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Traditional basmati rice varieties are very low yielding due to their poor harvest index, tendency to lodging and increasing susceptibility to foliar diseases; hence there is a need to develop new varieties combining the grain quality attributes of basmati with high yield potential to fill the demand gap. Genetic control of basmati grain and cooking quality traits is quite complex, but breeding work can be greatly facilitated by use of molecular markers tightly linked to these traits. A set of 209 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) developed from a cross between basmati quality variety Pusa 1121 and a contrasting quality breeding line Pusa 1342, were used to map the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for seven important quality traits namely grain length (GL), grain breadth (GB), grain length to breadth ratio (LBR), cooked kernel elongation ratio (ELR), amylose content (AC), alkali spreading value (ASV) and aroma. A framework molecular linkage map was constructed using 110 polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers distributed over the 12 rice chromosomes. A number of QTLs, including three for GL, two for GB, two for LBR, three for aroma and one each for ELR, AC and ASV were mapped on seven different chromosomes. While location of majority of these QTLs was consistent with the previous reports, one QTL for GL on chromosomes 1, and one QTL each for ELR and aroma on chromosomes 11 and 3, respectively, are being reported here for the first time. Contrary to the earlier reports of monogenic recessive inheritance, the aroma in Pusa 1121 is controlled by at least three genes located on chromosomes 3, 4 and 8, and similar to the reported association of badh2 gene with aroma QTL on chromosome 8, we identified location of badh1 gene in the aroma QTL interval on chromosome 4. A discontinuous 5 + 3 bp deletion in the seventh exon of badh2 gene, though present in all the RILs with high aroma, was not sufficient to impart this trait to the rice grains as many of the RILs possessing this deletion showed only mild or no aroma expression. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Zhao ZG  Jiang L  Zhang WW  Yu CY  Zhu SS  Xie K  Tian H  Liu LL  Ikehashi H  Wan JM 《Planta》2007,226(5):1087-1096
Partial abortion of female gametes and the resulting semi-sterility of indica × japonica inter-subspecific rice hybrids have been ascribed to an allelic interaction, which can be avoided by the use of wide compatibility varieties. To further understand the genetic mechanism of hybrid sterility, we have constructed two sets of hybrids, using as male parent either the typical japonica variety Asominori, or the wide compatibility variety 02428; and as female, a set of 66 chromosome segment substitution lines in which various chromosomal segments from the indica variety IR24 have been introduced into a common genetic background of Asominori. Spikelet semi-sterility was observed in hybrid between CSSL34 and Asominori, which is known to carry the sterility gene S31 (Zhao et al. in Euphytica 151:331–337, 2006). Cytological analysis revealed that the semi-sterility of the CSSL34 × Asominori hybrid was caused primarily by partial abortion of the embryo sac at the stage of the mitosis of the functional megaspore. A population of 1,630 progeny of the three-way cross (CSSL34 × 02428) × Asominori was developed to map S31. Based on the physical location of linked molecular markers, S31 was thereby delimited to a 54-kb region on rice chromsome 5. This fragment contains eight predicted open reading frames, four of which encode known proteins and four putative proteins. These results are relevant to the map-based cloning of S31, and the development of marker-assisted transfer of non-sterility allele inducing alleles to breeding germplasm, to allow for a more efficient exploitation of heterosis in hybrid rice.  相似文献   

Rice seedlings are sensitive to low temperatures (≤15°C) and under prolonged or repeated exposure, yellowing and stunting are commonly observed. Damage to seedlings results in poor stand establishment and delayed maturation, which can cause significant reductions in yield. In general, japonica rice varieties exhibit more cold tolerance than indica varieties. Earlier genetic analysis of the California rice variety M202 revealed several quantitative trait loci (QTL) that contribute to its tolerance to low temperatures in comparison to the indica rice variety IR50. Among these QTL, qCTS4 is associated with tolerance to yellowing and stunting of rice seedlings and accounts for 40% of the phenotypic variation. Here we report on the fine mapping of qCTS4 to a 128 kb region of chromosome 4, which is highly suppressed for recombination in our mapping populations. Our results provide the necessary foundation for identifying the gene(s) underlying qCTS4 and the markers developed here may be used to introgress this region into indica varieties to improve seedling tolerance to low temperatures. The mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Ryoo N  Yu C  Park CS  Baik MY  Park IM  Cho MH  Bhoo SH  An G  Hahn TR  Jeon JS 《Plant cell reports》2007,26(7):1083-1095
To elucidate the role of SSIIIa during starch synthesis in rice (Oryza sativa L.) endosperm, we characterized null mutants of this gene, generated by T-DNA insertions. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis revealed that the starch granules in these mutants are smaller and rounder compared with the wild type controls, and that the mutant endosperm is characterized by a loosely packed central portion exhibiting a floury-like phenotype. Hence, the OsSSIIIa (Oryza sativa SSIIIa) mutations are referred to as white-core floury endosperm 5-1 (flo5-1) and flo5-2. Based upon their X-ray diffraction patterns, the crystallinity of the starch in the flo5 mutant endosperm is decreased compared with wild type. Through determination of the chain-length distribution of the mutant endosperm starch, we found that flo5-1 and flo5-2 mutants have reduced the content of long chains with degree of polymerization (DP) 30 or greater compared with the controls. This suggests that OsSSIIIa/Flo5 plays an important role in generating relatively long chains in rice endosperm. In addition, DP 6 to 8 and DP 16 to 20 appeared to be reduced in endosperm starch of flo5-1 and flo5-2, whereas DP 9 to 15 and DP 22 to 29 were increased in these mutants. By the use of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), the gelatinization temperatures of endosperm starch were found to be 1–5°C lower than those of the control. We propose a distinct role for OsSSIIIa/Flo5 and the coordinated action of other SS isoforms during starch synthesis in the seed endosperm of rice.  相似文献   

Rice has emerged as a model monocot for studies in agriculture and biotechnology due to its relatively small genome and a ready accessibility to plant material. Tissue culture is one of the tools required for genetic transformation and some breeding programs, and the selection of high-frequency regenerator types is essential for success in these technologies. Thirty-three rice entries with agricultural and biotechnological characteristics of interest were screened with the aim to identify the best regenerators. Entries that exhibited between 50% and 90% regeneration frequencies include ‘Taipei-309,’ ‘Super Dwarf,’ ‘Norin’ (japonica types), PI 312777, ‘Ali Combo’ (indica types), ‘STG-S,’ and ‘LA3’ (red rice types). One third of the entries tested were at least two times better at regeneration than the often-cited regenerator ‘Nipponbare.’ Those entries showing at least 85% frequency of greening or somatic embryo formation at 15 or 30 d on regeneration medium ultimately produced whole plants after 45 d on regeneration medium at high frequency (at least 40%); those entries not reaching the 85% threshold of greening by Days 15 or 30 exhibited moderate (15–40%) to low (less than 10%) frequency of whole plant regeneration. This greening response suggests the means for an early prediction system for identification of useful rice regenerator lines, which would be beneficial for high-throughput screening of germplasm as well as for decreasing the time and cost of in vitro culture.  相似文献   

Uchiumi T  Uemura I  Okamoto T 《Planta》2007,226(3):581-589
In vitro fertilization (IVF) systems using isolated male and female gametes have been utilized to dissect fertilization-induced events in angiosperms, such as egg activation, zygote development and early embryogenesis, as the female gametophytes of plants are deeply embedded within ovaries. In this study, a rice IVF system was established to take advantage of the abundant resources stemming from rice research for investigations into the mechanisms of fertilization and early embryogenesis. Fusion of gametes was performed using a modified electrofusion method, and the fusion product, a zygote, formed cell wall and an additional nucleolus. The zygote divided into a two-celled embryo 15–24 h after fusion, and developed into a globular-like embryo consisting of an average of 15–16 cells by 48 h after fusion. Comparison of the developmental processes of zygotes produced by IVF with those of zygotes generated in planta suggested that zygotes produced by IVF develop and grow into early globular stage embryos in a highly similar manner to those in planta. Although the IVF-produced globular embryos did not develop into late globular-stage or differentiated embryos, but into irregularly shaped cell masses, fertile plants were regenerated from the cell masses and the seeds harvested from these plants germinated normally. The rice IVF system reported here will be a powerful tool for studying the molecular mechanisms involved in the early embryogenesis of angiosperms and for making new cultivars.  相似文献   

Final grain dry weight, a component of yield in wheat, is dependent on the duration and the rate of grain filling. The purpose of the study was to compare the grain filling patterns between common wheat, (Triticum aestivum L.), and durum wheat, (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum), and investigate relationships among grain filling parameters, yield components and the yield itself. The most important variables in differentiating among grain filling curves were final grain dry weight (W) for common wheat genotypes and grain filling rate (R) for durum wheat genotypes; however, in all cases the sets of variables important in differentiating among grain filling curves were extended to either two or all three parameters. Furthermore, in one out of three environmental conditions and for both groups of genotypes, the most important parameter in the set was grain filling duration (T). It indicates significant impact of environmental conditions on dry matter accumulation and the mutual effect of grain filling duration and its rate on the final grain dry weight. The medium early anthesis date could be associated with further grain weight and yield improvements in wheat. Grain filling of earlier genotypes occurs in more temperate environments, which provides enough time for gradual grain fill and avoids the extremes of temperature and the stress of dry conditions.  相似文献   

Cell death in rice roots due to zinc (Zn) toxicity was investigated using inhibitors of signal molecules known to regulate programmed cell death in plants. Zn (5.0– 25.0 mM) induced cell death in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Sodium benzoate, a scavenger of reactive oxygen species (ROS), increased the cell viability under toxic Zn level (25.0 mM), suggesting a role of ROS in Zn-induced cell death. The protective role of rotenone in cell death indicated the involvement of mitochondrial electron transport chain in this Zn-induced ROS generation. Cantharidin and endothall, two serine/threonine phosphatase inhibitors, and sodium orthovanadate (Na3VO4) and phenylarsine oxide (PAO), two protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitors, blocked Zn-induced root cell death. Conversely, K252-a, a serine/threonine kinase inhibitor, increased Zn-induced cell death. Furthermore, the phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase (PI-3K) inhibitors, LY 294002 and wortmannin inhibited Zn-induced root cell death. These results suggest that the ROS, protein phosphatase and PI-3K may function in the Zn-induced cellular toxicity in rice roots.  相似文献   

Five parental rice lines with varied levels of allelopathic potential were employed in a partial diallel crossing program to generate 10 F1 hybrids. The allelopathic effects of the aqueous leaf extracts of the five rice parents and 10 F1s grown under two different conditions were assessed at different growth stages using lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) as a bioassay species. Conditional genetics of rice seedling allelopathy and its genotype × environment effects were analyzed by using additive–dominant developmental genetic models. The results showed that conditional additive and dominant effects expressed alternatively from 3- to 8-leaf stage of rice seedlings. The additive effects were significant in the 5|4, 6|5, and 8|7-leaf phases, whilst the dominance effects appeared to play an important role in the 4|3 and 7|6 leaf phases. The conditional narrow sense heritability was significant in the 5|4, 6|5, and 8|7 leaf phases, the broad sense heritability was pronounced among all the growth periods investigated, suggesting that selection for allelopathic activity should be performed during this three leaf phases in order to improve selection response.  相似文献   

Iron homeostasis was studied in two tropical indica rice cultivars viz. Sharbati (high Fe) and Lalat (low Fe) having contrasting grain Fe concentration. Plants were hydroponically grown with 5 concentrations of Fe (0.05, 2, 5, 15, 50 mg L?1) till maturity. The effect of incremental Fe treatment on the plant was followed by analyzing accumulation of ferritin protein, activities of aconitase enzyme, enzymes of anti-oxidative defense and accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and ascorbic acid. Plant growth was adversely affected beyond 15 mg L?1 of Fe supplementation and effects of Fe stress (both deficiency and excess) were more apparent on the high Fe containing cultivar Sharbati than the low Fe containing Lalat. Level of ferritin protein and aconitase activity increased up to 5 mg L?1 of Fe concentration. Lalat continued to synthesize ferritin protein at much higher Fe level than Sharbati and the cultivar also had higher activities of peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase. It was concluded that the tolerance of Lalat to Fe stress was because of its higher intrinsic ability to scavenge free radicals of oxidative stress for possessing higher activity of antioxidative enzymes. This, together with its capacity to sequester the excess Fe in ferritin protein over a wider range of Fe concentrations made it more tolerant to Fe stress.  相似文献   

Liu D  Lu Z  Mao Z  Liu S 《Current microbiology》2009,58(2):129-133
A gene encoding the rice (Oryza sativa L.) 90-kDa heat shock protein (OsHsp90) was introduced into Escherichia coli using the pGEX-6p-3 expression vector with a glutathione-S-transferase (GST) tag to analyze the possible function of this protein under heat stress for the first time. We compared the survivability of E. coli (BL21) cells transformed with a recombinant plasmid containing GST-OsHsp90 fusion protein with control E. coli cells transformed with the plasmid containing GST and the wild type BL21 under heat shock after isopropyl β-d-thiogalactopyranoside induction. Cells expressing GST-OsHsp90 demonstrated thermotolerance at 42, 50, and 70°C, treatments that were more harmful to cells expressing GST and the wild type. Further studies were carried out to analyze the heat-induced characteristics of OsHsp90 at 42, 50, and 70°C in vitro. When cell lysates from E. coli transformants were heated at these heat stresses, expressed GST-OsHsp90 prevented the denaturation of bacterial proteins treated with 42°C heat shocks, and partially prevented that of proteins treated at 50 and 70°C; meanwhile, cells expressing GST-OsHsp90 withstood the duration at 50°C. These results indicate that OsHsp90 functioned as a chaperone, binding to a subset of substrates, and maintained E. coli growth well at high temperatures.  相似文献   


Key message

A novel QTL for grain number, GN4-1, was identified and fine-mapped to an ~ 190-kb region on the long arm of rice chromosome 4.


Rice grain yield is primarily determined by three components: number of panicles per plant, grain number per panicle and grain weight. Among these traits, grain number per panicle is the major contributor to grain yield formation and is a crucial trait for yield improvement. In this study, we identified a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) responsible for rice grain number on chromosome 4, designated GN4-1 (a QTL for Grain Number on chromosome 4), using advanced segregating populations derived from the crosses between an elite indica cultivar ‘Zhonghui 8006’ (ZH8006) and a japonica rice ‘Wuyunjing 8’ (WYJ8). GN4-1 was delimited to an ~ 190-kb region on chromosome 4. The genetic effect of GN4-1 was estimated using a pair of near-isogenic lines. The GN4-1 gene from WYJ8 promoted accumulation of cytokinins in the inflorescence and increased grain number per panicle by ~ 17%. More importantly, introduction of the WYJ8 GN4-1 gene into ZH8006 increased grain yield by ~ 14.3 and ~ 11.5% in the experimental plots in 2014 and 2015, respectively. In addition, GN4-1 promoted thickening of the culm and may enhance resistance to lodging. These results demonstrate that GN4-1 is a potentially valuable gene for improvement of yield and lodging resistance in rice breeding.

Cheng Y  Long M 《Biotechnology letters》2007,29(7):1129-1134
NADP-malic enzyme (NADP-ME, EC functions in many different pathways in plant and may be involved in plant defense such as wound and UV-B radiation. Here, expression of the gene encoding cytosolic NADP-ME (cytoNADP-ME, GenBank Accession No. AY444338) in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings was induced by salt stress (NaCl). NADP-ME activities in leaves and roots of rice also increased in response to NaCl. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants over-expressing rice cytoNADP-ME had a greater salt tolerance at the seedling stage than wild-type plants in MS medium-supplemented with different levels of NaCl. Cytosolic NADPH/NADP+ concentration ratio of transgenic plants was higher than those of wild-type plants. These results suggest that rice cytoNADP-ME confers salt tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings.  相似文献   

Using mixed-model-based composite interval mapping and conditional statistical methods, we studied quantitative trait loci (QTLs) with epistatic effects and QTLs by environment interaction effects for rice seed set percent (SSP), filled grain number per plant (FGP), and panicle length (PL). A population of 241 recombinant inbred lines was used which was derived from a cross between “Zhenshan 97” and “Minghui 63.” Its linkage map included 221 molecular markers. Our QTL analysis detected 28, 25, and 32 QTLs for SSP, FGP, and PL, respectively. Each QTL explained 1.37%∼13.19% of the mean phenotypic variation. A comparison of conventional and conditional mapping provided information about the genetic control system involved in the synthetic process of SSP, FGP, and PL at the level of individual QTLs. Conditional QTLs with reduced (or increased) effects were identified for SSP, which were significantly influenced by FGP or PL. Some QTLs could express independently for the given traits, thereby providing possibilities for simultaneous improvement of SSR and PL, and SSR and FGP. Epistasis was more sensitive to environmental conditions than were additive effects.  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important food crops, especially in Asia. The spikelet is a characteristic structure of grass inflorescences that determines crop output. However, the molecular mechanism that controls spikelet development and grain yield in rice remains unclear. In this study, we isolated a new osmads34 allelic mutant (i.e., osmads34-t). The osmads34-t mutant showed more primary branch numbers, short panicles, and long sterile lemmas. The sterile lemmas were transformed into the lemmas and had the lemma identity in the osmads34-t mutant, suggesting that the sterile lemma and lemma are homologous organs. Additionally, osmads34-t displayed smaller grains on its secondary branches of panicles and a lower seed-setting rate. These results suggest that OsMADS34 plays an important role in determination of grain size and yield in rice. OsMADS34 was expressed in tested organs and tissues, and its green fluorescent protein (GFP) signal was located in the nucleus. The result of this study will be used to understand the identity of unique organs in grass spikelets and may improve grain yield in breeding practice.  相似文献   

Expression of the gene (OsCA1) coding for carbonic anhydrase (CA) in leaves and roots of rice was induced by environmental stresses from salts (NaCl, NaHCO3 and Na2CO3), and osmotic stress (10%, w/v, PEG 6000). CA activity of rice seedlings more than doubled under some of these stresses. Transgenic Arabidopsis over-expressing OsCA1 had a greater salt tolerance at the seedling stage than wild-type plants in 1/2 MS medium with 5 mM NaHCO3, 50 mM NaCl, on 100 mM NaCl. Thus CA expression responds to environmental stresses and is related to stress tolerance in rice.  相似文献   

Summary Catenaria anguillulae parasitized and killed the eggs and second stage juveniles (J2) of Meloidogyne graminicola under natural conditions. The percentage of infection in eggs was higher than J2 of M.␣graminicola, which ranged between 0–50.3% and 0–18.9% in 2004 and 0–46.6% and 0–21.7% in 2005, respectively. The higher parasitism of eggs and J2 was recorded from those fields in which plants were severely infected with M. graminicola. The degree of parasitism of eggs and J2 by C. anguillulae varied with severity of root knot disease. The fields with a higher root gall index recorded a higher percentage of infection in eggs and J2 of M. graminicola. In general, old galls when teased and incubated, recorded higher parasitism of eggs and juveniles than young galls.  相似文献   

Transposable elements (TEs) have a significant impact on the evolution of gene function and genome structures. An endogenous nonautonomous transposable element nDart was discovered in an albino mutant that had an insertion in the Mg-protoporphyrin IX methyltransferase gene in rice. In this study, we elucidated the transposition behavior of nDart, the frequency of nDart transposition and characterized the footprint of nDart. Novel independent nDart insertions in backcrossed progenies were detected by DNA blotting analysis. In addition, germinal excision of nDart occurred at very low frequency compared with that of somatic excision, 0–13.3%, in the nDart1-4(3-2) and nDart1-A loci by a locus-specific PCR strategy. A total of 253 clones from somatic excision at five nDart loci in 10 varieties were determined. nDart rarely caused deletions beyond target site duplication (TSD). The footprint of nDart contained few transversions of nucleotides flanking to both sides of the TSD. The predominant footprint of nDart was an 8-bp addition. Precise excision of nDart was detected at a rate of only 2.2%, which occurred at two loci among the five loci examined. Furthermore, the results in this study revealed that a highly conserved mechanism of transposition is involved between maize Ac/Ds and rice Dart/nDart, which are two-component transposon systems of the hAT superfamily transposons in plant species.  相似文献   

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