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Fatty acids (FAs) have long been recognized for their nutritional value in the absence of glucose, and as necessary components of cell membranes. However, FAs have other effects on cells that may be less familiar. Polyunsaturated FAs of dietary origin (n–6 andn–3) cannot be synthesized by mammals, and are termed essential because they are required for the optimal biologic function of specialized cells and tissues. However, they do not appear to be necessary for normal growth and metabolism of a variety of cells in culture. The essential fatty acids (EFAs) have received increased attention in recent years due to their presumed involvement in cardiovascular disorders and in cancers of the breast, pancreas, colon and prostate. Manyin vitro systems have emerged which either examine the role of EFAs in human disease directly, or utilize EFAs to mimic thein vivo cellular environment. The effects of EFAs on cells are both direct and indirect. As components of membrane phospholipids, and due to their varying structural and physical properties, EFAs can alter membrane fluidity, at least in the local environment, and affect any process that is mediated via the membrane. EFAs containing 20 carbons and at least three double bonds can be enzymatically converted to eicosanoid hormones, which play important roles in a variety of physiological and pathological processes. Alternatively, EFAs released into cells from phospholipids can act as second messengers that activate protein kinase C. Furthermore, susceptibility to oxidative damage increases with the degree of unsaturation, a complication that merits consideration because lipid peroxidation can lead to a variety of substances with toxic and mutagenic properties. The effects of EFAs on cultured cells are illustrated using the responses of normal and tumor human mammary epithelial cells. A thorough evaluation of EFA effects on commercially important cells could be used to advantage in the biotechnology industry by identifying EFA supplements that lead to improved cell growth and/or productivity.Abbreviations AA arachidonic acid (20 carbons: 4 double bonds,n–6) - BHA butylated hydroxyanisole - BHT butylated hydroxytoluene - cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate - CHO Chinese hamster ovary - DAG diacylglycerol - DGLNA dihomo--linolenic acid (203,n–6) - DHA docosahexaenoic acid (226,n–3) - EFA essential fatty acid - EGF epidermal growth factor - EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor - EPA eicosapentaenoic acid (205,n–3) - FA fatty acid - FBS fetal bovine serum - GLNA -linolenic acid (183,n–6) - LA linoleic acid (182,n–6) - LNA -linolenic acid (183,n–3) - LT leukotriene - MDA malondialdehyde - NAD nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - NDGA nordihydroguaiaretic acid - OA oleic acid (181,n–9) - PG prostaglandin - PKC protein kinase C - PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acid - SFM serum-free medium - TX thromboxane  相似文献   

The study of the metabolism of docosapentaenoic acid (DPA, 22:5n?3) in humans has been limited by the unavailability of pure DPA and the fact that DPA is found in combination with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n?3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n?3) in natural products. In this double blind cross over study, pure DPA and EPA were incorporated in meals served to healthy female volunteers. Mass spectrometric methods were used to study the chylomicron lipidomics. Plasma chylomicronemia was significantly reduced after the meal containing DPA compared with the meal containing EPA or olive oil only. Both EPA and DPA were incorporated into chylomicron TAGs, while there was less incorporation into chylomicron phospholipids. Lipidomic analysis of the chylomicron TAGs revealed the dynamic nature of chylomicron TAGs. The main TAG species that EPA and DPA were incorporated into were EPA/18:1/18:1, DPA/18:1/16:0 and DPA/18:1/18:1. There was very limited conversion of DPA and EPA to DHA and there were no increases in EPA levels during the 5 h postprandial period after the DPA meal. In conclusion, EPA and DPA showed different metabolic fates, and DPA hindered the digestion, ingestion or incorporation into chylomicrons of the olive oil present in the meal.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》2001,312(1-2):221-225
[(CN)5PtTl(CN)n]n (n=0–3, complexes IIV) have been studied computationally using quasi-relativistic gradient-corrected density functional theory. Good agreement is obtained with previous EXAFS and Raman data for complexes IIIV, but calculations significantly overestimate the PtTl bond length and underestimate ν(PtTl) for complex I. The addition of co-ordinating water molecules to the thallium atom in complexes IIII has little effect on complexes II and III, but significantly shortens the PtTl bond in complex I, bringing it into excellent agreement with experiment. The bond length shortening is traced to intramolecular hydrogen bonding. The total molecular bonding energies of hydrated I and I′ (in which the axial ligands on the thallium and platinum atoms are interchanged) are found to be very similar to one another, suggesting that complex I might exist as a mixture of isomers in solution.  相似文献   

Three hundred and twenty 30-week old White Leghorn cockerels were housed in individual cages and distributed in a completely randomized factorial design of 5?×?3, with five oil sources (sunflower, soybean, canola, linseed and fish/soybean) and three levels of antioxidant (30, 200 and 400?mg of vitamin E/kg). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the ratio of ω6?:?ω3 fatty acids by the inclusion of different oil sources and of dietary supplementation with vitamin E on the reproductive performance of cockerels. The use of the fish/soybean combination determined the lowest total antioxidant status of the semen. However, the addition of vitamin E to the fish/soybean-oil-based diet resulted in a linear increase in semen volume, motility and sperm vigour in the 38th week and again in the 52nd week for motility and for sperm vigour and fertility rate in the periods from 50?–?53 and 41?–?53 weeks of age. The use of canola oil in the diet resulted in the highest fertility rate during 50?–?53 and 41?–?53 weeks of life. Animals receiving the soybean oil based diet showed the smallest fertility rate in the range from 50?–?53 weeks of age and concomitantly the highest level of cholesterol in the spermatozoa in the range from 47?–?51 weeks. An interaction between the vitamin E level and soybean oil was verified by the linear increase in motility and sperm vigour at 38 weeks of age. Later, the contrary was shown by a linear reduction in fertility in the periods from 44?–?46, 47?–?49 and 41?–?53 weeks of age. Cockerels that had been fed on the sunflower-oil-based diet showed the highest content of saturated fatty acids in the spermatozoa from 48?–?51 weeks. An interaction effect was observed between the vitamin E level and sunflower oil shown by a linear increase in the content of saturated fatty acids in the spermatozoa and a linear reduction in the C18?:?1ω9, C18?:?2ω6 and PUFA (C18?:?2ω6?+?C20?:?4ω6) contents in the spermatozoa at 48?–?51 weeks and in sperm volume at 52 weeks of age.  相似文献   

Obesity is frequently associated with the development of type 2 diabetes which is firstly characterized by a defect in the response of key metabolic tissues to insulin (insulin resistance). The imbalance in fatty composition of the diet, a low-grade inflammatory state have been described to be involved in the initiation or the amplification of the molecular events involved in this process. The concept of a specific nutritional intervention has emerged as a promising tool against metabolic disorders associated with obesity. In this context, many investigations were conducted to evaluate the potential beneficial impacts of n?3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n?3 PUFA). The aim of the present review was to summarize the current knowledge about the role of docosahexanoic acid (DHA, 22:6n?3) and eicosapentanoic acid (EPA, 20:5n?3) on key metabolic organs. Only studies aiming to understand the mechanism of actions were selected. The analysis of randomized clinical trial about n?3 PUFA was not considered here. The effects of n?3 PUFA were analyzed in the adipose tissue, the liver, skeletal muscle and the pancreas in the context of obesity and lipid oversupply. Furthermore, in line with recent findings about the role of the modulation of gut microbiota in obesity-related disorders, we summarized the recent findings about the possible link between n?3 PUFA and change in microbiota composition.  相似文献   

Competition between the (n ? 3) and (n ? 6) types of highly unsaturated fatty acids can diminish the abundance of (n ? 6) eicosanoid precursors in a tissue, which in turn can diminish the intensity of tissue responses that are mediated by (n ? 6) eicosanoids. The mixture of 20- and 22-carbon highly unsaturated fatty acids maintained in the phospholipids of human plasma is related to the dietary intake of 18:2 (n ? 6) and 18:3 (n ?3) by empirical hyperbolic equations in a manner very similar to the relationship reported for laboratory rats (Lands, W.E.M., Morris, A. and Libelt, B. (1990) Lipids 25, 505–516). Analytical results from volunteers ingesting self-selected diets showed an inter-individual variance for the proportion of (n ? 6) eicosanoid precursors in the fatty acids of plasma phospholipids of about 5%, but the variance among multiple samples taken from the same individual throughout the day was less (about 3%), closer to the experimental variance of the analytical procedure (about 1%). The reproducibility of the results makes it likely that analysis of fatty-acid composition of plasma lipids from individuals will prove useful in estimating the diet-related tendency for severe thrombotic, arthritic of other disorders that are mediated by (n ? 6) eicosanoids. Additional constants and terms were included in the equations to account for the effects of 20- and 22-carbon highly unsaturated (n ? 3) fatty acids in the diet. A lower constant for the 20- and 22-carbon (n ? 3) fatty acids compared to that for the 18-carbon (n ? 3) fatty acid in decreasing the ability of dietary 18:2 (n ? 6) to maintain 20:4 (n ? 6) in tissue lipids confirmed the greater competitive effectiveness of the more highly unsaturated n ? 3 fatty acids in the elongation/ desaturation process. Also, a lower constant for direct incorporation of 20-carbon fatty acids of the n ? 6 vs. the n ? 3 type indicated a greater competitive effectiveness of 20:4 (n ? 6) relative to 20:5 (n ? 3) in reesterification after release from tissue lipids. The equations may be used in reverse to estimate the dietary intakes of the (n ? 3) and (n ? 6) fatty acids by using the composition of the fatty acids that had been maintained in plasma lipids.  相似文献   

Mammalian cell viability is dependent on the supply of the essential fatty acids (EFAs) linoleic and α-linolenic acid. EFAs are converted into ω3- and ω6-polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which are essential constituents of membrane phospholipids and precursors of eicosanoids, anandamide and docosanoids. Whether EFAs, PUFAs and eicosanoids are essential for cell viability has remained elusive. Here, we show that deletion of Δ6-fatty acid desaturase (FADS2) gene expression in the mouse abolishes the initial step in the enzymatic cascade of PUFA synthesis. The lack of PUFAs and eicosanoids does not impair the normal viability and lifespan of male and female fads2−/− mice, but causes sterility. We further provide the molecular evidence for a pivotal role of PUFA-substituted membrane phospholipids in Sertoli cell polarity and blood–testis barrier, and the gap junction network between granulosa cells of ovarian follicles. The fads2−/− mouse is an auxotrophic mutant. It is anticipated that FADS2 will become a major focus in membrane, haemostasis, inflammation and atherosclerosis research.  相似文献   

We apply molecular docking, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, and binding free energy calculation to investigate and reveal the binding mechanism between five xanthine inhibitors and DPP-4. The electrostatic and van der Waals interactions of the five inhibitors with DPP-4 are analyzed and discussed. The computed binding free energies using MM-PBSA method are in qualitatively agreement with experimental inhibitory potency of five inhibitors. The hydrogen bonds of inhibitors with Ser630 and Asp663 can stabilize the inhibitors in binding sites. The van der Waals interactions, especially the key contacts with His740, Asn710, Trp629, and Tyr666 have larger contributions to the binding free energy and play important roles in distinguishing the variant bioactivity of five inhibitors.  相似文献   

Yeast cells are often used as a model system in various experiments. Moreover, due to their high metabolic activity, yeast cells have a potential to be applied as elements in the design of biofuel cells and biosensors. However a wider application of yeast cells in electrochemical systems is limited due to high electric resistance of their cell wall. In order to reduce this problem we have polymerized conducting polymer polypyrrole (Ppy) directly in the cell wall and/or within periplasmic membrane. In this research the formation of Ppy was induced by [Fe(CN)6]3−ions, which were generated from K4[Fe(CN)6], which was initially added to polymerization solution. The redox process was catalyzed by oxido-reductases, which are present in the plasma membrane of yeast cells. The formation of Ppy was confirmed by spectrophotometry and atomic force microscopy. It was confirmed that the conducting polymer polypyrrole was formed within periplasmic space and/or within the cell wall of yeast cells, which were incubated in solution containing pyrrole, glucose and [Fe(CN)6]4−. After 24 h drying at room temperature we have observed that Ppy-modified yeast cell walls retained their initial spherical form. In contrast to Ppy-modified cells, the walls of unmodified yeast have wrinkled after 24 h drying. The viability of yeast cells in the presence of different pyrrole concentrations has been evaluated.  相似文献   

We studied hydrated calcium oxalate and its ions at the restricted Hartree–Fock RHF/6-31G* level of theory. Performing a configurational search seems to improve the fit of the HF/6-31G* level to experimental data. The first solvation shell of calcium oxalate contains 13 water molecules, while the first solvation shell of oxalate ion is formed by 14 water molecules. The first solvation shell of Ca(II) is formed by six water molecules, while the second shell contains five. At 298.15 K, we estimate the asymptotic limits (infinite dilution) of the total standard enthalpies of hydration for Ca(II), oxalate ion and calcium oxalate as ?480.78, –302.78 and –312.73 kcal mol?1, resp. The dissociation of hydrated calcium oxalate is an endothermic process with an asymptotic limit of +470.84 kcal mol?1.
CaC2O4(H2O)16 and C2O4 2-(H2O)14  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The tribe Spermacoceae is essentially a herbaceous Rubiaceae lineage, except for some species that can be described as ‘woody’ herbs, small shrubs to treelets, or lianas. Its sister tribe Knoxieae contains a large number of herbaceous taxa, but the number of woody taxa is higher compared to Spermacoceae. The occurrence of herbaceous and woody species within the same group raises the question whether the woody taxa are derived from herbaceous taxa (i.e. secondary woodiness), or whether woodiness represents the ancestral state (i.e. primary woodiness). Microscopic observations of wood anatomy are combined with an independent molecular phylogeny to answer this question.


Observations of wood anatomy of 21 woody Spermacoceae and eight woody Knoxieae species, most of them included in a multi-gene molecular phylogeny, are carried out using light microscopy.

Key Results

Observations of wood anatomy in Spermacoceae support the molecular hypothesis that all the woody species examined are secondary derived. Well-known wood anatomical characters that demonstrate this shift from the herbaceous to the woody habit are the typically flat or decreasing length vs. age curves for vessel elements, the abundance of square and upright ray cells, or even the (near-) absence of rays. These so-called paedomorphic wood features are also present in the Knoxieae genera Otiophora, Otomeria, Pentas, Pentanisia and Phyllopentas. However, the wood structure of the other Knoxieae genera observed (Carphalea, Dirichletia and Triainolepis) is typical of primarily woody taxa.


In Spermacoceae, secondary woodiness has evolved numerous times in strikingly different habitats. In Knoxieae, there is a general trend from primary woodiness towards herbaceousness and back to (secondary) woodiness.Key words: Knoxieae, LM, primary woodiness, Rubiaceae, Rubioideae, secondary woodiness, Spermacoceae, wood anatomy  相似文献   

Previous studies on human DNA have shown that the 3 poly(A) tracts of Alu elements may display considerable genetic polymorphism. To explore whether this marker type is generally applicable in mammalian genomes, I analyzed porcine SINEs. A database screening revealed 17 porcine sequences with significant homology to a previously identified pig SINE. The occurrence in the database suggested a SINE frequency of one copy every 12 kb of pig DNA. All SINEs contained a 3 poly(A) tract with an average of 12 uninterrupted adenines. The repetitive regions were analyzed for polymorphism by locus-specific PCR amplification. Allelic length variation (two to five alleles among 10 pigs) was found at 8 out of 10 loci investigated, in most cases probably because of varying number of iterated adenine residues. There was a positive relationship between repeat length and the degree of polymorphism. Stable Mendelian inheritance was documented in 200 meioses each at four loci. The high genomic frequency of SINEs implies that a potentially informative marker may be found near any gene or in any cosmid clone. These SINE 3 poly(A) polymorphisms, termed SINEVA [SINE variable poly(A)s], thus provide an abundant and useful class of genetic marker in mammalian genomes.  相似文献   


The structural and electronic properties, such as adsorption energy, magnetic property, and charge-transferring process of Nin (n?=?1–6) clusters interacting with pristine, strained and defective graphene were investigated by using the density functional theory calculations with the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof exchange-correlation energy functional. By introducing strain and defects, the stability of the cluster-graphene system was improved significantly. The magnetic moments increased monotonically for Nin clusters on pristine and strained graphene while exhibited an oscillating behaviour for defective graphene. On the other hand, more charges being transferred from Nin clusters to defective graphene were observed compared with pristine and strained graphene.  相似文献   

Phospholipids and fatty acids analyses were carried out on brush-border membranes isolated from trout intestine. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is the principal phospholipid of these membranes. When animals are transferred from fresh water to sea water, the content of the 22:6(n ? 3) fatty acid strongly increases at the level of phospholipids, mainly PC. Concomitantly, an important increase in the fluidity of the lipid core of the membrane was detected by steady-state fluorescence anisotropy. It is suggested that the molecular species of PC (especially rich in n ? 3 fatty acids) may have an important part to play in marine organisms according to the osmoregulation problems met in these animals.  相似文献   

Twelve binary and eight ternary supersystems between thymine and methanol, and water were investigated in the ground state at the B3LYP and MP2 levels of theory using B3LYP/6-311 + + G(d,p) basis functions. The thermodynamics of complex formations and the mechanisms of intermolecular proton transfers were clarified in order to find out the most stable H-boned system. It was established that the energy barriers of the water/methanol-assisted proton transfers are several times lower than those of the intramolecular proton transfers in the DNA/RNA bases. The X-ray powder spectra of thymine, and this precrystallized from water and methanol showed that water molecules are incorporated in the crystal lattice of thymine forming H-bridges between thymine molecules. Figure Intermolecular H-bonding of thymine  相似文献   

The N-terminal 1-34 segment of parathyroid hormone (PTH) is fully active in vitro and in vivo and it elicits all the biological responses characteristic of the native intact PTH. Recent studies reported potent helical analogues of the PTH (1-11) with helicity-enhancing substitutions. This work describes the synthesis, biological activity, and conformational studies of analogues obtained from the most active non-natural PTH (1-11) peptide H-Aib-Val-Aib-Glu-Ile-Gln-Leu-Nle-His-Gln-Har-NH2; specifically, the replacement of Val in position 2 with D-Val, L-(αMe)-Val and N-isopropyl-Gly was studied. The synthesized analogues were characterized functionally by in-cell assays and their structures were determined by CD and NMR spectroscopy. To clarify the relationship between the structure and activity, the structural data were used to generate a pharmacophoric model, obtained overlapping all the analogues. This model underlines the fundamental functional role of the side chain of Val2 and, at the same time, reveals that the introduction of conformationally constrained Cα-tetrasubstituted α-amino acids in the peptides increases their helical content, but does not necessarily ensure significant biological activity.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - The reproduction period of the sea raven Hemitripterus villosus were studied by visual SCUBA-diving methods in 1997–2016 in Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan. It...  相似文献   

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