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Auto- and cross-correlation methods, when applied to discrete events, can determine periodicity and correlation times within and between event train sequences. However, if the number of available events for analysis is too few, the correlation techniques yield ambiguous and insufficient results. Here we report a technique based on measurements of phases of event times that could detect the periodicity even among very few discrete data points. The results are demonstrated on in vitro neuronal spike time data, and are found to be highly contrasting when compared with the correlation techniques. The technique could become invaluable, for example, for treating in vivo spike time records that often last very short duration, or for determining short timescales in discrete biophysical experimental data.  相似文献   

To understand the process of innate immune fungal recognition, we developed computational tools for the rigorous quantification and comparison of receptor recruitment and distribution at cell-cell contact sites. We used these tools to quantify pattern recognition receptor spatiotemporal distributions in contacts between primary human dendritic cells and the fungal pathogens C. albicans, C. parapsilosis and the environmental yeast S. cerevisiae, imaged using 3D multichannel laser scanning confocal microscopy. The detailed quantitative analysis of contact sites shows that, despite considerable biochemical similarity in the composition and structure of these species'' cell walls, the receptor spatiotemporal distribution in host-microbe contact sites varies significantly between these yeasts. Our findings suggest a model where innate immune cells discriminate fungal microorganisms based on differential mobilization and coordination of receptor networks. Our analysis methods are also broadly applicable to a range of cell-cell interactions central to many biological problems.  相似文献   

In this article, we present PolNet, an open-source software tool for the study of blood flow and cell-level biological activity during vessel morphogenesis. We provide an image acquisition, segmentation, and analysis protocol to quantify endothelial cell polarity in entire in vivo vascular networks. In combination, we use computational fluid dynamics to characterize the hemodynamics of the vascular networks under study. The tool enables, to our knowledge for the first time, a network-level analysis of polarity and flow for individual endothelial cells. To date, PolNet has proven invaluable for the study of endothelial cell polarization and migration during vascular patterning, as demonstrated by two recent publications. Additionally, the tool can be easily extended to correlate blood flow with other experimental observations at the cellular/molecular level. We release the source code of our tool under the Lesser General Public License.  相似文献   

Only a limited number of noninvasive techniques are available to directly measure the dynamic behavior of lipids in model and cell membranes. Here, we explored whether a commercial instrument could be used for fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) under pulsed stimulated emission depletion (STED). To overcome issues with photobleaching and poor distinction between confocal and STED signals, we implemented resonant line-scan STED with filtered FCS, which has the additional benefit of autocalibrating the dimensions of the point-spread function and obtaining spatially resolved molecular mobility at subdiffraction resolution. With supported lipid bilayers, we achieved a detection spot radius of 40 nm, although at the expense of decreased molecular brightness. We also used this approach to map the dynamics of Atto646N-labeled sphingomyelin and phosphatidylethanolamine in the plasma membrane. Despite the reliability of the method and the demonstration that photobleaching and the photophysical properties of the dye did not influence diffusion measurements, we found great heterogeneities even within one cell. For both lipids, regions of high local density correlated with slow molecular diffusion, indicating trapping of Atto646N-labeled lipids. Future studies with new dyes are needed to reveal the origin of the trapping.  相似文献   

Most studies that aim to understand the interactions between different types of photon radiation and cellular DNA assume homogeneous cell irradiation, with all cells receiving the same amount of energy. The level of DNA damage is therefore generally determined by averaging it over the entire population of exposed cells. However, evaluating the molecular consequences of a stochastic phenomenon such as energy deposition of ionizing radiation by measuring only an average effect may not be sufficient for understanding some aspects of the cellular response to this radiation. The variance among the cells associated with this average effect may also be important for the behaviour of irradiated tissue. In this study, we accurately estimated the distribution of the number of radiation-induced γH2AX foci (RIF) per cell nucleus in a large population of endothelial cells exposed to 3 macroscopic doses of gamma rays from 60Co. The number of RIF varied significantly and reproducibly from cell to cell, with its relative standard deviation ranging from 36% to 18% depending on the macroscopic dose delivered. Interestingly, this relative cell-to-cell variability increased as the dose decreased, contrary to the mean RIF count per cell. This result shows that the dose effect, in terms of the number of DNA lesions indicated by RIF is not as simple as a purely proportional relation in which relative SD is constant with dose. To analyse the origins of this observed variability, we calculated the spread of the specific energy distribution for the different target volumes and subvolumes in which RIF can be generated. Variances, standard deviations and relative standard deviations all changed similarly from dose to dose for biological and calculated microdosimetric values. This similarity is an important argument that supports the hypothesis of the conservation of the association between the number of RIF per nucleus and the specific energy per DNA molecule. This comparison allowed us to calculate a volume of 1.6 μm3 for which the spread of the specific energy distribution could explain the entire variability of RIF counts per cell in an exposed cell population. The definition of this volume may allow to use a microdosimetric quantity to predict heterogeneity in DNA damage. Moreover, this value is consistent with the order of magnitude of the volume occupied by the hydrated sugar-phosphate backbone of the DNA molecule, which is the part of the DNA molecule responsible for strand breaks.  相似文献   

Both cellular as well as extracellular matrix components of the stem cell microenvironment, or niche, are critical in stem cell regulation. Recent data highlight a central role for osteoblasts and their by product osteopontin as a key part of the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) niche. Herein we describe a model for the yin and yang of HSC regulation mediated by osteoblasts. In this respect, osteoblasts synthesise proteins with opposing effects on HSC proliferation and differentiation highlighting their pivotal role in adult hematopoiesis. Although osteoblasts play a central role in HSC regulation other stromal and microenvironmental cell types and their extracellular matrix proteins also contribute to this biology. For example, the glycosaminoglycan hyaluronic acid as well as the membrane bound form of stem cell factor are also key regulators of HSC. Osteopontin and these “niche” molecules are not only involved in regulation of HSC quiescence but also effect HSC homing, trans-marrow migration and lodgement. Accordingly this leads us to expand upon Schofield’s niche hypothesis: we propose that the HSC niche is critical for attraction of primitive hematopoietic progenitors to the endosteal region and tightly tethering them within this location, and by doing so placing them into intimate contact with cells such as osteoblasts whose extracellular products are able to exquisitely regulate their fate.  相似文献   

In sickle cell disease, aberrant blood flow due to oxygen-dependent changes in red cell biomechanics is a key driver of pathology. Most studies to date have focused on the potential role of altered red cell deformability and blood rheology in precipitating vaso-occlusive crises. Numerous studies, however, have shown that sickle blood flow is affected even at high oxygen tensions, suggesting a potentially systemic role for altered blood flow in driving pathologies, including endothelial dysfunction, ischemia, and stroke. In this study, we applied a combined experimental-computation approach that leveraged an experimental platform that quantifies sickle blood velocity fields under a range of oxygen tensions and shear rates. We computationally fitted a continuum model to our experimental data to generate physics-based parameters that capture patient-specific rheological alterations. Our results suggest that sickle blood flow is altered systemically, from the arterial to the venous circulation. We also demonstrated the application of this approach as a tool to design patient-specific transfusion regimens. Finally, we demonstrated that patient-specific rheological parameters can be combined with patient-derived vascular models to identify patients who are at higher risk for cerebrovascular complications such as aneurysm and stroke. Overall, this study highlights that sickle blood flow is altered systemically, which can drive numerous pathologies, and this study demonstrates the potential utility of an experimentally parameterized continuum model as a predictive tool for patient-specific care.  相似文献   

The microenvironment of the subependymal zone (SEZ) neural stem cell niche is necessary for regulating adult neurogenesis. In particular, signaling from the microvasculature is essential for adult neural stem cell maintenance, but microvascular structure and blood flow dynamics in the SEZ are not well understood. In this work, we show that the mouse SEZ constitutes a specialized microvascular domain defined by unique vessel architecture and reduced rates of blood flow. Additionally, we demonstrate that hypoxic conditions are detectable in the ependymal layer that lines the ventricle, and in a subpopulation of neurons throughout the SEZ and striatum. Together, these data highlight previously unidentified features of the SEZ neural stem cell niche, and further demonstrate the extent of microvascular specialization in the SEZ microenvironment.  相似文献   

肺脏是个开放的复杂器官,覆盖其表面的上皮细胞持续暴露在病原微生物和大气污染物中,最易受到损伤,因而关于它的结构和功能修复问题一直是研究的热点。成体干细胞具有多向分化潜能,在不同niche的作用下可以分化成不同的细胞。肺脏的不同区域含有不同的干细胞,而且这些上皮干细胞在某些特定的条件下可以产生增殖和转分化,因而这些不同水平的干细胞可以通过不同的修复方式来实施肺脏结构和功能的维持和修复,但这些干细胞的来源及其在肺脏修复中的作用和机制并不十分清楚。因此对肺脏成体干细胞的研究进展进行综述以期对肺脏的修复有一个新的认识。  相似文献   

断光后的急骤耗氧现象及其与光呼吸的关系(英文)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用氧电极研究叶圆片断光后的耗氧变化,观察到断光后急骤耗氧(rapid postilluminationoxygen consumption RPIOC)现象。在不更换反应液的情况下,随着连续测定次数的增加,烟草叶圆片和番薯叶肉细胞的RPIOC增强。烟草、水稻、番薯、木瓜、黄瓜的叶圆片和番薯叶肉细胞表现出RPIOC,而高粱、甘蔗和玉米则没有这种现象。烟草叶国片的RPIOC随以下因素变化而增强:氧浓度从0.077mmol/L 气相O_27%)增加到 0.230 mmol/L(气相O_2 21%)、光强从111W/m~2增加到350W/m~2、温度从20℃增加到40℃,NaHCO_3(pH7.8)浓度从1 mmol/L(气相CO_2 1188ppm)降低到0.05mmol/L(气相CO_260 ppm)。0.4 mmol/L的HPMS完全抑制烟草叶圆片的RPIOC;10mmol/L的环氧丙酸抑制烟草叶圆片的RPIOC 57.8%。因此认为RPIOC是光呼吸的另一种形式的表现,它对环境因子的变化与已知的影响光呼吸的因子具有一致的反应。  相似文献   

Cancer cells can be described as an invasive species that is able to establish itself in a new environment. The concept of niche construction can be utilized to describe the process by which cancer cells terraform their environment, thereby engineering an ecosystem that promotes the genetic fitness of the species. Ecological dispersion theory can then be utilized to describe and model the steps and barriers involved in a successful diaspora as the cancer cells leave the original host organ and migrate to new host organs to successfully establish a new metastatic community. These ecological concepts can be further utilized to define new diagnostic and therapeutic areas for lethal cancers. 115: 1478–1485, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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