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Ten species of Sargassum (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyceae) were found along the Gulf of Thailand. Morphological characteristics of Sargassum baccularia (Mertens) C.A. Agardh, S. binderi Sonder, S. cinereum J.G. Agardh, S.crassifolium J.G. Agardh, S. longifructum Tseng et Lu, S. oligocystum Montagne, S. polycystum C.A. Agardh, S. siliquosum J.G. Agardh, S. swartzii (Turner) C.A. Agardh and one unidentified species were examined and are described in detail. The most common species were S. polycystum distributed widely in almost all the study sites, S. crassifolium restricted to Prachuap Khirikhan Province, S. longifructum restricted to Chumphon Province, S. siliquosum restricted to Surat Thani Province and one unidentified species restricted to Songkhla Province. Three species (S. cinereum, S. longifructum and S. swartzii) are new records for the algal flora of Thailand. Five species (S. baccularia, S. cinereum, S. longifructum, S. polycystum and the unidentified species) belong to the section Zygocarpicae (J.G. Agardh) Setchell.  相似文献   

Sargassum is a cosmopolitan brown algal genus spanning the three ocean basins of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, inhabiting temperate, subtropical and tropical habitats. Sargassum has been postulated to have originated in the Oligocene epoch approximately 30 mya according to a broad phylogenetic analysis of brown macroalgae, but its diversification to become one of the most widespread and speciose macroalgal genera remains unclear. Here, we present a Bayesian molecular clock study, which analyzed data from the order Fucales of the brown algal crown radiation (BACR) group to reconstruct a time-calibrated phylogeny of the Sargassum clade. Our phylogeny included a total of 120 taxa with 99 Sargassum species sampled for three molecular markers – ITS-2, cox3 and rbcLS – calibrated with an unambiguous Sargassaceae fossil from between the lower and middle Miocene. The analysis revealed a much later origin of Sargassum than expected at about 6.7 mya, with the genus diversifying since approximately 4.3 mya. Current geographic distributions of Sargassum species were then analyzed in conjunction with the time-calibrated phylogeny using the dispersal-extinction-cladogenesis (DEC) model to estimate ancestral ranges of clades in the genus. Results strongly support origination of Sargassum in the Central Indo-Pacific (CIP) region with subsequent independent dispersal events into other marine realms. The longer history of diversification in the ancestral CIP range could explain the much greater diversity there relative to other marine areas today. Analyses of these dynamic processes, when fine-tuned to a higher spatial resolution, enable the identification of evolutionary hotspots and provide insights into long-term dispersal patterns.  相似文献   

The mature female conceptacle of Sargassum horneri (Turner) C. Agardh has an ostiole filled with a gelatinous plug. The oogonium in the conceptacle has cell walls that can be differentiated into a dense outer and a less dense inner microfibrillar layer. Just prior to egg release, stalk material is produced inside the outer layer and the inner layer disappears. At this stage the gelatinous plug is extruded and mucilage is released through the ostiole. The released eggs are retained on the receptacle by the stalk and are surrounded by a large amount of the mucilage. Three-celled germlings form a primary wall with a polylamellated structure of microfibril layers. In multicellular germlings that have differentiated into thallus and rhizoids, the peripheral thallus cells have an outer cell wall consisting of a microfibril layer under the primary wall, while the cell wall of the rhizoid tip has an amorphous structure. The germlings are released from the stalk and become attached to the substratum by an adhesive substance secreted from rhizoidal cells.  相似文献   

We determined the relationship between the residence times of water within the canopy of the intertidal macroalgae, Sargassum fusiforme (Harvey) Setchell to the energy caused by hydrodynamic mixing. We measured the residence times (t) of fluorescein dye injected into the canopy (31 ± 9 ind/quadrat; canopy plan form area 6 × 1 m2) to estimate the length of time gametes persist within the canopy. The total kinetic energy (TKE) and wave energy (WE) was measured during dye dispersal, which ranged from 0.002 to 0.009 m2/s2 and 0.001 to 0.016 m2/s2, respectively. The experiments revealed that the canopy significantly (P < 0.0001) increased t, which was 56 ± 35 s inside of the canopy compared with 14 ± 4 s outside. Moreover, the relationship between t and energy could be statistically modeled with a power function, and for the results inside of the canopy, t = 3.67 TKE?0.50 for turbulent kinetic energy and t = 1.83 WE?0.38 for wave energy. Outside of the canopy, t = 0.98 TKE?0.50 and t = 1.83 WE?0.38 Based on the values of t determined for within the canopy, we developed a dispersion model to explore how gametes dispersed within the canopy. The estimated dispersion coefficient (D) with respect to WE, could be modeled as D = 403 WE0.55 and ranged from 10 to 42 cm2/s for the WE examined in the study. Areal gamete densities modeled in the canopy increased in density for increasing WE at short (0.5 h) durations of gamete discharge; however, the relationship reversed above 2 h of discharge.  相似文献   

Population dynamics can be influenced by physical and biological factors, particularly in stressful environments. Introduced species usually have great physiological plasticity, resulting in populations with different traits. Undaria pinnatifida, a macroalga originally described from northeast Asia, was introduced in Northern Patagonia, Argentina (San Matías Gulf) around 2010. To describe the spatio-temporal variability in population structure and morphometry of U. pinnatifida, we conducted monthly field samplings for 2 years at the intertidal area of two contrasting sites in the San Matías Gulf. Individuals of U. pinnatifida were classified by developmental stage, and their morpho-gravimetric variables were measured. In both intertidal sites juveniles were found in higher proportion during austral autumn and grew and matured during the autumn-winter months (from May onwards), and individuals senesced during early austral summer (December and January). Conversely, density and biomass were largely different between sites, and individuals showed slight morphological variability between sites. Environmental (e.g., nutrient concentration, available substrate) and biological factors (e.g., facilitation, competition) may explain the observed differences. Since there is not a macroalga with U. pinnatifida morphometrical characteristics in the intertidal environments of San Matías Gulf, studying this recent introduction gives us a better understanding of its potential ecological effects.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variations in Sargassum ilicifolium thallus density and length were investigated on equatorial coral reefs in Singapore from November 2011 to October 2012. Thalli density varied little throughout the year, however, we found strong seasonal patterns in thallus length and identified temperature as the significant driver. Sargassum ilicifolium reached maximum length in December (110.39 ± 2.37 cm) during periods of cooler water temperatures, and minimum length in May (9.88 ± 0.48 cm) during periods of warmer water temperatures. Significant spatial variation was also observed for both thallus density and length of S. ilicifolium among reefs. Within reefs, densities of S. ilicifolium were higher on reef flats (20.40 ± 0.40 individuals · 0.25 m?2) compared to upper reef slopes (5.66 ± 0.23 individuals · 0.25 m?2). Our findings highlight that marked seasonality in the growth of canopy‐forming macroalgae can occur within equatorial reef systems where temperature ranges are restricted (<3°C).  相似文献   

The invasiveness of algal species can be facilitated by chemo-ecological traits that allow the establishment of invasive species in a highly competitive environment. Anti-bacterial, anti-quorum sensing, anti-diatom and anti-larval properties of the invasive brown macroalga Sargassum muticum and three native Sargassum species from Oman waters were compared in laboratory and field experiments to assess whether these traits have the potential to facilitate the invasion process. Only the extract of S. muticum inhibited bacterial growth of four marine bacterial strains and quorum sensing in the reporter strain Chromobacterium violaceum CV017. Settlement, growth and survival of the diatom Cylindrotheca closterium and larvae of the bryozoan Bugula neritina were significantly inhibited by all Sargassum extracts in laboratory experiments. However, crude extracts of S. muticum had the strongest antifouling effect. Natural tissue-level concentrations of S. muticum extract reduced diatom density to about 20% compared with the controls. Larval mortality increased by 80–90% compared with controls with S. muticum extract diluted to one-third natural levels. Significant anti-diatom activity of S. muticum was confirmed in the field experiments with Sargassum extracts embedded in a phytagel matrix. Comparison of non-polar compounds by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry demonstrated that S. muticum extracts had overall fewer secondary metabolites but more species-unique compounds than extracts of native Sargassum spp. The greater antifouling defence of invasive vs. native Sargassum species indicates a selective trait that may contribute to the invasion success of S. muticum.  相似文献   

Ongoing changes in natural diversity due to anthropogenic activities can alter ecosystem functioning. Particular attention has been given to research on biodiversity loss and how those changes can affect the functioning of ecosystems, and, by extension, human welfare. Few studies, however, have addressed how increased diversity due to establishment of nonindigenous species (NIS) may affect ecosystem function in the recipient communities. Marine algae have a highly important role in sustaining nearshore marine ecosystems and are considered a significant component of marine bioinvasions. Here, we examined the patterns of respiration and light‐use efficiency across macroalgal assemblages with different levels of species richness and evenness. Additionally, we compared our results between native and invaded macroalgal assemblages, using the invasive brown macroalga Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt as a model species. Results showed that the presence of the invader increased the rates of respiration and production, most likely as a result of the high biomass of the invader. This effect disappeared when S. muticum lost most of its biomass after senescence. Moreover, predictability–diversity relationships of macroalgal assemblages varied between native and invaded assemblages. Hence, the introduction of high‐impact invasive species may trigger major changes in ecosystem functioning. The impact of S. muticum may be related to its greater biomass in the invaded assemblages, although species interactions and seasonality influenced the magnitude of the impact.  相似文献   

We developed a clonal culture of Sargassum horneri to investigate the effect of photoperiod on reproduction in this species. Regenerated vegetative thalli were obtained using lateral branches excised from a thallus grown from a single embryo under short‐day conditions (SD = 10:14 h light : dark cycle). Lateral branches excised from the SD‐regenerated thallus became vegetative thalli that remained in that phase as long as they were cultured under SD. When an excised lateral branch was cultured under long‐day conditions (LD = 14:10 h light : dark cycle), it began to enter the reproductive phase while still less than 50 mm long. Induction of the reproductive phase was accompanied by a distinctive morphological change – suppression of blade formation at the apical region of the branch; elongation of branches without blades was then followed by differentiation of receptacles bearing conceptacles on their surface. Apices of receptacles were able to interconvert between reproductive and vegetative phases, as blades resprouted upon transfer from LD to SD. The critical day length for induction of receptacle formation was between 13 and 14 h; receptacle formation was also induced under SD conditions with night breaks (NBs). These results strongly suggest that reproductive regulation of S. horneri is a photoperiodic long‐day response. NBs with blue and green light were effective for reproductive induction but not with red light. This suggests that blue‐ and/or green‐light photoreceptors are involved in the photoperiodic reproductive response of S. horneri.  相似文献   

Sargassum ringgoldianm is a canopy‐forming perennial macroalga dominant in a shallow waters along the central Pacific coast of Honshu, Japan, where macroalgal forests have been drastically declining by browsing of herbivorous fish since the 1990s. Accordingly, we tried to reveal seasonal fluctuation of browsing damage on S. ringgoldianum. In the course of the investigation, we found signs of receptacle regeneration in S. rinngoldianum, which has been reported in a few species of the order Fucales. Regenerations occurred most frequently from 3.0 mm to 3.9 mm of the basal part of original receptacles and were also observed at the tips of remaining stalks as well as branchlets that seemed to lose original receptacles. The regenerated receptacles formed antheridia and oogonia, and released eggs from them, suggesting that regenerated receptacles are functional. In addition, no regeneration was observed in only three individuals among 51 plants observed. We show herein a high regenerative ability of wounded receptacles in S. ringgoldianum. This frequent regeneration of functional receptacles is important for the persistence of the population.  相似文献   

Sargassum hemiphyllum is commonly found in Japan and Korea, with a variety, var. chinense, that is found distributed in the southern Chinese coast. We previously reported distinct genetic differentiation between the two taxa based on the PCR‐RFLP data of plastid RubiscoL‐S spacer. The present study aims at elucidating the phylogeographic pattern of S. hemiphyllum based on more markers in the nuclear and extranuclear genomes, with a view to reveal the occurrence of hybridization. The two allopatrically distributed taxa were found to be genetically distinct in nuclear ITS2, plastidial Rubisco (Rbc) and mitochondrial TrnW_I (Trn) spacers. Their divergence was postulated to be attributable to the vicariant event which resulted from the isolation of the Sea of Japan during the late Miocene (6.58–11.25 Mya). Divergence within both S. hemiphyllum and the chinense variety was observed based on Trn spacer, while the divergence in S. hemiphyllum was further confirmed in Rbc spacer. This divergence appears to correspond to the separation of the Japanese populations between the Sea of Japan and the Pacific that occurred around 0.92–2.88 Mya (the early Pleistocene). The presence of an ITS2 clone resembling var. chinense sequences in a Japanese population of S. hemiphyllum (JpNS) raises the possibility of the introgression of var. chinense individuals into S. hemiphyllum population. Compared to that between S. hemiphyllum and the chinense variety, hybridization among the Japanese and Korean populations of S. hemiphyllum is highly probable as all these individuals share a pool of nuclear ITS2 sequences, possibly attributable to incomplete concerted evolution of ITS2.  相似文献   

Conspecific populations with different life‐cycle seasonality, particularly of their reproductive season, have been reported for many seaweed species. However, the number of genetic analyses of such seasonal populations is limited. Herein, based on the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 3 gene (cox3) haplotype, we evaluated the genetic diversity of winter (January–March) and spring (April–June) fertile populations of the brown alga Sargassum horneri in Sado Island, Japan. Obviously, dominant cox3 haplotypes were different between seasons (even at a single site), and the N ST values indicated the presence of a strong genetic differentiation between the two seasonal populations. AMOVA analyses confirmed that most of the genetic diversity was between seasons rather than between regions. Herein, the possibility of allochronic isolation is discussed. Considering the phylogeny of the mitochondrial cox3 DNA sequence, autumn or winter seasonal populations such as those in this investigation have evolved independently at least twice in the species. The present study shows that a shift in breeding season could be expected to conserve the genetic diversity of S. horneri in a certain region.  相似文献   

A new species, Sargassum boreale Yoshida et Horiguchi is described. It belongs to the subgenus Bactrophycus section Teretia, with cylindrical receptacles and is distinct from Sargassum confusum C. Agardh, S. pallidum (Turner) C. Agardh and Sargassum microceratium (Turner) C. Agardh in having a rather elongated stem with smooth surface and distantly issuing main branches, with narrow leaves. The distinction between S. boreale and these species is also revealed by a difference in internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS‐2) sequences. In addition to the base substitutions, the existence of a large gap in S. boreale distinguishes this species from others. Sargassum boreale is distributed around Hokkaido and Saghalien to 50°N latitude. A key to the species of section Teretia is provided.  相似文献   

An ecological model for the simulation of the population dynamics of the cladoceran Penilia avirostris in Guanabara Bay, a tropical Brazilian bay, was developed. The simulated curve gave a good fit, in time and intensity, to the exponential increase and decrease in densities of P. avirostris during the March-July 2000 period. The densities of embryos, young individuals, males, and parthenogenic and gamogenic females were the state variables. Parameters of the model were varied within the range of field and literature data. Predation was considered as the main factor affecting mortality, the death rate being a function of the density of chaetognaths, the dominant invertebrate predator in Guanabara Bay. Input of resting eggs into the model as a “seed” source of embryos provided a good fit to the exponential increase of Penilia density. The observed sharp decreases and collapses of the population could not be explained by mortality or a shift from parthenogenic to gamogenic reproduction only. To provide an explanation, it was necessary to introduce an output forcing function, which probably represents physical factors such as water mass exchanges by tide- and wind-driven currents.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of two small cichlid fishes (Pharyngochromis darlingi andPseudocrenilabrus philander) were studied in Lake Kariba, a very large African man-made lake. They are of no economic importance but make up about 14% and 7% respectively of the inshore fish population and are the major components of the diet of fish-eating birds on the lake.P. darlingi isthe larger species (L = 156.5 mm) and is found on both shelving and steep, eroding shores. Its mortality rate differs in each habitat (Z = 0.44 and 0.72 month–1 respectively), only 0.79% survive for 12 months and its % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaamiuaiaac+% cadaqdaaqaaiaadkeaaaaaaa!384D!\[P/\overline B \] ratio is 5.45 (on shelving shores).Ps. philander is smaller (L = 83.9 mm) and is restricted to shelving areas with abundant vegetation. Its monthly mortality rate was high (Z = 7.69), only 0.05% survive to 12 months whilst its % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaamiuaiaac+% cadaqdaaqaaiaadkeaaaaaaa!384D!\[P/\overline B \] ratio was very high (7.69). The estimates of growth obtained forP. darlingi differ considerably from those given in an earlier study in Lake Kariba and some possible reasons for this are discussed. In suitable habitats, the combined production of both species could be 40 kg ha–1 yr–1 which indicates their potential importance to the ecology of the lake.  相似文献   

The taxonomic and phylogenetic concepts within the Sargassum C. Agardh (Sargassaceae) species complex were evaluated through molecular phylogenetic analyses using portions of the chloroplast encoded rbcLS Operon. According to more conservative sequences (rbcL), Turbinaria (Turner) J. Agardh is a close and well‐supported sister lineage to the Sargassum species complex and an appropriate external outgroup for analyses of subgenera and subsections within Sargassum. Both rbcL and more rapidly evolving rbcLS spacer sequences indicated that the East Asiatic genus Myagropsis (Mertens et Turner) Fensholt, along with Sargassum sinicola Setchell et Gardner, represent the closest lineage to Sargassum and form appropriate internal outgroups. The rbcLS spacer region supported three of four subgeneric designations by J. Agardh and sectional levels within the subgenus Sargassum. However, some aspects of Agardh's system were not supported: many of the subsectional ranks or the phyletic concepts; Phyllotrichia was not monophyletic as a subgenus, and its species were also not the most ancestral of Sargassum; and subgenus Sargassum was not the most derived subgenus within the genus. This modern phylogeny suggests a deep evolutionary history for subgenus Sargassum with rapid speciation in closely related subsections and series, and a sister relationship between subgenera Arthrophycus and Bactrophycus.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of the three intertidal oribatid species, Alismobates inexpectatus, Fortuynia atlantica and Carinozetes bermudensis, have been studied on the archipelago of Bermuda over the course of a year. All three species are univoltine, showing a clear seasonal demographic pattern, with reproduction from spring to late autumn and a complete standstill of egg production in winter. A seasonal shift in sex ratio could also be observed in all three species and is supposed to be based on sex-dependent mortality. The subtropical climate of Bermuda allows longer reproductive periods than shown in other intertidal or edaphic temperate species and temperature is supposed to be the main factor influencing the demography of these intertidal dwelling mites. Although all three Bermudian species exhibit the same basic seasonal demographic pattern, there are slight temporal shifts in population dynamics, presumably caused by local microclimatic differences among the populations. Larviparity, shown in other littoral oribatid mites, is clearly absent in the present species.  相似文献   

The fruit-eating bat, Dermanura tolteca, has a broad geographic distribution in Mexico and it is a very important seed dispersal of Neotropical plants. Nonetheless, information on the biology of this bat species is scarce, especially with regard to demography. We studied some ecological aspects and population dynamics of D. tolteca from Southeastern Mexican State of Oaxaca. The study was conducted in a perennial tropical forest, over a period of 80 nights, a sampling effort of 73 200 mist-net-hour, from May 2006 to August 2007. A total of 176 specimens were captured, 98 females and 78 males. Population size was estimated in 237 individuals in the study area, with a greater number during rainy season. The population density of this bat, in its range of distribution in Mexico is low compared to other nose-leaf bats. Captures were correlated with monthly precipitation, and this result may be linked to food resources abundance in tropical and subtropical areas. The reproductive pattern was bimodal polyestrous, with birth periods between August-September and April-June. Greater body mass was observed in females than males. The male-female ratio and age-related demographics were similar to other nose-leaf bats. The biological characteristics of D. tolteca are typical of nose-leaf bats of the family Phyllostomidae.  相似文献   

A five-year mark–recapture study of dusky rats (Rattus colletti) on the Adelaide River floodplain, within the Australian wet–dry tropics, revealed substantial spatial and temporal variation in demographic characteristics (abundance, condition, and rates of survival, growth, and reproduction) of the rats. Our data suggest that annual variation in the intensity and timing of monsoonal rainfall during the ‘wet-season’ is the main factor driving the demography of the rats. When total rainfall figures are modified to reflect the magnitude and duration of inundation of the floodplain each year, a link is evident between rainfall patterns and the rat population dynamics. Minor spatial variations in elevation (and hence, in the duration of inundation) across the floodplain engender large differences in rat growth rates, condition factors, survival rates, and the duration of reproductive activity each year. Because these rats have very high reproductive rates, small rain-induced differences in the duration of their reproductive season (i.e. number of litters per year) can cause massive differences in subsequent rat abundances. Hence, rat numbers can be predicted from rainfall patterns during the preceding wet-season. Similar links between rainfall, the duration of breeding, and fluctuations in abundance may typify many rodent populations in tropical and arid regions of the world.  相似文献   

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