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根据崇左市白头叶猴栖息地(江州区气象站和扶绥县气象站)主要气象要素的观测资料进行调查统计分析,结果表明白头叶猴栖息地的年平均日照时数为1634.3~1714.9h;年平均气温为22.0~22.3℃;年平均最高气温为26.9-27.5℃,年平均最低气温为18.6℃,年极端最高气温为41.2℃,年极端最低气温为-1.9℃,日平均气温≥10℃的年平均活动积温为8033.8-8152.2℃;年平均降雨量为1201.6~1222.2mm;年平均蒸发量为1645.8-1675.3mm;年平均相对湿度为78%-79%;年平均风速为1.1~1.9m/s。  相似文献   

何雪李  陆施毅  黄中豪  李友邦 《生态学报》2021,41(21):8664-8672
为了解白头叶猴(Trachypithecus leucocephalus)的栖息地利用规律及其影响因素,2016年2月至2017年1月,采用瞬时扫描取样法对广西崇左白头叶猴国家级自然保护区一群白头叶猴的栖息地利用进行了研究。结果表明,白头叶猴对山体不同部位的利用存在显著性差异(χ2 =39.467,df=3,P<0.001),其中,对崖壁(56.75±9.55)%的利用比例最大,其次是对山坡(39.42±10.93)%和山顶(2.98±2.54)%的利用,而对山脚(0.84±1.47)%的利用频率最低。白头叶猴对不同微生境类型的利用存在差异(χ2=27.709,df=3,P<0.001),其中对乔木(49.37±12.31)%的利用比例最大,其次是裸岩(24.05±13.61)%,随后依次为藤本(15.48±8.01)%和灌木(10.87±5.45)%。白头叶猴主要在山坡上觅食,利用崖壁移动、休息,进行社会活动;主要利用裸岩进行社会活动,觅食、移动、休息主要发生在乔木上。从整体来看,白头叶猴在雨季对乔木的利用频率显著大于旱季(Z=-2.680,n=12,P=0.007);雨季在山坡觅食频率显著大于旱季(Z=-2.517,n=12,P=0.012),而在崖壁觅食频率刚好相反(Z=-2.842,n=12,P=0.004);白头叶猴雨季在乔木休息的频率显著大于旱季(Z=-2.355,n=12,P=0.019)。白头叶猴对栖息地的利用受到温度的影响。白头叶猴对乔木的总体利用频率随着平均温度的升高而增加(r=0.664,n=12,P=0.018);觅食时,对崖壁、裸岩的利用频率均与平均温度成负相关关系(崖壁:r=-0.685,n=12,P=0.014;裸岩:r=-0.600,n=12,P=0.039);休息时,对乔木的利用频率与平均温度呈正相关关系(r=0.650,n=12,P=0.022)。不同季节,白头叶猴对栖息地的利用方式不同。白头叶猴的栖息地利用模式可能是在觅食利益和捕食风险之间作出的权衡,并受到环境温度的影响。  相似文献   

白头叶猴栖息环境与栖息地选择的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
通过样方法和焦点动物法分别对白头叶猴栖息环境进行了观察,并对栖息环境的植物多样性进行了统计分析。结果表明,白头叶猴栖息地可分为山脚、山腰、山顶和山弄平地4部分,各部分优势种植物不同,白头叶猴栖息地的Shannon Venner多样性指数为6.152,均匀度为0.8439,白头叶猴对石山山脚、山腰、山顶和山弄平地的利用率分布为66.45 5.65%,21.15±5.49%,12.78±6.8%。在山脚主要是休息和觅食,在山腰主要是移动,在山顶主要是冬季晒太阳。因此,保护白头叶猴的栖息地对保护白头叶猴有特别重要的意义。  相似文献   

白头叶猴及其觅食生物   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
白头叶猴仅分布在我国广西南部四县境内的喀斯特石山地区,数量少,分布范围狭窄,栖息环境特殊,白头叶猴偏爱植物丰富的山脚部分;选择生物量大的植物为食,并选择含水量高的部位。  相似文献   

白头叶猴的分布及生态习性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
江海声  吴名川 《兽类学报》1991,11(3):236-237,193

广西崇左白头叶猴自治区级自然保护区由1980年成立的崇左县珍贵动物保护站和扶绥县珍贵动物保护站(2002年经自治区人民政府确认为林业部门管理的自治区级自然保护区)于2005年合并而成,并开始申报晋升国家级自然保护区。2007年,成立保护区管理局。  相似文献   

针对物种分布格局与其环境变量关系的研究,对于生态廊道规划与环境恢复研究具有重要意义.本文以白头叶猴(Trachypithecus leucocephalus)为研究对象,针对广西崇左白头叶猴国家级自然保护区51个白头叶猴分布点和11个环境变量数据,利用MaxEnt模型(maximum entropy modeling)...  相似文献   

圈养白头叶猴春季昼夜活动节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008 年3 ~5 月,采用瞬时扫描法,对上海动物园5 只白头叶猴的行为进行24 h 昼夜连续观察。结果表明:春季圈养白头叶猴一天的活动起于06∶ 00 左右,结束于18∶ 00 或18∶ 30。白天白头叶猴的主要行为为休息、取食和移动,平均频次依次是13.79 次、4.75 次和2.18 次。夜间的主要行为为休息、移动和抓挠,平均频次依次是22.13 次、0.43 次和0.26 次。不同个体昼夜活动节律差异很大。其中,移动、理毛、玩耍和其它行为的差异显著。夜间无理毛和玩耍行为,移动行为在夜间21∶ 00, 00 ∶ 30, 03∶00 和04∶ 30 出现高峰。在22∶ 30, 01∶ 00, 02∶ 00, 03∶ 30, 04∶ 30 和05∶30 则出现抓挠高峰。这预示白头叶猴夜间休息时处于一个“轻睡眠”状态。同时,雌雄白头叶猴昼夜移动行为差异显著。  相似文献   

一个酷暑难耐的夏天。一片郁郁葱葱的山林。一种奇特的喀斯特地貌。一群温顺可爱的白头叶猴。我们去的是广西崇左白头叶猴自然保护区的岜盆保护站,另外一个是板利保护站。由于人类的过度开垦,它们的家园遭到严重破坏,被分割成了一小块一小块、形似无助的孤岛。  相似文献   

运用3S技术,以1973年MSS影像和1999年TM影像为主要数据源,研究了白头叶猴(Trachypithecus leucocephalus)栖息地26a间景观格局的变化特征,并探讨了景观格局的变化及其对白头叶猴的影响。结果表明:1973年至1999年间白头叶猴栖息地景观格局变化剧烈,九重山、咘遵和弄官山3片区域内景观斑块平均面积平均减少了34.89%,聚集度平均下降了12.23%;同时景观多样性指数平均增加了14.15%,景观形状指数平均增加了31.08%,边界密度平均增加了36.39%,破碎度指数平均增加了64.17%;林地景观类型面积平均减少了18.50%,而农田、居民点等人为景观面积则大幅增加。栖息地景观格局的剧烈变化和环境质量的降低,改变了白头叶猴原始的生存环境,将会对白头叶猴的生存产生严重的影响。  相似文献   

关于白头叶猴分类地位的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过一只雄性白头叶猴与一只雌性黑叶猴杂交繁殖的F1代(雌体)与黑叶猴(雄体)的回交,成功繁殖出两只回交代个体,出生后两回交代个体健康状况良好,所显露出来的形态学特征介于亲本之间,没有呈现明显的分化现象。杂交代的成功繁殖表明白头叶猴与黑叶猴不存在生殖隔离。从而断定白头叶猴不是一个独立种,而是黑叶猴的一个亚种。  相似文献   

贵州麻阳河地区黑叶猴的食性观察   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
1995 ̄1997年对黑叶猴进行野处食性观察,结果表明:(1)对农作物的取食时间是影响其取食植物种类多少的主要因子;(2)其取食部位季节性明显;(3)各季节取食时间长短与了食农作物时间呈负相关;(4)各季节食物交叉性不强。  相似文献   

Understanding how animals cope with habitat‐specific environmental factors can assist in species conservation management. We studied the habitat use of four groups (two large and two small groups) of white‐headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) living in the forest of southwest Guangxi, China between September 2016 and February 2017 via instantaneous scan sampling. Our results showed that the langurs primarily used hillsides (55.91% ± 6.47%), followed by cliffs (29.70% ± 5.48%), hilltops (7.26% ± 3.55%), flat zones (6.99% ± 6.58%), and farmlands (0.14% ± 0.28%). The langurs moved most frequently on hillsides (49.35% ± 6.97%) and cliffs (35.60% ± 9.17%). The hillsides were more frequently used (66.94% ± 7.86%) during feeding, and the langurs increased the use of hilltops during the rainy season, and the use of cliffs in the dry season. The langurs frequently rested on hillsides (49.75% ± 8.16%) and cliffs (38.93% ± 8.02%). The larger langur group used cliffs more frequently when moving and resting, whereas the small langur group used hillsides more frequently while resting. Langurs in all groups avoided the flat zones for feeding. Their use of habitat reflected the balancing of foraging needs, thermoregulation, and predator avoidance. We conclude that the ecological factors are determinants of habitat use for white‐headed langurs. Our findings suggest that conservation efforts should focus on protecting the vegetation on the hillsides and restoring the vegetation on the flat zones.  相似文献   

本研究于2021年3~9月,采用目标观察和全事件记录法,对广西防城港市钦州湾八路水湿地黑翅长脚鹬(Himantopus himantopus)的繁殖习性进行全过程观察记录。黑翅长脚鹬的栖息生境主要在盐田、虾塘和鱼塘,而巢主要分布在盐田生境。共发现39巢,雌雄共同营巢,按照主要巢材将其巢分为干草巢、碎石巢、泥皮巢和牛毛毡草巢4种;巢材包括禾本科(Gramineae)和莎草科(Cyperaceae)植物以及碎石、贝壳等;巢外径为(23.3±10.7)cm,巢内径为(11.2±1.9)cm,巢深为(1.6±0.5)cm,巢高为(6.5±4.3)cm(n=39);筑巢需(3±2)d(n=6)。窝卵数2~4枚,1~2 d产1枚卵,7 d内产完满窝卵(n=6)。雌雄均参与孵卵,雄性孵卵时间比雌性长,但二者差异不显著(P> 0.05),雄性(8 550±245.9)min,雌性(7 530±263.3)min,孵卵期为(25±2)d(n=6)。育雏期(26±3)d(n=6),雌雄轮流育雏,育雏前、中期(雏鸟1~20d日龄),雌性育雏时间比雄性长,是雄性的2倍,育雏后期(雏鸟大于20 d日龄),...  相似文献   

A survey was performed to investigate the infection status of fishborne trematode (FBT) metacercariae in freshwater fish from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. A total of 307 freshwater fish of 31 species were collected from 5 administrative regions of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. They were examined by artificial digestion method from July 2003 to August 2004. No metacercariae were detected in fish from Fusui-xian. In fish from Mashan-xian and a market in Nanning, 3 species of metacercariae, Haplorchis taichui, Haplorchis pumilio, and Centrocestus formosanus, were mainly detected. Metacercariae (8 in number) of Clonorchis sinensis were found in 1 Chanodichthys dabryi purchased from a market in Nanning. In fish from Yangshuo, Metagonimus yokogawai metacercariae were detected from all 18 fish species examined. Total 13 C. sinensis metacercariae were found in 3 out of 10 Hemibarbus maculatus from Yangshuo. All 7 Zacco platypus from Yangshuo were infected with 8-112 Echinochasmus perfoliatus metacercariae. In fish from Binyang-xian, H. pumilo metacercariae were mainly detected in all 5 fish species examined, and only 1 metacercaria of C. sinensis was found in a Hemiculter leucisculus. From the above results, it was confirmed that some species of freshwater fish play a role of second intermediate hosts for FBT in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. In particular, 4 species of intestinal flukes, M. yokogawai, H. taichui, H. pumilio, and C. formosanus, were prevalent in fish hosts, whereas C. sinensis metacercariae were detected only in 3 fish species.  相似文献   

Presbytis potenziani is found only on the Mentawai Islands, Indonesia, and its ecology and feeding and ranging behavior have been little studied. I studied 10 groups ofPresbytis potenziani in the primary forests of North Pagai Island, Mentawai, Indonesia.P. potenziani used primarily the upper strata of the forests for feeding, movement, and resting. Groups remained cohesive during their daily activities, ranged between 100 to > 1000 m daily, and occupied home ranges of ≤ 40 ha. Neither sex predominantly initiated group movement. Locomotion was primarily quadrupedal, with frequent leaping. P. potenziani showed two feeding peaks, one in early morning and one during midafternoon. P. potenziani fed mainly on climbers and trees of the Dipterocarpaceae. They ate primarily leaves, but also fed on fruits and other plant parts.  相似文献   

Populations of many Afro-Palearctic birds have declined, with those wintering in sub-Saharan Africa, such as Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix, particularly affected. In this study we investigated the relationship between habitat characteristics and Wood Warbler presence/absence in the Centre Region of Cameroon. A total of six transects were established in three habitat types (forest, forest–savanna transitional zone and savanna). Call playback surveys were conducted monthly from November 2015 to April 2016 to determine Wood Warbler presence/absence. Detailed habitat measurements were also recorded in each transect. A total of 86 responses were recorded: 33 (mean 6.6 ± 2.3) in forest habitat, 47 (mean 9.4 ± 3.36) in the forest–savanna transitional zone, and 6 (mean 2 ± 1.1) in savanna habitat. Wood Warbler presence increased significantly with the number of trees between 3 and 7 m in height, and decreased significantly with the number of shrubs between 0.5 and 3 m in height. Anthropogenic disturbance such as the agricultural cycle and burning were not found to have an effect on Wood Warblers presence/absence. We conclude that Wood Warblers overwinter in all three habitat types with probability of detection greatest in the forest–savanna transitional habitat with a relatively low canopy and an open understorey. Forest clearance in sub-Saharan Africa potentially threatens wintering habitat for Wood Warblers.  相似文献   

曹宁  薛达元 《生物多样性》2019,27(7):728-16
本文在文献研究和实地调查的基础之上, 结合目前开展的关于壮族生物多样性相关传统知识的调查、整理与编目工作, 分别从酸食文化、织染文化、地名文化和文学艺术的角度对壮族文化多样性和生物多样性之间的关系进行了初步探究, 并从自然崇拜、乡规民约和习惯法、传统生态观念以及传统医药文化等几个方面探讨了传统文化对当地生物多样性的保护作用。结果表明: (1)壮族文化多样性与生物多样性密切相关。丰富的生物多样性孕育了传统文化, 而传统文化的形成和发展又直接或间接地丰富了当地的生物多样性; (2)壮族人民在长期生产生活中创造的传统文化和传统知识促进了当地生物多样性的保护与可持续利用; 而对生物多样性的保护又进一步保障了当地传统文化的传承。本文还对传统知识和传统文化的发展现状及受威胁因素进行了讨论, 并以此为基础, 提出传承壮族传统文化、保护和可持续利用传统知识的相关建议, 即应通过加强宣传和立法, 建立传统知识数据库和发展乡村旅游等形式, 加强对传统知识与传统文化的保护。  相似文献   

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