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Ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis of specific target proteins is required for several important steps during the cell cycle. Degradation of such proteins is strictly cell cycle-regulated and triggered by two large ubiquitin ligases, termed anaphase-promoting complex (APC) and Skp1/Cullin/F-box complex (SCF). Here we show that yeast Ran-binding protein 1 (Yrb1p), a predominantly cytoplasmic protein implicated in nucleocytoplasmic transport, is required for cell cycle regulated protein degradation. Depletion of Yrb1p results in the accumulation of unbudded G(1) cells and of cells arrested in mitosis implying a function of Yrb1p in the G(1)/S transition and in the progression through mitosis. Temperature-sensitive yrb1-51 mutants are defective in APC-mediated degradation of the anaphase inhibitor protein Pds1p and in degradation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor Sic1p, a target of SCF. Thus, Yrb1p is crucial for efficient APC- and SCF-mediated proteolysis of important cell cycle regulatory proteins. We have identified the UBS1 gene as a multicopy suppressor of yrb1-51 mutants. Ubs1p is a nuclear protein, and its deletion is synthetic lethal with a yrb1-51 mutation. Interestingly, UBS1 was previously identified as a multicopy suppressor of cdc34-2 mutants, which are defective in SCF activity. We suggest that Ubs1p may represent a link between nucleocytoplasmic transport and ubiquitin ligase activity.  相似文献   

The cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor p27 is degraded in late G1 phase by the ubiquitin pathway, allowing CDK activity to drive cells into S phase. Ubiquitinylation of p27 requires its phosphorylation at Thr 187 (refs 3, 4) and subsequent recognition by S-phase kinase associated protein 2 (Skp2; refs 5-8), a member of the F-box family of proteins that associates with Skp1, Cul-1 and ROC1/Rbx1 to form an SCF ubiquitin ligase complex. However, in vitro ligation of p27 to ubiquitin could not be reconstituted by known purified components of the SCFSkp2 complex. Here we show that the missing factor is CDK subunit 1 (Cks1), which belongs to the highly conserved Suc1/Cks family of proteins that bind to some CDKs and phosphorylated proteins and are essential for cell-cycle progression. Human Cks1, but not other members of the family, reconstitutes ubiquitin ligation of p27 in a completely purified system, binds to Skp2 and greatly increases binding of T187-phosphorylated p27 to Skp2. Our results represent the first evidence that an SCF complex requires an accessory protein for activity as well as for binding to its phosphorylated substrate.  相似文献   

Far1 is a bifunctional protein that is required to arrest the cell cycle and establish cell polarity during yeast mating. Here we show that SCF(Cdc4) ubiquitylates Far1 in the nucleus, which in turn targets the multi-ubiquitylated protein to 26S proteasomes most likely located at the nuclear envelope. In response to mating pheromones, a fraction of Far1 was stabilized after its export into the cytoplasm by Ste21/Msn5. Preventing nuclear export destabilized Far1, while conversely cytoplasmic Far1 was stabilized, although the protein was efficiently phosphorylated in a Cdc28-Cln-dependent manner. The core SCF subunits Cdc53, Hrt1 and Skp1 were distributed in the nucleus and the cytoplasm, whereas the F-box protein Cdc4 was exclusively nuclear. A cytoplasmic form of Cdc4 was unable to complement the growth defect of cdc4-1 cells, but it was sufficient to degrade Far1 in the cytoplasm. Our results illustrate the importance of subcellular localization of F-box proteins, and provide an example of how an extracellular signal regulates protein stability at the level of substrate localization.  相似文献   

Screening of cdc mutants of fission yeast for those whose cell cycle arrest is independent of the DNA damage checkpoint identified the RNA splicing-deficient cdc28 mutant. A search for mutants of cdc28 cells that enter mitosis with unspliced RNA resulted in the identification of an orb5 point mutant. The orb5+ gene, which encodes a catalytic subunit of casein kinase II, was found to be required for cell cycle arrest in other mutants with defective RNA metabolism but not for operation of the DNA replication or DNA damage checkpoints. Loss of function of wee1+ or rad24+ also suppressed the arrest of several splicing mutants. Overexpression of the major B-type cyclin Cdc13p induced cdc28 cells to enter mitosis. The abundance of Cdc13p was reduced, and the phosphorylation of Cdc2p on tyrosine 15 was maintained in splicing-defective cells. These results suggest that regulation of Cdc13p and Cdc2p is required for G2 arrest in splicing mutants.  相似文献   

Sgt1p is a well-conserved protein proposed to be involved in a number of cellular processes. Genetic studies of budding yeast suggest a role for SGT1 in signal transduction, cell cycle advance, and chromosome segregation. Recent evidence has linked Sgt1p to HSP90 chaperones, although the precise relationship between these proteins is unclear. To further explore the role of Sgt1p in these processes, we have characterized the interactions among Sgt1p, the inner kinetochore complex CBF3, and HSP90 chaperones. We show that the amino terminus of Sgt1p interacts with CBF3 subunits Skp1p and Ctf13p. HSP90 interacts with Sgt1p and, in combination with the carboxy terminus of Sgt1p, regulates the interaction between Sgt1p and Skp1p in a nucleotide-dependent manner. While the Sgt1p-Skp1p interaction is required for CBF3 assembly, mutations that stabilize this interaction prevent the turnover of protein complexes important for CBF3 assembly. We propose that HSP90 and Sgt1p act together as a molecular switch, maintaining transient interactions required to balance protein complex assembly with turnover.  相似文献   

The structure of F1-ATPase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae inhibited by the yeast IF1 has been determined at 2.5 Å resolution. The inhibitory region of IF1 from residues 1 to 36 is entrapped between the C-terminal domains of the αDP- and βDP-subunits in one of the three catalytic interfaces of the enzyme. Although the structure of the inhibited complex is similar to that of the bovine-inhibited complex, there are significant differences between the structures of the inhibitors and their detailed interactions with F1-ATPase. However, the most significant difference is in the nucleotide occupancy of the catalytic βE-subunits. The nucleotide binding site in βE-subunit in the yeast complex contains an ADP molecule without an accompanying magnesium ion, whereas it is unoccupied in the bovine complex. Thus, the structure provides further evidence of sequential product release, with the phosphate and the magnesium ion released before the ADP molecule.  相似文献   

When yeast cells enter into quiescence in response to nutrient limitation, the adenine deaminase Aah1p is specifically degraded via a process requiring the F-box protein Saf1p and components of the Skp1-Cullin-F-box complex. In this paper, we show that Saf1p interacts with both Aah1p and Skp1p. Interaction with Skp1p, but not with Aah1p, requires the F-box domain of Saf1p. Based on deletion and point mutations, we further demonstrate that the F-box domain of Saf1p is critical for degradation of Aah1p. We also establish that overexpression of Saf1p in proliferating cells is sufficient to trigger the degradation of Aah1p. Using this property and a two-dimensional protein gel approach, we found that Saf1p has a small number of direct targets. Finally, we isolated and characterized several point mutations in Aah1p, which increase its stability during quiescence. The majority of the mutated residues are located in two distinct exposed regions in the Aah1p three-dimensional model structure. Two hybrid experiments strongly suggest that these domains are directly involved in interaction with Saf1p. Importantly, we obtained a mutation in Aah1p that does not affect the protein interaction with Saf1p but abolishes Aah1p degradation. Because this mutated residue is an exposed lysine in the Aah1p three-dimensional model, we propose that it is likely to be a major ubiquitylation site. All together, our data strongly argue for Saf1p being a bona fide Skp1-Cullin-F-box subunit.  相似文献   

Inactivation of the Rb-mediated G1 control pathway is a common event found in many types of human tumors. To test how the Rb pathway interacts with other pathways in tumor suppression, we characterized mice with mutations in both the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor p18 Ink4c and the lipid phosphatase Pten, which regulates cell growth. The double mutant mice develop a wider spectrum of tumors, including prostate cancer in the anterior and dorsolateral lobes, with nearly complete penetrance and at an accelerated rate. The remaining wild-type allele of Pten was lost at a high frequency in Pten+/- cells but not in p18+/- Pten+/- or p18-/- Pten+/- prostate tumor cells, nor in other Pten+/- tumor cells, suggesting a tissue- and genetic background-dependent haploinsufficiency of Pten in tumor suppression. p18 deletion, CDK4 overexpression, or oncoviral inactivation of Rb family proteins caused activation of Akt/PKB that was recessive to the reduction of PTEN activity. We suggest that p18 and Pten cooperate in tumor suppression by constraining a positive regulatory loop between cell growth and cell cycle control pathways.  相似文献   

The protein kinase CK2 is constituted by two catalytic (alpha and/or alpha') and two regulatory (beta) subunits. CK2 phosphorylates more than 300 proteins with important functions in the cell cycle. This study has looked at the relation between CK2 and p27(KIP1), which is a regulator of the cell cycle and a known inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdk). We demonstrated that in vitro recombinant Xenopus laevis CK2 can phosphorylate recombinant human p27(KIP1), but this phosphorylation occurs only in the presence of the regulatory beta subunit. The principal site of phosphorylation is serine-83. Analysis using pull down and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) techniques showed that p27(KIP1) interacts with the beta subunit through two domains present in the amino and carboxyl ends, while CD spectra showed that p27(KIP1) phosphorylation by CK2 affects its secondary structure. Altogether, these results suggest that p27(KIP1) phosphorylation by CK2 probably involves a docking event mediated by the CK2beta subunit. The phosphorylation of p27(KIP1) by CK2 may affect its biological activity.  相似文献   

Previous work showed that the GTP-binding protein Rho1p is required in the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, for activation of protein kinase C (Pkc1p) and for activity and regulation of beta(1-->3)glucan synthase. Here we demonstrate a hitherto unknown function of Rho1p required for cell cycle progression and cell polarization. Cells of mutant rho1(E45I) in the G1 stage of the cell cycle did not bud at 37 degrees C. In those cells actin reorganization and recruitment to the presumptive budding site did not take place at the nonpermissive temperature. Two mutants in adjacent amino acids, rho1(V43T) and rho1(F44Y), showed a similar behavior, although some budding and actin polarization occurred at the nonpermissive temperature. This was also the case for rho1(E45I) when placed in a different genetic background. Cdc42p and Spa2p, two proteins that normally also move to the bud site in a process independent from actin organization, failed to localize properly in rho1(E45I). Nuclear division did not occur in the mutant at 37 degrees C, although replication of DNA proceeded slowly. The rho1 mutants were also defective in the formation of mating projections and in congregation of actin at the projections in the presence of mating pheromone. The in vitro activity of beta(1-->3)glucan synthase in rho1 (E45I), although diminished at 37 degrees C, appeared sufficient for normal in vivo function and the budding defect was not suppressed by expression of a constitutively active allele of PKC1. Reciprocally, when Pkc1p function was eliminated by the use of a temperature-sensitive mutation and beta(1-->3)glucan synthesis abolished by an echinocandin-like inhibitor, a strain carrying a wild-type RHO1 allele was able to produce incipient buds. Taken together, these results reveal a novel function of Rho1p that must be executed in order for the yeast cell to polarize.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cdc28p, the major cyclin-dependent kinase in budding yeast, prevents re-replication within each cell cycle by preventing the reassembly of Cdc6p-dependent pre-replicative complexes (pre-RCs) once origins have fired. Cdc6p is a rapidly degraded protein that must be synthesised in each cell cycle and is present only during the G1 phase. RESULTS: We found that, at different times in the cell cycle, there are distinct modes of Cdc6p proteolysis. Before Start, Cdc6p proteolysis did not require either the anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C) or the SCF complex, which mediate the major cell cycle regulated ubiquitination pathways, nor did it require Cdc28p activity or any of the potential Cdc28p phosphorylation sites in Cdc6p. In fact, the activation of B cyclin (Clb)-Cdc28p kinase inactivated this pathway of Cdc6p degradation later in the cell cycle. Activation of the G1 cyclins (Clns) caused Cdc6p degradation to become extremely rapid. This degradation required the SCF(CDC4) and Cdc28p consensus sites in Cdc6p, but did not require Clb5 and Clb6. Later in the cell cycle, SCF(CDC4)-dependent Cdc6p proteolysis remained active but became less rapid. CONCLUSIONS: Levels of Cdc6p are regulated in several ways by the Cdc28p cyclin-dependent kinase. The Cln-dependent elimination of Cdc6p, which does not require the S-phase-promoting cyclins Clb5 and Clb6, suggests that the ability to assemble pre-RCs is lost before, not concomitant with, origin firing.  相似文献   

Signal transduction pathways that co-regulate a given biological process often are organized into networks by molecules that act as coincidence detectors. Phosphoinositides and the Rho-type GTPase Cdc42 regulate overlapping processes in all eukaryotic cells. However, the coincidence detectors that link these pathways into networks remain unknown. Here we show that the p21-activated protein kinase-related kinase Cla4 of yeast integrates signaling by Cdc42 and phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P). We found that the Cla4 pleckstrin homology (PH) domain binds in vitro to several phosphoinositide species. To determine which phosphoinositides regulate Cla4 in vivo, we analyzed phosphatidylinositol kinase mutants (stt4, mss4, and pik1). This indicated that the plasma membrane pool of PI4P, but not phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate or the Golgi pool of PI4P, is required for localization of Cla4 to sites of polarized growth. A combination of the Cdc42-binding and PH domains of Cla4 was necessary and sufficient for localization to sites of polarized growth. Point mutations affecting either domain impaired the ability of Cla4 to regulate cell morphogenesis and the mitotic exit network (localization of Lte1). Therefore, Cla4 must retain the ability to bind both Cdc42 and phosphoinositides, the hallmark of a coincidence detector. PI4P may recruit Cla4 to the plasma membrane where Cdc42 activates its kinase activity and refines its localization to cortical sites of polarized growth. In mammalian cells, the myotonic dystrophy-related Cdc42-binding kinase possesses p21-binding and PH domains, suggesting that this kinase may be a coincidence detector of signaling by Cdc42 and phosphoinositides.  相似文献   

Amida was first isolated from a rat hippocampal cDNA library as an Arc-associated protein. Although previous studies have shown that Amida mRNA is predominantly expressed and developmentally regulated in rat testis and overexpression induces apoptosis, the function of Amida remains unclear. In this study, we found that overexpression of Amida inhibited cell growth. Flow cytometry analysis showed that Amida caused cell cycle inhibition in the S-phase and blocked cell cycle from entry into mitosis. Attempting to elucidate Amida effect on the cell cycle, we found that Amida was interacted with Cdc2 in mitosis and Amida's overexpression resulted in a decrease in Cdc2 kinase activity. In addition, Amida showed DNA-binding ability with DNA-affinity column chromatography. A region (aa, 76–189) between the two nuclear localization signals was found to be responsible for cell growth inhibition and DNA-binding activity, implying that DNA-binding activity may be necessary for Amida to repress cell cycle. Moreover, Amida was phosphorylated by Cdc2 kinase in vitro and Ser-180 of Amida was identified as the phosphorylation site. Furthermore, AmidaS180G (eliminate phosphorylation of Ser-180) showed stronger DNA-binding activity. Taken together, the data suggest that Amida may play an important role in cell cycle and may be partly regulated by Cdc2 kinase.  相似文献   

Receptor-associated protein 80 (RAP80) is a component of the BRCA1-A complex that recruits BRCA1 to DNA damage sites in the DNA damage-induced ubiquitin signaling pathway. RAP80-depleted cells showed defective G(2)-M phase checkpoint control. In this study, we show that RAP80 protein levels fluctuate during the cell cycle. Its expression level peaked in the G(2) phase and declined during mitosis and progression into the G(1) phase. Also, RAP80 is polyubiquitinated and degraded by the anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C)(Cdc20) or (APC/C)(Cdh1). Consistent with this, knockdown of Cdc20 or Cdh1 expression by transfecting with small interfering RNAs blocked RAP80 degradation during mitosis or the G(1) phase, respectively. A conserved destruction box (D box) in RAP80 affected its stability and ubiquitination, which was dependent on APC/cyclosome(Cdc20) (C(Cdc20)) or APC/cyclosome(Cdh1) (C(Cdh1)). In addition, overexpression of RAP80 destruction box1 deletion mutant attenuated mitotic progression. Thus, APC/C(Cdc20) or APC/C(Cdh1) complexes regulate RAP80 stability during mitosis to the G(1) phase, and these events are critical for a novel function of RAP80 in mitotic progression.  相似文献   

Gray CH  Good VM  Tonks NK  Barford D 《The EMBO journal》2003,22(14):3524-3535
The Cdc14 family of dual-specificity protein phosphatases (DSPs) is conserved within eukaryotes and functions to down-regulate mitotic Cdk activities, promoting cytokinesis and mitotic exit. We have integrated structural and kinetic analyses to define the molecular mechanism of the dephosphorylation reaction catalysed by Cdc14. The structure of Cdc14 illustrates a novel arrangement of two domains, each with a DSP-like fold, arranged in tandem. The C-terminal domain contains the conserved PTP motif of the catalytic site, whereas the N-terminal domain, which shares no sequence similarity with other DSPs, contributes to substrate specificity, and lacks catalytic activity. The catalytic site is located at the base of a pronounced surface channel formed by the interface of the two domains, and regions of both domains interact with the phosphopeptide substrate. Specificity for a pSer-Pro motif is mediated by a hydrophobic pocket that is capable of accommodating the apolar Pro(P+1) residue of the peptide. Our structural and kinetic data support a role for Cdc14 in the preferential dephosphorylation of proteins modified by proline-directed kinases.  相似文献   

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