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  • 1.1. Electrophysiological responses to NaCl, sucrose, and a complex mixture containing NaCl, glucose, fructose, phenylalanine and valine were obtained from large, medium, and small hair sensilla on the proboscis of the fleshfly Sarcophaga bullata.
  • 2.2. Responses from up to three cells in each sensillum were analysed and compared across the three types of sensilla.
  • 3.3. We found qualitative differences in the patterns of responses from the different hair types.

The cytological comparisons of the midgut in Sarcophaga bullata (Parker) between the second instar, the third instar larvae and the adult are made. The adult midgut differs from that of the larvae in the following ways: (1) the peritrophic membrane is thicker than in the larvae and has become multi-layered; (2) epithelial cells are smaller; (3) branched microvilli are present throughout the entire midgut instead of being present only in the posterior region as in the larval midgut; (4) nuclear pores are less frequent; (5) lysosome-type structures occur less frequently; (6) the basal membrane is thicker; (7) the z-bands in the surrounding muscle fibers are more distinct in adults. The possible function and the significance of these structures related to previous observations in Sarcophaga and other Diptera are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of peripheral connectivity on the survival and differentiation of Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-amide-like immunoreactive (FLI) neurons in the ventral ganglion (VG) of the fly Sarcophaga bullata (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) was examined. Isolated larval VG were cultured in vivo for 13 days. The ganglia had undergone metamorphosis and resembled in situ metamorphosed VG in morphology and in the number and location of FLI neurons. The 3 pairs of large thoracic FLI neurons survived and became translocated to the midventral position extending immunoreactive axons into the dorsal neuropil. The 5 pairs of small FLI neurons also appeared de novo in the abdominal ganglion. However, the dorsal neural sheath of the cultured VG was devoid of FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity that was so characteristic of adult VG, which suggests the importance of peripheral connectivity for the metamorphic modification of FLI neurons.  相似文献   

Sites have been located on retractor unguis and trochantal depressor muscle fibres of Sarcophaga which respond to iontophoretic application of l-glutamate. No such sites could be found on flight muscle fibres. Ultrastructural examination of the three muscles reveals differences between the muscles in the positions of the neuromuscular junctions. A correlation can be made between the sites of the neuromuscular junctions and the iontophoretically sensitive sites. The possibility of l-glutamate fulfilling a transmitter rôle in these muscles is discussed.  相似文献   

An insect neuropeptide leucopyrokinin (LPK) (pQTSFTPRLamide) accelerates pupariation in wandering larvae of the fleshfly Sarcophaga bullata. The period of sensitivity to the action of LPK begins approximately 4 h before pupariation. Within this period the degree of acceleration of contraction into the shape of a puparium is practically independent of the age at which the larvae are injected, while acceleration of tanning is distinctly more age dependent. From ligation experiments we conclude that intact central innervation is essential for the action of LPK on puparial contraction, whereas central neurones take no part in mediation of LPK action on tanning of the cuticle. An analysis of tensiometric recordings of muscular activity revealed that the actual time of LPK accelerated puparial contraction coincides with the beginning of the immobilisation/retraction phase. LPK accelerates the switch from wandering behaviour to immobilisation/retraction behaviour but has no effect on the onset and duration of motor patterns that normally underlie puparial contraction in controls. The morphology of an accelerated puparium is normal but its formation is temporally dissociated from normal ‘contraction patterns’ that are performed a long time after the puparium has contracted. It means that neuromuscular activity of larvae accelerated by LPK does not cease upon formation of the white puparium, but continues until the whole motor programme of pupariation behaviour is completed. Apparently the peptide acts on the integument by stimulating it to contract and shrink, and no specific patterns of muscular contractions are needed to properly shape the puparium. This finding sheds a new light on our understanding of the mechanism of puparium formation.  相似文献   

The patterns of filamentous actin were analysed in different larval, pupal and adult stages in the salivary glands of the fleshfly Sarcophaga bullata. Using the rhodamine labelled phalloidin staining method in combination with detergent extraction specific actin filament distribution was detected. The salivary glands which are histolysed during the process of metamorphosis show distinct cellular morphology and actin filament patterns in larvae and adults. The large third instar larval salivary gland cells contain a well developed apicolateral microvillar zone. In third instar larvae this microvillar zone invaginates and expands in the basal part of the lateral membranes. Larval salivary gland cells also contain numerous parallel basal actin bundles. The larval glands are histolysed during metamorphosis and adult glands are formed out of the imaginal cell group. At the onset of metamorphosis these basal actin bundles form a network of crossing bundles. The filamentous actin patterns of the proximal part of adult gland cells is confined to the apicolateral microvillar membranes. The cells in the distal, tubular part of the adult salivary glands show intense staining of their folded lateral membranes.  相似文献   

The mesothoracic leg discs of the blowfly, Sarcophaga bullata (Parker) were studied by electron microscopy during the third larval instar. As the peripodial membrane and separation form, the cells of the disc become elongated and perpendicularly oriented toward the separation. The cellular organelles do not undergo significant changes until the late third instar. At this time, there is a significant increase in the amount of granular endoplasmic reticulum and in the number of inclusions, particularly in those cells located more deeply in the disc. Nucleolar enlargement and an increase in the number of mitochondria are also observed at this time. The cells at the border of the disc form a columnar epithelium whose surface develops microvilli-like projections. These projections. These projections reach their maximum development towards the end of third instar. It is suggested that some of the observed changes may represent a phenotypic expression of secretion of cuticular material.  相似文献   

Post-feeding, pre-critical stage larvae (36 hr before pupariation) of Sarcophaga bullata were exposed to X-rays and the effects on pupariation observed. With doses ranging from 1250 to 10,000 R the prepuparial period was prolonged and the duration of this delay increased with higher doses. Doses above 2500 R inhibited the retraction of anterior segments, longitudinal contraction and cuticular shrinkage resulting in larval-like tanned puparia. With the anterior part of the body shielded during irradiation, normal puparia were formed, but after a delay proportional to the area irradiated. Injection of β-ecdysone counteracted this delay. With the doses used, irradiation had no effect on post-critical stage larvae. This suggested that the CNS has a special mechanism which controls the neuromuscular processes of pupariation, and when this mechanism is damaged by irradiation larval-like puparia are formed. The pupariation delay was attributed to a temporary block in the synthesis, or release, or both of α-ecdysone (in whole-body or anteriorly only irradiated larvae) and its final conversion to β-ecdysone (in posteriorly only irradiated larvae). The fact that post-critical stage larvae are insensitive to irradiation suggests that the neuromuscular and neurosecretory processes which are affected by irradiation are already completed at that stage.  相似文献   

1. Larvae of the fleshfly Sarcophaga bullata were injected with several 3H C21 and C19 steroids. After different incubation times, the larvae were homogenized and the metabolites were extracted and fractionated by Sephadex LH 20-, paper- and thin-layer chromatography. The chromatographic mobility of the labeled zones was compared with that of standard steroids. 2. Progesterone and 17 alpha-hydroxypregnenolone were metabolized to 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone. Androstenedione, 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone and dehydroepiandrosterone were converted to testosterone. Transformation of pregnenolone to progesterone or 17 alpha-hydroxypregnenolone was not observed. 3. C21 or C19 steroid formation from cholesterol could not be demonstrated. 4. Sixteen metabolites, different from all our standard substances have been found. Their structure remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

The action of venom from the ectoparasitic wasp, Nasonia vitripennis, was monitored by examining alterations in patterned muscular movements characteristic of pupariation and eclosion behavior in the flesh fly, Sarcophaga bullata. Venom injected into larvae prior to pupariation caused a dose-dependent delay in pupariation. Eventually, such larvae did pupariate, but puparia were abnormally formed. Barographic records revealed that all elements of pupariation behavior were present in venom-injected larvae, but pupariation behavior was not well synchronized with tanning, thus implying that the venom caused disruption in the temporal organization of central motor programs. When larvae were ligated and injected with venom posterior to the ligature, no response was evident in the posterior region, suggesting that the venom does not directly stimulate muscles or neuromuscular junctions. Injection of exogenous ecdysteroid into venom-injected larvae restored some elements of pupariation behavior, consistent with ecdysone's role in stimulating the release of anterior retraction factor and puparium tanning factor, two factors that are released from the CNS to regulate pupariation. When the venom was injected into newly emerged imagoes, the duration of extrication behavior was shortened, whereas all phases of post-eclosion behavior were lengthened. These observations imply that the venom affects CNS centers that regulate the muscular systems engaged in extrication and post-eclosion behavior.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) was accumulated in the larvae of Sarcophaga peregrina (fleshfly) by exposure through diet, and the metabolic fate of the accumulated Cd during metamorphosis was examined. Most of the Cd accumulated in the larvae was retained in the pupae, and 53% of that was excreted from the adults immediately after emergence. The Cd-binding protein induced in the larvae was degraded after pupation and the relative ratio of iso-Cd-binding proteins re-induced in the adults was different from that in the larvae. Copper content in the larvae was significantly reduced by Cd administration.  相似文献   

The anatomy and the physiology of the prosternal chordotonal organ (pCO) within the prothorax of Sarcophaga bullata is analysed. Neuroanatomical studies illustrate that the approximately 35 sensory axons terminate within the median ventral association centre of the different neuromeres of the thoracico-abdominal ganglion. At the single-cell level two classes of receptor cells can be discriminated physiologically and morphologically: receptor cells with dorso-lateral branches in the mesothoracic neuromere are insensitive to frequencies below approximately 1 kHz. Receptor cells without such branches respond most sensitive at lower frequencies. Absolute thresholds vary between 0.2 and 8m/s(2) for different frequencies. The sensory information is transmitted to the brain via ascending interneurons. Functional analyses reveal a mechanical transmission of forced head rotations and of foreleg vibrations to the attachment site of the pCO. In summed action potential recordings a physiological correlate was found to stimuli with parameters of leg vibrations, rather than to those of head rotation. The data represent a first physiological study of a putative predecessor organ of an insect ear.  相似文献   

We chose the larvae of fleshfly Sarcophaga bullata to map the peptide and protein immune response. The hemolymph of the third-instar larvae of S. bullata was used for isolation. The larvae were injected with bacterial suspension to induce an antimicrobial response. The hemolymph was separated into crude fractions, which were subdivided by RP-HPLC, gel electrophoresis, and free-flow electrophoresis. In several fractions, we determined significant antimicrobial activities against the pathogenic bacteria Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Among antimicrobially active compounds we identified dipeptide beta-alanyl-L-tyrosine, protein transferrin, and two variants of peptide sapecin. We also partially characterized two novel antimicrobially active polypeptides; odorant-binding protein 99b, and a peptide which remains unidentified.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined cellular immune responses in the flesh fly, Sarcophaga bullata, when parasitized by the ectoparasitoid Nasonia vitripennis. In unparasitized, young pharate adults and third instar, wandering larvae of S. bullata, four main hemocyte types were identified by light microscopy: plasmatocytes, granular cells, oenocytoids, and pro-hemocytes. Parasitism of young pharate adults had a differential effect on host hemocytes; oenocytoids and pro-hemocytes appeared to be unaltered by parasitism, whereas adhesion and spreading behavior were completely inhibited in plasmatocytes and granular cells by 60 min after oviposition. The suppression of spreading behavior in granular cells lasted the duration of parasitism. Plasmatocytes were found to decline significantly during the first hour after parasitism and this drop was attributed to cell death. Melanization and clotting of host hemolymph did not occur in parasitized flies, or the onset of both events was retarded by several hours in comparison to unparasitized pharate adults. Hemocytes from envenomated flies were altered in nearly identical fashion to that observed for natural parasitism; the total number of circulating hemocytes declined sharply by 60 min post-envenomation, the number of plasmatocytes declined but not granular cells, and the ability of plasmatocytes and granular cells to spread when cultured in vitro was abolished within 1 h. As with parasitized hosts, the decrease in plasmatocytes was due to cell death, and inhibition of spreading lasted until the host died. Isolated crude venom also blocked adhesion and spreading of these hemocyte types in vitro. Thus, it appears that maternally derived venom disrupts host immune responses almost immediately following oviposition and the inhibition is permanent. The possibility that this ectoparasite disables host defenses to afford protection to feeding larvae and adult females is discussed.  相似文献   

1. Unidirectional Na+, K+, and Cl- fluxes were measured across the isolated hindgut of larval Sarcophaga bullata. 2. Both K+ and Cl- are actively secreted into the hindgut lumen, whereas Na+ is distributed passively. 3. The movements of K+ and Cl- are not entirely independent of each other, and the movement of one ion influences the flux of the co-ion. 4. The NH4+ ion is secreted into the hindgut by a mechanism separate from K+ secretion.  相似文献   

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