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不同人群精液质量现状的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对434例有生育力,346例生育力不明男性的精液质量进行检测,并与同实验室80年代前期110例的数据相比较,评价目前男性精子质量的现状。结果表明,精子质量均明显降低,以精子数目中的计数和总数的降低最为明显,分别降低54.2%-98.9%和39.7%-114.5%,出现异常指标的异常百分率以精子活动性中的活动率、a级活力、a b级活力最高,分别达到18.4%-42.3%,37.5%-68.1%、39.5%-75.2%,各指标在正常值范围内的比率仅占33.6%和26.0%,因此,提出精液质量的普遍降低应引起足够重视。  相似文献   

目的 了解男性不育患者精液细菌感染率及菌群分布、细菌感染对精液常规指标及动态学参数的影响、精液白细胞(WBC)数与细菌感染率的相关性.方法 对405例我院男科门诊就诊的不育患者进行精液细菌培养鉴定,并采用SQIAS-2000精子质量图文分析系统对精液进行常规分析,采用正甲苯胺蓝过氧化物酶法对精液中WBC进行定量分析.结果 男性不育患者精液细菌感染率为43.2%,其中革兰阳性菌占86.3%,以葡萄球菌属细菌为主;细菌感染组与对照组的精液相关参数在精子密度、精子活率、a+b级精子活力、畸形精子率、曲线速度、直线速度、平均路径速度、平均移动角度、直线性、前向性、鞭打频率等方面差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);当精液WBC≥5×106/mL时,细菌感染率为91.3%.结论 男性不育患者精液细菌感染率较高,且细菌感染可引起精子数量减少、运动质量和能力减弱,进一步证实了生殖道细菌感染是男性不育的重要原因.  相似文献   

建立大熊猫的精子库,进行远距离圈养大熊猫种群间的人工授精和遗传物质的转运,维持遗传多样性,是目前大熊猫遗传管理的优先方法。要成为最有效的工具,精子库保存的精子解冻后的活力必须很好。本文对大熊猫冷冻精液的解冻速度和解冻液中添加化学激活剂Pentyoxyfilline(PF)后的精子活力进行了试验。试验用的精液采自11只成年大熊猫,精液冷冻速度为每分钟-40℃~-100℃。试验Ⅰ:将冷冻精液放入3种不同温度的水浴中解冻:(1)22℃(慢速解冻);(2)37℃(中速解冻)(3)50℃(快速解冻)。将冷冻前精子活力(78 1±2 9%)和解冻后的平均精子活力进行比较,快速解冻后的精子活力(57 5±5 4%)显著地降低(P<0 05),而中速解冻的精子活力(67 5±3 1%)和慢速解冻的精子活力(73 33±2 1%)与冷冻前的活力接近。试验Ⅱ:使用中速解冻方法解冻精液后,分别加入最终浓度为0mM、1mM、5mM和10mM的PF,然后分别保温15min和24h。在PF(0mM、1mM、5mM和10mM)中分别孵育15min的解冻精子活力,运动状态,活率和顶体正常率在试验期的90min内都很相似(P>0 05)。在1mMPF中孵育24h的精子活力没有变化(P>0 05)。在5mM和10mMPF中孵育过的精子活力(5mM:24 0±4 7%;10mM19 5±3 6%)比没有加PF的对照组的精子活力(38 3±5 2%)显著地低(P<0 05)。而且,在10mM  相似文献   

以原鸡滇南亚种为研究对象,利用性欲反射强度、精液采集量等评判指标,探索适合于原鸡的人工采精技术.通过对精液感官评定和显微镜检,构建精液常规生理指标;在精液中,分别添加NaCl(0.9%、1%)、葡萄糖(5%、5.7%)、卵黄液(10%、13%)、蔗糖液(11%、13%)等4种稀释液,测量不同处理精子的活力、畸形率、质膜完整性、存活时间和生存指数,探讨稀释液、不同季节及二者交互作用对精液品质的影响,筛选新鲜精液的最优稀释液.结果表明:改进后的人工采精技术可使采精量增至0.16 ml、成功率达96%以上.精液中性微偏酸性(pH∶ 6.7~7.0),呈现"有云雾状"特性、春秋季较明显,呈乳白色或乳黄色,略带腥味.精液量为(0.13±0.02) ml (0.10~0.16 ml),精子密度为(15.03±4.46)×10~8个/ml(11.61×10~8~22.16×10~8个/ml),活力为(93.91±0.08)%(93.20%~95.00%),质膜完整性为(93.75±2.71)%(91.60%~95.64%),畸形率为(5.53±1.59)%(4.55%~6.48%).NaCl(0.9%、1%)、葡萄糖(5%、5.7%)和11%蔗糖液均可作为新鲜精液稀释液,其总存活时间达32 h以上,考虑对畸形率、活力和质膜完整性等影响,以1%NaCl处理效果相对最佳.就精子活力和质膜完整性而言,原鸡采精的季节(月份)对稀释液具有一定选择性.  相似文献   

本研究旨在回顾性分析单侧睾丸扭转患者手术切除睾丸与保留睾丸之间远期生育能力的差异。通过对2016年1月至2018年12月南华大学附属南华医院收治的36例单侧睾丸扭转患者(其中睾丸切除22例,手术复位保留睾丸14例)进行病例资料分析和生育结局随访,同时选取同时期25名正常男性志愿者与手术切除睾丸和手术复位保留睾丸患者进行精液分析,比较他们的精液质量差异,发现追访其婚育史,两组患者在平均结婚年龄、性生活满意程度方面均未出现显著差异。切除组中,现有11例患者的配偶正常生育后代,生育率为64.7%,平均妊娠时间为2.1年。保留睾丸复位组中,7例患者配偶正常生育,生育率70%,平均妊娠时间1.9年。上述两组均未出现有统计学差异的存在。精液质量对比中:复位组在精子活率及a+b级精子(前向运动精子)方面降低。睾丸扭转发生后切除或者保留睾丸对患者平均结婚年龄、性生活满意程度影响不大。但是在精液质量方面复位保留睾丸出现了精子活率及a+b级精子(前向运动精子)方面降低,本研究建议如果发生了睾丸扭转超过一定时限,还是以手术切除睾丸较保留为好。  相似文献   

目的:应用Cat Sper1单克隆抗体抑制Cat Sper1的功能,检测精子线粒体呼吸功能及能量合成能力,观察Cat Sper1对精子线粒体呼吸与能量代谢的影响。方法:健康志愿者20例,检测精液均符合WHO健康标准。手淫法获取精液,经过上游法处理后每份精液分为A、B两组,分别与Earles液以及50μg/m L抗Cat Sper1多克隆抗体共孵育。在1 h,2 h,4 h后分别检测两组精子精液参数、细胞线粒体呼吸控制率RCR及精子细胞ATP含量。结果:与A组比较,B组精子各时间点a+b(%)尤其是a(%)均明显下降,差异具有统计学意义(P0.01);1 h后B组精子a(%)即明显下降,2 h,4 h后精子下降缓慢,与1 h相比无明显差异,无统计学意义(P0.05)。与A组比较,B组精子各时间点态3值、呼吸控制率RCR以及精子细胞ATP含量均明显下降,差异具有统计学意义(P0.01);B组精子中,2 h、4 h节点精子态3值、呼吸控制率RCR以及精子细胞ATP含量与1 h无明显差异,无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:阻断精子特异性钙通道Cat Sper1,可降低精子细胞线粒体呼吸功能,减少精子生成ATP的能力,从而使精子活力降低。为精索静脉曲张引起精子Cat Sper1表达下降,从而导致不育的机制寻找可能的理论依据。  相似文献   

选用活率、运动速度、活力这三个指标对37℃下温育的大熊猫新鲜精液每隔15 min做一次镜检和质量评估.运动速度从第45 min后开始大幅降低(P<0.05),105 min时活率开始显著降低(P<0.05);0~45 min内活力为78.8%~75.5%(P>0.05), 60~90 min内活力为69.5%~64%,变化显著(P<0.05);90~120 min内活力及运动速度均显著降低(P<0.05).认为37℃温育时间应该控制在75 min以内;45 min以内精子运动速度、活率、活力处于最佳状态,此时段为首选输精时间.  相似文献   

为利用冷冻精液保存地方鸭品种资源,以笼养攸县麻鸭公鸭(日龄170 d)为试验对象,检测其精子密度与活力,对精液稀释液渗透压进行筛选;将活力在0.5以上的精液以6%二甲基乙酰胺(dimethylacetamide,DMA)作为冷冻保护剂,用便携式简易专利技术装置,将细管精液置于液氮面上约2 cm高度熏蒸冷冻7 min后浸入液氮10 min以上,随后40℃水浴解冻10 s,检测解冻精子活力;将精子活力在0.3以上的细管精液在液氮中保存,待收集到足够细管精液后对相近周龄临武鸭母鸭进行输精。结果显示:1)在不同渗透压稀释液中,精子体外存活时间以LR液303 m Osm/kg组最佳,其活力与273 m Osm/kg组差异不显著(P>0.05),与215 m Osm/kg组差异显著(P<0.05); 2)采集的原精平均活力中,诱情方式的为0.71,按摩方式的为0.61; 3)诱情方式冻精液的平均活力为0.33,活力在0.3以上的冻精输精组的受精率为85.93%,鲜精组为88.17%,且冻精最高批次平均受精率达93.8%。本文精液冷冻方法为我国鸭乃至禽类延长公禽在后裔测定中的种用期限,利用精液冷冻保存种质资源,弥补活体保种的不足等领域的研究与应用提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

不同禁欲时间对少精、弱精精液质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解不同禁欲时间对少精、弱精精液质量的影响,为临床治疗不育提供参考。方法:对正常精液、少精症、弱精症患者分别根据禁欲天数随机分成两组,禁欲2-4天为A组,禁欲5-7天为B组,对上述各组进行精液分析。结果:在正常组、少精组及弱精组中,A组的精液量、精子密度及精子总量低于B组,A组a b级精子百分率高于B组,差异有统计学意义。在少精组及弱精组中A组精子正常形态率高于B组,差异有统计学意义。结论:正常精液及弱精症患者禁欲2-4天的精液质量最好,少精症患者禁欲5-7天的精液质量最好。  相似文献   

一种简单实用的猪颗粒冻精制作技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验以年龄在2.5岁左右的长白种公猪的精液为材料,在比较了常用的Ⅰ号、Ⅱ号、Ⅲ号猪精液冷冻稀释液和Ⅰ号、Ⅱ号解冻液及冷冻———解冻程序对猪精液的冷冻效果后,依据解冻后精子的活力、质膜完整性等指标,发现:1、Ⅱ号冷冻稀释液的稀释效果(精子活力42.5±5.2精子弯尾率44.7±3.5)和Ⅱ号解冻液的解冻效果(精子活力43.8±2.6精子弯尾率36.2±4.3)明显较好;2、根据制作经验总结,发现了一种与以往资料上介绍的完全不同的猪精液冷冻颗粒制作方法,从而筛选出了一种简单实用的猪颗粒冻精制作技术。  相似文献   

Levels of DNA, cholesterol, and phospholipids of mouse caudal epididymal and vas deferens sperm that were processed through simple washing and Percoll gradient centrifugation were measured. The DNA and cholesterol contents of washed sperm and Percoll gradient centrifuged (PGC) sperm (DNA = 3.6 ± 0.3 pg/sperm and 3.4 ± 0.3 pg/sperm, respectively; cholesterol = 0.219 ± 0.057 nmole/μg DNA and 0.224 ± 0.030 nmole/μg DNA, respectively, for washed and PGC sperm) were not significantly different from each other; however, the phospholipid level of PGC sperm was only one half of that of washed sperm (0.315 ± 0.071 nmole/μg DNA versus 0.720 ± 0.075 nmole/μg DNA, respectively). The presence of 0.3% bovine serum albumin (BSA) in the culture medium used in sperm washing did not change the cholesterol and phospholipid contents of washed sperm. Similarly, the cholesterol and phospholipid levels of washed sperm and PGC sperm that were further incubated in BSA-containing medium for 30 min remained the same. Interestingly, substantial amounts of lipids, as determined by the cholesterol and phospholipid levels, were released into the supernatants of the sperm washes, and sperm needed to be washed at least twice to ensure their stable levels of cholesterol and phospholipids. The lipid mixture in the first sperm wash supernatant was shown to have inhibitory effects on PGC sperm motility. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mice of the PL/J strain exhibit a high percentage of morphologically abnormal sperm and provide a model for studying the function of abnormal sperm. The ability of such sperm to reach the site of fertilization within the female reproductive tract has been investigated. We have found a decrease in the percentage of structurally abnormal sperm within the population that reaches the oviduct. This observation suggests either that there is an active selection against abnormal sperm or that they are physiologically disadvantaged in reaching the site of fertilization.  相似文献   

Male traits that correlate with fertilization success include testis size and structure, ejaculate size, ejaculation frequency, and sperm motility. Two hypotheses potentially explain interspecific differences in these traits: sperm competition and sperm limitation. We examined variation in six traits associated with fertilization success in three closely‐related species of bitterling fish; the European bitterling (Rhodeus amarus), the Chinese rose bitterling (Rhodeus ocellatus), and the Chinese bitterling (Rhodeus sinensis). Interspecific differences indicated that the three study species have evolved different sperm allocation strategies. Rhodeus amarus displayed the most developed reproductive apparatus with a number of traits associated with both high levels of sperm production and fertilization efficiency. Rhodeus ocellatus and R. sinensis appear to have more comparable sperm allocation strategies, although relative testis size and spermatozoa head : tail ratio were greater in R. sinensis, suggesting that sperm competition risk may be higher in this species. All three species possessed an unusually well developed sperm duct with evidence of mucin production, which greatly extends the longevity of sperm and, consequently, the period over which fertilization can occur. We discuss these findings in the context of differences in the mating systems of the species examined, and relate the results obtained to differences in the temporal and spatial clustering of fertilizations. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 622–632.  相似文献   

This review focuses on some of the main features of sperm selection and storage in birds mainly on the basis of studies performed in poultry species, with emphasis on the initial selection of sperm at the female vagina level prior to migration towards the sperm storage tubules. Sperm originating from low-quality males or subjected to inappropriate in vitro storage conditions are rapidly discarded, resulting in impaired fertility in corresponding flocks. In the absence of accessible and appropriate technology for matching the 'storing' potential of sperm in the oviduct, conditions for prolonged sperm storage under a liquid (through the use of semen extenders) or a solid state (cryopreservation) have received only limited attention, despite their potential interest to facilitate male and female management in poultry flocks. Despite this, technology for short-term liquid storage is currently used in turkeys, guinea fowl and muscovy ducks and also in progress in chickens. In addition, technology for cryopreservation of avian semen has become available for some species (chicken, goose) to facilitate the management of genetic resources, including the preservation of rare and economically important breeds.  相似文献   

Explanations for the evolution of polyandry often center on the idea that females garner genetic benefits for their offspring by mating multiply. Furthermore, postcopulatory processes are thought to be fundamental to enabling polyandrous females to screen for genetic quality. Much attention has focused on the potential for polyandrous females to accrue such benefits via a sexy‐ or good‐sperm mechanism, whereby additive variation exists among males in sperm competitiveness. Likewise, attention has focused on an alternative model, in which offspring quality (in this context, the sperm competitiveness of sons) hinges on an interaction between parental haplotypes (genetic compatibility). Sperm competitiveness that is contingent on parental compatibility will exhibit nonadditive genetic variation. We tested these models in the Australian cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus, using a design that allowed us to partition additive, nonadditive genetic, and parental variance for sperm competitiveness. We found an absence of additive and nonadditive genetic variance in this species, challenging the direct relevance of either model to the evolution of sperm competitiveness in particular, and polyandry in general. Instead, we found maternal effects that were possibly sex‐linked or cytoplasmically linked. We also found effects of focal male age on sperm competitiveness, with small increments in age conferring more competitive sperm.  相似文献   

Calcium-ionophore A23187 and freezing-thawing were used as sperm treatments before human sperm injection into the perivitelline space (SI-PVS) of hamster oocytes. The penetration rate (PR) was higher when SI-PVS was performed with calcium-ionophore-treated (28%) or frozen-thawed (51%) sperm than with untreated sperm (8%). Optimal PR occurred when five calcium-ionophore-treated (57%) or frozen-thawed (71%) sperm were injected under the zona pellucida. When the sperm:egg ratio was 1:1, PR was higher for calcium-ionophore-treated (18.5%) or frozen-thawed (27.8%) sperm than for untreated sperm (0.0%). Calcium-ionophore sperm treatment had no effect on the polyspermic oocyte rate (POR) or the mean number of swollen sperm nuclei per penetrated oocyte (Pd) or per injected sperm (SR). This may result from premature oocyte activation induced by Ca-ionophore. However, POR was higher with frozen-thawed (74%) than with untreated (50%) or Ca-ionophore-treated (50%) sperm. Whatever the sperm treatment, there was a trend toward a lower SR as the number of injected sperm increased. Cytoplasmic regulation of polyspermy in the hamster oocyte is discussed.  相似文献   

The sperm structure of several ladybird species belonging to different subfamilies of Coccinellidae was studied. Three main sperm types were clearly recognized, and were characterized by differences in acrosomal length, the presence of a dense coat around the acrosome, the length of the basal body, the amount of the centriole adjunct material, and the diameter of the mitochondrial derivatives. However, the whole group shares a pattern of the posterior sperm region uncommon for insects, in which the axoneme and other flagellar components are running parallel with the nucleus. As a general conclusion, this study has revealed an inconsistency between the sperm structure and the systematics of the group, indicating that the generic concepts within the group do not reflect a natural classification, a statement also shared by molecular studies.  相似文献   

Sperm morphology (size and shape) and sperm velocity are both positively associated with fertilization success, and are expected to be under strong selection. Until recently, evidence for a link between sperm morphology and velocity was lacking, but recent comparative studies have shown that species with high levels of sperm competition have evolved long and fast sperm. It is therefore surprising that evidence for a phenotypic or genetic relationship between length and velocity within species is equivocal, even though sperm competition is played out in the intraspecific arena. Here, we first show that sperm velocity is positively phenotypically correlated with measures of sperm length in the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata . Second, by using the quantitative genetic "animal model" on a dataset from a multigenerational-pedigreed population, we show that sperm velocity is heritable, and positively genetically correlated to a number of heritable components of sperm length. Therefore, selection for faster sperm will simultaneously lead to the evolution of longer sperm (and vice versa). Our results provide, for the first time, a clear phenotypic and genetic link between sperm length and velocity, which has broad implications for understanding how recently described macroevolutionary patterns in sperm traits have evolved.  相似文献   

Sperm senescence can have important evolutionary implications due to its deleterious effects on sperm quality and offspring performance. Consequently, it has been argued that polyandry (female multiple mating) may facilitate the selection of younger, and therefore competitively superior, sperm when ejaculates from multiple males compete for fertilization. Surprisingly, however, unequivocal evidence that sperm ageing influences traits that underlie sperm competitiveness is lacking. Here, we used a paired experimental design that compares sperm quality between ‘old’ and ‘young’ ejaculates from individual male guppies (Poecilia reticulata). We show that older sperm exhibit significant reductions in sperm velocity compared with younger sperm from the same males. We found no evidence that the brightness of the male''s orange (carotenoid) spots, which are thought to signal resistance to oxidative stress (and thus age-related declines in sperm fitness), signals a male''s ability to withstand the deleterious effects of sperm ageing. Instead, polyandry may be a more effective strategy for females to minimize the likelihood of being fertilized by aged sperm.  相似文献   

Deleterious mutations can accumulate in the germline with age, decreasing the genetic quality of sperm and imposing a cost on female fitness. If these mutations also affect sperm competition ability or sperm production, then females will benefit from polyandry as it incites sperm competition and, consequently, minimizes the mutational load in the offspring. We tested this hypothesis in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a species characterized by polyandry and intense sperm competition, by investigating whether age affects post‐copulatory male traits and sperm competition success. Females did not discriminate between old and young males in a mate choice experiment. While old males produced longer and slower sperm with larger reserves of strippable sperm, compared to young males, artificial insemination did not reveal any effect of age on sperm competition success. Altogether, these results do not support the hypothesis that polyandry evolved in response to costs associated with mating with old males in the guppy.  相似文献   

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