型除了菊叶香藜为1B以外,其余均属于2B类型。(5)在藜麦、灰绿藜及藜中具有分布位置不同、数量不等的双随体。5S rDNA、45S rDNA FISH结果表明:(1)藜麦和灰绿藜的染色体上存在2对5S rDNA位点和1对45S rDNA位点,藜、杂配藜的染色体上存在1对5S rDNA位点和1对45S rDNA位点,菊叶香藜的染色体上只存在1对5S rDNA位点。(2)5S rDNA和45S rDNA位点均位于染色体的短臂上。该研究首次获得了藜属植物基于5S rDNA和45S rDNA荧光原位杂交核型,为藜属植物亲缘关系研究和细胞生物学研究提供了分子细胞遗传学依据。  相似文献   

为分析中国莲C_0t-1 DNA在其中期染色体上的分布,从中国莲基因组DNA中分离出C_0t-1 DNA,将基因组和所分离的C_0t-1 DNA用生物素标记后作探针,对中国莲染色体进行原位杂交。杂交结果用耦联有荧光素Cy3的生物素抗体检测,发现在每对染色体上均显示出特定的荧光原位杂交带。同时分析了FISH和GISH信号分布的异同。基于C_0t-1 DNA荧光原位杂交带型及染色体型,构建了中国莲核型。  相似文献   

为分析中国莲Cot-1DNA在其中期染色体上的分布,从中国莲基因组DNA中分离出Cot-1DNA,将基因组和所分离的Cot-1DNA用生物素标记后作探针,对中国莲染色体进行原位杂交。杂交结果用耦联有荧光素Cy3的生物素抗体检测,发现在每对染色体上均显示出特定的荧光原位杂交带。同时分析了FISH和GISH信号分布的异同。基于Cot-1DNA荧光原位杂交带型及染色体型,构建了中国莲核型。  相似文献   

Fluorescencein situ hybridization (FISH) is a powerful molecular cytogenetic technique which allows rapid detection of aneuploidies on interphase cells and metaphase spreads. The aim of the present study was to evaluate FISH as a tool in prenatal diagnosis of aneuploidies in high risk pregnancies in an Indian set up. Prenatal diagnosis was carried out in 88 high-risk pregnancies using FISH and cytogenetic analysis. Multicolour commercially available FISH probes specific for chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y were used. Interphase FISH was done on uncultured cells from chorionic villus and amniotic fluid samples. FISH on metaphase spreads was done from cord blood samples. The results of FISH were in conformity with the results of cytogenetic analysis in all the normal and aneuploid cases except in one case of structural chromosomal abnormality. The hybridization efficiency of the 5 probes used for the detection of aneuploidies was 100%. Using these probes FISH assay yielded discrete differences in the signal profiles between cytogenetically normal and abnormal samples. The overall mean interphase disomic signal patterns of chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y were 94.45%; for interphase trisomic signal pattern of chromosome 21 was 97.3%. Interphase FISH is very useful in urgent high risk cases. The use of FISH overcomes the difficulties of conventional banding on metaphase spreads and reduces the time of reporting. However, with the limited number of probes used, the conventional cytogenetic analysis serves as a gold standard at present. It should be employed as an adjunctive tool to conventional cytogenetics  相似文献   

The invasion kinetics ofhobo transposable element in theDrosophila melanogaster genome was studied byin situ hybridization on the polytene chromosomes. Six independent lines ofDrosophila melanogaster flies that had been previously transformed by microinjection of the pHFL1 plasmid containing a completehobo element were followed over 50 generations. We observed thathobo elements were scattered on each of the chromosome arms, with more insertion sites on the 3R arm. The total number of insertion sites remains quite small, between four and six, at generation 52. On the 2R arm, a short inversion appeared once at generation 52. Most of the integration sites reported here were already described for several transposons but some of them appear to be hotspots forhobo elements.  相似文献   

The Karyotyp of the primary wheat-whastgrass alien addition line TAI-27 was 2n = 44 in which all d the chromosomes were metacentric and subrmetacentric. However, in the progeny of TAI-27 a pair of chromosomes had become small chromosomea in the two morphologically different plants. Fluorescence in situ hybridizstionm (FISH) technique was used to analyze the two different plants. The observations indicate that a pair of small chromosomes in one varietion line are from wheatgrass. In another variation line, a pair of small chromosomes are also from whest-grass, while another pair of wheatgrass chromosomes have substituted the wheat chromosomes. TAI-27 and its variant lines showed a high level of resistance to barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV). The pessible explanation for such a variation and the potential use of the variant lines were discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Few reports on in situ mRNA detection in bacteria have been published, even though a major aim in environmental microbiology is to link function/activity to the identity of the organisms. This study reports a reliable approach for the in situ detection of nifH mRNA using fluorescence hybridization based on a previously described protocol for pmoA. nifH codes for a dinitrogenase reductase, a key enzyme in dinitrogen fixation. nifH mRNA was hybridized with a digoxigenin-labelled polynucleotide probe. The hybrid was detected with an anti-DIG-antibody labelled with horseradish peroxidase. Subsequently, the signal was amplified by catalyzed reporter deposition (CARD) with fluorochrome-labelled tyramides. Furthermore, the imaged organisms were identified using standard fluorescence in situ hybridization of rRNA. Thus, the approach enabled us specifically to link in situ the information from the dinitrogen fixation activity of an organism to its identity. Unexpectedly, the signals derived from nifH mRNA hybridization showed a distinct uneven pattern within the cells. This indicated that the method used could even give insights about the localization of the detected mRNA within the cell, which is a potential use of mRNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) that has not been reported up to now for bacterial cells.  相似文献   

刘薇  卢光 《遗传学报》2001,28(9):827-831,T001,T002
应用荧光原位杂交技术研究了人类淀粉样前体蛋白基因瑞典型突变(APPSWE)在转基因小鼠首建、F1及F2代小鼠染色体上的整合及定位,结果在2只首建转基因小鼠中,分别观察80个分裂相,出现杂交信号的核型分别为34及36个,检出率为42.5%和45%;1只F1及1只F2代转基因小鼠中,分别观察100个分裂相,出现杂交信号的核型分别为33及30个,检出率为33%和30%。转基因分别整合在8号、1号、17号和2号染色体上,提示转基因APPSWE已稳定整合到转基因小鼠的染色体上,并通过生殖细胞遗传给予子代,证实转基因在小鼠染色上的整合可能是随机的多点整合,同时,对不同整合位点的转基因小鼠进行了表型研究,结果发现不同整合位点对表型具明显影响。  相似文献   

16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes for eubacteria (EUB338), ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (Nsm156) and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (Nb1000) were used for the rapid detection of nitrifying bacteria in the activated sludge of a pilot nitrifying reactor by whole-cell, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Emission scanning and synchronous scanning fluorescence spectrometry were used to measure the hybridization. The binding of the probes at a temperature significantly lower than the melting temperature of the hybrids was conventionally considered as non-specific. Total binding of the probes at a temperature significantly higher than the melting temperature of the hybrids was conventionally considered as the sum of non-specific and specific binding (hybridization). Non-specific binding of the oligonucleotide probes with a biomass of activated sludge was 37% of the total binding of the EUB338 probe, 54% of the total binding of the Nsm156 probe, and 69% of the total binding of the Nb1000 probe. The ratio of the specific binding of the Nsm156 and Nb1000 probes was 2.3:1. The ratio of the numbers of ammonium-oxidizing bacteria to nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, determined by microbiological methods, was 2.4:1. Measuring fluorescent in situ hybridization by fluorescence spectrometry appears to be a practical tool for monitoring the microbial communities that contain nitrifying bacteria. However, a method that accounts for the non-specific binding of the probes more easily and reliably should be developed for practical application.  相似文献   

3H-RNA, complementary to repetitive DNA of wheat, rye, barley, and oat, was hybridizedin situ to root tip or pollen mother cells of the species mentioned. The cRNAs hybridized best with the DNA in cell nuclei of the species from which they were prepared. Cross hybridization with cells of the other related species resulted in a significant but diminished labelling. Wheat, rye, and barley hybridized better to each other than to oat, andvice versa, in agreement with the usual taxonomical classification. Over the interphase nuclei the label was distributed unevenly; not all regions of dense chromatin were labelled, and little label was found over the nucleoli. On chromosomes, the repetitive DNA was located somewhere along the chromosome arms or near the centromers in wheat, barley, and oat. Only in rye, most of the label was located near the telomers, probably over the large heterochromatin areas.  相似文献   

为了探寻蔷薇属植物亲缘关系及系统发育研究的分子细胞遗传学证据,该研究采用双色FISH(荧光原位杂交)技术,对原产中国7个组的17种蔷薇属植物的45S和5S rDNA进行了定位分析。结果表明:(1)多数蔷薇属植物1组染色体对应1个45S rDNA位点和1个或2个5S rDNA位点,偶尔出现1~2个rDNA位点的丢失,但复伞房蔷薇(Rosa brunonii)的1组染色体对应了2个45S rDNA位点。(2)二倍体的蔷薇属植物至少有1对5S rDNA位点与45S rDNA位点共定位,而四倍体材料的5S rDNA位点与45S rDNA位点没有共定位,但所有四倍体材料均至少有1种rDNA信号纯合,表明它们应为二倍体直接加倍产生的同源四倍体。(3)绝大多数材料45S rDNA位于染色体短臂、5S rDNA位于染色体长臂,但缫丝花(R. roxburghii f. roxburghii)有1个5S rDNA信号位于染色体的短臂上,表明它与蔷薇属其他种的亲缘关系较远。(4)阿克苏地区和伊犁地区的疏花蔷薇的核型不同,且45S和5S rDNA的数量和位置不同,分子细胞遗传学证据也支持阿克苏地区的疏花蔷薇应为疏花蔷薇的新变种。(5)该研究中共有8个二倍体和6个四倍体蔷薇属植物的双色FISH为首次报道。研究认为,无论二倍体还是四倍体蔷薇属植物中出现的异形同源染色体、rDNA信号位置在同源染色体上的差异以及rDNA信号的增加和丢失,可能都与染色体结构变异和染色体重组有关,在分子细胞遗传学水平上证明染色体结构变异和染色体重组在蔷薇属植物演化过程中具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

Summary In situ hybridization has been used to locate mRNA, for the storage protein legumin, in cotyledon storage parenchyma tissue of developing pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds. The mRNA was hybridized with a biotinylated probe of cDNA in pBR 322 and subsequently located by avidin conjugates. Avidin-rhodamine was used for fluorescence microscopy localization at a tissue/cellular level and avidin-peroxidase (with DAB) and avidin-ferritin compared for localization at an ultrastructural level. Specific fluorescence associated with avidin-rhodamine was distributed unevenly throughout the cytosol but the cell walls, starch grains, vacuoles and protein deposits were unstained. The sizes and distribution of the regions of higher labeling within the cytosol suggest an association with elements of the endomembrane system. Following DAB reaction of the specifically localized avidin-peroxidase most, although not all, stain product was associated with the endoplasmic reticulum. The ER-associated reaction product was also accumulated within the ER lumen.Avidin-ferritin was also localized both in the cytosol and in association with the endoplasmic reticulum, although was less readily visualized in cells with a conventional ultrastructural appearance.Localization of avidin-ferritin was more readily visualized in cells which had undergone some limited structural damage during specimen preparation. In such cases ferritin was also shown to be specifically associated with the transition vesicles and trans-face peripheral vesicles of some dictyosomes.  相似文献   

利用染色体荧光原位杂交技术(FISH),将3种重复序列5S rDNA、45S rDNA和C0t-1 DNA用不同荧光物进行标记,对我国10个不同地理来源的苜蓿种质(Medicago sativa L.;2n=4X=32)进行了染色体多态性检测。结果表明,利用以上重复序列可以较好地将苜蓿32条染色体区分为16对特征不同的染色体,10份不同种质材料FISH带纹特征表现高度相似,比较不同种质间同源染色体重复序列杂交特征,揭示出种质群体内和群体间多态性染色体的存在,其中不同的同源染色体多态性表现不尽一致,1号染色体(随体染色体)多态性最高,10份材料中检出7个多态型,3、4、15号染色体保守性较强,在不同种质间表现为单态,其他染色体多态性居中。对在地理分布上自西向东的10个材料进行染色体多态性比较,结果显示分布于西藏、新疆以及分布在辽宁的材料部分染色体多态型显著区别于其他材料。  相似文献   

1. In situ hybridization histochemistry was used to localize nerve growth factor receptor (NGFR) mRNA in the adult rat basal forebrain. 2. In emulsion-dipped sections 35S-labeled RNA antisense probes produced a high density of silver grains over cells located in the medial septum, vertical and horizontal limbs of the diagonal band of Broca, and nucleus basalis. 3. This distribution of NGFR mRNA overlaps with the distribution of NGFR protein localized using immunocytochemical techniques. 4. No hybridization signal was detected when sections were hybridized with a 35S-labeled RNA sense (control) probe. 5. We suggest that NGFRs are synthesized in these basal forebrain nuclei and transported to terminal areas where NGF is thought to be bound and internalized, an initial step in the many actions of this neurotrophic factor.  相似文献   

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