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Processes affecting the toxicity of diazinon to a susceptible and a resistant strain of houseflies were examined. More evidence was obtained to show that slower penetration of diazinon through the integument of resistant flies is a cause of resistance. Small amounts of two decomposition products were found in both strains. The decomposition mechanisms, in these strains were differently distributed and, although detoxication of diazinon in the two strains is quantitatively similar and small, it may contribute to resistance. Traces of diazoxon were detected when diazinon was incubated with tissue extracts of either strain. Tissue extracts of resistant, but not of susceptible, flies decomposed significant amounts of diazinon in 1 hr. and the ability to decompose diazoxon seems to be an important cause of resistance. Tissues of both strains sorbed diazinon from aqueous solution similarly; the quantities sorbed were large and suggest that sorption may increase the amount of poison needed inside the insects to kill, by between five and forty times.  相似文献   

Developmental toxicities, including birth defects, are significant public health problems. This study was planned to assess the cholinergic and developmental potentials of diazinon that is widely used as an organophosphate insecticide. Pregnant female Sprague‐Dawley rats were given diazinon orally at doses of 0, 1.9, 3.8, and 7.6 mg/kg body weight (b.w.)/day on gestation days 6 to 15. Maternal brain acetylcholinesterase activities, measured on gestation day20, were significantly decreased at 3.8 and 7.6 mg/kg b.w./day, but fetal acetylcholinesterase activity was not altered. Maternal toxicities, as evidenced by cholinergic symptoms including diarrhea, tremors, weakness, salivation, and decreased activities, were observed at the 3.8 and 7.6 mg/kg b.w./day dose groups. Net gravid uterine weight was decreased at a dose of 7.6 mg/kg b.w./day. No maternal effects were apparent in the 1.9 mg/kg b.w./day dose group. Maternal toxicity at a dose of 3.8 mg/kg b.w./day did not induce fetotoxicity or teratogeneicity. However, 7.6 mg/kg b.w./day doses significantly resulted in fetal toxicity and malformations in addition to maternal toxicity in animals. In conclusion, teratogenic disorders only outlined by doses that produced marked maternal toxicity. Since the malformations were not morphologically related, they were considered to be secondary to maternal toxicity; hence, the malformations were not related to cholinesterase inhibition. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 92:534–542, 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Environmental pollution and exposure to environmental pollutants are still some of the major global health issues. Pesticides have been linked to a wide range of health hazards. The toxicity of pesticides depends on several factors such as its chemical properties, doses, exposure period, exposure methods, gender, genetics, age, nutritional status and physiological case of exposed individuals. Medicinal plants, natural products and nutrition continue to play a central role in the healthcare system of large proportions of the world’s population. Alternative medicine plays an important role in health services around the world. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of olive, sesame and black seed oils on hepatorenal toxicity induced by diazinon (DZN) in male rats. The experimental animals were divided into nine groups. The first group served as control. The second group was exposed to DZN. The third group was treated with olive oil and DZN. Rats of the fourth group were subjected to sesame oil and DZN. Rats of the fifth group were exposed to black seed oil and DZN. The sixth, seventh and eighth groups were supplemented with olive, sesame and black seed oils respectively. Rats of the ninth group were treated with corn oil. Levels of serum alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, gamma glutamyl transferase, total bilirubin, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and malondialdehyde were significantly increased in rats exposed to DZN. Moreover, levels of serum glutathione and superoxide dismutase were significantly decreased. Several histopathological changes were observed in the structures of liver and kidney due to DZN exposure. This study showed that these oils attenuated the physiological disturbances and histopathological alterations induced by DZN intoxication. Moreover, the antioxidant properties of these oils support the bioactive roles of its protective effects on DZN toxicity. This study therefore suggests that these oils could be used as preventive factors against the toxicity of DZN due to its antioxidant properties.  相似文献   

Succinylcholine is the most important rapid‐acting depolarizing muscle relaxant during anesthesia. Its desirable short duration of action is controlled by butyrylcholinesterase, the detoxifying enzyme. There are two reported cases of prolonged paralysis from succinylcholine in patients poisoned with the organophosphorus insecticides parathion and chlorpyrifos. The present study examines the possibility that other organophosphorus and methylcarbamate pesticides might also prolong succinylcholine action by inhibiting butyrylcholinesterase using mice treated intraperitoneally as a model and relating inhibition of blood serum hydrolysis of butyrylthiocholine to potentiated toxicity (mouse mortality). The organophosphorus plant defoliant tribufos (4 h pretreatment, 160 mg/kg) and organophosphorus plant growth regulator ethephon (1 h pretreatment, 200 mg/kg) potentiate the toxicity of succinylcholine by seven‐ and fourfold, respectively. Some other pesticides or analogs are more potent sensitizers for succinylcholine toxicity with threshold levels of 0.5, 1.0, 1.7, 8, 10, and 67 mg/kg for phenyl saligenin cyclic phosphonate, profenofos, methamidophos, tribufos, chlorpyrifos, and ethephon, respectively. Enhanced mortality from succinylcholine is generally observed when serum butyrylcholinesterase is inhibited 55–94%. Mivacurium, a related nondepolarizing muscle relaxant also detoxified by butyrylcholinesterase, is likewise potentiated by at least threefold on 4 hour pretreatment with tribufos (25 mg/kg) or profenofos (10 mg/kg). © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Biochem Toxicol 13: 113–118, 1999  相似文献   

Using histological sections, the gonads of samples of yellow and silver eels of two populations were examined. The populations were previously analysed for growth and sex ratio. The histological structures observed are similar to those described in previous publications for the European eel, Anguilla anguilla and to those indicated for the Pacific eel, A. japonica . Well differentiated gonads are present in the silver eels. In the yellow eels, ranging in age from 0 + to 2 + years and from a length of 20 cm to that at which they become silver, undif-ferentiated and both sex gonads are found. Histological evidence is presented which suggests that the ovary, found even in young and small eels, is completely differentiated at a very early stage. The testis-like gonad of the yellow eel is a more primitive, and possibly reversible, gonad which differentiates completely at the beginning of sexual maturation and the change to the silver phase.  相似文献   

Studies on inducing sexual maturity in European eel males have been made. The fish were kept in fresh or artificial sea water at a temperature of 20°C, and hormonal injections were given. Among the hormones used, the positive results were obtained with human chorionic gonadotropin. All the male eel injected with this hormone produced sperm containing living spermatozoa. The quality of sperm of the males kept in fresh water was poorer in comparison with the sperm of the males kept in the artificial sea water.  相似文献   

The eels of the Lower Elbe (15–35 cm total length, freshwater age groups III–V) show a high incidence of epidermal papillomas. These neoplasms, situated mainly in the snout region, show a marked seasonal fluctuation. The incidence is low in spring and autumn (min. 2–3 %) and rises sharply in summer (max. 28 %). The size of the papillomas is also smaller during the colder seasons of the year (up to 300 mm3) reaching a maximum in August/ September (up to 900 mm3). The increase in growth of the tumours follows the rise in frequency with a delay of 3–4 weeks. These seasonal fluctuations of tumour growth are possibly related to the alteration of the water temperature and oxygen content.  相似文献   

The structure of the mucous layer covering the oesophageal epithelium was analysed by scanning electron microscopy in the eel, Anguilla anguilla . Different fixation procedures were used to conserve the mucus in situ. The mucous layer changes progressively down the oesophagus from a thick dense layer to a very thin fibrous network. The possible roles of these mucous structures in ion absorption are discussed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the organic and the mineral components of eel ( Anguilla anguilla L. 1758) otoliths was studied using sections through the nucleus and observed by scanning electron microscopy. The otoliths were composed of crystalline material (aragonite) running radially from the centre to the edge. Structural discontinuities were described: seasonal rings, checks and daily growth increments.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das Flimmerepithel von Anguilla anguilla besteht aus 4 Zellarten: Flimmerzellen, Stützzellen, Basalzellen und Schleimbecherzellen. Flimmerzellen enthalten im oberen Zelldrittel zahlreiche Mitochondrien und tragen an ihrer Oberfläche bis zu 140 Kinocilien. Die Basalkörper dieser Kinocilien haben lange Wurzelfilamente, von denen ein Teil ins Zellinnere zieht; der andere Teil verläuft parallel zur Oberfläche und verbindet benachbarte Basalapparate. — Ein Übergangsepithel verknüpft das Flimmerepithel mit dem Riechepithel. Im Riechepithel finden sich außer den Zellarten des Flimmerepithels die Rezeptoren. Bei einheitlichem Aufbau des Zellkörpers lassen sich aufgrund rein morphologischer Unterschiede der Vesiculae olfactoriae 3 Rezeptortypen unterscheiden: 1. Cilien-Rezeptor, 2. Mikrovilli-Rezeptor und 3. Pfriem-Rezeptor. — Der Cilien-Rezeptor trägt unterhalb der Vesicula olfactoria in einer Einschnürung 4–8 sensorische Cilien, die alle auf gleicher Höhe entspringen. Zwei gegenüberliegende sensorische Cilien schließen einen konstanten Winkel von 60° ein. — Der Mikrovilli-Rezeptor trägt auf seiner abgerundeten Vesicula olfactoria 30 bis 60 Mikrovilli von 0,1 m Dicke und bis zu 5 m Länge. Der Mikrovillus wird von einem zentralen, 160 Å weiten, Tubulus durchzogen. Unterhalb der Vesicula olfactoria liegen mehrere Centriolen. Die Rezeptornatur dieser Zellen wird durch ein Axon unterstrichen. — Der Pfriem-Rezeptor besitzt eine 0,8 m breite und bis zu 4 m lange Vesicula olfactoria ohne sensorische Cilien und ohne Mikrovilli. Im Lumen der Vesicula olfactoria befinden sich neben Neurotubuli auch Fibrillen von 40–50 Å Durchmesser, die gebündelt auftreten. An der Basis des Köpfchens liegen mehrere Centriolen.
Studies of the regio olfactoria in the eel, Anguilla anguilla I. Fine structure of the olfactory epithelium
Summary The ciliary and olfactory epithelia of the olfactory folds in Anguilla anguilla were studied with the electron microscope. The ciliary epithelium is composed of ciliary cells, supporting cells, basal cells, and mucous cells. The ciliary cells contain numerous mitochondria in their apical portion and bear up to 140 cilia. The ciliary basal bodies have rootlets, some of which project towards the central part of the cell, and others parallel to the cell surface thereby connecting neighbouring basal bodies. A transitional epithelium is located between the ciliary and olfactory epithelia. The olfactory epithelium is composed of the same 4 cell types of the ciliary epithelium and besides contains three morphologically different receptor cell types: ciliary receptor cells, microvillous receptor cells, and receptors with a single rodshaped free appendage. The ciliary receptors have 4 to 8 sensory cilia which project from below the vesicula olfactoria, each forming a constant angle of about 30° with the vertical cell axis. The vesicula olfactoria of the microvillous receptors bears from 30 to 60 microvilli, each of 0.1 m diameter and up to 5 m length. Each microvillus of this receptor type contains a central tubulus of 160 Å diameter. Few centrioles are located closely to the vesicula olfactoria. The third receptor type, which has neither cilia nor microvilli, is characterised by a single rod-shaped appendage of 0.8 m diameter which projects up to 4 m above the epithelial surface. This appendage contains neurotubules and fibril bundles; some centrioles lie close to the base of the appendage.

The visual pigments in the retinal rods of elvers ( Anguilla anguilla L.) were examined by microspectrophotometry and high performance liquid chromatography. The glass elver stage had a mixture of rhodopsin P5011 and porphyropsin P5232 with the former predominating (P5011:P5232= c. 60:40). More mature pigmented elvers had a predominance of the porphyropsin P5232 (P5011:P5232= c. 10:90). The shift between the proportions of each pigment was monitored over a 7-month period and was shown to occur in individual retinal rods. This shift is a reverse of the pigment shift that occurs in adult eels during their downstream migration.  相似文献   

The widespread use of bisphenol A (BPA) has led to its ubiquity in the natural environment. It is extensively incorporated into different industrial products and is associated with deleterious health effects on both public and wildlife. The current trial was conducted to determine the toxic potential of bisphenol A using various parameters viz haematological, biochemical, and cytological in freshwater fish Channa punctatus. For this purpose, fish were exposed to 1.81 mg/l (1/4 of LC50) and 3.81 mg/l (1/2 of LC50) of BPA along with positive (acetone) and negative controls (water) for 96 h. The blood samples were collected at 24, 48, 72, and 96 h post-exposure. Compared to the control group, fish after acute exposure to BPA showed a significant decrease in HB content, number of red blood cells, PCV values whereas a significant increase in WBCs count was recorded with an increase in the exposure period. Besides, oxidative stress (determined as malondialdehyde content) increased as BPA concentration increased. Further, the activity of different antioxidant enzymes like catalase, and superoxide dismutase decreased significantly after treatment. Results also showed significantly increased frequency of morphological alterations, nuclear changes, and increased DNA damage potential of BPA in red blood cells. Further structural analysis of erythrocytes in maximally damaged group using Scanning Electron Microscopy was performed. The study concludes that BPA exhibits genotoxic activity and oxidative stress could be one of the mechanisms leading to genetic toxicity.  相似文献   

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