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DNA isolated from purified nuclei of Polytoma obtusum has a buoyant density of 1.711 g/ml in CsCl, a Tm of 91.3° C in SSC, and a G + C content of 52.5% as determined by base composition analysis. Thermal dissociation and reassociation studies indicated that this nuclear DNA contains a considerable amount of heterogeneity. Under appropriate reannealing conditions for denatured DNA, about 15% of the DNA reannealed to form a satellite peak at a density of 1.711 g/ml within one hour. Native DNA fractions of different average buoyant densities, ranging from 1.723 to 1.708 g/ml were also obtained in a preparative CsCl gradient, indicating the presence of intermolecular heterogeneity at a molecular size of 8.5×106 daltons. The nuclear DNA reassociated as three distinct classes. The very fast species constituted about 20 % of the total hyperchromicity, the class of intermediate rate comprised roughly 10% of the nuclear DNA, while the remaining 70% consisted of unique sequences. The haploid genome set was estimated by renaturation kinetics studies to contain 5.0×1010 daltons of DNA or 7.5×107 nucleotide pairs. The analytical complexity of the total nuclear genome was found to be 9.35×1010 daltons, thus indicating that vegetative cells of P. obtusum are diploid.  相似文献   

Electron microscope studies have been made on the fine structure of the colorless biflagellate, Polytoma obtusum, with main emphasis on the structural organization of the mitochondria and the leucoplast. Both organelles have been demonstrated to contain DNA aggregates as well as ribosomal particles within their matrix material. Reconstructions from serial showed that (a) the mitochondria were highly convoluted and irregular in shape and size, and (b) the leucoplast was a single cup-shaped entity, with large starch grains, localized at the posterior end, and multiple sites of DNA aggregates. The starch-containing compartments appeared to be interconnected by narrow tubular or sheetlike bridges. Cytoplasmic invaginations into the plastid, often containing mitochondria, were of frequent occurrence, and membranes of mitochondria and the leucoplast appeared to be closely apposed. Membranes elements, both sheetlike and vesicular, were also present in the matrix. The Polytoma leucoplast was, in certain respects, morphologically similar to the plastids of various photosynthetic mutants of Chlamydomonas, most of which show Menedelian segregation. It is suggested that Polytoma arose from a Chlamydomonas-like ancestor, possibly through combined mutational processess of both chloroplast and nuclear genomes. Since Polytoma leucoplasts contain both DNA and ribosomal particles, it is probable that these organelles still possess semiautonomy and limited ability for protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The colorless alga Polytoma obtusum has been found to possess leucoplasts, and two kinds of ribosomes with sedimentation values of 73S and 79S. The ribosomal RNA (rRNA) of the 73S but not the 79S ribosomes was shown to hybridize with the leucoplast DNA (rho - 1.682 g/ml). Nuclear DNA of Polytoma (rho = 1.711) showed specific hybridization with rRNA from the 79S ribosomes. Saturation hybridization indicated that only one copy of the rRNA cistrons was present per leucoplast genome, with an average buoyant density of rho = 1.700. On the other hand, about 750 copies of the cytoplasmic rRNA cistrons were present per nuclear genome with a density of rho = 1.709. Heterologous hybridization studies with Chlamydomonas reinhardtii rRNAs showed an estimated 80% homology between the two cytoplasmic rRNAs, but only a 50% homology between chloroplast and leucoplast rRNAs of the two species. We conclude that the leucoplasts of Polytoma derive from chloroplasts of a Chlamydomonas-like ancestor, but that the leucoplast rRNA cistrons have diverged in evolution more extensively than the cistrons for cytoplasmic rRNA.  相似文献   

Factors disturbing equiprobable transmission of marked alleles in the plant hybridization process are discussed in the review. Nuclear and cytopiasmic genomes interaction of plant cell is considered as the probable cause of the preferred alleles transmission. These alleles determine marked morphological and molecular traits influencing the processes of mutation, recombination, preferred fertilization of gametes with definite gene combinations.  相似文献   

C4 photosynthesis evolved multiple times independently in angiosperms, but most origins are relatively old so that the early events linked to photosynthetic diversification are blurred. The grass Alloteropsis semialata is an exception, as this species encompasses C4 and non-C4 populations. Using phylogenomics and population genomics, we infer the history of dispersal and secondary gene flow before, during and after photosynthetic divergence in A. semialata. We further analyse the genome composition of individuals with varied ploidy levels to establish the origins of polyploids in this species. Detailed organelle phylogenies indicate limited seed dispersal within the mountainous region of origin and the emergence of a C4 lineage after dispersal to warmer areas of lower elevation. Nuclear genome analyses highlight repeated secondary gene flow. In particular, the nuclear genome associated with the C4 phenotype was swept into a distantly related maternal lineage probably via unidirectional pollen flow. Multiple intraspecific allopolyploidy events mediated additional secondary genetic exchanges between photosynthetic types. Overall, our results show that limited dispersal and isolation allowed lineage divergence, with photosynthetic innovation happening after migration to new environments, and pollen-mediated gene flow led to the rapid spread of the derived C4 physiology away from its region of origin.  相似文献   

Summary An atrazine-resistant, male-fertile Brassica napus plant was synthesized by fusion of protoplasts from the diploid species B. oleracea and B. campestris. Leaf protoplasts from B. oleracea var. italica carrying the Ogura male-sterile cytoplasm derived from Raphanus sativus were fused with etiolated hypocotyl protoplasts of atrazine-resistant B. campestris. The selection procedure was based on the inability of B. campestris protoplasts to regenerate in the media used, and the reduction of light-induced growth of B. oleracea tissue by atrazine. A somatic hybrid plant that differed in morphology from both B. oleracea and B. campestris was regenerated on medium containing 50 M atrazine. Its chromosome number was 36–38, approximately that of B. napus. Furthermore, nuclear ribosomal DNA from this hybrid was a mixture of both parental rDNAs. Southern blot analyses of chloroplast DNA and an assay involving tetrazolium blue indicated that the hybrid contained atrazine-resistant B. campestris chloroplasts. The hybrid's mitochondrial genome was recombinant, containing fragments unique to each parent, as well as novel fragments carrying putative crossover points. Although the plant was female-sterile, it was successfully used to pollinate B. napus.  相似文献   

Storck, Roger (The University of Texas, Austin). Nucleotide composition of nucleic acids from fungi. II. Deoxyribonucleic acids. J. Bacteriol. 91:227-230. 1966.-The nucleotide composition of the deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) present in extracts of 30 species of fungi was determined. The results were analyzed, together with those in the literature. It was found that the content, in moles per cent of guanine plus cytosine (GC content), varied from 38 to 63% in a distribution composed of 9 species of zygomycetes, 14 of ascomycetes, and 9 each of deuteromycetes and basidiomycetes. The GC content ranges were: 38 to 48% for the zygomycetes, 38 to 54% for the ascomycetes, 47 to 62% for the deuteromycetes, and 44 to 63% for the basidiomycetes. The GC content ranged from 38 to 40% for four Mucor species. The base composition of fungal DNA appears, therefore, to have a taxonomic and phylogenetic significance.  相似文献   

The problem of deducing the DNA structure with correct base pairing and specific symmetry is formulated in the form of algebraic equations. In this way the number of independent variables determining double-helix conformation can be reduced from six to four. The effectiveness of the method is illustrated by the computations for A-DNA and B-DNA. The method allows one to predict all possible conformations of the complementary nucleic acids.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize the ternary complexes formed in the reaction of cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (cis-DDP) and nucleic acids, in the presence of the intercalating compound ethidium bromide (EtBr). In these ternary complexes, some EtBr is tightly bound to the nucleic acids. Tight binding is defined by resistance to extraction with butanol, assayed by filtration at acid pH or thin layer chromatography at basic pH. These ternary complexes are formed with double stranded but not with single stranded nucleic acids. They are not formed if cis-DDP is replaced by transdiamminedichloroplatinum(II). The amount of tightly bound EtBr depends upon the sequence of the nucleic acid, being larger with poly (dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) than with poly(dG).poly(dC). Spectroscopic results support the hypothesis that the tight binding of the dye is due to the formation of a bidentate adduct (guanine-EtBr)cis-platin. The visible spectrum of the ternary complexes is blue-shifted as compared to that of EtBr intercalated between the base pairs of unplatinated DNA and it depends upon the conformation of the ternary complex. The fluorescence quantum yield of the ternary complexes is lower than that of free EtBr in water. Tightly bound EtBr stabilizes strongly the B form versus the Z form of the ternary complex poly(dG-dC)-Pt-EtBr and slows down the transition from the B form towards the Z form. The sequence specificity of cis-DDP binding to a DNA restriction fragment in the absence or presence of EtBr is mapped by means of the 3'----5' exonuclease activity of T4 DNA polymerase. In the absence of the dye, all the d(GpG) sites and all the d(ApG) sites but one in the sequence d(TpGpApGpC) are platinated. The d(GpA) sites are not platinated. In the presence of EtBr, some new sites are detected. These results might help to explain the synergism for drugs used in combination with cis-DDP and in the design of new chemotherapeutic agents.  相似文献   

We report on the isolation and purification of structurally intact eyespot apparatuses from the naked, biflagellate green alga Spermatozopsis similis. Two eyespot-enriched fractions, separated by sucrose gradient centrifugation, retained the typical reflective properties of eyespots in situ as demonstrated by reflection confocal laser scanning microscopy. Ultrastructurally, both fractions contained eyespot plates consisting of a single layer of lipid globules. Structurally intact eyespot apparatuses, including patches of plasma membrane and chloroplast envelope overlying the eyespot plate and a single thylakoid subtending the eyespot plate, were particularly enriched in one of the two fractions (fraction 2a). Measurement of several marker enzymes and chlorophyll content (less than 0.001% of total) established the absence of most other cell organelles from the eyespot fractions. The absorption spectra of the two fractions were dominated by carotenoids with an additional shoulder at 540 nm. Following extraction with organic solvents and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, several proteins were found to be considerably enriched in the two fractions. In addition to several proteins in the high Mr range, at least 4 polypeptides of 35, 29, 23, and 20 kDa are selectively enriched in fraction 2a with the 29 and 20 kDa proteins being the most prominent. The presence of glycoproteins in fraction 2a was demonstrated by binding of the mannose-specific lectin Galanthus nivalis agglutinin to several high molecular weight polypeptides. In addition, a hydrophobic component with abnormal electrophoretic mobility that reacts strongly with periodic acid-Schiff and thymol/sulfuric acid was prominent in both fractions. Mass isolation and purification of the intact phototactic apparatus of a flagellate green alga now greatly facilitates the biochemical and molecular characterization of the signal transduction chain involved in green algal phototaxis.  相似文献   

Somatic hybridization via PEG (Polyethylene 6000)-mediated protoplast fusion was achieved between two different wheat culture lines (Triticum aestivum L., "Jinan"177, T1 and T2) and Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv. The T1 recipient originated from non-regenerable long-term cell suspensions, while T2 was derived from embryogenic calli with a high regeneration capacity. Donor protoplasts were obtained from embryogenic calli of S. italica (S) (with low regeneration capacity) irradiated with different doses of ultraviolet light. Twenty-three putative hybrid cell lines were produced in fusion combinations with the donor protoplasts treated with UV light for 30 s (combination I) and 1 min (combination II), but only one (from combination II) differentiated into green plants. Three cell lines from combination I and five cell lines from combination II possessed the nuclear genomes of T1, T2, and S. italica as revealed by cytological, isozyme, RAPD, and 5S rDNA spacer sequence analyses. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) analysis showed that most hybrid cell lines had 22-36 wheat chromosomes, 0-2 S. italica chromosomes, and 1-6 wheat - S. italica recombinant chromosomes, whereas the regenerable cell line had 44-56 wheat chromosomes and 3-6 recombinant chromosomes, but no intact S. italica chromosomes. RFLP analysis of organellar DNA revealed that mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA of both parents coexisted in all hybrid cell lines and recombined in most hybrid cell lines. These results indicate that the regeneration of hybrid plants involves not only the integration of S. italica nuclear and organellar DNA, but also the genome complementation of T1 and T2.  相似文献   

Simple-sequence-repeat (SSR) and PCR-RFLP were employed to characterize the nuclear and cytoplasmic genomes of intergeneric diploid plants derived from symmetric fusion between Microcitrus papuana Swingle and Rough lemon ( Citrus jambhiri Lush). Three out of five SSR primers distinguished the fusion parents from each other and the regenerated plants showed band profiles completely identical to the leaf parent, Rough lemon. Amplified products from the intergenic regions of cpDNA between trnD -trnT were digested with HaeIII and MspI, and those between trnH -trnK were digested with HinfI, and both the regenerated plants and Rough lemon shared the same band patterns, which were different from the embryogenic parent, M. papuana. With mtDNA, only 2 out of 12 primer pair/restriction enzyme combinations ( nad4 ex 1–2/ TaqI and nad4 ex 1–2/ HindIII) revealed polymorphisms between the fusion parents. With the former combination the regenerated plants showed the same fragment distribution as that of the embryogenic parent, M. papuana, whereas with the latter, a novel band absent in the fusion parents was detected in all of the regenerated plants, suggesting a possible rearrangement. The present research indicates that the plants analyzed were putative cybrids containing nuclear DNA and cpDNA from Rough lemon and mtDNA from M. papuana. Presumed mechanisms leading to the regeneration of diploid hybrid plants following symmetric fusion are discussed herein.  相似文献   

Most of the available mitochondrial and plastid genome sequences are biased towards adenine and thymine (AT) over guanine and cytosine (GC). Examples of GC-rich organelle DNAs are limited to a small but eclectic list of species, including certain green algae. Here, to gain insight in the evolution of organelle nucleotide landscape, we present the GC-rich mitochondrial and plastid DNAs from the trebouxiophyte green alga Coccomyxa sp. C-169. We compare these sequences with other GC-rich organelle DNAs and argue that the forces biasing them towards G and C are nonadaptive and linked to the metabolic and/or life history features of this species. The Coccomyxa organelle genomes are also used for phylogenetic analyses, which highlight the complexities in trying to resolve the interrelationships among the core chlorophyte green algae, but ultimately favour a sister relationship between the Ulvophyceae and Chlorophyceae, with the Trebouxiophyceae branching at the base of the chlorophyte crown.  相似文献   

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