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Interactions between competing species may be intensified when they are restricted to small patches of remnant habitat, potentially increasing physiological stress in individuals. The effects of interspecific competition on stress in wildlife remain largely unexplored. In Australia, remnant woodlands are often dominated by aggressive honeyeaters, especially the noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala). Harassment of smaller birds by miners may result in their exclusion from suitable woodland habitat. We tested whether the presence of noisy miners is also associated with elevated stress in a model species of small passerine bird, the superb fairy‐wren (Malurus cyaneus). We sampled wrens from six sites, three remnant woodlands with noisy miners and three larger fragments of reserved habitat without noisy miners. Differential white blood cell counts were used to infer levels of chronic stress. We also assessed variation in body condition and the prevalence of blood parasites (Haemoproteus spp.) to test for associations between stress and parasitemia. The mean heterophil‐to‐lymphocyte (H:L) ratio was 1.8 × higher among superb fairy‐wrens living in miner‐dominated woodlands, suggesting higher levels of chronic stress. Individuals with higher stress appeared to be in poorer condition, as indicated by fat scores and residual body mass. Prevalence of blood parasites was generally high and was highest in reserved habitat (59%) where miners were absent. Birds with blood parasites living in these habitats had higher H:L ratios but the intensity of infection and H:L ratio was inversely related. Our results suggest that birds persisting in the presence of noisy miners might experience chronic stress, but further study is necessary to separate the relative importance of noisy miner aggression from other potential stressors in small patches of degraded woodland. Stress induced by interspecific aggression should be considered in future studies of wildlife living in remnant vegetation.  相似文献   

What causes non-monotonic tuning of fMRI response to noisy images?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dakin SC  Hess RF  Ledgeway T  Achtman RL 《Current biology : CB》2002,12(14):R476-7; author reply R478

There is growing recognition of the ways in which maternal effects can influence offspring size, physiological performance, and survival. Additionally, environmental contaminants increasingly act as stressors in maternal environments, possibly leading to maternal effects on subsequent offspring. Thus, it is important to determine whether contaminants and other stressors can contribute to maternal effects, particularly under varied ecological conditions that encompass the range under which offspring develop. We used aquatic mesocosms to determine whether maternal effects of mercury (Hg) exposure shape offspring phenotype in the American toad (Bufo americanus) in the presence or absence of larval predators (dragonfly naiads). We found significant maternal effects of Hg exposure and significant effects of predators on several offspring traits, but there was little evidence that maternal effects altered offspring interactions with predators. Offspring from Hg-exposed mothers were 18% smaller than those of reference mothers. Offspring reared with predators were 23% smaller at metamorphosis than those reared without predators. There was also evidence of reduced larval survival when larvae were reared with predators, but this was independent of maternal effects. Additionally, 5 times more larvae had spinal malformations when reared without predators, suggesting selective predation of malformed larvae by predators. Lastly, we found a significant negative correlation between offspring survival and algal density in mesocosms, indicating a role for top-down effects of predators on periphyton communities. Our results demonstrate that maternal exposure to an environmental stressor can induce phenotypic responses in offspring in a direction similar to that produced by direct exposure of offspring to predators.  相似文献   

Natural populations often face multiple mortality sources. Adaptive responses to one mortality source might also be beneficial with respect to other sources of mortality, resulting in "reinforcing adaptations"; or they might be detrimental with respect to other sources of mortality, resulting in "conflicting adaptations". We explored these possibilities by testing experimentally if the responses of guppies (Poecilia reticulata) to the monogenean ectoparasitic worm Gyrodactylus differed between populations adapted to different predation regimes. In experimental stream channels designed to replicate the natural environment, we exposed eight guppy populations (high-predation and low-predation populations from each of four separate rivers) either to their local Gyrodactylus parasites (infection treatment) or to the absence of those parasites (control). We found that infection dynamics varied dramatically among populations in a repeatable fashion, but that this variation was not related to the predation regime of origin. Consistent with previous work, high-predation guppy females gained more mass, had lower reproductive investment, and had more but smaller embryos than did low-predation females. Relative to control (no parasite) channels, guppies from treatment (infected) channels gained less mass but produced similar numbers and sizes of embryos-and thus had a higher reproductive effort. However, no interaction was evident between infection treatment and predation regime. We conclude that parasitism by Gyrodactylus and predation are both likely selective forces for guppies, but that adaptation to predation does not have an obvious deterministic effect on host-parasite dynamics or on life-history traits of female guppies.  相似文献   

Myosins exist that are fused to domains that harbour signalling activities. Class III myosins (NINAC) are protein kinases that play important roles in phototransduction. Class IX myosins inactivate the small G-protein Rho that acts as molecular switch. Because these myosins interact via their myosin head domain with actin filaments, they link signal transduction to the actin cytoskeleton. The exact motor properties of these myosins, however, remain to be determined.  相似文献   

Baumann P 《Cell》2006,126(1):33-36
Pot1 is a conserved single-stranded DNA binding protein with crucial functions in the protection of telomeres and maintenance of their length. In this issue of Cell, two papers (Hockemeyer et al., 2006; Wu et al., 2006) examine the roles of murine Pot1 homologs and describe intriguing new insights into how cells protect their chromosome ends from DNA-repair activities.  相似文献   

Econometricians Daniel McFadden and James Heckman won the 2000 Nobel Prize in economics for their work on discrete choice models and selection bias. Statisticians and epidemiologists have made similar contributions to medicine with their work on case-control studies, analysis of incomplete data, and causal inference. In spite of repeated nominations of such eminent figures as Bradford Hill and Richard Doll, however, the Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine has never been awarded for work in biostatistics or epidemiology. (The "exception who proves the rule" is Ronald Ross, who, in 1902, won the second medical Nobel for his discovery that the mosquito was the vector for malaria. Ross then went on to develop the mathematics of epidemic theory--which he considered his most important scientific contribution-and applied his insights to malaria control programs.) The low esteem accorded epidemiology and biostatistics in some medical circles, and increasingly among the public, correlates highly with the contradictory results from observational studies that are displayed so prominently in the lay press. In spite of its demonstrated efficacy in saving lives, the "black box" approach of risk factor epidemiology is not well respected. To correct these unfortunate perceptions, statisticians would do well to follow more closely their own teachings: conduct larger, fewer studies designed to test specific hypotheses, follow strict protocols for study design and analysis, better integrate statistical findings with those from the laboratory, and exercise greater caution in promoting apparently positive results.  相似文献   

Aromatase inhibitors (AIs) have been in use to treat metastatic breast cancer for over 25 years. Recently potent and specific AIs have been introduced, which, because of their low toxicity profile, are being used in the adjuvant and neoadjuvant situation and also for the prevention of breast cancer. The two non-steroidal AIs, anastrozole and letrozole, and the steroidal AI, exemestane, have all shown superiority to tamoxifen as first-line treatment for advanced breast cancer. Interestingly, the oestrogen receptor downregulator, fulvestrant, was shown to be equivalent to anastrozole when compared as second-line therapy after the failure of tamoxifen. The first adjuvant AI trial began in 1996 and recruited over 9000 patients (ATAC trial). Anastrozole was compared with tamoxifen and a combination of the two drugs. There were no significant differences between tamoxifen and the combination. However, anastrozole showed about a 20% improvement in disease-free survival in ER+ disease compared with the other treatments. An overall survival analysis will be reported later this year. Two trials have compared 5 years of tamoxifen with 2–3 years of tamoxifen, followed by 2–3 years of AI (one trial (ITA) used anastrozole and another (intergroup) exemestane). Both trials show a disease-free advantage for the switch to AI. In another study (MA17) 5 years of tamoxifen was followed by a randomisation to letrozole or placebo and showed a significant disease-free advantage to the AI. Both letrozole and anastrozole show superiority to tamoxifen when used as a neoadjuvant therapy. Anastrozole significantly reduced contralateral breast cancer compared with tamoxifen, and this has led to two prevention trials: one in women at risk comparing anastrozole with placebo and the other after excision of DCIS comparing anastrozole with tamoxifen (IBIS II). The NCI Canada has also just initiated a trial of exemestane for prevention. Nearly all data available indicate that AIs are superior to tamoxifen. The important question is whether survival is improved when they are used as adjuvant therapy?  相似文献   

Invasion of native habitats by exotic plants often causes reductions in faunal diversity. However, there is little direct evidence of native fauna actively avoiding invaded habitat and few quantitative studies on the mechanisms underlying such avoidance. We quantified alterations made to the composition and physical structure of an Australian tropical savanna by grader grass (Themeda quadrivalvis); an understudied invasive grass that is associated with reduced faunal abundance and diversity. We found that grader grass profoundly changed the physical structure and floral composition of tropical savanna, forming dense lawn-like monocultures unlike the native savanna. Second, we investigated the habitat preferences of small ectotherms in partially invaded habitat, using a rainbow skink (Carlia schmeltzii) as a model system and discovered that they actively avoided grader grass. Finally, we experimentally tested predictions regarding mechanisms that may have driven the avoidance of grader grass. Predation rates and food availability were not likely the cause of grader grass avoidance, because experiments using models deployed in the field showed that predation rates were higher in native grass, and collection of invertebrates in both habitats indicated that prey availability was similar. However, mesocosm experiments on habitat selection in relation to vegetation structure, along with field measures of available operative environmental temperatures, suggested that small ectotherms probably avoid grader-grass-invaded savanna due to a suboptimal thermal environment and lack of appropriate habitat structural heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Factors affecting individual diet specialization in generalist populations and the relationship between diet and foraging success remain poorly studied, particularly in terrestrial wide-ranging predators. We studied whether individual variations in diet in Montagu's harrier males (determined through a combination of direct foraging observations and pellet analysis) were associated with patterns of foraging habitat selection and foraging success of 12 radiotracked males during the breeding period. We found important differences in diet composition and breadth between individuals. Diet diversity was negatively related to hunting success: the most efficient individuals in terms of hunting success had the most specialized diet. This study also suggests an important role of individual foraging habitat selection in explaining individual diet, as the proportion of different prey types in the diet was associated with habitat composition within the home range, with higher proportion of those habitats that held higher abundances of their more frequent prey. This study thus provides evidence of individual diet specialization having a knock-on effect on foraging efficiency in a wide-ranging raptor and highlights the role of individual behaviour as a driving force of intra-population niche variation.  相似文献   

The suggested link between lemming cycles and reproductive success of arctic birds is caused by potential effects of varying predation pressure (the Alternative Prey Hypothesis, APH) and protective association with birds of prey (the Nesting Association Hypothesis, NAH). We used data collected over two complete lemming cycles to investigate how fluctuations in lemming density were associated with nesting success of greater snow geese ( Anser caerulescens atlanticus ) in the Canadian High Arctic. We tested predictions of the APH and NAH for geese breeding at low and high densities. Goose nesting success varied from 22% to 91% between years and the main egg predator was the arctic fox ( Alopex lagopus ). Nesting associations with snowy owls ( Nyctea scandiaca ) were observed but only during peak lemming years for geese nesting at low density. Goose nesting success declined as distance from owls increased and reached a plateau at 550 m. Artificial nest experiments indicated that owls can exclude predators from the vicinity of their nests and thus reduce goose egg predation rate. Annual nest failure rate was negatively associated with rodent abundance and was generally highest in low lemming years. This relationship was present even after excluding goose nests under the protective influence of owls. However, nest failure was inversely density-dependent at high breeding density. Thus, annual variations in nest density influenced the synchrony between lemming cycles and oscillations in nesting success. Our results suggest that APH is the main mechanism linking lemming cycles and goose nesting success and that nesting associations during peak lemming years (NAH) can enhance this positive link at the local level. The study also shows that breeding strategies used by birds (the alternative prey) could affect the synchrony between oscillations in avian reproductive success and rodent cycles.  相似文献   

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