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The natures of the IgM rheumatoid factor (RF)-, IgM-, and IgG-secreting cells in the human bone marrow as compared to the peripheral blood, have been investigated by (1) response to the polyclonal B-cell activator, the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), (2) sensitivity to the S-phase specific antimetabolite hydroxyurea, (3) presence of the BA-1 and Ia antigens on the cell surface, and (4) cell size, as determined by counter flow elutriation. The EBV-inducible bone marrow IgM-RF precursors derived from medium to large B cells that were inhibited by hydroxyurea pretreatment. The marrow total IgM response derived from small to medium size cells, and was only partially inhibited by hydroxyurea. Hydroxyurea had no effect on IgM-RF or IgM synthesis by peripheral blood cells. These results indicate that the marrow EBV-induced IgM-RF response is not representative of the response by peripheral blood cells, moreover; the marrow RF secreting response arises from a dividing cell pool that may represent newly generated autoreactive B cells.  相似文献   

Adjuvant-activated Lyt-2 positive suppressor T cells (Ts) are able to inhibit the expression of IgM plaque-forming cells (PFC) during a primary in vitro response to sheep red blood cells. Under the same experimental conditions these suppressor T cells do not affect a secondary IgM PFC response against SRBC. Activated Ts cells were also found to suppress the spontaneous IgM secretion of cultured B cells as well as the IgM production of B cells stimulated by lipopolysaccharide or by supernatant from a T-helper-cell clone.  相似文献   

T cells may have a role in sustaining the leukemic clone in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). In this study, we have examined the ability of T cells from CLL patients to support the survival of the leukemic B cells in vitro. Additionally, we compared global gene expression of T cells from indolent CLL patients with healthy individuals and multiple myeloma (MM) patients. Apoptosis of purified leukemic B cells was inhibited in vitro when co-cultured with increasing numbers of autologous T cells (p < 0.01) but not autologous B and T cells of normal donors. The anti-apoptotic effect exceeded that of the anti-apoptotic cytokine IL-4 (p = 0.002) and was greater with CD8+ cells (p = 0.02) than with CD4+ cells (p = 0.05). The effect was depended mainly on cell–cell contact although a significant effect was also observed in transwell experiments (p = 0.05). About 356 genes involved in different cellular pathways were deregulated in T cells of CLL patients compared to healthy individuals and MM patients. The results of gene expression profiling were verified for 6 genes (CCL4, CCL5 (RANTES), XCL1, XCL2, KLF6, and TRAF1) using qRT–PCR and immunoblotting. Our results demonstrate that CLL-derived T cells can prevent apoptosis of leukemic B cells and have altered expression of genes that may facilitate the survival of the leukemic clone.  相似文献   

Molecular analysis of IgM rheumatoid factor binding to chimeric IgG.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To localize regions on IgG bound by rheumatoid factors (RF), we studied IgM RF binding to chimeric IgG antibodies consisting of murine V regions fused to human constant regions. Using a modified RF ELISA, we showed that polyclonal RF from rheumatoid arthritis patients bound IgG1, 2, and 4 strongly; IgG3 was also bound, although less well. The majority of 18 monoclonal RF from patients with Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia bound IgG1, 2, and 4 only. In contrast to RF from RA, 14 of 18 monoclonal RF did not react with IgG3. Only 3 of 18 monoclonal RF bound IgG3 well. By shuffling C region domains between IgG3 and IgG4, we showed that sequence variation in the CH3 domain is responsible for the differential binding of monoclonal RF to IgG3 and IgG4. Hybrid IgG3/IgG4 antibodies containing the CH3 domain of IgG4 were bound by monoclonal RF, whereas those containing the CH3 domain of IgG3 were not. To evaluate the contribution of the N-linked carbohydrate moiety at Asn-297 to RF binding sites on IgG, we measured RF binding to aglycosylated IgG antibodies produced by mutating Asn-297 to another amino acid. Glycosylated and aglycosylated IgG1, 2, and 4 were bound identically by monoclonal and polyclonal RF. Aglycosylated IgG3, however, was bound better than glycosylated IgG3 by polyclonal RF and by IgG3-reactive monoclonal RF.  相似文献   

Apart from the deletion of autoreactive T cells in the thymus, various methods exist in the peripheral immune system to control specific human immune responses to self-antigens. One of these mechanisms involves regulatory T cells, of which CD4+CD25+ T cells are a major subset. Recent evidence suggests that CD4+CD25+ T cells have a role in controlling the development of autoimmune diseases in animals and in humans. The precise delineation of the function of CD4+CD25+ T cells in autoimmune inflammation is therefore of great importance for the understanding of the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. Moreover, the ability to control such regulatory mechanisms might provide novel therapeutic opportunities in autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis. Here we review existing knowledge of CD4+CD25+ T cells and discuss their role in the pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterized by premature immune aging with accumulation of degenerate T cells deficient for CD28. Gene expression profiling of CD4(+)CD28(-) and CD4(+)CD28(+) T cells to discover disease-promoting activities of CD28(-) T cells identified expression of CD70 as a most striking difference. Hence, CD70 was significantly more expressed in CD4 T cells from RA patients compared with age-matched controls (p < 0.006). The underlying mechanism was a failure to repress CD70 expression after activation-dependent induction. This defect in RA was not related to differential promoter demethylation. CD70 on bystander CD4(+)CD28(-) T cells functioned by lowering the threshold for T cell activation; admixture of CD4(+)CD28(-) T cells augmented TCR-induced responses of autologous naive CD4(+)CD28(+) T cells, particularly of low-avidity T cells. The data support a model in which CD70 expressed on T cells causes degeneracy in T cell responses and undermines tolerance mechanisms that normally control T cell autoreactivity.  相似文献   

During multiple in vitro allosensitisations of human lymphocytes, suppressor cells of the allogenic response are developed. They are radioresistant and specific to the HLA-DR presented by the stimulators, and adherent to nylon and glass wool, while cytotoxic cells are not. Moreover when irradiated, these hyperimmunized cells are able to release a suppressor factor (SF). This suppressor factor is non antigen specific and active on the autologous producer and some allogenic responders. There is a restriction phenomenon, the genetic control of which is not yet defined. The dominant effect of multiple transfusions on kidney graft survival could be explained in part by a similar cellular mechanism.  相似文献   

Most cell surface markers for CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) are also expressed by activated non-regulatory T cells. Recently, CD127 down-regulation was found to identify functional Tregs in healthy individuals, but there are no data from patients with inflammatory conditions. We examined peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from rheumatoid arthritis patients with active inflammation and from healthy controls, and found that CD4+ T cells contained an equal proportion of CD25+CD127/low cells in both groups. In patients, not all these cells expressed intracellular FOXP3. Upon activation by anti-CD3/anti-CD28, PBMC rapidly down-regulated CD127, while FOXP3 up-regulation was transitory and occurred in fewer cells. The activated cells were not anergic to restimulation and had no suppressive effects. The distinct kinetics indicate that the FOXP3CD127/low cells in rheumatoid arthritis patients most likely represent activated non-regulatory T cells. This complicates the use of CD127 for identification of Tregs in inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Atypical mononuclear cells (AMC) with Sézary-cell-like morphology were demonstrated to be present in rheumatoid synovial membranes. These cells have exclusively T cell membrane characteristics, like identical cells previously found in rheumatoid synovival fluids. AMC were predominantly present in transitional areas between nodular lymphocytic aggregates and plasma cell rich areas. In ultrathin sections AMC accounted for approximately 30% of all lymphocyte cells; in studies of cells isolated from rheumatoid synovial membranes AMC comprised 30--40% of the E-rosette-forming cells. The hypothesis that these cells represent reactive T cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Clonal development of Srbc-primed IgM B cell precursors has been studied in vitro. Cells were cultured in the presence of LPS and Srbc, as well as additional T cells derived from three sources: specific Srbc-activated T cells, allogeneic spleen cells and normal thymus cells. Clones developing in the presence of Srbc-activated T cells reached larger sixes than did those developing in the presence of allogeneic cells, thymus cells, or only those primed T cells indigenous in the primed spleen population. However, in all these experiments, precursors primed as described attained considerably larger clone sixes than did normal unprimed precursors. Two conclusions can be made: (1) primed precursors have a greater capacity to generate progeny pfc in response to LPS + Srbc than do normal precursors and (2) specifically activated T cells appear to play a role in elevating pfc production which occurs in response to LPS and Srbc.  相似文献   

T suppressor cell differentiation factor (TsDF) induces the differentiation of alloantigen-primed suppressor T cells (MLR-Ts) to expression of their effector function, i.e., to active TsF production. The initial activation stimulus to Ts is provided by alloantigen binding; after this binding, Ts are functionally responsive only for a period of hours to the additional stimulus provided by TsDF. The present studies addressed the possibility that MLR-Ts responsiveness to TsDF reflects the induced and transient display of TsDF-binding receptors. TsDF receptor expression was investigated by determining the capacity of TsDF-responsive MLR-Ts to adsorb TsDF activity and to respond to that TsDF pulse by TsF production. Primed Ts populations that were alloantigen restimulated for 8 hr adsorbed TsDF in a cell dose-dependent fashion and produced TsF in response to that adsorption, whereas alloantigen-stimulated naive cells or primed but nonrestimulated cells neither responded to nor bound TsDF. Primed and restimulated L3T4-Ly-2+ but not L3T4+-Ly-2--enriched T cells bound TsDF. TsDF adsorption was saturable and time and temperature dependent. Glutaraldehyde fixation did not prevent TsDF adsorption by restimulated MLR-Ts, whereas pronase treatment abolished their TsDF-binding capacity. Kinetic analyses demonstrated that the capacity to bind TsDF developed rapidly after alloantigen reexposure, with maximal binding within 8 hr, followed by rapid decay with loss of TsDF binding by 36 hr. The kinetics of TsDF-induced TsF production correlated precisely with those of TsDF binding. These observations provide strong evidence that TsDF affects primed alloantigen-reactive Ts by interaction with antigen-induced and transiently expressed cell surface receptors. TsDF-receptor binding is then the stimulus for expression of Ts effector function.  相似文献   

Suppressor T cells arising in mice undergoing a graft-vs-host response.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
We investigated the ability of mice to generate antibody-forming cells when undergoing a graft-vs-host reaction. (C57BL/6 X DBA/2)F1 mice (BDF1) injected with C57BL/6 spleen cells generated suppressor T cells which inhibit antibody synthesis by BDF1 spleen cells in vitro. These T cells arose from the donor inoculum. They differ from helper T cells in size and they act directly on antigen reactive B cells. The suppressor T cells were specifically directed against components of the H-2 region of the reciprocal parental strain (DBA/2 = H-2d) in the hybrid F1 mouse.  相似文献   

C57BL/6 mice are sensitized ip with allogeneic P-815 mastocytoma cells. Fifteen days later the spleen cells of the sensitized mice are used in the production of suppressor factor or treated with mitomycin and used as suppressor cells. Sensitized spleen cells incubated with the specific alloantigen (DBA/2 m-treated spleen cells) release suppressor factor (SF)2 which inhibits cell proliferation in mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) as well as the in vitro generation of cytotoxic cells (CML). SF is most effective when added eary during MLC. SF also inhibits mitogen responsiveness of normal spleen cells. In addition to inhibiting lymphocyte function in vitro, suppressor cells as well as SF inhibit the in vitro proliferation of tumor cells. This inhibition is specific for the tumor to which the suppressor cells are induced. The inhibition of tumor cell proliferation is not due to the presence of cytotoxic cells in the spleen of the tumor-allosensitized mice. Suppressor cells from neonatal mice do not inhibit the in vitro proliferation of tumor cells. SF injected iv into C57BL/6 mice decreases the mixed lymphocyte reactivity of the host spleen cells and decreases the ability of the host to reject skin allografts. We interpret these data to suggest that tumor-allosensitized spleen cells, and the SF they produce, not only affect lymphocyte function but also inhibit tumor cell proliferation. This dual effect of suppressor cells could be an important part of the immune surveillance against tumors.  相似文献   

Elevated numbers of non-blastoid T cells expressing either the Tac or Ia antigens were found on separate cell populations in inflammatory synovial tissues and fluids of individuals with arthritis. Those synovial T cell preparations containing Tac+ cells exhibited marked proliferation upon the addition of IL 2 without concomitant mitogen stimulation; T cell eluates containing Ia+ but not Tac+ T cells did not show significantly increased levels of blastogenesis. Paired T cell preparations from blood had only minor increases in the number of Tac+ T cells and moderate increases in the number of Ia+ cells. The blood cells did not exhibit significant proliferation to IL 2. In contrast mitogen or allogeneic activation of T cells induced blastoid cells that expressed abundant per cell amount of Ia or Tac antigens. These blastoid cells resembled the small T cells of inflammation in having only very limited overlap between the population that bore Ia antigens and those with the Tac antigen; however, there was a preponderance of Tac-bearing cells.  相似文献   

A population of glass-wool-adherent splenic cells which could suppress the response of other spleen cell populations to T-cell mitogens was isolated from thymus-reconstituted nude mice. Such adherent cells were characterized as sensitive to anti-Thy 1.2 and complement treatment. Glass-wool-adherent cells from athymic mice do not have suppressor activity to self or normal littermate NAC; however, these mice possess precursor suppressor cells as demonstrated by isolation of glass-wool-adherent T regulatory cells in thymus-grafted nude mice. Such cells are generated in either freshly obtained or in vitro cultured thymus. Evidence for suppressor T cells of host genotype was supported by their sensitivity to host-specific anti-Thy serum treatment as well as their generation in alymphoid thymus grafts. Prior anti-Thy 1.2 treatment of GAC partially removed the suppressor activity: however, macrophages and B lymphocytes were shown not to be secondary regulatory cells or suppressor mediators, thus mature T lymphocytes with low amounts of Thy 1.2 antigen may be responsible for this residual suppression. Further characterization of GAC indicates that active cell growth is required for their regulatory function, as irradiation removed the suppressor activity. This report provides evidence for the presence of a T-lymphocyte subpopulation which has a regulatory function and requires a thymus in the generation of these cells.  相似文献   

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