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To identify the origin of scalp-recorded far-field negativity of short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials to median nerve stimulation (designated N18), direct records were made from the thalamus and ventricular system during 4 stereotaxic and 3 posterior fossa operations.In the thalamus a negative potential with almost the same latency as the scalp N18 was restricted to the Vim nucleus, but there was a large positive potential in the VC nucleus and medial lemniscus. Vim negativity increased in amplitude when high frequency stimulation was given to the median nerve, indicative of a facilitation effect. In contrast, the amplitude of scalp N18 decreased at high frequency stimulus.Direct recordings made through the medulla oblongata to the mid-brain showed a negative potential with gradually increasing latency. Above the upper pons, there was stationary negativity with no latency shift. The similarity between this negative potential and N18 is shown by their having the same latency and same response to the amplitude reduction and latency prolongation produced by high frequency stimulus.Our data suggest that scalp N18 comes from brain-stem activity between the upper pons and the mid-brain rather than from the thalamus.  相似文献   

Generator sources of far-field P30 and N33 components produced bosterior tibial nerve stimulation were compared with those of the P14 and N18 components of median nerve stimulated somatosensory evoked potentials. Intracranial spatio-temporal distributions of P30 and N33 were similar to those of the P14 and N18 obtained by median nerve stimulation. In clinical cases, the changes in P30 and N33 were correlated with those in P14 and N18, indicative that P30 and N33 are derived from activities similar to those that produce P14 and N18.  相似文献   

The frequency and characteristics of P14 abnormalities were investigated in 122 patients with probable (68), or definite (54) multiple sclerosis by recording SEPs to median nerve stimulation with a non-cephalic reference montage. The most frequent SEP abnormality found in our series (62% of abnormal results) combined latency increase and amplitude reduction of P14. Interindividual variability, inherent in absolute amplitude measurements, was by-passed by calculating the ration between the amplitudes of far-field P9 and P14 components, which proved to be normally distributed in controls. In spite of the strong association (P ⪡ 0.001) between the P9–P14 interpeak interval (IPL) and the P9/P14 amplitude ratio in MS patients, the latter parameter was found to be the only abnormality in 12 patients whose P9–P14 and P14–N20 IPLs were normal. Also IPLs were increased in 12 patients with normal P14 amplitudes. These results suggest that adding the P9/P14 amplitude criterion to standard IPL data might be useful to detect conduction troubles in MS patients.  相似文献   

Widespread N18 potential to median nerve stimulation was preserved in a patient who had profound unilateral disturbance of deep sensation and a lesion of the pontine medial lemniscus confirmed by MRI. It was concluded from this result that at least a significant part of the N18 potential was generated caudal to the pontine level or at higher levels via extralemniscal pathways. Careful review of studies in man with intraoperative recordings seemed to support that the N18 potential already exists at the medullary level. We suggested that the potential generated at the cuneate nucleus which was described in cats may correspond to part of the N18 potential.  相似文献   

Far-field somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) after median nerve stimulation were recorded from scalp- (Fz), epidural(ED) and intravascular electrodes (basilar artery [Bas]) to study the nature of the controversial N18a component of the widespread N18 potential. In healthy volunteers frequently an N18a potential was recorded at Fz. Simultaneous Fz and ED recordings at the pontomesencephalic junction as well as Bas-recordings at the caudal basilar artery showed N18a components identical in latency and shape. With intravascular recordings the shapes differed between the top of the basilar artery and the caudal artery recordings. These findings support the existence of a separate N18a potential. The generator of the N18a is likely to be localized within the upper brainstem.  相似文献   

Far-field somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) after median nerve stimulation were recorded from scalp- (Fz), epidural- (ED) and intravascular electrodes (basilar artery [Bas]) to study the nature of the controversial N18a component of the widespread N18 potential. In healthy volunteers frequently an N18a potential was recorded at Fz. Simultaneous Fz and ED recordings at the pontomesencephalic junction as well as Bas-recordings at the caudal basilar artery showed N18a components identical in latency and shape. With intravascular recordings the shapes differed between the top of the basilar artery and the caudal artery recordings. These findings support the existence of a separate N18a potential. The generator of the N18a is likely to be localized within the upper brainstem.  相似文献   

The widespread N18 potential in median nerve SEP was studied in normal subjects and in patients with high cervical, brain-stem and thalamic lesions who had profound disturbances of deep sensation. N18 was well identified in the HSi-CV2 derivation in every normal subject as a broad elevation from the baseline lasting about 20 msec. The cortical N20 was absent in all patients. N18 was absent in a patient with a dorsal column lesion at C1-2 level. The amplitude and configuration of N18 were normal in all other patients with brain-stem and thalamic lesions, including a patient with a lesion at the ponto-medullary junction. The sagittal distribution of N18 was studied in a patient with a thalamic lesion and an oblique distribution with the maximum region between Cz and nasion was demonstrated. The present results indicate that at least the greater part of N18 is generated at the caudalmost brain-stem or through branches from this level. Taking previous animal and intraoperative studies into consideration, we think it most probable that the main part of N18 corresponds to the ventro-rostral negative pole of the dipolar potential generated at the cuneate nucleus by the primary afferent depolarization of presynaptic terminals of dorsal column fibers.  相似文献   

Close scrutiny of scalp recorded P9 far-field potentials following stimulation of the median nerve often revealed dilobed wave forms. We observed that the P9 became 2 distinct peaks (P9a and P9b) when the arm was flexed 90° forward at the shoulder and that it became a pointed single peak with 90–170° lateral abduction of the arm. A simultaneously recorded stationary negative peak (N9), registered over the stimulated arm with the use of a distant reference, also showed similar changes, a dilobed configuration (N9a and N9b) with forward flexion and a single peak with lateral abduction. The latencies of the scalp recorded P9a and P9b and arm recorded N9a and N9b were close but not exactly the same. Nevertheless, the latencies of the scalp-positive and arm-negative peaks shifted in nearly a parallel fashion by changing the arm positions.These findings suggest that the change of axial orientation of the propagating nerve impulse plays an important role for the rise of P9a and that the change of volume geometry surrounding the nerve contributes to the P9b generation. Also, the scalp recorded P9 and arm recorded N9 are one and the same, and oriented with dipole fields extending from the arm, body and to the scalp.  相似文献   

Scalp distributions and topographies of early cortical somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) to median nerve stimulation were studied in 22 patients with 5 different types of cerebral lesion due to cerebrovascular disease or tumor (thalamic, postcentral subcortical, precentral subcortical, diffuse subcortical and parieto-occipital lesions) in order to investigate the origins of frontal (P20, N24) and central-parietal SEPs (N20, P22, P23).In 2 patients with thalamic syndrome, N16 was delayed in latency and N20/P20 were not recorded. No early SEP except for N16 was recorded in 2 patients with pure hemisensory loss due to postcentral subcortical lesion. In all 11 patients with pure hemiparesis or hemiplegia due to precentral subcortical lesion N20/P20 and P22, P23/N24 components were of normal peak latencies. The amplitude of N24 was significantly decreased in all 3 patients with complete hemiplegia. These findings support the hypothesis that N20/P20 are generated as a horizontal dipole in the central sulcus (3b), whereas P23/N24 are a reflection of multiple generators in pre- and post-rolandic fissures. P22 was very localized in the central area contralateral to the stimulation.Topographical studies of early cortical SEPs are useful for detecting each component in abnormal SEPs  相似文献   

Direct and far-field recorded somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) obtained from 2 patients during neurosurgical procedures are presented. A previous report (Møller et al. 1986) has suggested that the P14 component of the SEP following median nerve stimulation is generated at the cuneate nucleus. The present data suggest that the scalp recorded P14 component (scalp-noncephalic electrode derivation) is generated rostral to the junction of the cervical cord and the medulla.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the interference of mechanical vibration of the palm of the hand on the median nerve short-latency SEP components.Methods: Electrically-elicited short-latency median nerve SEP were obtained before and during mechanical vibration (120 Hz) of the palm in two groups of normal individuals (6 in group I and 9 in group II). The amplitude of the different components was compared between the two conditions through non-parametric statistical tests.Results: A significant reduction in the amplitude of the N9, P13/14 and N20 components was detected, however no overall significant changes were detected for the N18 component.Conclusions: Vibration interference reduced all studied components except the N18, these findings are interpreted as supporting evidence for the proposed association between the N18 component and the inhibitory activities elicited in the dorsal column nuclei.  相似文献   

We have recorded early components of somatosensory evoked magnetic fields with a sensitive 7-channel first-order gradiometer using a wide recording passband (0.05–2000 Hz) and high sampling frequency (8000 Hz). The left median nerve was stimulated at the wrist and responses were recorded over the right hemisphere. The responses typically consisted of a N20m peaking at 18–20 msec, a small P22m peaking at 21–23 msec and a P27m peaking at 29–31 msec. The topography of N20m could be explained by a tangential current dipole in the posterior wall of the central sulcus (probably in area 3b). The equivalent dipoles of P27m were located on average 10 mm antero-medially to the sources of N20m. This suggests that P27m may get a contribution from the anterior wall of the central sulcus. An increase of stimulus repetition rate from 2 to 5 Hz decreased the amplitude of P27m more than that of N20m, which implies that these two deflactions are generated by different neural netwoks.  相似文献   

SSEPs to stimulation of the CPN at the knee and PTN, PN and SN at the ankle were recorded from 15 cephalic sites and compared in 8 normal subjects. The configuration, amplitude, peak latency and distribution of P27, N35 (CPN) and P37, N45 (PTN, PN and SN) were analyzed. The configuration and distribution of SSEPs to stimulation of the 3 nerves at the ankle were similar across subjects. Both P37 and N45 were greatest in amplitude at the vertex and at recording sites ipsilateral to the side of stimulation. At contralateral sites either negative (N37) or negative, positive, negative potentials were recorded. The peak latency of N37 was the same or slightly less than that of P37. CPN-SSEPs were lower in amplitude and their configuration and scalp distribution showed much greater intersubject variability. This suggests that complex mechanisms which variably interact with one another are reflected in scalp SSEPs to CPN stimulation at the knee. The larger amplitude plus the minimal intersubject variability in morphology and topography of PTN-SSEPs indicate that this nerve is the most suitable for routine clinical use.  相似文献   

Short latency somatosensory evoked potentials to median or ulnar nerve stimulation were recorded in a patient with syringomyelia. Scalp-recorded far-field P14 was clearly preserved, but spinal N13-P13 components disappeared. Our findings support the hypothesis that spinal N13-P13 is generated by structures intrinsic to the cervical cord, most likely in the ventral central gray matter.  相似文献   

The topography of early frontal SEPs (P20 and N26) to left median nerve stimulation was studied in 30 normal subjects and 3 patients with the left frontal bone defect. The amplitudes of P20 and N26 were maximum at the frontal electrode (F4) contralateral to the stimulation and markedly decreased at frontal electrodes ipsilateral to the site of stimulation. There was, however, no latency difference of P20 and N26 between ipsilateral and contralateral frontal electrodes. These results suggest that the origin of the ipsilateral and contralateral P20 and N26 is the same. The wide distribution of P20 and N26 over both frontal areas could be explained by assuming a smearing effect from generators actually located in the rolandic fissure and motor cortex.  相似文献   

In 25 healthy volunteers the supraorbital nerve was stimulated and evoked potentials were recorded. Leads were placed on the scalp and along the ipsilateral eyebrow-mastoid line and were either referred to a non-cephalic reference (on the neck, or Cv7) or linked to form bipolar derivations. As template wave form was chosen the one obtained from derivation Cz-Cv7, which had an initial triphasic component with negative (SW1a), positive (SW1b), negative (SW1c) polarity (mean latencies 0.63, 0.95 and 1.43 msec), followed by 2 negative waves (SW2 and SW3, mean latencies of 2.20 and 2.89 msec). A final positive wave could be observed in most cases (SP4, mean latency of 4.08 msec). The records collected from the various derivations showed that each component (SW1, SW2, SW3 and SP4) had a different behaviour, thus suggesting separate origins. SW1 would originate from a volley travelling from the point of stimulation towards the mastoid, probably across the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve. The subsequent components would be generated by deeply situated structures: double pulse stimulation suggests that SW1, SW2 and SW3 are generated before the first synapse, whereas SP4 is a postsynaptic event. A strong similarity exists between the components evoked by stimulation of the supraorbital and the infraorbital nerves. Local anaesthetic block of the frontal nerve on the stimulated side and monitoring of the EMG activity of m. orbicularis oculi and m. frontalis ruled out any muscle contamination of the responses described in this paper.  相似文献   

We studied median nerve SEPs in 10 healthy subjects, by means of simultaneous recording over the scalp, around the neck and near the ventral surface of the medulla using a nasopharyngeal (NP) electrode. This recording technique enabled us to clearly differentiate P13 and P14 potentials. The former was always found in NP records, while the latter was more evident in scalp traces. The same technique was used to study 9 patients with various lesions of the cervical cord or cervico-medullary junction. Patients with high cervical lesions demonstrated abnormalities of both P13 and P14 potentials, while patients with lesions of the cervico-medullary junction demonstrated a clear dissociation between normal P13 in scalp and NP traces, and abnormal scalp P14. Patients with lower cervical lesions, selectively involving the central grey matter, showed normal P13 and P14 potentials, in spite of abnormal N13 cervical responses. Our findings strongly suggest that both scalp and NP P13 have the same generators in higher segments of the cervical cord, and that NP more than scalp records are effective in analyzing the P13 response. We suggest that the selective recording of the P13 potential could be useful in the assessment of focal lesions of the higher cervical cord or of the cervico-medullary junction.  相似文献   

Topographies and distributions of cortical SEPs to median nerve stimulation were studied in 8 normal adults and 5 neurological patients. SEPs recorded from C4, P4, Pz, T6-A1A2 derivations to left median nerve stimulation were composed of 2 early negative (N16, N20) and 2 positive components (P12, P23), whereas those recorded from frontal electrodes (Fz, Fp1, Fp2) disclosed 2 early negativities (N16, N24) and 2 early positivities (P12, P20). N20 and P20, and P23 and N24, reversed across the rolandic fissure with no significant difference in their peak latencies. P23 was of slightly shorter latency at C4 than at more posterior electrodes (P4, T6, Pz).In 3 patients with complete hemiplegia but normal sensation, all the early SEP components were normal in scalp distribution and peak latencies except for a decrease of N24 amplitude. In 2 patients with complete hemiplegia and sensory loss no early cortical SEPs were seen. These findings suggest that N20 and P20 are generated as a single horizontal dipole in the central fissure, whereas P23 and N24 are a reflection of multiple generators in pre- and postrolandic regions.  相似文献   

We have previously shown age- and time-dependent effects on brain activity in the primary somatosensory cortex (SI), in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study of patients with median nerve injury. Whereas fMRI measures the hemodynamic changes in response to increased neural activity, magnetoencephalography (MEG) offers a more concise way of examining the evoked response, with superior temporal resolution. We therefore wanted to combine these imaging techniques to gain additional knowledge of the plasticity processes in response to median nerve injury. Nine patients with median nerve trauma at the wrist were examined with MEG. The N1 and P1 responses at stimulation of the injured median nerve at the wrist were lower in amplitude compared to the healthy side (p?larger N1 amplitude (p?p?p?increased MEG response amplitude to ulnar nerve stimulation. This can be interpreted as a sign of brain plasticity.  相似文献   

Because the nasopharyngeal electrode provides non-invasive access to the ventral brain-stem at the medullo-pontine level we used it for recording somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) to median nerve stimulation (non-cephalic reference). After the P9 and P11 far-fields, the nasopharyngeal SEPs disclosed a negative-going component which was interpreted as the near-field equivalent of the P14 scalp far-field generated in the caudal part of the medial lemniscus. Nasopharyngeal SEPs also revealed a large N18 with voltage and features strikingly similar to those of the scalp-recorded N18 far-field. These results suggest that N18 is generated in the medulla and not more rostrally in the brain-stem. The use of a nasopharyngeal electrode as reference for topographic brain mapping is discussed. The paper documents the feasibility and relevance of nasopharyngeal recordings for non-invasive analysis of short-latency SEPs.  相似文献   

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