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The paper summarizes the coordinated researches conducted by three Italian groups in the area of sex determination and differentiation in the dioecious species Asparagus officinalis. Morphological evidence indicates that sex differentiation in Asparagus consists essentially of selective abortion of gynoecium or androecium of initially hermaphroditic floral primordia occurring in genotypically determined male and female individuals. Abortion occurs in pollen-mother cells and anthers in females and in megaspore-mother cells but not in the vegetative tissues of the ovary in males. The differential developmental pathway is accompanied by changes in relative abundance of auxin and cytokinins. The genetic ssytem controlling abortion of male or female organs is apparently monogenic (possibly a bipartite gene) with factor(s) associated with the homomorphic chromosome pair L5. Other genes influence the development of reproductive structures as indicated by the presence of genetic factors controlling stylar growth in male plants. The presence of extensive polymorphism in isoenzyme and DNA restriction fragment length patterns (RFLP) allows the search for markers associated with ‘sex genes’: a locus encoding a malic dehydrogenase (MDH) isoenzyme has been found about 20 cM from sex genes implying that chromosomes in which sex factors are located could pair and recombine. Searches for messages specifically expressed in reproductive structures were conducted by 2D-electrophoresis of existing and newly synthesized polypeptides or of in vitro translation products of poly(A) +RNA from male and female flowers and by isolating specific monoclonal antibodies against sex specific floral antigens.  相似文献   

该研究以雌雄异株植物石刁柏为材料,利用基因组消减杂交技术对石刁柏雌雄核基因组中的性别差异核质体DNA(nuclear plastid DNA,NUPTs)进行了分离和分析。结果表明:(1)通过构建消减杂交文库共获得了52个雄性偏向序列,序列长度分布在63~297 bp之间,其中有19个差异序列属于叶绿体来源序列(命名为Ao1~Ao19),且这些序列与石刁柏叶绿体基因组的相似性均大于84%,Ao19与石刁柏叶绿体基因组相似性为100%。(2)利用基因组半定量PCR对19个NUPTs序列的性别差异分析表明,有4条序列为稳定的雄性偏向NUPTs序列,分别为Ao1、Ao3、Ao10和Ao18。(3)序列比对表明,转移到核基因组的NUPTs主要来源于叶绿体基因组的反向重复区(包含IRa和IRb区),说明石刁柏叶绿体基因组重复区序列更容易向核基因组进行转移形成雄性偏向的NUPTs序列。  相似文献   

Abscisic acid inhibits shoot elongation of Scirpus mucronatus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationships between free ABA levels and shoot elongation were investigated in shoots of Scirpus mucronatus L. Under submergence, shoot elongation increased but free ABA levels decreased. The extent of the increase in length and the decrease in free ABA in submerged shoots increased with the increase of water depth. When the shoots were transferred to air after 12 days of submergence, they ceased to elongate and the free ABA levels recovered to the values of air-grown shoots. ABA, at concentrations from 1 μ M to 1 m M , inhibited the submergence-induced shoot elongation. In ambient air, fluridone, an inhibitor of ABA biosynthesis, at 7 μ M decreased the free ABA levels in shoots but increased shoot elongation. The effects could be reversed by 10 μ M ABA. These results indicate that ABA is an internal inhibitor of shoot growth in Scirpus .  相似文献   

为探讨种植模式对中药材巴戟天(Morinda officinalis)生长的影响,对两种种植模式下巴戟天生长性状进行了研究。结果表明,坡地连片种植基地(PLZ)的土壤有效矿质营养和有机质含量分别低于坡地围林种植基地(PWZ)的24%~28%和38%~43%,差异极显著(P 0.01)。PWZ种植3年的巴戟天茎、叶和肉质根形态指标均显著优于PLZ的(P 0.01);但随着栽培时间的延长,PLZ的巴戟天肉质根性状逐渐优于PWZ的,PLZ的6 a生巴戟天单株产量是PWZ的1.16~1.17倍;肉质根多糖、总黄酮和原花青素含量均显著高于PWZ的(P0.01),且有效成分含量均随种植时间的延长呈上升趋势(P0.01)。可见,巴戟天在PLZ模式下的肉质根质量好,入药更符合国家药典优品性状的要求。同时,建议合理增加肉桂围林种植基地的光照量,抑制藤苗生长,以提高巴戟天肉质根的产量和有效成分积累。  相似文献   

The effects of gibberellic acid on the longevity and elongation of variously aged, debladed petioles of Coleus blumei were studied, with particular reference to the hypotheses 1) that auxin increases longevity by increasing growth, and 2) that gibberellic acid acts by increasing the endogenous levels of auxin.

Gibberellic acid, substituted for the leaf blades, significantly decreased longevity of younger petioles, as measured by days or hours to abscission. Gibberellic acid also decreased the longevity resulting from 0.1% indoleacetic acid. This is the opposite of the effect expected if it is increasing auxin levels in the petiole.

In its effect on elongation of younger petioles, however, gibberellic acid did act in the direction expected if it were increasing effective levels of auxin in the petiole. The elongation rate from 0.1% gibberellic acid plus 0.1% indoleacetic acid in lanolin was as large or larger than that for 1.0% indoleacetic acid.

Petioles which were 10 or more weeks old (i.e., at positions 5+ below the apical bud were not affected by 0.1% gibberellic acid in either longevity or rate of elongation, with or without 0.1% indoleacetic acid. Since 1.0% indoleacetic acid increases both longevity and elongation rate of these petioles over 0.1% indoleacetic acid, gibberellic acid is clearly not acting on older petioles as if it were increasing effective auxin levels).


Essential oils extracted from Citrus reticulata and Cymbopogon citratus were tested in vitro against the toxigenic strain of Aspergillus flavus, isolated from the tuberous roots of Asparagus racemosus, used in preparation of herbal drugs. The essential oils completely inhibited the growth of A. flavus at 750 ppm and also exhibited a broad fungitoxic spectrum against nine additional fungi isolated from the roots. Citrus reticulata and Cymbopogon citratus essential oils completely inhibited aflatoxin B1 production at 750 and 500 ppm, respectively. During in vivo investigation, the incidence of fungi and aflatoxin B1 production decreased considerably in essential oil-treated root samples. The findings thus indicate possible exploitation of the essential oils as effective inhibitor of aflatoxin B1 production and as post-harvest fungitoxicant of traditionally used plant origin for the control of storage fungi. These essential oils may be recommended as plant-based antifungals as well as aflatoxin B1 suppressors in post-harvest processing of herbal samples.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that 2-ethyl-3-methoxycarbonyl-1-(p-tolylcarbamoyl) isourea acts as a potent GA3-synergist in stimulating shoot growth of rice seedlings. Studies with several structurally related compounds show that the alkoxycarbonylcarbamoyl-isourea or -isothiourea skeleton is required for biological activity. Any chemical deletion from this skeleton causes complete loss of activity. From present and previous data it seems that alkoxycarbonylcarbamoyl-isourea or -isothiourea is converted by intramolecular cyclization in the rice seedlings into the corresponding triazinone that serves as the active form.Part 9 in the series Plant Growth-regulating Activities of Isourea Derivatives and Related Compounds; for Part 8 seeReferences, Ogawa et al. (1980b)  相似文献   

赤霉素GA3调节黄芩组织培养中芽和根的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用组织培养技术对黄芩进行外源激素调控研究。在培养不同时间进行的不同培养基之间的转移培养研究表明,组织培养条件下,在培养基中添加赤霉素,可显著刺激黄芩外植体芽的形成,同时抑制根的生长。在加有GA3的IAA培养基上,GA3显著影响黄芩组织培养物中的黄酮含量。在黑暗条件下,开始在2.5μmol/LIAA培养基中培养6d,随后转移到5μmol/LGA3培养基上培养,黄芩外植体中黄岑苷、黄岑素和汉黄芩苷的含量最高,分别为14.90,2.70和0.54μgmg-1(干重)。  相似文献   

The addition of gibberellic acid and some other gibberellins to cultures of Gibberella fujikuroi suppresses the incorporation of [2-14C]MVA and 14C-labelled ent-kaurene into the gibberellin metabolises.  相似文献   

Kiyoshi Takahashi 《Planta》1973,109(4):363-364
Summary Combined application of ethylene, abscisic acid and gibberellic acid produced marked partly synergistic stimulation of mesocotyl growth of japonica rice in darkness.  相似文献   

To demonstrate the effect of auxin on intact coleoptile growth, garlic (Allium sativum L.) cloves were inoculated in agar supplemented with DW (control), GA3 and GA3+tryptophan (a precursor of IAA, GA3+T). The coleoptiles were harvested at 24 h intervals to measure growth in terms of length, activities of IAAld DH (which convert tryptophan to IAA) and peroxidase (that oxidizes IAA). Contents of endogenous IAA and PAA were also measured by indirect ELISA. Peroxidase activity was suppressed by GA3 treatment and increased by GA3+T treatment. Although endogenous contents of IAA were increased by the addition of GA3 and even more by GA3+T in the media, there was no further increase in coleoptile length, suggesting that garlic coleoptiles are sufficient in their production of IAA.  相似文献   

DCA synergistically promoted GA-induced hook elongation in decotylizedAlaska pea seedlings in the presence of sucrose, but not inintact seedlings. Cotyledon excision caused a decrease in theamount of DCA-like substance(s) in the hooks of pea seedlings. (Received July 30, 1976; )  相似文献   

The injection of gibberellic acid (GA3) into larvae of Drosophila hydei can affect the pattern of gene activities in a specific manner. This became clear from a study on the pattern of puffs in the giant chromosomes of the larval salivary glands.Depending upon the age of the larvae injected, either of two new puffs, 72B or 21B, appeared. Not only was the activity of these chromosome regions stimulated but the activity of some normally occurring puffs specific for the period shortly before puparium formation was affected. If GA3 was injected during the period shortly before puparium formation further development became influenced as revealed by a significant reduction in the number of flies emerging from treated animals.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde die Wirkung verschiedener Konzentrationen von Gibberellinsäure (GA3) nach Injektion in Drosophila-Larven unterschiedlichen Alters untersucht. Konzentrationen von 3 g/Larve und höher führten bei jungen und mittleren Larven des 3. Stadiums zur Ausbildung eines neuen Puffs (72B) in den polytänen Chromosomen der Speicheldrüse. Diese Reaktion wurde in 15–20% der Larven beobachtet.In späteren Stadien der Entwicklung kurz vor der Pupariumbildung wird nach Injektion von 1 g/Larve ein weiterer Puff (21B) in 10% der Larven induziert. Der Prozentsatz der Larven die diesen Puff 3 Stunden nach der Injektion aufweisen, nimmt mit steigender GA3-Konzentration zu. Nach Injektion von 5–6 g/Larve war der Puff 21B in 80% der Tiere enthalten.Zur selben Zeit ließ sich eine Beinflussing der Aktivität von zwei Puffs nachweisen, die für die Periode der Pupariumbildung spezifisch sind. Die Aktivität dieser Puffs wird durch die Injektion von GA3 herabgesetzt.GA3 bewirkt nicht nur die Induktion neuer Puffs, sondern außerdem eine Verzögerung der Entwicklung. Nach der Injektion von 2 g/Larve verzögert sich die Zeit der Pupariumbildung um 2–10 Stunden. Die Zahl der Fliegen, die aus Larven schlüpfte, die kurz vor der Pupariumbildung eine Injektion von mehr als 3 g GA3 erhielten, war deutlich herabgesetzt. Es wird vermutet, daß GA3 eine spezifische Wirkung auf die Aktivität des Genoms ausübt und damit eine Beeinflussung der normalen Entwicklung bewirkt.

The effect of jasmonic acid (JA) onde novo shoot formation in excised cotyledons of radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don), was examined. JA had no effect on shoot-forming (SF) tissues at concentrations up to 10−6 mol · L−1. At concentrations greater than that, JA caused a reduction in the number of shoots formed, as well as the lengths of the shoots and fresh and dry masses of the tissues. Reciprocal transfer of excised radiata pine cotyledons from a SF medium with 10−5 mol · L−1 JA to a SF medium without JA and vice versa showed that any exposure of the cotyledons to JA either during the shoot induction phase (days 0-21) or the shoot development phase (beyond day 21) led to a reduction in shoot formation. However, the JA effect was significantly less if the cotyledons were not exposed to JA during the initial 10 days in culture; indicating that the JA effect was mainly during shoot primordia formation and the subsequent development into shoots.  相似文献   

Gibberellic acid-induced germination of hazel seeds was accompanied by little change in the sterol content of the cotyledons. Dormant and germinating cotyledons rapidly incorporated [2-14C]MVA into squalene which was slowly converted to sterols. Gibberellin treatment induced an increase in the incorporation of [2-14C]MVA into cotyledon esterified sterols. An increase in free sterols occurred in the germinating embryonic axes, with increased relative amounts of stigmasterol and campesterol in the free 4-desmethylsterols. Germination was accompanied by increased incorporation of [2-14C]MVA into free and esterified sterols in the embryonic axes.  相似文献   

Expression of cry1Ac gene from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) was evaluated under the control of a wound-inducible AoPR1 promoter from Asparagus officinalis in transgenic tobacco plants. The leaves of transgenic plants were mechanically wounded to evaluate the activity of the AoPR1 promoter in driving the expression of Cry1Ac protein at the wound site. Our results indicate that mechanical wounding of transgenic plants was effective in inducing the expression of Cry1Ac protein. As a result of this induction, the accumulated levels of Cry1Ac protein increased during 6–72 h post-wounding period. The leaves of transgenic tobacco plants were evaluated for resistance against Heliothis virescens and Manduca sexta in insect bioassays in two different ways. The detached tobacco leaves were either fed directly to the insect larvae or they were first mechanically wounded followed by a 72 h post-wounding feeding period. Complete protection of mechanically wounded leaves of transgenic plants was observed within 24 h of the bioassay. The leaves of transgenic plants fed directly (without pre-wounding) to the larvae achieved the same level of protection between 24 and 72 h of the bioassay.  相似文献   

Field-grown soybean plants (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Evans) were treated with gibberellic acid (GA3; 10gl–1) and/or (2-chloroethyl)-trimethylammonium chloride (CCC; 0.8gl–1) in 1983 and 1984, and subsequent anthesis, pod set, seed size, seed number, and seed yield were determined at one node. The treatments were applied to five leaves in the center of each plant (typically leaves 7–11) and reproductive development at the node in the center of those leaves was monitored. Gibberellin A3 applied Early (about 3d before anthesis of the first flower at the monitored node) had no effect on the number of flowers produced, but decreased the fraction of flowers that set pods in both experimental years (by 32% in 1983 and 76% in 1984). Seed size was slightly decreased by the GA3 treatment in 1983 but not in 1984. The Middle GA3 treatment (applied about 3 days after the Early treatment) slightly decreased the number of pods set; and Late treatments (9 days after) had no effect. None of the monitored parameters were affected by CCC.The Early experiments were repeated with two additional genotypes, Lincoln and T210. Genotype T210 is a single-gene, dwarf mutant of Lincoln whose stem elongation and leaf expansion are insensitive to GA3. Gibberellin A3 affected the reproductive parameters in Lincoln very similarly to Evans but those in T210 were unaffected. This indicates that GA3 exerts its effect by increasing the mass of vegetative tissue and thus diverting assimilates away from the pods. However, since the mutation in T210 might affect a receptor that is in flowers as well as shoots, it is possible that GA3 exerted its effect on the normal genotypes directly on the developing pods, rather than indirectly by diverting photoassimilates.  相似文献   

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