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Standing crop, density and leaf growth rate of Heterozostera tasmanica (Martens ex Aschers.) den Hartog along with light, temperature, nutrient and sediment characteristics were determined monthly for fifteen months at three study sites in Western Port and one site in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. Erect vegetative stems of H. tasmanica were frequently branched, were present throughout the year and accounted for 25–60% of the above-sediment biomass, with the stem proportion higher during winter than summer. At three of the four sites there was a unimodal seasonal pattern in which minimum leaf standing crop (27–61 g dry wt. m?2), density (600–2000 leaf cluster m?2) and leaf productivity (0.34–0.77 g dry wt. m?2 day?1) generally occurred during winter (June–August) and maximum leaf standing crop (105–173 g dry wt. m?2), density (2700–5000 leaf cluster m?2) and leaf productivity (2.6–4.2 g dry wt. m?2 day?1) occurred during summer (December–February). A bimodal seasonal pattern with minimum standing crop and density during midsummer occurred at one site. This anomalous seasonal pattern may be due to exposure and desiccation stress during spring low tides. At the site receiving the lowest irradiance, standing crop, density and annual leaf production also were lowest, but length and width of leaves, shoot height and leaf growth rate per leaf cluster were the highest of the four study sites. On average, each leaf cluster at any one of the study sites produced 30–31 leaves per year with mean leaf turnover rates of 1.3–1.7% day?1. Annual leaf production of H. tasmanica ranged from 410 to 640 g dry wt.m?2 at the four sites.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1986,24(4):335-341
Seasonal and year-to-year variations in the growth of Zostera marina L. were measured at three sites in two locations in the lower Chesapeake Bay between 1978 and 1980. The maximum values for the 1979 above- and belowground standing crop ranged from 161–336 g dry wt m−2 and 61–155 g dry wt m−2, respectively, leaf length was 19.6–59.7 cm and shoot density 1418–2576 shoot m−2. Values for 1980 tended to be greater and may be related to climatical differences between the two years. Maximum values were usually recorded in the months of June and July when water temperatures were between 20 and 25°C. Significant loss of leaves occurred in July and August, when water temperatures ranged between 25 and 30°C, while new shoots began to appear more rapidly in late September as water temperatures dropped below 20°C. The greatest increase in all growth parameters occurred from April to June during which time reproductive shoots were present, and accounted for up to 25% of the total number of shoots.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1987,27(2):177-186
Potamogeton pectinatus L. populations were studied at three stations over an annual cycle.The maximum standing crop of 17.5 g dry weight (wt.) m−2 was recorded a the most sheltered station, decreasing slightly at the intermediate station to 15.8 g dry wt.m−2, and being only 4.8 g dry wt.m−2 at the most exposed station.Flowering and seed production occurred at all three stations. The maximum proportion of dry weight allocated to reproduction was higher at the more exposed stations (4%), while at the sheltered station only 1% was allocated to reproductive parts. The number of overwintering tubers produced per m2 decreased from 115 per m2 to 45 per m2 with lowered exposure. Conversely, the number of flowers per inflorescence and flowers per m2 was highest at the most sheltered station, decreasing from 9 to 6 and 945 to 672 per m2, respectively, with increasing exposure. No definite trend could be found for seed production, which was highly variable and dependent on a successful period of fertilization during calm weather. At the sheltered locality more resources were allocated to vegetative shoots and rhizomes which were also able to overwinter.The resource allocation of Potamogeton pectinatus seems to be strongly influenced by environmental factors. This is discussed in relation to current reproductive strategy concepts.  相似文献   

A bloom of Karenia brevis Davis developed in September 2007 near Jacksonville, Florida and subsequently progressed south through east Florida coastal waters and the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (ICW). Maximum cell abundances exceeded 106 cells L−1 through October in the northern ICW between Jacksonville and the Indian River Lagoon. The bloom progressed further south during November, and terminated in December 2007 at densities of 104 cells L−1 in the ICW south of Jupiter Inlet, Florida. Brevetoxins were subsequently sampled in sediments and seagrass epiphytes in July and August 2008 in the ICW. Sediment brevetoxins occurred at concentrations of 11–15 ng PbTx-3 equivalents (g dry wt sediment)−1 in three of five basins in the northern ICW during summer 2008. Seagrass beds occur south of the Mosquito Lagoon in the ICW. Brevetoxins were detected in six of the nine seagrass beds sampled between the Mosquito Lagoon and Jupiter Inlet at concentrations of 6–18 ng (g dry wt epiphytes)−1. The highest brevetoxins concentrations were found in sediments near Patrick Air Force Base at 89 ng (g dry wt sediment)−1. In general, brevetoxins occurred in either seagrass epiphytes or sediments. Blades of the resident seagrass species have a maximum life span of less than six months, so it is postulated that brevetoxins could be transferred between epibenthic communities of individual blades in seagrass beds. The occurrence of brevetoxins in east Florida coast sediments and seagrass epiphytes up to eight months after bloom termination supports observations from the Florida west coast that brevetoxins can persist in marine ecosystems in the absence of sustained blooms. Furthermore, our observations show that brevetoxins can persist in sediments where seagrass communities are absent.  相似文献   

Chemical analysis of leaves from 12 different localities of Encelia farinosa (including var. phenicodonta and var. radians) collected on the peninsula of Baja California (Mexico) revealed the presence of various chemotypes that differed with regard to the concentrations of chromenes and sesquiterpene lactones. Localities of E. farinosa collected in the northern part of Baja California were characterized by high concentrations of the chromene encecalin (up to 252 μmol g−1 dry wt.), whereas the sesquiterpene lactone farinosin was not detected. Localities of E. farinosa collected at the southern tip of the peninsula lacked encecalin, but were shown to accumulate farinosin (up to 85 μmol g−1 dry wt.) instead. On the mainland of Mexico, as well as in Arizona (U.S.A.), farinosin concentrations varied from 18 to 44 μmol g−1 dry wt. for 10 different localities analyzed. Chromenes were not detected or present only in minor amounts (up to 13 μmol g−1 dry wt.), when compared to the samples from northern Baja California. Chemical variation within localities was small when compared to variation between different localities. Accumulation of encecalin and aridity seem to coincide at least on the peninsula of Baja California, as localities of E. farinosa that receive the least amount of rainfall contained the largest amounts of encecalin in their leaves. Leaves of E. farinosa that contained sufficiently large amounts of either encecalin or farinosin were both detrimental to neonate larvae of the polyphagous pest insect Spodoptera littoralis as shown by addition of the respective crude leaf extracts to artificial diet. Possible advantages of the observed intraspecific chemical variability of E. farinosa with regard to adaptation by generalist insect herbivores are discussed.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Increase in body wet weight of Gammarus pulex fed on decaying elm leaves was followed to senescence and death. Growth in juveniles was approximately exponential; from birth to death it conformed to a logistic growth curve, with maximum absolute increments in weight about half-way through a life span of 350–450 days at 15°C. Some individuals lived longer, for up to 640–700 days. The instantaneous or specific growth rate was maximal near birth, at c. 5–6% wet wt day?1, and declined exponentially with increasing size and age. Over the range 4.7–14.8°C there was a log-log relationship between temperature and specific growth rate. Growth was maximal at 20°C in newborn animals and at 15°C in 6–9-mg animals. The specific growth rate of young individuals was fastest on decaying leaves of elm with a well developed flora of fungi and other microorganisms. Leached elm leaves without this flora supported growth at a lower rate. The latter diet was sufficient for survival and growth of newborn individuals; detritus, faeces or other food items were not needed. Isolated specimens grew as fast as those kept in groups. Growth was generally slower on leached leaves of oak and sycamore. In newborn animals fed on the fine roots of aquatic plants (Veronica, Rorippa and Glyceria), growth was as fast as on decaying elm leaves; growth on the green living leaves of the plants was slower, as on detritus from two streams and on a pure culture of an aquatic fungus. Consumption of leached elm leaves was related to leaf thickness. In a full gut the wet weight (1.34–1.37 mg) and volume (3.8–4.1 mm3) (for 20-mg animals) was independent of leaf thickness but dependent on animal size, increasing 4-fold over the range 2–50 mg body wt. Daily consumption (dry wt) was approximately equivalent to 50% body dry wt at 5 mg and 20% at 50 mg body wet wt. Individuals fed on thick leaves ingested 50% more dry weight per day and absorbed more in the gut than when fed on thin leaves, but the relative efficiency of absorption was the same at 36–59% for 10–20-mg animals. Weight-specific absorption in the gut was highest in juveniles and decreased with increasing body weight; relative efficiency of absorption was generally lower in the larger individuals. Assuming an energy value of 5 cal mg?1 dry wt for elm leaves, daily mean energy intake by absorption in thegutof G. pu/ex was2.2 cal mg?1 animaldry wt (9.2 J mg?1) in individuals of 0.4 mgdry wt (2 mg wet wt), decreasing to 0.3 cal mg?1 (1.3 J mg?1) at 10 mg dry wt (50 mg wet wt). Growth in Gammarus is briefly reviewed in the hght of work on other animals and it is emphasized that all aspects of feeding, growth and metabol-ism should be specifically related to size and age of the individuals, using well defined diets.  相似文献   

A comparative study of leaf anatomy and morphology and of CO2 exchange was conducted with Rhodiola rosea L., Hylotelephium triphyllum (Haw.) Holub., and Sedum acre L. as representative Crassulacean species occurring in the northeast European Russia. The leaf mesophyll in R. rosea was clearly differentiated into the palisade and spongy tissues, whereas the mesophyll of stonecrops (H. triphyllum and S. acre) was composed of round-shaped cells. The leaves of S. acre featured the largest volume of mesophyll cells and possessed water-retaining cells located around conducting bundles. The chloroplast volume in S. acre (50 μm3) was three times smaller and the number of chloroplasts per cell (170 cell?1) was three times higher than in R. rosea and H. triphyllum (50–55 cell?1). The content of chlorophylls (5–7 mg/g dry wt) and carotenoids (1.5–2.0 mg/g dry wt) in R. rosea leaves was 2–3 times higher than in leaves of stonecrops. The rate of CO2 net uptake in Crassulacean species depended on mesostructure and correlated with the content of pigments and soluble carbohydrates. The photosynthetic rate in R. rosea under optimal irradiance and temperature attained the value of 40 mg/(g dry wt), which is 3 and 8 times higher than in H. triphyllum and S. acre, respectively. The temperature optimum for photosynthesis of R. rosea was observed at 8–18°C, while the optimum for stonecrops was shifted towards higher temperatures by 3–5°C. At chilling temperatures (5–7°C), the leaves of R. rosea retained 50% of their maximal photosynthetic rate, while photosynthetic rates in H. triphyllum and S. acre leaves lowered to 25–30% of the maximal rate. The increase in temperature to 25–30°C led to depression of CO2 net uptake in leaves of Crassulacean species. In R. rosea and H. triphyllum, the rate of photosynthetic electron flow was depressed at high irradiances and temperatures that were supraoptimal for net photosynthesis. It is concluded that the photosynthetic apparatus of Crassulacean species is well adapted to moderate and chilling temperatures, which adjusts the plant metabolism to “life strategies” under conditions of cold climate.  相似文献   

Phenological and quantitative observations on Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) St. John, an exotic aquatic plant in Japan, were made in a shallow pond throughout 1979. Shoot elongation began in spring (late March) when the bottom water temperature became higher than about 10°C. Elongation ceased when the shoot apices reached the pond surface and vigorous branching then occurred. The community formed a dense canopy, with 40–65% of the shoot biomass in the topmost 30-cm water layer during the growing season. Maximum plant biomass (712 g dry wt. m?2) was attained in late July, while the peak root biomass occurred around June, coincident with peak flowering. The anchoring roots and stems eventually died, and after September, the population existed as a floating mat of non-anchored leafy short shoots and decaying old branch stems. This mat sank suddenly to the bottom in December, when water temperatures dropped below approximately 10°C, and overwintered there. The ecological significance of the perennial growth habit and the formation of a floating mat is discussed in terms of the adventive spread of this plant, and an estimation of annual net production and P/B quotient is also made.  相似文献   

Each component of the energy budget (ingestion, egestion,somatic growth, reproductive investment, respiration, excretion, and mucus production) was measured for Haliotis tuberculata L. held at 15°C in a 12-h light: 12-h dark regime. Ulva lactuca L. was used as the food source throughout, and the budget was assessed over the whole size range of the animal. Ingestion rates ranged from 1.94 to 997.2 cal·animal−1·day−1 in 0.01 to 50 g dry wt (3.71 × 10−3 to 17.3 g dry flesh wt) animals, respectively. The major component of the energy budget was somatic growth (37.5% of I) in a 0.01-g dry wt animal while it was respiration (31.1% of I) in a 50-g dry wt animal. Mucus production formed a large part of the budget (from 23.3% of I in a 0.01-g dry wt animal to 29.l% of I in a 50-g dry wt animal). Scope for growth, I − (E + R + U + M), was calculated as ranging from 24.5% of ingestion in a 50-g dry wt animal to 36.8% in a 0.01-g dry wt animal.Each component was measured independently and allometric relationships with animal dry weight calculated. Exponents ranged from 0.60 (somatic growth) to 1.06 (reproductive investment).The calorific value of food was 3419 cal·g dry wt−1 and for faeces was 2817 cal·g dry wt−1. Absorption as a percentage of ingestion in terms of dry weight ranged from 78% for 95-mm length animals (50 g dry wt) to 81% in 6-mm animals (0.01-g dry wt−1). Gross and net growth efficiencies (K1 and K2) were calculated on an energy basis and both were logarithmically related to animal dry weight.  相似文献   

The biomass production and biochemical properties of marine and freshwater species of green macroalgae (multicellular algae), cultivated in outdoor conditions, were evaluated to assess the potential conversion into high-energy liquid biofuels, specifically biocrude and biodiesel and the value of these products. Biomass productivities were typically two times higher for marine macroalgae (8.5–11.9 g m−2 d−1, dry weight) than for freshwater macroalgae (3.4–5.1 g m−2 d−1, dry weight). The biochemical compositions of the species were also distinct, with higher ash content (25.5–36.6%) in marine macroalgae and higher calorific value (15.8–16.4 MJ kg−1) in freshwater macroalgae. Lipid content was highest for freshwater Oedogonium and marine Derbesia. Lipids are a critical organic component for biocrude production by hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) and the theoretical biocrude yield was therefore highest for Oedogonium (17.7%, dry weight) and Derbesia (16.2%, dry weight). Theoretical biocrude yields were also higher than biodiesel yields for all species due to the conversion of the whole organic component of biomass, including the predominant carbohydrate fraction. However, all marine species had higher biomass productivities and therefore had higher projected biocrude productivities than freshwater species, up to 7.1 t of biocrude ha−1 yr−1 for Derbesia. The projected value of the six macroalgae was increased by 45–77% (up to US$7700 ha−1 yr−1) through the extraction of protein prior to the conversion of the residual biomass to biocrude. This study highlights the importance of optimizing biomass productivities for high-energy fuels and targeting additional coproducts to increase value.  相似文献   

《Annals of botany》1997,79(5):517-527
This paper deals with the pattern of nutrient cycling and nutrient use efficiency in four (1–4 years old) poplar (Populus deltoidesMarsh) plantations previously investigated for dry matter dynamics. The present plantations were planted at 3×5 m spacing after clear felling of natural sal (Shorea robustaDipterocarpaceae) mixed broad-leaved forests in central Himalayan Tarai. The nutrient concentrations (N, P and K) in different layers of vegetation were in the order: tree>shrub>herb; whereas the standing state of nutrients were in the order: tree>herb>shrub. Soil, litter and vegetation, respectively accounted for 81–96, 2–4 and 2–15% of the total nutrients in the system. Considerable reductions (trees, 50–68; shrubs, 35–40; and herbs 18–26%) in the concentration of nutrients in leaves occurred during senescence. The uptake of nutrients by the vegetation, and also by the different components, with and without adjustment for internal recycling, was calculated separately. Annual transfer of litter nutrients to the soil by vegetation was 91–148 N, 8–15 P and 70–99 K kg ha−1yr−1. The turnover rate for different nutrients ranged between 0.83 and 0.92 yr−1. The nutrient use efficiency of poplar plantations ranged from 151 to 174 kg ha−1yr−1for N, 1338 to 1566 kg ha−1yr−1for P, and 313 to 318 kg ha−1yr−1for K. Compared with low density eucalypt and older poplar stands, there was a higher proportion of nutrient retranslocation in present poplars, largely because of higher tissue nutrient concentrations. This indicates lower nutrient use efficiency as compared to eucalypt plantations. Compartment models for nutrient dynamics have been developed to represent the distribution of nutrient pools and net annual fluxes within the system.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in controlled growth chambers to evaluate how increases in CO2 concentration ([CO2]) affected carbon metabolism and partitioning into sorbitol, sucrose, and starch in various ages of apple leaves. Apple plants (Malus domestica), 1 year old, were exposed to [CO2] of 200, 360, 700, 1000, and 1600 μl l−1 up to 8 days. Six groups of leaves (counted from the shoot apex): leaves 1–5 (sink), 6–7 (sink to source transition), 8–9 (sink to source transition), 10–11 (nearly-matured source), 21–22 (mid-age source), and 30–32 (aged source), were sampled at 1, 2, 4, and 8 days after [CO2] treatments for carbohydrate analysis. Increases in [CO2] from a sub-ambient (200 μl l−1) to an ambient level (360 μl l−1) significantly increased the concentrations of sorbitol, sucrose, glucose, and fructose tested in all ages of leaves. Continuous increase in [CO2] from ambient to super-ambient levels up to 1600 μl l−1 also increased sorbitol concentration by ≈50% in source leaves, but not in sink and sink to source transition leaves. Increases in [CO2] from 360 to 1600 μl l−1, however, had little effect on sucrose content in all ages of leaves. Starch concentrations increased in all ages of leaves as [CO2] increased. Rapid starch increases (e.g. 5-, 6-, 20-, and 50-fold increases for leaf groups 1–5, 6–7, 10–11, and 21–22, respectively) occurred from 700 to 1600 μl l−1 [CO2] during which increases in sorbitol concentration either ceased or slowed down. Our results indicate that changes in carbohydrates were much more responsive to CO2 enrichment in source leaves than in sink and sink to source transition leaves. Carbon partitioning was favored into starch and sorbitol over sucrose in all ages of leaves when [CO2] was increased from 200 to 700 μl l−1, and was favored into starch over sorbitol from 700 to 1600 μl l−1 [CO2].  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2004,78(3):197-216
Worldwide, seagrasses provide important habitats in coastal ecosystems, but seagrass meadows are often degraded or destroyed by cultural eutrophication. Presently, there are no available tools for early assessment of nutrient over-enrichment; direct measurements of water column nutrients are ineffective since the nutrients typical of early enrichment are rapidly taken up by plants within the ecosystem. We investigated whether, in a gradient of nutrient availability but prior to actual habitat loss, eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) plant morphology and tissue nutrients might reflect environmental nutrient availability. Eelgrass responses to nitrogen along estuarine gradients were assessed; two of these plant responses were combined to create an early indicator of nutrient over-enrichment. Eelgrass plant morphology and leaf tissue nitrogen (N) were measured along nutrient gradients in three New England estuaries: Great Bay Estuary (NH), Narragansett Bay (RI) and Waquoit Bay (MA). Eelgrass leaf N was significantly higher in up-estuary sampling stations than stations down-estuary, reflecting environmental nitrogen gradients. Leaf N content showed high variance, however, limiting its ability to discriminate the early stages of eutrophication. To find a stronger indicator, plant morphological characteristics such as number of leaves per shoot, blade width, and leaf and sheath length were examined, but they only weakly correlated with leaf tissue N. Area normalized leaf mass (mg dry weight cm−2), however, exhibited a strong and consistently negative relationship with leaf tissue N and a significant response to the estuarine nutrient gradients. We found the ratio of leaf N to leaf mass to be a more sensitive and consistent indicator of early eutrophication than either characteristic alone. We suggest the use of this ratio as a nutrient pollution indicator (NPI).  相似文献   

The monthly productivity, standing stock, plant size and density of Ecklonia radiata (C.Ag.) J. Agardh is presented for a 2-yr period. Annual production was 20.7 kg wet wt · m?2 with maximum growth of 0.9% per day in spring (October–December) and minimum growth of 0.2% per day in late summer. (March–April). A close negative correlation was found between spring and summer growth and water temperature. Maximum biomass (18 kg wet wt · m ?2) did not coincide with maximum growth but occurred in late summer. Minimum biomass (6 kg wet wt · m ?2) occurred in winter. An estimate of erosion of plant material from the kelp bed was made from these data and a hypothesis concerning the ultimate destination of eroded and removed kelp plants was formulated.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Spartina alterniflora Loisel. from Oregon Inlet, North Carolina were generally taller and produced significantly more culms and total dry weight than those of S. foliosa Trin. from two California populations (Alameda Beach and Marin County) in eight photoperiod-temperature treatments over a 17-wk period. Seedlings of S. alterniflora produced maximal biomass in 30–26 C whereas those of S. foliosa produced maximal biomass in 22–18 C, both under long-day conditions. The average photosynthesis rate for S. alterniflora (3.0 mg C g dry wt−- hr−-1) was 1.6 times higher than that for S. foliosa (1.9 mg C g dry wt−-1 hr−-1), but the dark respiration rates (0.3 and 0.4 mg C g dry wt−-1 hr−-1, respectively) were not significantly different. The proportion of rhizomes was greater under short than long-day conditions for both species in most temperature regimes. The average shoot soluble carbohydrate and starch concentrations were higher for S. foliosa (8.4 and 0.9%, respectively) than those for S. alterniflora (6.0 and 0.4%, respectively). The average rhizome soluble carbohydrate concentration (18%) for S. alterniflora under long-day conditions was significantly lower than that under short-day conditions (28%) and also lower than those for S. foliosa under both long (26%) and short-day (25%) conditions. Rhizome starch concentrations of S. alterniflora were significantly higher in the short than in most long-day temperatures and were generally higher for S. alterniflora than for S. foliosa under short-day conditions. The root starch concentration of S. alterniflora under short-day conditions (1.3%) was higher than that under long-day conditions (0.2%) and also higher than those of S. foliosa under both long (0.2%) and short-day (0.7%) conditions. The two species exhibited similar patterns of carbohydrate storage in belowground organs, similar flower initiation processes not under strict photoperiod control, and similar respiration rates, but significantly different photosynthetic rates and growth responses with S. alterniflora having the potential to be the more productive species.  相似文献   

Castro  Paula  Freitas  Helena 《Hydrobiologia》2000,428(1):171-177
Spartina maritima (Curtis) Fernald is a dominant species in the Mondego salt marsh on the western coast of Portugal, and it plays a significant role in estuarine productivity. In this work, leaf litter production dynamics and fungal importance for leaf decomposition processes in Spartina maritima were studied. Leaf fall was highly seasonal, being significantly higher during dry months. It ranged from 42 g m-2 in June to less than 6 g m-2 during the winter. Fungal biomass, measured as ergosterol content, did not differ significantly between standing-decaying leaves and naturally detached leaves. Fungal biomass increased in wet months, with a maximum of 614 g g-1 of ergosterol in January in standing-decaying leaves, and 1077 g g-1 in December, in naturally detached leaves, decreasing greatly in summer. Seasonal pattern of fungal colonization was similar in leaves placed in litterbags on the marsh-sediment surface. However, ergosterol concentrations associated with standing-decaying and naturally detached leaves were always much higher than in litterbagged leaves, suggesting that fungal activity was more important before leaf fall. Dry mass of litterbagged leaves declined rapidly after 1 month (about 50%), mostly due to leaching of soluble organic compounds. After 13 months, Spartina leaves had lost 88% of their original dry weight. The decomposition rate constant (k) for Spartina maritima leaves was 0.151 month-1.  相似文献   

Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze (Mimosaceae) is a dominant late-successional tree species in the Atlantic lowland forests of Costa Rica. Leaves of P. macroloba from three heights in the forest canopy were compared with leaves of seedlings grown in controlled environment chambers under four different irradiance levels. Changes in leaf characteristics along the canopy gradient paralleled changes resulting from the light gradient under controlled conditions. The effect of light or canopy position on light-saturated photosynthesis was small, with maximum photosynthesis increasing from 5 to 6.5 μmol m−-2 s−-1 from understory to canopy. Both chamber grown and field leaves showed large adjustments in photosynthetic efficiency at low light via reductions in dark respiration rates and increases in apparent quantum yields. Light saturation of all leaves occurred at or below 500 μmol m−-2 s−-1. Leaf thickness, specific leaf weight, and stomatal density increased to a greater extent than saturated photosynthesis with higher irradiance during growth or height in the canopy. As a result, there was a poor correspondence between leaf thickness and light-saturated photosynthesis on an area basis. It is concluded that Pentaclethra macroloba possesses the characteristics of a typical shade-tolerant species.  相似文献   

Construction costs (CC) and parameters of leaf structure (specific leaf weight, dry matter content, volume of photosynthesizing cells, and the number of cells per leaf area unit) were determined for 19 species of aquatic higher plants. The CC of 1 g dry matter varied from 0.98 g glucose in Lemna gibba L. to 1.48 g glucose in Nuphar pumila (Timm) DC. and Potamogeton natans L. The CC of leaf area unit varied to a greater extent than the CC of 1 g dry wt (from 10 to 97 g glucose/m2) and depended on the type of mesophyll structure. In leaves of hydrophytes with dorsoventral mesophyll structure, the CC of 1 m2 leaf area was 3–9 times larger than in leaves with homogeneous structure. Variations in CC of 1 m2 leaf area in hydrophytes were affected insignificantly (by 2% only) by variations of CC per 1 g dry wt and were mainly determined (by 82%) by changes in specific leaf weight. Two-factor analysis of variance has shown that the CC of 1 g dry wt in hydrophytes depended on the attachment of plants to the sediment: the CC was 1.2 times larger in rooted hydrophytes than in free floating plants. The second factor (the extent of submergence) potentiated the effect of rooting on CC. Reliable differences were found between the leaf CC for hydrophytes belonging to four groups distinguished by the extent of their contact with water and sediment. In a group series: rooted hydrophytes with floating leaves → submerged rooted hydrophytes → free floating submerged hydrophytes → free floating surface inhabiting hydrophytes, the CC of 1 g dry wt decreased by 1.3 times. Path analysis has shown that this trend was due to the increase in photosynthesizing cell volume and to reduction in number of cells per leaf area unit, which caused the decrease in dry matter content. The decrease in the content of leaf dry matter was accompanied by changes in its chemical composition: the content of carbon and nitrogen decreased. This led to a consistent decrease in leaf CC expressed per 1 g dry wt upon the increase in extent of plant hydrophilicity.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The biochemical and energetic compositions of the somatic body components of seven species of asteroids, one ophiuroid, and four echinoids from the northern Gulf of Mexico (30–95 m depth) were ascertained.
  • 2.2. Levels of ash were high (68.5–90.8% dry wt) in all body-wall tissues, with the exception of the asteroid Echinaster modestus (51.6% dry wt). Levels of ash were low in the pyloric cecae (nutrient storage organ) of asteroids (4.6–30.8% dry wt).
  • 3.3. Levels of lipid (8.1–34.5% dry wt), soluble protein (15.9–28.7% dry wt), and insoluble protein (18.1–48.6%, dry wt) were high in the pyloric cecae of all asteroids, but generally low in ophiuroid and echinoid body-wall tissues. High protein levels (28.5–44.5% dry wt) in the body-wall of the asteroids Echinaster modestus and Anthenoides pierceisuggest it may play a role in nutrient storage.
  • 4.4. All somatic tissues contained low levels of carbohydrate (0.2–1.4% dry wt).
  • 5.5. Levels of energy in pyloric cecal tissues (12.99–26.05 kJ/g dry wt) were 4–8 times higher than in echinoderm body-wall tissues (2.92–11.91 kJ/g dry wt).
  • 6.6. The biochemical and energetic compositions of echinoderms from the northern Gulf of Mexico are similar to those of species from other latitudes and depths.

In some eutrophic inland waters the invasive aquatic macrophyte Elodea canadensis has been displaced by the morphologically similar species Elodea nuttallii and subsequently E. nuttallii by Lagarosiphon major. We investigated whether differences in the responses of these species and their associated epiphytic floras to five nutrient loadings in the range 30–480 μg L−1 P and 0.21–3.36 mg L−1 N could explain their observed field displacements. The mean relative growth rate (RGR) of E. nuttallii (RGR 0.086 d−1) was significantly higher than that of either E. canadensis (RGR 0.066 d−1) or L. major (RGR 0.063 d−1). All three species exhibited a plastic morphological response to increasing nutrient loadings with mean root weights reduced at the highest nutrient loading compared with the lowest loading by 33, 75 and 56% for E. canandensis, E. nuttallii and L. major, respectively. Mean tissue nitrogen concentrations increased significantly with increasing nutrient loading, with concentrations in E. canadensis (1.83–2.10% dry wt.) significantly higher than either E. nuttallii (1.56–2.10% dry wt.) or L. major (1.50–1.90% dry wt.). Tissue phosphorus concentrations likewise increased with increasing nutrient loadings although this trend was not as pronounced. Epiphyte biomass per unit photosynthetic surface area (PSA) was significantly higher on E. canadensis than on either E. nuttallii or L. major, but did not increase significantly with increasing nutrient loadings. We suggest that differences in species responses to nutrient enrichment do not explain the species displacements observed in the field. E. nuttallii's higher RGR may, regardless of nutrient supply, enable this species to shade out neighbouring species and outpace the establishment of algae on its leaves.  相似文献   

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