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Balanced reciprocal translocation carriers are usually phenotypically normal but are at an increased risk of infertility, recurrent miscarriage or having affected children. Preimplantation genetic testing on chromosomal structural rearrangement (PGT-SR) offers a way to screen against unbalanced embryos. Here, we demonstrated a new method to distinguish carrier from noncarrier embryos. Translocation breakpoints were first delineated by nanopore sequencing followed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) across breakpoints. High-resolution breakpoint mapping was successful in all (9/9) balanced reciprocal translocation carriers. Retrospective analysis of their embryo biopsies with breakpoint PCR showed 100% concordant results with PGT-SR on trophectoderm biopsies (40/40) and 53% concordance on blastomere biopsies (8/15). The low concordant rate in blastomeres was due to failure in the amplification of derivative chromosomes involving large deletions. Breakpoint PCR also showed 100% concordant results with prenatal/postnatal outcomes on 5 pregnancies, indicating that our new method can accurately distinguish carrier from noncarrier embryos.  相似文献   

Summary Using a trypsin banding technique a D/D and a G/G translocation were identified as D-13/14 and G-21/22.
Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe einer Trypsin-Bandierungstechnik wurde eine D/D-und eine G/G-Translokation als D-13/14 und G-21/22 identifiziert.

Triploidy is a lethal condition in mammals, with most dying at some stage between implantation and term. In humans, however, a very small proportion of triploids are liveborn but display a wide range of congenital abnormalities. In particular, the placentas of human diandric triploid embryos consistently display “partial” hydatidiform molar degeneration, while those of digynic triploids generally do not show these histopathological features. In mice, the postimplantation development of diandric and digynic triploid embryos also differs. While both classes are capable of developing to the forelimb bud stage, no specific degenerative features of their placentas have been reported. Diandric triploid mouse embryos are morphologically normal while digynic triploid mouse embryos consistently display neural tube and occasionally cardiac abnormalities. Previously it was shown that the preimplantation development of micromanipulated diandric triploid mouse embryos was similar to developmentally matched diploid control embryos. In this study, the preimplantation development of micromanipulated digynic triploid mouse embryos is analysed and compared with that of diandric triploid mouse embryos in order to determine whether there is any difference in cleavage rate between these two classes of triploids. Standard micromanipulatory procedures were used to insert a female or a male pronucleus into a recipient diploid 1-cell stage embryo. The karyoplast was fused to the cytoplasm of the embryo by electrofusion. These tripronucleate 1-cell stage embryos were then transferred to pseudopregnant recipients and, at specific times after the HCG injection to induce ovulation, the embryos were recovered and total cell counts made. These results were plotted and regression lines drawn. An additional control group of embryos was subjected to similar micromanipulatory procedures to those used in the experimental study. These embryos had a single pronucleus removed and this was then reinserted into the perivitelline space. Diploidy was immediately restored by electrofusion. These embryos were transferred to recipients and at specific times after the HCG injection the embryos were recovered and total cell counts made. These results were also plotted and regression lines drawn. The results show that the cell doubling time of the digynic triploid embryos was 14.84 h (± 1.19). This was not significantly different from that of the diandric triploid embryos (13.55 h ± 0.86; P > 0.05) or of the manipulated diploid controls (12.12 h ± 0.79; P > 0.05). © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) is an indirect DNA-based test which allows for the accurate analysis of aneuploidy involving any of the 24 types of chromosomes present (22 autosomes and the X and Y sex chromosomes). Traditionally, embryos have been screened using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)--a technique that was limited in the number of chromosomes able to be identified in any one sample. Early CGH reports on aneuploidy in preimplantation embryos showed that any of the 24 chromosomes could be involved and so FISH methods were going to be ineffective in screening out abnormal embryos. Our results from routine clinical application of array CGH in preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) patients confirm previous reports on patterns of chromosomal contribution to aneuploidy. The pregnancy outcomes following embryo transfer also indicate that despite the requirement to freeze embryos, rates are encouraging, and successful ongoing pregnancies can be achieved.  相似文献   

The fertility of three bulls carrying different Robertsonian translocations (rob(1;29), rob(14;17) and rob(26;29)) was evaluated. Oocytes-cumulus complexes obtained from slaughterhouse-derived ovaries were matured and then fertilised in vitro with frozen/thawed seminal material from the above mentioned subjects, and from control bulls with normal karyotype. An assessment was first made of the concentration, vitality and acrosome integrity of the seminal material to be sure that possible differences in the results of the in vitro fertilisation experiments were not due to seminal material quality. The results of the experiments, evaluated by the percentage of cleaved embryos and blastocysts per cleaved embryo, indicated that the three bulls carrying Robertsonian translocations had similar fertilising power and semen qualitative parameters to the controls. These data suggest that neither gametogenesys impairment nor decreased spermatozoa fertilising capacity is responsible for the reduced fertility in bulls with Robertsonian translocations. What the data do confirm is that the observed in vivo hypofertility for karyologically abnormal bulls is mainly due to early embryonic mortality.  相似文献   

Most Robertsonian translocations are dicentric, suggesting that the location of chromosomal breaks leading to their formation occur in the acrocentric short arm. Previous cytogenetic and molecular cytogenetic studies have shown that few Robertsonian translocations retain ribosomal genes or beta-satellite DNA. Breakpoints in satellite III DNA, specifically between two chromosome 14-specific subfamilies, pTRS-47 and pTRS-63, have been indicated for most of the dicentric 14q21q and 13q14q translocations that have been studied. We have analyzed the structure of 36 dicentric translocations, using several repetitive DNA probes that localize to the acrocentric short arm. The majority of the translocations retained satellite III DNA, while others proved variable in structure. Of 10 14q21q translocations analyzed, satellite III DNA was undetected in 1; 6 retained one satellite III DNA subfamily, pTRS-47; and 3 appeared to contain two 14-specific satellite III DNA sub-families, pTRS-47 and pTRS-63. In 10/11 translocations involving chromosome 15, the presence of satellite III DNA was observed. Our results show that various regions of the acrocentric short arm, and, particularly, satellite III DNA sequences, are involved in the formation of Robertsonian translocations.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this article is to analyse the various non-invasive and invasive methods that offer the opportunity of prenatal diagnosis of selected inherited disorders at the preimplantation stages of human embryonic development and to discuss the advantages and ethical problems associated with such procedures. These investigations should also provide important information on the development of the human embryo and its hormonal and immunological relationship with the mother.  相似文献   

Robertsonian translocation rob(16;20) in the heterozygous state was discovered in a subfertile bull of the Czech Siemmental breed. A chromosomal analysis of its family has shown that this dicentric fusion is formed de novo. The present experiments were designed to detect rob(16;20) and determine its incidence for in vitro produced embryos, using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and rob(1;29) as a detection control. To characterize semen of both bulls with the rob translocations, their sperm was examined for DNA integrity by the sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA). For in vitro fertilization of oocytes, spermatozoa from a rob(16;20) bull carrier (Czech Siemmental breed) and those from a rob(1;29) bull carrier (Charolais breed) were used. Embryos at the 6- to 8-cell stage were cultured in a vinblastine-supplemented medium for 17 h, and embryos at the blastocyst stage were cultured in a colcemide-supplemented medium for 4 h. The embryos were fixed in methanol and acetic acid with Tween-20. Painting probes for chromosomes 16 (Spectrum Green) and 20 (Spectrum Orange) and chromosomes 1 (Spectrum Orange) and 29 (Spectrum Green) were simultaneously hybridized. In the embryos derived from the rob(16;20) bull, the presence of this translocation was not detected. On the other hand, 52.5% of the embryos derived from the rob(1;29) bull were translocation carriers. There was no significant difference in the frequency of this translocation between early and advanced embryos.  相似文献   

Proteins synthesized during the preimplantation period of mouse embryogenesis were labeled with radioactive tyrosine and lysine and fractionated by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide disc gels containing sodium dodecyl sulfate. For interstage comparisons and comparisons of the incorporation of different amino acids at the same developmental stages, the embryos were incubated with either 3H- or 14C-labeled amino acids. The embryos were then combined, and the proteins were isolated and electrophoresed simultaneously. The data were analyzed with a dual isotope computer program and expressed in the form of 14C/3H ratios.Approximately 20–25 labeled protein components of apparent molecular weights between 25,000 and 115,000 can be defined, and 5 are most significant quantitatively. Of the latter, there are developmental increases in the rates of synthesis of 3 (with apparent molecular weights of 35,000 to 37,000, 37,000 to 41,000, and 66,000 to 70,000), a decrease in the rate of synthesis of another (53,000 to 57,000), and little change in the last (46,000 to 49,000). Developmental changes in the rates of synthesis of several other components are also demonstrated by the 14C/3H incorporation ratios. The relative amounts of the different proteins synthesized by day 3 (early blastocyst) embryos over an 8-hr period remain constant, as does the relative labeling by lysine and tyrosine at each developmental stage examined. Similarly, there is no change in the pattern of the radioactive proteins when day 2 (8–16 cell) embryos are labeled for 2 hr and then incubated for an additional 24 hr. The greatest change in the overall pattern of protein synthesis occurs quite early, between day 1 (2 cell) and day 2, and lesser changes occur at later stages. These findings are in contrast to the major change in the rate of protein synthesis which occurs after day 2.  相似文献   

Carriers of balanced translocations show an increased risk of infertility and spontaneous abortions, because of errors in gametogenesis, and constitute a significant fraction of patients seeking assisted reproduction. The objective of this study was to design approaches for preimplantation diagnosis of chromosome translocations and to apply such techniques to the selection of chromosomally normal or balanced embryos prior to their transfer to the mother’s womb. Three slightly different approaches were assessed by means of chromosome-specific, non-isotopically labeled DNA probes and an assay based on fluorescence in situ hybridization- to score and characterize chromosomes in single blastomeres biopsied from embryos on their third day of development. The three approaches were used for preimplantation genetic diagnosis involving four couples who had enrolled in our IVF program and in which one of the partners was a carrier of one of the following translocations: 46,XX,t(12;20)(p13.1;q13.3), 46,XY,t(3;4) (p24;p15), 45,XY,der(14;15)(10q;10q), and 46,XY,t(6;11) (p22.1;p15.3). A total of 33 embryos were analyzed, of which 25 (75.8%) were found to be either unbalanced or otherwise chromosomally abnormal. Only a single embryo could be transferred to patients A and D, whereas three embryos were transferred to patient B in a total of two IVF cycles. Transfer of two embryos to patient C resulted in an ongoing pregnancy. Re-analysis of non-transferred embryos with additional probes confirmed the initial results in 95% (20/21) of the cases. In conclusion, case-specific translocation tests can be applied to any translocation carrier for the selection of normal or chromosomally balanced embryos prior to embryo transfer. This is expected significantly to increase the success rates in IVF cycles of translocation carriers, while preventing the spontaneous abortion or birth of abnormal offspring. Received: 13 January 1998 / Accepted: 24 March 1998  相似文献   

Initially, we investigated the effect of genistein, an inhibitor of protein tyrosine kinases, on compaction of the mouse embryo since tyrosine phosphorylation of the cadherin-catenins complex was suggested to down-regulate its adhesive function. Genistein prevented cleavage from the 2- to the 4-cell stage in a concentration-dependent manner. The next cleavage is inhibited at all concentrations used. Time course of intercellular flattening is however identical for both control 8-cell embryos and 4-cell arrested embryos. This confirms that compaction takes place according to a biological clock that does not depend on completion of the third cell cycle. Our results also suggest that, since, in contrast to genistein, protein kinases C modulators are known to cause a premature compaction, diacylglycerol-dependent kinases but not protein tyrosine kinases might be upregulators of compaction.  相似文献   



Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is now widely used to select embryos free of chromosomal copy number variations (CNV) from chromosome balanced translocation carriers. However, it remains a difficulty to distinguish in embryos between balanced and structurally normal chromosomes efficiently.


For this purpose, genome wide preimplantation genetic haplotyping (PGH) analysis was utilized based on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarray. SNPs that are heterozygous in the carrier and, homozygous in the carrier’s partner and carrier’s family member are defined as informative SNPs. The haplotypes including the breakpoint regions, the whole chromosomes involved in the translocation and the corresponding homologous chromosomes are established with these informative SNPs in the couple, reference and embryos. In order to perform this analysis, a reference either a translocation carrier’s family member or one unbalanced embryo is required. The positions of translocation breakpoints are identified by molecular karyotypes of unbalanced embryos. The recombination of breakpoint regions in embryos could be identified.


Eleven translocation families were enrolled. 68 blastocysts were analyzed, in which 42 were unbalanced or aneuploid and the other 26 were balanced or normal chromosomes. Thirteen embryos were transferred back to patients. Prenatal cytogenetic analysis of amniotic fluid cells was performed. The results predicted by PGH and karyotypes were totally consistent.


With the successful clinical application, we demonstrate that PGH was a simple, efficient, and popularized method to distinguish between balanced and structurally normal chromosome embryos.

The significance of centric fusions (Robertsonian translocations) in domestic animals, with special reference to sheep, is reviewed. The mating is described of a further 856 ewes with either a normal chromosome number 2n = 54 or carrying one or more of the three different translocations (centric fusions) t1, t2 and t3 in various heterozygous and homozygous arrangements. Rams which were used in the matings were homozygous for one of the translocation chromosomes (2n = 52), double heterozygotes (2n = 52), triple heterozygotes (2n = 51) or were carriers of 4 translocation chromosomes (2n = 50) and 5 translocation chromosomes (2n = 49). A remarkably even distribution of segregation products was recorded in the progeny of all combinations of translocation ewes x translocation rams in those groups in which sufficient animals were available for statistical analysis. Forty-eight chromosomally different groups of animals were mated. Further, the overall fertility of the translocation sheep, measured by conception rate to first service, lambing percentage and number of ewes which did not breed a lamb, was not significantly different from New Zealand national sheep breeding data. In some groups the poorer reproductive performance could be explained by the age structure of the flock and inbreeding depression, which probably affected the performance of some animals. Sheep with progressively decreasing chromosome numbers, due to centric fusion, 2n = 50, 2n = 49 and 2n = 48, are reported. The 2n = 48 category represents a triple homozygous ewe and a triple homozygous ram and is the first report of the viable evolution of such domestic animals. Less than 1% of phenotypically abnormal lambs were recorded in a total of 1995 progeny born over 10 years. It is now considered that there is little or no evidence to suggest that centric fusions in a variety of combinations affect the total productive fitness of domestic sheep. It is suggested that future research should be more actively directed to understanding their genetic significance.  相似文献   

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