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Rats fed a vitamin E-deficient diet for 7–8 weeks postweaning showed no change in brain weight or the activity in brain of various enzymes involved in neurotransmitter synthesis and metabolism. Body and muscle weights were markedly reduced. Muscle choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase activities were significantly elevated on a protein basis, but the total amount of choline acetyltransferase/muscle was essentially normal and total acetylcholinesterase activity was slightly reduced. Total carnitine acetyltransferase and butyrylcholinesterase activities were markedly decreased. The results are quite different from those found in hereditary murine muscular dystrophy and suggest a myogenic etiology for the vitamin E-deficiency-induced condition.  相似文献   

Stimulation of glutathione synthesis in iron-loaded mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have previously reported that the iron-loading of mice, by feeding them carbonyl iron, caused an elevation of hepatic glutathione concentration and an increase in glutathione excretion from the liver (Kawabata, T., Ogino, T. and Awai, M. (1989) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1004, 89-94). To elucidate the mechanism of glutathione elevation, hepatic cysteine concentration and gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (L-glutamate: L-cysteine gamma-ligase (ADP-forming), EC activity were measured and possible changes in cysteine metabolism were also compared between iron-loaded and control mice. Hepatic cysteine concentration was higher in iron-loaded mice (185 +/- 12 nmol/g wet wt.) than in the controls (164 +/- 8 nmol/g wet wt.), and gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase activity was also elevated in iron-loaded mice (34.3 +/- 3.2 nmol/mg protein per min) compared with the controls (28.6 +/- 3.8 nmol/mg protein per min). A comparison of the metabolic pathways with intravenously injected [35S]cysteine showed that organ distribution of the isotope was not significantly different, and also the rate of [35S]cysteine uptake into the hepatic glutathione fraction exhibited no difference between the two groups of mice. This shows that hepatic cysteine turnover may not be different between the two groups of mice. Since hepatic cysteine concentration was higher in iron-loaded mice, the apparently equal turnover of hepatic cysteine suggests that GSH synthesis may be elevated in iron-loaded mice. The high gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase activity is suggested to stimulate GSH synthesis in iron-loaded mice.  相似文献   

A Ca2+-activated proteolytic enzyme 1 that partially degrades myofibrials was isolated from hind limb muscles of normal rabbits and rabbits undergoing rapid muscle atrophy as a result of vitamin E deficiency. Extractable Ca2+-activated protease activity was 3.6 times higher in muscle tissue from vitamin E-deficient rabbits than from muscle tissue of control rabbits. Ultrastructural studies of muscle from vitamin E-deficient rabbits showed that the Z disk was the first myofibrillar structure to show degradative changes in atrophying muscle. Myofibris prepared from muscles vitamin E-deficient rabbits showed partial or complete loss of Z-disk density. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the amount of troponin-T (37 000 daltons) and α-actinin (96 000 daltons) was reduced in myofibrils from atrophying muscle as compared to myofibrils prepared from control muscle. In vitro treatment of purified myofibrils with purified Ca2+-activated proteolytic enzyme produced alterations in myofibrillar ultrastructure that were identical to the initial alterations occuring in myofibrils from atrophying muscle (i.e. weakening and subsequent removal of Z disks). Additionally the electrophoretic banding pattern of Ca2+-activated proteolytic enzyme-treated myofibrils is very similar to that of myofibrils prepared from muscles atrophying as a result of nutritional vitamin E deficiency. The possible role of Ca2+-activated proteolytic enzyme in disassembly and degradation of the myofibril is discussed.  相似文献   

Erythrocytes of vitamin E-deficient rats were investigated as an in vivo model of oxidant stress and cellular aging. To measure possible membrane damage related to the enhanced oxidant stress, the permeability of the erythrocyte membrane to potassium was determined. Rates of non-hemolytic potassium loss were calculated from comparison of total potassium loss and hemolysis rates. The non-hemolytic potassium loss rates for erythrocytes of vitamin E-deficient rats were as much as 2.5-fold higher than controls. The abnormally high permeability of vitamin E-deficient rat erythrocytes indicates molecular damage at the membrane level, and may be significant to our understanding of the normal aging process in erythrocytes and other cells.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of heme in the vitamin E-deficient rat   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

A Ca2+-activated proteolytic enzyme that partially degrades myofibrils was isolated from hind limb muscles of normal rabbits and rabbits undergoing rapid muscle atrophy as a result of vitamin E deficiency. Extractable Ca2+-activated protease activity was 3.6 times higher in muscle tissue from vitamin E-deficient rabbits than from muscle tissue of control rabbits. Ultrastructural studies of muscle from vitamin E-deficient rabbits showed that the Z disk was the first myofibrillar structure to show degradative changes in atrophying muscle. Myofibrils prepared from muscles from vitamin E-deficient rabbits showed partial or complete loss of Z-disk density. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the amount of troponin-T (37 000 daltons) and alpha-actinin (96 000 daltons) was reduced in myofibrils from atrophying muscle as compared to myofibrils prepared from control muscle. In vitro treatment of purified myofibrils with purified Ca2+-activated proteolytic enzyme produced alterations in myofibrillar ultrastructure that were identical to the initial alterations occurring in myofibrils from atrophying muscle (i.e. weakening and subsequent removal of Z disks). Additonally the electrophoretic banding pattern of Ca2+-activated proteolytic enzyme-treated myofibrils is very similar to that of myofibrils prepared from muscles atrophying as a result of nutritional vitamin E deficiency. The possible role of Ca2+-activated proteolytic enzyme in disassembly and degradation of the myofibril is discussed.  相似文献   

A soybean protein diet was used to induce vitamin E deficiency in rhesus monkeys. The deficient monkeys had reduced triglyceride concentrations in liver and skeletal muscle, but the cholesterol concentration in their skeletal muscle was increased. A constant amount of radioactively labeled (3)H-cholesterol-7alpha-(3)H was fed daily for 48-114 days to control and vitamin E-deficient monkeys to study the relationship between plasma, liver, and skeletal muscle cholesterol. Plasma cholesterol reached constant, maximum specific activity by the 42nd day both in control and in vitamin E-deficient monkeys. In control and previously deficient vitamin E-treated monkeys the specific activity of cholesterol in liver and skeletal muscle was approximately equal to that of plasma. In vitamin E-deficient monkeys the liver cholesterol specific activity was equal to that of plasma cholesterol, but the ratio of skeletal muscle cholesterol specific activity to plasma cholesterol specific activity was reduced. It is concluded from these studies that there is a specific defect(s) in cholesterol metabolism in the skeletal muscle of vitamin E-deficient monkeys.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a 34 kDa glycosylated protein with multiple biological properties. In addition to its role in cholesterol transport, apoE has in vitro immunomodulatory properties. Recent data suggest that these immunomodulatory effects of apoE may be biologically relevant, and apoE-deficient mice have altered immune responses after bacterial inoculation and increased susceptibility to endotoxemia induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). To better understand the mechanism by which apoE-modulates immune responses, we tested the role of human apoE isoforms in assays of human T cell proliferation, and analyzed the immune responses of apoE-deficient mice. Both the E3 and E4 isoforms of apoE induced similar suppression of human lymphocyte function in assays of T cell proliferation, including mitogenic responses to phytohaemagglutin (PHA), stimulation of the T cell receptor with alphaCD3, and antigen-specific response to tetanus toxoid. ApoE-deficient mice showed no quantitative differences in thymic, splenic, or bone marrow lymphocyte populations, nor were there in vitro abnormalities in splenocyte proliferation after stimulation with alphaCD3 to suggest an inherent T cell defect in apoE-deficient mice. ApoE deficient animals, however, had significantly higher levels of antigen-specific IgM after immunization with tetanus toxoid, and impaired delayed type hypersensitivity responses as compared to control C57-BL/6 mice.These results support a growing body of evidence demonstrating an interplay between lipid metabolism and immune responses, and suggest that apoE plays a biologically relevant role in regulating humoral and cell-mediated immunity.  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is a multifactorial, long-lasting process in humans. Accordingly, animal models in which more rapid changes occur can be useful for the study of this process. Among such models are apolipoprotein E-deficient (apoE-/-) mice, which give insight into the human process. ApoE-/- mice show impaired clearing of plasma lipoproteins and develop atherosclerosis in a short time, and hence they are an excellent model in which to assess the impact of dietary factors. This review considers lipid metabolism and inflammation as well as nutritional constituents affecting atherosclerosis, with reference to apoE-/- mice, and discusses the mechanisms through which they act.  相似文献   

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