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Information and illustrations on somatic chromosomes, structure of interphase nuclei and hair development are presented for 9 genera and 14 species ofAnnonaceae. A few suggestions tend to improve the unsatisfactory current classification. The spectrum of polyploids found in the family ranges from neo- to meso- and paleopolyploids.  相似文献   

Freshwater gomphonemoid diatom phylogeny: preliminary results   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kociolek  J.P.  Stoermer  E.F. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,(1):31-38
A cladistic analysis of eleven freshwater gomphonemoid diatom taxa yielded three equally most parsimonious cladograms. The three cladograms suggest Gomphoneis Cleve is non-monophyletic as originally and recently circumscribed. Gomphoneis elegans and G. transsilvanica (Pant.) Krammer are more closely related to Gomphopleura Reichelt ex Tempère than to other members of the genus. Gomphoneis geitleri Kociolek & Stoermer appears to represent a monotypic lineage. Among the taxa with differentiated apical pore fields Gomphonema kaznakowi Mereschkowsky appears to be primitively astigmate.The three cladograms vary with regard to systematic affinities among the Gomphoneis herculeana (Ehrenberg) Cleve group, Miocene gomphonemoid species from Idaho (USA), gomphonemoid taxa from East Africa and Gomphonema sensu stricto. Despite variability in number of puncta rows per stria and presence of an axial plate in the Miocene species from North America, inclusion of these taxa in the analysis provided better resolution of relationships than if they were excluded.  相似文献   

Recent discoveries of new fossil hominid species have been accompanied by several phylogenetic hypotheses. All of these hypotheses are based on a consideration of hominid craniodental morphology. However, Collard and Wood (2000) suggested that cladograms derived from craniodental data are inconsistent with the prevailing hypothesis of ape phylogeny based on molecular data. The implication of their study is that craniodental characters are unreliable indicators of phylogeny in hominoids and fossil hominids but, notably, their analysis did not include extinct species. We report here on a cladistic analysis designed to test whether the inclusion of fossil taxa affects the ability of morphological characters to recover the molecular ape phylogeny. In the process of doing so, the study tests both Collard and Wood's (2000) hypothesis of character reliability, and the several recently proposed hypotheses of early hominid phylogeny. One hundred and ninety-eight craniodental characters were examined, including 109 traits that traditionally have been of interest in prior studies of hominoid and early hominid phylogeny, and 89 craniometric traits that represent size-corrected linear dimensions measured between standard cranial landmarks. The characters were partitioned into two data sets. One set contained all of the characters, and the other omitted the craniometric characters. Six parsimony analyses were performed; each data set was analyzed three times, once using an ingroup that consisted only of extant hominoids, a second time using an ingroup of extant hominoids and extinct early hominids, and a third time excluding Kenyanthropus platyops. Results suggest that the inclusion of fossil taxa can play a significant role in phylogenetic analysis. Analyses that examined only extant taxa produced most parsimonious cladograms that were inconsistent with the ape molecular tree. In contrast, analyses that included fossil hominids were consistent with that tree. This consistency refutes the basis for the hypothesis that craniodental characters are unreliable for reconstructing phylogenetic relationships. Regarding early hominids, the relationships of Sahelanthropus tchadensis and Ardipithecus ramidus were relatively unstable. However, there is tentative support for the hypotheses that S. tchadensis is the sister taxon of all other hominids. There is support for the hypothesis that A. anamensis is the sister taxon of all hominids except S. tchadensis and Ar. ramidus. There is no compelling support for the hypothesis that Kenyanthropus platyops shares especially close affinities with Homo rudolfensis. Rather, K. platyops is nested within the Homo + Paranthropus + Australopithecus africanus clade. If K. platyops is a valid species, these relationships suggest that Homo and Paranthropus are likely to have diverged from other hominids much earlier than previously supposed. There is no support for the hypothesis that A. garhi is either the sister taxon or direct ancestor of the genus Homo. Phylogenetic relationships indicate that Australopithecus is paraphyletic. Thus, A. anamensis and A. garhi should be allocated to new genera.  相似文献   

The pollen type ofPlanchonioideae is unique among the angiosperms in its syntricolpatism associated with the marginal ridge, marginal groove, and polar cushion; it has been studied byJ. Muller, who classified it into three types, mainly with a light microscope. In the present study, pollen grains of the six constitutent genera were studied with a scanning electron microscope, five additional pollen types were recognized. Of the eight pollen types the one with sealed polar ectoapertures and weakly developed marginal ridges, without marginal grooves and polar cushions is regarded as the most primitive. Evolutionary trends proceeded with the opening of the polar ectoapertures, the complication of the polar cushions and marginal grooves. In the most advanced form, the marginal ridges and marginal grooves coalesced to form two concentric rings, whereas the polar cushions were secondarily reduced.  相似文献   

The data derived from a chloroplast DNA restriction site analysis of subtribeDendrobiinae (Orchidaceae) indicate that extreme vegetative diversification is concentrated in two limited parts of this group. Overlaying the vegetative character states onto the chloroplast DNA cladogram suggests that several xeromorphic, vegetative characters evolved in the lines leading to the above-mentioned clades. Several anatomical characters are also associated with xeromorphy. These vegetative and anatomical characters facilitated the establishment of this group in various dry habitats. On the other hand, the modifications of size and number of parenchymatous cells substantially contributed to the vegetative diversification. This fact implies that a simple structural adjustment can result in a major modification of growth habits in theDendrobiinae.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the subfamilyRubioideae (Rubiaceae) was estimated from sequence variation in therps16 intron (cpDNA) in 143 ingroup and 5 outgroup taxa. The analysis largely confirms a recent one based onrbcL sequences, but branch support is often much stronger. Three of the traditional subfamilies are supported,Rubioideae, Cinchonoideae s. str., andIxoroideae s. l. while there is no support forAntirheoideae. TheRubioideae are the sister group of all otherRubiaceae and comprise the tribesAnthospermeae, Coccocypseleae, Cruckshanksieae, Coussareeae, Gaertnereae, Hedyotideae, Knoxieae, Morindeae, Ophiorrhizeae, Paederieae, Pauridiantheae, Perameae, Psychotrieae, Rubieae, Spermacoceae, Theligoneae, andUrophylleae. TheHamelieae andHillieae belong to theCinchonoideae. Rachicallis andSiemensia should be transferred from theHedyotideae to theCinchonoideae. ThePauridiantheae, Urophylleae, Ophiorrhizeae, andRaritebe form the basalmost subclade of theRubioideae. The second basalmost clade consists of the generaLasianthus andPerama. The third basalmost clade consists of the tribesCoussareeae, Coccocypseleae andCruckshanksieae, and the generaDeclieuxia andHindsia. The tribesKnoxieae, Anthospermeae, Argostemmateae, Paederieae, Theligoneae, Rubieae, Hedyotideae, andSpermacoceae are members of one clade. TheKnoxieae are monophyletic ifOtiophora, Otomeria, andPentas are included. The tribeAnthospermeae is supported as monophyletic, but its subtribes are not. ThePaederieae, together withTheligonum, form a paraphyletic grade basal to theRubieae. TheHedyotideae, includingSchismatoclada, form a grade at the base of theSpermacoceae. TheGaertnereae are monophyletic and distinct from thePsychotrieae. TheMorindeae are monophyletic and includeDamnacanthus andMitchella. Schradera is the sister group of theMorindeae. ThePsychotrieae are monophyletic when theGaertnereae, Lasianthus, andDeclieuxia are excluded. The recognition of a subtribeHydnophytineae leaves the rest of thePsychotrieae paraphyletic.Psychotria is paraphyletic with respect to all other genera of the tribe. Approximately 50 genera are here classified for the first time based on molecular data.  相似文献   

Pollen and orbicule morphology of 26 species in the tribe Hillieae is described based on observations by light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Pollen and orbicule characters are critically evaluated and discussed in the context of existing hypotheses of systematic relationships within the tribe. Pollen is 3-zonocolporate with a perforate, microreticulate, reticulate or eutectate sexine. In the two species of Blepharidium , however, the pollen has one, four or five apertures. These pollen morphological data were incorporated into an existing macromorphological matrix of the group and cladistically analysed. The resulting phylogenies indicate that it may be appropriate to reduce Cosmibuena to a subgenus of the genus Hillia , while Blepharidium should be removed from Hillieae because of the deviating pollen type that is unique to the Rubiaceae. All species investigated produce orbicules, which are mostly spherical and possess an electron-lucent core that is sometimes characteristically flattened.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 303−321.  相似文献   

Two basic patterns of exine ultrastructure are found in theCompositae, the caveate Helianthoid pattern and the non-caveate Anthemoid pattern. TheHeliantheae, Astereae, Inuleae, Sececioneae, Calenduleae andEupatorieae all have pollen with caveate exines. TheMutisiseae, Vernonieae andCardueae have predominately Anthemoid pollen. TheAnthemideae, Arctoteae andLactuceae have pollen with exines of both patterns. Recent investigations of pollen in theVernonieae suggest that these exine ultrastructures in the family have evolved in response to mechanical stresses on the wall which are caused by changes in volume of the grain as it loses or gains water from its environment.  相似文献   

The schizomid genus Mayazomus Reddell & Cockendolpher, 1995, endemic to south‐eastern Mexico, currently comprises seven species. It was originally proposed to accommodate two species, from Chiapas and Tabasco. Recently, five additional species from Chiapas were described. The monophyly of the genus has never been tested using cladistic analysis. We undertook a phylogenetic analysis using the seven described species of Mayazomus as the ingroup, ten exemplar species representing the most similar New World hubbardiids as the outgroup, and one protoschizomid species to root the tree. The analysis was based on 130 morphological characters (continuous and discrete characters). The resulting topologies recovered Mayazomus as paraphyletic, with Heteronochrus estor Armas & Viquez, 2010, from Guatemala nested within the genus; therefore, we formally propose its synonymy herein. Mayazomus appears to be most closely related to Rowlandius Reddell & Cokendolpher, 1995, a South American genus. This contribution also provides new characters derived from the pedipalp setae with important phylogenetic information; as well as the implementation of morphometric ratios, as continuous characters, to partially codify the shape of the male flagellum. The relationships recovered amongst the outgroups used in this contribution are a reliable baseline for future analyses of the phylogeny of the New World schizomids.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a phylogeny based on a study of the general morphology of 61 of the ca. 80 species ofDuguetia. Analyses were performed with PAUP. The resulting phylogeny is compared with the classification ofDuguetia as suggested byFries (1934, 1937, 1939, 1959). The results are partly corresponding withFries's classification. SectionAlcmene includingD. rionegrensis, and sects.Geanthemum, Synsepalantha, andCalothrix withoutD. uniflora, are upheld by this analysis. It is concluded that sect.Xylopipetalum should be united with sect.Duguetia. Before other taxonomic decisions at the section level can be made, more solid data must be available. Most dissimilarities found are considered to be not strong enough to propose alterations.Studies inAnnonaceae XXIII. For 22nd part seeZuilen & Maas (1994).  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers of 42 species and 3 varieties from 24 genera of theAnnonaceae have been determined (Table 1); reports for 15 of the genera are new. Among Asian genera 2n = 14 occurs only in the specializedMezzettia, while 2n = 16 is wide-spread and also has been found inAnaxagorea with some primitive characters. 2n = 18 is reported for 11 genera, and tetraploidy (2n = 36) has been observed inPolyalthia. Therefore, an original basic number of x = 8 or x = 9 is suggested at least for the Asian genera of theAnnonaceae.—Cytotaxonomical notes on the critical speciesPolyalthia rumphii andP. affinis are given, and the new combinationNeouvaria parallelivenia (Boerl.)Okada & Ueda is proposed.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural and micromorphological investigations of the sporoderm ofTetrameranthus duckei pollen confirm the interpretation of this genus as being isolated within theAnnonaceae.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of the genusActaea were performed using morphological, ecological and biogeographical characters. Using solely morphological characters, the relationships of the three identified species-groups remain uncertain. Close biogeographical examination and comparison of the areas with ecological peculiarities as well as climate data gave important insight into the phylogeny ofActaea and the whole tribe. Consequently, the obtained biogeographical data were used for phylogenetic reconstructions. Both, from the point of view of morphological and biogeographical data,A. pachypoda andA. asiatica are the most ancestral species. They grow on the east sides of the continents, mainly in broad-leaved forests. In West Eurasia the apomorphicA. spicata andA. acuminata occur under similar climatic and ecological conditions, but these species are adapted to another climate rhythm. The most advanced species (A. erythrocarpa, A. rubra) are to be found in the boreal forests where they are widely distributed. This biogeographical approach revealed that the evolution of the species led to a gradual widening and shifting of their ecological constitutions.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of the Platyhelminthes: towards a total-evidence solution   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Littlewood  D. T. J.  Bray  R. A.  Clough  K. A. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,383(1-3):155-160
We advocate a total-evidence approach for the reconstruction of working phylogenies for the Turbellaria and the phylum Platyhelminthes. Few morphology-based character matrices are available in the systematic literature concerning flatworms, and molecular-based phylogenies are rapidly providing the only means by which we can estimate phylogenies cladistically. Character matrices based on gross morphology and ultrastructure are required and should be internally consistent, i.e. character coding should follow a set of a priori guidelines and character duplication and contradiction is avoided. In order to test our molecular phylogenies we need complementary data sets from morphology. To understand morphological homology we need phylogenetic evidence from independent (e.g. molecular) data. Fully complementary morphological and molecular data sets enable us to validate phylogenetic hypotheses and the combination of these sets in phylogenetic reconstruction utilises all statements of homology. Working phylogenies which include all phylogenetic information not only shed light on individual character evolution, but form a strong basis for comparative studies investigating the origin and evolutionary radiation of the taxonomic group under scrutiny. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Pericarp structure was investigated in 158 species of the familiesLamiaceae andVerbenaceae. Data from 221 out of 262 genera ofLamiaceae s.l. and a few ofVerbenaceae s.str. were collected in a table. A cladistic analysis was performed on the basis of pericarp characters only. The abandonment of subfam.Pogostemonoideae as a taxonomic unit is considered. Examples of groups given additional support by similarities in pericarp characters are: (1) the gynobasic-styled labiates (subfamiliesPogostemonoideae, Lamioideae, Nepetoideae); (2) aLamioideae-Pogostemonoideae-group; (3)Nepetoideae; (4) aWestringia-Hemigenia-Hemiandra-Microcorys group (in subfam.Chloranthoideae); (5) aLepechinia-Chaunostoma-group (inNepetoideae); (6) aPrunella-Cleonia-group (inNepetoideae).  相似文献   

Paris tetraphylla has a greater diversity of pollen exine sculpture than was previously thought. On the basis of 357 plants from 52 localities of Japan, we distinguished seven sculpture types that are tentatively referred to here as G1, G2, G3, R1, R2, R3 and S. G1, G2 and G3 have gemmate sculpture in which the gemmae are characteristically large, medium and small in size, respectively; likewise, R1, R2 and R3, have coarsely to finely ruglate sculpture; and S, scrobiculate sculpture. In general, any one of the seven types always or predominantly occurs in each plant, thus allowing us to make comparisons among plants and further among local populations. We thus found that G2 and G3, respectively, are the most and the second most widespread and occur in plants of 41 and 22 respectively, of the localities examined, although their frequencies differ with locality. Generally R3 occurs in plants distributed at higher latitudes, while R2 is rather widespread and common to plants growing on high mountains. G1 and R1 are restricted to plants occurring south of Ibaraki Pref. and north of Gunma Pref., respectively. Such localized distributional patterns of some types may reflect the reproductive nature and the history of geographical isolation inParis tetraphylla over the Japanese Islands.  相似文献   

The limits and difficulties related to the tools currently in use for palaeosynecological comparisons of faunas or floras of different geological periods are discussed. The new method of the Wagner parsimony Applied to Palaeosynecology Using Morphology (WAPUM method), is defined and tested on morphological characters gathered from two insect groups Odonatoptera and Thripida. The difficulties related to the monophyly of the taxonomic groups used in the more traditional approaches are no longer a problem when using the WAPUM method. In the WAPUM a character is ‘presence versus absence of species bearing a morphological structure’. The results obtained from use of the WAPUM minimize the number of changes among character states. Application of the WAPUM could reveal signals to confirm or object the currently available scenarios for the global changes in the evolution of past diversity and disparity of organisms (major changes or global crises of diversity).  相似文献   

The tribePlucheeae (Benth.)A. Anderb., has been analysed cladistically by means of a computerized parsimony program (Hennig 86), using theArctotideae as outgroup. The results of the analysis are presented in a consensus tree and one cladogram. Four major monophyletic subgroups can be recognized: TheColeocoma group (3 genera), thePterocaulon group (3 genera), theLaggera group (6 genera), and thePluchea group (12 genera). All recognized genera are described and most genera are supplied with taxonomical notes including comments on their taxonomic status. Genera such asBlumea, Pluchea, andEpaltes are demonstrated to be unnatural assemblages.Monarrhenus andTessaria are both closely related to thePluchea complex. The old generic nameLitogyne Harv. has been taken up for one species ofEpaltes, the genusRhodogeron is reduced to a synonym ofSachsia, and the following new combinations are made;Litogyne gariepina (DC.)A. Anderb., andSachsia coronopifolia (Griseb.)A. Anderb.  相似文献   

The system of classification of the Polemoniaceae currently in use was published by Grant in 1959. Much new evidence concerning relationships in the family has been obtained by numerous workers since 1959, and the old system is in need of revision. A revised system down to the genus level, based on conventional and unconventional characters, including molecular evidence, is presented here. Nineteen genera are grouped into eight tribes and two subfamilies. Three new tribes are described: Acanthogilieae, Loeselieae, and Leptodactyloneae. Several genera are transferred to new groups. The phylogeny of the family is discussed in the light of both the older and new evidence. The approach used in constructing both the 1959 and new systems is that of evolutionary systematics. Two recent (1996, 1997) family-wide surveys of cpDNA and rDNA use cladistic methods of analysis to arrive at sets of major groups. Some of this molecular evidence has been adopted for the present revised system. However, much incongruence still exists between the new sets of clades, on the one hand, and the present revised system or the still-viable parts of the 1959 system on the other hand. The incongruences call for an examination and comparison of the contrasting methods of evolutionary systematics and molecular cladistics. A fundamental flaw in the 1996 and 1997 treatments is the attempt to classify plants on the basis of single-gene gene trees.  相似文献   

The genusCheirolophus has an interesting western Mediterranean and Macaronesian distribution. Here we investigate the delimitation of the genus and its exclusion from the large genusCentaurea, the systematic position of the related genusPaleocyanus, the delimitation of some species and the phylogeny of the group. We have carried out a phylogenetic analysis of the PCR-generated sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS-1 and ITS-2) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. The results suggest that the genus, includingPaleocyanus crassifolius is monophyletic; thus, a new combination of this species underCheirolophus is proposed. The Macaronesian group of species is also monophyletic, indicating a single colonization of the archipelago. The poor resolution of microspecies in the Macaronesian group reinforces the hypothesis of a very recent differentiation of the group.  相似文献   

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