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These studies describe the transport of proline and hydroxyproline in human diploid fibroblasts. Inhibition and kinetic analysis demonstrate that proline is actively transported by the “A” neutral amino acid carrier. Proline transport is Na+ dependent and is particularly sensitive to sulfhydryl inhibitors and ouabain. Hydroxyproline is also actively transported but its transport is mediated by a system different from those described previously for other neutral amino acids. Hydroxyproline transport requires the presence of Na+ and is sensitive to sulfhydryl inhibitors and ouabain. There is little inhibition of hydroxyproline transport in the presence of other amino acids with the exception of methionine. The methionine inhibition of hydroxyproline transport is of the non-competitive type. Little cross-reactivity was exhibited by the systems which transport proline and hydroxyproline. These studies indicate that human skin fibroblasts do not possess an iminoglycine transport system as has been described for many other tissues. The iminoglycine transport system has been identified as the genetic transport defect in iminoglycinuria. Consequently, skin fibroblasts are not an appropriate system for use in diagnosis of this disorder.  相似文献   

C I Kaye  H L Nadler 《Enzyme》1976,21(2):108-114
The multiple acid phosphatase isoenzymes of cultivated skin fibroblasts were investigated in an effort to further clarify the basis of the observed molecular heterogeneity. Treatment with neuraminidase did not alter the migration of isoenzymes present prior to treatment with neuraminidase did not alter the migration of isoenzymes present prior to treatment, but additional isoenzymes were detectable after treatment. Variation of enzymes, permitting prediction of net charge and molecular size differences. Isoelectric focusing between pH 5.0 and pH 8.0 demonstrated three isoenzymes of acid phosphatase in the total cell homogenate and in the lysosomal fraction, two of which appeared to have similar isoelectric points.  相似文献   

S Takahashi  S Seifter  L Rifas 《In vitro》1978,14(3):282-289
gamma-Glutamyltransferase was determined in WI-38 human diploid fibroblasts and compared to enzyme levels determined in several other mammalian cell lines including: fibroblast-like cells from human skin, tibia and foreskin; epithelial-like cells from human, bovine and monkey kidney; and transformed cells (Chinese hamster ovary, HeLa S3 and SV-40 transformed WI-38). Transformed cells had the lowest activity found followed in increasing order by fibroblasts, human and bovine epithelial cells and monkey kidney epithelial cells. The enzyme isolated from the plasma membrane of WI-38 cells, like the enzyme from kidney and brain, was found to be irreversibly inhibited by iodoacetamide, reversibly by serine-borate, and had a strong specificity for certain amino acids. The possibility exists that gamma-glutamyltransferase could be involved in transport of amino acids into cells in culture; and glutamine, used in media, is an excellent substrate for the enzyme.  相似文献   

1. Secretion of the lysosomal enzyme beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase (EC by normal human fibroblast cultures was linear with respect to time up to 96h. 2. Two forms of the A isoenzyme of beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase were found in the culture medium. One form was similar to the isoenzyme found in other extracellular fluids, such as plasma and tears, the other resembled the intracellular (lysosomal) enzyme. The presence of the two isoenzymes in the culture medium appears to reflect two distinct secretory processes. 3. It is suggested that plasma acid hydrolases may be destined for incorporation into lysosomes in a manner analogous to that described for the packaging of lysosomal enzymes by fibroblasts.  相似文献   

The patterns of termination of DNA replication in human embryonic MRC-5 fibroblasts at four passage levels have been examined by autoradiography. Only chromosome 9 showed statistically significant differences in the time of replication among cultures of different ages. This chromosome terminated replication earlier at later passages than at earlier passages, primarily because of differences in the time of replication of the centromere region. Because very few differences were observed at different passage levels, we conclude that changes in the order of chromosome replication are unlikely to contribute to the phenomenon of in vitro senescence.  相似文献   

In resting, non-growing human diploid fibroblasts the amount of rRNA is reduced 1.8-fold, cytoplasmic polysomes are disaggregated, and the level of poly-A RNA (mRNA) is reduced 1.8-fold in relation to growing cells. The distribution of poly-A RNA is altered in resting, non-growing cells so that an average of 64% of the total cytoplasmic poly-A RNA sediments along with particles lighter than 80S (prepolysomal) in sucrose density gradients. By comparison, in growing cells only 30% of the cytoplasmic poly-A RNA sediments in the prepolysomal region. In SDS sucrose gradients, the sedimentation profile of the prepolysomal poly-A RNA from resting cells resembles that of polysomal poly-A RNA from those cells. In contrast, the average size of prepolysomal poly-A RNA from growing cells is much smaller than that of the polysomal poly-A RNA from those cells. These data are compatible with the possibility that resting cell prepolysomal poly-A is untranslated mRNA. Also consistent with this interpretation are experiments which demonstrate that one-quarter to one-third of the prepolysomal poly-A RNA of resting cells is recruited into polysomes in the presence of cycloheximide.  相似文献   

Isolation of ouabain-resistant human diploid fibroblasts   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
R Mankovitz  M Buchwald  R M Baker 《Cell》1974,3(3):221-226
Seventeen clones resistant to the cytotoxic action of ouabain were isolated in culture by direct selection from 5 independent strains of diploid human fibroblasts. Resistant clones were recovered at frequencies on the order of 10?7 per wild type cell selected from populations treated with the mutagen EMS, but no resistant cells were detected among 108 unmutagenized cells. Most selected clones remained ouabain-resistant following further propagation in the absence of drug. The growth of wild type cells was inhibited by 50% at ouabain concentrations of 2–5 × 10?8 M, while resistant clones required 15–180 fold higher drug concentrations to cause equivalent inhibition. Ouabain-resistant clones showed increased resistance of K+ transport function to ouabain inhibition that paralleled their increased resistance to growth inhibition. Initial experiments suggest that under selective conditions the resistant diploid fibroblasts differ significantly from wild type in binding of 3H-ouabain per unit surface area. The ouabain-resistant cells were similar to wild type in transport properties unrelated to ouabain inhibition. Resistant cells had normal karyotypes and senesced with a lifespan similar to control clones. The ouabain-resistant phenotypes of these diploid human fibroblast isolates apparently reflect point mutations that specifically affect the Na+/K+ transport ATPase with respect to ouabain-binding and/or response to bound ouabain.  相似文献   

A method is introduced for the assay of alkaline phosphatase in homogenates of cultured human skin fibroblasts. In a first group of 11 strains, a four- to fifteen-fold increase of enzyme activity is consistently observed following a period of starvation. In the remaining 31 cell-strains similar specific activities of alkaline phosphatase are found irrespective of medium changes. In regularly fed cultures, an inverse exponential correlation between the specific activity of alkaline phosphatase and the age of the donor has been detected.  相似文献   

With increasing population doubling in vitro, human diploid fibroblasts exhibited a highly significant increase in glucose uptake from the growth medium and a corresponding increase in lactate production. The switch to glycolysis occurred prior to the onset of changes in intracellular glucose and lactate concentrations or in the specific activity of the glycolytic regulatory enzyme, pyruvate kinase, it also preceded the morphological alterations held to be characteristic of cellular senescence.  相似文献   

Control of cellular proliferation in human diploid fibroblasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
R Baserga  G Rovera  J Farber 《In vitro》1971,7(2):80-87

Summary The transport ofl-histidine has been characterized in skin derived diploid human fibroblasts, cultured under strictly controlled conditions. The transport measurements were made on cells grown to subconfluency after 60 to 90 min timed preincubation. The data, at substrate concentrations ranging from 0.050 to 10 mmol/l, were analyzed by a computer program. A saturable transport system (K m =0.25 mmol/l, V max =17 nmol/mg protein per min) and a nonsaturable component of influx (K d =1.6±0.4 nmol/mg protein/min per mmol) were found.l-Histidine displayed no Na+ requirement at either low or high concentrations. Inhibition analysis demonstrated thatl-histidine uptake at low concentration was poorly inhibited by amino acids known to be effective inhibitors of system A. The largest fraction ofl-histidine uptake was inhibited by 2-amino-bicyclo (2,2,1)-heptane-2-carboxylic acid (BCH), leucine, and tryptophan. These results indicated thatl-histidine is transported in human fibroblasts, mainly by the Na+ independent system L. The differences between this cell type and others studied previously are discussed. This work was supported in part by Grant 773 from UER de Médecine, Université Paris XI (France).  相似文献   

Vitamin A palmitate, retinoic acid and an aromatic retinoic acid analogue (Ro 10-9359) induced sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) in human diploid fibroblasts. The same SCE level was reached with the 3 compounds tested, when the concentration of vitamin A palmitate was 10 times higher than those of retinoic acid and Ro 10-9359. No correlation was found when the dose-related SCE induction of a retinoid was compared with the respective antineoplastic activity as reported by others.  相似文献   

Mutagenic effect of BUdR in diploid human fibroblasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It has only recently been possible to demonstrate the expected mutagenic effect of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) in heteroploid hamster cells in culture. We have now extended this observation to diploid human fibroblasts utilizing techniques adapted from the work of Albertini and DeMars on X-ray mutagenesis at the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT) locus in these cells. In four separate experiments, fibroblasts from a female donor were exposed to 500 micrograms/ml ethylmethane sulfonate (EMS) or 3 micrograms/ml BUdR yielding survivals of 9% and 5%, respectively. After a 6-day expression period, survivors were plated in selection medium containing 0.3 micrograms/ml 8-azaguanine (8-AG). After 3-5 weeks, azaguanine-resistant colonies were isolated for characterization or stained for counting. The average spontaneous mutation rate/cell/generation was 0.6.10(-6). The average induced mutation rates for EMS and BUdR were 7.8.10(-6) and 6.3.10(-6)/cell/generation, respectively. Similar results were obtained in two experiments with an additional fibroblast line. Mutant colonies isolated following BUdR treatment demonstrated from 1.4 to 61.5% of the HGPRT activity of the parental line and showed at least 8% Barr bodies, excluding the possibility of contamination by Lesch-Nyhan cells. This demonstration of a BUdR effect comparable to that of an alkylating agent or X-irradiation opens the study of mutation due to base-analog substitution in diploid human cells.  相似文献   

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