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Summary: The hygropreference of gardening workers of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa was investigated in the laboratory using a gradient of relative humidity. Gardening workers were placed, together with pieces of fungus garden, in small, interconnected nest chambers offering four different relative humidities: 33 %, 75 %, 84 % and 98 % RH. Workers were allowed to move freely between them and to relocate the fungus following their humidity preference. While workers distributed themselves randomly in the nest chambers, they located the fungus gardens in the chamber with the highest humidity. These results indicate that gardening workers are able to sense differences in relative humidity, and that this ability is shown when they are engaged in fungus culturing. Humidity is discussed as one of the relevant variables that probably underlay the evolution of regulatory responses for the control of fungus growth in leaf-cutting ants.  相似文献   

The Chaco leaf-cutting ant Atta vollenweideri (Forel) inhabits large and deep subterranean nests composed of a large number of fungus and refuse chambers. The ants dispose of the excavated soil by forming small pellets that are carried to the surface. For ants in general, the organisation of underground soil transport during nest building remains completely unknown. In the laboratory, we investigated how soil pellets are formed and transported, and whether their occurrence influences the spatial organisation of collective digging. Similar to leaf transport, we discovered size matching between soil pellet mass and carrier mass. Workers observed while digging excavated pellets at a rate of 26 per hour. Each excavator deposited its pellets in an individual cluster, independently of the preferred deposition sites of other excavators. Soil pellets were transported sequentially over 2 m, and the transport involved up to 12 workers belonging to three functionally distinct groups: excavators, several short-distance carriers that dropped the collected pellets after a few centimetres, and long-distance, last carriers that reached the final deposition site. When initiating a new excavation, the proportion of long-distance carriers increased from 18% to 45% within the first five hours, and remained unchanged over more than 20 hours. Accumulated, freshly-excavated pellets significantly influenced the workers'' decision where to start digging in a choice experiment. Thus, pellets temporarily accumulated as a result of their sequential transport provide cues that spatially organise collective nest excavation.  相似文献   

In many social insect species, colonies frequently emigrate to a new nest. This requires the coordination of many individuals, and it puts the queen at risks of being lost or predated. We experimentally studied colony emigration in the ant Aphaenogaster senilis, who emigrates frequently and obligatorily reproduces by colony fission. As in other species, colony emigration was characterised by a synchronised relocation of workers. Foragers found the new nest site and triggered the relocation of the “inside” workers, which built up following a sigmoid curve. Unlike in Temnothorax, where workers are transported to the new nest, most individuals relocated by walking. The brood was transported around the middle of colony relocation, mostly by “inside” workers because they represent most of the workforce. The queen walked to the new nest at the middle of colony relocation, when the flow of ants to the new nest was maximal. Overall, this temporal dynamic of colony emigration is similar to that observed in other species. However, we argue that species-specific traits, such as whether workers are transported to the new nest or relocate by themselves, may affect parts of the process of colony emigration.  相似文献   

In leaf-cutting ants, workers are expected to excavate the nest at a soil depth that provides suitable temperatures, since the symbiotic fungus cultivated inside nest chambers is highly dependent on temperature for proper growth. We hypothesize that the different nesting habits observed in Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants in the South American continent, i.e. superficial and subterranean nests, depend on the occurrence, across the soil profile, of the temperature range preferred by workers for digging. To test this hypothesis, we first explored whether the nesting habits in the genus Acromyrmex are correlated with the prevailing soil temperature regimes at the reported nest locations. Second, we experimentally investigated whether Acromyrmex workers engaged in digging use soil temperature as a cue to decide where to excavate the nest. A bibliographic survey of nesting habits of 21 South American Acromyrmex species indicated that nesting habits are correlated with the soil temperature regimes: the warmer the soil at the nesting site, the higher the number of species inhabiting subterranean nests, as compared to superficial nests. For those species showing nesting plasticity, subterranean nests occurred in hot soils, and superficial nests in cold ones. Experimental results indicated that Acromyrmex lundi workers use soil temperature as an orientation cue to decide where to start digging, and respond to rising and falling soil temperatures by moving to alternative digging places, or by stopping digging, respectively. The soil temperature range preferred for digging, between 20°C and maximally 30.6°C, matched the range at which colony growth would be maximized. It is suggested that temperature-sensitive digging guides digging workers towards their preferred range of soil temperature. Workers’ thermopreferences lead to a concentration of digging activity at the soil layers where the preferred range occurs, and therefore, to the construction of superficial nests in cold soils, and subterranean ones in hot soils. The adaptive value of the temperature-related nesting habits, and the temperature-sensitive digging, is further discussed.  相似文献   

The Chaco leaf-cutting ant Atta vollenweideri is native to the clay-heavy soils of the Gran Chaco region in South America. Because of seasonal floods, colonies are regularly exposed to varying moisture across the soil profile, a factor that not only strongly influences workers'' digging performance during nest building, but also determines the suitability of the soil for the rearing of the colony''s symbiotic fungus. In this study, we investigated the effects of varying soil moisture on behaviours associated with underground nest building in A. vollenweideri. This was done in a series of laboratory experiments using standardised, plastic clay-water mixtures with gravimetric water contents ranging from relatively brittle material to mixtures close to the liquid limit. Our experiments showed that preference and group-level digging rate increased with increasing water content, but then dropped considerably for extremely moist materials. The production of vibrational recruitment signals during digging showed, on the contrary, a slightly negative linear correlation with soil moisture. Workers formed and carried clay pellets at higher rates in moist clay, even at the highest water content tested. Hence, their weak preference and low group-level excavation rate observed for that mixture cannot be explained by any inability to work with the material. More likely, extremely high moistures may indicate locations unsuitable for nest building. To test this hypothesis, we simulated a situation in which workers excavated an upward tunnel below accumulated surface water. The ants stopped digging about 12 mm below the interface soil/water, a behaviour representing a possible adaptation to the threat of water inflow field colonies are exposed to while digging under seasonally flooded soils. Possible roles of soil water in the temporal and spatial pattern of nest growth are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Organisms face the difficult task of selecting an optimal new nest from the available options during relocation. Studies on honeybees and ants in their natural habitat indicate that scouts encounter multiple options that vary in their physical and biotic characteristics. 2. Architectural features, location, odour, and the presence of nest mates impact their choice of nest site selection. In order to examine the influence of diverse parameters on final nest site selection we conducted choice experiments on ants in the context of relocation. 3. After controlling for any influence by physical characteristics, we found that the presence of brood, adults, and colony odour acted as attractants with more colonies relocating into these new nests than expected by chance alone. In contrast, the presence of a reproductive female, or familiarity of location had no influence on the choice. New nests containing dead ants evoked cleaning responses from scouts, which may interfere with relocation into these nests. 4. Even although colonies consist of hundreds of adults and brood, colony integrity was maintained in 98.7% of colonies. Furthermore, we found that none of the eight studied colonies relocated when faced with minor flooding in their natural habitat, indicating that the cost of relocation is non‐trivial and that this species is capable of minor damage repairs. 5. These observations highlight the complexity of relocation in general, allow the characterisation of desirable nest attributes in this species, and highlight the need for similar exploration in other social insects.  相似文献   

Nest foundation in the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens is claustral, and the single queen completely relies on its body reserves throughout, approximately, 9 weeks until the first workers emerge and initiate foraging. Nest digging is much time- and energy-consuming, and it is an open question how queens decide on the length of the tunnel they dig and therefore the depth of the initial chamber. Shallow founding nests may be energetically cheaper to dig, but queens may be more exposed to changing environmental variables. Deeper nests, on the other hand, may be climatically more stable and suitable, but more expensive to dig. We hypothesized that the maximal nest depth excavated by Atta founding queens may represent the outcome of an evolutionary trade-off between maximizing nest depth and minimizing energy expenditure during digging, so as to save energy for the long claustral phase. We tested this hypothesis by comparing the fitness consequences of increased digging effort in queens that were experimentally stimulated to excavate a complete founding nest either once, twice or three times consecutively compared to control queens that did not dig. Fitness was quantified as mortality rates, rates of egg-laying and offspring production, and size of the fungus garden until the emergence of the first workers. Results showed that, in contrast with the initial expectations, fungus growth, egg-laying rates and offspring production were not affected by the increased digging effort in the experimentally induced successive excavations. However, a significant higher mortality was observed in queens with increased digging effort, i.e., those that dug two or three nests consecutively. It is argued that in queens a behavioral mechanism for the control of nest depth has evolutionary been selected for as a trade-off between maximizing nest depth, to favor protection of the queen against unsuitable environmental variables, and minimizing energy expenditure during digging, which significantly affects survival.  相似文献   

Summary The architecture of underground ant nests was studied in the ant Formica pallidefulva. These ants build shallow (30–45 cm deep) nests, which consist of more or less vertical shafts that bear chambers. Shafts are modular units of nest growth; nests are enlarged by adding more shafts or extending previously existing ones. The nests are top-heavy, their volume declining exponentially with depth. The total volume of the nest is strongly correlated with the number of worker occupying the nest (R2 = 0.87). Some of the rules and templates used by workers for nest construction were determined: (a) chambers are formed in the direction of the tunnels leading up to them, (b) the amount of soil excavated per unit time increases with soil temperature and moisture content. The amount of time and energy required to construct a typical nest were approximated using digging ability parameters determined in the lab. We estimate that if a colony was to move twice a year, it would expend around 20% of its energy intake and at least 6% of its worker time on nest excavation.Received 16 December 2002; revised 10 July 2003; accepted 23 July 2003.  相似文献   

Colony relocation is an important aspect in the lives of social insects. In ants, the process of relocation is further complicated as brood, in addition to adults, have to be transported to the new nest. Here, we have investigated brood transport in the Indian ponerine ant Diacamma indicum, which uses tandem running—a primitive mode of recruitment—for the entire colony to relocate. We have found that there were no brood transport specialists and most of the brood was transported in the mandibles of followers that were being tandem run. Therefore, in a single tandem run, one adult and one brood item was effectively transported by tandem leaders augmenting the relocation process.  相似文献   

1. The vertical distribution in the nest of chambers, workers, callow workers, brood and seeds was studied in the harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex badius, in northern Florida. On each of four sample dates (May, July, October, January), six to seven colonies, chosen to represent the full range of sizes, were excavated. All chamber contents were collected and counted. Chambers were mapped and measured. In a preliminary study, two nests were excavated after preventing vertical migration by driving barriers into the wall of a pit next to the nest, severing the vertical tunnels. The vertical distribution of these barrier-nests differed little from unrestrained nests, indicating that unrestrained excavation produced a reasonable picture of vertical distributions. 2. Nest depth, chamber number and total area increased with colony size. Chamber area declined sharply with depth, as did chamber number, such that more than half of the total area was found in the upper quarter of the nest. 3. The proportion of dark-coloured (older) workers also declined strongly with depth, but this decline was weaker in the spring, and depended to a modest degree on colony size. Conversely, in the distribution of callow (young) workers, the proportion increased towards the bottom of the nest. Mean worker age was inversely related to the depth at which workers were found. The proportion of the brood also increased towards the bottom of the nest, with worker brood, sexual brood, pupae and larvae all being distributed similarly. 4. By contrast, seeds were stored at a preferred absolute depth between 40 and 100 cm. Colonies shallower than 100 cm stored seeds in their deepest chambers. Larger colonies stored most seeds in the upper third of the nest, but patterns were somewhat erratic because chambers were either filled completely with seeds or were empty. 5. Because chamber area decreased sharply with depth, the densities (individuals cm–2) of all colony members, including dark workers, were lowest near the surface and highest in the deepest parts of the nest. Here, worker densities ranged from 2 to 8 cm–2, and brood from 2 to 25 cm–2. 6. The regularity of the patterns of distribution suggests that harvester ant colonies have considerable spatial and temporal structure, which serves or is the outcome of important colony processes. A simple mechanism that could generate several of these patterns is discussed. New workers produced deep in the nest move upwards as they age. As they leave the brood zone they change from brood care to general nest duties, including increased nest excavation, leading to the top-heavy pattern of nest area. As they appear at the surface, they change to guarding and foraging. Thus, age polyethism may be partly the result of this upward migration of workers.  相似文献   

Colonies of the Florida harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex badius, excavate species-typical subterranean nests up the 3 m deep with characteristic vertical distribution of chamber area/shape, spacing between levels and vertical arrangement of the ants by age and brood stage. Colonies excavate and occupy a new nest about once a year, and doing so requires that they have information about the depth below ground. Careful excavation and mapping of vacated and new nests revealed that there was no significant difference between the old and new nests in any measure of nest size, shape or arrangement. Colonies essentially built a replicate of the just-vacated nest (although details differed), and they did so in less than a week. The reason for nest relocation is not apparent. Tschinkel noted that the vertical distribution of chamber area, worker age and brood type was strongly correlated to the soil carbon dioxide gradient, and proposed that this gradient serves as a template for nest excavation and vertical distribution. To test this hypothesis, the carbon dioxide gradient of colonies that were just beginning to excavate a new nest was eliminated by boring 6 vent holes around the forming nest, allowing the soil CO2 to diffuse into the atmosphere and eliminating the gradient. Sadly, neither the nest architecture nor the vertical ant distribution of vented nests differed from either unvented control or from their own vacated nest. In a stronger test, workers excavated a new nest under a reversed carbon dioxide gradient (high concentration near the surface, low below). Even under these conditions, the new and old nests did not differ significantly, showing that the soil carbon dioxide gradient does not serve as a template for nest construction or vertical worker distribution. The possible importance of soil CO2 gradients for soil-dwelling animals is discussed.  相似文献   

The larvae of leaf-cutting ants are maintained within the fungus gardens of their colonies and are fed pieces of fungus by the adult workers. However, little else is known about the nature of the worker-larva interaction in these ecologically important ants. To examine whether workers can gauge the needs of individual larvae, we isolated larvae without adult workers for different lengths of time. We then placed workers with the larvae and recorded the type and frequency of the subsequent behaviours of the workers. Workers scraped the mouthparts of larvae, ingested their faecal fluid, fed them with fungal hyphae, transported them around the fungus garden and, most frequently, licked their bodies. The workers were also observed to ‘plant’ fungal hyphae on the bodies of larvae. Workers interacted more frequently with larvae that had been isolated without workers than with those that had not, but there was no effect of the length of isolation. The results suggest that the interactions are complex, involving a number of behaviours that probably serve different functions, and that workers are to some extent able to assess the individual needs of larvae. Received 8 November 2004; revised 31 March 2005; accepted 22 April 2005.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Substrate distribution was studied in three adult colonies of the leaf-cutting ant Atta bisphaerica Forel, 1908 using dye. Some supply holes were mapped using baits made from small plastic straws impregnated with citric pulp. Two holes, equidistant from one another, were then selected in each nest. The colonies were excavated completely 24 h after bait placement. During excavation, fungus chambers were checked for dye. We observed that the dyed baits were distributed in all sectors and at all depths regardless of where the baits had been placed. This supported the hypothesis that toxic baits placed in a single supply hole are uniformly distributed throughout the colony.  相似文献   

During their approximately annual nest relocations, Florida harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex badius) excavate large and architecturally-distinct subterranean nests. Aspects of this process were studied by planting a harvester ant colony in the field in a soil column composed of layers of 12 different colors of sand. Quantifying the colors of excavated sand dumped on the surface by the ants revealed the progress of nest deepening to 2 m and enlargement to 8 L in volume. Most of the excavation was completed within about 2 weeks, but the nest was doubled in volume after a winter lull. After 7 months, we excavated the nest and mapped its structure, revealing colored sand deposited in non-host colored layers, especially in the upper 30 to 40 cm of the nest. In all, about 2.5% of the excavated sediment was deposited below ground, a fact of importance to sediment dating by optically-stimulated luminescence (OSL). Upward transport of excavated sand is carried out in stages, probably by different groups of ants, through deposition, re-transport, incorporation into the nest walls and floors and remobilization from these. This results in considerable mixing of sand from different depths, as indicated in the multiple sand colors even within single sand pellets brought to the surface. Just as sand is transported upward by stages, incoming seeds are transported downward to seed chambers. Foragers collect seeds and deposit them only in the topmost nest chambers from which a separate group of workers rapidly transports them downward in increments detectable as a "wave" of seeds that eventually ends in the seed chambers, 20 to 80 cm below the surface. The upward and downward transport is an example of task-partitioning in a series-parallel organization of work carried out by a highly redundant work force in which each worker usually completes only part of a multi-step process.  相似文献   

We examined if workers of the ant species Myrmica ruginodis would be able to localize a food source on the basis of its previous locations. To this end we progressively relocated food to predefined positions, both linearly, i.e., farther or nearer the nest entrance, and circularly, i.e., to the left or to the right of the nest entrance. After removal of food from one site and prior to the subsequent relocalization of the food to the next site, we counted the number of ants present at the different possible food locations. We found that the ants initially came to the site from where the food had just been removed, but following two or three relocations of food, they foraged around the following, expected food location in statistically significant numbers. The workers thus appeared to be able to spatially anticipate where food would be on the basis of its previous localizations. Such ability—hitherto unreported in ants—requires a knowledge of the environment around the nest, a long-term visual memory, memorization of the location of some food locations, knowledge of the pattern of food supply, some degree of providence, presentation of some anticipative behavior, and estimation of their orientation of movement and distances walked. These seven capabilities have been separately observed in previous studies on Myrmica species. Here, we report that the ant M. ruginodis also has the ability to learn a relation between previous food sites and a next one.  相似文献   

Animals are often forced to accommodate disturbance to their territories or nests. When nest relocation becomes necessary, it is important to efficiently evaluate alternative nest sites to choose the one most suitable under current conditions. However, if time is limiting, species may experience a speed-versus-accuracy trade-off when searching for a new home. We examined nest site selection under duress (in the form of flooding) in two species of ants: Linepithema humile and Tapinoma sessile. We predicted that if ants are able to assess and evacuate to the most suitable location, colonies should move to higher elevation, relative to their current nest site, in response to flooding. To test for a speed-versus-accuracy trade-off, we presented colonies with new nest chambers that were either higher, lower, or at the same height as their current nest and examined if their ability to efficiently choose a new site was influenced by the rate of flooding. When flooding rates were slow, both species favored the highest nest site and nearly always moved their entire nest to the same chamber. However, when the rate of flooding was doubled, colonies of T. sessile less often chose the highest nest site and were also more likely to split their nests between two of the available chambers. These results demonstrate a trade-off between speed and accuracy in nest site selection for odorous house ants, while L. humile retained their ability to adequately assess new nest sites under the conditions we presented. These patterns may arise from differences in exploratory behavior and activity between the two species. Despite having identical colony sizes, L. humile had approximately ten times more workers exploring the alternate nest sites 30 min into the experiment than did T. sessile.  相似文献   

During colony relocation, the selection of a new nest involves exploration and assessment of potential sites followed by colony movement on the basis of a collective decision making process. Hygiene and pathogen load of the potential nest sites are factors worker scouts might evaluate, given the high risk of epidemics in group-living animals. Choosing nest sites free of pathogens is hypothesized to be highly efficient in invasive ants as each of their introduced populations is often an open network of nests exchanging individuals (unicolonial) with frequent relocation into new nest sites and low genetic diversity, likely making these species particularly vulnerable to parasites and diseases. We investigated the nest site preference of the invasive pharaoh ant, Monomorium pharaonis, through binary choice tests between three nest types: nests containing dead nestmates overgrown with sporulating mycelium of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium brunneum (infected nests), nests containing nestmates killed by freezing (uninfected nests), and empty nests. In contrast to the expectation pharaoh ant colonies preferentially (84%) moved into the infected nest when presented with the choice of an infected and an uninfected nest. The ants had an intermediate preference for empty nests. Pharaoh ants display an overall preference for infected nests during colony relocation. While we cannot rule out that the ants are actually manipulated by the pathogen, we propose that this preference might be an adaptive strategy by the host to “immunize” the colony against future exposure to the same pathogenic fungus.  相似文献   

Summary: Nest relocation in ants may be an attempt to escape areas of high competition. Encounters between colonies have been suggested to be the proximate cause of nest relocation. I examined the relation between nest relocation and encounters in a population of the seed-harvesting ant Messor andrei, a native of the western United States. Over 80% of colonies relocated their nest site during a year. Colonies moved up to ten times in a year, and new nest-sites were more distant from their nearest neighbour. However, encounters did not precipitate nest relocation. Relocation was not more likely to occur directly after an encounter, and colonies that moved did not experience more encounters than other colonies. Other possible cues for nest relocation, including predation, disease, microclimatic effects, and local resource depletion, are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The mutualistic fungus of leaf-cutting ants produces both ordinary hyphae and specialized ant rewards: the staphylae. Workers of Atta sexdens (L.) lived longer on diets which included nutritive staphylae than on those which provided only hyphae. However, hyphae were a better diet than sucrose solution or water alone. Small workers lived longer than large workers when receiving fungus garden, whether or not staphylae were available, probably because they are specialized to care for the garden and can exploit it. Large workers lived longer than small ones when only water was available. This may be a consequence of scale, larger workers containing proportionately more nutritional reserves in their bodies.
When starved workers were exposed to fungus for 3h, they gained weight. This weight gain represented the amount of food ingested during the test period. Workers gained 7.3 times more weight on natural fungus garden bearing staphylae than on garden with only hyphae. They gained only 1.5 times as much weight when the fungus was artificially cultured on agar. The results suggested that workers found hyphae attractive, but difficult to obtain in natural fungus gardens.
Material from hyphae and staphylae stained with a fluorescent dye was detected in worker crop contents using fluorescence microscopy. The crop contents of workers fed on staphylae fluoresced 1.14 times more than those of workers fed on hyphae.
Hyphae may provide a small source of food for workers, and the fungus as a whole may provide up to 9.0% of the respiratory energy requirements of workers, the remainder presumably being provided by plant sap.  相似文献   

Grass-cutting ants (Atta vollenweideri) carry leaf fragments several times heavier and longer than the workers themselves over considerable distances back to their nest. Workers transport fragments in an upright, slightly backwards-tilted position. To investigate how they maintain stability and control the carried fragment’s position, we measured head and fragment positions from video recordings. Load-transporting ants often fell over, demonstrating the biomechanical difficulty of this behavior. Long fragments were carried at a significantly steeper angle than short fragments of the same mass. Workers did not hold fragments differently between the mandibles, but performed controlled up and down head movements at the neck joint. By attaching additional mass at the fragment’s tip to load-carrying ants, we demonstrated that they are able to adjust the fragment angle. When we forced ants to transport loads across inclines, workers walking uphill carried fragments at a significantly steeper angle, and downhill at a shallower angle than ants walking horizontally. However, we observed similar head movements in unladen workers, indicating a generalized reaction to slopes that may have other functions in addition to maintaining stability. Our results underline the importance of proximate, biomechanical factors for the understanding of the foraging process in leaf-cutting ants.  相似文献   

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