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The handling of individual cells, which has attracted increasing attention, is a key technique in cell engineering such as gene introduction, drug injection, and cloning technology. Alternating current (AC) electrokinetics has shown great potential for microfluidic functions such as pumping, mixing, and concentrating particles. The non-uniform electric field gives rise to Joule heating and dielectrophoresis (DEP). The motion of particles suspended in the medium can be influenced directly, by means of dielectrophoretic effects, and indirectly, via fluid flow through a viscous drag force that affects the particles. Thus alternating current electrothermal effect (ACET) induced flow and DEP force can be combined to manipulate and trap single particles and cells. This study presents a microfluidic device which is capable of specifically guiding and capturing single particles and cells by ACET fluid flow and the negative dielectrophoretic (nDEP) trap, respectively. The experiment was operated at high frequencies (5–12 MHz) and in a culture medium whose high conductivity (σ = 1.25 S/m) is of interest to biochemical analysis and environmental monitoring, which are both prone to producing ACET and nDEP. Manipulation of particle motion using ACET-induced fluid flow to the target trap is modeled numerically and is in good agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   

Selective separation of cells using dielectrophoresis (DEP) has recently been studied and methods have been proposed. However, these methods are not applicable to large‐scale separation because they cannot be performed efficiently. In DEP separation, the DEP force is effective only when it is applied close to the electrodes. Utilizing a DEP filter is a solution for large‐scale separation. In this article, the separation efficiency for viable and nonviable cells in a DEP filter was examined. The effects of an applied AC electric field frequency and the gradient of the squared electric field intensity on a DEP velocity for the viable and nonviable animal cells (3‐2H3 cell) were discussed. The frequency response of the DEP velocity differed between the viable and the nonviable cells. We deducted an empirical equation that can be used as guiding principle for the DEP separation. The results indicate that the viable and the nonviable cells were separated using the DEP filter, and the best operating conditions such as the applied voltage and the flow rate were discussed. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

Brain wiring depends on cells making highly localized and selective connections through surface protein-protein interactions, including those between NetrinGs and NetrinG ligands (NGLs). The NetrinGs are members of the structurally uncharacterized netrin family. We present a comprehensive crystallographic analysis comprising NetrinG1-NGL1 and NetrinG2-NGL2 complexes, unliganded NetrinG2 and NGL3. Cognate NetrinG-NGL interactions depend on three specificity-conferring NetrinG loops, clasped tightly by matching NGL surfaces. We engineered these NGL surfaces to implant custom-made affinities for NetrinG1 and NetrinG2. In a cellular patterning assay, we demonstrate that NetrinG-binding selectivity can direct the sorting of a mixed population of NGLs into discrete cell surface subdomains. These results provide a molecular model for selectivity-based patterning in a neuronal recognition system, dysregulation of which is associated with severe neuropsychological disorders.  相似文献   

Adhesion of adherent cells on structured surfaces is influenced by the surface pattern given. Here, we designed a structured gold relief surface based on cell adhesion patterns we had previously observed. We analysed the geometric parameters and the overall distribution of focal adhesion kinase in focal adhesions on unstructured glass surfaces using optical microscopy. The basic structural elements obtained from this analysis were arranged in regular clusters that resembled the shape of a polarised migratory cell. In time-lapse studies we observed that the cells adhere preferentially to the gold pads and adopt the shape of the clusters. Staining of the actin cytoskeleton revealed that the actin filaments are aligned to the gold pads of the elementary structure.  相似文献   

T-cadherin (T-cad), an unusual glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored member of the cadherin family of cell adhesion molecules, is widely expressed in the cardiovascular system. The expression profile of T-cad within diseased (atherosclerotic and restenotic) vessels indicates some relationship between expression of T-cad and the phenotypic status of resident cells. Using cultures of human aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) we investigate the hypothesis that T-cad may function in modulating adhesive properties of vascular cells. Coating of culture plates with recombinant T-cad protein or with antibody against the first amino-terminal domain of T-cad (anti-EC1) significantly decreased adhesion and spreading of SMC and HUVEC. HUVECs adherent on T-cad or anti-EC1 substratum exhibited an elongated morphology and associated redistribution of the cytoskeleton and focal adhesions to a distinctly peripheral location. These changes are characteristic of the less-adhesive, motile or pro-migratory, pro-angiogenic phenotype. Boyden chamber migration assay demonstrated that the deadhesion induced by T-cad facilitates cell migration towards a serum gradient. Overexpression of T-cad in vascular cells using adenoviral vectors does not influence cell adhesion or motility per se, but increases the detachment and migratory responses induced by T-cad substratum. The data suggest that T-cad acts as an anti-adhesive signal for vascular cells, thus modulating vascular cell phenotype and migration properties.  相似文献   

In vitro 3D cancer models that provide a more accurate representation of disease in vivo are urgently needed to improve our understanding of cancer pathology and to develop better cancer therapies. However, development of 3D models that are based on manual ejection of cells from micropipettes suffer from inherent limitations such as poor control over cell density, limited repeatability, low throughput, and, in the case of coculture models, lack of reproducible control over spatial distance between cell types (e.g., cancer and stromal cells). In this study, we build on a recently introduced 3D model in which human ovarian cancer (OVCAR-5) cells overlaid on Matrigel spontaneously form multicellular acini. We introduce a high-throughput automated cell printing system to bioprint a 3D coculture model using cancer cells and normal fi broblasts micropatterned on Matrigel. Two cell types were patterned within a spatially controlled microenvironment (e.g., cell density, cell-cell distance) in a high-throughput and reproducible manner; both cell types remained viable during printing and continued to proliferate following patterning. This approach enables the miniaturization of an established macro-scale 3D culture model and would allow systematic investigation into the multiple unknown regulatory feedback mechanisms between tumor and stromal cells and provide a tool for high-throughput drug screening.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA)-receptor (uPAR) is a GPI-anchored protein that binds with high-affinity and activates the serine protease uPA, thus regulating proteolytic activity at the cell surface. In addition, uPAR is a signaling receptor that often does not require its protease ligand or its proteolytic function.uPAR is highly expressed during tissue reorganization, inflammation, and in virtually all human cancers. Since its discovery, in vitro and in vivo models, as well as retrospective clinical studies have shown that over-expression of components of the uPA/uPAR-system correlates with increased proliferation, migration, and invasion affecting the malignant phenotype of cancer. uPAR regulates the cells-extracellular matrix interactions promoting its degradation and turnover through the plasminogen activation cascade.  相似文献   

It is widely held that segregation of tissues expressing different cadherins results from cadherin-subtype-specific binding specificities. This belief is based largely upon assays in which cells expressing different cadherin subtypes aggregate separately when shaken in suspension. In various combinations of L cells expressing NCAM, E-, P-, N-, R-, or B-cadherin, coaggregation occurred when shear forces were low or absent but could be selectively inhibited by high shear forces. Cells expressing P- vs E-cadherin coaggregated and then demixed, one population enveloping the other completely. To distinguish whether this demixing was due to differences in cadherin affinities or expression levels, the latter were varied systematically. Cells expressing either cadherin at a lower level became the enveloping layer, as predicted by the Differential Adhesion Hypothesis. However, when cadherin expression levels were equalized, cells expressing P- vs E-cadherin remained intermixed. In this combination, "homocadherin" (E-E; P-P) and "heterocadherin" (E-P) adhesions must therefore be of similar strength. Cells expressing R- vs B-cadherin coaggregated but demixed to produce configurations of incomplete envelopment. This signifies that R- to B-cadherin adhesions must be weaker than either "homocadherin" adhesion. Together, cadherin quantity and affinity control tissue segregation and assembly through specification of the relative intensities of mature cell-cell adhesions.  相似文献   

Integrins are transmembrane receptors for cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix. In cell migration, integrins are endocytosed from the plasma membrane or the cell surface, transported in vesicles and exocytosed actively at the cell front. In the present study, we examined the roles of VAMP3, a SNARE protein that mediates exocytosis, in cell migration and integrin trafficking. Small interfering RNA (siRNA)-induced silencing of VAMP3 inhibited chemotactic cell migration by more than 60% without affecting cell proliferation. VAMP3 silencing reduced the levels of β1 integrin at the cell surface but had no effect on total cellular β1 integrin, indicating that VAMP3 is required for trafficking of β1 integrin to the plasma membrane. Furthermore, VAMP3 silencing diminished cell adhesion to laminin but not to fibronectin or collagen. Taken together, these data suggest that VAMP3-dependent integrin trafficking is crucial in cell migration and cell adhesion to laminin.  相似文献   

Mechanical stretch has been implicated as the growth stimuli in the heart. Physiologically, mechanical stretch is reported to contribute to the orientation of cardiomyocytes, though the molecular mechanism remains to be elucidated. This study was designed to make clear functional significances of N-cadherin in plasticity of cell alignment in response to mechanical stretch. Neonatal rat cardiomyocytes, cultured on silicone dishes, were subjected to artificial uniaxial cyclic stretch. Mechanical stretch was started at certain times (3-75 h) after seeding and continued for 24 h. Stretch stimulation in 3 h after cultivation promoted cell orientation running parallel to tension direction. In contrast, cardiac myocytes fail to align when exposed to stretch 24-75 h after cultivation. To address the importance of N-cadherin in the responsiveness to stretch, the expression and distribution of N-cadherin were analyzed. Immediately after seeding, N-cadherin showed dispersed distributions. During cultivation, N-cadherin localized to cell-cell contacts accompanied by the upregulation of its protein. Next, to investigate influence of cell-cell adhesion, cardiomyocytes cultured for 72 h were replated by trypsin treatment and exposed to stretch 3 h after replating. The cardiomyocytes replated by trypsinization were oriented in parallel to tension direction by mechanical stretch. Finally, adenoviral transfection of dominant-negative N-cadherin recovered the ability to exhibit cell orientation in response to stretch. Our results suggested that N-cadherin was involved in the oriented responses of cardiomyocytes induced by mechanical stretch.  相似文献   

The properties of substrates and extracellular matrices (ECM) are important factors governing the functions and fates of mammalian adherent cells. For example, substrate stiffness often affects cell differentiation. At focal adhesions, clustered–integrin bindings link cells mechanically to the ECM. In order to quantitate the affinity between cell and substrate, the cell adhesion force must be measured for single cells. In this study, forcible detachment of a single cell in the vertical direction using AFM was carried out, allowing breakage of the integrin–substrate bindings. An AFM tip was fabricated into an arrowhead shape to detach the cell from the substrate. Peak force observed in the recorded force curve during probe retraction was defined as the adhesion force, and was analyzed for various types of cells. Some of the cell types adhered so strongly that they could not be picked up because of plasma membrane breakage by the arrowhead probe. To address this problem, a technique to reinforce the cellular membrane with layer-by-layer nanofilms composed of fibronectin and gelatin helped to improve insertion efficiency and to prevent cell membrane rupture during the detachment process, allowing successful detachment of the cells. This method for detaching cells, involving cellular membrane reinforcement, may be beneficial for evaluating true cell adhesion forces in various cell types.  相似文献   

Neuroplastin (Np) is a glycoprotein that belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily of cell adhesion molecules. It exists in two isoforms, Np55 and Np65, named according to their apparent molecular weights. Neuroplastins were first identified as synapse-specific proteins, but subsequent findings have shown that Np65 is indeed expressed only in the brain, whereas Np55 is found in wide range of tissues. Since their discovery, the knowledge of Nps expanded, implicating them in various processes, including neuronal differentiation and synaptic plasticity. Here, we will review the Np structure and mechanisms involved in Np signaling and discuss the functions of Nps in the nervous system.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that TIMP-2 treatment of human microvascular endothelial cells (hMVECs) activates Rap1 via the pathway of paxillin-Crk-C3G. Here, we show that TIMP-2 overexpression in hMVECs by adenoviral infection enhances Rap1 expression, leading to further increase in Rap1-GTP. TIMP-2 expression, previously reported to inhibit cell migration, also leads to cell spreading accompanied with increased cell adhesion. HMVECs stably expressing Rap1 display a similar phenotype as hMVECs-TIMP-2, whereas the expression of inactive Rap1 mutant, Rap1(38N), leads to elongated appearance with greatly reduced cell adhesion. Furthermore, the phenotype of hMVECs-Rap1(38N) was not reversed by TIMP-2 overexpression. TIMP-2 greatly promotes the association of Rap1 with actin. Therefore, these findings suggest that TIMP-2 mediated alteration in cell morphology requires Rap1, TIMP-2 may recruit Rap1 to sites of actin cytoskeleton remodeling necessary for cell spreading, and enhanced cell adhesion by TIMP-2 expression may hinder cell migration.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion and cell migration are two primary cellular phenomena to be approached in vitro in order to allow for the effective dissection of the individual events and the unravelling of their underlying molecular mechanisms. The use of assays dedicated to the analysis of cell adhesion and migration in vitro also affords an efficient way of conducting larger basic and applied research screenings of the conditions affecting these processes and are potentially exploitable in the context of routine tests in the biological and medical fields. Therefore, there is a substantial interest in devicing more rationale such assays and major contributions in this direction have been provided by the advent of procedures based on fluorescent cell tagging. In this article we describe three fluorescence-based model assays for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of cell adhesion and cell locomotion in static and dynamic conditions. The assays are easily performed, accurate and reproducible, and can be automatized for high-throughput screenings of cell behavior in vitro. Performance of the assays involves the use of certain dedicated disposable accessories, which are commercially available, and a few instruments that, due to their versatility, can be regarded as constituents of a more generic laboratory setup.  相似文献   

The roles of JSAP1 and JIP1 in cell adhesion and spreading were examined using mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) deficient in JIP1 (JIP1-KO), JSAP1 (JSAP1-KO), and in both JIP1 and JSAP1 (double-KO), and by using their wild type. After being plated on fibronectin-coated culture plates, wild type MEFs rapidly adhered and differentiated to typical longitudinal fibroblasts in 4 h. JSAP1-KO MEFs showed a similar sequence of adhesion and cell spreading, but their adhesion was weak, and cell spreading sequence proceeded in a delayed manner compared with the wild type. In spreading JSAP1-KO MEFs, adhesion-triggered actin cytoskeleton reorganization and FAK activation proceeded at a slower pace than in wild type MEFs. The cellular properties of double-KO MEFs and JIP1-KO MEFs were similar to those of JSAP1-KO MEFs and wild type MEFs, respectively. These results suggest that JSAP1 plays a role in adhesion and cell spreading by regulating the rapid reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Connexons and cell adhesion: a romantic phase   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Recent evidence indicates, that gap junction forming proteins do not only contribute to intercellular communication (Kanno and Saffitz in Cardiovasc Pathol 10:169-177, 2001; Saez et al. in Physiol Rev 83:1359-1400, 2003), ion homeostasis and volume control (Goldberg et al. in J Biol Chem 277:36725-36730, 2002; Saez et al. in Physiol Rev 83:1359-1400, 2003). They also serve biological functions in a mechanical sense, supporting adherent connections between neighbouring cells of epithelial and non-epithelial tissues (Clair et al. in Exp Cell Res 314:1250-1265, 2008; Shaw et al. in Cell 128:547-560, 2007), where they stabilize migratory pathways in the developing central nervous system (Elias et al. in Nature 448:901-907, 2007; Malatesta et al. in Development 127:5253-5263, 2000; Noctor et al. in Nature 409:714-720, 2001; Rakic in Brain Res 33:471-476, 1971; J Comp Neurol 145:61-83 1972; Science 241:170-176, 1988), or mediate polarized movements and directionality of neural crest cells during organogenesis (Kirby and Waldo in Circ Res 77:211-215, 1995; Xu et al. in Development 133:3629-3639, 2006). Since, most data describing adhesive properties of gap junctions delt with connexin 43 (Cx43) (Beardslee et al. in Circ Res 83:629-635, 1998), we will focus our brief review on this isoform.  相似文献   

In this study we use a novel approach to quantitatively investigate mechanical and interfacial properties of clonal β-cells using AFM-Single Cell Force Spectroscopy (SCFS). MIN6 cells were incubated for 48 h with 0.5 mM Ca2+ ± the calcimimetic R568 (1 μM). AFM-SCFS adhesion and indentation experiments were performed by using modified tipless cantilevers. Hertz contact model was applied to analyse force–displacement (Fd) curves for determining elastic or Young’s modulus (E). Our results show CaSR-evoked increases in cell-to-cell adhesion parameters and E modulus of single cells, demonstrating that cytomechanics have profound effects on cell adhesion characterization.  相似文献   

We have examined as a function of temperature the effect of changes in the composition of the fatty acid chains of membrane phospholipids on the rate of cell to cell adhesion in the neuronal cell line B103. The rate of cell to cell adhesion in this cell line is highly temperature dependent but is not influenced by changes in the fatty acid composition of the plasma membrane generated by growing the cells either in the presence of oleic acid or elaidic acid. In contrast the temperature dependence of the rate of cell to cell adhesion, measured in a monolayer adhesion assay, is highly dependent on the shear force used during the assay. A two-step model of cell to cell adhesion involving multiple adhesion ligands is presented which can be used to explain these observations.  相似文献   

Nectins are Ca2+-independent immunoglobulin (Ig)-like cell–cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), which comprise a family consisting of four members. Each nectin homophilically and heterophilically trans-interacts and causes cell–cell adhesion. Biochemical, cell biological, and knockout mice studies have revealed that nectins play important roles in formation of many types of cell–cell junctions and cell–cell contacts, including cadherin-based adherens junctions (AJs) and synapses. Mode of action of nectins in the formation of AJs has extensively been investigated. Nectins form initial cell–cell adhesion and recruit E-cadherin to the nectin-based cell–cell adhesion sites. In addition, nectins induce activation of Cdc42 and Rac small G proteins, which eventually enhances the formation of cadherin-based AJs through the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. Nectins furthermore heterophilically trans-interact with nectin-like molecules (Necls), other Ig-like CAMs, and assist or modify their various functions, such as cell adhesion, migration, and proliferation. We describe here the roles and modes of action of nectins as CAMs.  相似文献   

Integrins and syndecans mediate cell adhesion to extracellular matrix and their synergistic cooperation is implicated in cell adhesion processes. We previously identified two active peptides, AG73 and EF1, from the laminin α1 chain LG4 module, that promote cell attachment through syndecan- and α2β1 integrin-binding, respectively. Here, we examined time-dependent cell attachment on the mixed peptides AG73/EF1. The AG73/EF1 promoted stronger and more rapid cell attachment, spreading, FAK phosphorylation that reached a maximum at 20 min than that on AG73 (40 min) or EF1 (90 min) supplied singly. Thus, the syndecan- and α2β1 integrin-binding peptides synergistically affect cells and accelerate cell adhesion.  相似文献   

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