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廖文波  吴庆贵  胡锦矗  刘涛  吴红  林玲 《四川动物》2005,24(4):478-480,477
2003年9月~2004年8月对南充城区的鼠形小兽群落进行研究,应用聚类分析将其划分为3种群落:C1以微尾鼩(Anourosorex squamipes)+褐家鼠(Rattus norvegicus)为主的居民区附近的垃圾地带鼠形小兽群落;C2以微尾鼩+大足鼠(Rattus nitidus)为主的河谷-风景区鼠形小兽群落;C3以微尾鼩+褐家鼠+黑线姬鼠(Apodernus agrarius)为主的校园鼠形小兽群落.其群落多样性指数和均匀性指数均以C3最高,C2次之,C1最低,导致其原因可能与生境和食物丰富度有关.  相似文献   

小种群的遗传变异和近交衰退   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
小种群一般拥有较小的遗传变异.当前人为干扰和破坏造成了生物种群个体数量减少,导致种群遗传多样性丧失,引起近交衰退,影响到种群后代适应性.产生近交衰退的原因是近交增加了有害等位基因纯合几率,导致个体适应能力下降.近交衰退受交配系统、世系效应、环境胁迫等的影响.在物种保护和恢复过程中,要防止近交衰退.  相似文献   

Due to frequent fire, low nutrient availability, and prolonged drought, tropical savanna is a stressful environment for the survival and growth of woody plant seedlings. To understand why forest species do not succeed in this environment while savanna species are able to persist, the effects of fire and woody cover on seedlings of these two functional groups were investigated in the Brazilian Cerrado. Seedlings were established in experimental plots under three densities of woody cover, in sites protected from fire and sites to be subjected to fire. There was a clear difference in the ability of savanna and forest species to survive fire. None of the three forest species were able to survive fire during the first two years of life, whereas eight of the nine savanna species were able to resprout following fire. The small seed size of the ninth savanna species, Miconia albicans, predisposed its seedlings to be sensitive to fire, because there was a strong positive correlation between seed size and survivorship. Savanna species were less dependent on woody cover than were forest species, which exhibited higher growth and survival under tree canopies than in open grassland. The low rates of establishment and survival of forest trees in savanna, combined with high sensitivity to fire, appear sufficient to prevent the expansion of forest into savanna under current fire regimes in the Cerrado.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the termites of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, one of the most threatened biodiversity hotspots in the world, in regularly spaced sites from 7° S to 27° S latitude. To our knowledge, this is the only report of a latitudinal survey of termites at species level performed with a standardized sampling protocol. We evaluate termite diversity and abundance, and describe patterns of species composition based on feeding groups along the latitudinal gradient. We also describe the relative contribution of environmental variables to explain diversity patterns. Termite assemblages were investigated by standardized surveys at 15 Atlantic Forest sites, on six transects divided into five sections of 10 m², with 30 sections per site (or 300 m²/site), which were investigated by one trained person for one hour. Observed species richness and abundance were negatively correlated with latitude. The influence of latitude was explained mainly by variables related to temperature, precipitation and ambient energy (potential evapotranspiration). Our results also suggest that temperature exerts a greater constraint on Atlantic Forest termites than productivity, because ambient productivity increases with latitude in this forest but termite diversity decreases. Termite species richness in the Atlantic Forest showed a different pattern than those described for other organisms, increasing in diversity where the coastal‐forest strip narrows. Overall, our results indicate comparatively high termite species richness at northeastern sites and a significant impoverishment of termite assemblages in the southeastern and southern regions of the Atlantic Forest.  相似文献   

Small populations are prone to genetic drift as a consequence of random sampling effects. We investigated whether we could detect such random sampling effects in the English yew (Taxus baccata), a dioecious conifer species occurring in scattered populations in Switzerland. Seven pairs of small and large populations were analyzed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker bands from 20 individuals per population. Several genetic parameters (mean marker band frequency deviation, molecular variance, population differentiation) indicated that small populations experienced genetic drift. These genetic differences between small and large populations of yew were paralleled by an increased sex ratio bias towards a higher number of females in the small populations. Our findings support earlier assumptions that the Swiss occurrences of yew may be described as metapopulation dynamics, characterized by local colonization and extinction events leading to the observed genetic drift.  相似文献   

Acoustic signals are employed to support the correct designation of species and enables the discrimination between individuals. We analyzed both intra and interindividual variability of the advertisement call of Physalaemus centralis on the basis of specimens recorded in eight localities of the Cerrado in central Brazil. Within-individual variation, most of the call parameters were static properties. Both spectral and temporal call properties were dynamic between individuals. All call proprieties varied more between individuals than within an individual. Our study adds important data for future studies on the taxonomy and phylogeny of the P. cuvieri clade.  相似文献   

针对山东省大青山省级自然保护区典型植物群落,设置21个样方,分析主要乔木种群和群落特征.结果表明:1)大青山样方内共发现维管植物111种,其中乔木29种、灌木14种、草本植物68种,群落植物种类少,物种多样性低.2)29种乔木根据径级结构划分为13种扩展种、2种隐退种,5种稳定侵入种、6种随机侵入种和3种随机隐退种.主要乔木种群径级结构型为2种:黑松种群、栓皮栎种群、麻栎种群、小叶朴种群、黄檀种群、君迁子种群和槲树种群为增长型;刺槐种群和赤松种群为稳定型.大青山群落乔木整体上为增长型群落.3)大青山乔木层物种丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Simpson多样性指数从高到低依次为赤松林、黑松林、刺槐林,而Pielou均匀度指数从高到低依次为黑松林、赤松林、刺槐林,显示赤松更适合作为大青山造林树种.  相似文献   

Woody plant encroachment has degraded grassland and savanna ecosystems worldwide by decreasing herbaceous production and diversity, and altering these physiognomies toward woodlands. This study evaluated the long-term efficacy of fire and herbicide restoration strategies used in the southern Great Plains to reduce Honey mesquite ( Prosopis glandulosa ) dominance, restore a grassland/savanna physiognomy, and increase herbaceous production and diversity. Three treatments were evaluated: high-intensity winter fire, aerial spray of clopyralid + triclopyr (C + T), and aerial spray of clopyralid and were compared to untreated mesquite woodland (control). Post-treatment mesquite stand physiognomy was different between fire (low mortality, high basal sprouting), C + T (high mortality, high basal sprouting of surviving plants), and clopyralid (moderate mortality, low basal sprouting of surviving plants) treatments. From 6 to 8 years post-treatment, herbaceous production was increased in C + T and clopyralid treatments but not in the fire treatment. Mesquite regrowth in the fire treatment exerted a competitive influence that limited herbaceous production. Herbaceous functional group diversity was increased in fire and C + T treatments due to a decrease in C3 perennial grass dominance and an increase in C4 perennial grasses and/or C3 forbs. Treatments that maintained mesquite overstory (control and clopyralid) had lower herbaceous diversity due to C3 perennial grass dominance and lower C4 perennial grass cover. The clopyralid treatment demonstrated greatest potential for long-term restoration of southern Great Plains savanna by reducing mesquite canopy cover to historic levels, limiting mesquite basal regrowth and increasing grass production.  相似文献   

Mutations play a key role in the development of disease in an individual and the evolution of traits within species. Recent work in humans and other primates has clarified the origins and patterns of single-nucleotide variants, showing that most arise in the father’s germline during spermatogenesis. It remains unknown whether larger mutations, such as deletions and duplications of hundreds or thousands of nucleotides, follow similar patterns. Such mutations lead to copy-number variation (CNV) within and between species, and can have profound effects by deleting or duplicating genes. Here, we analyze patterns of CNV mutations in 32 rhesus macaque individuals from 14 parent–offspring trios. We find the rate of CNV mutations per generation is low (less than one per genome) and we observe no correlation between parental age and the number of CNVs that are passed on to offspring. We also examine segregating CNVs within the rhesus macaque sample and compare them to a similar data set from humans, finding that both species have far more segregating deletions than duplications. We contrast this with long-term patterns of gene copy-number evolution between 17 mammals, where the proportion of deletions that become fixed along the macaque lineage is much smaller than the proportion of segregating deletions. These results suggest purifying selection acting on deletions, such that the majority of them are removed from the population over time. Rhesus macaques are an important biomedical model organism, so these results will aid in our understanding of this species and the disease models it supports.  相似文献   

濒危植物连香树居群的遗传多样性和遗传分化研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
利用ISSR分子标记技术对濒危植物连香树10个居群的遗传多样性和遗传变异进行了分析,结果表明:连香树物种水平遗传多样性较高,多态位点百分率(PPB)达到69.59%,Nei’s基因多样性指数(H)和Shannon信息指数(I)分别为0.231 3和0.351 4;而在居群水平上,多态位点百分率(PPB)为30.61%,Nei’s基因多样性指数(H)和Shannon信息指数(I)分别为0.115 6和0.173 3。遗传变异分析表明,居群间遗传分化程度高,遗传分化系数(GST)为0.500 3,居群间基因流Nm为0.527 3。Mantel检测,居群间的遗传距离和地理距离之间不存在显著的相关性。生境的片断化使居群间的基因流受阻,可能是导致居群间高遗传分化和居群水平低遗传多样性的主要原因。  相似文献   

Most mistletoe species that live in savanna patches are subjected to frequent fires. Although having similar habits, even congener species may parasitize very different host species and show different degrees of specialization that may differentially affect their resistance to fire. We studied three congener mistletoe species with a diverse degree of specificity to their hosts: Psittacanthus biternatus, Psittacanthus eucalyptifolius and Psittacanthus plagiophyllus, the first being the most generalist species, and the last the most specialist. We investigated their prevalence (proportion of hosts infected) in 35 plots of an Amazonian savanna, with different fire histories. Our aim was to understand if they respond similarly to fire frequency and the abundance of their hosts. Additionally, we experimentally applied fire to individuals of the three species using a portable propane flamethrower to test for the influence of mistletoe species, plant size and quantity of heat pulses (single or double burn) on mistletoe survivorship. Prevalence varied greatly among species: 1.5 percent for P. biternatus, 4.8 percent for P. eucalyptifolius and 20 percent for P. plagiophyllus. Prevalence of P. plagiophyllus was negatively related to fire frequency, while for the other two species it was not. Psittacanthus biternatus had a higher probability of survival compared with the other two species, and larger plants were more likely to survive under single burn treatment and to regenerate through sprouting. Our results suggest that, due to complex interactions between fire, hosts and mistletoes, even sympatric species may respond differently to fire frequency and host abundance. Abstract in Portuguese is available in the online version of this article.  相似文献   

云南及青藏高原存在着丰富的虫生真菌资源。本文选择云南省保山市省级城市森林公园太保山森林公园为研究区域, 对子囊菌门虫生真菌物种多样性及其季节消长动态开展了系统研究。在2016年每月采集土样和罹病昆虫, 分离虫生真菌菌株, 采用多基因(nrSSU, nrLSU, EF-1α, RPB1RPB2)系统发育分析进行物种鉴定, 通过α多样性分析来研究虫生真菌的数量特征和种群消长动态。太保山森林公园子囊菌门虫生真菌全年均有分布, 共获得395个菌株, 包括3科9属24种; 优势属为虫草属(Cordyceps) (6个种199个菌株), 白僵菌属(Beauveria) (5个种80个菌株), 优势种依次为Akanthomyces sp.、Cordyceps tenuipesC. cicadaeC. fumosoroseaBeauveria bassiana。7月菌株检出率最高(85株, 占总数的21.4%), 8月物种丰富度(15种)和多样性指数(2.35)最高。在5个优势种中, 只有Cordyceps cicadae受季节变化影响较大, 集中分布于5-9月, 7月分布最丰富(35株, 占该月菌株总数的41.2%); 其他4个种一年大部分时间(11或12个月)都能检测到。结果表明, 太保山森林公园子囊菌门虫生真菌资源丰富, 多数优势种对季节变化适应能力较强。  相似文献   

Habitat heterogeneity may affect the structure of animal assemblages even within apparently homogenous landscapes. Gallery forests of the Amazonia‐Cerrado ecotone have a small‐scale patchiness that is induced by river system dynamics. Gallery forests that never flood are located in upper areas of watercourse margins, whereas seasonally flooded gallery forests are located at lower ground along those margins. We tested the prediction that the assemblage structure of small non‐volant mammals of these two types of forests is distinct and arises from the ecological heterogeneity induced by seasonal floods. We found that species composition differed between forest types, with arboreal species dominating in the seasonally flooded forests and a more balanced distribution of arboreal and terrestrial species in unflooded forests. We found no differences in species abundance between habitats, but species richness was higher in unflooded forests. We hypothesize that this difference is due to decreased resource availability for strictly terrestrial species in seasonally flooded forests. Relative biomass of seasonally flooded forests was more than twice that of unflooded forests due to the dominance of large‐bodied didelphid species in that assemblage. Our results suggest that the ecological heterogeneity created by seasonal floods is central to maintaining diverse assemblages in this region. The preservation of both unflooded and flooded gallery forests, which are under high human pressure from deforestation, agricultural conversion, and implementation of dams, may be crucial to preserving small mammal diversity at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of the soil seed bank in tropical forest regeneration, little is known about spatial variability in species composition and abundance of seeds stored in the soil. To develop sampling methods for comparative studies, we examined species richness, spatial variation, and abundance of germinants from the soil seed bank in a 16 year old secondary, tropical wet forest at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Surface soil (10 cm deep, 4.7 cm diameter) was collected at the intersection points of a gridded 1 ha plot (10 × 10-m grid, 121 samples) and in a nested 100 m2 subplot (2 × 2-m grid, 36 samples). The 1 ha plot had a density of 4535 seeds/m2 with 34 species observed. Based on a series of 100 randomized species accumulation curves, a Michaelis-Menten fit predicted a mean species richness of 36.3 species; the number of observed species was close to the predicted asymptote. A nonparametric, first-order jackknife species richness estimator predicted a species richness of 37.0 species. Eighty-five and 95 percent of the observed species richness is contained, on average, within 41 and 74 pooled samples, respectively. Within the 100 m2 nested subplot, a density of 5476 seeds/m2 was observed, comprising 26 species with an estimated species richness (Michaelis-Menten fit) of 29.1 species. The jackknife species richness estimator predicted a species richness of 36.7 species. For species richness and abundance of both plots, spatial autocorrelation statistics (Moran's I) were not significantly different from zero at lag distances from 2 to 100 m, indicating a random distribution at these spatial scales. For this site, accurate estimates of species composition depend upon the number of samples collected as well as the spatial distribution of sampling effort. Many small samples distributed over a large area provide greater accuracy and precision for estimating species richness of the soil seed bank.  相似文献   

琅琊山国家森林公园蝶类多样性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
诸立新  吴孝兵 《昆虫知识》2006,43(2):232-235,225
报道了安徽滁州市琅琊山国家森林公园蝶类多样性的研究结果,共采集了蝴蝶4454只,隶属8科、40属、57种。应用Margalef物种丰富度模型及Shannon-Wiener生物多样性指数分析了该地蝶类物种的丰富度及多样性。蝴蝶物种丰富度由大到小为森林林地(7.2747)>山缘农田(5.3499)>裸岩(3.3008),物种多样性指数由大到小为森林林地(3.3081)>裸岩(2.4628)>山缘农田(2.0009);结果表明琅琊山蝶类物种较为丰富,多样性指数说明琅琊山的生态环境良好。  相似文献   

采用典型抽样法和生态群落学调查法对黑龙江凉水国家级自然保护区紫椴(Tilia amurensis)红松(Pinus koraiensis)林、蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)红松林及白桦(Betula platyphylla)次生林的植物群落结构特征和物种多样性进行了研究。结果表明,紫椴红松林有维管束植物31种,隶属21科,25属;蒙古栎红松林有维管束植物32种,隶属25科,28属;白桦次生林有维管束植物31种,隶属20科,28属。白桦次生林乔木层和草本层的物种丰富度S指数显著高于2种阔叶红松林,而其灌木层的物种丰富度S指数最低;3种林型乔木层的Simpson物种多样性指数无显著差异,紫椴红松林的灌木层Simpson指数显著高于其他2种林型,3种林型草本层之间的Simpson指数差异显著;紫椴红松林乔木层的Shannon-Wiener物种多样性指数显著低于其他2种林型,白桦次生林灌木层的Shannon-Wiener指数显著低于2种阔叶红松林,蒙古栎红松林草本层的Shannon-Wiener指数最高;此外,蒙古栎红松林乔木层的Pielou均匀度指数显著高于其他林型,而3种林型灌木层的Pielou指数无显著差异,紫椴红松林草本层的Pielou指数最低。  相似文献   

The genetic variation and clonal diversity of two divergent types (grey-green and yellow-green) of clonal populations of Leymus chinensis Tzvel at 14 loci were compared. Total gene diversity (HT) and the coefficient of genetic differentiation (GST) were all higher for the yellow-green type (HT = 0.270; GST =0.186) than for the grey-green type (HT = 0.250; GST = 0.157) of L. chinensis. Rare alleles usually occurred as heterozygotes rather than homozygotes and significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were found only at a few loci. This indicated that these two types of populations were mainly out-crossing. Clonal diversity, evenness of clones, and mean clone size were not significantly different between the two types. We found that differences between the clone size and genetic variation of the yellow-green type of populations occurred with different climate and habitat population groups. However, for the grey-green type of populations, these genetic variations decreased under conditions of different climate and habitat population groups.  相似文献   

The genetic variation and clonal diversity of two divergent types (grey-green and yellow-green) of clonal populations ofLeymus chinensis Tzvel at 14 loci were compared. Total gene diversity (HT) and the coefficient of genetic differentiation (GsT) were all higher for the yellow-green type (HT = 0.270; GsT = 0.186)than for the grey-green type (HT = 0.250; GsT = 0.157) of L. chinensis. Rare alleles usually occurred as heterozygotes rather than homozygotes and significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were found only at a few loci. This indicated that these two types of populations were mainly out-crossing. Clonal diversity, evenness of clones, and mean clone size were not significantly different between the two types.We found that differences between the clone size and genetic variation of the yellow-green type of popula tions occurred with different climate and habitat population groups. However, for the grey-green type of populations, these genetic variations decreased under conditions of different climate and habitat popula tion groups.  相似文献   

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