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The aim of the present study was to determine whether the recordingof chemosensory evoked potentials (CSEP) in healthy subjects(n = 11) can be helpful in differentiating the olfactory ortrigeminal component possessed by odorants. By recording fromseveral positions on the surface of the skull it was attemptedto ascertain whether different generators are responsible forCSEP associated with the different sensory components of odorants.Birhinal stimulation was used in order to establish an interactionbetween the stimulated side and the stimulated sensory channel.The four substances carbon dioxide, menthol, hydrogen sulphideand vanillin were tested. EEG was recorded from eight positions. The CSEPs' topographical distribution revealed differences inthe location of maximum amplitudes following stimulation withdifferent types of stimulants. Largest amplitudes always appearedat the vertex when trigeminal stimulants (menthol, carbon dioxide)were presented, whereas olfactory substances (vanillin, hydrogensulphide) elicited maximal amplitudes at parietal and centralsites. This suggests that at least two neuronal populationsare involved in the cortical generation of CSEP. Another interestingfinding was that the evoked potentials differed in relationto the stimulated side. Generally, responses to carbon dioxide,menthol and hydrogen sulphide had shorter latencies and smalleramplitudes after stimulation of the left nostril. In contrast,after stimulation with vanillin latencies were shorter and amplitudestended to be smaller after stimulation of the right side. Sincevanillin was the only substance which always evoked pleasantand positive associations, it was assumed that the differencesin CSEP after stimulation of the two nostrils are related tothe different processing of emotional information within thetwo hemispheres.  相似文献   

A stimulation method was employed by which chemosensory evoked potentials were recorded without tactile somatosensory contamination. The purpose of the study was to determine whether potential components evoked by stimulation of the chemoreceptors of the trigeminal nerve can be distinguished from those of the olfactory nerve. The stimulants (vanillin, phenylethyl alcohol, limonene, menthol, anethol, benzaldehyde, carbon dioxide and a mixture of vanilin and carbon dioxide) were presented in a randomized order to 13 volunteers. Chemosensory evoked potentials to substances which anosmics are unable to perceive (vanillin, phenylethyl alcohol) were termed olfactory evoked potentials; potentials to CO2, which effected no olfactory sensations were termed chemo-somatosensory potentials. Analysis of variance revealed that the different substances resulted in statistically significant changes in the amplitudes and latencies of the evoked potentials, and also in the subjective estimates of intensity. An increased excitation of the somatosensory system resulted in reduced latencies and enhanced amplitudes of the evoked potentials. Responses to the mixture of carbon dioxide and vanillin appeared significantly earlier (50–150 msec) than responses to either substance alone.  相似文献   

Although numerous functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) studies have been performed on the processing of olfactory information, the intranasal trigeminal system so far has not received much attention. In the present study, we sought to delineate the neural correlates of trigeminal stimulation using carbon dioxide (CO(2)) presented to the left or right nostril. Fifteen right-handed men underwent FMRI using single runs of 3 conditions (CO(2) in the right and the left nostrils and an olfactory stimulant-phenyl ethyl alcohol-in the right nostril). As expected, olfactory activations were located in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), amygdala, and rostral insula. For trigeminal stimulation, activations were found in "trigeminal" and "olfactory" regions including the pre- and postcentral gyrus, the cerebellum, the ventrolateral thalamus, the insula, the contralateral piriform cortex, and the OFC. Left compared with right side stimulations resulted in stronger cerebellar and brain stem activations; right versus left stimulation resulted in stronger activations of the superior temporal sulcus and OFC. These results suggest a trigeminal processing system that taps into similar cortical regions and yet is separate from that of the olfactory system. The overlapping pattern of cortical activation for trigeminal and olfactory stimuli is assumed to be due to the intimate connections in the processing of information from the 2 major intranasal chemosensory systems.  相似文献   

It is not possible to accurately predict the perceptual response to odorants and odorant mixtures without understanding patterns of suppression and facilitation that result from interactions between the olfactory and trigeminal systems. The current study extends previous findings by exploring the effect of intensive training on the interaction between these systems and also by using a different mixed chemosensory stimulus to examine whether the principles established in earlier studies generalize to different odorants. Stimuli were chosen so as to selectively activate the olfactory (H2S) and trigeminal (CO2) nerves. In addition, linalool was included as a stimulus that activated both systems. Thirty-five participants (19 men, 16 women) rated the intensity of each stimulus when presented both alone and in binary mixtures (linalool + H2S, and linalool + CO2). Chemosensory event-related potentials were obtained from three recording positions. Analysis of intensity ratings showed that linalool was significantly less intense than the other stimuli when presented alone. In binary mixtures, H2S was strongly suppressed by linalool. One week of intensive odor training produced significant and specific reductions in the intensity of linalool and H2S, both alone and in their mixture. Training with a different odor (champignol) had no effect. Chemosensory event-related potential data confirmed previous findings showing changes in topographical distribution that reflected the degree of trigeminal activity. Binary mixtures generally produced larger amplitudes than single stimuli. Latencies clearly differentiated between the three single stimuli and the binary mixtures. Changes were observed in event-related potentials that reflected those obtained for intensity ratings in that they were observed for linalool and H2S in the linalool trained group only. The amplitude of the late 'endogenous' component (P3) was significantly decreased for these odors at frontal recording sites. In summary, strong and specific training effects were observed in intensity ratings for participants trained with the test odor (linalool), but not for those trained with a different odor. This was supported by a significant decrease of amplitudes of the event-related potentials at frontal recording sites following training with the test odor only  相似文献   

Chemosensory event-related potentials hold great promise forfurthering the understanding of the olfactory system, the processingof olfactory information, and disease processes affecting olfaction.Collection of this type of data has been difficult and suggestionsare presented to aid investigators new to this field. Suggestionsfor nomenclature, recording parameters, chemosensory stimulationparameters and reporting conventions are discussed. Also discussedare the future directions of this field and the current needsregarding the development of a normative database.  相似文献   

Early scalp responses evoked by stimulation of the infraorbital nerve (W1, W2, W3) have been investigated in 23 patients affected by tumours of the base of the skull (parasellar area and cerebello-pontine angle) and in 38 patients suffering from ‘idiopathic’ trigeminal neuralgia. Differences in conduction times between healthy and affected side were evaluated and confronted with data obtained from 30 normal volunteers.Alterations of the response were found in all the patients with tumours of the base of the skull who had clinical signs in the trigeminal area and in 7 of the 12 cases without such signs. The usual pattern of alteration in cases with tumours of the parasellar area was a parallel involvement of W2 and W3 (both absent or delayed to the same extent), whereas in tumours of the cerebello-pontine angle W3 was more seriously affected than W2. Wave W1 was never altered. Pre- and post-operative recording sessions in 2 patients showed definite improvement of the responses after removal of the tumour.In 9 patients suffering from ‘idiopathic’ trigeminal neuralgia delays of conduction were found on the painful side, suggesting that damage to the trigeminal root, possibly at its entry zone into the pons, had taken place. Retrogasserian injection of glycerol was performed in 12 of the 38 patients with trigeminal neuralgia. Stimulation of the operated side showed disappearance of W2 and W3 in 9 cases, prolonged W1–W3 interval in 2 cases and no alterations in 1 case. The extent of response alteration usually paralleled the clinical results.  相似文献   

The purpose was to test parameters of visual evoked potentials (VEPs) and of event-related potentials (ERPs) in deaf subjects to verify visual and cognitive CNS functions in a handicapped group of the population. Three types of visual stimuli (with dominating parvocellular or magnocellular system activation or with cognitive tasks) were used in the study. Six deaf persons (4 women, 2 men, mean age 17 years) and 6 persons with normal hearing (sex- and age-matched) were included in this pilot study. In all types of stimulation, latencies and amplitudes of main VEPs and ERPs components were evaluated. No significant latency differences were found. However, significantly reduced amplitudes were found in the occipital area for responses to motion and cognitive stimuli which might be interpreted as a part of functional reorganization of the extrastriate and cognitive cortical areas of deaf subjects.  相似文献   

Median nerve somatosensory evoked potentials were recorded from 30 normal adults using conventional scalp derivations and an orthogonal bipolar surface electrode montage. This allowed the determination of the spatial orientation of the hypothetical centrally located equivalent dipole derived from the evoked response recorded in 3-dimensional voltage space. The 3-dimensional voltage trajectory describing changes in equivalent dipole orientation and magnitude revealed 4 major apices between 5 and 25 msec, 3 of which corresponded to the traditional P14, N20 and P25 peaks. A fourth apex at 17 msec was not as evident in the conventional recordings and signaled a transition from a vertical P14–N18 generator process to a horizontal N20 generator process. The normal within- and between-subject variability of trajectory apices, segments and planes are described, along with the theoretical and practical implications of this recording technique.  相似文献   

Thirty-six patients with multiple sclerosis were evaluated by means of brain-stem trigeminal and auditory evoked potentials. The brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) were abnormal in 26 patients (72.2%). Brain-stem trigeminal evoked potentials (BTEPs) yielded similar results, showing distorted waveforms and/or prolonged latencies in 25 patients (69.4%). As expected, the MRI proved to be the most efficient single test, revealing plaques in 86.4% of the patients evaluated. However, the diagnostic accuracy of MRI was lower than that provided by the combination of the BTEP and the BAEP (88.9%). Moreover, in patients having signs of brain-stem involvement, the BTEP, alone and in combination with the BAEP, proved to be more sensitive than the MRI in revealing brain-stem lesions.Correlation between clinical and BTEP findings could be found only in those patients who presented with signs of trigeminal involvement such as trigeminal neuralgia or dysesthesiae. The analysis of the BTEP waveforms showed two distinct types of abnormality — a peripheral type and a central type — suggesting plaques in distinct locations.Both the BTEP and the BAEP demonstrated a correlation with the clinical course of the disease and the condition of the patient at the time of the evaluation. Relapse of the disease was associated with a marked prolongation of the central conduction time in the BTEP and in the BAEP, suggesting the application of such studies to the monitoring of unstable patients or the evaluation of new therapeutic protocols.  相似文献   

A very short latency trigeminal evoked potential (STEP) to electrical stimulation of the upper lip has been recorded from over the scalp. This potential consists of 5 distinct peaks within the 12 msec range.Normative data were obtained from 25 healthy volunteers. The impact of the stimulus rate and intensity on the response was studied in each subject.These results were compared to those of 19 patients suffering from lesions involving the trigeminal system in its peripheral aspect or the brain-stem. The STEP was consistently abnormal whenever the involved side was stimulated. Changes in peak latencies and in interpeak latency differences (IPLD) correlated well with clinical and radiological findings and improved with the removal of the offending lesion. The STEP proved to be a reliable method for evaluating the trigeminal system in its peripheral and central pathways; it may thus serve as an additional parameter for studying brain-stem functions.  相似文献   

Integral evoked potentials and intracellular potentials of single units were recorded from the frog olfactory bulb in response to afferent stimulation by two methods: electrical stimulation of the olfactory nerve and natural stimulation with odorous substances. At least four components can be distinguished in the response of the olfactory bulb to single electrical stimulation: an integral action potential of the olfactory nerve fibers, a synaptic glomerular potential, and two polysynaptic components. Responses of mitral and superficial (interglomerular) bulb cells to orthodromic electrical stimulation and antidromic stimulation of the olfactory tract are described. A functional similarity between the mitral cells of frogs and the analogous cells of rabbits is noted. Responses of the bulb to stimulation of olfactory receptors by odorous substances are characterized by regular waves of potentials. Corresponding waves of postsynaptic potentials are observed in the interglomerular cells of the bulb. These latter must, therefore, participate in generation of the rhythmic response. During stimulation by odorous substances, prolonged PSPs, producing excitation or inhibition of the spike discharge, arise in various cells of the bulb. The results of component analysis of the integral response and the functional properties of single bulb units are discussed.Institute of Problems of Information Transmission, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow; Institute of Biology of Internal Waters, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Borok, Yaroslavl'Region. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 269–277, November–December, 1969.  相似文献   

Brain-stem trigeminal evoked potentials (BTEPs) were monitored intraoperatively in 17 patients during posterior fossa surgery. Satisfactory BTEP recording was performed in all patients without technical problems or interfering with the activity of the operating team. The BTEP was not altered by anesthetic agents or muscle relaxants. Intraoperative monitoring of the BTEP showed wave form alterations or increasing peak latencies in 10 patients. Among these patients, the BTEP demonstrated a dynamic correlation with the surgical process in 8 instances. Two major causative surgical manipulations were identified: cerebellar retraction in 4 cases and tumor dissection from the brain-stem in 6 cases. Withholding the dissection of the tumor, readjusting a cerebellar retractor or further modifying the surgical attitude resulted in partial or complete return of the wave form in 7 patients. The BTEP at the end of surgery proved to correlate with the immediate surgical outcome in most instances. We concluded that the intraoperative monitoring of the BTEP was feasible and suggested, despite the small number of patients, a potential value in the survey of brain-stem functions during posterior fossa surgery.  相似文献   

Steroid dependent changes in human visual evoked potentials   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Somatosensory Evoked Potentials by stimulation of the trigeminal nerve (TSEPs) were recorded from 30 healthy subjects (15 males, 15 females; mean age: 45.2 years; range: 21-66 years) in order to assess normative data for clinical purposes. To elicit the TSEPs, electrical square pulses (duration: 0.1 msec; frequency: 3.3 Hz; intensity: 4-6 mA) were delivered by bipolar skin electrodes (cathode over the foramen mentale and anode on the middle of the chin, stimulating the trigeminal third branch). TSEPs were obtained from C3-Fpz and C4-Fpz by twice averaging 1000 responses. Time base was 100 msec; bandpass filter setting was 5-1500 Hz. In our normal subjects the TSEPs were composed of several components (N1, P1, N2, P2 and N3); the components, with the exception of N3, were always bilaterally detectable. Statistical analysis (repeated measures analysis of variance) demonstrated a dependence of TSEP latencies on sex; it did not demonstrate an analogous dependence on either side of stimulation or age. Finally, we propose some guidelines for the evaluation of TSEPs: consider N1, P1, N2 and P2 waves, base the judgement of normality on latencies rather on amplitudes, use differing normative data according to sex.  相似文献   

We have applied a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) approach to analyze the chemical parameters that determine the relative sensitivity of olfaction and nasal chemesthesis to a common set of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). We used previously reported data on odor detection thresholds (ODTs) and nasal pungency thresholds (NPTs) from 64 VOCs belonging to 7 chemical series (acetate esters, carboxylic acids, alcohols, aliphatic aldehydes, alkylbenzenes, ketones, and terpenes). The analysis tested whether NPTs could be used to separate out "selective" chemosensory effects (i.e., those resting on the transfer of VOCs from the gas phase to the receptor phase) from "specific" chemosensory effects in ODTs. Previous work showed that selective effects overwhelmingly dominate chemesthetic potency whereas both selective and specific effects control olfactory potency. We conclude that it is indeed possible to use NPTs to separate out selective from specific effects in ODTs. Among the series studied, aldehydes and acids, except for formic acid, show clear specific effects in their olfactory potency. Furthermore, for VOCs whose odor potency rests mainly on selective effects, we have developed a QSAR equation that can predict their ODTs based on their NPTs.  相似文献   

Painful stimulation of tooth pulp and of the maxillary gingiva was undertaken in 16 volunteers. Short-latency evoked potentials (15–20 msec) were recorded over 800 trials in each case at F3-P3 of F4-P4, and the resultant averaged wave forms were compared. The gingival wave was distinct in all subjects and could be averaged across subjects while the dental waves were either noise or very inconsistent over subjects. Averaging of the dental wave forms across subjects yielded an uninterpretable result. It was clear that dental evoked potentials could not be recorded at these sites. These findings could be explained by either or both of two hypotheses: (1) dental afferents are predominantly small fiber, nociceptive end organs that conduct more slowly than soft tissue afferents whereas gingival stimulation activates both large and small fiber populations; and (2) dental representation in somatosensory cortex is different and phylogenetically more primitive than that of neighboring soft tissue. Therefore, the location of the generator sites in cortex and the orientation of the dipole may be different for dental than for gingival wave forms.  相似文献   

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