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Flavescence dorée (FD) is among the major grapevine diseases causing high management costs; curative methods against FD are unavailable. In FD‐infected plants, decrease in photosynthesis is usually recorded, but deregulation in stomatal control of leaf gas exchange during FD infection and recovery is unknown. We measured the seasonal time course of gas exchange rates in two cultivars (‘Barbera’ and ‘Nebbiolo’) during the term of 1 year when grapevines experienced a water stress and another with no drought, with difference in gas exchange rates in response to FD infection and recovery as assessed by symptom observation and phytoplasma detection through PCR analysis. Chlorophyll fluorescence was also evaluated at the time of maximum symptom severity in ‘Barbera’, the cultivar showing the most severe stress response to FD infection, causing the highest damage in vineyards of north‐western Italy. In FD‐infected plants, net photosynthesis and transpiration gradually decreased during the season, more during the no drought year than during drought. During recovery, healthy (PCR negative) plants infected 2 years before, but not those infected an year before, regained the gas exchange performances to the level as measured before infection. The relationships between stomatal conductance and the residual leaf intercellular CO2 concentration (ci) discriminated healthy versus FD‐infected and recovered plants; at the same ci, FD‐infected leaves had higher non‐photochemical quenching than healthy ones. We conclude that metabolic, not stomatal, leaf gas exchange limitation in FD‐infected and recovered grapevines is the basis of plant response to FD disease. In addition, we also suggest that such response is dependent upon water stress, by showing that water stress superimposes on FD infection in terms of stomatal and metabolic non‐stomatal limitations to carbon assimilation.  相似文献   

Scaphoideus titanus Ball (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), a specialist and univoltine leafhopper on grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) (Vitaceae), is a vector of Flavescence dorée phytoplasma (FDP) in vineyards of European temperate areas. Males and females of the leafhopper were exposed to FDP by feeding on infected broad bean (Vicia faba L.) (Fabaceae). Detection of FDP by the amplification of phytoplasma DNA with polymerase chain reaction assays of individual insects revealed an acquisition rate of 91.4% (96/105) after an acquisition access period of 13 days. The adult life span of FD‐exposed males and females was much less than that of leafhoppers fed on healthy broad bean, as revealed by ANOVA on the quartiles of survival distribution and Weibull scale parameter. The progeny of exposed females (number of nymphs emerging from eggs deposited on woody cane segments) was significantly less than the progeny of unexposed females. Eggs produced by FD‐exposed females were slightly but significantly delayed in hatching. Reduced fecundity was confirmed by dissecting FD‐exposed and non‐exposed 42‐day‐old females and counting the number of fully sized eggs in each leafhopper. There was no evidence of transovarial passage of FDP in the offspring of infected females after 72 nymphs were reared on a healthy grapevine until the fifth instar or adult appearance and then confined on broad bean seedlings.  相似文献   

The incidence and transmissibility of Flavescence dorée phytoplasma (FDP) in populations of the vector Scaphoideus titanus Ball (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) were investigated by periodically collecting nymphs and adults of the leafhopper species in four vineyards with high incidence of Flavescence dorée (FD)‐diseased grapevines. Insects were tested individually for FDP with an ELISA procedure, after transmission assays to broadbean seedlings and further transmission to grapevine cuttings. No transmission occurred when early or middle instar nymphs were used to inoculate broadbeans, although a limited number of fifth‐instar nymphs and young adults transmitted the pathogen to broadbean seedlings. However, the same batches of insects transmitted FDP more efficiently to grapevine cuttings during prolonged inoculation periods, confirming the existence of a latent period before infected insects become infective. The proportions of ELISA‐positive individuals in the three categories of insects used for transmission assays reflected the rate of FDP transmission to grapevine cuttings. According to the data obtained by ELISA and from field sampling of first‐instar nymphs, we adapted the proportions of nymph hatching, of infected leafhoppers, and of infective leafhoppers (assuming a conservative latent period in the vector of 30 days) to logistic models as a function of degree‐days. We then discussed the possible use of the model developed for improving vector control decisions in FD‐infected vineyards.  相似文献   

The leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus is a vector of flavescence dorée phytoplasma, the causal agent of the most important grapevine yellow disease in European vineyards. Ten polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed from a genomic library enriched for AC and AG repeats. Levels of polymorphism were evaluated in 106 individuals from S. titanus European and American populations. An average of 16 alleles per locus was detected and the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.141 to 0.813. Cross‐species amplification was successful in four other Cicadellidae species. These 10 microsatellites are valuable markers for population genetic and phylogeographical studies of S. titanus.  相似文献   

Vineyards of southern France and northern Italy are affected by the flavescence dorée (FD) phytoplasma, a quarantine pathogen transmitted by the leafhopper of Nearctic origin Scaphoideus titanus. To better trace propagation of FD strains and identify possible passage between the vineyard and wild plant compartments, molecular typing of phytoplasma strains was applied. The sequences of the two genetic loci map and uvrB-degV, along with the sequence of the secY gene, were determined among a collection of FD and FD-related phytoplasmas infecting grapevine, alder, elm, blackberry, and Spanish broom in Europe. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analyses consistently indicated the existence of three FD phytoplasma strain clusters. Strain cluster FD1 (comprising isolate FD70) displayed low variability and represented 17% of the disease cases in the French vineyard, with a higher incidence of the cases in southwestern France. Strain cluster FD2 (comprising isolates FD92 and FD-D) displayed no variability and was detected both in France (83% of the cases) and in Italy, whereas the more-variable strain cluster FD3 (comprising isolate FD-C) was detected only in Italy. The clonal property of FD2 and its wide distribution are consistent with diffusion through propagation of infected-plant material. German Palatinate grapevine yellows phytoplasmas (PGY) appeared variable and were often related to some of the alder phytoplasmas (AldY) detected in Italy and France. Finally, phylogenetic analyses concluded that FD, PGY, and AldY were members of the same phylogenetic subclade, which may have originated in Europe.  相似文献   

The leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus is able to transmit 16SrV phytoplasmas agents of grapevine's flavescence dorée (FD) within 30–45 days, following an acquisition access period (AAP) of a few days feeding on infected plants as a nymph, a latency period (LP) of 3–5 weeks becoming meanwhile an adult, and an inoculation access period (IAP) of a few days on healthy plants. However, several aspects of FD epidemiology suggest how the whole transmission process may take less time, and may start directly with adults of the insect vector. Transmission experiments have been set up under lab condition. Phytoplasma‐free S. titanus adults were placed on broad bean (BB) plants (Vicia faba) infected by FD‐C (16SrV‐C) phytoplasmas for an AAP = 7 days. Afterwards, they were immediately moved onto healthy BB for IAP, which were changed every 7 days, obtaining three timings of inoculation: IAP 1, IAP 2 and IAP 3, lasting 7, 14 and 21 days from the end of AAP, respectively. DNA was extracted from plants and insects, and PCR tests were performed to identify FD phytoplasmas. Insects were dissected and fluorescence in situ hybridisation was made to detect the presence of phytoplasmas in midguts and salivary glands. The rate of infection in insects ranged 46–68% without significant differences among IAPs. Inoculation in plants succeeded in all IAPs, at a rate of 16–23% (no significant differences). Phytoplasma load was significantly higher in IAP 3 than IAP 1–2 for both plants and insects. Phytoplasmas were identified both in midgut and salivary glands of S. titanus at all IAP times. The possible implications of these results in the epidemiology of flavescence dorée are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 Scaphoideus titanus Ball, a nearctic leafhopper introduced into Europe in the 1950s, is known to be the vector of the phytoplasma agent of flavescence dorée (FD), a persistent disease of grapevine. Knowledge of its dispersal patterns is thus very important to prevent disease outbreaks. 2 Yellow sticky traps were used to study the seasonal flight activity of S. titanus, its vertical flight, its movement outside the vineyard and the influence of plant density. Sticky traps of different colours (yellow, red, blue, and white) were also compared. The behaviour of males and females was tested for all those conditions. 3 Abundance was greater in normal than in low plant density conditions, and a positive relationship was found between number of plants per square metre and presence of S. titanus. Leafhoppers did not appear capable of spreading significantly outside a vineyard. Few individuals were trapped above the canopy. Red sticky traps caught more individuals than white, yellow or blue, with the latter showing a poor attractiveness. Sex ratio was almost always male biased. 4 Scaphoideus titanus is monophagous and appears incapable of great dispersal away from its host plant, and females are less likely to fly than males. Further studies on the influence of different factors on the behaviour of this leafhopper are suggested.  相似文献   

As a result of extensive data collection efforts over the last 20–30 years, there is quite a good understanding of the large‐scale geographic distribution and range limits of African great apes. However, as human activities increasingly fragment great ape spatial distribution, a better understanding of what constitutes suitable great ape habitat is needed to inform conservation and resource extraction management. Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) and gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) inhabit the Lobéké National Park and its surrounding forest management units (FMUs) in South‐East Cameroon. Both park and neighboring forestry concessions require reliable evidence on key factors driving great ape distribution for their management plans, yet this information is largely missing and incomplete. This study aimed at mapping great ape habitat suitability in the area and at identifying the most influential predictors among three predictor categories, including landscape predictors (dense forest, swampy forest, distance to water bodies, and topography), human disturbance predictors (hunting, deforestation, distance to roads, and population density), and bioclimatic predictor (annual precipitation). We found that about 63% of highly to moderately suitable chimpanzee habitat occurred within the Lobéké National Park, while only 8.4% of similar habitat conditions occurred within FMUs. For gorillas, highly and moderately suitable habitats occurred within the Lobéké National Park and its surrounding FMUs (82.6% and 65.5%, respectively). Key determinants of suitable chimpanzee habitat were hunting pressure and dense forest, with species occurrence probability optimal at relatively lower hunting rates and at relatively high‐dense forest areas. Key determinants of suitable gorilla habitat were hunting pressure, dense forests, swampy forests, and slope, with species occurrence probability optimal at relatively high‐dense and swampy forest areas and at areas with mild slopes. Our findings show differential response of the two ape species to forestry activities in the study area, thus aligning with previous studies.  相似文献   

Phytoplasmas associated with Flavescence dorée (FDp) grapevine disease are quarantine pathogens controlled through mandatory measures including the prompt eradication and destruction of diseased plants, and the insecticide treatments against the insect vector, the ampelophagous leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus. In the present study, a multidisciplinary approach has been applied to investigate the FDp ecological cycle in a test vineyard agro‐ecosystem in Canton Ticino, south Switzerland. Despite the scarce population density of S. titanus, a regular trend of new infections (3.4% of the total vines) through the years was observed. The leafhopper Orientus ishidae was found as the most abundant among the captured insect species known as phytoplasma vectors (245 out of 315 specimens). The population of O. ishidae was evidenced prevalently (167 specimens) in the south‐western side of the vineyard and within the neighbouring forest constituted mainly by hazel (Corylus avellana) and willow (Salix spp.). These plant species were found infected by FDp related strains (30% of analysed trees) for the first time in this study. Interestingly, O. ishidae was found to harbour FDp related strains in high percentage (26% of the analysed pools). In addition, 16SrV phytoplasma group was detected for the first time in the insect Hyalesthes obsoletus and a FDp related strain in Thamnotettix dilutior, present in low populations within the test vineyard. Molecular characterisation and phylogenetic analyses of methionine aminopeptidase (map) gene sequences of FDp and related strains, here identified, revealed the great prevalence of the map‐type FD2 in grapevines (97%) and in O. ishidae pools (72%). Such a map‐type was found also in hazel and in T. dilutior, but not in S. titanus. Moreover, map‐types FD1 and FD3 were identified for the first time in Switzerland in several host plants and phytoplasma vectors, including grapevine (FD1), S. titanus (FD1) and O. ishidae (FD1 and FD3). Based on the data obtained in this study, it is reasonable to hypothesise that the ecological cycle of FDp could be related not exclusively to the grapevine‐specific feeding diet of S. titanus, but it could include other insect vector(s) and/or plant host(s). Further studies will be needed to prove the role of O. ishidae as vector able to transmit FDp from wild plants (e.g. hazel) to grapevine.  相似文献   

Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHMD) is a neuromuscular disorder characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance and clinical onset in the muscles of the face and shoulder girdle. Using a set of RFLP markers spaced at approximately 20 centimorgans, we have begun a systematic search for markers linked to the disease. A total of 81 RFLP loci on six autosomes (1, 2, 5, 7, 10, and 16) have been examined for linkage to FSHMD in 13 families. With the computer program CRI-MAP, two-point and multipoint analyses have not resulted in any LOD score indicative of linkage to FSHMD. However, these analyses have allowed us to exclude 909 centimorgans (sex average) of our genetic maps in intervals where the LOD score is less than -2.0. We estimate our data have excluded 23% of the human genome.  相似文献   

Ability to predict the dynamic response of oxygen, carbon dioxide tensions, and pH in blood and tissues to abrupt changes in ventilation is important in the mathematical modeling of the respiratory system. In this study, the controlled plant (the amount and distribution of O2 and CO2) of the respiratory system is modeled. Although the body tissues are divided into a finite number of “compartments” (three tissue groups), in contrast to earlier models, the blood and tissue gas tensions within each compartment are considered to be continuously distributed in time and in one spatial coordinate. The mass conservation equations for oxygen and carbon dioxide involved in the blood-tissue gas exchange are described by a set of partial differential equations which take into account convection of O2 and CO2 caused by the flow of blood as well as diffusion due to local tension gradients. Nonlinear algebraic equations for the dissociation curves, which take into account the Haldane and Bohr effects in blood, are used to obtain the relationships between concentrations and partial pressures. Time-variable delays caused by the arterial and venous transport of the respiratory gases are also included. The model so constructed successfully reproduced actual O2 and CO2 tensions in arterial blood, and in muscle venous and mixed venous blood when ventilation was abruptly changed.  相似文献   

Arbovirus infection in Aedes aegypti has historically been quantified from a sample of the adult population by pooling collected mosquitoes to increase detectability. However, there is a significant knowledge gap about the magnitude of natural arbovirus infection within areas of active transmission, as well as the sensitivity of detection of such an approach. We used indoor Ae. aegypti sequential sampling with Prokopack aspirators to collect all mosquitoes inside 200 houses with suspected active ABV transmission from the city of Mérida, Mexico, and tested all collected specimens by RT-PCR to quantify: a) the absolute arbovirus infection rate in individually tested Ae. aegypti females; b) the sensitivity of using Prokopack aspirators in detecting ABV-infected mosquitoes; and c) the sensitivity of entomological inoculation rate (EIR) and vectorial capacity (VC), two measures ABV transmission potential, to different estimates of indoor Ae. aegypti abundance. The total number of Ae. aegypti (total catch, the sum of all Ae. aegypti across all collection intervals) as well as the number on the first 10-min of collection (sample, equivalent to a routine adult aspiration session) were calculated. We individually tested by RT-PCR 2,161 Aedes aegypti females and found that 7.7% of them were positive to any ABV. Most infections were CHIKV (77.7%), followed by DENV (11.4%) and ZIKV (9.0%). The distribution of infected Aedes aegypti was overdispersed; 33% houses contributed 81% of the infected mosquitoes. A significant association between ABV infection and Ae. aegypti total catch indoors was found (binomial GLMM, Odds Ratio > 1). A 10-min indoor Prokopack collection led to a low sensitivity of detecting ABV infection (16.3% for detecting infected mosquitoes and 23.4% for detecting infected houses). When averaged across all infested houses, mean EIR ranged between 0.04 and 0.06 infective bites per person per day, and mean VC was 0.6 infectious vectors generated from a population feeding on a single infected host per house/day. Both measures were significantly and positively associated with Ae. aegypti total catch indoors. Our findings provide evidence that the accurate estimation and quantification of arbovirus infection rate and transmission risk is a function of the sampling effort, the local abundance of Aedes aegypti and the intensity of arbovirus circulation.  相似文献   

Old and unneeded intracellular macromolecules are delivered through autophagy to lysosomes that degrade macromolecules into bioactive monomers such as amino acids. Autophagy is conserved in eukaryotes and is essential for the maintenance of cellular metabolism. Currently, more than 30 autophagy-related genes (Atgs) have been identified in yeast. Of these genes, the18 that are essential for autophagosome formation are also conserved in mammalian cells. Atg9 is the only transmembrane Atg protein required for autophagosome formation. Although the subcellular localization of the Atg9A protein (Atg9Ap) has been examined, little is known about its precise cell and tissue distribution. To determine this, we produced an antibody specific to mouse Atg9Ap. The antibody recognized both non-glycosylated and glycosylated Atg9Ap, which have molecular masses of ∼94 kDa and 105 kDa, respectively. Although Atg9Ap was ubiquitously detected, it was highly expressed in neurons of the central nervous system. In Purkinje cells, Atg9Ap immunoreactivity was localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), trans-Golgi network (TGN), lysosomes/late endosomes, and in axon terminals. These results suggest that Atg9Ap may be involved in autophagosome formation in the ER and axon terminals of neurons, the TGN, and lysosomes/late endosomes. (J Histochem Cytochem 58:443–453, 2010)  相似文献   

The European lantern fly, Dictyophara europaea, is an alternative vector of the Flavescence dorée phytoplasma (FDp) disease of grapevine in European vineyards, enabling infection initiation from wild reservoir compartment (Clematis vitalba). Heretofore recorded rate of D. europaea FDp‐infection has been very low (3%), making it less epidemiologically significant than would be expected based on reservoir plant infection rate (30%). In this study we present findings on a heavily FDp‐infected D. europaea population (>60%), on the natural Wolbachia infection of populations with low FDp‐infection rates (DeWo+) and on Wolbachia absence in highly FDp‐infected population (DeWo?). We examine several possible causes underlying the differences in vector infection rates: (a) population genetic characteristics of D. europaea and correlation with Wolbachia strain wEur natural infections, (b) Wolbachia effects on fitness components of DeWo+ laboratory colony and (c) rate of reservoir plant FDp‐infection and differences in FDp genotypes harboured by low and highly infected vector populations. The vector genetic diversity level was found to be lower in DeWo+ than in uninfected individuals and to exhibit a different evolution of fixed haplotypes. All DeWo+ populations were infected with the same strain of wEur. The FDp was found to be genetically diversified (five genotypes) but had no relation to infection rates. We did not find evidence of fitness upgrades with regard to Wolbachia infection status. Although more experimentation is needed, it seems that Wolbachia confers protection against FDp or is in competition with FDp according to the observed correlations: low FDp‐infected vector populations are infected with Wolbachia and vice versa.  相似文献   

Precise estimations of molecular rates are fundamental to our understanding of the processes of evolution. In principle, mutation and evolutionary rates for neutral regions of the same species are expected to be equal. However, a number of recent studies have shown that mutation rates estimated from pedigree material are much faster than evolutionary rates measured over longer time periods. To resolve this apparent contradiction, we have examined the hypervariable region (HVR I) of the mitochondrial genome using families of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) from the Antarctic. We sequenced 344 bps of the HVR I from penguins comprising 508 families with 915 chicks, together with both their parents. All of the 62 germline heteroplasmies that we detected in mothers were also detected in their offspring, consistent with maternal inheritance. These data give an estimated mutation rate (μ) of 0.55 mutations/site/Myrs (HPD 95% confidence interval of 0.29–0.88 mutations/site/Myrs) after accounting for the persistence of these heteroplasmies and the sensitivity of current detection methods. In comparison, the rate of evolution (k) of the same HVR I region, determined using DNA sequences from 162 known age sub-fossil bones spanning a 37,000-year period, was 0.86 substitutions/site/Myrs (HPD 95% confidence interval of 0.53 and 1.17). Importantly, the latter rate is not statistically different from our estimate of the mutation rate. These results are in contrast to the view that molecular rates are time dependent.  相似文献   

  1. The recovery of terrestrial carnivores in Europe is a conservation success story. Initiatives focused on restoring top predators require information on how resident species may interact with the re‐introduced species as their interactions have the potential to alter food webs, yet such data are scarce for Europe.
  2. In this study, we assessed patterns of occupancy and interactions between three carnivore species in the Romanian Carpathians. Romania houses one of the few intact carnivore guilds in Europe, making it an ideal system to assess intraguild interactions and serve as a guide for reintroductions elsewhere.
  3. We used camera trap data from two seasons in Transylvanian forests to assess occupancy and co‐occurrence of carnivores using multispecies occupancy models.
  4. Mean occupancy in the study area was highest for lynx (Ψwinter = 0.76 95% CI: 0.42–0.92; Ψautumn = 0.71 CI: 0.38–0.84) and wolf (Ψwinter = 0.60 CI: 0.34–0.78; Ψautumn = 0.81 CI: 0.25–0.95) and lowest for wildcat (Ψwinter = 0.40 CI: 0.19–0.63; Ψautumn = 0.52 CI: 0.17–0.78)
  5. We found that marginal occupancy predictors for carnivores varied between seasons. We also found differences in predictors of co‐occurrence between seasons for both lynx‐wolf and wildcat‐wolf co‐occurrence. For both seasons, we found that conditional occupancy probabilities of all three species were higher when another species was present.
  6. Our results indicate that while there are seasonal differences in predictors of occupancy and co‐occurrence of the three species, co‐occurrence in our study area is high.
  7. Terrestrial carnivore recovery efforts are ongoing worldwide. Insights into interspecific relations between carnivore species are critical when considering the depauperate communities they are introduced in. Our work showcases that apex carnivore coexistence is possible, but dependent on protection afforded to forest habitats and their prey base.

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