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We have studied glial activation in rat cerebellar neuronal-glial cultures after inducing neuronal death using various stimuli. Cultures were exposed to 100 microm glutamate for 20 min, which induces excitotoxic neuronal death, or to potassium/serum deprivation, which induces apoptosis of granule neurons. We evaluated alterations in several parameters related to glial activation: nuclear factor-kappaB activation, nitric oxide and tumour necrosis factor-alpha production, which are associated with a pro-inflammatory response, glial proliferation and phagocytic activity. Although the two experimental models of neuronal damage resulted in the death of most neuronal cells within 24 h, differences were observed in the response of the various glial parameters evaluated. While nitric oxide production was not detected in any case, tumour necrosis factor-alpha production, nuclear factor-kappaB activation and glial proliferation were only induced in the presence of excitotoxic neuronal death. However, phagocytosis was induced in both cases, although earlier in the case of apoptotic neuronal death. These results show that glial cells respond to excitotoxic neuronal death with an inflammatory response associated with proliferation and phagocytosis. In contrast, whilst glial cells do not produce pro-inflammatory molecules in the presence of apoptotic neuronal death, phagocytic activity is rapidly induced.  相似文献   

Excitotoxicity refers to the ability of glutamate or related excitatory amino acids to mediate the death of central neurons under certain conditions, for example, after intense exposure. Such excitotoxic neuronal death may contribute to the pathogenesis of brain or spinal cord injury associated with several human disease states. Excitotoxicity has substantial cellular specificity and, in most cases, is mediated by glutamate receptors. On average, NMDA receptors activation may be able to trigger lethal injury more rapidly than AMPA or kainate receptor activation, perhaps reflecting a greater ability to induce calcium influx and subsequent cellular calcium overload. It is possible that excitotoxic death may share some mechanisms with other forms of neuronal death. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Mitochondria play important roles as the powerhouse of the cell. After cerebral ischemia, mitochondria overproduce reactive oxygen species (ROS), which have been thoroughly studied with the use of superoxide dismutase transgenic or knockout animals. ROS directly damage lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids in the cell. Moreover, ROS activate various molecular signaling pathways. Apoptosis-related signals return to mitochondria, then mitochondria induce cell death through the release of pro-apoptotic proteins such as cytochrome c or apoptosis-inducing factor. Although the mechanisms of cell death after cerebral ischemia remain unclear, mitochondria obviously play a role by activating signaling pathways through ROS production and by regulating mitochondria-dependent apoptosis pathways.  相似文献   

Excitotoxic cell death.   总被引:81,自引:0,他引:81  
Excitotoxicity refers to the ability of glutamate or related excitatory amino acids to mediate the death of central neurons under certain conditions, for example, after intense exposure. Such excitotoxic neuronal death may contribute to the pathogenesis of brain or spinal cord injury associated with several human disease states. Excitotoxicity has substantial cellular specificity and, in most cases, is mediated by glutamate receptors. On average, NMDA receptors activation may be able to trigger lethal injury more rapidly than AMPA or kainate receptor activation, perhaps reflecting a greater ability to induce calcium influx and subsequent cellular calcium overload. It is possible that excitotoxic death may share some mechanisms with other forms of neuronal death.  相似文献   

We isolated and identified a stress protein that is up-regulated in response to hypoxia in primary-cultured glial cells. Protein-disulfide isomerase (PDI) was up-regulated not only by hypoxia in glia in vitro, but also by transient forebrain ischemia in rats in vivo. To determine whether newly synthesized PDI is involved in tolerance to ischemic stress, we carried out two procedures to induce PDI gene expression in human neuroblastoma SK-N-MC cells, as well as intrahippocampal injection following electroporation of an expression vector capable of overexpressing PDI in rats. Overexpression of this gene resulted in attenuation of the loss of cell viability induced by hypoxia in neuroblastoma SK-N-MC cells and a reduction in the number of DNA-fragmented cells in the CA1 area of the hippocampus in brain ischemic rats, respectively. These findings suggest that up-regulated PDI may play a critical role in resistance to ischemic damage, and that the elevation of levels of this protein in the brain may have beneficial effects against brain stroke.  相似文献   

Apoptosis or programmed cell death is a genetically controlled response for cells to commit suicide and is associated with DNA fragmentation or laddering. The common inducers of apoptosis include oxygen free radicals/oxidative stress and Ca2+ which are also implicated in the pathogenesis of myocardial ischemic reperfusion injury. To examine whether ischemic reperfusion injury is mediated by apoptotic cell death, isolated perfused rat hearts were subjected to 15, 30 or 60 min of ischemia as well as 15 min of ischemia followed by 30, 60, 90 or 120 min of reperfusion. At the end of each experiment, the heart was processed for the evaluation of apoptosis and DNA laddering. Apoptosis was studied by visualizing the apoptotic cardiomyocytes by direct fluorescence detection of digoxigenin-labeled genomic DNA using APOPTAG® in situ apoptosis detection kit. DNA laddering was evaluated by subjecting the DNA obtained from the hearts to 1.8% agarose gel electrophoresis and photographed under UV illumination. The results of our study revealed apoptotic cells only in the 90 and 120 min reperfused hearts as demonstrated by the intense fluorescence of the immunostained digoxigenin-labeled genomic DNA when observed under fluorescence microscopy. None of the ischemic hearts showed any evidence of apoptosis. These results were corroborated with the findings of DNA fragmentation which showed increased ladders of DNA bands in the same reperfused hearts representing integer multiples of the internucleosomal DNA length (about 180 bp). The presence of apoptotic cells and DNA fragmentation in the myocardium were completely abolished by subjecting the myocardium to repeated short-term ischemia and reperfusion which also reduced the ischemic reperfusion injury as evidenced by better recovery of left ventricular performance in the preconditioned myocardium. The results of this study indicate that reperfusion of ischemic heart, but not ischemia, induces apoptotic cell death and DNA fragmentation which can be inhibited by myocardial adaptation to ischemia.  相似文献   

Diversity in the mechanisms of neuronal cell death   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
Yuan J  Lipinski M  Degterev A 《Neuron》2003,40(2):401-413
Neurons may die as a normal physiological process during development or as a pathological process in diseases. The best-understood mechanism of neuronal cell death is apoptosis, which is regulated by an evolutionarily conserved cellular pathway that consists of the caspase family, the Bcl-2 family, and the adaptor protein Apaf-1. Apoptosis, however, may not be the only cellular mechanism that regulates neuronal cell death. Neuronal cell death may exhibit morphological features of autophagy or necrosis, which differ from that of the canonical apoptosis. This review evaluates the evidence supporting the existence of alternative mechanisms of neuronal cell death and proposes the possible existence of an evolutionarily conserved pathway of necrosis.  相似文献   

The mechanism of cell death induced by the different waveband regions of ultraviolet radiation (UVR), i.e., UVA1 (340-400 nm), UVB (290-320 nm) and UVC (200-290 nm) was investigated, using equilethal doses (90% reproductive death) on L5178Y-R murine lymphoma cells. To distinguish between necrosis and apoptosis, the following endpoints were monitored over time using flow cytometry and transmission electron microscopy: percentage of remaining cells, membrane permeabilized cells, dead cells, apoptotic cells, and ultrastructural changes. All waveband regions of UVR were found to cause apoptosis as opposed to necrosis. However, UVA1-induced immediate (0-4 h) apoptosis, while UVB- or UVC-induced delayed apoptosis (<34 h). Moreover, the membrane permeability changes that only result from exposure to UVA1 radiation, especially to red blood cells, suggests that the immediate apoptotic mechanism involves membrane damage. Therefore, the results suggest that there are three death mechanisms available to one cell type: necrosis, immediate apoptosis, and delayed apoptosis (or programmed cell death).  相似文献   

We have investigated the ability of pramipexole, a dopamine agonist used in the symptomatic treatment of Parkinson's disease (PD), to protect against cell death induced by 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) and rotenone in dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic cells. Pre-incubation with either the active (-)- or inactive (+)-enantiomer forms of pramipexole (10 microm) decreased cell death in response to MPP+ and rotenone in dopaminergic SHSY-5Y cells and in non-dopaminergic JK cells. The protective effect was not prevented by dopamine receptor blockade using sulpiride or clozapine. Protection occurred at concentrations at which pramipexole did not demonstrate antioxidant activity, as shown by the failure to maintain aconitase activity. However, pramipexole reduced caspase-3 activation, decreased the release of cytochrome c and prevented the fall in the mitochondrial membrane potential induced by MPP+ and rotenone. This suggests that pramipexole has anti-apoptotic actions. The results extend the evidence for the neuroprotective effects of pramipexole and indicate that this is not dependent on dopamine receptor occupation or antioxidant activity. Further evaluation is required to determine whether the neuroprotective action of pramipexole is translated to a disease-modifying effect in PD patients.  相似文献   

Hypoxia/ischemia (H/I) brain injury at birth is an important cause of cerebral palsy, mental retardation, and epilepsy. The H/I insult also causes energy failure, oxidative stress, and unbalanced ion fluxes, leading to high induction of autopahgy in brain neurons. Since the mice unable to execute autophagy (due to brain-specific deletion of Atg7 or Atg5) die by massive loss of cerebral and cerebellar neurons with accumulation of ubiquitin aggregates, induction of neuronal autophagy after H/I injury is generally considered neuroprotective by maintaining cellular homeostasis. However, our recent results show that hippocampal pyramidal neurons undergoing caspase-dependent or -independent death following neonatal H/I injury possess abundant LC3-positive granules, and such H/I neuronal death is largely prevented by Atg7 deficiency. In the present review we discuss the roles of autophagy and other forms of programmed cell death in the neonatal H/I brain insult.  相似文献   

Uchiyama Y  Koike M  Shibata M 《Autophagy》2008,4(4):404-408
Hypoxia/ischemia (H/I) brain injury at birth is an important cause of cerebral palsy, mental retardation, and epilepsy. The H/I insult also causes energy failure, oxidative stress, and unbalanced ion fluxes, leading to high induction of autopahgy in brain neurons. Since the mice unable to execute autophagy (due to brain-specific deletion of Atg7 or Atg5) die by massive loss of cerebral and cerebellar neurons with accumulation of ubiquitin aggregates, induction of neuronal autophagy after H/I injury is generally considered neuroprotective by maintaining cellular homeostasis. However, our recent results show that hippocampal pyramidal neurons undergoing caspase-dependent or -independent death following neonatal H/I injury possess abundant LC3-positive granules, and such H/I neuronal death is largely prevented by Atg7 deficiency. In the present review we discuss the roles of autophagy and other forms of programmed cell death in the neonatal H/I brain insult.  相似文献   

Excitotoxicity is one of the most extensively studied processes of neuronal cell death, and plays an important role in many central nervous system (CNS) diseases, including CNS ischemia, trauma, and neurodegenerative disorders. First described by Olney, excitotoxicity was later characterized as an excessive synaptic release of glutamate, which in turn activates postsynaptic glutamate receptors. While almost every glutamate receptor subtype has been implicated in mediating excitotoxic cell death, it is generally accepted that the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) subtypes play a major role, mainly owing to their high calcium (Ca2+) permeability. However, other glutamate receptor subtypes such as 2-amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazol-4-yl) propionate (AMPA) or kainate receptors have also been attributed a critical role in mediating excitotoxic neuronal cell death. Although the molecular basis of glutamate toxicity is uncertain, there is general agreement that it is in large part Ca2+-dependent. The present review is aimed at summarizing the molecular mechanisms of NMDA receptor and AMPA/kainate receptor-mediated excitotoxic neuronal cell death.  相似文献   

ORP150 protects against hypoxia/ischemia-induced neuronal death   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Oxygen-regulated protein 150 kD (ORP150) is a novel endoplasmic-reticulum-associated chaperone induced by hypoxia/ischemia. Although ORP150 was sparingly upregulated in neurons from human brain undergoing ischemic stress, there was robust induction in astrocytes. Cultured neurons overexpressing ORP150 were resistant to hypoxemic stress, whereas astrocytes with inhibited ORP150 expression were more vulnerable. Mice with targeted neuronal overexpression of ORP150 had smaller strokes compared with controls. Neurons with increased ORP150 demonstrated suppressed caspase-3-like activity and enhanced brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) under hypoxia signaling. These data indicate that ORP150 is an integral participant in ischemic cytoprotective pathways.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that govern whether a cell dies by apoptosis or necrosis are not fully understood. Here we show that serglycin, a secretory granule proteoglycan of hematopoietic cells, can have a major impact on this decision. Wild type and serglycin(-/-) mast cells were equally sensitive to a range of cell death-inducing regimens. However, whereas wild type mast cells underwent apoptotic cell death, serglycin(-/-) cells died predominantly by necrosis. Investigations of the underlying mechanism revealed that cell death was accompanied by leakage of secretory granule compounds into the cytosol and that the necrotic phenotype of serglycin(-/-) mast cells was linked to defective degradation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1. Cells lacking mouse mast cell protease 6, a major serglycin-associated protease, exhibited similar defects in apoptosis as observed in serglycin(-/-) cells, indicating that the pro-apoptotic function of serglycin is due to downstream effects of proteases that are complex-bound to serglycin. Together, these findings implicate serglycin in promoting apoptotic versus necrotic cell death.  相似文献   

Perinatal hypoxia/ischemia (H/I) is the leading cause of neurological injury resulting from birth complications and pre-maturity. Our studies have demonstrated that this injury depletes the subventricular zone (SVZ) of progenitors. In this study, we sought to reveal which cell death pathways are activated within these progenitors after H/I. We found that calpain activity is detected as early as 4 h of reperfusion and is sustained for 48 h, while caspase 3 activation does not occur until 8 h and peaks at 24 h post-insult. Activated calpains and caspase 3 co-localized within precursors situated in the lateral aspects of the SVZ (which coincides with progenitor cell death), whereas neither enzyme was activated in the medial SVZ (which harbors the neural stem cells that are resilient to this insult). These studies reveal targets for neuroprotective agents to protect precursors from cell death towards the goal of restoring normal brain development after H/I.  相似文献   

Cyclin D1 is an essential mediator of apoptotic neuronal cell death.   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
Many neurons in the developing nervous system undergo programmed cell death, or apoptosis. However, the molecular mechanism underlying this phenomenon is largely unknown. In the present report, we present evidence that the cell cycle regulator cyclin D1 is involved in the regulation of neuronal cell death. During neuronal apoptosis, cyclin D1-dependent kinase activity is stimulated, due to an increase in cyclin D1 levels. Moreover, artificial elevation of cyclin D1 levels is sufficient to induce apoptosis, even in non-neural cell types. Cyclin D1-induced apoptosis, like neuronal apoptosis, can be inhibited by 21 kDa E1B, Bcl2 and pRb, but not by 55 kDa E1B. Most importantly, however, overexpression of the cyclin D-dependent kinase inhibitor p16INK4 protects neurons from apoptotic cell death, demonstrating that activation of endogenous cyclin D1-dependent kinases is essential during neuronal apoptosis. These data support a model in which neuronal apoptosis results from an aborted attempt to activate the cell cycle in terminally differentiated neurons.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress and neuronal death/survival signaling in cerebral ischemia   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
It has been demonstrated by numerous studies that apoptotic cell death pathways are implicated in ischemic cerebral injury in ischemia models in vivo. Experimental ischemia and reperfusion models, such as transient focal/global ischemia in rodents, have been thoroughly studied and the numerous reports suggest the involvement of cell survival/death signaling pathways in the pathogenesis of apoptotic cell death in ischemic lesions. In these models, reoxygenation during reperfusion provides oxygen as a substrate for numerous enzymatic oxidation reactions and for mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation to produce adenosine triphosphate. Oxygen radicals, the products of these biochemical and physiological reactions, are known to damage cellular lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids and to initiate cell signaling pathways after cerebral ischemia. Genetic manipulation of intrinsic antioxidants and factors in the signaling pathways has provided substantial understanding of the mechanisms involved in cell death/survival signaling pathways and the role of oxygen radicals in ischemic cerebral injury. Future studies of these pathways could provide novel therapeutic strategies in clinical stroke.  相似文献   

Dendritic degeneration and loss of synaptic proteins are early events correlated with functional decline in neurodegenerative disease. The temporal and mechanistic relationship between synapse loss and cell death, however, remains unclear. We used confocal microscopy and image processing to count post-synaptic sites on rat hippocampal neurons by expressing post-synaptic density protein 95 fused to green fluorescent protein. Fluorescent puncta co-localized with neurotransmitter release sites, NMDA-induced Ca2+ increases and NMDA receptor immunoreactivity. During excitotoxic neurodegeneration, synaptic sites were lost and synaptic transmission impaired. These changes were mediated by NMDA receptors and required Ca2+-dependent activation of the proteasome pathway. Tracking synapses from the same cell following brief neurotoxic insult revealed transient loss followed by recovery. The time-course, concentration-dependence and mechanism for loss of post-synaptic sites were distinct from those leading to cell death. Cells expressing p14ARF, which inhibits ubiquitination of post-synaptic density protein 95 and prevents loss of synaptic sites, displayed an increased sensitivity to glutamate-induced cell death. Thus, excitotoxic synapse loss may be a disease-modifying process rather than an obligatory step leading to cell death. These results demonstrate the importance of assessing synaptic function independent of neuronal survival during neurodegeneration and indicate that this approach will be useful for identifying toxins that degrade synaptic connections and for screening for agents that protect synaptic function.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the death-associated protein (Daxx) shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm under ischemic stress, and the subcellular localization of Daxx plays an important role in ischemic neuron death. In this study, by blocking the Daxx trafficking, the rat hippocampus CA1 neurons were protected against cerebral ischemia/reperfusion, and the molecular mechanism underlying this neuroprotection was studied. We found that pretreatment of SP600125, an inhibitor of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), or an anti-oxidant, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), could not only prevent Daxx from trafficking but also increase the number of the surviving CA1 pyramidal cells of hippocampus at 5days of reperfusion. Furthermore, knock-down of endogenous Daxx exerted similar neuroprotective effect during ischemia/reperfusion. We found the treatment of SP600125 or NAC could decrease the activation of Ask1 during ischemia/reperfusion and suppress the assembly of the Fas·Daxx·Ask1 signaling module, and in succession inhibit JNK activation and c-Jun phosphorylation. This study provides the Daxx trafficking as a new potential therapeutic target for ischemic brain injury.  相似文献   

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