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The specialized transducing phage lambda cysB (Borck et al., 1976) was found to carry about 5 kilobases of Escherichia coli DNA. It was shown to have an intact cysB gene but none of the known neighbouring genetic loci. The phage (which is known to be deficient in its site-specific recombination functions) was shown to integrate into the chromosome of bacterial recipients at the cysB locus. Excision from this site occasionally generated recombinant phages that had exchanged their cysB allele for the one originally present in the host. In this way lambda cysB derivatives were prepared from lysogens of two strains carrying the amber mutations cysB242 and cysB257; these phases were proved by several tests to contain the expected cysB amber mutations.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage lambda as a cloning vector.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

W A Loenen  W J Brammar 《Gene》1980,10(3):249-259
Lambda derivatives are described that can be used for cloning DNA fragments of about 20 kilobase pairs (kb) generated by restriction enzymes EcoRi, HindIII, BamHI, MboI and BglII. Recombinants can be selected by their Spi- phenotype and their propagation is facilitated by the presence of a chi site.  相似文献   

J Karn  H W Matthes  M J Gait  S Brenner 《Gene》1984,32(1-2):217-224
An improved bacteriophage lambda cloning vector, lambda 2001, has been constructed. The phage includes a 34-bp polylinker oligonucleotide which introduces cleavage sites for XbaI, SstI, XhoI, EcoRI, HindIII and BamHI, and can accommodate 10-kb to 23-kb fragments. Inserts that destroy the BamHI or XhoI cloning sites may be recovered by excision at flanking sites in the polylinker sequence. Insertion of foreign DNA into lambda 2001 generates phage with a Spi- phenotype. The recombinant phage are able to grow on P2 lysogens but the parental vector phages are not. In the course of this work, the polylinker sequence was also introduced into M13mp8. This produced a new vector, M13mp12, with cloning sites for EcoRI, SmaI, XbaI, SstI, XhoI, BamHI, and HindIII.  相似文献   

N Sternberg  D Tiemeier  L Enquist 《Gene》1977,1(3-4):255-280
In this report we describe a coliphage lambda vector system for cloning endo R. EcoRI DNA fragments. This system differs significantly from those previously described in two ways. First, restricted and ligated DNA is encapsidated in vitro. Second, with increasing lambda DNA size in the range 78 to 100% that of wild-type, the efficiency of DNA encapsidation into infectious phage particles markedly increases. For lambda wild-type DNA the efficiency of in vitro packaging (10(6) to 10(7) plaques produced per microgram of added DNA) is equal to, or better than, the standard CaCl2 transfection method. The use of a Dam mutation to facilitate recognition of size classes of inserted fragments is described. Using this vector and in vitro packaging, several E. coli and phage P1 and R.EcoRI fragments were cloned.  相似文献   

K Sieg  J Kun  I Pohl  A Scherf  B Müller-Hill 《Gene》1989,75(2):261-270
By integrating fragments from the expression plasmids pJK2 and pJK4 into a derivative of the bacteriophage lambda, we constructed the phage expression vectors lambda JK2 and lambda JK4, which allow efficient cloning of genomic or cDNA either into the 5' end or the 3' end of the lacZ gene of Escherichia coli. Expression of barrier-free DNA in phase may lead to fusion proteins consisting of active beta-galactosidase (beta Gal) plus an additional polypeptide encoded by the inserted DNA. Analysis of distinct recombinant clones is quick and easy, due to the reversible integration of the plasmid into the genome. As an example, we constructed an expression library of genomic Plasmodium falciparum DNA in lambda JK2. We polymerised (amplified) and expressed a synthetic DNA fragment, which codes for a potential antigenic determinant of the 11-1 gene of Plasmodium falciparum as a fusion to the N terminus of active beta Gal. We demonstrate that such chimeric molecules can be affinity-purified and that polypeptides can be separated from the beta Gal part by cleavage with the protease factor Xa.  相似文献   

The functional analysis of genes frequently requires manipulation of large genomic regions embedded in yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs). We have designed a yeast-bacteria shuttle vector, pClasper, that can be used to clone specific regions of interest from YACs by homologous recombination. The important feature of pClasper is the presence of the mini-F factor replicon. This leads to a significant increase in the size of the plasmid inserts that can be maintained in bacteria after cloning by homologous recombination in yeast. The utility of this vector lies in its ability to maintain large fragments in bacteria and yeast, allowing for mutagenesis in yeast and simplified preparation of plasmid DNA in bacteria. Using PCR-generated recombinogenic fragments in pClasper we cloned a 27 kb region from a YAC containing the Hoxc cluster and a 130 kb region containing the entire Hoxb cluster. No rearrangements were seen when the recombinants in the shuttle vector were transferred to bacteria. We outline the potential uses of pClasper for functional studies of large genomic regions by transgenic and other analyses.  相似文献   

The cloning of all the eleven fragments obtained by degrading the phage lambdarifd18 by the restriction enzyme EcoRI into the plasmid pSF2124 has been achieved: nine of these fragments have been cloned individually, whereas two others have been cloned jointly in the same plasmid. These fragments harbor, in addition of lambda genes, the genes for ribosomal proteins, the elongation factor Tu, the beta and beta' subunits of RNA polymerase and the ribosomal RNAs. The clones carrying the ribosomal RNA genes have been constructed to provide convenient plasmids to determine the primary structure of ribosomal RNAs. Some further genetic manipulations in vitro have been performed on two of them to remove extraneous non-ribosomal RNA gene sequences; the ribosomal genes purified this way have been subcloned into the plasmid pBR322. Other clones of interest have been obtained which carry the genes for the elongation factor Tu, a number of 50-S ribosomal proteins and the beta subunit of RNA polymerase.  相似文献   

D Dean 《Gene》1981,15(1):99-102
A plasmid cloning vector with ampicillin-resistance and streptomycin-sensitivity markers is suitable for the direct selection of strains carrying recombinant plasmids. The selection for plasmid transformants utilizes their ampicillin resistance whereas selection for recombinant plasmids is based on the inactivation of the rpsL gene contained on the plasmid. When streptomycin-resistant Escherichia coli strains are used as recipients in transformation, transformants carrying the parental plasmid are phenotypically sensitive to streptomycin while those carrying hybrid plasmids are resistant to streptomycin.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a modification to the lambda vector EMBL3 which greatly expedites the construction of restriction maps of cloned DNA sequences. In the modified vector, EMBL3cos, all the phage coding sequences are placed to the right of the cloning sites so that the left cohesive end is separated by only 200bp, rather than 20kb (as in conventional lambda vectors), from the inserted DNA fragment. We show that reliable restriction maps can be rapidly constructed from partial digests of clones made in this vector by labelling the left cohesive end with a complementary 32P-labelled oligonucleotide. In addition, we quantify the restriction of clones containing human DNA by the McrA and McrB systems of E. coli and show that the use of Mcr- plating strains can increase the yield of recombinant phage up to tenfold, to give cloning efficiencies of greater than or equal to 10(7) pfu/microgram of human DNA.  相似文献   

A bacteriophage lambda vector for cloning with BamHI and Sau3A   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
A phage lambda cloning vector has been constructed which contains a single site for the restriction endonuclease BamHI. Since Sau3A and BglII produce the same cohesive ends as BamHI, this vector can also be used to clone DNA fragments generated with either of these enzymes. We have used this vector to construct an Escherichia coli library using partial digestion with Sau3A. This vector will be most useful for applications requiring genetic analysis of cloned E. coli genes.  相似文献   

We have developed a new type of bacteriophage lambda vector which provides a strong biological selection against non-recombinants that is independent of the sequences immediately surrounding the cloning site. This system, which we call 'selective substitution', is ideally suited for cDNA expression vectors where it is necessary to flank the cDNA insert with sequence elements (promoters etc.) required to produce a biologically active mRNA in vivo. Selective substitution is a general method, which may be applied to many types of vectors. In this report, we have specifically applied selective substitution to the construction of a new mammalian retrovirus expression vector. The level of background obtained with this vector (that is, the number of plaques obtained when the vector is ligated in the absence of insert DNA) is 0.02% when compared to ligation with restriction fragments and 0.1% to 0.4% when compared to ligation with newly synthesized cDNA. These features have allowed us to easily and efficiently generate several large cDNA libraries using total and size selected cDNA.  相似文献   

We report here the construction of a plasmid cloning vector, pRTP1, designed to facilitate exchange of cloned and chromosomal alleles of the human bacterial pathogen Bordetella pertussis. pRTP1 provides the ability to successively select two homologous recombination events within the cloned sequences. The first is by selection for maintenance of the ampicillin-resistance gene on the plasmid which is unable to replicate autonomously after transfer via conjugation. The second selection, via streptomycin (Sm) selection, is against the maintenance of vector sequences which contain a gene encoding the Sm-sensitive allele of the gene for ribosomal protein S12 thus rendering an otherwise Sm-resistant strain Sm-sensitive. We demonstrate the use of this vector to introduce an unmarked mutation, constructed in vitro, into the chromosomal locus encoding pertussis toxin.  相似文献   

M de Grado  P Castán  J Berenguer 《Plasmid》1999,42(3):241-245
The cloning vector pMK18 was developed through the fusion of the minimal replicative region from an indigenous plasmid of Thermus sp. ATCC27737, a gene cassette encoding a thermostable resistance to kanamycin, and the replicative origin and multiple cloning site of pUC18. Plasmid pMK18 showed transformation efficiencies from 10(8) to 10(9) per microgram of plasmid in Thermus thermophilus HB8 and HB27, both by natural competence and by electroporation. We also show that T. thermophilus HB27 can take pMK18 modified by the Escherichia coli methylation system with the same efficiency as its own DNA. To demonstrate its usefulness as a cloning vector, a gene encoding the beta-subunit of a thermostable nitrate reductase was directly cloned in T. thermophilus HB27 from a gene library. Its further transfer to E. coli also proved its utility as a shuttle vector.  相似文献   

A plasmid vector pNIMB has been constructed (starting) from the pUR222 plasmid as a result of substitution of the polylinker containing restriction sites: PstI, SalGI, AccI, HindII, BamHI EcoRI and by other synthetic linkers with additional sites for HindIII and HgaI. Plasmid pNIMB does not differ from the parent one phenotypically. Compared to pUR222 the vector contains an additional site for cloning HindIII fragments of DNA and allows to clone SalGI/BamHI- and PstI/SalGI-fragments. Cloning of DNA fragments in all seven unique sites of pNiMB gives the possibility for sequencing the fragments avoiding their isolation from the gel. Moreover, this vector may be useful for cloning and directed assembly of chemically synthesised DNA fragments when the endonuclease HgaI sites are used.  相似文献   

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