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This study measured changes in switches of attention between 1 and 9 months of age in 67 typically developing infants. Remote eye-tracking (Tobii X120) was used to measure saccadic latencies, related to switches of fixation, as a measure of shifts of attention, from a central stimulus to a peripheral visual target, measured in the Fixation Shift Paradigm. Fixation shifts occur later if the central fixation stimulus stays visible when the peripheral target appears (competition condition), than if the central stimulus disappears as the peripheral target appears (non-competition condition). This difference decreases with age. Our results show significantly faster disengagement in infants over 4 months than in the younger group, and provide more precise measures of fixation shifts, than behavioural observation with the same paradigm. Reduced saccadic latencies in the course of a test session indicate a novel learning effect. The Fixation Shift Paradigm combined with remote eye-tracking measures showed improved temporal and spatial accuracy compared to direct observation by a trained observer, and allowed an increased number of trials in a short testing time. This makes it an infant-friendly non-invasive procedure, involving minimal observational training, suitable for use in future studies of clinical populations to detect early attentional abnormalities in the first few months of life.  相似文献   

In this article results of several published studies are synthesized in order to address the neural system for the determination of eye and head movement amplitudes of horizontal eye/head gaze shifts with arbitrary initial head and eye positions. Target position, initial head position, and initial eye position span the space of physical parameters for a planned eye/head gaze saccade. The principal result is that a functional mechanism for determining the amplitudes of the component eye and head movements must use the entire space of variables. Moreover, it is shown that amplitudes cannot be determined additively by summing contributions from single variables. Many earlier models calculate amplitudes as a function of one or two variables and/or restrict consideration to best-fit linear formulae. Our analysis systematically eliminates such models as candidates for a system that can generate appropriate movements for all possible initial conditions. The results of this study are stated in terms of properties of the response system. Certain axiom sets for the intrinsic organization of the response system obey these properties. We briefly provide one example of such an axiomatic model. The results presented in this article help to characterize the actual neural system for the control of rapid eye/head gaze shifts by showing that, in order to account for behavioral data, certain physical quantities must be represented in and used by the neural system. Our theoretical analysis generates predictions and identifies gaps in the data. We suggest needed experiments.  相似文献   



To systematically examine infant size and growth, according to the 2006 WHO infant growth standards, as risk factors for overweight status in young adulthood in a historical cohort. Specifically, to assess: Whether accounting for length (weight-for-length) provides a different picture of risk than weight-for-age, intervals of rapid growth in both weight-for-age and weight-for-length metrics, and what particular target ages for infant size and intervals of rapid growth associate most strongly with overweight as a young adult.


Data analysis of 422 appropriate for gestational age white singleton infants enrolled in the Fels Longitudinal Study. Odds ratios (OR) for overweight and obesity in young adulthood (age 20–29) were calculated using logistic regression models for the metrics at each target age (0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24 months) comparing ≥85th v. <85th percentile, as well as rapid growth (Δ≥0.67 Z-score) through target age intervals. Models accounted for both maternal and paternal BMI.


Infants ≥85th percentile of weight-for-age at each target age (except 3 months) had a greater odds of being overweight as a young adult. After accounting for length (weight-for-length) this association was limited to 12, and 18 months. Rapid weight-for-age growth was infrequently associated with overweight as a young adult. Rapid weight-for-length growth from 0 to 24 months, 1 to 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 months and from 3 to 9, 12, 18, and 24 months was strongly associated with overweight status as a young adult.


The WHO weight-for-length metric associates differently with risk of being overweight as a young adult compared to weight-for-age. Intervals of rapid weight-for-length growth ranging from months (0–24), (1–12, 18, and 24) and (3–9, and 12) displayed the largest OR for being overweight as a young adult.  相似文献   

The patterns of visual attention allocation were investigated in healthy subjects (n = 43) and patients with focal brain lesions (n = 17) using the original method developed for eye tracking in patients while memorizing a series of stimulatory image triplets. Two processes were estimated: delayed reproduction and recognition of stimuli in a series of consecutive visually similar distractors. In healthy subjects both processes correlated to a great extent (r = 0.6; p = 0.00001). The most significant disorders of voluntary verbal reproduction were observed when the left hemisphere of the brain was affected. The overall effectiveness of recognition in the case of brain damage decreased without significant dependence on the lateralization of the focus. Some correlation was observed between realized and remembered information and the patterns of visual fixations (concentrated on the semantic parts of the image or chaotically distributed in the space of stimulus exposure). Ineffective patterns of visual fixation in patients were more often observed in the area contralateral to the lesion. These contralateral stimuli were reproduced and recognized less efficiently in comparison with the central and ipsilateral images. Complete ignoring of the contralateral image in the triplet was observed both in the absence of visual fixation and in combination with the diffuse pattern.  相似文献   

The gaze behaviour of riders during their approach to a jump was investigated using a mobile eye tracking device (ASL Mobile Eye). The timing, frequency and duration of fixations on the jump and the percentage of time when their point of gaze (POG) was located elsewhere were assessed. Fixations were identified when the POG remained on the jump for 100 ms or longer. The jumping skill of experienced but non-elite riders (n = 10) was assessed by means of a questionnaire. Their gaze behaviour was recorded as they completed a course of three identical jumps five times. The speed and timing of the approach was calculated. Gaze behaviour throughout the overall approach and during the last five strides before take-off was assessed following frame-by-frame analyses. Differences in relation to both round and jump number were found. Significantly longer was spent fixated on the jump during round 2, both during the overall approach and during the last five strides (p<0.05). Jump 1 was fixated on significantly earlier and more frequently than jump 2 or 3 (p<0.05). Significantly more errors were made with jump 3 than with jump 1 (p = 0.01) but there was no difference in errors made between rounds. Although no significant correlations between gaze behaviour and skill scores were found, the riders who scored higher for jumping skill tended to fixate on the jump earlier (p = 0.07), when the horse was further from the jump (p = 0.09) and their first fixation on the jump was of a longer duration (p = 0.06). Trials with elite riders are now needed to further identify sport-specific visual skills and their relationship with performance. Visual training should be included in preparation for equestrian sports participation, the positive impact of which has been clearly demonstrated in other sports.  相似文献   


Eye tracking (ET) experiments commonly record the continuous trajectory of a subject’s gaze on a two-dimensional screen throughout repeated presentations of stimuli (referred to as trials). Even though the continuous path of gaze is recorded during each trial, commonly derived outcomes for analysis collapse the data into simple summaries, such as looking times in regions of interest, latency to looking at stimuli, number of stimuli viewed, number of fixations, or fixation length. In order to retain information in trial time, we utilize functional data analysis (FDA) for the first time in literature in the analysis of ET data. More specifically, novel functional outcomes for ET data, referred to as viewing profiles, are introduced that capture the common gazing trends across trial time which are lost in traditional data summaries. Mean and variation of the proposed functional outcomes across subjects are then modeled using functional principal component analysis. Applications to data from a visual exploration paradigm conducted by the Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials showcase the novel insights gained from the proposed FDA approach, including significant group differences between children diagnosed with autism and their typically developing peers in their consistency of looking at faces early on in trial time.


Long-term data are often lacking to effectively assess patterns of lake acidification and recovery. Fortunately, paleolimnological techniques can be used to infer past changes in lakewater acidity and related variables by means of biological indicators, such as diatom valves and chrysophyte scales, preserved in 210Pb-dated sediment cores. We summarize paleolimnological data that we have gathered from 36 Sudbury (Ontario) and 20 Adirondack Park (New York) lakes to estimate the magnitude of lake acidification and any subsequent recovery in these lake systems. In both regions, many lakes were shown to have acidified considerably, some over two pH units, since the 1850s. Although some recovery was noted in both lake regions, Sudbury lakes generally showed larger increases in inferred lakewater pH with recent declines in sulfur emissions. Possible explanations of these differences include the greater decrease in sulfate deposition in the Sudbury area, as well as generally longer residence times of lakes in Sudbury, perhaps allowing for more in-lake alkalinity generation. In addition, Sudbury lakes generally had higher pre-industrial pH levels, suggesting that lakes with higher natural buffering capacities are more likely to recover more quickly with declines in deposition, even if they had been acidified to a great extent.  相似文献   

A dynamic single-equation model for plant interaction is comparedwith the competition mechanism implicit in larger simulationmodels. When light is the limiting factor, both mechanisms canbe written in the same mathematical form containing a ‘drivingforce’ and a restriction factor. In the single-equationmodel the driving force is derived directly from the RGR ofa competition-free plant. In more comprehensive models, detailedinformation on the growth of plant organs has to be generatedby submodels. When factors other than light are limiting growth, the representationof competition in crop simulation models is complex; the single-equationmodel has the same form irrespective of which factor is limitinggrowth. It is argued that simple dynamic models should be developedfor complex processes. Plant competition, dynamic model  相似文献   

Physicians considering stereotactic ablative body radiation therapy (SBRT) for the treatment of extracranial cancer targets must be aware of the sizeable risks for normal tissue injury and the hazards of physical tumor miss. A first-of-its-kind SBRT platform achieves high-precision ablative radiation treatment through a combination of versatile real-time imaging solutions and sophisticated tumor tracking capabilities. It uses dual-diagnostic kV x-ray units for stereoscopic open-loop feedback of cancer target intrafraction movement occurring as a consequence of respiratory motions and heartbeat. Image-guided feedback drives a gimbaled radiation accelerator (maximum 15 x 15 cm field size) capable of real-time ±4 cm pan-and-tilt action. Robot-driven ±60° pivots of an integrated ±185° rotational gantry allow for coplanar and non-coplanar accelerator beam set-up angles, ultimately permitting unique treatment degrees of freedom. State-of-the-art software aids real-time six dimensional positioning, ensuring irradiation of cancer targets with sub-millimeter accuracy (0.4 mm at isocenter). Use of these features enables treating physicians to steer radiation dose to cancer tumor targets while simultaneously reducing radiation dose to normal tissues. By adding respiration correlated computed tomography (CT) and 2-[18F] fluoro-2-deoxy-ᴅ-glucose (18F-FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) images into the planning system for enhanced tumor target contouring, the likelihood of physical tumor miss becomes substantially less1. In this article, we describe new radiation plans for the treatment of moving lung tumors.  相似文献   

Among a crowd of distractor faces, threatening or angry target faces are identified more quickly and accurately than are nonthreatening or happy target faces, a finding known as the “face in the crowd effect.” Two perceptual explanations of the effect have been proposed: (1) the “target orienting” hypothesis (i.e., threatening targets orient attention more quickly than do nonthreatening targets and (2) the “distractor processing” hypothesis (i.e., nonthreatening distractors paired with a threatening target are processed more efficiently than vice versa, leading to quicker detection of threatening targets). Using a task, with real faces and multiple identities, the current study replicated the face in the crowd effect and then, via eye tracking, found greater support for the target orienting hypothesis. Across both the classical search asymmetry paradigm (i.e., one happy target in a crowd of angry distractors vs. one angry target in a crowd of happy distractors) and the constant distractor paradigm (i.e., one happy target in a crowd of neutral distractors vs. one angry target in a crowd of neutral distractors), fewer distractors were fixated before first fixating angry targets relative to happy targets, with no difference in the processing efficiency of distractors. These results suggest that the face in the crowd effect on this task is supported to a greater degree by attentional patterns associated with properties of target rather those of the crowd.  相似文献   

Since the late seventies the Sukuma ofnorthwest Tanzania have observed an increase inwitchcraft practice as well as an extension ofthe list of potential witches. Theyparticularly blame the Ujamaa resettlementprogram of the Tanzanian government, whichimposed mono-centric village structures uponthe agro-pastoral farmers. Suddenly gone werethe distances that used to be crossedsystematically as a token of solidarity betweenhomesteads. The national policy caused thebewitching curse called ``gaze' to intensify,while it deprived neighbors of their mainanti-dote to witchcraft suspicions. Thatanti-dote generally refers to an exchange ofgifts that disarms the reproaching gaze. Forlack of a better term I will call its effectexo-delic: the bewitched must transcendthe surrounding world, which has become toointrusive to manifest itself as an outside; heor she must make that world appropriable again,for example by appreciating its `exotic' side.Inflatory discourse on the occult manages to doso, in Sukumaland and far beyond. Collectivedrinking is equally effective in remedyingfeelings of bewitchment. Those remedies appearto draw their meaning from the one figure thatis anti-thetical to the witch: the dancer, whodefies the collective gaze. So I could observeon my journey to the invisible village ofGamboshi.  相似文献   

From March 1997 to February 1998, I investigated the activity patterns of 2 groups and the ranging patterns of 5 groups of eastern black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza), aka guerezas, in the Kakamega Forest, Kenya. Guerezas at Kakamega spent more of their time resting than any other population of colobine monkeys studied to date. In addition, I recorded not one instance of intragroup aggression in 16,710 activity scan samples, providing preliminary evidence that intragroup contest competition may be rare or absent among guerezas at Kakamega. Mean daily path lengths ranged from 450 to 734 m, and home range area ranged from 12 to 20 ha, though home range area may have been underestimated for several of the study groups. Home range overlap was extensive with 49–83% of each group's range overlapped by the ranges of other groups. Despite the high level of home range overlap, the frequently entered areas (quadrats entered on 30% of a group's total study days) of any one group were not frequently entered by any other study group. Mean daily path length is not significantly correlated with levels of availability or consumption of any plant part item. Mean daily path length is also not significantly correlated with group size, though the largest group did have the longest mean daily path length. This finding suggests that intragroup scramble competition may have been rare or absent among guerezas at Kakamega except perhaps in the largest group, which was unusually large.  相似文献   

Cellular memory, which allows cells to retain information from their environment, is important for a variety of cellular functions, such as adaptation to external stimuli, cell differentiation, and synaptic plasticity. Although posttranslational modifications have received much attention as a source of cellular memory, the mechanisms directing such alterations have not been fully uncovered. It may be possible to embed memory in multiple stable states in dynamical systems governing modifications. However, several experiments on modifications of proteins suggest long-term relaxation depending on experienced external conditions, without explicit switches over multi-stable states. As an alternative to a multistability memory scheme, we propose “kinetic memory” for epigenetic cellular memory, in which memory is stored as a slow-relaxation process far from a stable fixed state. Information from previous environmental exposure is retained as the long-term maintenance of a cellular state, rather than switches over fixed states. To demonstrate this kinetic memory, we study several models in which multimeric proteins undergo catalytic modifications (e.g., phosphorylation and methylation), and find that a slow relaxation process of the modification state, logarithmic in time, appears when the concentration of a catalyst (enzyme) involved in the modification reactions is lower than that of the substrates. Sharp transitions from a normal fast-relaxation phase into this slow-relaxation phase are revealed, and explained by enzyme-limited competition among modification reactions. The slow-relaxation process is confirmed by simulations of several models of catalytic reactions of protein modifications, and it enables the memorization of external stimuli, as its time course depends crucially on the history of the stimuli. This kinetic memory provides novel insight into a broad class of cellular memory and functions. In particular, applications for long-term potentiation are discussed, including dynamic modifications of calcium-calmodulin kinase II and cAMP-response element-binding protein essential for synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   



Insects have been among the most widely used model systems for studying the control of locomotion by nervous systems. In Drosophila, we implemented a simple test for locomotion: in Buridan''s paradigm, flies walk back and forth between two inaccessible visual targets [1]. Until today, the lack of easily accessible tools for tracking the fly position and analyzing its trajectory has probably contributed to the slow acceptance of Buridan''s paradigm.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We present here a package of open source software designed to track a single animal walking in a homogenous environment (Buritrack) and to analyze its trajectory. The Centroid Trajectory Analysis (CeTrAn) software is coded in the open source statistics project R. It extracts eleven metrics and includes correlation analyses and a Principal Components Analysis (PCA). It was designed to be easily customized to personal requirements. In combination with inexpensive hardware, these tools can readily be used for teaching and research purposes. We demonstrate the capabilities of our package by measuring the locomotor behavior of adult Drosophila melanogaster (whose wings were clipped), either in the presence or in the absence of visual targets, and comparing the latter to different computer-generated data. The analysis of the trajectories confirms that flies are centrophobic and shows that inaccessible visual targets can alter the orientation of the flies without changing their overall patterns of activity.


Using computer generated data, the analysis software was tested, and chance values for some metrics (as well as chance value for their correlation) were set. Our results prompt the hypothesis that fixation behavior is observed only if negative phototaxis can overcome the propensity of the flies to avoid the center of the platform. Together with our companion paper, we provide new tools to promote Open Science as well as the collection and analysis of digital behavioral data.  相似文献   

Fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) is still an intractable disease associated with serious metabolic disorder. Investigating the dynamic changes of serum metabolites during the development of FHF would facilitate revealing the pathogenesis and also promote its treatment. Therefore, this study characterized the dynamic metabonome of serum from FHF Pigs using ultra performance liquid chromatography?Cmass spectrometry. Based on multiple statistical analysis of the resulting dataset, three types of up-regulated and one type of down-regulated patterns were delineated. Each pattern demonstrated distinct trends at different stages during the whole process of FHF, implying the differential clinical significance of them. Specifically, aromatic amino acids (Pattern 1) and lysophosphatidylcholines (LPCs) (Pattern 4) might be good markers for evaluating the severity of FHF, while some conjugated bile acids, long chain acylcarnitines (Pattern 2) and Glycocholic acid (Pattern 3) could indicate liver injury in the early stage. Inspired from the PCA plot that the pathogenetic condition of FHF aggravated with sampling time, a linear discriminant analysis (LDA) model based on phenylalanine and LPC 18:1 were further constructed for evaluating the severity of FHF. The leave-one-out cross-validation accuracy of 91.67% for the training set and the prediction accuracy of 92.31% for the external validation set confirmed its excellent performance. In conclusion, findings obtained from the present study, including four types of Dynamic Patterns of serum metabolites during FHF development and an LDA model for evaluating the severity of FHF, will be of great help to the research and management of FHF in the future.  相似文献   

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