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The NBS-LRR (nucleotide-binding site plus leucine-rich repeat) genes represent the major class of disease resistance genes in flowering plants and comprise 166 genes in the ecotype Col-0 of Arabidopsis thaliana. NBS-LRR genes are organized in single-gene loci, clusters, and superclusters. Phylogenetic analysis reveals nine monophyletic clades and a few phylogenetic orphans. Most clusters contain only genes from the same phylogenetic lineage, reflecting their origin from the exchange of sequence blocks as a result of intralocus recombination. Multiple duplications increased the number of NBS-LRR genes in the progenitors of Arabidopsis, suggesting that the present complexity in Col-0 may derive from as few as 17 progenitors. The combination of physical and phylogenetic analyses of the NBS-LRR genes makes it possible to detect relatively recent gene rearrangements, which increased the number of NBS-LRR genes by about 50, but which are almost never associated with large segmental duplications. The identification of 10 heterogeneous clusters containing members from different clades demonstrates that sequence sampling between different resistance gene loci and clades has occurred. Such events may have taken place early during flowering plant evolution, but they generated modules that have been duplicated and remobilized also more recently.  相似文献   

Current views on the mechanisms responsible for the emergence of multiple drug resistance in clinical bacterial isolates are considered. Hypotheses on the origin of resistance genes derived from determinants of actinomycetes, antibiotic-producing strains, and chromosomal genes of bacteria involved in cellular metabolism are reviewed. The mechanisms underlying the diffusion of resistance determinants by means of bacterial mobile elements (plasmids, transposons, and integrons) are discussed. Examples of the horizontal transfer of resistance determinants between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria are presented.  相似文献   

Mindlin SZ  Petrova MA  Bass IA  Gorlenko ZhM 《Genetika》2006,42(11):1495-1511
Current views on the mechanisms responsible for the emergence of multiple drug resistance in clinical bacterial isolates are considered. Hypotheses on the origin of resistance genes derived from determinants of actinomycetes, antibiotic producers, and chromosomal genes of bacteria involved in cellular metabolism are reviewed. The mechanisms underlying the diffusion of resistance determinants by means of bacterial mobile elements (plasmids, transposons, and integrons) are discussed. Examples of the horizontal transfer of resistance determinants between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria are presented.  相似文献   

Recombination sites in plasmid drug resistance gene amplification.   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The resistance plasmid NR1 derivative pRR330 consists of a neomycin-kanamycin resistance gene (neo-kan) flanked by directly repeated sequences of both insertion element IS1 DNA (768 base pairs) and 840 base pairs of DNA which are a part of the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (cam) gene. Most Escherichia coli cell populations that were cultured in high neomycin concentrations carried plasmids whose neo-kan gene amplification was mediated either by IS1 DNA or by cam DNA as homologous recombination sites. This suggests that the final amplified cell populations were the descendants of a single cell.  相似文献   

We describe the development of resistance to trimetrexate and piritrexim (BW 301U) by a stepwise selection protocol in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Selection in trimetrexate resulted in initial resistance as a result of dihydrofolate reductase gene amplification. Several trimetrexate-resistant variants that display 250-340-fold and 25-50-fold resistance to lipophilic and hydrophilic antifolates, respectively, were established. Increased antifolate resistance was associated with a prominent overexpression of dihydrofolate reductase as determined from the elevated folate reductase activity, cellular labeling with fluorescein-methotrexate, and steady-state mRNA levels as a result of a consistent dihydrofolate reductase gene amplification. However, upon subsequent incremental increases in trimetrexate, further resistance was also associated with amplification of the multidrug resistance gene. This resulted in overexpression of P-glycoprotein and a subsequent 20-50-fold collateral resistance to pleiotropic drugs such as adriamycin, actinomycin D, vinca alkaloids, etoposide, and colchicine. In contrast, initial resistance following selection with low piritrexim concentrations resulted from an unknown mechanism(s) not involving overproduction of either dihydrofolate reductase or P-glycoprotein. This piritrexim resistance was shared with trimetrexate but not with methotrexate. Upon further selection with piritrexim, resistant variants emerge with amplified dihydrofolate reductase but not with multidrug resistance genes. These variants were subsequently resistant to both hydrophilic and lipophilic folate antagonists but retained sensitivity to pleiotropic drugs. The pattern of resistance with methotrexate, trimetrexate, and piritrexim shared a common mechanism, dihydrofolate reductase gene amplification, but differed regarding the additional amplification of the multidrug resistance gene in trimetrexate-resistant cells as well as the emergence of an additional unknown mechanism(s) of resistance to lipid-soluble antifolates upon initial selection in piritrexim.  相似文献   

The location of the nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) was studied in four species of Microtidae (Microtus nivalis, M. cabrerae, M. arvalis, and Arvicola sapidus). The comparative study of these locations shows that some NORs have been conserved despite the chromosome rearrangements that have occurred through karyotypic evolution, while others have been lost. In addition, there are many chromosomes in which NORs seem to have appeared or been lost without apparent relation to the chromosome rearrangements. Some hypotheses regarding these facts are discussed in the text.  相似文献   

The resistance genes Rpg1-b in soybean and RPM1 in Arabidopsis recognize the same bacterial avirulence protein (AvrB). Recent map-based cloning of Rpg1-b has provided the first opportunity to compare functionally analogous R genes in distantly related species. Rpg1-b and RPM1 are not orthologs. Rather, these genes descended from distinct evolutionary lineages in which recognition of AvrB has probably evolved independently. This result, together with new insights into RPM1-mediated recognition of AvrB, provides an exciting opportunity to reconsider classical views on the evolution of pathogen recognition specificity.  相似文献   

The evolution of disease resistance genes   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Several common themes have shaped the evolution of plant disease resistance genes. These include duplication events of progenitor resistance genes and further expansion to create clustered gene families. Variation can arise from both intragenic and intergenic recombination and gene conversion. Recombination has also been implicated in the generation of novel resistance specificities. Resistance gene clusters appear to evolve more rapidly than other regions of the genome. In addition, domains believed to be involved in recognitional specificity, such as the leucine-rich repeat (LRR), are subject to adaptive selection. Transposable elements have been associated with some resistance gene clusters, and may generate further variation at these complexes.  相似文献   

When selection is strong and beneficial alleles have a single origin, local reductions in genetic diversity are expected. However, when beneficial alleles have multiple origins or were segregating in the population prior to a change in selection regime, the impact on genetic diversity may be less clear. We describe an example of such a "soft" selective sweep in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum that involves adaptive genome rearrangements. Amplification in copy number of genome regions containing the pfmdr1 gene on chromosome 5 confer resistance to mefloquine and spread rapidly in the 1990s. Using flanking microsatellite data and real-time polymerase chain reaction determination of copy number, we show that 5-15 independent amplification events have occurred in parasites on the Thailand/Burma border. The amplified genome regions (amplicons) range in size from 14.7 to 49 kb and contain 2-11 genes, with 2-4 copies arranged in tandem. To examine the impact of drug selection on flanking variation, we genotyped 48 microsatellites on chromosome 5 in 326 parasites from a single Thai location. Diversity was reduced in a 170- to 250-kb (10-15 cM) region of chromosomes containing multiple copies of pfmdr1, consistent with hitchhiking resulting from the rapid recent spread of selected chromosomes. However, diversity immediately flanking pfmdr1 is reduced by only 42% on chromosomes bearing multiple amplicons relative to chromosomes carrying a single copy. We highlight 2 features of these results: 1) All amplicon break points occur in monomeric A/T tracts (9-45 bp). Given the abundance of these tracts in P. falciparum, we expect that duplications will occur frequently at multiple genomic locations and have been underestimated as drivers of phenotypic evolution in this pathogen. 2) The signature left by the spread of amplified genome segments is broad, but results in only limited reduction in diversity. If such "soft" sweeps are common in nature, statistical methods based on diversity reduction may be inefficient at detecting evidence for selection in genome-wide marker screens. This may be particularly likely when mutation rate is high, as appears to be the case for gene duplications, and in pathogen populations where effective population sizes are typically very large.  相似文献   



Sex determining mechanisms are evolutionarily labile and related species often use different primary signals and gene regulatory networks. This is well illustrated by the sex determining cascade of Drosophila fruitflies, which have recruited Sex-lethal as the master switch and cellular memory of sexual identity, a role performed in other insects by the gene transformer. Here we investigate the evolutionary change in the coding sequences of sex determining genes associated with the recruitment of Sex-lethal. We analyze sequences of Sex-lethal itself, its Drosophila paralogue sister-or-Sex-lethal and downstream targets transformer and doublesex.  相似文献   

Recent experimental work in the rodent malaria model has shown that when two or more strains share a host, there is competitive release of drug‐resistant strains upon treatment. In other words, the propagule output of a particular strain is repressed when competing with other strains and increases upon the removal of this competition. This within‐host effect is predicted to have an important impact on the evolution and growth of resistant strains. However, how this effect translates to epidemiological parameters at the between‐host level, the level at which disease and resistance spread, has yet to be determined. Here we present a general, between‐host epidemiological model that explicitly takes into account the effect of coinfection and competitive release. Although our model does show that when there is coinfection competitive release may contribute to the emergence of resistance, it also highlights an additional between‐host effect. It is the combination of these two effects, the between‐host effect and the within‐host effect, that determines the overall influence of coinfection on the emergence of resistance. Therefore, even when competitive release of drug‐resistant strains occurs, within an infected individual, it is not necessarily true that coinfection will result in the increased emergence of resistance. These results have important implications for the control of the emergence and spread of drug resistance.  相似文献   

The evolution of resistance genes in multi-protein plant resistance systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The genomic perspective aids in integrating the analysis of single resistance (R-) genes into a higher order model of complex plant resistance systems. The majority of R-genes encode a class of proteins with nucleotide binding (NB) and leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domains. Several R-proteins act in multi-protein R-complexes that mediate interaction with pathogen effectors to induce resistance signaling. The complexity of these systems seems to have resulted from multiple rounds of plant-pathogen co-evolution. R-gene evolution is thought to be facilitated by the formation of R-gene clusters, which permit sequence exchanges via recombinatorial mispairing and generate high haplotypic diversity. This pattern of evolution may also generate diversity at other loci that contribute to the R-complex. The rate of recombination at R-clusters is not necessarily homogeneous or consistent over evolutionary time: recent evidence suggests that recombination at R-clusters is increased following pathogen infection, suggesting a mechanism that induces temporary genome instability in response to extreme stress. DNA methylation and chromatin modifications may allow this instability to be conditionally regulated and targeted to specific genome regions. Knowledge of natural R-gene evolution may contribute to strategies for artificial evolution of novel resistance specificities.  相似文献   

薏苡属的遗传变异性及核型演化   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
在广泛收集我国薏苡(CerxL.)种质资源,进行田间栽培,杂交试验和细胞学观察的基础上,讨论薏苡属植物的遗传多样性、地理分布及种类划分,在原1种2变种的分类基础上,把我国的薏苡属植物划分为3种4变种。根据这些种类的18个栽培及野生类型的染色体核型演化散点图并结合总苞性状,探讨了该属可能的系统演化关系。  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers and karyotypic evolution of Caraboidea   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
J. Serrano 《Genetica》1981,55(1):51-60
The chromosome numbers of 136 species of the Spanish caraboid fauna were studied. The most frequent karyotypes are 2n=37 (54 species) and 2n=24 (23 species), and the chromosome number ranges from 2n=21 to 2n=69, of which 2n=69 is the highest diploid number hitherto found among the Coleoptera. It is proposed that 2n=37 is the ancestral karyotype of the division Caraboidea and the suborder Adephaga as opposed to that of the suborder Polyphaga, 2n=20. Karyotypic evolution has led to increases and decreases of this number, both tendencies having taken place in four genera. Species of ten genera show a neo-XY bivalent due to an X-autosome fusion. The thirty-three chromosome numbers of Caraboidea reveal that these Coleoptera have a remarkable karyotypical heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial biocides are widely used in critical human health situations in which rigorous infection control is needed. Increasingly, biocidal agents are being marketed for home use, although there is little evidence that they significantly improve home hygiene. Biocide resistance mechanisms share many themes with antibiotic resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   

Genome-level evolution of resistance genes in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Baumgarten A  Cannon S  Spangler R  May G 《Genetics》2003,165(1):309-319
Pathogen resistance genes represent some of the most abundant and diverse gene families found within plant genomes. However, evolutionary mechanisms generating resistance gene diversity at the genome level are not well understood. We used the complete Arabidopsis thaliana genome sequence to show that most duplication of individual NBS-LRR sequences occurs at close physical proximity to the parent sequence and generates clusters of closely related NBS-LRR sequences. Deploying the statistical strength of phylogeographic approaches and using chromosomal location as a proxy for spatial location, we show that apparent duplication of NBS-LRR genes to ectopic chromosomal locations is largely the consequence of segmental chromosome duplication and rearrangement, rather than the independent duplication of individual sequences. Although accounting for a smaller fraction of NBS-LRR gene duplications, segmental chromosome duplication and rearrangement events have a large impact on the evolution of this multigene family. Intergenic exchange is dramatically lower between NBS-LRR sequences located in different chromosome regions as compared to exchange between sequences within the same chromosome region. Consequently, once translocated to new chromosome locations, NBS-LRR gene copies have a greater likelihood of escaping intergenic exchange and adopting new functions than do gene copies located within the same chromosomal region. We propose an evolutionary model that relates processes of genome evolution to mechanisms of evolution for the large, diverse, NBS-LRR gene family.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent advances that shed light on plant disease resistance genes, beginning with a brief overview of their structure, followed by their genomic organization and evolution. Plant disease resistance genes have been exhaustively investigated in terms of their structural organization, sequence evolution and genome distribution. There are probably hundreds of NBS-LRR sequences and other types of R-gene-like sequences within a typical plant genome. Recent studies revealed positive selection and selective maintenance of variation in plant resistance and defence-related genes. Plant resistance genes are highly polymorphic and have diverse recognition specificities. R-genes occur as members of clustered gene families that have evolved through duplication and diversification. These genes appear to evolve more rapidly than other regions of the genome, and domains such as the leucine-rich repeat, are subject to adaptive selection  相似文献   

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