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6 litters of Octodon degus were studied from birth to 10 days of age. Newly-born degus (mean weight 14.6 g) had open eyes, upper and lower pigment, fur, and teeth. Within 3-4 hours of birth they were able to walk supporting their full weight, right themselves rapidly, sit upright on their haunches, or rear upright with support, and vocalize. By the 1st or 2nd day, the young animals displayed functional grooming (face washing, hind-paw scratching, rapid head-shake). Solid food was ingested from day 6, although newborns chewed wood chips and 3-day olds gnawed dried faeces. Young degus were tested daily in an open field apparatus and showed increased activity and exploration, with repeated testing while decreasing distress vocalization after the 4th or 5th day. Degus are proposed for the study of developmental topics since their degree of development at birth allows for immediate testing. The degus studied here seem to be more fully developed at birth than those studied in Britain.  相似文献   

Individuals of social and partially social species typically reduce their vigilance activity when foraging in groups. As a result, per capita risk of predation decreases and individuals allocate more time to foraging and other fitness rewarding activities. Reduction of per capita risk is hypothesized to occur because there are more individuals to detect potential predators. If so, collective (i.e. total) vigilance is expected to increase with foraging group size. Increased surveillance during group foraging may occur if group members scan independently of one another, or sequentially to avoid the overlapping of their vigilance bouts. Intriguingly, such coordinated vigilance assumes that individuals monitor not only the presence, but the vigilance behaviour of group mates. We used seasonal records on time budget and grouping patterns of individually marked degus (Octodon degus), a social rodent, to examine if (a) individual vigilance decreases and/or foraging increases with group size, (b) collective vigilance increases with group size and (c) foraging degus coordinate their vigilance. When foraging, degus decreased their individual vigilance and increased their foraging time when in larger groups. Despite this, degus in larger groups increased their collective vigilance, supporting the hypothesis that socially foraging degus decrease predation risk through an improved ability to detect and escape potential predators. Additionally, patterns of collective vigilance suggested that degus scan independently of each other and so, they do not coordinate their vigilance to prevent its temporal overlapping. This finding does not support that foraging degus monitor the vigilance activity of group mates.  相似文献   

Animals process and allocate energy at different seasons at variable rates, depending on their breeding season and changes in environmental conditions and resulting physiological demands. Overall total energy expenditure, in turn, should either increase in some seasons due to special added demands (e.g. reproduction) or it could simply remain at about the same level, in which case the animals must show compensatory rebalancing of other expenditures that can be reduced. To test for the alternative hypotheses of seasonal variability or compensation, we measured total daily energy expenditure (DEE) in free-living degus (Octodon degus) at four seasons and followed this with determinations of basal metabolic rate (BMR) in the laboratory in the same individuals. DEE varied seasonally but was only significantly different (lower) in summer (non-breeding season), with a DEE:BMR ratio of only 1.6, whereas autumn, winter and spring DEE values were statistically indistinguishable from one another and showed DEE:BMR ratios ranging from 1.9 to 2.2. Our values of DEE in the field fall within the broad range of allometric expectation for herbivorous mammals in general, but the ratios of DEE:BMR are lower than expected. This, together with the lack of strong major shifts in total levels of DEE, suggests that degus are showing compensatory shifts among various categories of energy expenditure that allow them to manage their overall energy balance by minimizing total expenditure.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that degus (Octodon degus), which are a species of small caviomorph rodents, could be trained to use a T-shaped rake as a hand tool to expand accessible spaces. To elucidate the neurobiological underpinnings of this higher brain function, we compared this tool use learning task with a simple spatial (radial maze) memory task and investigated the changes that were induced in the hippocampal neural circuits known to subserve spatial perception and learning. With the exposure to an enriched environment in home cage, adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus was augmented by tool use learning, but not radial maze learning, when compared to control conditions. Furthermore, the proportion of new synapses formed in the CA3 region of the hippocampus, the target area for projections of mossy fiber axons emanating from newborn neurons, was specifically increased by tool use learning. Thus, active tool use behavior by rodents, learned through multiple training sessions, requires the hippocampus to generate more novel neurons and synapses than spatial information processing in radial maze learning.  相似文献   

We studied the ontogeny of the intestinal brush border disaccharidases sucrase and lactase in the precocial rodent Octodon degus. Sucrase hydrolyze sugars from plants while lactase hydrolyzes sugars from milk. Enzyme expression varied inversely with dietary changes according to the developmental pattern. All new-born pups had high lactase and low sucrase activities. Also, a negative correlation between sucrase and lactase activity was found, supporting the economic design hypothesis for the intestinal tract. Profiles for development of sucrase expression exhibit some differences among precocial species, and in O. degus is correlated with the slower transition from milk to solid food consumption at weaning.  相似文献   

A primary bronchioloalveolar carcinoma with renal and hepatic metastases was diagnosed in a mature male degu (Octodon degus) that was found dead in a zoological exhibit (Buffalo Zoological Gardens, Buffalo, New York, USA). Grossly, a discrete 0.5 cm diameter nodule was seen in the lung. Smaller, but similar nodules were present scattered in the liver and kidneys. Histologically, nests and sheets of an infiltrating population of cuboidal to low columnar neoplastic epithelial cells partially effaced pulmonary architecture. Vascular invasion was evident. Similar nests and sheets of neoplastic cells were present within the renal cortex and medulla, and a small nest was present within the hepatic parenchyma. This is the first record of this neoplasm in a degu.  相似文献   

Although foraging comprises a set of behaviours that typically vary with resource availability and/or climatic conditions, few studies have analysed how foraging, particularly food hoarding, varies across populations inhabiting different habitats. We carried out an inter-population study on foraging behaviour with the caviomorph rodent Octodon degus collected from two geographically separated populations in central Chile, with contrasting climates. One population was located in a mountainous zone (at 2600 m elevation) characterized by a high-altitude climate. The other population was from a low-altitude Mediterranean climate zone (450 m elevation). Under laboratory conditions, we measured population-specific differences in food consumption and hoarding by recording food utilization. We also assessed whether acclimation played a role in behavioural differences, by using two different sets of animals that had been in captivity for (1) 2 wk or (2) 6 mo, under common conditions. The results showed variation in food hoarding between populations. Individuals from the low-altitude population exclusively displayed scatter hoarding behaviour. In contrast, high-altitude animals carried out larder hoarding combined with scatter hoarding (37.4% and 62.6% respectively). There was no intra-population variation between degus with different acclimation periods under captivity, thus inter-population differences in larder hoarding were maintained despite 6 mo of acclimation to a common environment. The geographic variation observed suggests that larder hoarding is favoured under harsher environmental conditions. We discuss some probable causes for this variation. The lack of effect of acclimation suggests that inter-population differences in larder hoarding might be the result of local adaptation or, less likely, it corresponds to an ontogenetically acquired irreversible behaviour.  相似文献   

A number of studies demonstrate that plant cover provides prey animals with refuges to decrease vulnerability to predators. However, others suggest plant cover to visually obstruct detection of predators or conspecifics. We suggest these seemingly conflicting results can, to some extent, be resolved if overhead vs. lateral cover are distinguished. We recorded seasonal variation in vigilance activity of a natural population of degus (Octodon degus), a diurnal, semi‐subterranean and social rodent from central Chile. We used these data to determine whether cover provided by herbaceous vegetation is mostly obstructive. The height of herbaceous vegetation in the habitat of degus varied seasonally, and the ability of degus (estimated from human observers) to detect potential predators decreased when herbaceous vegetation was high. This effect was more important for degus using quadruped postures and when dealing with terrestrial simulated predators. Accordingly, degus adjusted the quality rather than the quantity of their vigilance activity: male and female degus allocated similarly more time to bipedal vigilance when the height of herbs was high. Such increase in bipedal vigilance seemed to occur at the expense of quadruped vigilance instead of foraging time. Collectively, these results support the hypothesis that cover of herbaceous vegetation is mostly obstructive to degus when active above ground, a finding that contrasts with previous evidence supporting that shrub cover provides refuges against predators. The differential effects of shrubs and herbs on degu vigilance are likely linked to differences in the costs and benefits associated with each cover type. For degus, shrubs may provide more overhead (protective) than lateral (obstructive) cover.  相似文献   

Octodon degus is a moderate-sized, precocious, but slowly maturing, hystricomorph rodent from central Chile. We have used this species to study a variety of questions about circadian rhythms in a diurnal mammal that readily adapts to most laboratory settings. In collaboration with others, we have found that a number of fundamental features of circadian function differ in this diurnal rodent compared with nocturnal rodents, specifically rats or hamsters. We have also discovered that many aspects of the circadian system are sexually dimorphic in this species. However, the sexual dimorphisms develop in the presence of pubertal hormones, and the sex differences do not appear until after gonadal puberty is complete. The developmental timing of the sex differences is much later than in the previously studied altricial, rapidly developing rat, mouse, or hamster. This developmental timing of circadian function is reminiscent of that reported for adolescent humans. In addition, we have developed a model that demonstrates how nonphotic stimuli, specifically conspecific odors, can interact with the circadian system to hasten recovery from a phase-shift of the light:dark cycle (jet lag). Interestingly, the production of the odor-based social signal and sensitivity to it are modulated by adult gonadal hormones. Data from degu circadian studies have led us to conclude that treatment of some circadian disorders in humans will likely need to be both age and gender specific. Degus will continue to be valuable research animals for resolving other questions regarding reproduction, diabetes, and cataract development.  相似文献   

We characterized the reproductive cycle of Octodon degus to determine whether reproductive maturation is spontaneous in juveniles and if ovarian cyclicity and luteal function are spontaneous in adults. Laboratory-reared prepubertal and adult females were monitored for vaginal patency and increased wheel-running. Sexual receptivity was assessed by pairing adult females with a male 1) continuously, 2) at the time of vaginal patency, or 3) following estradiol treatment. Blood samples were assayed for estradiol and progesterone concentrations on Days 1, 4, 8, and 16 relative to vaginal opening. Ovarian tissues were collected 6 and 16 days after behavioral estrus and 6 days after copulation for histology. In juveniles, the onset of cyclic vaginal patency and increased wheel-running activity was spontaneous, occurred in the absence of proximal male cues, and appeared at regular intervals (17.5 ± 1.4 days). In adults, vaginal patency and increased wheel-running occurred cyclically (21.2 ± 0.6 days) in the absence of proximal male cues, and these traits predicted the time of sexual receptivity. Corpora lutea develop spontaneously and are maintained for 12-14 days. The ovaries had well-developed corpora lutea 6 days after mating and 6 days after estrus without mating. Progesterone concentrations were highest in the second half of the cycle when corpora lutea were present and estradiol concentrations peaked on the day of estrus. Thus, female degus appear to exhibit a spontaneous reproductive cycle consistent with other Hystricognathi rodents. Octodon degus is a novel model with which to examine the mechanisms underlying different reproductive cycles.  相似文献   

The Octodon degus, or degu, is an excellent animal model for studying the theoretical and neural underpinnings of diurnality. The power of this model comes from their unique evolutionary lineage, long lives, and relative ease of care in the laboratory for a non-domesticated species. We have summarized the field and laboratory data indicating the critical variables that influence the degus' phase preference and the possible mechanisms for the phase flexibility observed in the field and laboratory. We also review studies examining the physiology and anatomy of light and non-photic inputs to the degu circadian system and studies of the circadian pacemaker itself, with particular emphasis placed on characteristics that appear to be convergent adaptations to a diurnal niche. Finally, we begin to seek the origin for the diurnally-phased activity output of the degu, although we conclude that significant work remains to be done.  相似文献   

While ecological causes of sociality (or group living) have been identified, proximate mechanisms remain less clear. Recently, close connections between sociality, glucocorticoid hormones (cort) and fitness have been hypothesized. In particular, cort levels would reflect a balance between fitness benefits and costs of group living, and therefore baseline cort levels would vary with sociality in a way opposite to the covariation between sociality and fitness. However, since reproductive effort may become a major determinant of stress responses (i.e., the cort–adaptation hypothesis), cort levels might also be expected to vary with sociality in a way similar to the covariation between sociality and fitness. We tested these expectations during three years in a natural population of the communally rearing degu, Octodon degus. During each year we quantified group membership, measured fecal cortisol metabolites (a proxy of baseline cort levels under natural conditions), and estimated direct fitness. We recorded that direct fitness decreases with group size in these animals. Secondly, neither group size nor the number of females (two proxies of sociality) influenced mean (or coefficient of variation, CV) baseline cortisol levels of adult females. In contrast, cortisol increased with per capita number of offspring produced and offspring surviving to breeding age during two out of three years examined. Together, our results imply that variation in glucocorticoid hormones is more linked to reproductive challenge than to the costs of group living. Most generally, our study provided independent support to the cort–adaptation hypothesis, according to which reproductive effort is a major determinant, yet temporally variable, influence on cort–fitness covariation.  相似文献   

Group living is thought to evolve whenever individuals attain a net fitness advantage due to reduced predation risk or enhanced foraging efficiency, but also when individuals are forced to remain in groups, which often occurs during high-density conditions due to limitations of critical resources for independent breeding. The influence of ecological limitations on sociality has been studied little in species in which reproduction is more evenly shared among group members. Previous studies in the caviomorph rodent Octodon degus (a New World hystricognath) revealed no evidence that group living confers an advantage and suggest that burrow limitations influence formation of social groups. Our objective was to examine the relevance of ecological limitations on sociality in these rodents. Our 4-year study revealed no association between degu density and use of burrow systems. The frequency with which burrow systems were used by degus was not related to the quality of these structures; only in 1 of the 4 years did the frequency of burrow use decrease with decreasing abundance of food. Neither the number of females per group nor total group size (related measures of degu sociality) changed with yearly density of degus. Although the number of males within social groups was lower in 2008, this variation was not related clearly to varying density. The percentage of females in social groups that bred was close to 99% and did not change across years of varying density. Our results suggest that sociality in degus is not the consequence of burrow limitations during breeding. Whether habitat limitations contribute to variation in vertebrate social systems is discussed.  相似文献   

Entrainment of the circadian pacemaker to nonphotic stimuli, such as scheduled wheel-running activity, is well characterized in nocturnal rodents, but little is known about activity-dependent entrainment in diurnal or crepuscular species. In the present study, effects of scheduled voluntary wheel-running activity on circadian timekeeping were investigated in Octodon degus, a hystricomorph rodent that exhibits robust crepuscular patterns of wakefulness. When housed in constant darkness, O. degus exhibited circadian rhythms in wheel-running activity and body temperature (Tb) with an average period length (tau) of 23.39 +/- 0.11 h. When wheel running was restricted to a fixed 2-h schedule every 24 h, tau increased on average 0.39 +/- 0.09 h but did not result in steady-state entrainment. Instead, relative coordination between the fixed running schedule and circadian timing was observed. Tau was greatest when scheduled wheel running occurred at CT 20.5 (0.4 h greater than DD baseline tau). Scheduled running activity also influenced Tb waveform symmetry, reflecting concomitant changes in the circadian activity-rest ratio (alpha:rho). Aftereffects of the scheduled wheel-running paradigm were also observed. In 2 animals, tau lengthened from 23.20 and 23.80 h to 24.14 and 24.15 h, respectively, and remained relatively stable for approximately 1 month during the wheel schedule. Although behavioral activity appears to be a weak zeitgeber in this species, these data suggest that nonphotic stimuli can phase delay the circadian pacemaker in O. degus at similar times of the day as in nocturnal hamsters and mice, and in humans.  相似文献   

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