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Due to their ability to degrade RNA, selected members of the bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A) superfamily are potent cytotoxins. These cytotoxic ribonucleases enter the cytosol of target cells, where they degrade cellular RNA and cause cell death. The cytotoxic activity of most RNases, however, is abolished by the cytosolic ribonuclease inhibitor (RI). Consequently, the development of RNase derivatives with the ability to evade RI binding is a desirable goal. In this study, tandem enzymes consisting of two RNase A units that are bound covalently via a peptide linker were generated by gene duplication. As deduced from the crystal structure of the RNase A.RI complex, one RNase A unit of the tandem enzyme can still be bound by RI. The other unit, however, should remain unbound because of steric hindrance. This free RNase A unit is expected to maintain its activity and to act as a cytotoxic agent. The study of the influence of the linker sequence on the conformation and stability of these constructs revealed that tandemization has only minor effects on the activity and stability of the constructs in comparison to monomeric RNase A. Relative activity was decreased by 10-50% and the melting temperature was decreased by less than 2.5 K. Furthermore, the cytotoxic potency of the RNase A tandem enzymes was investigated. Despite an in vitro inhibition by RI, tandemization was found to endow RNase A with remarkable cytotoxic activity. While monomeric RNase A is not cytotoxic, IC(50) values of the RNase A tandem variants decreased to 70.3-12.9 microM. These findings might establish the development of a new class of chemotherapeutic agents based on pancreatic ribonucleases.  相似文献   

The region between the amino acids 31-46 was previously identified as being first exposed during thermal unfolding of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase). The exchange of one amino acid (Leu35toSer) in this unfolded region of RNase is shown to have a dramatic destabilizing effect (Tm=9 °C). Antibodies raised against a peptide corresponding to the sequence of the labile region, S32-V43, of RNase were effective in stabilizing L35S-RNase against thermal inactivation (65 °C for 2 h) and surpassed the stabilization effect of antiRNase antibodies. An 11% contribution to the stabilizing effect of antiRNase antibodies resulted from antibodies recognizing the unfolding region of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The mechanism of hydrolysis of RNA substrates—diribonucleoside monophosphate CpA and decaribonucleotide UUCAUGUAAA—by chemical constructs functionally mimicking ribonuclease A was studied. It is shown that RNA cleavage by chemical RNases 2L2 and 2D3 proceeds similar to the RNase A-induced RNA hydrolysis through 2′,3′-cyclophosphate as an intermediate product. A comparison of hydrolyses of CpA in water and D2O revealed an isotope effect (K H/K D=2.28), which implies acid-base catalysis at the limiting stage of the reaction. Two feasible mechanisms of RNA hydrolysis by chemical RNases (linear and adjacent) are discussed.  相似文献   

Analysis of the distances of the exposed residues in 175 enzymes from the centroids of the molecules indicates that catalytic residues are very often found among the 5% of residues closest to the enzyme centroid. This property of catalytic residues is implemented in a new prediction algorithm (named EnSite) for locating the active sites of enzymes and in a new scheme for re-ranking enzyme-ligand docking solutions. EnSite examines only 5% of the molecular surface (represented by surface dots) that is closest to the centroid, identifying continuous surface segments and ranking them by their area size. EnSite ranks the correct prediction 1-4 in 97% of the cases in a dataset of 65 monomeric enzymes (rank 1 for 89% of the cases) and in 86% of the cases in a dataset of 176 monomeric and multimeric enzymes from all six top-level enzyme classifications (rank 1 in 74% of the cases). Importantly, identification of buried or flat active sites is straightforward because EnSite "looks" at the molecular surface from the inside out. Detailed examination of the results indicates that the proximity of the catalytic residues to the centroid is a property of the functional unit, defined as the assembly of domains or chains that form the active site (in most cases the functional unit corresponds to a single whole polypeptide chain). Using the functional unit in the prediction further improves the results. The new property of active sites is also used for re-evaluating enzyme-inhibitor unbound docking results. Sorting the docking solutions by the distance of the interface to the centroid of the enzyme improves remarkably the ranks of nearly correct solutions compared to ranks based on geometric-electrostatic-hydrophobic complementarity scores.  相似文献   

M S Stern  M S Doscher 《FEBS letters》1984,171(2):253-256
6-Phosphofructo-2-kinase (PFK2) is activated by a cAMP-dependent protein kinase, and inactivated by phosphatase, indicating the interconversion of PFK2. Inorganic phosphate also activates PFK2, and the optimum pH for the PFK2 activity varies with the concentration of phosphate. Phosphate also enhances the inactivation of PFK2 by citrate, suggesting that phosphate acts as a regulator of PFK2.  相似文献   

The replacement of Phe120 with other hydrophobic residues causes a decrease in the activity and thermal stability in ribonuclease A (RNase A). To explain this, the crystal structures of wild-type RNase A and three mutants--F120A, F120G, and F120W--were analyzed up to a 1.4 A resolution. Although the overall backbone structures of all mutant samples were nearly the same as that of wild-type RNase A, except for the C-terminal region of F120G with a high B-factor, two local conformational changes were observed at His119 in the mutants. First, His119 of the wild-type and F120W RNase A adopted an A position, whereas those of F120A and F120G adopted a B position, but the static crystallographic position did not reflect either the efficiency of transphosphorylation or the hydrolysis reaction. Second, His119 imidazole rings of all mutant enzymes were deviated from that of wild-type RNase A, and those of F120W and F120G appeared to be "inside out" compared with that of wild-type RNase A. Only approximately 1 A change in the distance between N(epsilon2) of His12 and N(delta1) of His119 causes a drastic decrease in k(cat), indicating that the active site requires the strict positioning of the catalytic residues. A good correlation between the change in total accessible surface area of the pockets on the surface of the mutant enzymes and enthalpy change in their thermal denaturation also indicates that the effects caused by the replacements are not localized but extend to remote regions of the protein molecule.  相似文献   

Tyrosinases are widely distributed in nature. They are copper‐containing oxidases belonging to the type 3 copper protein family, together with catechol oxidases and haemocyanins. Tyrosinases are essential enzymes in melanin biosynthesis and therefore responsible for pigmentation of skin and hair in mammals, where two more enzymes, the tyrosinase‐related proteins (Tyrps), participate in the pathway. The structure and catalytic mechanism of mammalian tyrosinases have been extensively studied but they are not completely understood because of the lack of information on the tertiary structure. The availability of crystallographic data of one plant catechol oxidase and one bacterial tyrosinase has improved the model of the three‐dimensional structure of the active site of the enzyme. Furthermore, sequence comparison of tyrosinase and the Tyrps reveals that the three orthologue proteins share many key structural features, because of their common origin from an ancestral gene, although the specific residues responsible for their different catalytic capabilities have not been identified yet. This review summarizes our current knowledge of tyrosinase and Tyrps structure and function and describes the catalytic mechanism of tyrosinase and Dct/Tyrp2, which are better characterized.  相似文献   

Activity of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is tightly regulated and performs a diverse repertoire of cellular functions. Previously we isolated a dominant-negative active site mutant of the PP2A catalytic (C) subunit using a yeast complementation assay. We have established stable fibroblastic cell lines expressing epitope-tagged versions of the wild-type and H118N mutant C subunits and have used these cells to investigate mechanisms that regulate PP2A activity. Cells expressing the mutant C subunit exhibit a decreased growth rate and a prolonged G1 cell cycle phase. The mutant protein is enzymatically inactive, but extracts made from cells expressing the H118N C subunit show normal levels of total PP2A activity in vitro. The H118N mutant shows reduced binding to the regulatory A subunit, but binds normally to the alpha4 protein, a non-canonical regulator of PP2A. Expression of the H118N mutant interferes with the normal control of C subunit abundance, causing accumulation of the endogenous wild-type protein as well as the mutant transgene product. Our results indicate that the H118N mutant isoform retards C subunit turnover and suggest that PP2A C subunit turnover may be important for normal cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

A loop closure-based sequential algorithm, PRODA_MATCH, was developed to match catalytic residues onto a scaffold for enzyme design in silico. The computational complexity of this algorithm is polynomial with respect to the number of active sites, the number of catalytic residues, and the maximal iteration number of cyclic coordinate descent steps. This matching algorithm is independent of a rotamer library that enables the catalytic residue to take any required conformation during the reaction coordinate. The catalytic geometric parameters defined between functional groups of transition state (TS) and the catalytic residues are continuously optimized to identify the accurate position of the TS. Pseudo-spheres are introduced for surrounding residues, which make the algorithm take binding into account as early as during the matching process. Recapitulation of native catalytic residue sites was used as a benchmark to evaluate the novel algorithm. The calculation results for the test set show that the native catalytic residue sites were successfully identified and ranked within the top 10 designs for 7 of the 10 chemical reactions. This indicates that the matching algorithm has the potential to be used for designing industrial enzymes for desired reactions.  相似文献   

Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI, EC, an enzyme and chaperone, catalyses disulfide bond formation and rearrangements in protein folding. It is also a subunit in two proteins, the enzyme collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase and the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein. It consists of two catalytically active domains, a and a', and two inactive ones, b and b', all four domains having the thioredoxin fold. Domain b' contains the primary peptide binding site, but a' is also critical for several of the major PDI functions. Mass spectrometry was used here to follow the folding pathway of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A) in the presence of three PDI mutants, F449R, Delta455-457, and abb', and the individual domains a and a'. The first two mutants contained alterations in the last alpha helix of domain a', while the third lacked the entire domain a'. All mutants produced genuine, correctly folded RNase A, but the appearance rate of 50% of the product, as compared to wild-type PDI, was reduced 2.5-fold in the case of PDI Delta455-457, 7.5-fold to eightfold in the cases of PDI F449R and PDI abb', and over 15-fold in the cases of the individual domains a and a'. In addition, PDI F449R and PDI abb' affected the distribution of folding intermediates. Domains a and a' catalyzed the early steps in the folding but no disulfide rearrangements, and therefore the rate observed in the presence of these individual domains was similar to that of the spontaneous process.  相似文献   

A histidine residue with a pKa of 7 has been inferred to act as a general acid-base catalyst for the reaction of creatine kinase (CK), catalyzing the reversible phosphorylation of creatine by ATP. The chicken sarcomeric muscle mitochondrial isoenzyme Mib-CK contains several histidine residues that are conserved throughout the family of creatine kinases. By X-ray crystal structure analysis, three of them (His 61, His 92, and His 186) were recently shown to be located close to the active site of the enzyme. These residues were exchanged against alanine or aspartate by in vitro mutagenesis, and the six mutant proteins were expressed in E. coli and purified. Structural integrity of the mutant proteins was checked by small-angle X-ray scattering. Kinetic analysis showed the mutant His 61 Asp to be completely inactive in the direction of ATP consumption while exhibiting a residual activity of 1.7% of the wild-type (wt) activity in the reverse direction. The respective His to Ala mutant of residue 61 showed approximately 1% wt activity in the forward and 10% wt activity in the reverse reaction. All other mutants showed near wt activities. Changes in the kinetic parameters K(m) or Vmax, as well as a significant loss of synergism in substrate binding, could be observed with all active mutants. These effects were most pronounced for the binding of creatine and phosphocreatine, whereas ATP or ADP binding were less severely affected. Based on our results, we assume that His 92 and His 186 are involved in the binding of creatine and ATP in the active site, whereas His 61 is of importance for the catalytic reaction but does not serve as an acid-base catalyst in the transphosphorylation of creatine and ATP. In addition, our data support the idea that the flexible loop bearing His 61 is able to move towards the active site and to participate in catalysis.  相似文献   

Thymidine‐3′‐monophosphate (3′‐TMP) is a competitive inhibitor analogue of the 3′‐CMP and 3′‐UMP natural product inhibitors of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A). Isothermal titration calorimetry experiments show that 3′‐TMP binds the enzyme with a dissociation constant (Kd) of 15 μM making it one of the strongest binding members of the five natural bases found in nucleic acids (A, C, G, T, and U). To further investigate the molecular properties of this potent natural affinity, we have determined the crystal structure of bovine pancreatic RNase A in complex with 3′‐TMP at 1.55 Å resolution and we have performed NMR binding experiments with 3′‐CMP and 3′‐TMP. Our results show that binding of 3′‐TMP is very similar to other natural and non‐natural pyrimidine ligands, demonstrating that single nucleotide affinity is independent of the presence or absence of a 2′‐hydroxyl on the ribose moiety of pyrimidines and suggesting that the pyrimidine binding subsite of RNase A is not a significant contributor of inhibitor discrimination. Accumulating evidence suggests that very subtle structural, chemical, and potentially motional variations contribute to ligand discrimination in this enzyme. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary A method is proposed to generate initial structures in cases where the distance geometry method may fail, such as when the set of1H NMR NOE-based distance constraints is small in relation to the size of the protein. The method introduces an initial correlation between the and backbone angles (based on empirical observations) which is relaxed in later stages of the calculation. The obtained initial structures are refined by well-established methods of energy minimization and restrained molecular dynamics. The method is applied to determine the solution structure of Ribonuclease A (124 residues) from a NOE basis consisting of 467 NOE cross-correlations (97 intra-residue, 206 sequential, 23 medium-range and 141 long-range) obtained at 360 MHz. The global shape and backbone overall fold of the eight final refined structures are close to those shown by the crystal structure. A meaningful difference in the positioning of the catalytically important His119 side chain in the solution and crystal structures has been detected.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of an R-state conformer of glycogen phosphorylase containing the coenzyme-substrate analog pyridoxal-5'-diphosphate at the catalytic site (PLPP-GPb) has been refined by X-ray crystallography to a resolution of 2.87 A. The molecule comprises four subunits of phosphorylase related by approximate 222 symmetry. Whereas the quaternary structure of R-state PLPP-GPb is similar to that of phosphorylase crystallized in the presence of ammonium sulfate (Barford, D. & Johnson, L.N., 1989, Nature 340, 609-616), the tertiary structures differ in that the two domains of the PLPP-GPb subunits are rotated apart by 5 degrees relative to the T-state conformation. Global differences among the four subunits suggest that the major domains of the phosphorylase subunit are connected by a flexible hinge. The two different positions observed for the terminal phosphate of the PLPP are interpreted as distinct phosphate subsites that may be occupied at different points along the reaction pathway. The structural basis for the unique ability of R-state dimers to form tetramers results from the orientation of subunits with respect to the dyad axis of the dimer. Residues in opposing dimers are in proper registration to form tetramers only in the R-state.  相似文献   

A 30-residue peptide was obtained from ribonuclease A by chemical cleavage with cyanogen bromide, subsequent sulfitolysis with concomitant S-sulfonation, and finally enzymatic cleavage withStaphylococcus aureus protease. The peptide was converted to the free thiol form by reductive cleavage of the S-sulfo-protecting groups withd,l-dithiothreitol. This peptide consisted of residues 50–79 of the native sequence of ribonuclease A, with the exception that methionine-79 had been converted to homoserine. Included in this sequence are residues cysteine-65 and cysteine-72, which form a disulfide bond in the native enzyme, as well as cysteine-58. This molecule may form one of three possible intramolecular disulfide bonds upon thiol oxidation, viz. one loop of 15 and 2 of 8 residues each. These isomeric peptides were prepared by oxidation with cystamine, 2-aminoethanethiolation of residual thiols, and fractionation by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Disulfide pairings were established by mapping the tryptic fragments and confirming their composition by amino acid analysis. After protracted incubation under oxidizing conditions at 25.0°C andp H 8.0, the 26-member ring incorporating the native disulfide bond between residues 65 and 72 is the dominant product. Assuming that equilibrium is established, we infer that local interactions in the sequence of ribonuclease A significantly stabilize the native 8-residue disulfide loop with respect to the non-native 8-residue loop (G°=–1.1±0.1 kcal mole–1). The implications of this observation for the oxidative folding of the intact protein are discussed.  相似文献   

Interaction between a 70-amino acid and zinc-binding polypeptide from the regulatory chain and the catalytic (C) trimer of aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase) leads to dramatic changes in enzyme activity and affinity for active site ligands. The hypothesis that the complex between a C trimer and 3 polypeptide fragments (zinc domain) is an analog of R state ATCase has been examined by steady-state kinetics, heavy-atom isotope effects, and isotope trapping experiments. Inhibition by the bisubstrate ligand, N-(phosphonacetyl)-L-aspartate (PALA), or the substrate analog, succinate, at varying concentrations of substrates, aspartate, or carbamoyl phosphate indicated a compulsory ordered kinetic mechanism with carbamoyl phosphate binding prior to aspartate. In contrast, inhibition studies on C trimer were consistent with a preferred order mechanism. Similarly, 13C kinetic isotope effects in carbamoyl phosphate at infinite aspartate indicated a partially random kinetic mechanism for C trimer, whereas results for the complex of C trimer and zinc domain were consistent with a compulsory ordered mechanism of substrate binding. The dependence of isotope effect on aspartate concentration observed for the Zn domain-C trimer complex was similar to that obtained earlier for intact ATCase. Isotope trapping experiments showed that the compulsory ordered mechanism for the complex was attributable to increased "stickiness" of carbamoyl phosphate to the Zn domain-C trimer complex as compared to C trimer alone. The rate of dissociation of carbamoyl phosphate from the Zn domain-C trimer complex was about 10(-2) that from C trimer.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase has served as a paradigm for the entire kinase family. In the course of studying the structure-function relationship of the P+1 loop (Leu198-Leu205) of the kinase, we have solved the crystal structure of the Tyr204 to Ala mutant in complexes with Mg.ATP and an inhibitory peptide at 1.26A, with overall structure very similar to that of the wild-type protein. However, at the nucleotide binding site, ATP was found largely hydrolyzed, with the products ADP-PO(4) retained in the structure. High-resolution refinement suggests that 26% of the molecules contain the intact ATP, whereas 74% have the hydrolyzed products. The observation of the substrate and product states in the same structure adds significant information to our understanding of the phosphoryl transfer process. Structural examination of the mutation site substantiates and extends the emerging concept that the hydrophobic core in the large lobe of the kinase might serve as a stable platform for anchoring key segments involved in catalysis. We propose that Tyr204 is critical for anchoring the P+1 loop to the core. Further analysis has highlighted two major connections between the P+1 loop and the catalytic loop (Arg165-Asn171). One emphasizes the hydrophobic packing of Tyr204 and Leu167 mediated through residues from the alphaF-helix, recently recognized as a signal integration motif, which together with the alphaE-helix forms the center of the hydrophobic core network. The other connection is mediated by the hydrogen bond interaction between Thr201 and Asp166, in a substrate-dependent manner. We speculate that the latter interaction may be important for the kinase to sense the presence of substrate and prepare itself for the catalytic reaction. Thus, the P+1 loop is not merely involved in substrate binding; it mediates the communication between substrate and catalytic residues.  相似文献   

Proline peptide group isomerization can result in kinetic barriers in protein folding. In particular, the cis proline peptide conformation at Tyr92-Pro93 of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A) has been proposed to be crucial for chain folding initiation. Mutation of this proline-93 to alanine results in an RNase A molecule, P93A, that exhibits unfolding/refolding kinetics consistent with a cis Tyr92-Ala93 peptide group conformation in the folded structure (Dodge RW, Scheraga HA, 1996, Biochemistry 35:1548-1559). Here, we describe the analysis of backbone proton resonance assignments for P93A together with nuclear Overhauser effect data that provide spectroscopic evidence for a type VI beta-bend conformation with a cis Tyr92-Ala93 peptide group in the folded structure. This is in contrast to the reported X-ray crystal structure of [Pro93Gly]-RNase A (Schultz LW, Hargraves SR, Klink TA, Raines RT, 1998, Protein Sci 7:1620-1625), in which Tyr92-Gly93 forms a type-II beta-bend with a trans peptide group conformation. While a glycine residue at position 93 accommodates a type-II bend (with a positive value of phi93), RNase A molecules with either proline or alanine residues at this position appear to require a cis peptide group with a type-VI beta-bend for proper folding. These results support the view that a cis Pro93 conformation is crucial for proper folding of wild-type RNase A.  相似文献   

The pK(a) values of the CXXC active-site cysteine residues play a critical role in determining the physiological function of the thioredoxin superfamily. To act as an efficient thiol-disulphide oxidant the thiolate state of the N-terminal cysteine must be stabilised and the thiolate state of the C-terminal cysteine residue destabilised. While increasing the pK(a) value of the C-terminal cysteine residue promotes oxidation of substrates, it has an inhibitory effect on the reoxidation of the enzyme, which is promoted by the formation of a thiolate at this position. Since reoxidation is essential to complete the catalytic cycle, the differential requirement for a high and a low pK(a) value for the C-terminal cysteine residue for different steps in the reaction presents us with a paradox. Here, we report the identification of a conserved arginine residue, located in the loop between beta5 and alpha4 of the catalytic domains of the human protein disulphide isomerase (PDI) family, which is critical for the catalytic function of PDI, ERp57, ERp72 and P5, specifically for reoxidation. An examination of the published NMR structure for the a domain of PDI combined with molecular dynamic studies suggest that the side-chain of this arginine residue moves into and out of the active-site locale and that this has a very marked effect on the pK(a) value of the active-site cysteine residues. This intra-domain motion resolves the apparent dichotomy of the pK(a) requirements for the C-terminal active-site cysteine.  相似文献   

Mammalian cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) reduces O2 to water in a bimetallic site including Fea3 and CuB giving intermediate molecules, termed A-, P-, F-, O-, E-, and R-forms. From the P-form on, each reaction step is driven by single-electron donations from cytochrome c coupled with the pumping of a single proton through the H-pathway, a proton-conducting pathway composed of a hydrogen-bond network and a water channel. The proton-gradient formed is utilized for ATP production by F-ATPase. For elucidation of the proton pumping mechanism, crystal structural determination of these intermediate forms is necessary. Here we report X-ray crystallographic analysis at ∼1.8 Å resolution of fully reduced CcO crystals treated with O2 for three different time periods. Our disentanglement of intermediate forms from crystals that were composed of multiple forms determined that these three crystallographic data sets contained ∼45% of the O-form structure, ∼45% of the E-form structure, and ∼20% of an oxymyoglobin-type structure consistent with the A-form, respectively. The O- and E-forms exhibit an unusually long CuB2+-OH distance and CuB1+-H2O structure keeping Fea33+-OH state, respectively, suggesting that the O- and E-forms have high electron affinities that cause the O→E and E→R transitions to be essentially irreversible and thus enable tightly coupled proton pumping. The water channel of the H-pathway is closed in the O- and E-forms and partially open in the R-form. These structures, together with those of the recently reported P- and F-forms, indicate that closure of the H-pathway water channel avoids back-leaking of protons for facilitating the effective proton pumping.  相似文献   

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