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Diapterus rhombeus dominates the nektonic community of Terminos Lagoon and is associated to zones with submerged vegetation, temperatures between 27 and 33 degrees C and salinity between 25 and 36.5 UPS. A total of 3,024 individuals were collected with a trawl net in 23 sites between September 1997 and September 1998. The length-weight model parameters are a = 0.0098; b = 3.155 with a 96% correlation. The growth parameters are L infinity = 20.4 cm, k = 0.74 and t(o) = -4.207 and the total mortality coefficient is 3.526. Fish length is 2.5-18.0 cm with a mode of 7.5 cm. Recruitment is continuous with a peak from May to August. The species uses several habitats of the lagoon mainly for feeding and growth, reproduction probably occurs in the adjacent continental shelf. Movements between continental shelf and the estuarine system represent a continuous energy flow.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the population structure and some reproductive traits of Urocaris longicaudata collected in Laguna de Términos, Campeche, Mexico in October and December 2009, and February and April 2010. A total of 2977 specimens were collected of which 1596 were females (including 276 ovigerous) and 1381 were males. Females were larger than males (2.03 ± 0.63 vs. 1.97 ± 0.44 mm carapace length (CL), respectively). The overall sex-ratio differed significantly from 1:1. The reproductive period was apparently continuous, with most ovigerous females recorded from December 2009 to April 2010. The estimated size at sexual maturity in females was 2.90 ± 0.64 mm CL. A significant and positive linear relationship between CL and realised fecundity was estimated. The number of embryos ranged from 33 to 320. The average volume of newly spawned embryos was 0.038 ± 0.009 mm3 and that of those near hatching was 0.062 ± 0.012 mm3, representing a 63.15% increase throughout embryogenesis. The females lost on average 27.6% of the initially produced embryos during the incubation period, which favoured the survival of the remaining embryos. This is the first report on any biological trait of U. longicaudata along the southwestern Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

How tropical rainforests are responding to the ongoing global changes in atmospheric composition and climate is little studied and poorly understood. Although rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) could enhance forest productivity, increased temperatures and drought are likely to diminish it. The limited field data have produced conflicting views of the net impacts of these changes so far. One set of studies has seemed to point to enhanced carbon uptake; however, questions have arisen about these findings, and recent experiments with tropical forest trees indicate carbon saturation of canopy leaves and no biomass increase under enhanced CO2. Other field observations indicate decreased forest productivity and increased tree mortality in recent years of peak temperatures and drought (strong El Niño episodes). To determine current climatic responses of forests around the world tropics will require careful annual monitoring of ecosystem performance in representative forests. To develop the necessary process-level understanding of these responses will require intensified experimentation at the whole-tree and stand levels. Finally, a more complete understanding of tropical rainforest carbon cycling is needed for determining whether these ecosystems are carbon sinks or sources now, and how this status might change during the next century.  相似文献   

Six plant associations were identified at Gandoca Lagoon by photointerpretation and field verification: a) mangroves, b) palm trees swamp, and palm trees with Acrostichum aureum and A. danaefolium, c) mixed palm trees, d) very humid tropical rain forest, and e) tropical beach vegetation. The mangroves cover 12.5 ha surrounding the lagoon and extend 2 km up the Gandoca River. Rhizophora mangle (red mangrove) was the dominant species, with Avicennia germinans (black mangrove), Laguncularia racemosa (white mangrove) and Conocarpus erectus (buttonwood) also present. Moving inland the mangroves grade into a tropical rain forest. Gandoca, the largest and best preserved mangrove of Caribbean Costa Rica, tripled its area from 1976 to 2000. Possible causes include sedimentation and the Limón earthquake, which may have subside the lagoon area.  相似文献   

Regeneration patterns in relation to canopy species composition and site variables were analyzed in mixed oak forests of the Sierra de Manantlán in western Mexico with the aim of establishing an ecological basis for the design of management alternatives. Using ordination (canonical correspondence analysis) and classification (two-way indicator species analysis) methods, five different canopy types and three different seedling associations were revealed according to species composition, all of them dominated by one or more oak species. Red–far red ratio, slope, altitude, topography, canopy type and grazing intensity were the main variables that explained differences in species composition among the seedling associations. Oak seedlings were relatively scarce in the sampling plots, with the lowest frequency values of all species recorded except for those of Quercus crassipes Humb. & Bonpl., and also the lowest density values. The presence of a particular oak seedling species was strongly associated with a particular percentage of canopy openness; Quercus candicans Née, Quercus laurina Humb. & Bonpl. and Quercus rugosa Née were present in the plots with the least-open canopy (6.4%, 2.9 and 6.2%, respectively), while Quercus castanea Née and Quercus crassipes Humb. & Bonpl. were present in the plots with the most-open canopy (13 and 8.1%, respectively). Every oak seedling species was more frequent, although not dependent, on the canopy type where the same oak species dominated. Because of the great heterogeneity in species composition and the physiographical factors of mixed oak forests in the Sierra de Manantlán, we concluded that management alternatives must be prescribed for each ecological situation where the different oak species are growing.  相似文献   

In this issue of the Journal of Vegetation Science, Lezama et al. confirm the hypothesis that the effects of grazing increase with productivity, based on data from steppes and prairies in Argentina and Uruguay. Their study can serve as a starting point for further studies addressing questions on the mechanisms behind vegetation dynamics in grassland, emphasizing the need for experimental studies over larger climatic gradients.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》1999,20(3):147-158
Sample sites of `brousse tigrée' and related vegetation types are described for Mali and Niger. Species composition and physical structure of the herbaceous layer as well as woody plant population were recorded at all sites together with data on soils and natural resource management. Herbage yield was measured whereas foliage yield and wood mass were calculated using allometry equation calibrated for each species. `Brousse tigrée' is characterized by the regularly alternating bare-soil stripes with dense linear thickets arranged perpendicularly to the slope. There was no clear superiority in total plant production of `brousse tigrée' when compared to neighbouring site with diffuse vegetation. However, the pattern of `brousse tigrée' tended to favour woody plant yield to the detriment of herbage yield. The number of herbaceous species recorded per site (22–26) was slightly above Sahelian vegetation average despite low number of species per 1-m2 quadrat (6–9), bare soil excluded. This species richness reflects the diversity in edaphic niches resulting from the redistribution and local concentration of water resources and shade. The high spatial heterogeneity and species richness of the herbaceous layer in `brousse tigrée' did not attenuate the interannual variation in herbage yield despite low yields. Except for the herb layer, little evidence was found of grazing influence on the vegetation structure and yield a few hundred metres away from livestock concentration points. On the other hand, the clearing of thickets for cropping led to severe soil erosion which threaten the resilience of `brousse tigrée'. These observations and the well-defined climatic, soiland topographic situations under which the `brousse tigrée' occurs invalidate the hypothesis of an anthropic origin of that vegetationpattern.  相似文献   

A vegetation survey was carried out in a relatively intact Atlantic blanket bog in Southwest Ireland to study the vegetation patterns in relation to environmental variation, and to quantify the effect of artificial and natural borders on compositional variation. The data were analysed using canonical correspondence analysis. In terms of both vegetation and water chemistry, the study site can be categorized as typical of Atlantic blanket bogs in the maritime regions of North-western Europe. The distribution of plant species was explained mainly by depth of the water table. The distribution of bryophytes was secondarily explained by the pH of the bog water, while the distribution of vascular plants was secondarily explained by concentrations of ammonia. The vegetation distribution exhibited little variation between the central sector of the peatland and its disturbed edges (hill-grazing and restoration areas), but a substantial variation was observed between the area along a natural edge (stream) and the areas close to the other peatland borders or centre. Similarly, the internal variation within each sector (centre, hill-grazing edge and restoration area edge) was small, but substantial vegetation variation was observed within the area located along the stream. The area along the stream was associated with relatively deep water table, shallow peat depth, high water colour, pH and NH4 + concentrations, and low Cl concentrations in the bog water. Our results suggest the existence of strong centre-natural margin gradients, as in raised bogs, and indicate that human or animal disturbance do not give rise to the marked transition zones that often characterize natural margins of mire systems. This indicates that even small areas and remnants of Atlantic blanket bogs are worthy of conservation and that their conservation value would benefit from the inclusion of sectors close to the natural peatland borders, which would increase the plant biodiversity of the conserved area.  相似文献   

Research in pristine forests provides a necessary reference of energy and nutrient cycling in absence of anthropogenic influence. Therefore two unpolluted watersheds in the Cordillera de Piuchué of southern Chile (42 °30 S) were chosen for detailed ecosystem analysis. The goals of this study were to quantify the distribution of the living biomass in the research watershed and to document topographic gradients in the vegetation. Across a small spatial gradient from ravine bottom to ridgetop (approximately 60 m in elevation and < 300 m in length) in the Cordillera de Piuchué watersheds, there were significant shifts in vegetation composition, structure, and biomass. Based on sampling in 18, 100 m2 plots, we identified three distinct community associations: a Fitzroya forest at the bottom of the watershed, a mid-slope Pilgerodendron-Tepualia transition zone, and a ridgetop moorland community. The Fitzroya forest was dominated by a cohort of approximately 400 year-old Fitzroya cupressoides trees. Both tree basal area (138 m2/ha) and total live biomass (656 Mg ha–1) reached a maximum in this vegetation type. The Pilgerodendron-Tepualia forest consisted of smaller, shorter, and younger trees with dominance shared by Pilgerodendron uviferum, Tepualia stipularis, and to a lesser extent, F. cupressoides. Basal area and biomass were half that of the Fitzroya forest (69.5 m2 ha–1; 350 Mg ha–1) but tree density was 65% greater. The moorland can best be described as an open community of mosses and cushion plants that included low stature individuals of P. uviferum, F. cupressoides, and T. stipularis. The size and age structure of F. cupressoides in the bottomland forest suggest that the current cohort of adult trees was established following a catastrophic disturbance and that F. cupressoides is unable to regenerate under its own canopy. In contrast, the size structure of the tree populations in the Pilgerodendron-Tepualia zone indicates that all the constituent tree species, except F. cupressoides, are able to reproduce at least at some microsites in the understory. The watershed-level means for live biomass were 306 Mg ha–1 of aboveground tree biomass, 25 Mg ha–1 of large root biomass (diameter ge 1 cm), and 46 Mg ha–1 of small root biomass (diameter < 1 cm).  相似文献   

We assessed a number of biomass and soil parameters in order to examinerelationships among nutrient availability, forest productivity and vegetationpatterns in two old-growth forested watersheds in a pristine montane landscapeon Isla de Chiloé, Chile. We selected watersheds in both gymnosperm- andangiosperm-dominated forests and determined tree species, d.b.h. and health forall trees < 2 cm d.b.h. in plots established at 50m intervals. Soils were sampled at two depths in each plot andanalyzed for total C and N, and for exchangeable Ca, K, Mg andresin-extractableP. Allometric relationships and vegetation nutrient concentrations were used todetermine above-ground pools from the vegetation survey data. Growth rates werederived from increment core measures. Soil pools of most elements measuredappear adequate to support forest growth indefinitely. Mineralized nitrogen,which is similar in quantity to the annual demand for nitrogen from the soil isthe exception, consistent with the possibility of N limitation in two of theforest types studied. A third type, an evergreen broadleaved forest, appears torequire substantially more nitrogen than would appear to be available from netmineralization measurements. Productivity per unit of nitrogen required fromthesoil is quite high, largely as a consequence of the evergreen habit of thespecies in these forests. Compared to other temperate montane forests in theNorthern Hemisphere, nutrient pools and cycling characteristics were found tobemostly similar across forest types, in spite of considerable variation invegetation and soils.  相似文献   

The evidence of microclimatic edge effects through forest/open area ecotones is firm. How this affects the species composition near edges is less well understood and documented. In south-western South Africa shrub-dominated regularly burnt vegetation (i.e. fynbos) is the most common vegetation with indigenous temperate forests naturally occurring mostly in ravines on mountain slopes. The size and width of these forest patches varies considerably. In order to understand how the width of forest patches affects species composition of mosses and liverworts we investigated 20 forest patches of different width. In each forest patch we compiled a total species list, and collected data on selected environmental variables, for a plot of 10×20 m. No significant relationship was found between patch width and the number of either moss or liverwort species. However, the species composition of mosses (but not liverworts) changed along the gradient of patch width. The variation in number of species was large (8–29 mosses and 11–33 liverworts) among the plots and we propose that factors other than distance to the forest edge may be more important in structuring the bryophyte community of these ravine forests. One such factor that is likely to be important is the climatic difference among the plots. There is variation in features, such as precipitation, summer temperature, cloudiness, and the amount of fog, for which we do not have data but that could overrule the microclimatic differences due to edge effects.  相似文献   

We describe the composition and distribution of bivalve molluscs from the sandy and rocky intertidal and the shallow subtidal environments of Bahía de Mazatlán, México. The bivalve fauna of the bay is represented by 89 living species in 28 families, including 37 new records and four range extensions: Lithophaga hastasia, Adula soleniformis, Mactrellona subalata, and Strigilla ervilia. The number of species increases from the upper (44) and lower intertidal (53) to the shallow subtidal (76), but only 11 (17%) have a wide distribution in the bay (i.e., found in all sampling sites and environments). The bivalve assemblages are composed of four main life forms: 27 epifaunal species, 26 infaunal, 16 semi-infaunal, and 20 endolithic. A taxonomic distinctness analysis identified the sampling sites and environments that contribute the most to the taxonomic diversity (species to suborder categories) of the bay. The present work increased significantly (31%) to 132 species previous inventories of bivalves of Bahía de Mazatlán. These species represent 34% of the bivalve diversity of the southern Golfo de California and approximately 15% of the Eastern Tropical Pacific region.  相似文献   

The crustaceans and rotifers of 17 samples from the plankton and 3 from the littoral from lakes of the lower Rio Nhamundá, an affluent of the Amazon were studied.

145 taxa of rotifers and 46 of crustaceans were found; two rotifers and three crustaceans are new to science: Keratella americana nhamundaiensis, Euchlanis triquetra var. nhamudaiensis, Echinisca superaculeata, E. sioli, and E. mira. In the taxonomical part 24 rotiferan and 22 crustacean taxa are described in more detail, drawings of them given, and partly remarks made about the geographical distribution.

In the biocenotical part the conditions of dominances were studied: Brachionus zahniseri and Keratella americana within the rotifers and Bosminopsis deitersi and Oithona amazonica within the crustaceans are the dominant species in the pelagial. In the littorial Synchaeta stylata and Stre‐blocerus pygmaeus were found to be dominant.

The species diversity and also the evenness is higher within the rotifers than in the crustaceans. By means of an index of similarity dendrograms were drawn where groups of lakes can be differentiated by using the similarity between the crustaceans. The proportion of neotropical species in relation to pantropical and cosmopolitical species is lowest in the rotifers, higher in the cladocerans and highest in the copepods at 100%.  相似文献   

Tropical dry forests have been less studied in terms of their resident epiphyte flora compared to wet forests. We studied five species of epiphytic orchids in two dry forest fragments differing in tree composition, stature and rainfall regime. We compared the vertical distribution within the host tree, epiphyte-host associations and seasonal variation in microclimatic conditions in a tropical dry deciduous (Celestún) and a semi-deciduous forest (Kaxil-Kiuic) of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, during the wet, early dry and dry seasons. Light, vapor pressure deficit, air temperature, and dew were measured on two heights (1.5 and 3.5 m) of the host with the highest abundance of orchids. Surprisingly, orchid abundance was higher in the Celestún deciduous forest, the site with low precipitation. High epiphyte abundance in the middle canopy stratum of the hosts in both forests was arguably related to a favorable combination of micro-environmental factors. In both forests, about 90% of all orchids grew on a single host tree species. Although bark roughness and the area of the substrate were the most important host characteristics that influenced the abundance of orchids in the Celestún deciduous forest, this did not explain this preference. Climatic variation was greater among seasons than between microenvironments in the host trees. The most abundant species, Encyclia nematocaulon, had a great capacity to occupy different strata in both forests, even in tree tops with very large micro-environmental fluctuations during the year.  相似文献   

Species richness, community composition and ecology of cryptogamic epiphytes (bryophytes, macrolichens) were studied in upper montane primary, early secondary and late secondary oak forests of the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica. Canopy trees of Quercus copeyensis were sampled with the aim of getting insight in patterns and processes of epiphyte succession and recovery of diversity in secondary forest following forest clearing. Species richness of cryptogamic epiphytes in secondary and primary forests were nearly the same, showing that primary forests are not necessarily more diverse than secondary forests. High species richness of secondary forests was presumed due to the closed canopy, resulting in permanently high atmospheric humidity in these forests. Similarity in species composition of secondary and primary forests increases with forest age, but after 40 years of succession one third (46 species) of primary forest species had not re-established in the secondary forest. Community composition in primary and secondary forests differed markedly and indicates that a long time is needed for the re-establishment of microhabitats and re-invasion of species and communities adapted to differentiated niches. Genera and species exclusive to primary forests are relevant as indicator taxa and conservation targets. Forty percent (68 species) of all species recorded are restricted to secondary forests, indicating the important contribution of secondary forest diversity to total species richness of the oak forests of Costa Rica.  相似文献   



Traditional markets outstandingly contribute to conservation of biocultural diversity, social relations, and cultural values. These markets reflect life strategies and forms people of a region interact with their biodiversity and territories, as well as traditional ecological knowledge and management practices. To understand the factors motivating plant and mushroom management, we analyzed the resources cultural and economic values, their role in people’s subsistence, and the relation of these values with the resources spatial and temporal availability. Our study based on the supposition that traditional markets are settings of interchange of resources with the highest importance for people’s life in a region. Also, that the cultural, economic, and ecological factors influence values of the resources, and the demand on them determine pressures on the most valuable resources which, when scarce, motivate management innovation, otherwise become extinct.


We documented cultural, economic, and ecological aspects, as well as management techniques of wild and weedy plants and mushrooms interchanged in three traditional markets of the Pátzcuaro Lake region, in central-western Mexico. For doing that, from February 2015 to March 2018, we conducted 175 visits to markets and 89 semi-structured interviews to producers, gatherers, and sellers of wild and weedy plants and mushrooms. Based on participant observation and interviews, we identified variables related to culture, economic, and ecological aspects, as well as management regimes of resources and management systems, which were documented and used as indicators for quantitative analyses. Through principal components analyses (PCA), we determined the indexes of cultural and economic importance (ICEI), management intensity (IMI), and ecological risk (IR) of the resources studied. For conducting that, we classified plant and mushroom species according to their cultural, economic, ecological, and technological indicators, respectively. The score of the first principal component was considered as the index for each group of variables, respectively. To identify relations between cultural importance and risk, we performed linear regression analyses between ICEI and IR indexes.


We recorded 57 species of wild and weedy plants used as food, medicine, and ornamental, and 17 species of edible mushrooms. The variables with the highest weight in the ICEI are related to the need of a resource according to people, its recognizing, the number of communities and markets offering it in markets, its explicit preference expressed by people, the effort invested in obtaining it, and the form it is interchanged. Gathering is practiced in all mushrooms and wild and weedy plants from forests and agricultural areas; 11 species in addition receive 1 or more forms of management (enhancing, selective let standing, propagation through seeds or vegetative parts, transplantation, and/or protection). The management intensity and complexity are explained by variables related to management practices and systems. Plants receiving selective management have the higher management intensity. Silvicultural management (in situ management in forests) was recorded in all species of mushrooms, as well as in more than 80% of medicinal, ceremonial and ornamental plants, and in more than 50% of the edible plants. In agricultural systems, people manage more than 90% of the edible plants recorded to be under a management regime, 25% of the managed medicinal plants, and 30.7% of the managed ceremonial and ornamental plants. In homegardens, people manage 41.6% of the medicinal plants recorded and 26.6% of the edible plants, to have them available near home. Nearly 63% of the species interchanged in the markets studied are gathered in forests without any other management form. In this group are included all mushroom species, 61.5% of ceremonial/ornamental plants, 50% of medicinal, and 33.3% of edible plants. The linear regression between ICEI an IER is significantly negative for edible species with high management intensity R2?=?0.505 (p?=?0.0316), because of their management. But in medicinal and ornamental plants, the risk is high if the cultural importance increases, even when management practices like transplanting and propagation in homegardens are carried out.


Traditional markets are settings of interchange of products, knowledge, and experiences, where the ongoing factors and processes motivating management innovation can be identified and documented. This approach allows documenting processes occurring at regional level but would be benefited from deeper studies at local level in communities.

Cofre de Perote National Park (CPNP) in Veracruz, Mexico is part of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt, and its Pinus hartwegii forests reflect a balance between the various natural factors that represent the region's climatology and hydrology. Like many other areas in this region, the historical fire regimes of these forests and their relationship with climate are unknown, but are needed for sustainable management plans. The main objectives of this study were to reconstruct the historical fire regime in a Pinus hartwegii forest and decipher the influenced of climate. Our investigation focused in two study areas, Valle la Teta (VT) and Barranca Honda (BH). The VT study area was divided into three sites based on humidity and elevation: 1) Humid (VTH), 2) Dry Low (VTDL) and 3) Dry High (VTDH). The approximated area for each site was ​​30, 30, 35 and 50 ha, for VTH, VTDL, VTDH and BH, respectively. We collected 162 fire scarred samples to reconstruct the fire history for the last 550 years (1461−2013). The fire scarred samples contained 1240 fire scars, with most fires occurring in spring (95 %) or summer (5%). Prior to 1973, these sites were characterized by a frequent surface fire regime. In all four sites, the mean fire intervals ranged from 5 to 6 years (for fires that scarred ≥ 10 % of the samples) and 13–23 years (for fires that scarred ≥ 25 % of the samples). Extensive fires (≥ 10 %) coincided with significantly dry conditions based on the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), influenced by El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation Index (PDO). We also found a significant relationship between fire occurrence and ENSO, both in its warm phase, El Niño (21 fires ≥ 10 %) and in its cold phase, La Niña (32 fires ≥ 10 %). Synchronization of the cold phase of ENSO (La Niña) with the cold phase of the PDO (negative), facilitated severe drought conditions, resulting in fires with the greatest spatial extent. Since 1973, extensive fires have been absent from the study area most likely due to anthropogenic activities including active fire suppression. These results show a strong climate-fire relationship in these high elevation forests. The lack of fire in the last four decades is concerning and could potentially lead to unnatural stand-replacing fires, unless the historical fire regime is restored to maintain natural processes and increase forest resilience.  相似文献   

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