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In this study, we investigated the gene sequence and characteristic of kifc1 in Sepiella maindroni through PCR and RACE technology. Our research aimed particularly at the spatio-temporal expression pattern of kifc1 in the developmental testis through in situ hybridization. The particular role of kifc1 in the spermatogenesis of S. maindroni was our particular interest. Based on multiple protein sequence alignments of KIFC1 homologues, kifc1 gene from the testis of S. maindroni was identified, which consisted of 2432 bp including a 2109 in-frame ORF corresponding to 703 continuous amino acids. The encoded polypeptide shared highest similarity with Octopus tankahkeei. Through the prediction of the secondary and tertiary structures, the motor domain of KIFC1 was conserved at the C-terminal, having putative ATP-binding and microtubule-binding motifs, while the N-terminal was more specific to bind various cargoes for cellular events. The stalk domain connecting between the C-terminal and N-terminal determined the direction of movement. According to RT-PCR results, the kifc1 gene is not tissue-specific, commonly detected in different tissues, for example, the testis, liver, stomach, muscle, caecum and gills. Through an in situ hybridization method, the expression pattern of KIFC1 protein mimics in the spermatogenesis of S. maindroni. During the primary stage of the spermatogenesis, the kifc1 mRNA signal was barely detectable. At the early spermatids, the signal started to be present. With the elongation of spermatids, the signals increased substantially. It peaked and gathered around the acrosome area when the spermatids began to transform to spindle shape. As the spermatids developed into mature sperm, the signal vanished. In summary, the expression of kfic1 at specific stages during spermiogenesis and its distribution shed light on the potential functions of this motor in major cytological transformations. The KIFC1 homologue may provide a direct shaping force to the nucleus or influence the shaping process through indirect regulation.  相似文献   

Preadipocyte factor-1 (pref-1) is specifically expressed in preadipocytes and acts as a gatekeeper of adipogenesis by maintaining the preadipocyte state and preventing adipocyte differentiation. We hypothesized that the breed differences of adipogenic capacity in cattle could be explained by the expression level of pref-1. In this experiment, we studied the expression level of the pref-1 gene and adipocyte cellularity in subcutaneous and mesenteric adipose tissues of Japanese Black (Wagyu) and Holstein fattening cattle. In subcutaneous adipose tissue, there were no significant differences in the pref-1 gene expression levels and adipocyte sizes between the breeds. In contrast, the expression level of the pref-1 gene in mesenteric adipose tissue of Holsteins was significantly higher than that of Wagyu. In addition, the size of mesenteric adipocytes in Holsteins was significantly smaller than that of Wagyu. These results indicate that the breed differences of fattening cattle affect the expression pattern of the pref-1 gene and adipocyte cellularity in a fat depot-specific manner.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 (UBE1) catalyzes the first step in the ubiquitination reaction, which targets a protein for degradation via a proteasome pathway. UBE1 plays an important role in metabolic processes. In this study, full-length cDNA and DNA sequences of UBE1 gene, designated CrUBE1, were obtained from ‘Wuzishatangju’ (self-incompatible, SI) and ‘Shatangju’ (self-compatible, SC) mandarins. 5 amino acids and 8 bases were different in cDNA and DNA sequences of CrUBE1 between ‘Wuzishatangju’ and ‘Shatangju’, respectively. Southern blot analysis showed that there existed only one copy of the CrUBE1 gene in genome of ‘Wuzishatangju’ and ‘Shatangju’. The temporal and spatial expression characteristics of the CrUBE1 gene were investigated using semi-quantitative RT-PCR (SqPCR) and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). The expression level of the CrUBE1 gene in anthers of ‘Shatangju’ was approximately 10-fold higher than in anthers of ‘Wuzishatangju’. The highest expression level of CrUBE1 was detected in pistils at 7 days after self-pollination of ‘Wuzishatangju’, which was approximately 5-fold higher than at 0 h. To obtain CrUBE1 protein, the full-length cDNA of CrUBE1 genes from ‘Wuzishatangju’ and ‘Shatangju’ were successfully expressed in Pichia pastoris. Pollen germination frequency of ‘Wuzishatangju’ was significantly inhibited with increasing of CrUBE1 protein concentrations from ‘Wuzishatangju’.  相似文献   

To date, five human metabotropic glutamate (mGlu) 1 receptor splice variants (1a, 1b, 1d, 1f, and 1g) have been described, all of which involve alternative C-terminal splicing. mGlu1a receptor contains a long C-terminal domain (341 amino acids), which has been shown to scaffold with several proteins and contribute to the structure of the post-synaptic density. However, several shorter mGlu1 receptor splice variants lack the sequence required for these interactions, and no major functional differences between these short splice variants have been described. By using RT-PCR we have shown that two human melanoma cell lines express both mGlu1a and mGlu1b receptors. In addition, using 3′RACE, we identified three previously unknown mGlu1 receptor mRNAs. Two differ in the length of their 3′ untranslated region (UTR), and encode the same predicted protein as mGlu1g receptor—the shortest of all mGlu1 receptor splice variants. The third mRNA, named mGlu1h, encodes a predicted C-terminal splice variant of 10 additional amino acids. mGlu1h mRNA was observed in two different melanoma cell lines and is overexpressed, compared with melanoma precursor cells, melanocytes. Most importantly, this new splice variant, mGlu1h receptor, is encoded by two previously unidentified exons located within the human GRM1 gene. Additionally, these new exons are found exclusively within the GRM1 genes of higher primates and are highly conserved. Therefore, we hypothesize that mGlu1h receptors play a distinct role in primate glutamatergic signaling.  相似文献   

Carboxylesterase (EC is a member of the carboxyl/cholinesterase (CCE) superfamily, which is widely distributed in animals, plants and microorganisms. This enzyme has been known to be associated with insecticide resistance and detoxification. Although CCEs have been extensively studied in insects, including lepidopterans, the research on butterflies, a major subgroup in Lepidoptera, is still poor. In the present study, we cloned a CCE gene (McCCE1) from the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia, Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). The full-length cDNA encoding McCCE1 was 1786 bp, containing a 1641 bp open reading frame encoding 546 amino acids, a 38 bp 5′-untranslated region (5′-UTR), and a 107 bp 3′-UTR with a poly(A) tail. The functionally conserved amino acids in McCCE1 shared the 55% identity with the cytoplasmic esterase CCE017a in Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), which has been associated with detoxification. Assays in vitro showed that the recombinant McCCE1 could hydrolyze α- and β-naphthyl acetate. Thus, the present study adds to the body of knowledge concerning the detoxification of pesticides by lepidopterans.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase is an ubiquitous cytosolic enzyme that catalyzes the ß-carboxylation of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) and is encoded by multigene family in plants. It plays an important role in carbon economy of plants by assimilating CO2 into organic acids for subsequent C4 or CAM photosynthesis or to perform several anaplerotic roles in non-photosynthetic tissues. In this study, a cDNA clone encoding for PEPC polypeptide possessing signature motifs characteristic to ZmC4PEPC was isolated from Pennisetum glaucum (PgPEPC). Deduced amino acid sequence revealed its predicted secondary structure consisting of forty alpha helices and eight beta strands is well conserved among other PEPC homologs irrespective of variation in their primary amino acid sequences. Predicted PgPEPC quartenary structure is a tetramer consisting of a dimer of dimers, which is globally akin to maize PEPC crystal structure with respect to major chain folding wherein catalytically important amino acid residues of active site geometry are conserved. Recombinant PgPEPC protein expressed in E. coli and purified to homogeneity, possessed in vitro ß-carboxylation activity that is determined using a coupled reaction converting PEP into malate. Tetramer is the most active form, however, it exists in various oligomeric forms depending upon the protein concentration, pH, ionic strength of the media and presence of its substrate or effecters. Recombinant PgPEPC protein confers enhanced growth advantage to E. coli under harsh growth conditions in comparison to their respective controls; suggesting that PgPEPC plays a significant role in stress adaptation.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana APETALA3 (AP3) and Antirrhinum majus DEFICIENS (DEF) MADS box genes are required to specify petal and stamen identity. AP3 and DEF are members of the euAP3 lineage, which arose by gene duplication coincident with radiation of the core eudicots. In order to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying organ development in early diverging clades of core eudicots, we isolated and identified an AP3 homolog, FaesAP3, from Fagopyrum esculentum (buckwheat, Polygonaceae), a multi-food-use pseudocereal with healing benefits. Protein sequence alignment and phylogenetic analyses revealed that FaesAP3 grouped into the euAP3 lineage. Expression analysis showed that FaesAP3 was transcribed only in developing stamens, and differed from AP3 and DEF, which expressed in developing petals and stamens. Moreover, ectopic expression of FaesAP3 rescued stamen development without complementation of petal development in an Arabidopsis ap3 mutant. Our results suggest that FaesAP3 is involved in the development of stamens in buckwheat. These results also suggest that FaesAP3 holds some potential for biotechnical engineering to create a male sterile line of F. esculentum.  相似文献   

Development of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) requires secretion of specific isoforms of the proteoglycan agrin by motor neurons. Secreted agrin is widely expressed in the basal lamina of various tissues, whereas a transmembrane form is highly expressed in the brain. Expression in the brain is greatest during the period of synaptogenesis, but remains high in regions of the adult brain that show extensive synaptic plasticity. The well-established role of agrin in NMJ development and its presence in the brain elicited investigations of its possible role in synaptogenesis in the brain. Initial studies on the embryonic brain and neuronal cultures of agrin-null mice did not reveal any defects in synaptogenesis. However, subsequent studies in culture demonstrated inhibition of synaptogenesis by agrin antisense oligonucleotides or agrin siRNA. More recently, a substantial loss of excitatory synapses was found in the brains of transgenic adult mice that lacked agrin expression everywhere but in motor neurons. The mechanisms by which agrin influences synapse formation, maintenance and plasticity may include enhancement of excitatory synaptic signaling, activation of the “muscle-specific” receptor tyrosine kinase (MuSK) and positive regulation of dendritic filopodia. In this article I will review the evidence that agrin regulates synapse development, plasticity and signaling in the brain and discuss the evidence for the proposed mechanisms.  相似文献   

Cdc2 kinase is a catalytic subunit of the maturation-promoting factor (MPF), a central factor for inducing the meiotic maturation of oocytes. MPF has been studied in a wide variety of animal species; however, its expression in crustaceans is poorly characterized. In this study, a complete cDNA sequence of Cdc2 kinase was cloned from the red claw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, and its spatiotemporal expression profiles were analyzed. The Cdc2 cDNA (1769 bp) encodes for a 299 amino acid protein with a calculated molecular weight of 34.7 kDa. Quantitative real-time PCR demonstrated that Cdc2 mRNA was expressed mainly in the ovary tissue and the expression decreased as the ovaries developed. Immunohistochemistry analysis revealed that the Cdc2 protein relocated from the cytoplasm to the nucleus during oogenesis. These findings suggest that Cdc2 kinase may play an important role in the gametogenesis and gonad development in C. quadricarinatus.  相似文献   

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