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Cobrotoxin (Mr 6949), which binds tightly to the acetylcholine receptors, contains no phenylalanines and only two histidines, two tyrosines, and one tryptophan that result in well-resolved aromatic proton resonances in D2O at 360 MHz. His-32, Tyr-25, and the Trp are essential for toxicity and may interact with the acetylcholine receptor. We assign two titratable resonances (pKa = 5.1) at delta = 9.0 and 7.5 ppm at pH 2.5 and at 7.7 and 7.1 ppm at pH 9.5 to the C-2 and C-4 ring protons, respectively, of His-4. Two other titratable resonances (pKa = 5.7) at delta = 8.8 and 6.9 ppm at pH 2.5 and at 7.8 and 6.7 ppm at pH 9.5 are assigned to the C-2 and C-4 ring protons of His-32, respectively. The differences in delta values of the two histidines reflect chemically different microenvironments while their low pKa values could arise from nearby positive charges. A methyl resonance gradually shifts upfield to delta approximately 0.4 ppm as His-4 is deprotonated and is tentatively assigned to the methyl group of Thr-14 or Thr-15 which, from published X-ray studies of neurotoxins, are located in the vicinity of His-4. Further, we have identified the aromatic resonances of the invariant tryptophan and individual tyrosines and the methyl resonance of one of the two isoleucines in the molecule. Several broad nontitrating resonances of labile protons which disappear at pH greater than 9 may arise from amide groups of the beta sheet in cobrotoxin.  相似文献   

Pulsed Fourier transform proton magnetic resonance was used to study alpha-ketoglutaramic, and several other alpha-keto acids in aqueous solutions as a function of pH. Most alpha-keto acids were found to exist in equilibrium with the hydrate (gem-doil). The equilibrium position favors the nonhydrated alphs-keto acid at neutral pH, but at low pH values (below the pKa of the alpha-carboxylic acid group) the hydrate predominates. We found evidence that alpha-ketoglutaric acid exists in a third equilibrium form which is assigned to the lactol. alpha-Ketoglutaramic acid (the alpha-keto acid analog of glutamine) which is known to exist predominantly in a cyclic form at pH 7.0 was shown to exist as a cyclic structure over a wide pH range. However, the cyclic form is an equilibrium mixture of 2-pyrrolidone-5-hydroxy-5-carboxylic and 1-pyrrolin-2-one-5-carboxylic acids.  相似文献   

The low-field 220-MHz proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of four tRNA molecules, Escherichia coli tRNAPhe, tRNA1Val, and tRNAfMet1, and yeast tRNAPhe, at neutral and mildly acidic pH are compared. We find a net increase in the number of resonances contributing to the -9.9-ppm peak (downfield from sodium 4,4-dimethyl-4-silapentanesulfonate) in three of these tRNAs at pH 6, while tRNAfMet1 does not clearly exhibit this behavior. The increase in intensity at this resonance position is half-completed at pH 6.2 in the case of yeast tRNAPhe. An alteration at the 5'-phosphate terminus is not involved, since removal of the terminal phosphate does not affect the gain in intensity at -9.9 ppm. Based on a survey of the tertiary interactions in the four molecules, assuming that they possess tertiary structures like that of yeast tRNAPhe at neutral pH, we tentatively attribute this altered resonance in E. coli and yeast tRNAPhe to the protonation of the N3 of the adenine residue at position 9 which results in the stabilization of the tertiary triple A23-U12-A9. This intepretation is supported by model studies on the lowfield proton NMR spectrum of AN oligomers at acid pH, which reveal an exchanging proton resonance at -9.4 ppm if the chain length N greater than or equal to 6.  相似文献   

The 13C nmr spectra of three nucleosides and four C-nucleosides have been recorded and all carbon signals assigned. These data have been utilized for the determination of the structure and conformation of the antibiotic pyrazomycin B. Steric differences have been shown to be reflected in the chemical shift values.  相似文献   

High resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of permethylated and permethylated-reduced (LiAlH4) derivatives were recorded in chloroform solution for the following glycosphingolipids with known structure: lactotriaosylceramide, neolactotetraosylceramide (paragloboside), two blood group H-active pentaglycosylceramides (type 1 and type 2 saccharide chains, respectively), a B-active hexaglycosylceramide, an A-active hexaglycosylceramide, and an A-active octaglycosylceramide. Good quality and resolution allow a clear-cut diagnosis of α-anomeric protons of Fuc, Gal, and GalNAc, and in most cases of all β protons. Upon reduction there is a strong deshielding effect on H-1 of Gal of Galβ1 → 3GlcNAc but not on Gal of Galβ1 → 4GlcNAc. It is therefore possible to differentiate type 1 and type 2 chains by this method, a structural difference of importance for serological specificity. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy may therefore provide conclusive information on the anomeric structure of the immunodeterminant of blood group-active glycolipids using the same derivatives as for sequence analysis by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

High resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectra were recorded in a chloroform solution of six Lewis-active or Lewis-like glycosphingolipids in permethylated and permethylated-reduced (LiAlH4) form. The samples were selected to cover the presently known structural variants of α-fucose linked to galactose and N-acetylglucosamine. Fucα1 → 2Gal, Fucα1 → 3GlcNAc, and Fucα1 → 4GlcNAc gave characteristic and well-separated anomeric resonances. Furthermore, upon reduction there was a strong deshielding effect on Fucα1 → 3GlcNAc and Galβ1 → 3GlcNAc (linkage vicinal to reduced amide), which makes it possible to differentiate type 1 (Galβ1 → 3GlcNAc) and type 2 (Galβ1 → 4GlcNAc) saccharide chains. This improved method of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is discussed in relation to sequence analysis by mass spectrometry, two microscale structural methods using the same type of derivatives and needing no degradations before analysis.  相似文献   

Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has been reevaluated concerning the assignment of anomeric structure of glycosphingolipids. Solubility problems due to a varying number of sugars are avoided by permethylation, allowing a wide range of glycolipids to be compared. High resolution spectra were recorded in chloroform solution for the following substances with known structure, most of them representing a successive building up of members of the globo-series: ceramide, Galβ1 → 1Cer, a mixture of Glcα1 → 1Cer and Glcβ1 → 1Cer, lactosylceramide, globotriaosylceramide, globotetraosylceramide (globoside), and GalNAcα1 → 3globotetraosylceramide (Forssman hapten). Resonances originating in anomeric protons were identified and possible interference from other signals was defined. A complex set of resonances from H-1 of hexosamines was probably due to two separate conformers of the acetamido group caused by N-methylation. The complexity disappeared upon reduction with LiAlH4. The chemical shifts and coupling constants were characteristic for the configuration of the glycosidic bond, the type of monomer, and in part for its location in the chain. At present, spectra may be recorded from 200-μg samples. It is concluded that the good quality and resolution obtained make this technique an alternative method to the presently used enzymatic degradation for establishing anomeric structure of glycosphingolipids.  相似文献   

Comparison has been made of the proton magnetic resonance (PMR) spectra of translating ribosomes in the pre-translocation and post-translocation states as well as of the complexes of translating ribosomes with elongation factors Tu (EF-Tu) or G (EF-G) in the presence of the uncleavable analogue of GTP--guanylyl-imidodiphosphate (GMP-PNP). It is shown that proteins L7/L12 within the translating ribosomes possess a high intramolecular mobility both in the pre-translocation and in the post-translocation states. The interaction of EF-G with translating ribosomes results in a decrease of the mobility of the L7/L12 proteins. The interaction of EF-Tu with translating ribosomes leads to slight changes in the PMR spectra different from the changes caused by EF-G.  相似文献   

220 MHz proton magnetic resonance spectra of tRNAs in bulk and tRNA-Met-f from Thermus thermophilus have been measured and compared with those of tRNAs from E. coli. Temperature dependences and chemical shift positions of the bulk tRNAs are well explained by the difference in their GC contents. It is known that the base sequence of the double helical regions in the cloverleaf structure of T. thermophilus tRNA-Met-f is different from that of E. coli tRNA-Met-f only at two positions in TpsiCarm; one more C:G pair is contained instead of a U:G pair of E. coli tRNA-Met-f and a C:G pair of E. coli is replaced by a G:C pair. In spite of the resembrance in the base sequences, nmr patterns around 13 ppm are fairly different from each other. The difference is discussed in relation with their tertiary structures and with the origin of chemical shift displacements.  相似文献   

G M Smith 《Biochemistry》1979,18(8):1628-1634
Rhodospirillum rubrum cytochrome c2 was studied by proton nuclear magnetic resonance at 220 MHz. Assignments were made to the resonances of heme c by double-resonance techniques and by temperature-dependence studies. The aromatic resonances of Trp-62 and Tyr-70 of ferrocytochrome c2 were identified by spin-decoupling experiments. The resonances of the Met-91 methyl group of the ferri- and ferrocytochromes were assigned by saturation-transfer experiments. The assignments are compared to those made for cytochromes c. A pH titration showed that the methionine methyl resonance of ferricytochrome c2 shifted with a pK of 6.25 and disappeared above pH 9. No histidine CH resonances that titrated normally over the neutral pH range were observed in the spectrum of either oxidation state of the protein. The possible origins of the ionizations at pH 6.25 and 9 are discussed.  相似文献   

The aromatic H NMR spectrum of the kringle 1 domain from human plasminogen has been investigated by proton Overhauser experiments, acid-base titration, and two-dimensional chemical shift correlated spectroscopy. Spin-echo and pH response experiments lead to the identification of the N-terminal Tyr-3 phenol ring signals. The connectivities among the tryptophanyl aromatic protons have been established and sets of singlet-doublet-triplet resonances stemming from each of the two indole groups sorted according to their common side chain origin. Similarly, the four histidyl singlets have been identified and paired per imidazole group. From their pH responses, it is indicated that a histidyl (His31) and a tryptophanyl (Trp-II) residue are placed in the neighborhood of carboxyl groups. The high-field chemical shifts observed for proton resonances of the ligand epsilon-aminocaproic acid upon binding to kringle 1 indicate that the ligand-binding site is rich in aromatic components. Overhauser experiments reveal that Leu46 is surrounded by a cluster of interacting aromatic side chains, which includes Trp25, Phe36, His41, Trp62, and Tyr64, and define a hydrophobic region contiguous to the kringle lysine-binding site. Relative internuclear distances have been estimated for aromatic H-atoms in the vicinity of Leu46 by reference to one of the latter's CH3 sigma, sigma' groups. Some of the connectives have previously been found for Leu46 in kringle 4 which further supports the idea of a common structure for the homologous domains.  相似文献   

Cycloheximide-ribosome interactions from sensitive and resistant organisms were studied by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic techniques. The two methyl resonances of cycloheximide upon interaction with ribosomes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed preferential broadening. Comparison of cycloheximide line broadening as effected by ribosomes from S. cerevisiae (sensitive) and Microsporum canis (resistant) revealed that less cycloheximide is bound to the M. canis ribosomes. From the decrease in line broadening observed with increasing temperature it may be concluded that cycloheximide-ribosome interaction is a fast exchange reaction. Tetracycline did not compete with cycloheximide for binding site(s) on the ribosomes of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Bradykinin (BK) is a peptide hormone with sequence Arg1-Pro2-Pro3-Gly4-Phe5-Ser6-Pro7-Phe8-Arg9 and has been implicated in a multitude of pathophysiological processes such as the ability to lower systemic blood pressure and stimulate pain. BK analogues having bulky, β-branched D -aliphatic residues at position 7 combined with bulky L -aliphatic residues at position 8 have now been observed to be strong antagonists. Conformational studies based on two-dimensional nmr experiments in methanol/water (80/20 v/v) were carried out on several such active antagonists in a polar solvent. Included in this study were the very active antagonists, [D -Arg0, Hyp3, Thi5, D -Cpg7, Cpg8]-BK [Cpg: α-cyclo-pentyl-glycine; Hyp: trans-4-hydroxy-L -proline; Thi: β-(2-thienyl)-L -alanine] ( I ), [D -Arg0, Hyp3, D -Cpg7, Cpg8] -BK ( II ), as well as its variant with D -Cpg7 replaced by Cpg7, namely [D -Arg0, Hyp3, Cpg7, Cpg8]-BK ( III ). A turn-like structure, which coexists with the extended conformation, was observed between residues 2 and 5 for the most active antagonists I and II , in direct correlation with the peptide activities. No turn-like structure was found for residues 6–9. In peptide III , a turn-like structure was not identified. The existence of a turn at the C-terminal end of bradykinin and its analogues has been predicted by empirical calculations and supported by nmr measurements. But the present nmr study on the most active antagonists ( I , II ) does not support this hypothesis. Instead, the data suggest that a turn-like structure between residues 2 and 5 could be important for antagonist activity. Finally, one weak inhibitor [D -Cpg7]-BK ( IV ) showed no defined secondary structure. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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