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膨胀素(expansin,也称作扩张素或扩张蛋白)是一种引起植物细胞壁松弛的蛋白质,在植物细胞伸展以及一系列涉及细胞壁修饰的生命活动中起着关键作用。膨胀素由多基因家族编码,目前的研究表明膨胀素超家族由4个基因亚家族构成。膨胀素存在于不同的种属植物中,并克隆了大量的扩张蛋白基因。综述了近年来国内外有关膨胀素基因和蛋白的结构特征及作用机制等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

Expansin的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着对植物生长机制的不断深入研究,发现expansin蛋白具明显而广泛的促进生长的作用。简述了expansin蛋白的生化特性及其对细胞壁的松弛机制,同时介绍了expansin在水稻中的组织定位。  相似文献   

Expansins in Plant Growth and Development: an Update on an Emerging Topic   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract: Expansins are a class of proteins identified by their ability to induce the extension of isolated plant cell walls. Expansins are encoded by an extensive multigene family in higher plants, several members of which have been shown to be expressed in a tissue-specific manner. Besides playing an apparently key role in wall expansion, and hence in cell growth, expansins have been implicated in an increasing number of processes during plant growth and development. These include: leaf organogenesis, fruit softening, and wall disassembly. A second class of closely related proteins (referred to as β-expansins) has been identified. Other recent advances in expansin research include the recovery of transgenic plants with altered level of expansins, and the production of recombinant expansins in het-erologous expression systems.  相似文献   

植物细胞壁伸展测定仪在蚕豆扩张蛋白特性研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
扩张蛋白(expansin)在细胞扩张和果实成熟中起着极为重要的作用.植物细胞壁伸展测定仪是研究扩张蛋白必不可少的仪器.为此以电涡流传感器为核心部件装配了一种具有结构简单、操作方便和测量准确等优点的新型测定仪,并利用该仪器研究了蚕豆(Vicia faba)扩张蛋白的特性.结果表明蚕豆根、茎、上胚轴和成熟叶片中均存在扩张蛋白,而且叶片和幼根的扩张蛋白活性最强;免疫印迹证实在蚕豆根、茎、上胚轴和成熟叶片中确实存在扩张蛋白.以上结果说明本仪器灵敏且可靠,用此仪器首次发现在成熟叶片中存在扩张蛋白.  相似文献   

Balestrini R  Cosgrove DJ  Bonfante P 《Planta》2005,220(6):889-899
-Expansins are extracellular proteins that increase plant cell-wall extensibility. We analysed their pattern of expression in cucumber roots in the presence and in the absence of the mycorrhizal fungus, Glomus versiforme. The distribution of -expansins was investigated by use of two polyclonal antibodies (anti-EXPA1 and anti-EXPA2, prepared against two different cucumber -expansins) in immunoblotting, immunofluorescence, and immunogold experiments. Immunoblot results indicate the presence of a 30-kDa band specific for mycorrhizal roots. The two antibodies identify antigens with a different distribution in mycorrhizal roots: anti-EXPA1 labels the interface zone, but the plant cell walls only weakly. By contrast, the anti-EXPA2 labels only the plant cell walls. In order to understand the potential role of -expansins during the accommodation of the fungus inside root cells, we prepared semi-thin sections to measure the size of cortical cells and the thickness of cortical cell walls in mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal root. Mycorrhizal cortical cells were significantly larger than non-mycorrhizal cells and had thicker cell walls. In double-labelling experiments with cellobiohydrolase–gold complex, we observed that cellulose was co-localized with -expansins. Taken together, the results demonstrate that -expansins are more abundant in the cucumber cell walls upon mycorrhizal infection; we propose that these wall-loosening proteins are directly involved in the accommodation of the fungus by infected cortical cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Expansins are plant cell wall loosening proteins important in a variety of physiological processes. They comprise a large superfamily of genes consisting of four families (EXPA, EXPB, EXLA and EXLB) whose evolutionary relationships have been well characterized in angiosperms, but not in basal land plants. This work attempts to connect the expansin superfamily in bryophytes with the evolutionary history of this superfamily in angiosperms. METHODS: The expansin superfamily in Physcomitrella patens has been assembled from the Physcomitrella sequencing project data generated by the Joint Genome Institute and compared with angiosperm expansin superfamilies. Phylogenetic, motif, intron and distance analyses have been used for this purpose. KEY RESULTS: A gene superfamily is revealed that contains similar numbers of genes as found in arabidopsis, but lacking EXLA or EXLB genes. This similarity in gene numbers exists even though expansin evolution in Physcomitrella diverged from the angiosperm line approx. 400 million years ago. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that there were a minimum of two EXPA genes and one EXPB gene in the last common ancestor of angiosperms and Physcomitrella. Motif analysis seems to suggest that EXPA protein function is similar in bryophytes and angiosperms, but that EXPB function may be altered. CONCLUSIONS: The EXPA genes of Physcomitrella are likely to have maintained the same biochemical function as angiosperm expansins despite their independent evolutionary history. Changes seen at normally conserved residues in the Physcomitrella EXPB family suggest a possible change in function as one mode of evolution in this family.  相似文献   

Expansive growth of plant cells is controlled principally by processes that loosen the wall and enable it to expand irreversibly. The central role of wall relaxation for cell expansion is reviewed. The most common methods for assessing the extension properties of plant cell walls ( wall extensibility') are described, categorized and assessed critically. What emerges are three fundamentally different approaches which test growing cells for their ability (a) to enlarge at different values of turgor, (b) to induce wall relaxation, and (c) to deform elastically or plastically in response to an applied tensile force. Analogous methods with isolated walls are similarly reviewed. The results of these different assays are related to the nature of plant cell growth and pertinent biophysical theory. I argue that the extensibilities' measured by these assays are fundamentally different from one another and that some are more pertinent to growth than others.  相似文献   

Daniel J. Cosgrove 《Planta》1987,171(2):266-278
This study was carried out to develop improved methods for measuring in-vivo stress relaxation of growing tissues and to compare relaxation in the stems of four different species. When water uptake by growing tissue is prevented, in-vivo stress relaxation occurs because continued wall loosening reduces wall stress and cell turgor pressure. With this procedure one may measure the yield threshold for growth (Y), the turgor pressure in excess of the yield threshold (P-Y), and the physiological wall extensibility (). Three relaxation techniques proved useful: turgor-relaxation, balance-pressure and pressure-block. In the turgor-relaxation method, water is withheld from growing tissue and the reduction in turgor is measured directly with the pressure probe. This technique give absolute values for P and Y, but requires tissue excision. In the balance-pressure technique, the excised growing region is sealed in a pressure chamber, and the subsequent reduction in water potential is measured as the applied pressure needed to return xylem sap to the cut surface. This method is simple, but only measures (P-Y) not the individual values of P and Y. In the pressure-block technique, the growing tissue is sealed into a pressure chamber, growth is monitored continuously, and just sufficient pressure is applied to the chamber to block growth. The method gives high-resolution kinetics of relaxation and does not require tissue excision, but only measures (P-Y).The three methods gave similar results when applied to the growing stems of pea (Pisum sativum L.), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) and zucchini (Curcubita pepo L.) seedlings. Values for (P-Y) averaged between 1.4 and 2.7 bar, depending on species. Yield thresholds averaged between 1.3 and 3.0 bar. Compared with the other methods, relaxation by pressure-block was faster and exhibited dynamic changes in wall-yielding properties. The two pressure-chamber methods were also used to measure the internal water-potential gradient (between the xylem and the epidermis) which drives water uptake for growth. For the four species it was small, between 0.3 and 0.6 bar, and so did not limit growth substantially.Symbols L tissue hydraulic conductance - P cell turgor pressure - Y wall yield threshold - volumetric elastic modulus - physiological wall extensibility  相似文献   

Plant cell walls expand considerably during cell enlargement, but the biochemical reactions leading to wall expansion are unknown. McQueen-Mason et al. (1992, Plant Cell 4, 1425) recently identified two proteins from cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) that induced extension in walls isolated from dicotyledons, but were relatively ineffective on grass coleoptile walls. Here we report the identification and partial characterization of an oat (Avena sativa L.) coleoptile wall protein with similar properties. The oat protein has an apparent molecular mass of 29 kDa as revealed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel eletrophoresis. Activity was optimal between pH 4.5 and 5.0, which makes it a suitable candidate for acid growth responses of plant cell walls. The oat protein induced extension in walls from oat coleoptiles, cucumber hypocotyls and pea (Pisum sativum L.) epicotyls and was specifically recognized by an antibody raised against the 29-kDa wall-extension-inducing protein from cucumber hypocotyls. Contrary to the situation in cucumber walls, the acid-extension response in heat-inactivated oat walls was only partially restored by oat or cucumber wall-extension proteins. Our results show that an antigenically conserved protein in the walls of cucumber and oat seedlings is able to mediate a form of acid-induced wall extension. This implies that dicotyledons and grasses share a common biochemical mechanism for at least part of acid-induced wall extensions, despite the significant differences in wall composition between these two classes of plants.Abbreviations ConA concanavalin A - CM carboxymethyl - DEAE diethylaminoethyl - DTT dithiothreitol - Ex29 29-kDa expansin  相似文献   

Changes in the limiting porosity of cell walls, i.e. the size limit for permeation of neutral molecules through the wall, were studied in several higher-plant cell-suspension cultures. For this purpose, samples of biomass fixed at different cultivation times were investigated using a method based on size-exclusion chromatography of polydisperse dextrans before and after equilibration with the extracted cell clusters. In suspension cultures of Chenopodium album L., Dioscorea deltoidea Wall. and Medicago sativa L., the mean size limit (MSL; critical Stokes' radius for exclusion of neutral polymers from half of the intracellular space) was found to vary between 2.4 and 3.8 nm. It decreased significantly during transition from the growth phase to the stationary phase. In the case of the C. album culture this change was found to be irrespective of whether sucrose in the medium was completely depleted at the end of the growth phase or not. The MSL was kept constant for long periods of the stationary phase if cell viability was maintained by repeated sucrose supplement. In a suspension strain of Triticum aestivum L., the MSL of cell wall permeation was comparatively small (1.75 nm) and remained constant during all cultivation phases. Relations between limiting porosity and cell wall growth, loss of pectic compounds to the medium, cross-linking activities and cell wall stiffening are discussed. Received: 19 December 1996 / Accepted: 23 April 1997  相似文献   

We investigated the involvement of expansin action in determining the growth rate of internodes of floating rice (Oryza sativa L.). Floating rice stem segments in which rapid internodal elongation had been induced by submergence for 2 days were exposed to air or kept in submergence for 2 more days. Both treatments reduced the elongation rate of the internodes, and the degree of reduction was much greater in air-exposed stem segments than in continually submerged segments. These rates of internodal elongation were correlated with acid-induced cell wall extensibility and cell wall susceptibility to expansins in the cell elongation zone of the internodes, but not with extractable expansin activity. These results suggest that the reduced growth rate of internodes must be due, at least in part, to the decrease in acid-induced cell wall extensibility, which can be modulated through changes in the cell wall susceptibility to expansins rather than through expansin activity. Analysis of the cell wall composition of the internodes showed that the cellulosic and noncellulosic polysaccharide contents increased in response to exposure to air, but they remained almost constant under continued submergence although the cell wall susceptibility to expansins gradually declined even under continued submergence. The content of xylose in noncellulosic neutral sugars in the cell walls of internodes was closely and negatively correlated with changes in the susceptibility of the walls to expansins. These results suggest that the deposition of xylose-rich polysaccharides into the cell walls may be related to a decrease in acid-induced cell wall extensibility in floating rice internodes through the modulation of cell wall susceptibility to expansins.  相似文献   

Daniel J. Cosgrove 《Planta》1989,177(1):121-130
Walls from frozen-thawed cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) hypocotyls extend for many hours when placed in tension under acidic conditions. This study examined whether such creep is a purely physical process dependent on wall viscoelasticity alone or whether enzymatic activities are needed to maintain wall extension. Chemical denaturants inhibited wall creep, some acting reversibly and others irreversibly. Brief (15 s) boiling in water irreversibly inhibited creep, as did pre-incubation with proteases. Creep exhibited a high Q10 (3.8) between 20° and 30°C, with slow inactivation at higher temperatures, whereas the viscous flow of pectin solutions exhibited a much lower Q10 (1.35). On the basis of its temperature sensitivity, involvement of pectic gel-sol transitions was judged to be of little importance in creep. Pre-incubation of walls in neutral pH irreversibly inactivated their ability to creep, with a half-time of about 40 min. At 1 mM, Cu2+, Hg2+ and Al3+ were strongly inhibitory whereas most other cations, including Ca2+, had little effect. Sulfhydryl-reducing agents strongly stimulated creep, apparently by stabilizing wall enzyme(s). The physical effects of these treatments on polymer interactions were examined by Instron and stress-relaxation analyses. Some treatments, such as pH and Cu2+, had significant effects on wall viscoelasticity, but others had little or no apparent effect, thus implicating an enzymatic creep mechanism. The results indicate that creep depends on relatively rugged enzymes that are firmly attached to or entangled in the wall. The sensitivity of creep to SH-reducing agents indicates that thiol reduction of wall enzymes might provide a control mechanism for endogenous cell growth.Abbreviations DTT dithiothreitol - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis-(-aminoethylether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - Hepes N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethansulfonic acid  相似文献   

The control of cell expansion in roots   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  

Cell enlargement and growth-induced water potentials   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Understanding the origin and role of growth-induced water potentials helps to explain how cell enlargement is inhibited without a decrease in turgor when water is depleted in the soil or more rapidly lost by transpiration. In many cases, changes in growth-induced water potentials probably cause the inhibition initially, but eventually the cell walls lose extensibility and specific proteins accumulate so that metabolic changes in the walls probably limit later growth.  相似文献   

Abstract Hyphal walls of Agaricus bisporus fruiting bodies were prepared by three different methods of breakage. The chemical and electron microscopic results obtained support the idea that most of the polysaccharide mucilage, loosely bound to the cell walls, remains attached to them when a mild method of cell disruption is used.  相似文献   

Highly purified exo-polygalacturonase was obtained from suspension cultures of carrot ( Daucus carota L. cv. Kintoki) by dialysis at pH 5.2, chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex A-50 and on Sephadex G-150, and preparative polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. The enzyme did not attack the isolated carrot cell walls directly, but it had some effect on pectic polysaccharides extracted from the walls. The extracted polysaccharides were fractionated by DEAE-Sephadex A-50 column chromatography yielding four carbohydrate fractions. The major fraction (P-3) was then reacted with the exo-polygalacturonase. The enzyme treatment resulted in hydrolysis of approximately 18% of the glycosyl linkages of fraction P-3 with the release of galacturonic acids. The molecular size estimated by Bio-Gel A-5m gel filtration was not markedly affected by the enzyme action, but the percentage of galacturonosyl residues was clearly reduced. The specific activity of exo-polygalacturonase changed during the growth cycle, in relation to the cell growth.  相似文献   

Southern analysis showed that Gr-EXPB1, a functional expansin from the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis, is member of a multigene family, and EST data suggest expansins to be present in other plant parasitic nematodes as well. Homology modeling predicted that Gr-EXPB1 domain 1 (D1) has a flat beta-barrel structure with surface-exposed aromatic rings, whereas the 3D structure of Gr-EXPB1-D2 was remarkably similar to plant expansins. Gr-EXPB1 shows highest sequence similarity to two extracellular proteins from saprophytic soil-inhabiting Actinobacteria, and includes a bacterial type II carbohydrate-binding module. These results support the hypothesis that a number of pathogenicity factors of cyst nematodes is of procaryotic origin and were acquired by horizontal gene transfer.  相似文献   

Calcium pectate chemistry was reported to control the growth rate of cells of Chara corallina , and required turgor pressure ( P ) to do so. Accordingly, this chemistry should account for other aspects of growth, particularly the ability of plants to compensate for brief exposure to low P , that is, to 'store' growth. Live Chara cells or isolated walls were attached to a pressure probe, and P was varied. Low P caused growth to be inhibited in live cells, but when P returned to normal (0.5 MPa), a flush of growth completely compensated for that lost at low P for as long as 23–53 min. This growth storage was absent in isolated walls, mature cells and live cells exposed to cold, indicating that the cytoplasm delivered a metabolically derived growth factor needing P for its action. Because the cytoplasm delivered pectate needing P for its action, pectate was supplied to isolated walls at low P as though the cytoplasm had done so. Growth was stored while otherwise none occurred. It was concluded that a P -dependent cycle of calcium pectate chemistry not only controlled growth rate and new wall deposition, but also accounted for stored growth.  相似文献   

The role of calcium in the mechanical strength of isolated cell walls of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Wayne) hypocotyls has been investigated, using the Instron technique to measure the plastic extensibility (PEx) of methanol-boiled, bisected hypocotyl sections and epidermal strips, and atomic absorption spectroscopy to measure wall calcium. Plastic extensibility was closely correlated with the growth rate of intact soybean hypocotyls. Removal of calcium from isolated cell walls by ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) or low pH increased PEx, while addition of calcium decreased PEx; both effects were reversible. The amount of calcium removed and the increase in PEx at pH 4.5 were strongly dependent upon the chelating ability of the buffer anion. There was a direct correlation between the amount of calcium removed from the wall by EGTA or acid and the increase in PEx. Removal of up to 60% of the calcium increased PEx of half-section up to two fold, but further loss of calcium caused a much greater increase in PEx. With epidermal strips, PEx increased only when calcium was reduced below a threshold. At pH 3.5, there was an additional increase in PEx after a lag of about 2 h; this additional increase may be the result of acid-induced cleavage of a different set of load-bearing bonds. We conclude that calcium bridges are part of the load-bearing bonds in soybean hypocotyl cell walls, and that breakage of these crosslinks by apoplastic acid participates in wall loosening. Acid-induced solubilization of wall calcium may be one mechanism involved in wall loosening of dicotyledonous stems.Abbreviations EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - PEx Instron plastic extensibility  相似文献   

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