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应用差别p H 值沉淀蛋白质的原理,建立了水稻条纹病毒病特异蛋白( S P) 的两种提纯方法。这两种方法都可以从病叶中提纯到大量的 S P,其粗提纯量分别为0 .8 和2 .0 mg/g 病叶。通过 S D S P A G E 分离后得到了精提纯的蛋白,其分子量为20 .1 k Da 。将粗提纯和精提纯的 S P 分别免疫兔子,制备出效价为51 200 和6 400 的抗血清。将效价为6 400 的高度特异性的抗血清用于研究 R S V S P 与 R S V C P 及同属的水稻草状矮化病毒( R G S V) S P、 C P 之间的血清学关系,结果表明, R S V S P 的抗血清与 R G S V C P、 R S V C P 之间无反应,但可与 R G S V S P 微弱反应;而 R G S V S P、 C P 及 R S V C P 的抗血清与 R S V S P 之间都无血清学反应。结果证实了 R S V 和 R G S V 之间存在着进化上的亲缘关系  相似文献   

提纯的水稻条纹病毒(云南宜良分离物)在电镜下的形态为多型性,但主要是宽8-10 nm,长80-250的分枝丝状体,有些为直径3 nm或8 nm的开环环状体,有些为13 nm宽,130-190 nm长的丝状体,但其基本结构应是直径3 nm、长度不等的丝状体.经聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析,vRNA4编码的病害特异蛋白(SP)分子量为19.9 kDa,而vcRNA3编码的外壳蛋白(CP)约为33.6 kDa.在非变性条件下,RSV的4条ssRNAs大小分别为3.0×106(ssRNA1)、1.2×106(ssRNA2)、0.9×106(ssRNA3)和0.8×106 Da(ssRNA4),有时出现一条大小为0.58×106 Da的单链RNA(ssRNA5);而4条dsRNAs的分子量分别为4.9×106(dsRNA1)、2.8×106(dsRNA2)、2.0×106(dsRNA3)和1.7×106 Da(dsRNA4).利用制备电泳分离提纯的外壳蛋白免疫家兔,得到了高特异性的抗血清.A蛋白夹心ELISA检测结果表明,RSV-CP与水稻草状矮化病毒(RGSV)CP抗血清有微弱的反应,但与RSV、RGSV的SP抗血清没有反应,而RSV-CP抗血清与RSV-SP及RGSV的SP、CP都无血清学关系,这个结果表明RGSV与RSV之间在进化上具有一定的亲缘关系.  相似文献   

提纯的水稻条纹病毒(云南宜良分离物)在电镜下的形态为多型性,但主要是宽8-10urn,长80-25O的分枝丝状体,有些为直径3urn或8urn的开环环状体,有些为13urn宽,130-190urn长的丝状体,但其基本结构应是直径3urn、长度不等的丝状体。经聚丙烯酸胺凝胶电泳分析,VRNA4编码的病害特异蛋白(SP)分子量为19.9kDa,而VCRNA3编码的外壳蛋白(CP)约为336kDa。在非变性条件下,RSV的4条ssRNAs大小分别为3‘OXIO‘(ssRNAI)、互.2XIc‘(ssR.NAZ)、0.9X10‘(ssRNA3)和0.8X10‘Da(SSRNA4),有时出现一条大小为0.58X10‘Da的单链RNA(ssRNA);而4条dsRNAs的分子量分别为4.9X10‘(dsRNAI)、2.8X10‘(dsRNAZ)、20XIOo(dsRNA3)和1.7X10‘D。(dSRNA4)。利用制备电泳分离提纯的外壳蛋白免疫家兔,得到了高特异性的抗血清。A蛋白夹心ELISA检测结果表服RSV-CP与水稻草状矮化病毒(RGSV)CP抗血清有微弱的反应,但与RSV、RGSV的SP抗血清没有反应,而RSV-CP抗血清与RSV.SP及RGSV的SP、CP都无血清学关系,这个结果表明RGSV与RSV之间在进化上具有一定的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

从感染有甘薯羽状驳病毒的牵牛(I.Nil)叶片,通过超速离心,Cscl密度梯度离心提纯SPFMV粒子,每千克叶片可得病毒13-15毫克。电镜观察病毒粒子长度范围在820-860nm,也可见到900nm以上的特长粒子。病毒提纯物的紫外吸收曲线呈典型核蛋白吸收曲线,OD260/OD280=1.21,免疫电镜检查,该病毒与SPFMV抗血清起阳性反应。  相似文献   

水稻条纹病毒引起的水稻条纹叶枯病在水稻种植区造成巨大的经济损失,有关病毒本身及抗病基因一直是近年研究的热点。根据近年的研究成果,综述在病毒的核酸、蛋白质、抗病基因及应用基因工程控制病害等方面的研究进展,并对利用抗病基因工程策略控制病害的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

水稻条纹病毒分子生物学研究进展   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
水稻条纹病毒(Ricestripevirus,RSV)原是纤细病毒组(Tenuivirusgroap)的典型成员。在1993年召开的国际病毒分类委员会(ICTV)第六次会议上,纤细病毒组改为纤细病毒属(Tenuiviru)D1。RSV由昆虫介体灰一B虱(La‘xielpha。tr。atellusFallel)以持久方式经卵传播,在禾谷类作物上有很广的寄主范围。RSV最早于1897年在日本发生,目前仍是该国重要的水稻病毒;除日本外,该病毒在中国、朝鲜和乌克兰等国的稻区也造成极大的损失【川。近5年来,国内外对RSV分子生物学进行了大量的研究,本文综述其研究进展。1病毒粒体形态与结…  相似文献   

水稻条纹病毒(rice stripe virus,RSV)是水稻条纹叶枯病的致病原。综述了国内外对水稻条纹病毒的基因组结构、复制、转录、功能特点及抗水稻条纹病毒基因研究等方面最新研究进展。  相似文献   

小麦黄矮病毒GPV株系的提纯及血清学研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
小麦黄矮病是危害我国小麦生产的一种重要病毒病害。国内对此病毒的形态结构和提纯方法方面的研究工作已有报道。但对广为应用的蔗糖密度梯度离心法纯化该病毒、提纯病毒的产量估算以及血清学检测技术的研究报告却极少。本文报道我们有关这方面的研究  相似文献   

合成,克隆了水稻条纹病毒中国株的外壳蛋白基因并进行了序列分析1,由Indica水稻成熟胚的愈伤组织形成胚性悬浮细胞,用含有CP基因的pROK2表达载体的DNA包被1.09μm直径钨粉颗粒轰击培养细胞。被轰击的培养物在含有G418的培养基中进行选择培养,  相似文献   

Plum line-pattern virus (PLV) was purified by homogenizing inoculated leaves of Nicotiana megalosiphon in 0·02 M phosphate buffer, pH 8·0 (1·5 ml/g leaf), containing 0·02 M 2-mercaptoethanol. The homogenate was centrifuged at low speed and the supernatant liquid was clarified by adjusting the pH to 4·8 with 0·1 M citric acid. The green coagulum was removed by centri-fugation and the extract adjusted to pH 6·5. After concentrating the virus by high-speed centrifugation, remaining host protein was precipitated with the gamma-globulin fraction of antiserum to N. megalosiphon protein. Purification was completed with two cycles of high- and low-speed centrifugation. Purified PLV had an A260/A280 ratio of c. 1·7 and formed two zones when centrifuged in density gradients at pH 6·0–7·0. The virus was about 30 mμ in diameter in negatively stained preparations. The particles were easily disrupted. PLV was closely serologically related to cultures of plum line-pattern virus from other areas, but no relationship was found to apple mosaic, Prunus necrotic ringspot or prune dwarf viruses, or to a plum line-pattern virus from Denmark.  相似文献   

Xiong R  Wu J  Zhou Y  Zhou X 《Journal of virology》2008,82(24):12304-12311
Rice stripe virus (RSV) is the type member of the genus Tenuivirus. RSV has four single-stranded RNAs and causes severe disease in rice fields in different parts of China. To date, no reports have described how RSV spreads within host plants or the viral and/or host factor(s) required for tenuivirus movement. We investigated functions of six RSV-encoded proteins using trans-complementation experiments and biolistic bombardment. We demonstrate that NSvc4, encoded by RSV RNA4, supports the intercellular trafficking of a movement-deficient Potato virus X in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. We also determined that upon biolistic bombardment or agroinfiltration, NSvc4:enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) fusion proteins localize predominantly near or within the walls of onion and tobacco epidermal cells. In addition, the NSvc4:eGFP fusion protein can move from initially bombarded cells to neighboring cells in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. Immunocytochemistry using tissue sections from RSV-infected rice leaves and an RSV NSvc4-specific antibody showed that the NSvc4 protein accumulated in walls of RSV-infected leaf cells. Gel retardation assays revealed that the NSvc4 protein interacts with single-stranded RNA in vitro, a common feature of many reported plant viral movement proteins (MPs). RSV NSvc4 failed to interact with the RSV nucleocapsid protein using yeast two-hybrid assays. Taken together, our data indicate that RSV NSvc4 is likely an MP of the virus. This is the first report describing a tenuivirus MP.  相似文献   

Purification and some properties of oat golden stripe virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oat golden stripe virus (OGSV) was maintained in oats by mechanical inoculation and purified by extraction of leaves in borate buffer, two cycles of centrifugation through sucrose cushions and isopycnic centrifugation in CsCl. An antiserum with a titre of 1/1024 in precipitin tests was prepared. Particle length distribution was bimodal with median values, respectively, of 150 and 300 nm from dip preparations. Measurements from immunosorbent electron microscopy (ISEM) and purified preparations showed that the particles had partially degraded during these procedures. The virus sedimented as two components of 168 S and 218 S and had a buoyant density of 1321 g cm-3. Four isolates of OGSV reacted with the antiserum. Antiserum to members and possible members of the furovirus group were tested in ISEM decoration tests and in ELISA. OGSV was related to soil-borne wheat mosaic virus but not to beet necrotic yellow vein virus, hypochoeris mosaic virus or potato mop-top virus.  相似文献   

The movement of plant viruses is a complex process that requires support by the virus-encoded movement protein and multiple host factors. The unfolded protein response (UPR) plays important roles in plant virus infection, while how UPR regulates viral infection remains to be elucidated. Here, we show that rice stripe virus (RSV) elicits the UPR in Nicotiana benthamiana. The RSV-induced UPR activates the host autophagy pathway by which the RSV-encoded movement protein, NSvc4, is targeted for autophagic degradation. As a counteract, we revealed that NSvc4 hijacks UPR-activated type-I J-domain proteins, NbMIP1s, to protect itself from autophagic degradation. Unexpectedly, we found NbMIP1 stabilizes NSvc4 in a non-canonical HSP70-independent manner. Silencing NbMIP1 family genes in N. benthamiana, delays RSV infection, while over-expressing NbMIP1.4b promotes viral cell-to-cell movement. Moreover, OsDjA5, the homologue of NbMIP1 family in rice, behaves in a similar manner toward facilitating RSV infection. This study exemplifies an arms race between RSV and the host plant, and reveals the dual roles of the UPR in RSV infection though fine-tuning the accumulation of viral movement protein.  相似文献   

Phages with high affinity to the S protein obtained fromrice stripe virus (RSV) were enriched fromphage-displayed random 12-mer peptide library after threerounds of biopanning. 9 different peptides from theenriched library were selected by ELISA. Circulardichroism (CD) spectra of the GST-S fusion protein withbinding phages and non-binding phages showed thatstructure of the S protein was changed after it bound toeach of these 9 selected 12-mer peptides, which suggestedthat these peptides might disrupt the function of Sprotein. Thus, those peptides might be used to developplant resistance and disrupt virus transmission. 3 of the12-mer peptide genes were fused with the GST gene in pGEX3X. The fusion proteins were also obtained using E.coli expression system and purified.  相似文献   

Summary Phages with high affinity to the S protein obtained from rice stripe virus (RSV) were enriched from phage-displayed random 12-mer peptide library after three rounds of biopanning. 9 different peptides from the enriched library were selected by ELISA. Circular dichroism (CD) spectra of the GST-S fusion protein with binding phages and non-binding phages showed that structure of the S protein was changed after it bound to each of these 9 selected 12-mer peptides, which suggested that these peptides might disrupt the function of S protein. Thus, those peptides might be used to develop plant resistance and disrupt virus transmission. 3 of the 12-mer peptide genes were fused with the GST gene in pGEX 3X. The fusion proteins were also obtained usingE. coli expression system and purified.  相似文献   

The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase associated with rice stripe virus was dissociated from viral RNA (vRNA) by CsCl centrifugation. The solubilized RNA-free RNA polymerase transcribed a model RNA template 50 nucleotides in length carrying the 5'- and 3'-terminal conserved sequences of all four genome RNA segments. A 3'-terminal half molecule of the model template was also active as a template. Hence, we propose that the 3'-terminal conserved sequence serves as a promoter for the rice stripe virus-associated RNA polymerase. The solubilized enzyme, however, was unable to transcribe vRNA. The failure of the solubilized enzyme to transcribe vRNA is discussed in relation to the apparent loss of RNA polymerase activity after treatment of virions with high concentrations of salt.  相似文献   

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