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Two population oscillations dominate terrestrial community dynamics in northern Canada. In the boreal forest, the snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) fluctuates in cycles with an 8-10 year periodicity and in tundra regions lemmings typically fluctuate in cycles with a 3-4 year periodicity. I review 60 years of research that has uncovered many of the causes of these population cycles, outline areas of controversy that remain and suggest key questions to address. Lemmings are keystone herbivores in tundra ecosystems because they are a key food resource for many avian and mammalian predators and are a major consumer of plant production. There remains much controversy over the role of predation, food shortage and social interactions in causing lemming cycles. Predation is well documented as a significant mortality factor limiting numbers. Food shortage is less likely to be a major limiting factor on population growth in lemmings. Social interactions might play a critical role in reducing the rate of population growth as lemming density rises. Snowshoe hares across the boreal forest are a key food for many predators and their cycles have been the subject of large-scale field experiments that have pinpointed predation as the key limiting factor causing these fluctuations. Predators kill hares directly and indirectly stress them by unsuccessful pursuits. Stress reduces the reproductive rate of female hares and is transmitted to their offspring who also suffer reduced reproductive rates. The maternal effects produced by predation risk induce a time lag in the response of hare reproductive rate to density, aiding the cyclic dynamics.  相似文献   

Snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) are a primary prey species for Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) in western North America. Lynx management plans require knowledge of potential prey distribution and abundance in the western United States. Whether even-aged regenerating forests or multi-storied forests contain more snowshoe hares is currently unknown. During 2006–2008, we estimated snowshoe hare density in 3 classes of 30–70-year-old lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and 4 classes of late seral multi-storied forest with a spruce (Picea engelmannii)-fir (Abies lasiocarpa) component in the Bridger-Teton National Forest, Wyoming. We recorded physiographic variables and forest structure characteristics to understand how these factors influence abundance of snowshoe hares. In many instances, snowshoe hares were more abundant in late seral multi-storied forests than regenerating even-aged forests. Forest attributes predicting hare abundance were often more prevalent in multi-storied forests. Late seral multi-storied forests with a spruce–fir component and dense horizontal cover, as well as 30–70-year-old lodgepole pine with high stem density, were disproportionately influential in explaining snowshoe hare densities in western Wyoming. In order to promote improved habitat conditions for snowshoe hares in this region, management agencies should consider shifting their focus towards maintaining, enhancing, and promoting multi-storied forests with dense horizontal cover, as well as developing 30–70-year-old lodgepole pine stands with high stem density that structurally mimic multi-storied forests. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Owl predation on snowshoe hares: consequences of antipredator behaviour   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We show evidence of differential predation on snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) by great horned owls (Bubo virginianus) and ask whether predation mortality is related to antipredator behaviour in prey. We predicted higher predation on (1) young and inexperienced hares, (2) hares in open habitats lacking cover to protect from owl predation, and (3) hares in above average condition assuming that rich food patches are under highest risk of predation. Information on killed hares was obtained at nest sites of owls and by monitoring hares using radio-telemetry. The availability of age classes within the hare population was established from live-trapping and field data on reproduction and survival. Great horned owls preferred juvenile over adult hares. Juveniles were more vulnerable to owl predation before rather than after dispersal, suggesting that displacement or increased mobility were not causes for this increased mortality. Owls killed ratio-collared hares more often in open than in closed forest types, and they avoided or had less hunting success in habitats with dense shrub cover. Also, owls took hares in above average condition, although it is unclear whether samples from early spring are representative for other seasons. In conclusion, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that variation in antipredator behaviours of snowshoe hares leads to differential predation by great horned owls.  相似文献   

Living under predation risk may alter both behaviour and physiology of potential prey. In extreme cases, such alterations may have serious demographic consequences, and recent studies support that non‐lethal effects of predation may have broad ecological consequences. However, behavioural and physiological responses to predation risk may be related to trade‐offs associated with resource acquisition and direct predation risk. We validated an enzyme‐linked immunoassay (EIA) for non‐invasive monitoring of stress in plains zebras (Equus quagga) from faecal material. We used this assay in combination with behavioural data to assess if plains zebras living with and without lions (Panthera leo) in a mountain savannah in southern Africa differed in behaviour and physiology, and if such differences were influenced by seasons with contrasting resource availability. Zebra group sizes did not differ between areas with and without lions, but zebra groups had more juveniles in an area with lions than groups in an area without lions, but only during the wet season. Similarly, we observed differences in individual vigilance, foraging behaviour and stress hormone concentrations, but all these differences were influenced by seasons. Despite these seasonal influences, our study did not suggest that zebras in an area with lions spent a higher proportion of time being vigilant, a lower proportion of time foraging, or had higher stress hormone levels. Our results instead suggest that zebras' responses to lion presence were highly context dependent and the result of complex interactions between resource abundance and cues about predation risk. Because of the obvious ecological and evolutionary ramifications of such findings, we argue that further research is needed to define the spatial and temporal scales over which predators impose indirect effects on their prey.  相似文献   

The notion that predators can affect their prey without killing them is widely supported in the ecological literature yet rarely applied by marine mammal studies. We present three case studies in which patterns of time allocation by individual marine mammal foragers were used to index the sublethal effects of predators on bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.), harbor seals (Phoca vitulina), and dugongs (Dugong dugon). In each case, foraging individuals optimized energy gain and safety from predators by spending less time in more profitable but dangerous patches or decreasing their use of risky feeding tactics that would increase net energy gain. By implication, marine mammals are subject to the non consumptive effects of their predators (i.e., to intimidation), and fear can mediate their impacts on their resources. We suggest, therefore, that future studies quantify patterns of time allocation to measure sublethal effects of predators on marine mammals, as well as the capacity of marine mammals to have sublethal effects on their own prey. We argue that such an approach is important because non consumptive effects may be of greater magnitude than lethal effects of predators, and information on sublethal effects of predators can inform conservation plans and studies of community structure.  相似文献   

Non‐consumptive predator effects (NCEs) are now widely recognised for their capacity to shape ecosystem structure and function. Yet, forecasting the propagation of these predator‐induced trait changes through particular communities remains a challenge. Accordingly, focusing on plasticity in prey anti‐predator behaviours, we conceptualise the multi‐stage process by which predators trigger direct and indirect NCEs, review and distil potential drivers of contingencies into three key categories (properties of the prey, predator and setting), and then provide a general framework for predicting both the nature and strength of direct NCEs. Our review underscores the myriad factors that can generate NCE contingencies while guiding how research might better anticipate and account for them. Moreover, our synthesis highlights the value of mapping both habitat domains and prey‐specific patterns of evasion success (‘evasion landscapes’) as the basis for predicting how direct NCEs are likely to manifest in any particular community. Looking ahead, we highlight two key knowledge gaps that continue to impede a comprehensive understanding of non‐consumptive predator–prey interactions and their ecosystem consequences; namely, insufficient empirical exploration of (1) context‐dependent indirect NCEs and (2) the ways in which direct and indirect NCEs are shaped interactively by multiple drivers of context dependence.  相似文献   

The non-consumptive effects of predator-induced stress can influence a variety of life-history traits. Many previous studies focused only on short-term effects such as development and reproductive rates. Recent studies have showed that long-term predation stress (given during the whole life of the prey) and short-term predation stress (provided during the immature stage of the prey) could generate completely opposite results: the former could decrease lifespan, whereas the later could increase lifespan. However, it is still unclear whether the advantage is because of the short duration of exposure or the early stage of life during which exposure was exerted. Thus, in this study, the prey (Tyrophagus putrescentiae) was exposed to predation stress from the predator (Neoseiulus cucumeris) during different life stages (larva, protonymph, tritonymph, first 5 d of oviposition, the full lifespan or none of the above). The results showed that the predation stress supplied during larval and protonymphal stage delayed development, reduced fecundity and prolonged lifespan of the prey, while the stress given during tritonymphal stage only reduced lifespan slightly and the stress given during the first 5 d of oviposition did not change lifespan but reduced fecundity. This study indicated that the effects of predation stress are dependent on prey life stage and the predation stress experienced in the early life stages is important to lifespan modulation.  相似文献   

1. Bluegill sunfish ( Lepomis macrochirus ) dominate fish assemblages of small lakes and ponds throughout the eastern United States and may play a major role in structuring aquatic communities. We examined the impact of adult bluegill on amphibian density by stocking bluegill at a range of densities into partitions of an experimental pond in which amphibians were free to colonize.
2. Adult bluegill had a major impact on the amphibian assemblage. By the end of the experiment, gray treefrog ( Hyla versicolor ) tadpoles were nine times less abundant, and red-spotted newt ( Notophthalmus viridescens ) adults were three times less abundant in the presence of adult bluegill than in their absence. In contrast, bullfrog ( Rana catesbeiana ) tadpoles tended to increase in the presence of adult bluegill. Adult bluegill also had a negative effect on the abundance of predaceous aquatic insects.
3. There was no indication that interactions among amphibians were significant in determining the above patterns. We suggest that the strong impact of adult bluegill resulted from a combination of direct and indirect effects on amphibian larvae and predaceous aquatic insects.  相似文献   

Germination timing of Arabidopsis thaliana displays strong plasticity to geographic location and seasonal conditions experienced by seeds. We identified which plastic responses were adaptive using recombinant inbred lines in a field manipulation of geographic location (Kentucky, KY; Rhode Island, RI), maternal photoperiod (14-h and 10-h days), and season of dispersal (June and November). Transgressive segregation created novel genotypes that had either higher fitness or lower fitness in certain environments than either parent. Natural selection on germination timing and its variation explained 72% of the variance in fitness among genotypes in KY, 30% in June-dispersed seeds in RI, but only 4% in November-dispersed seeds in RI. Therefore, natural selection on germination timing is an extremely efficient sieve that can determine which genotypes can persist in some locations, and its efficiency is geographically variable and depends on other aspects of life history. We found no evidence for adaptive responses to maternal photoperiod during seed maturation. We did find adaptive plasticity to season of seed dispersal in RI. Seeds dispersed in June postponed germination, which was adaptive, while seeds dispersed in November accelerated germination, which was also adaptive. We also found maladaptive plasticity to geographic location for seeds dispersed in June, such that seeds dispersed in KY germinated much sooner than the optimum time. Consequently, bet hedging in germination timing was favorable in KY; genotypes with more variation in germination timing had higher fitness because greater variation was associated with postponed germination. Selection on germination timing varied across geographic location, indicating that germination timing can be a critical stage in the establishment of genotypes in new locations. The rate of evolution of germination timing may therefore strongly influence the rate at which species can expand their range.  相似文献   

Transgenerational plasticity (TGP), a generalisation of more widely studied maternal effects, occurs whenever environmental cues experienced by either parent prior to fertilisation results in a modification of offspring reaction norms. Such effects have been observed in many traits across many species. Despite enormous potential importance-particularly in an era of rapid climate change-TGP in thermal growth physiology has never been demonstrated for vertebrates. We provide the first evidence for thermal TGP in a vertebrate: given sufficient time, sheepshead minnows adaptively program their offspring for maximal growth at the present temperature. The change in growth over a single generation (c. 30%) exceeds the single-generation rate of adaptive evolution by an order of magnitude. If widespread, transgenerational effects on thermal performance may have important implications on physiology, ecology and contemporary evolution, and may significantly alter the extinction risk posed by changing climate.  相似文献   

Short term exposure of Vallisneria americana to elevated salinity was found to induce a stress response that could be quantified by a series of metabolic assays measuring oxidative stress, photosynthetic efficiency, and dark adapted respiration. Plant specimens exposed to elevated salinity for 24 h displayed signs of oxidative damage represented by the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lipid hydroperoxides in blade tissue (noted at salinities of 10 and 15, respectively). Respiratory demand nearly doubled (140 nanomoles O2 consumed min−1 g−1) when plants were placed in a salinity of 15 for 24 h versus control specimens maintained at 0. After 1 week of exposure a significant increase in respiration and lipid hydroperoxide content was detected in plants incubated at or above a salinity of 13. In addition, effective quantum yield () dropped significantly compared to plants maintained at a salinity below 13. These results highlight the use of cellular stress assays to monitor salt-induced sublethal responses in V. americana.  相似文献   

The comprehensive knowledge that the delayed systemic and reproduction side effects can be even more deleterious than acute toxicity, has caused a shift in focus toward sublethal effects assessment on physiology and behavior of beneficial insects. In this study, we assessed the risks posed by some insecticides with different mode of action through lethal and delayed systemic sublethal effects on the pupation, adult emergence, and reproduction of the chrysopid Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861; Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), an important predator in pest biological control. The maximum field recommended dose (MFRD) and twice (2×MFRD) for chlorantraniliprole, tebufenozide, and pyriproxyfen were harmless to C. externa. In contrast, all the tested chitin synthesis inhibitors (CSIs) were highly detrimental to the predator, despite of their lack of acute lethal toxicity. Therefore, the safety assumed by using IGRs toward beneficial insects is not valid for chrysopids. Dose–response data showed that although all CSIs have a similar mechanism of action, the relative extent of toxicity may differ (novaluron > lufenuron > teflubenzuron). For CSIs, the delayed systemic effects became obvious at adult emergence, where the predicted no observable effect dose (NOED) was 1/2 048 of the MFRD for novaluron (0.085 ng/insect), and 1/256 of the MFRD for both lufenuron (0.25 ng/insect) and teflubenzuron (0.6 ng/insect). Finally, this work emphasized the significance of performing toxicity risk assessments with an adequate posttreatment period to avoid underestimating the toxicities of insecticides, as the acute lethal toxicity assays may not provide accurate information regarding the long‐range effects of hazardous compounds.  相似文献   

1. Vigilance increases fitness by improving predator detection but at the expense of increasing starvation risk. We related variation in vigilance among 122 radio-tagged overwintering grey partridges Perdix perdix (L.) across 20 independent farmland sites in England to predation risk (sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus L., kill rate), use of alternative antipredation behaviours (grouping and use of cover) and survival. 2. Vigilance was significantly higher when individuals fed in smaller groups and in taller vegetation. In the covey period (in early winter when partridges are in flocks), vigilance and use of taller vegetation was significantly higher at sites with higher sparrowhawk predation risk, but tall vegetation was used less by larger groups. Individuals were constrained in reducing individual vigilance by group size and habitat choice because maximum group size was determined by overall density in the area during the covey period and by the formation of pairs at the end of the winter (pair period), when there was also a significant twofold increase in the use of tall cover. 3. Over the whole winter individual survival was higher in larger groups and was lower in the pair period. However, when controlling for group size, mean survival decreased as vigilance increased in the covey period. This result, along with vigilance being higher at sites with increasing with raptor risk, suggests individual vigilance increases arose to reduce short-term predation risk from raptors but led to long-term fitness decreases probably because high individual vigilance increased starvation risk or indicated longer exposure to predation. The effect of raptors on survival was less when there were large groups in open habitats, where individual partridges can probably both detect predators and feed efficiently. 4. Our study suggests that increasing partridge density and modifying habitat to remove the need for high individual vigilance may decrease partridge mortality. It demonstrates the general principle that antipredation behaviours may reduce fitness long-term via their effects on the starvation-predation risk trade-off, even though they decrease predation risk short-term, and that it may be ecological constraints, such as poor habitat (that lead to an antipredation behaviour compromising foraging), that cause mortality, rather than the proximate effect of an antipredation behaviour such as vigilance.  相似文献   

Maternal hormones are important mediators of prenatal maternal effects. Although many experimental studies have demonstrated their potency in shaping offspring phenotypes, we know remarkably little about their adaptive value. Using long‐term data on a wild collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis) population, we show that natural selection acts in opposite ways on two maternally derived androgens, yolk androstenedione (A4) and yolk testosterone (T). High yolk A4 concentrations are associated with higher fitness, whereas high yolk T concentrations are associated with lower fitness. Natural selection thus favours females that produce eggs with high A4 and low T concentrations. Importantly, however, there exists a positive (non‐genetic) correlation between A4 and T, which suggests that females are limited in their ability to reach this adaptive optimum. Thereby, these results provide strong evidence for an adaptive value of differential maternal androgen deposition, and a mechanistic explanation for the maintenance of variation in maternal investment in the wild.  相似文献   

There are currently no FDA-approved pharmacotherapies for cocaine abuse. Converging preclinical and clinical evidence indicates that progesterone may have potential as a treatment for cocaine-abusing women, who represent a growing portion of cocaine users. We have previously shown that oral progesterone reduced the positive subjective effects of cocaine in female cocaine users during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, when endogenous progesterone levels were low. To extend these findings, the present study assessed the effects of oral progesterone (150 mg BID) administered during the follicular phase on smoked cocaine self-administration in women relative to the normal follicular and luteal phases. Healthy, non-treatment seeking female cocaine smokers (N = 10) underwent three 4-day inpatient stays, during: 1) a normal follicular phase; 2) a normal luteal phase; and 3) a follicular phase when oral progesterone was administered. During each stay, participants completed 4 self-administration sessions in which they first smoked a “sample” dose of cocaine (0, 12, 25 or 50 mg) and then had 5 opportunities at 14-minute intervals to self-administer that dose at a cost of $5 per dose. Expected cocaine dose effects on self-administration, subjective effects, and cardiovascular effects were observed. However, there was no effect of oral progesterone administration or menstrual cycle phase on cocaine self-administration. Thus, oral progesterone was not effective in reducing cocaine use in women under the current conditions. However, based on previous literature, further research assessing the role of oral progesterone for the treatment of cocaine dependence in women is warranted.  相似文献   

Synopsis Shoals of 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, and 20 bluntnose minnows,Pimephales notatus, were allowed to forage in the absence and presence of a fish predator, which was separated from the shoal by a clear plexiglass partition. A typical dilution effect was observed in that individual fish in larger shoals were approached less frequently by the predator. In the absence of a predator, foraging latency decreased significantly and the rate of foraging increased with increasing shoal size. Foraging latency for each shoal size tended to increase in the presence of a predator and foraging rate decreased, significantly for shoals of 7, 15, and 20 fish. Members of larger shoals were safer and enjoyed a greater level of food consumption, perhaps due to decreased individual vigilance for predators and social facilitation. However, foraging effort decreased when a predator was present, as more time was allocated to predator avoidance.  相似文献   

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