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The inner ear is a structurally complex vertebrate organ built to encode sound, motion, and orientation in space. Given its complexity, it is not surprising that inner ear dysfunction is a relatively common consequence of human genetic mutation. Studies in model organisms suggest that many genes currently known to be associated with human hearing impairment are active during embryogenesis. Hence, the study of inner ear development provides a rich context for understanding the functions of genes implicated in hearing loss. This chapter focuses on molecular mechanisms of inner ear development derived from studies of model organisms.  相似文献   

The onset of active neural connections between the periphery and the central nervous system is integral to the development of sensory systems. This study presents patterns of synaptogenesis in the chick basilar papilla (i.e., cochlea) by examining the immunohistochemical expression of synaptophysin with a specific monoclonal antibody, SBI 20.10. The initial onset of synaptophysin expression occurs in nerve fibers and ganglion cell bodies at a time when neurites reach the basement membrane of the chick cochlea on embryonic day 6-7 (ED 6-7). By ED 8, synaptophysin positive fibers invade the neural side of the entire length of the cochlea, so that by ED 9-10, fibers are forming multiple terminals on the basolateral ends of retracting receptor or hair cells. In contrast, on the abneural side, immunoreactive terminals are seen first as small, punctate contacts and then as large, synaptophysin positive calyceal endings beneath short hair cells. These terminals are sparse during early development, more numerous by ED 17-19, but still incomplete after 2 weeks posthatching. In comparison, hair cells show synaptophysin immunoreactivity in both supra- and infranuclear regions by ED 11-12, a time when efferent innervation is incomplete. Thus, during development, synaptophysin is expressed at both synaptic and nonsynaptic sites, is relatively selective in its regional distribution, and is expressed in hair cells at a time when auditory function begins. Our results present a framework with which to understand the potential role of synaptophysin in early synaptogenesis of the cochlea.  相似文献   

The Hmx homeobox gene family is comprised of three members in mammals, Hmx1, Hmx2, and Hmx3, which are conserved across the animal kingdom and are part of the larger NKL clustered family of homeobox genes. Expression domains of Hmx genes in distantly related species such as Drosophila and mouse suggest an ancestral function in rostral central nervous system development. During vertebrate evolution, the Hmx genes appear to have been recruited into additional roles in inner ear morphogenesis and specification of vestibular inner ear sensory and supporting cell types. Being derived from a common ancestor, the vertebrate Hmx gene family is thus a strong candidate to investigate functional overlap versus the unique roles played by multiple genes belonging to the same family. The functions of Hmx2 and Hmx3 were investigated via directed gene mutagenesis and the primary regions where Hmx2 and Hmx3 exert their individual functions are consistent with their expression domains, such as the vestibule and uterus. Meanwhile, it is notable that some tissues where both Hmx2 and Hmx3 are extensively expressed were not severely affected in either of the Hmx2 or Hmx3 single mutant mice, suggesting a possible functional overlap existing between these two genes. Compound Hmx2 and Hmx3 double mutant mice showed more severe defects in the inner ear than those displayed by either single knockout. Furthermore, novel abnormalities in the hypothalamic-neuroendocrine system, which were never observed in either of the single mutant mice, confirmed a hypothesis that Hmx2 and Hmx3 also function redundantly to control embryonic development of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Several studies suggest fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) plays a role in the development of the auditory epithelium in mammals. We undertook a study of FGFR3 in the developing and mature chicken inner ear and during regeneration of this epithelium to determine whether FGFR3 shows a similar pattern of expression in birds. FGFR3 mRNA is highly expressed in most support cells in the mature chick basilar papilla but not in vestibular organs of the chick. The gene is expressed early in the development of the basilar papilla. Gentamicin treatment sufficient to destroy hair cells in the basilar papilla causes a rapid, transient downregulation of FGFR3 mRNA in the region of damage. In the initial stages of hair cell regeneration, the support cells that reenter the mitotic cycle in the basilar papilla do not express detectable levels of FGFR3 mRNA. However, once the hair cells have regenerated in this region, the levels of FGFR3 mRNA and protein expression rapidly return to approximate those in the undamaged epithelium. These results indicate that FGFR3 expression changes after drug-induced hair cell damage to the basilar papilla in an opposite way to that found in the mammalian cochlea and may be involved in regulating the proliferation of support cells.  相似文献   

We are using DNA microarray-based gene expression profiling to classify temporal patterns of gene expression during the development of maize embryos, to understand mRNA-level control of embryogenesis and to dissect metabolic pathways and their interactions in the maize embryo. Genes involved in carbohydrate, fatty acid, and amino acid metabolism, the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, glycolysis, the pentose phosphate pathway, embryogenesis, membrane transport, signal transduction, cofactor biosynthesis, photosynthesis, oxidative phosphorylation and electron transfer, as well as 600 random complementary DNA (cDNA) clones from maize embryos, were arrayed on glass slides. DNA arrays were hybridized with fluorescent dye-labeled cDNA probes synthesized from kernel and embryo poly(A)+RNA from different stages of maize seed development. Several characteristic developmental patterns of expression were identified and correlated with gene function. Patterns of coordinated gene expression in the TCA cycle and glycolysis were analyzed in detail. The steady state level of poly(A)+ RNA for many genes varies dramatically during maize embryo development. Expression patterns of genes coding for enzymes of fatty acid biosynthesis and glycolysis are coordinately regulated during development. Genes of unknown function may by assigned a hypothetical role based on their patterns of expression resembling well characterized genes. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10142-002-0046-6. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Netrin 1 plays key roles in axon guidance and neuronal migration during central nervous system (CNS) development. Outside the CNS, Netrin 1 has been shown to be involved in epithelial morphogenesis of various organs. We have shown that Netrin 1 is essential for inner ear semicircular duct formation, but the involvement of Netrin 1 receptors in this process has remained unknown. Netrin 1 receptors include members of the Deleted in colorectal cancer (Dcc), Unc5-homologue and integrin families. Here we have analysed the expression of these receptor genes during inner ear development and verified the inner ear phenotypes of several receptor mutant mice. Special interest was directed to receptors that could cooperate with Netrin 1 during semicircular duct formation. We show that Neogenin (Neo1), Unc5c as well as integrin b1 (Itgb1) are expressed in periotic mesenchyme, while Dcc, Unc5b, Unc5c, Itga3, Itga6 and Itgb1 are expressed in different parts of the otic epithelium. In spite of the broad and strong expression of several receptors in ear region, none of the analysed receptor mutant embryos showed any defects in inner ear development.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2021,120(19):4142-4148
The inner ear is one of the most complex structures in the mammalian body. Embedded within it are the hearing and balance sensory organs that contain arrays of hair cells that serve as sensors of sound and acceleration. Within the sensory organs, these hair cells are prototypically arranged in regular mosaic patterns. The development of such complex, yet precise, patterns require the coordination of differentiation, growth, and morphogenesis, both at the tissue and cellular scales. In recent years, there is accumulating evidence that mechanical forces at the tissue, the cellular, and the subcellular scales coordinate the development and organization of this remarkable organ. Here, we review recent works that reveal how such mechanical forces shape the inner ear, control its size, and establish regular cellular patterns. The insights learned from studying how mechanical forces drive the inner ear development are relevant for many other developmental systems in which precise cellular patterns are essential for their function.  相似文献   

Cadherins are cell adhesion molecules that have been implicated in development of a variety of organs including the ear. In this study we analyzed expression patterns of three zebrafish cadherins (Cadherin-2, -4, and -11) in the embryonic and larval zebrafish inner ear using both in situ hybridization and immunocytochemical methods. All three Cadherins exhibit distinct spatiotemporal patterns of expression during otic vesicle morphogenesis. Cadherin-2 and Cadherin-4 proteins and their respective mRNAs were detected mainly in the sensory patches and the statoacoustic ganglion (SAg), respectively. In contrast, cadherin-11mRNA was widely expressed earlier in the otic placode, and later became restricted to a subset of cells in the inner ear, including hair cells.  相似文献   

The effects of retinoic acid (RA) on the early development of the inner ear were studied in vitro using isolated chick embryo vesicles. Low concentrations of RA (1-50 nM) inhibited vesicular growth in stage 18 otic vesicles that were made quiescent and then reactivated by either serum or bombesin. Growth inhibition was concentration-dependent and was paralleled by a reduction in the rate of DNA synthesis as measured by [3H]thymidine incorporation. Half-inhibition occurred between 1 and 10 nM RA, and the full effect at 20 nM. Retinoic acid, in the presence of serum, induced the precocious differentiation of (1) secretory epithelium, the tegmentum vasculosum and endolymphatic sac and (2) early sensory and supporting epithelia. These structures were positioned in their corresponding normal presumptive areas. The overall direction of growth was reversed by RA and the ratio of the internal to the external vesicular surface area increased with RA concentration. The expression of the nuclear proto-oncogene c-fos in the developing otic vesicle was transient and stage-dependent. High levels of c-fos mRNA were positively correlated with cell proliferation. Incubation of growth-arrested otic vesicles with bombesin plus insulin at concentrations that induced cell proliferation produced a strong induction of c-fos. This mitogen-induced expression was suppressed by 25 nM RA. The results suggest (1) a role for retinoic acid in controlling the early development of the inner ear and (2) that this control is effected through the regulation of the proto-oncogene c-fos.  相似文献   

The Hmx homeobox gene family is comprised of three members in mammals, Hmx1, Hmx2, and Hmx3, which are conserved across the animal kingdom and are part of the larger NKL clustered family of homeobox genes. Expression domains of Hmx genes in distantly related species such as Drosophila and mouse suggest an ancestral function in rostral central nervous system development. During vertebrate evolution, the Hmx genes appear to have been recruited into additional roles in inner ear morphogenesis and specification of vestibular inner ear sensory and supporting cell types. Being derived from a common ancestor, the vertebrate Hmx gene family is thus a strong candidate to investigate functional overlap versus the unique roles played by multiple genes belonging to the same family. The functions of Hmx2 and Hmx3 were investigated via directed gene mutagenesis and the primary regions where Hmx2 and Hmx3 exert their individual functions are consistent with their expression domains, such as the vestibule and uterus. Meanwhile, it is notable that some tissues where both Hmx2 and Hmx3 are extensively expressed were not severely affected in either of the Hmx2 or Hmx3 single mutant mice, suggesting a possible functional overlap existing between these two genes. Compound Hmx2 and Hmx3 double mutant mice showed more severe defects in the inner ear than those displayed by either single knockout. Furthermore, novel abnormalities in the hypothalamic–neuroendocrine system, which were never observed in either of the single mutant mice, confirmed a hypothesis that Hmx2 and Hmx3 also function redundantly to control embryonic development of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Otoliths, which are connected to stereociliary bundles in the inner ear, serve as inertial sensors for balance. In teleostei, otolith development is critically dependent on flow forces generated by beating cilia; however, the mechanism by which flow controls otolith formation remains unclear. Here, we have developed a noninvasive flow probe using optical tweezers and a viscous flow model in order to demonstrate how the observed hydrodynamics influence otolith assembly. We show that rotational flow stirs and suppresses precursor agglomeration in the core of the cilia-driven vortex. The velocity field correlates with the shape of the otolith and we provide evidence that hydrodynamics is actively involved in controlling otolith morphogenesis. An implication of this hydrodynamic effect is that otolith self-assembly is mediated by the balance between Brownian motion and cilia-driven flow. More generally, this flow feature highlights an alternative biological strategy for controlling particle localization in solution.  相似文献   

Elucidating the regulatory mechanisms of plant organ formation is an important component of plant developmental biology and will be useful for crop improvement applications. Plant organ formation, or organogenesis, occurs when a group of primordial cells differentiates into an organ, through a well-orchestrated series of events, with a given shape, structure and function. Research over the past two decades has elucidated the molecular mechanisms of organ identity and dorsalventral axis determinations. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying the successive processes. To develop an effective approach for studying organ formation at the molecular level, we generated organ-specific gene expression profiles (GEPs) reflecting early development in rice stamen. In this study, we demonstrated that the GEPs are highly correlated with early stamen development, suggesting that this analysis is useful for dissecting stamen development regulation. Based on the molecular and morphological correlation, we found that over 26 genes, that were preferentially up-regulated during early stamen development, may participate in stamen development regulation. In addition, we found that differentially expressed genes during early stamen development are clustered into two clades, suggesting that stamen development may comprise of two distinct phases of pattern formation and cellular differentiation. Moreover, the organ-specific quantitative changes in gene expression levels may play a critical role for regulating plant organ formation. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at Xiao-Chun Lu, Hua-Qin Gong contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

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