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Several hydration models for peptides and proteins based on solvent accessible surface area have been proposed previously. We have evaluated some of these models as well as four new ones in the context of near-native conformations of a protein. In addition, we propose an empirical site-site distance-dependent correction that can be used in conjunction with any of these models. The set of near-native structures consisted of 39 conformations of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) each of which was a local minimum of an empirical energy function (ECEPP) in the absence of solvent. Root-mean-square (rms) deviations from the crystallographically determined structure were in the following ranges: 1.06-1.94 A for all heavy atoms, 0.77-1.36 A for all backbone heavy atoms, 0.68-1.33 A for all alpha-carbon atoms, and 1.41-2.72 A for all side-chain heavy atoms. We have found that there is considerable variation among the solvent models when evaluated in terms of concordance between the solvation free energy and the rms deviations from the crystallographically determined conformation. The solvation model for which the best concordance (0.939) with the rms deviations of the C alpha atoms was found was derived from NMR coupling constants of peptides in water combined with an exponential site-site distance dependence of the potential of mean force. Our results indicate that solvation free energy parameters derived from nonpeptide free energies of hydration may not be transferrable to peptides. Parameters derived from peptide and protein data may be more applicable to conformational analysis of proteins. A general approach to derive parameters for free energy of hydration from ensemble-averaged properties of peptides in solution is described.  相似文献   

RosettaDock uses real-space Monte Carlo minimization (MCM) on both rigid-body and side-chain degrees of freedom to identify the lowest free energy docked arrangement of 2 protein structures. An improved version of the method that uses gradient-based minimization for off-rotamer side-chain optimization and includes information from unbound structures was used to create predictions for Rounds 4 and 5 of CAPRI. First, large numbers of independent MCM trajectories were carried out and the lowest free energy docked configurations identified. Second, new trajectories were started from these lowest energy structures to thoroughly sample the surrounding conformation space, and the lowest energy configurations were submitted as predictions. For all cases in which there were no significant backbone conformational changes, a small number of very low-energy configurations were identified in the first, global search and subsequently found to be close to the center of the basin of attraction in the free energy landscape in the second, local search. Following the release of the experimental coordinates, it was found that the centers of these free energy minima were remarkably close to the native structures in not only the rigid-body orientation but also the detailed conformations of the side-chains. Out of 8 targets, the lowest energy models had interface root-mean-square deviations (RMSDs) less than 1.1 A from the correct structures for 6 targets, and interface RMSDs less than 0.4 A for 3 targets. The predictions were top submissions to CAPRI for Targets 11, 12, 14, 15, and 19. The close correspondence of the lowest free energy structures found in our searches to the experimental structures suggests that our free energy function is a reasonable representation of the physical chemistry, and that the real space search with full side-chain flexibility to some extent solves the protein-protein docking problem in the absence of significant backbone conformational changes. On the other hand, the approach fails when there are significant backbone conformational changes as the steric complementarity of the 2 proteins cannot be modeled without incorporating backbone flexibility, and this is the major goal of our current work.  相似文献   

M Hassan  M Goodman 《Biochemistry》1986,25(23):7596-7606
Molecular dynamics simulations and energy minimization studies of cyclic enkephalin analogues incorporating retro-inverso modifications have been carried out. The dynamic trajectories are analyzed in terms of the relative mobility of the 14-membered rings, conformational transitions among equilibrium states, and hydrogen-bonding patterns. The cyclization of the molecules reduces the motion of the ring structures substantially. Time-correlated conformational transitions resulting in the reorientation of peptide units are observed. Hydrogen bonds form principally C7 structures. Because of the incorporation of retro-inverso residues, C6 and C8 structures are also formed. Starting conformations for energy minimizations were obtained from the molecular dynamics simulations and from a systematic search of the conformational space available to the molecules. Several minimum energy backbone and side-chain conformations were found for each analogue. The effect of retro-inverso residues on hydrogen-bonding patterns and backbone conformations is discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the problem of including solvation free energies in evaluating the relative stabilities of loops in proteins. A conformational search based on a gas-phase potential function is used to generate a large number of trial conformations. As has been found previously, the energy minimization step in this process tends to pack charged and polar side chains against the protein surface, resulting in conformations which are unstable in the aqueous phase. Various solvation models can easily identify such structures. In order to provide a more severe test of solvation models, gas phase conformations were generated in which side chains were kept extended so as to maximize their interaction with the solvent. The free energies of these conformations were compared to that calculated for the crystal structure in three loops of the protein E. coli RNase H, with lengths of 7, 8, and 9 residues. Free energies were evaluated with a finite difference Poisson-Boltzmann (FDPB) calculation for electrostatics and a surface area-based term for nonpolar contributions. These were added to a gas-phase potential function. A free energy function based on atomic solvation parameters was also tested. Both functions were quite successful in selecting, based on a free energy criterion, conformations quite close to the crystal structure for two of the three loops. For one loop, which is involved in crystal contacts, conformations that are quite different from the crystal structure were also selected. A method to avoid precision problems associated with using the FDPB method to evaluate conformational free energies in proteins is described. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A search for low-energy helical and near-helical conformations of the tandemly repeated peptide (Asn-Ala-Asn-Pro)9 was undertaken by minimization of the CHARMM potential energy function from eight starting conformations; the latter were obtained from the two low-energy conformations of this repeated peptide found by Gibson & Scheraga, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83, 5649-5653 (1986), and the single conformation found by Brooks et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84, 4470-4474 (1987), and from modifications of these three conformations. The same eight starting conformations, as determined by dihedral angles, were used for minimizations of the AMBER and ECEPP potentials. Comparison of the final conformations by least-squares superposition of their C alpha atoms, and by inspection of the parameters of the ideal helix or coiled coil that most closely matched the coordinates of their C alpha atoms in a least-squares sense, showed that: (1) energy minimization, starting from the same conformation but using any two different potentials, could lead to final conformations whose resemblance to each other varied from acceptable to highly unsatisfactory; (2) the ordering of the final energy-minimized conformations, and the energy differences between them, were quite different for all three potentials; (3) the extent of agreement or disagreement between pairs of conformations generated using CHARMM and AMBER, CHARMM and ECEPP, or AMBER and ECEPP, respectively, was not significantly different. The lowest-energy conformation generated using each of the potentials was a left-handed helix, whose pitch and number of residues per turn were similar to those of the left-handed helix found by Gibson & Scheraga. Although the starting conformation which led to the lowest-energy conformation was different for all three potentials, pairwise superposition of the C alpha atoms in the final conformations showed root-mean-square deviations of only 1.0-1.3 A. It is concluded that energy minimizations starting from a large enough sample of initial conformations might on occasion lead to essentially the same conformational prediction whichever potential is used; however, if the sample of starting points is small, predictions based on the three potentials will usually diverge.  相似文献   

The conformational analysis of adenosine triphosphate was conducted by using classical potential energy calculations. All rotatable bonds were examined, i.e., no dihedral angles were fixed at predetermined conformations except for the ribofuranose ring, which was held in the C(3′)-endo conformation—the conformation observed for adenosine in the crystal state. The energy terms included in the total energy expression consist of nonbonded pairwise interaction, electrostatic pairwise interaction, free energy of solvation, and torsional bond potentials. Two separate approaches were used in the conformational analyses. The first consisted of a sequential fragment approach were four bonds were rotated simultaneously at 30° increments. Each fragment overlapped the preceding one by at least one bond. All rotors were then simultaneously examined at their minima and at ±15°. The second approach consisted of a coarse grid search where all rotors were examined simultaneously, but only at staggered positions. The low-energy conformations thus obtained were then used as starting conformations for a minimization routine based on the method of conjugate directions. The first approach required about 40 hr of central processing unit (CPU) computer time, while the coarse grid/minimization approach required about 4 hr of CPU time. Both the sequential fragment approach and the minimization approach yielded lowest-energy conformations which are remarkably similar to the solid-state conformation of C(3′)-endo ATP.  相似文献   

A free energy function, combining molecular mechanics energy with empirical solvation and entropic terms, is used for ranking near-native conformations that occur in the conformational search steps of homology modeling, i.e., side-chain search and loop closure calculations. Correlations between the free energy and RMS deviation from the X-ray structure are established. It is shown that generally both molecular mechanics and solvation/entropic terms should be included in the potential. The identification of near-native backbone conformations is accomplished primarily by the molecular mechanics term that becomes the dominant contribution to the free energy if the backbone is even slightly strained, as frequently occurs in loop closure calculations. Both terms become equally important if a sufficiently accurate backbone conformation is found. Finally, the selection of the best side-chain positions for a fixed backbone is almost completely governed by the solvation term. The discriminatory power of the combined potential is demonstrated by evaluating the free energies of protein models submitted to the first meeting on Critical Assessment of techniques for protein Structure Prediction (CASP1), and comparing them to the free energies of the native conformations.  相似文献   

G H Paine  H A Scheraga 《Biopolymers》1985,24(8):1391-1436
A new methodology for theoretically predicting the native, three-dimensional structure of a polypeptide is presented. Based on equilibrium statistical mechanics, an algorithm has been designed to determine the probable conformation of a polypeptide by calculating conditional free-energy maps for each residue of the macromolecule. The conditional free-energy map of each residue is computed from a set of probability integrals, obtained by summing over the interaction energies of all pairs of nonbonded atoms of the whole molecule. By locating the region(s) of lowest free energy for each map, the probable conformation for each residue can be identified. The native structure of the polypeptide is assumed to be the combination of the probable conformations of the individual residues. All multidimensional probability integrals are evaluated by an adaptive Monte Carlo algorithm (SMAPPS —Statistical-Mechanical Algorithm for Predicting Protein Structure). The Monte Carlo algorithm searches the entire conformational space, adjusting itself automatically to concentrate its sampling in regions where the magnitude of the integrand is largest (“importance sampling”). No assumptions are made about the native conformation. The only prior knowledge necessary for the prediction of the native conformation is the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide. To test the effectiveness of the algorithm, SMAPPS was applied to the prediction of the native conformation of the backbone of Met-enkephalin, a pentapeptide. In the calculations, only the backbone dihedral angles (? and ψ) were allowed to vary; all side-chain (χ) and peptide-bond (ω) dihedral angles were kept fixed at the values corresponding to the alleged global minimum energy previously determined by direct energy minimization. For each conformation generated randomly by the Monte Carlo algorithm, the total conformational energy of the polypeptide was obtained from established empirical potential energy functions. Solvent effects were not included in the computations. With this initial application of SMAPPS , three distinct low-free-energy β-bend structures of Met-enkephalin were found. In particular, one of the structures has a conformation remarkably similar to the one associated with the previously alleged global minimum energy. The two additional structures of the pentapeptide have conformational energies lower than the previously computed low-energy structure. However, the Monte Carlo results are in agreement with an improved energy-minimization procedure. These initial results on the backbone structure of Met-enkephalin indicate that an equilibrium statistical-mechanical procedure, coupled with an adaptive Monte Carlo algorithm, can overcome many of the problems associated with the standard methods of direct energy minimization.  相似文献   

An algorithm for locating the region in conformational space containing the global energy minimum of a polypeptide is described. Distances are used as the primary variables in the minimization of an objective function that incorporates both energetic and distance-geometric terms. The latter are obtained from geometry and energy functions, rather than nuclear magnetic resonance experiments, although the algorithm can incorporate distances from nuclear magnetic resonance data if desired. The polypeptide is generated originally in a space of high dimensionality. This has two important consequences. First, all interatomic distances are initially at their energetically most favorable values; i.e. the polypeptide is initially at a global minimum-energy conformation, albeit a high-dimensional one. Second, the relaxation of dimensionality constraints in the early stages of the minimization removes many potential energy barriers that exist in three dimensions, thereby allowing a means of escaping from three-dimensional local minima. These features are used in an algorithm that produces short trajectories of three-dimensional minimum-energy conformations. A conformation in the trajectory is generated by allowing the previous conformation in the trajectory to evolve in a high-dimensional space before returning to three dimensions. The resulting three-dimensional structure is taken to be the next conformation in the trajectory, and the process is iterated. This sequence of conformations results in a limited but efficient sampling of conformational space. Results for test calculations on Met-enkephalin, a pentapeptide with the amino acid sequence H-Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met-OH, are presented. A tight cluster of conformations (in three-dimensional space) is found with ECEPP energies (Empirical Conformational Energy Program for Peptides) lower than any previously reported. This cluster of conformations defines a region in conformational space in which the global-minimum-energy conformation of enkephalin appears to lie.  相似文献   



Many problems in protein modeling require obtaining a discrete representation of the protein conformational space as an ensemble of conformations. In ab-initio structure prediction, in particular, where the goal is to predict the native structure of a protein chain given its amino-acid sequence, the ensemble needs to satisfy energetic constraints. Given the thermodynamic hypothesis, an effective ensemble contains low-energy conformations which are similar to the native structure. The high-dimensionality of the conformational space and the ruggedness of the underlying energy surface currently make it very difficult to obtain such an ensemble. Recent studies have proposed that Basin Hopping is a promising probabilistic search framework to obtain a discrete representation of the protein energy surface in terms of local minima. Basin Hopping performs a series of structural perturbations followed by energy minimizations with the goal of hopping between nearby energy minima. This approach has been shown to be effective in obtaining conformations near the native structure for small systems. Recent work by us has extended this framework to larger systems through employment of the molecular fragment replacement technique, resulting in rapid sampling of large ensembles.


This paper investigates the algorithmic components in Basin Hopping to both understand and control their effect on the sampling of near-native minima. Realizing that such an ensemble is reduced before further refinement in full ab-initio protocols, we take an additional step and analyze the quality of the ensemble retained by ensemble reduction techniques. We propose a novel multi-objective technique based on the Pareto front to filter the ensemble of sampled local minima.

Results and conclusions

We show that controlling the magnitude of the perturbation allows directly controlling the distance between consecutively-sampled local minima and, in turn, steering the exploration towards conformations near the native structure. For the minimization step, we show that the addition of Metropolis Monte Carlo-based minimization is no more effective than a simple greedy search. Finally, we show that the size of the ensemble of sampled local minima can be effectively and efficiently reduced by a multi-objective filter to obtain a simpler representation of the probed energy surface.

Peptides occur in solution as ensembles of conformations rather than in a fixed conformation. The existing energy functions are usually inadequate to predict the conformational equilibrium in solution, because of failure to account properly for solvation, if the solvent is not considered explicitly (which is usually prohibitively expensive). NMR data are therefore widely incorporated into theoretical conformational analysis. Because of conformational flexibility, restrained molecular dynamics (with restraints derived from NMR data), which is usually applied to determine protein conformation is of limited use in the case of peptides. Instead, (a) the restraints are averaged within predefined time windows during molecular dynamics (MD) simulations (time averaging), (b) multiple-copy MD simulations are carried out and the restraints are averaged over the copies (ensemble averaging), or (c) a representative ensemble of sterically feasible conformations is generated and the weights of the conformations are then fitted so that the computed average observables match the experimental data (weight fitting). All these approaches are briefly discussed in this article. If an adequate force field is used, conformations with large statistical weights obtained from the weight-fitting procedure should also have low energies, which can be implemented in force field calibration. Such a procedure is particularly attractive regarding the parameterization of the solvation energy in nonaqueous solvents, e.g., dimethyl sulfoxide, for which thermodynamic solvation data are scarce. A method for calibration of solvation parameters in dimethyl sulfoxide, which is based on this principle was recently proposed by C. Baysal and H. Meirovitch (Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1998, Vol. 120, pp. 800--812), in which the energy gap between the conformations compatible with NMR data and the alternative conformations is maximized. In this work we propose an alternative method based on the principle that the best-fitting statistical weights of conformations should match the Boltzmann weights computed with the force field applied. Preliminary results obtained using three test peptides of varying conformational mobility: H-Ser(1)-Pro(2)-Lys(3)-Leu(4)-OH, Ac-Tyr(1)-D-Phe(2)-Ser(3)-Pro(4)-Lys(5)-Leu(6)-NH(2), and cyclo(Tyr(1)-D-Phe(2)-Ser(3)-Pro(4)-Lys(5)-Leu(6)) are presented.  相似文献   

The free energy landscapes of peptide conformations in water have been observed by the enhanced conformational sampling method, applying the selectively enhanced multicanonical molecular dynamics simulations. The conformations of the peptide dimers, -Gly-Gly-, -Gly-Ala-, -Gly-Ser-, -Ala-Gly-, -Asn-Gly-, -Pro-Gly-, -Pro-Ala-, and -Ala-Ala-, which were all blocked with N-terminal acetyl and C-terminal N-methyl groups, were individually sampled with the explicit TIP3P water molecules. From each simulation trajectory, we obtained the canonical ensemble at 300 K, from which the individual three-dimensional landscape was drawn by the potential of mean force using the three reaction coordinates: the backbone dihedral angle, psi, of the first amino acid, the backbone dihedral angle, phi, of the second amino acid, and the distance between the carbonyl oxygen of the N-terminal acetyl group and the C-terminal amide proton. The most stable state and several meta-stable states correspond to extended conformations and typical beta-turn conformations, and their free energy values were accounted for from the potentials of mean force at the states. In addition, the contributions from the intra-molecular energies of peptides and those from the hydration effects were analyzed. Consequently, the stable beta-turn conformations in the free energy landscape were consistent with the empirically preferred beta-turn types for each amino acid sequence. The thermodynamic values for the hydration effect were decomposed and they correlated well with the empirical values estimated from the solvent accessible surface area of each molecular conformation during the trajectories. The origin of the architecture of protein local fragments was analyzed from the viewpoint of the free energy and its decomposed factors.  相似文献   

Nakamura HK  Sasai M 《Proteins》2001,43(3):280-291
A simple lattice model of protein folding is studied in order to analyze the kinetic partitioning phenomena in the energy landscape perspective. By restricting the area of conformational space, it becomes possible to follow many Monte Carlo trajectories until they reach equilibrium. Alteration of population of trajectories is monitored and the relations between the energy landscape and kinetics are examined. Kinetic partitioning phenomena are categorized into different types in terms of characteristic time constants and partitioning ratio. In a specific partitioning process, refolding proceeds along the parallel pathways; the time constants have a temperature dependence similar to that observed in hen lysozyme. High-energy conformations are classified into groups according to the probability that the trajectories starting from those conformations will reach each energy valley. The partitioning ratio is determined by the way in which the conformational space is organized into these groups.  相似文献   

S N Ha  L J Madsen  J W Brady 《Biopolymers》1988,27(12):1927-1952
Constrained conformational energy minimizations have been used to calculate an adiabatic (Φ, ψ) potential energy surface for the disaccharide β-maltose. The inclusion of molecular flexibility in the conformational energy analysis of the disaccharide was found to significantly lower the barriers to conformational transitions, as has been observed previously for other systems. Several low energy wells were identified on the adiabatic surface which differ in energy by small amounts and with low absolute barriers separating them, indicating the possibility of a non-negligible equilibrium population distribution in each well. If such a distribution of conformations existed in the physical system, the conformation observed by NMR NOE measurements would thus be a “virtual” conformation. Molecular dynamics simulations of the motions of this molecule in vacuum were also conducted and indicate that the rate of relaxation of the molecule to the adiabatic surface may be slower than the typical timescale of conformational fluctuations. This effect is apparently due to an unphysical persistence of hydrogen bond patterns in vacuum which does not occur in aqueous solution. Trajectories undergoing transitions between wells were calculated and the effects of such conformational transitions upon the ensemble mean structure, such as might be observed in an NMR experiment, were demonstrated.  相似文献   

The structure of the 36 residue villin headpiece subdomain is investigated with the electrostatically driven Monte Carlo method. The ECEPP/3 (Empirical Conformational Energy Program for Peptides) force field, plus two different continuum solvation models, were used to describe the conformational energy of the chain with both blocked and unblocked N and C termini. A statistical analysis of an ensemble of ab initio generated conformations was carried out, based on a comparison with a set of ten native-like structures derived from published experimental data, by using rigid geometry and NMR-derived constraints obtained at pH 3.7. The ten native-like structures satisfy the NMR-derived constraints. The whole ensemble of conformations of the terminally unblocked villin headpiece sub-domain, generated by using ECEPP/3 with a continuum solvation model, were subsequently evaluated at pH 3.7 with a potential function that includes ECEPP/3 combined with a fast multigrid boundary element method. At pH 3.7, the lowest-energy conformation found during the conformational search satisfies approximately 70% of both the distance and the dihedral-angle constraints, and possesses the characteristic packing of three phenylalanine residues that constitute the main part of the hydrophobic core of the molecule. On the other hand, computations at pH 3.7 and pH 7.0 for the ten native-like structures satisfying the NMR-derived constraints indicate a substantial change in the charge distribution for each type of amino acid residue with the change in pH. The results of this study provide a basis to understand the effect of the interactions, such as hydrophobicity, charge-charge interaction and solvent polarization, on the stability of this small alpha-helical protein.  相似文献   

M Martin-Pastor  C A Bush 《Biochemistry》1999,38(25):8045-8055
For complex oligosaccharides, which are relatively rigid with modest excursions from a single minimum energy conformation, it is straightforward to build conformational models from NOE data. Other oligosaccharides are more flexible with transitions between distinct minima separated by substantial energy barriers. We show that modeling based on scalar coupling data is superior to NOE-based modeling for the latter case. Long range 13C-13C and 13C-1H coupling constants measured for the heptasaccharide repeating subunit of the cell wall polysaccharide from Streptococcus mitis J22 are correlated with individual glycosidic dihedral angles, effectively uncoupling the degrees of freedom of the oligosaccharide and allowing a search for combinations of dihedral angles which are energetically reasonable, i.e., with no bad van der Waals contacts, and which can be combined to satisfy all the measured J values. Allowed values of the individual angles can then be combined to search for overall oligosaccharide conformations which contribute to the ensemble. We show that while the polysaccharide from S. mitis J22 is flexible, requiring multiple conformations, most of the flexibility is localized to a few bonds and only a rather small number of conformations is required to reproduce the experimental NOE and scalar coupling data.  相似文献   

A combined force field of molecular mechanics and solvation free energy is tested by carrying out energy minimization and molecular dynamics on several conformations of the alanyl dipeptide. Our results are qualitatively consistent with previous experimental and computational studies, in that the addition of solvation energy stabilizes the C5 conformation of the alanyl dipeptide relative to the C7.  相似文献   

Prediction of DNA structure from sequence: a build-up technique   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A build-up technique has been devised that permits prediction of DNA structure from sequence. No experimental information is employed other than the force field parameters. This strategy for dealing with the multiple minimum problem requires a supercomputer to make the necessary global searches. The number of energy minimization trials that were made for each of the 16 deoxydinucleoside monophosphate conformational building blocks of DNA was 1944. As a test case, the minimum energy conformations of d(GpC) and d(CpG) to 5.5 kcal/mole were then combined to generate energy-minimized structures for d(CpGpC). The number of trials that were made for d(CpGpC) was 3752. Minima for this single-stranded trimer to 15 kcal/mole were then employed to search for minimum energy conformations of the duplex d(CpGpC).d(GpCpG). The number of starting conformations that were utilized at this stage was 1514. The lowest energy duplex had a Z-II-DNA conformation, followed by a B-DNA form at 1.2 kcal/mole. The A- and Z-I-forms as well as many novel Watson-Crick base-paired structures were found at higher energy. Finally, energy-minimized structures of d(CG)6.d(CG)6 in Z-II and B-DNA conformations were computed using torsion angles from the analogous duplex trimer minima.  相似文献   

In order to investigate conformational preferences of the 21-residue peptide hormone endothelin-1 (ET-1), an extensive conformational search was carried out in vacuo using a combination of high temperature molecular dynamics / annealing and a Monte Carlo / minimization search in torsion angle space. Fully minimized conformations from the search were grouped into families using a clustering technique based on rms fitting over the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms of the peptide backbone of the ring region. A wide range of local energy minima were identified even though two disulfide bridges (Cys1-Cys15 and Cys3-Cys11) constrain the structure of the peptide. Low energy conformers of ET-1 as a nonionized species in vacuo arestabilized by intramolecular interaction of the ring region (residues 1-15) with the tail (residues 16–21). Strained conformations for individual residues are observed. Conformational similarity to protein loops is established by matching to protein crystal structures In order to assess the influence of aqueous environment on conformational preference, the electrostatic contribution to the solvation energy was calculated for ET-1 as a fully ionized species (Asp8, Lys9, Glu10, Asp18, N- and C-terminus) using a continuum electrostatics model (DelPhi) for each of the conformed generated in vacuo, and the total solvation free energy was estimated by adding a hydrophobic contribution proportional to solvent accessible surface area. Solvation dramatically alters the relative energetics of ET-1 conformers from that calculated in vacuo. Conformers of ET-1 favored by the electrostatic salvation energy in water include conformers with helical secondary structure in the region of residues 9–15. Perhaps of most importance, it was demonstrated that the contribution tosolvation by an individual charge depends not only on its solvent accessibility but on the proximity of other charges, i.e., it is a cooperative effect. This was shown by the calculation of electrostatic solvation energy as afunction of conformation with individual charges systematically turned “on” and “off”. The cooperative effect of multiple charges on solvation demonstrated in this manner calls into question models that relate solvation energysimply to solvent accessibility by atom or residue alone. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Nanda V  DeGrado WF 《Proteins》2005,59(3):454-466
In the absence of experimental structural determination, numerous methods are available to indirectly predict or probe the structure of a target molecule. Genetic modification of a protein sequence is a powerful tool for identifying key residues involved in binding reactions or protein stability. Mutagenesis data is usually incorporated into the modeling process either through manual inspection of model compatibility with empirical data, or through the generation of geometric constraints linking sensitive residues to a binding interface. We present an approach derived from statistical studies of lattice models for introducing mutation information directly into the fitness score. The approach takes into account the phenotype of mutation (neutral or disruptive) and calculates the energy for a given structure over an ensemble of sequences. The structure prediction procedure searches for the optimal conformation where neutral sequences either have no impact or improve stability and disruptive sequences reduce stability relative to wild type. We examine three types of sequence ensembles: information from saturation mutagenesis, scanning mutagenesis, and homologous proteins. Incorporating multiple sequences into a statistical ensemble serves to energetically separate the native state and misfolded structures. As a result, the prediction of structure with a poor force field is sufficiently enhanced by mutational information to improve accuracy. Furthermore, by separating misfolded conformations from the target score, the ensemble energy serves to speed up conformational search algorithms such as Monte Carlo-based methods.  相似文献   

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