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The present investigation reveals that a 250-fold screening of the geomagnetic field ("zero" geomagnetic fields, 200 nT) is a biologically active factor that adversely affects embryonic cells and the processes of early embryogenesis as a whole. In particular, the cultivation of primary embryonic fibroblasts in "zero" geomagnetic fields causes reduces the capacity for adhesion and proliferation, changes the monolayer morphology and increases cell death. In a more highly organized experimental model, two-celled mouse embryos, the exposure to the "zero" field results in an increase of plasma membrane permeability for dyes, a reorganization of the cytoskeleton because of alpha-actin redistribution, and the disturbance of the spatial orientation of blastomeres. As a result, the development of two-celled mouse embryos stops, and they do not reach the stage of blastocyst. These data show the significant role of geomagnetic fields in the normal growth of embryonic cells in vitro and the regulation of mammalian embryogenesis.  相似文献   

We have found a novel embryonic cell population in the keyhole sand dollar Astriclypeus manni, which we refer to as lucent fluorescent cells (LFCs). Live LFCs are transparent, but emit autofluorescence after formaldehyde fixation. LFCs become noticeable in the vegetal plate of early gastrulae immediately after the appearance of pigment cells. As development progresses, LFCs increase in number and migrate from the vegetal plate toward the animal pole in a manner similar to pigment cells. Notably, LFCs also migrate into the oral ectoderm, while pigment cells do not. In addition, we determined that there were nearly 300 LFCs per embryo, which greatly exceeds the number of pigment cells. Treatment with the Notch signaling inhibitor N‐[(3,5‐Difluorophenyl)acetyl]‐l ‐alanyl‐2‐phenyl]glycine‐1,1‐dimethylethyl ester (DAPT) resulted in a marked decrease in pigment cell number, but only a modest decrease in LFCs. In DAPT‐treated embryos, LFCs had a distribution pattern similar to pigment cells and were excluded from the oral ectoderm. Unlike other sea urchins, Nodal signaling was not involved in the specification of pigment cells and LFCs in these embryos. Pulse treatment and measurement of cell diameters revealed that LFCs underwent 13–15 cycles of cell division and were specified during the 11th cleavage, one cell cycle later than observed for pigment cells. At the pluteus stage, a cluster of LFCs was observed in the animal plate in addition to two rows of LFCs running along the ciliary band. In addition, dozens of LFCs aligned at the uppermost level of the stomodaeum. Therefore, though the two cell populations share some features, LFCs are considerably different from pigment cells.  相似文献   

Summary In experimental animal models the susceptibility of the mammary gland to neoplastic transformation is related to its degree of development and proliferative activity; this observation led us to determine whether the human breast epithelium also exhibits development-related differences, and whether these differences could be detected in an in vitro system. Normal breast tissue obtained from reduction mammoplasties of 9 patients ranging in age from 18 to 56 years were characterized in both whole mount preparations and organoids obtained after collagenase-hyaluronidase digestion by their degree of development based upon the types of lobules present. Lobules were classified into type 1 (Lob 1), composed of approximately 11 alveolar buds, the less developed; lobules type 2 (Lob 2), of moderate development, composed of approximately 47 ductules each, and lobules type 3 (Lob 3), composed of 80 ductules each, represented the highest level of development. Epithelial organoids obtained after digestion were plated in DMEM:F12 medium supplemented with hydrocortisone, cholera toxin, insulin and 5% horse serum with a calcium concentration of 1.05 mM Ca++. Following attachment, the medium was replaced by medium containing 0.040 mM Ca++. The percentage of attachment of organoids to the flask was greater in cells from Lob 1 (89–99%) and Lob 1+2 (79–100%) than in cells from Lob 3, which had a 53–67% attachment. The total yield of cells after 7 weeks in culture was also greater in cells derived from Lob 1 and Lob 1+2 than in cells from Lob 3. The total yield of cells obtained from primary cultures was not related to the number of organoids plated, but to the degree of development of the gland. The DNA-labeling index (DNA-LI) in intact breast tissue correlated with that in primary cultures; it was greater in Lob 1 and Lob 1+2 than in Lob 3. By flow cytometry, the highest percentage of cells in S-phase was seen in cells with the highest DNA-LI. We concluded that the growth characteristics of mammary epithelial cells in vitro in a low Ca++ medium is modulated by the degree of development and differentiation of the gland. Supported by PHS Grant CA-38921 awarded by the National Cancer Institute, DHHS, and an Institutional Grant from the United Foundation of Greater Detroit.  相似文献   

Immunoblotting using polyclonal antibodies (pAb) raised against an FR-1 receptor (FR-1R), a 57 kDa Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (RGDS)-binding protein, of the sand dollar Clypeaster japonicus showed that the pAb monospecifically bound to the protein. FR-1R was present in purified plasma membrane, suggesting that the protein is a membrane-bound protein. The molecular structure of FR-1R did not change throughout the early embryogenesis, whereas its expression changed significantly during this period. FR-1R was present in the cortex of unfertilized eggs and was then transferred to the hyaline layer soon after the fertilization. The hyaline layer retained FR-1R immunoreactivity during early embryogenesis. FR-1R appeared on the basal side of the ectoderm at the morula stage and was retained basolaterally, at least, to the early gastrula stage. In mesenchyme blastulae, FR-1R was also present on the surface of primary mesenchyme cells (PMC). FR-1R was localized on the basal side of the ectoderm in early gastrulae, exclusively at the place where PMC formed ventrolateral aggregates, and at the apical tuft ectoderm. In vitro, PMC bound to FR-1R and its binding was inhibited in the presence of a synthetic RGDS peptide or the pAb. The pAb introduced into the blastocoele perturbed PMC migration and gastrulation. FR-1R was weakly recognized by antihuman integrin beta5 subunit pAb.  相似文献   

An examination of the size and relative abundance of actin-coding RNA in embryos of four sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, Arbacia punctulata, Lytechinus variegatus) and one sand dollar (Echinarachnius parma) reveals a generally conserved program of expression. In each species the relative abundance of these sequences is low in early embryos and begins to rise during late cleavage or blastula stages. In the four sea urchins, actin-coding RNAs increase between approximately 9- and 35-fold by pluteus or an earlier stage, and in the sand dollar about 5.5-fold by blastula. A major actin-coding RNA class of 2.0-2.2 kilobases (kb) is found in each species. A smaller actin-coding RNA class, which accumulates during embryogenesis, is also present in S. purpuratus (1.8 kb), S. droebachiensis (1.9 kb), and A. punctulata (1.6 kb), but apparently absent in L. variegatus and E. parma. In S. droebachiensis, actin-coding RNA is relatively abundant in unfertilized eggs and drops sharply by the 16-cell stage. This is in contrast to the other sea urchins where the actin message content is relatively low in eggs and does not change substantially in the embryos throughout early cleavage. The observations in this study suggest that the pattern of embryonic expression of at least some members of this gene family is ancient and conserved.  相似文献   

K H Gardner  T Pan  S Narula  E Rivera  J E Coleman 《Biochemistry》1991,30(47):11292-11302

In primary cultures of ovine thyroid cells, a high level of plasminogen activator (PA) activity was detected in the culture media. This level is much higher than in primary cultures of Sertoli cells, granulosa cells, and pituitary cells. PA activity increased with time in culture and was regulated by TSH and insulin. Activity gel analysis of the culture media revealed a major band of 43,000 daltons and a minor one of 70,000 daltons, suggesting the presence of both of the urokinase-type and the tissue-type PA in the media.  相似文献   

RNA was extracted from pure preparations of micromeres and meso-plus macromeres isolated from 16-cell stage embryos of Dendraster excentricus. Molecular hybridization-competition experiments disclosed that the binding of 16-cell stage labeled RNA to denatured sperm DNA was competed equally well by micromere RNA, meso-plus macromere RNA, total 16-cell RNA and unfertilized egg RNA, indicating the egg-type populations were distributed almost equally in the different blastomeres. In contrast, experiments with 3H-RNA extracted from micromeres obtained from pulse-labeled 16-cell stage embryos showed qualitative differences when unfertilized egg RNA and total 16-cell stage RNA were used as competitors. Such differences in RNA populations could not be detected in 3H-RNA isolated from the meso-plus macromere fraction.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of appearance of ribosomes, newly synthesized mRNA, and poly(A)-containing mRNA in polyribosomes has been examined in sand dollar embryos. From early blastula until shortly before hatching small polyribosomes engaged in histone synthesis predominate. At the time of hatching, when the rate of cell increase is maximal, the proportion of poly(A)-containing RNA in polyribosomes is low. After hatching a new class of large polyribosomes appears and the amount of poly(A)-containing polyribosomal RNA increases. Cordycepin, an inhibitor of RNA adenylylation, prevents the appearance of the large polyribosomes after hatching as well as the increase in poly(A)-containing polyribosomal RNA.  相似文献   

We describe a method for preparing highly enriched cultures of Drosophila myoblasts from a heterogeneous cell population derived from gastrulating embryos. Enriched cultures are prepared by plating this heterogeneous population of cells in medium from which much of the free calcium is chelated by ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)N,N,N',N'-tetraacetate (EGTA). Adhesion of myoblasts to tissue culture plastic is better than that of other cell types when plated in this medium. Data concerning cell identity, timing of S phase, and fusion kinetics document the degree of enrichment for myogenic cells and illustrate their synchronous differentiation in vitro.  相似文献   

Primary follicles retrieved from B6CBAF1 prepubertal mice were cultured in a stepwise manner in an alpha-minimum essential medium-based medium to generate viable embryos and embryonic stem cell (ESC)-like cells. A significant increase in follicle growth and oocyte maturation accompanied by increased secretion of 17beta-estradiol and progesterone was achieved by exposing primary follicles to 100 or 200 mIU of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) during culture. More oocytes developed into blastocysts following in vitro fertilization (IVF) or parthenogenetic activation after culture with 200 mIU of FSH during the entire culture period than with 100 mIU. Eleven ESC-like cell lines, consisting of four heterozygotic and seven homozygotic phenotypes, were established from 25 trials of primary follicle culture combined with IVF or parthenogenetic activation. In conclusion, primary follicles can potentially yield developmentally competent oocytes, which produce viable embryos and ESC-like cell lines following in vitro manipulation. We suggest a method to utilize immature follicles, which are most abundant in ovaries, to improve reproductive efficiency and for use in regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

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